Article by Max Gorbachev June 28, 2021 (
• The much-anticipated Pentagon UAP Task Force report revealed that US authorities have no explanation for more than 140 UFO sightings, including the ‘Tic Tac’ UFO spotted by US Navy personnel while conducting naval exercises off of the coast of southern California in November of 2004. The UFO research organization ‘To The Stars Academy of Arts and Science’ leaked the Tic Tac UFO video to the NY Times in December 2017, and the Pentagon later confirmed the veracity of the video.
• The Tic Tac UFO was first spotted by the USS Princeton’s radars, before American pilots on the USS Nimitz were told to check on it. But the pilots, including Commander David Fravor, couldn’t keep up with it. They claimed that the object travelled at a speed they had never seen before. “There was no propulsion, there was no wings. It rapidly accelerates and disappears. Weirdest thing I have ever seen in my life”, said Fravor. When Fravor wanted to check the radar tapes of the encounter, the tapes from the USS Princeton were missing. Someone had “taken that page from the logbook”.
• Kevin Day was one of the Navy serviceman who first spotted the Tic Tac UFO on the USS Princeton. “I had tried in vain to get somebody, anybody, to listen to me,” said Day. “Yet, every time I tried to describe what we had witnessed… I was openly laughed at. At the time my concern was purely safety of flight because of objects that I knew to be real and inexplicable were in our training areas.” But for years, Day says he was butt of jokes by higher-ranking officers. Even his then-boss asked him ‘what the fuck he had been smoking’.
• Now retired from the Navy, Day says he has no words to describe the vindication he feels following the release of the Pentagon’s report on UFOs. And Days is demanding a public apology from the Department of Defense and the Navy for the abuse he endured. “I… hold NAVY/DOD directly responsible for what I and others went through as a result of trying to uphold our own duty and simply do the job the American people paid and expected us to do,” Day posted on his Facebook page. “I and others deserve a formal public apology and a redress for the costs I/we paid.”
Kevin Day
The encounter with an eerie tic-tac-shaped object occurred during US naval exercises in
Day (center) with other former Navy personnel who saw the Tic Tac UFO in 2004
2004. However, the world only became aware of it in 2017, when the footage was released by the To The Stars Academy of Arts and Science, an organisation that conducts research on extraterrestrial life. The Pentagon later confirmed the veracity of the video.
A US serviceman, who first spotted the infamous Tic Tac UFO, has demanded a public apology from the Department of Defence and the Navy following the release of a Pentagon dossier that revealed the US military has no explanation for the sightings of mysterious objects spotted by civilians and servicemen.
Kevin Day wrote that for years he was the butt of jokes by higher-ranking officers, while his then-boss plainly asked him “what the f**k” he had been “smoking”.
image of the ‘Tic Tac’ UFO
“I had tried in vain to get somebody, anybody, to listen to me. Yet, every time I tried to describe what we had witnessed out in SOCAL during TIC TAC, I was openly laughed at. At the time my concern was purely safety of flight because of objects that I knew to be real and inexplicable were in our training areas. I also hold NAVY/DOD directly responsible for what I and others went through as a result of trying to uphold our own duty and simply do the job the American people paid and expected us to do .. I and others deserve a formal public apology and a redress for the costs I/we paid”, he wrote in a post on Facebook.
The former servicemen said he has no words to describe the vindication he feels following the release of the Pentagon’s report on UFOs.
David Fravor
Tic Tac UFO
As mentioned earlier, the encounter with the mysterious tic-tac-shaped object occurred in November of 2004. The eerie UFO was first spotted by the USS Princeton’s radars, before American pilots on the USS Nimitz were told to check on it.
Kevin Day
Yet, all four pilots failed to get close to the object, which they argue travelled at a speed they had never seen before.
“There was no propulsion, there was no wings. It rapidly accelerates and disappears. Weirdest thing I have ever seen in my life”, said pilot David Fravor. Fravor also revealed that after the encounter he wanted to check on radar tapes, but when he tried all the tapes from the USS Princeton were missing.
“I was chatting to someone at the archives and they’ve said someone has taken that page from the logbook”, he said.
The much-anticipated Pentagon dossier on UFOs revealed that US authorities still have no explanation for more than 140 sightings of mysterious objects, including the Tic Tac UFO, spotted by civilians and servicemen.
