Were Aliens Present at the Birth of Jesus Christ? Ask Tom DeLonge
Article by Joe Divita September 16, 2020 (loudwire.com)
• Over this past summer, former rock star Tom Delonge spoke with The Guardian about his lifelong obsession with aliens. Lately, he has become a high-profile voice within the UFO disclosure community as a founder of ‘To The Stars Academy of Arts and Science’ which helped to release the US Navy cockpit videos of UFOs and is now working with the US Army on UFO related research. He is also featured in History Channel’s Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation.
• DeLonge doesn’t consider the government cover-up of extraterrestrials and UFOs to be ‘conspiratorial’. “Anybody can go on to the CIA website and read thousands of reports (on UFOs),” says DeLonge. “There’s just a vacuum of conversation. Our government has had decades of the very difficult burden of dealing with something that is extremely advanced but poorly understood. They need time to dig into this, to understand it, to gather data and analyze it.”
• “People need to buckle up, open their minds and stop talking about, you know, aliens and extraterrestrials, because I have a feeling that that’s not exactly what it is,” DeLonge said. “I can’t say much, but I do know there have been moments when certain presidents have come close (to disclosing the alien presence).” The issue is whether the public can digest full disclosure of extraterrestrials and UFO technology. “That’s scary for people in the Pentagon when they’re trying to keep civilization duct-taped together,” says DeLonge.
• DeLonge believes that the evidence shows that alien beings have been present on this Earth for thousands of years. He cites cave drawings depicting abductions and even suggested that a spacecraft may have presided over the birth of Jesus Christ. “Things were written in text thousands of years ago, like hearing voices in your head, or a burning bush that was talking. The ancient texts may have called it God, but I’m just saying it’s not that simple.” DeLonge continued, “The star of Bethlehem – was that a star or a craft? Because a star is really big. It wouldn’t be hovering over a manger.”
• [Editor’s Note] Here, Tom DeLonge is setting up the next nugget of UFO disclosure that the Pentagon will allow him to reveal. Apparently, he and his Pentagon pals don’t think that the public can handle full disclosure of the truly ubiquitous extraterrestrial presence, much less how far the US deep state has expanded its secret space program using extraterrestrial technology. So first, they want the public to start getting used to the idea that UFOs and the beings that fly in them are real. Then they will let us in on who these beings really are. This long drawn out type of ‘limited hangout’ disclosure – only giving bits and pieces of the picture – is what the deep state military industrial complex has in mind, and it will take decades if they have their way.
Don’t be surprised if we are told that the UFOs are really our Earth human descendants who in the future have gained advanced spaceship technology and, due to a time warp, they keep appearing now and then in our skies. Earlier in the summer, Corey Goode was briefed on this ‘limited hangout’ scenario. Corey reported his briefing to Dr Michael Salla as follows: “POTUS’ ‘Roswell Briefings’ are basically this: Roswell was not an alien event. It was a mishap from us in the future. POTUS is told that the majority of the lights seen in the sky are from our own craft operating in the future and creating a temporal butterfly effect. They are told that what the ancients saw in the sky was often the exact same phenomenon….” Corey Goode continues: “POTUS is under the impression that because of tests being run in Roswell during the same time that future craft were operating in that space at a later time… that it caused the craft to pull into the past and crash, thus beginning the new tech boom after WWII.” You can read an extensive essay on limited hangout scenarios and what else Corey had to say in Dr Salla’s previous ExoArticle: “Roswell UFO Crash to be Officially Disclosed as Time-Traveling Future Humans”.

Former Blink-182 member Tom DeLonge has become an increasingly high-profile voice within the extraterrestrial community. He’s not just spewing

conspiratorial nonsense — his To The Stars Academy of Arts and Science struck a research deal with the U.S. Army and the nation’s Navy even published UFO videos shared by To The Stars. Now, he’s suggested that aliens presided over the birth of Christian deity Jesus Christ.
Season 2 of the musician/alien researcher’s History Channel program Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation aired over the summer and he spoke with The Guardian about his lifelong obsession with aliens.
DeLonge isn’t quick to attribute every mysterious aircraft sighting (now referred to as UAP — unidentifiedaerial phenomenon) to otherwordly inhabitants/cosmic joyriders. “People need to buckle up, open their minds and stop talking about, you know, aliens and extraterrestrials, because I have a feeling that that’s not exactly what it is,” he said.
Quick to disown the idea that his research and other efforts are mere ballyhoo and that there is a dedicated practice of governments covering up the existence of extraterrestrial life, potentially even on Earth itself, DeLonge charged, “It’s not conspiratorial. Anybody can go on to the CIA website and read thousands of reports. There’s just a vacuum of conversation. Our government has had decades of the very difficult burden of dealing with something that is extremely advanced but poorly understood. They need time to dig into this, to understand it, to gather data and analyze it.”

He also understood the sensitivity of such rattling revelations if world leaders were to disclose with the general public that alien life had indeed been confirmed. “I can’t say much, but I do know there have been moments when certain presidents have come close,” explained DeLonge. “The issue always becomes: how are people going to digest this if we hit them over the head with a giant sledgehammer? That’s scary for people in the Pentagon when they’re trying to keep civilization duct-taped together.”
As for the idea of an enduring presence of alien visitors on Earth, DeLonge cited cave drawings depicting abductions and even suggested that a spacecraft could have been presiding over the birth of Jesus Christ.
“Things were written in text thousands of years ago, like hearing voices in your head, a burning bush that was talking. The ancient texts may have called it God, but I’m just saying it’s not that simple,” DeLonge urged, wondering aloud, “The star of Bethlehem – was that a star or a craft? Because a star is really big. It wouldn’t be hovering over a manger.”
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