Mexico Attracts People of This World, and From Outer Space Too
Article by Leigh Thelmadatter September 5, 2020 (
• Mexico ranks seventh in the world for the number of UFO sightings. One of Mexico’s ufologist pioneers was Pedro Ferriz, who even advised former president Gustavo Díaz Ordaz on the matter in the 1960s. Ferriz has been followed by others including UFO hunter Salvador Guerrero and journalist Laura Castellanos. By far, the best-known is Jaime Maussan, who has hosted a show on UFOs and the paranormal called Tercer Milenio (Third Millennium) since 2005.
• There are reports of UFO sightings from all over Mexico, with some places being more popular with aliens. The capital Mexico City has, by far, the most reports of UFOs. (see 16 minute video below) Many are also reported in Puebla just to the south and the San Mateo corridor. One famous sighting occurred on July 11, 1991 during a total eclipse. In 2017, the X Files filmed an episode in Mexico City, bringing a “damaged gray flying saucer” into the main square of the capital.
• Sightings here usually describe a light or spherical object that moves off to the side as a plane approaches and returns after it has passed. Even more reports come out of an area called the “Ruta OVNI” (UFO Route) that extends around the southern perimeter of the megalopolis.
• A UFO magnet seems to be the Popocatépetl volcano situated between Mexico City and Puebla. A webcam video recorder monitors the volcano’s activity where strange lights and movements are regularly seen around the crater, especially during eruptions. Such images have made the news at various times, including those in which an object appears to pass through the eruption, come out from the crater, or dive into it. (see video clip of UFO on volcano webcam below)
• UFO sightings are still associated with pyramids of the ancient civilizations of Mesoamerica. Some artifacts seem to indicate extraterrestrial contact. Local residents in Tepoztlán, just south of Mexico City, regularly claim that strong blue and yellow lights can be seen flying around the small pyramid on a nearby crag.
• One of the best known incidents occurred in the rural town of Mezcala near Guadalajara. For three days starting on December 31, 2007, circular lights appeared in the sky over the Pie de Minas Mountain, with one person recording video of part of the event. In 2019, a UFO was spotted over Acapulco, causing a local government official to quip that the tourist destination was “not only recognized nationally and globally, but also outside of the planet.”
• Monterrey is noted for one particular sighting over the city’s iconic Cerro de la Silla mountain, filmed accidentally during the making of a commercial for Coca-Cola. No one saw it at the time, but review of the footage showed an elliptical object moving fast, in daylight hours. (see 30 second Coca Cola UFO commercial below) Sightings in Durango date back at least to 1955 when two adolescents reported being stopped in their car by a light that then disappeared over the horizon.
• Residents of Ciudad Madero, Tamaulipas, also talk of an alien base. The “evidence” for its existence includes the fact that there have been no major hurricanes in the area since 1966. Supposedly, the aliens divert them northward to Texas. The stories prompted the erection of a statue of a “Martian” on Miramar Beach, where sightings are reported regularly (although the statue was stolen). (see recent ExoArticle here)
• Various groups watch the skies and document sightings and other evidence of extraterrestrials visiting the country. Interest in UFOs in Mexico is not going way anytime soon.

So the Pentagon has admitted studying UFOs, and not a single person is shocked. I thought it would be fun to find out if our alien friends visit Mexico as well. Looks like they do!

In fact, Mexico ranks seventh in the world for the number of UFO sightings. One of Mexico’s ufologist pioneers was Pedro Ferriz, who even advised former president Gustavo Díaz Ordaz on the matter in the 1960s.
He has since been followed by others including UFO hunter Salvador Guerrero and journalist Laura Castellanos. By far, the best-known is Jaime Maussan, who has hosted a show on UFOs and the paranormal called Tercer Milenio (Third Millennium) since 2005.

There are reports of UFO sightings from all over Mexico, but some places seem to be more popular with aliens. One early incident is something that appears on a home video taken at Mexico City’s 1968 Olympic Games during the opening ceremony. Perhaps the best known are the sightings that occurred

on July 11, 1991 during a total eclipse.
In both Mexico City and Puebla, one or more gray disk-shape objects were reported in the skies and were even filmed in both places. The event remains unexplained and launched a new generation of UFO enthusiasts.
In 2017, the X Files filmed an episode in Mexico City, even bringing a “damaged gray flying saucer” into the main square of the capital. The capital has, by far, the most reports of UFOs. One area with many sightings is the San Mateo corridor, where planes coming in from the north approach the international airport.
16 minute video on UFOs over Mexico City (‘Mexico Unexplained’ YouTube)
1:49 minute clip on webcam of UFO over Popocatépetl volcano April 21, 2020 (‘Volcano Time-Lapse’ YouTube)
30-second Coca Cola commercial with mysterious alien (‘’ YouYube)
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