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Article by Kyle Perisic February 21, 2020 (
• On February 10th, host Jim Breslo interviewed Dave Beaty of the Nimitz Encounters documentary series. On Breslo’s The Hidden Truth Show podcast (see full interview below), Dave Beaty told of meeting a new witness to the “Tic Tac” UFO that was seen by Navy aviators with the USS Nimitz carrier group moving in ways that defy known physics, off of the coast of Baja California in November 2004, as first reported by the New York Times in December 2017.
• Beaty tells of a US Navy E-2 Hawkeye surveillance plane technician who, (as stated in the YouTube video description) was flying with a crew in support of the F-18 jets that were sent to intercept the Tic Tac UFO that had appeared on the USS Princeton’s radar. “The technician stated that he could see a Tic Tac from the window of his plane which appeared to be flying at about the same altitude.”
• Beaty said that the Navy tech didn’t want to come forward because he and the rest of his crew members were required to sign a non-disclosure agreement compelling them to stay quiet. “It wasn’t really a volunteer process, it was more a ‘sign this and don’t ever talk about what you saw,’” said Beaty of the technician and crew. “Even going out on a limb and speaking to me was sketchy for him.” Beaty reveals he has also spoken to a second anonymous witness who saw men come aboard the Princeton to take all evidence of the encounter.
• This anonymous E-2 Hawkeye technician joins five other former US Navy personnel who have come forward as witnesses to the “Tic Tac” occurrence. They are Gary Voorhis, Jason Turner, Patrick Hughes, Ryan Weigelt and Kevin Day. Hughes and Voorhis said that mystery individuals only known to their command came aboard and took away all recorded evidence of the Tic Tac UFO videos and radar telemetry. Hughes claimed to have had ‘extra footage’ stored on hard drives beyond the grainy black and white video made available to the public in 2017, but they were ordered to turn it all over.
• Voorhis reported that two guys came aboard by helicopter. A short time later, he was ordered by his command to turn over all the data recordings for the AEGIS radar system, and then wipe all of the remaining tapes in the shop clean, including the blank tapes. The US Navy has officially admitted that the series of UFO videos are real.
• The Navy pilot who first saw the Tic Tac UFO from his F-18 jet in 2004 and who came forward in the 2017 New York Times article, Commander David Fravor, says he has doubts about these sailors’ stories. Still, Fravor described the object as “something not from this world.” Fravor described it as “a white Tic Tac, about the same size as a Hornet, 40 feet long with no wings”.
• Fravor recounts that the UFO was “… hanging close to the water.” “As I get closer, as my nose is starting to pull back up, it accelerates and it’s gone…. [f]aster than I’d ever seen anything in my life. ”
• On an October 5th Joe Rogan Experience podcast, Commander Fravor also told of an incident that occurred to a sailor who was diving in the ocean to inspect a torpedo. The diver is only a few feet below the surface working on the torpedo when he suddenly sees a “dark mass” emerging from below him in the ocean depths. He starts screaming through the intercom system for the crew to reverse wench and pull him up. As he is being pulled up, the torpedo is suddenly sucked down into the depths. Fravor quotes the witness saying, “The torpedo ‘didn’t sink,’ it ‘literally looked like it got sucked down’.”
There is possibly a third aircraft to have witnessed one of the most infamous UFO sightings in recent history, according to a person familiar with the matter.
image from “Tic Tac” UFO video David Fravor
As part of his Nimitz Encounters documentary, Dave Beaty told Jim Breslo on The Hidden Truth Show on Feb. 10, that he interviewed witnesses of the UFO that were “ordered to stay quiet” and signed non-disclosure type agreements immediately after the incident occurred on Nov. 14, 2004, off the coast of San Diego.
“The gentlemen I spoke to, I checked his background and he did fly in the [surveillance plane E-2 Hawkeye],” Beaty said.
The Hawkeye would be the third aircraft to have been in the area to witness the event, with the other two being the F/8-18E Super Hornets, one of which Commander David Fravor piloted, as the Daily Star reported.
Gary Voorhis
Fravor brought the incident to the public’s attention in 2017 in a New York Times report that detailed his experience in the encounter.
Since Fravor’s report, others have come forward as witnesses of the incident on that day.
Patrick Hughes
Beaty said that the individual he interviewed didn’t want to come forward because he signed a document that compelled him to stay quiet.
“Even going out on a limb and speaking to me was sketchy for him,” Beaty explained. “It wasn’t really a volunteer process, it was more a ‘sign this and don’t ever talk about what you saw.’”
In what is possibly the most credible UFO sighting in human history, five other former sailors have also come forward as witnesses to the “Tic Tac” occurrence.
These five witnesses, Gary Voorhis, Jason Turner, Patrick Hughes, Ryan Weigelt and Kevin Day, say more evidence beyond the publicly available footage was destroyed by unknown officials.
The only footage available is a grainy black and white video that shows the “Tic Tac” shaped object moving in a way that defies known physics.
As Commander Fravor put it, the strange object he saw was “something not from this world.”
1:18:41 minute Feb 10th interview with Navy tech Dave Beaty (‘Hidden Truth Show’ YouTube)
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After the November 4, 2019 emergence of a former USAF Intelligence Specialist, Mike Turber, claiming that the 2004 Tic Tac sightings recorded by Navy pilots were antigravity spacecraft belonging to the USAF, three Navy witnesses have come forward confirming key parts of Turber’s ground-breaking testimony. Turber and the Navy witnesses testimonies are important since the US Navy has confirmed the authenticity of the video showing the Tic Tac incident, and given an official briefing to Congress and President Trump about what transpired.
Turber says the fleets of Tic Tac shaped craft recorded by ships and aircraft belonging to the Nimitz Aircraft Carrier group between November 10 to 14, 2004, were being flight-tested by the USAF against the Navy’s best radar recording technologies and intercept aircraft. Turber asserted that Air Force personnel boarded different Navy ships to confiscate the flight recordings of the UFOs that attained speeds of 24,000 mph in the air and over 500 mph under the water.
Turber claimed that there were five Tic Tac craft that had been sighted and recorded by the carrier group, but Navy commanders were not too perturbed. He said senior Navy officers were aware that the Tic Tac craft were highly classified USAF craft being tested against the Navy’s best surveillance, tracking and intercept technologies at the time.
Corroboration of Turber’s key claims emerged on January 20, 2020, when Patrick “PJ” Hughes, a Petty Officer on the aircraft carrier, USS Nimitz, was interviewed by Jim Breslo, who was the first to interview Turber back on November 4, and again on December 2, 2019.
Hughes says that he was responsible for preparing the electronic recording and communications systems for the E-2C Hawkeye aircraft based on the Nimitz, which provide eye-in-the-sky command and control functions for air traffic near the battle group. Hughes explained how all radar and other electronic surveillance data, some of which remains classified even today, was accumulated by the Hawkeye for subsequent analysis by Navy intelligence specialists.
The Hawkeye recorded all the radar and other electronic data acquired by the F/A-18 Super Hornets intercepting the Tic Tac craft, as well as its own data recordings.
An-2C Hawkeye about to land on the USS Nimitz: Source: Wikimedia
Hughes says that after the Hawkeye landed with all the radar and other intelligence data accumulated of the flight behavior of the Tic Tac shaped craft, two USAF personnel were accompanied by his commander, and took the two bricks (hard drives) from the Hawkeye that Hughes had placed in a safe. Hughes added that when he began to sign out the two bricks as part of his standard operating procedure, his commanding officer told him to stop and made it clear that the bricks were to be taken by the Air Force personnel without any record being kept.
This incident is key evidence that senior Navy officials were aware that the Tic Tac craft were involved in some classified project, and that there was high-level cooperation between the USAF and Navy over the course of the week when the Tic Tacs were sighted and recorded.
Hughes’ testimony confirms Turber’s account that two Air Force officials took all the data of the Tic Tac craft, and that over the course of the week-long sightings, USAF officials were working closely with the Navy in controlling information about the UFO sightings.
This is important corroboration for Turber and his confidential sources on the true origins of the Tic Tac craft seen near the Nimitz carrier group, and the related January 16, 2015 UFO incidents off the coast of Florida Coast that were witnessed and recorded by military personnel from another carrier group led by the USS Roosevelt.
Hughes also confirmed that the two pilots and three crew members of the Hawkeye visually sighted the Tic Tac craft which flew only a mile away from them before speeding off. They gave similar descriptions of it being a white Tic Tac shaped craft that was about 40 feet long, and capable of fantastic flight maneuvers.
Hughes explained that all five crew members were debriefed after the incident and had to sign Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDA). This again helps corroborate what Turber revealed in his November 4, 2019 interview. Fortunately, Hughes was not required to sign an NDA on the Tic Tac incident, even though signing NDA’s was a regular occurrence during his Navy career.
In addition, Gary Voorhis, another Navy whistleblower has come forward to say that something similar happened on the USS Princeton, where two men in plain clothes confiscated all the ship’s sophisticated Aegis and other electronic tracking data recorded of the Tic Tac craft.
These technologies included the newly installed SPY-1 radar according to Paco Chierici, a former Navy pilot who wrote the first article on the Tic Tac incident based on a classified Naval Intelligence study he was given. In his March 14, 2005, article, Chierici said the SPY-1 radar tracked the Tic Tacs from as high as 80,000 feet to 50 feet above sea level in a few seconds, a capability that was not possible with previous Navy radar systems.
Voorhis was also interviewed by Breslo as part of an in-depth series of interviews casting new light on the true origins of the Tic Tac craft, and the mounting evidence that these were secret USAF craft being tested against the Navy’s best recording devices and pilots.
While Voorhis was unable to verify that the two officials were USAF personnel, he pointed out that the Princeton carried state of the art electronics surveillance equipment, which would be the logical place for testing prototype aircraft. Precisely what Turber had pointed out in his first interview.
Similarly, Hughes pointed out that the 2015 UFO incidents captured on video and generally known as the Gimbal and GoFast videos also involved the Navy’s latest generation of electronic surveillance and intercept craft.
Finally, Breslo interviewed another Navy witness to the Tic Tac events, Kevin Day, who was stationed on the USS Princeton and was in charge of the newly installed SPY-1 radar that was monitoring all air traffic. Day described the radar tracking of the Tic Tac’s dropping from 28,000 feet to only 50 feet above sea level in a matter of seconds, which in his opinion defied the known laws of physics.
Day described both the Captain of the USS Nimitz and the Admiral in charge of the Nimitz battle group showing a surprising “lack of curiosity” over the UFO sightings. This corroborates what Turber had to say about senior Navy officials having been briefed about the Tic Tacs.
Additionally, Day said that when he tried to find the radar tracking of the Tic Tac craft and the Navy interceptors to file an after-action-report, all data was gone. This corroborates what Voorhis claims happened after two unknown persons confiscated all the recorded data.
Consequently, Mike Turber’s testimony that the Tic Tac sightings in 2004 involved the testing of classified hybrid aerospace vehicles capable of traveling underwater and into space is supported to significant degrees by three Navy personnel who were eyewitnesses to events that transpired during the November 2004 Tic Tac sightings.
Hughes, Voorhis and Day’s respective testimonies adds to growing confidence that the Tic Tac shaped craft will be among the first declassified aerospace platforms to be revealed by the newly formed Space Force as predicted by Turber. Given the rapid advances in the setting up of Space Force, we may not have to wait to long to discover the truth behind the Navy UFO sightings in 2004 and 2015.
Article by Tim McMillan November 12, 2019 (
• Popular Mechanics magazine and website recently assembled five former sailors who served with the USS Nimitz carrier group and witnessed first hand the Navy’s November 2004 encounter with ‘tic tac’-shaped UFOs, one hundred miles off of the coast of San Diego. Gary Voorhis, Jason Turner, P.J. Hughes, Ryan Weigelt, and Kevin Day were all featured in the documentary film The Nimitz Encounters.
• In November 2004, Gary Voorhis was a Petty Officer 3rd Class on the USS Princeton guided missile cruiser on a routine training exercise. Voorhis was a six year veteran having served two combat tours. They were getting the “kinks out” of the ship’s new Spy-1 Bravo radar system. Voorhis was told by radar techs that they were getting “ghost tracks” and “clutter” on the radars. As a system technician, Voorhis was concerned about a possible malfunction. The air control systems were re-calibrated. But the ghost tracks were only clearer. Said Voorhis, “Sometimes they’d be at an altitude of 80,000 or 60,000 feet. Other times they’d be around 30,000 feet… Their radar cross sections didn’t match any known aircraft. …No squawk, no “IFF” (Identification Friend or Foe).”
• Kevin Day was the Princeton’s Combat Information Center Operations Specialist Senior Chief. It was his job to protect the airspace around the strike group. Day noticed strange radar tracks near San Clemente Island. But they were appearing in “groups of five to ten at a time and they were pretty closely spaced to each other,” said Day. “[They] were 28,000 feet going a hundred knots tracking south.” Ryan Weigelt remembers Senior Chief Day’s name being called over the comms.
• In the meantime, Voorhis was watching the highly precise radar returns. He would plot the UAP’s position, run up to the bridge, grab a pair of heavily magnified binoculars, and could faintly see the UAPs hovering there in broad daylight. [T]hen all of a sudden,” says Voorhis, “in an instant, they’d dart off to another direction and stop again.” “At night, they’d give off a kind of a phosphorus glow and were a little easier to see than in the day.”
• By November 14th, the strange returns had been continuously showing up for close to a week. With an air defense exercise scheduled for that morning, Day convinced his commanding officer to let him direct aircraft to attempt an intercept of these anomalous radar returns. Squadron Commander David Fravor was sent to engage with what Fravor would later describe as “an elongated egg or a ‘Tic Tac’ shaped” flying object, 46 feet long.
• Voorhis, Day, and the rest of the Princeton listened to the live comm chatter, as the UAPs effortlessly evaded the two fighter jets by demonstrating “an advanced acceleration, aerodynamic, and propulsion capability.” Outmaneuvered, Fravor and his wingman returned to the USS Nimitz. Another F/A-18 was sent to the intercept point. Lieutenant Chad Underwood would record the infamous “tic tac” video which would be released by ‘To the Stars Academy of Arts & Science’ and the New York Times in December 2017.
• While delivering supplies to the ship’s Signal Exploitation Space, former Petty Officer 3rd Class Jason Turner happened to see a video display of the tic tac object which was not part of the brief video released to the public. (see FLIR1 video below) Said Turner, “This thing was going berserk… It made a maneuver, like they were chasing it straight on,… then this thing stopped turning, just gone. In an instant. The video you see now, that’s just a small snippet in the beginning of the whole video. But this thing, it was so much more than what you see in this video.” Weigelt and Voorhis confirmed that the video they watched was far longer – 10 minutes – and clearer than the released version.
• Petty Officer Patrick “PJ” Hughes job on the Nimitz carrier was to secure inside a safe the hard drive data recorders from the airborne early-warning aircraft, the E-2 Hawkeye, which contains the plane’s operational software and recorded data that the aircrew sees during flight. He was unaware that the Hawkeye had encountered the tic tac UFOs. Hughes was visited by his commanding officer and two unknown individuals who ordered him to give them the data recordings for the AEGIS system, and then they left. He was told that the ship’s advanced Combat Engagement Center along with the optical drives with all the radio communications had been wiped clean. Voorhis remarked, “They even told me to erase everything that’s in the shop—even the blank tapes.”
• Weigel reports that the two unknown individuals wearing generic flight suits also visited the USS Princeton, went to the Admirals Quarters and posted a guard at the door. Pilot David Fravor has acknowledged that his squadron’s video tapes of the “Tic Tac” intercept had mysteriously vanished. But he never saw any ‘unidentified’ personnel removing data recorders and conducting an investigation, and he himself was never interviewed. Fravor calls all of that “bullshit”.
• The enlisted witnesses were disappointed to hear Fravor suggest some of their accounts are inaccurate. They all stand by their experiences, and also support Fravor’s account. Paco Chierici, a former F-14 pilot and the person credited with first sharing the news of the Nimitz UAP encounter in a 2015 Fighter Sweep article, had this to say: “The combination of those aviators, the Princeton Aegis Radar operators, and the E-2 crew convinced me beyond a doubt of the veracity of the story.” “I know those people and how that world works. There is no way it could have been fabricated or misinterpreted.”
• Popular Mechanics was able to locate a previously unknown witness who was with the Nimitz carrier group in 2004, but asked to remain anonymous. He says he was an Operations Specialist aboard the USS Princeton. Says this witness, “What really made this incident alarming was when a Blackhawk helicopter landed on our ship and took all our information from the top secret rooms.” “We were all pretty shocked and it was an unspoken rule not to talk about it because we had secret clearances and didn’t want to jeopardize our careers.”
• Since none of the witnesses or pilots involved say they were ever interviewed at the time, it appears the most significant concern for the ‘two unknown individuals’ who showed up after the incident was the ship’s electronic data. Nick Cook, the former aviation editor for Jane’s Defense Weekly, says there are a number of reasons why personnel might have boarded ships and seized electronic data. “It could mean it was sensitive information.” But in Cook’s opinion it is unlikely this was some sort of classified test or exercise. Says Cook, “It would be so against the norm of my experience with how the black world conducts testing.” Cook also says that it’s possible, but not likely, that the “Tic Tac” was some type of classified drone. “I searched for 10 years, and never found any compelling evidence that the type of technology exists.” “In the balance of probabilities, I don’t think it’s ‘ours’.”
• This is a portion of the Executive Summary filed on the Nimitz encounter.
The five men share an easy rapport with each other, playfully ribbing one another while also communicating a deep sense of mutual respect. It’s clear they all share the bond of having once served in the armed forces. Yet for Gary Voorhis, Jason Turner, P.J. Hughes, Ryan Weigelt, and Kevin Day—assembled together (right) in a private group chat by Popular Mechanics—something much bigger ties them together beyond simply serving in the U.S. Navy.
These men also share a connection of being witnesses to one of the most compelling UFO cases in modern history: the Nimitz UFO Encounters, an event that the Navy recently confirmed indeed involved “unidentified aerial phenomena.”
Largely overshadowed by a grainy black-and-white video, and a former Topgun fighter pilot eyewitness, these veterans offer new and intriguing details on what occurred with the Navy’s Strike Carrier Group-11 as it sailed roughly 100 miles off the Southern California coast in 2004—details that a former career intelligence agent who investigated the Nimitz Encounter while at the Pentagon can neither confirm, deny, or even discuss with Popular Mechanics.
Ultimately, these five men—the “other” Nimitz witnesses—could be key to understanding an event that a leading aviation defense expert says “likely wasn’t ours.”
So whose was it?
image of “tic tac” ufo
Stationed on the USS Princeton, a Ticonderoga-class guided missile cruiser, as the Nimitz carrier group went underway in early November 2004 for a routine training exercise, this would be the last time former Petty Officer 3rd Class Gary Voorhis would set sail aboard a Navy vessel.
Having already done almost six years in the Navy, including two combat tours, Voorhis was ready to transition to life outside the world of passionless grey metal hulls and vast leavening seas.
“The group was going to be deploying in a few months and there was a bunch of new systems, like the Spy-1 Bravo radar,” Voorhis tells Popular Mechanics. “It was really about getting all the kinks out.”
While chatting with some of the Princeton’s radar techs, Voorhis says he heard they were getting “ghost tracks” and “clutter” on the radars. For Voorhis, the Princeton’s only system technician for the state-of-the-art Cooperative Engagement Capability (CEC) and AEGIS Combat System, news of these systems possibly malfunctioning was especially concerning.
Fearing the ship’s brand new AN/SPY-1B passive radar system was malfunctioning, Voorhis says the air control systems were taken down and recalibrated in an effort to clear out—what’s assumed to be false radar returns.
“Once we finished all the recalibration and brought it back up, the tracks were actually sharper and clearer,” Voorhis says. “Sometimes they’d be at an altitude of 80,000 or 60,000 feet. Other times they’d be around 30,000 feet, going like 100 knots. Their radar cross sections didn’t match any known aircraft; they were 100 percent red. No squawk, no IFF (Identification Friend or Foe).”
Sitting in the Princeton’s Combat Information Center (CIC), Operations Specialist Senior Chief Kevin Day was tasked with the critical role of protecting the airspace around the strike group. “My job was to man the radars and ID everything that flew in the skies,” Day said in the documentary film The Nimitz Encounters.
On or around November 10, 2004, roughly 100 miles off the coast of San Diego, Day began noticing strange radar tracks near the area of San Clemente Island. “The reason why I say they’re weird [is] because they were appearing in groups of five to 10 at a time and they were pretty closely spaced to each other. And there were 28,000 feet going a hundred knots tracking south,” Day said in the documentary.
In another YouTube clip, Ryan Weigelt, the former Leading Petty Officer and power plant specialist for the SH-60B “Seahawk” helicopter, recalled the tone aboard the missile cruise at the time.
“Senior Chief Day, his name, was being called over the comms, no bullshit, every two minutes.” Weigelt said. “I recall hearing something, like a big, real-world scenario was going on, but I just didn’t really understand.”
While Day and the Princeton’s air traffic controllers continued to monitor the strange radar returns, Voorhis says he began to take the opportunity to use the ship’s advanced tracking systems to catch a glimpse of whatever these objects were.
“When they’d show up on radar,” Voorhis says, “I’d get the relative bearing and then run up to the bridge and look through a pair of heavily magnified binoculars in the direction the returns were coming from.” Describing what he saw during the daytime, Voorhis says the objects were too far off to make out any distinguishing features, however, he could clearly see something moving erratically in the distance.
“I couldn’t make out details, but they’d just be hovering there, then all of a sudden, in an instant, they’d dart off to another direction and stop again,” Voorhis says. “At night, they’d give off a kind of a phosphorus glow and were a little easier to see than in the day.”
2:45 minute “FLIR1” video of “Tic Tac” UFO off of San Diego in 2004 (‘To The Stars Academy’ YouTube)
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• A team of venture capitalists, university professors, and military veterans are launching a non-profit project to track UFOs (or the new term UAP – Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon) off the coast of California. Based in Oregon, UAP eXpeditions will provide “the public service of field testing new UAP related technologies.”
• Along with some of the Silicon Valley UFO Hunters, UAP eXpeditions will pioneer the ability to predict, find, observe, and document UAP for study and analysis. Says Kevin Day, the group’s founder and CEO, the company will use “classical observation techniques, by trained observers and scientists, while using the latest experimental technologies—in the right places and the right times.”
• Day is a retired U.S. Navy Chief Petty Officer and radar operator who served on the USS Princeton during the 2004 “Nimitz Tic Tac UFO Incident”. He has also appeared on the History Channel’s Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation and Discovery Channel’s Contact.
• Day recalls tracking the infamous “Tic Tac” UFOs for several days around Catalina Island off the coast of California using the USS Princeton’s advanced radar system. Now, he believes that these objects continue to operate along the same trajectory and “migrate” from Catalina Island (off of LA) south along the California coast to Guadalupe Island (off of the Baja Peninsula of Mexico).
• Day believes that his experience tracking these unidentified objects has given him special abilities such as “advanced cognition”.
• UAP eXpeditions intends to put state-of-the-art cameras, experimental monitoring devices, and other high tech gear into the field and attempt to track unknown aerial objects off the coast of California. This way, the company can “offer technology developers a way to test their new tech at no direct cost to them.”
• Leading the UAP eXpeditions’ team of scientists is Dr. Kevin Knuth, a former scientist with NASA’s Ames Research Center, now an associate professor of physics at the University of Albany specializing in machine learning and the study of exoplanets. Knuth says, “[T]he goal of the expedition is to give us some ground truth. We aim to try to observe these objects directly, and record them using multiple imaging modalities.”
• First, the team “will obtain current satellite imagery of the area and determine whether these anomalous objects can be observed. We will monitor these satellite images both manually and using machine learning and build up a database of detections, classifications, and any observed patterns of activity,” says Knuth. Second, in about a year the team will anchor a large boat off the coast of California loaded with various cameras and sensors to detect and record anomalous aerial activity. If the satellite imagery identifies a cluster of unknown objects, the team will go hunting for UFOs.
• “We plan to have high-quality drones in the air with imaging capabilities. We are looking into IR imaging, as well as detectors for x-ray, gamma-ray and custom-built neutron detectors (which are designed to look for dark matter),” says Knuth. “The key to ensuring consistency is reproducibility and this requires additional study.”
• It is, admittedly, a bit of a wild goose chase and will cost a boatload of cash. While Day’s team is working on grant proposals and potential crowd funding, they know that the vast majority of funding will have to be private. Silicon Valley tech entrepreneur and MIT technologist Rizwan Virk and the Toronto-based CEO of the quantum computing company, ReactiveQ, Deep Prasad have both signed on to help with securing investment for the project.
• Other individuals on the team include Luis Elizondo, former Pentagon staffer who quit his job to hunt UFOs with Tom DeLonge; Sean Cahill, the former Chief Master-at-Arms who served aboard the USS Princeton during the 2004 Nimitz Incident; and optical physicist and UFO researcher Bruce Macabee.
• Knuth states, “The failure to study these (UFO) phenomena scientifically has resulted in a state of ignorance, which is unacceptable.”
With this summer’s revelation that the US Navy considers UFOs and “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena” (UAPs) to be real, a team of venture capitalists, university professors, and military veterans are launching a project to track UFOs off the coast of California.
Kevin Day
UAP eXpeditions is a non-profit group based in Oregon that will “field a top-notch group of uber-experienced professionals providing the public service of field testing new UAP related technologies.” With some of the Silicon Valley UFO Hunters, UAP eXpeditions will pioneer the ability to predict, find, observe, and document UAP for study and analysis. They will use “classical observation techniques, by trained observers and scientists, while using the latest experimental technologies—in the right places and the right times,” Kevin Day, the group’s founder and CEO, wrote in a Facebook post viewed by Motherboard.
Dr. Kevin Knuth
Day, who has appeared on the History Channel’s Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation and Discovery Channel’s Contact, is a retired U.S. Navy Chief Petty Officer and radar operator. Day served in the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group on the USS Princeton during the 2004 infamous “Nimitz UFO Incident” which was reported by The New York Times in December of 2017.
He recalls tracking the infamous “Tic Tac” UFOs for several days around Catalina Island off the coast of California using the USS Princeton’s advanced radar system. Now, he believes that these objects continue to operate along the same trajectory and “migrate” from Catalina Island south along the California coast.
The company’s white paper is pretty wild. It asks, “Do fleets of UAP ‘migrate’ from Catalina Island to Guadalupe Island with a certain frequency? And if so, how well do whale songs correlate, if at all, to UAP appearances?” It’s unclear how whale songs are relevant here, but let’s move along.
Day, who believes that his experience tracking these objects has led to some curious special abilities, such as “advanced cognition” told Motherboard that the organization is hoping to “offer technology developers a way to test their new tech at no direct cost to them.” Using state of the art cameras and other experimental monitoring devices, the idea is to put this high tech gear into the field and attempt to track unknown aerial objects off the coast of California.
Leading the team of scientists is Dr. Kevin Knuth, a former scientist with NASA’s Ames Research Center, now an associate professor of physics at the University of Albany. Knuth specializes in machine learning and the study of exoplanets.
While the organization and the project is still in its infancy, Knuth told Motherboard that “the goal of the expedition is to give us some ground truth. We aim to try to observe these objects directly, and record them using multiple imaging modalities.”
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• Kevin Day, now retired, was the US Navy Senior Chief Operations Specialist who served as a radar operator on the USS Princeton, part of the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group that encountered the “Tic Tac”-shaped UFO during exercises off of San Diego in November 2004.
• During a recent interview on the “Truth Be Told” podcast (see below for the full interview), Day says that radar detection of the UFO group (the Tic Tac UFO was a part of a group of UFOs flying in formation) was made possible by an upgrade to the warships’ spyware. Day told the Daily Star, “There had been a top-secret upgrade of our system. …They upgraded our cooperative engagement capability and did some tweaking on our spy radar and the way that it all works. I think because of these upgrades we were suddenly able to see things that had always been there.”
• Day hypothesized that the older radar detection systems were simply unable to spot UFOs, which would explain why “everyone is seeing them” now, once the radar upgrade was introduced “fleet-wide.” Day mused that these UFOs might’ve been around for quite some time before the Nimitz incident.
• When the podcast’s host asked Day whether he thinks that the object they encountered back then was an extraterrestrial craft, Day said yes. “This was non-Newtonian, it was non-classical physics we’re seeing so it had to be something,” said Day. “What other explanations are there?”
It appears that the infamous encounter of an unidentified “Tic Tac”-shaped object by the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group was made possible due to a certain upgrade introduced to the warships’ spyware, according the recent revelations made by a retired US Navy Senior Chief Operations Specialist named Kevin Day.
Ret. Navy radar specialist Kevin Day
During a recent interview on the “Truth Be Told” podcast, Day, who served as a radar operator on the USS Princeton, part of the aforementioned carrier group, mused that UFOs might’ve been around for quite some time before the Nimitz incident, when mankind upped its detection game.
“There had been a top-secret upgrade of our system that had gotten underway”, he said as quoted by the Daily Star.
“They upgraded our cooperative engagement capability and did some tweaking on our spy radar and the way that it all works. I think because of these upgrades we were suddenly able to see things that had always been there.”
Day also remarked that the hypothesis about the older detection systems simply being unable to spot UFOs might explain why “everyone is seeing them” now, after the radar upgrade in question was introduced “fleet-wide.”
And when the host asked him whether he thinks that the object they encountered back then was an extraterrestrial craft, Day said yes.
“This was non-newtonian, it was non-classical physics we’re seeing so it had to be something”, he said. “What other explanations are there?”
30:38 minute video of Kevin Day discussing the “Tic Tac” UFO incident (‘Truth Be Told Radio’ YouTube)
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