Article by Mike Rickard II May 29, 2021 (
• Most of the public is familiar with the concept of UFOs and extraterrestrials. Not only has it become engrained in popular culture, but it’s become a cottage industry with books, articles, films, and TV programs covering the subject.
• Some believe that space aliens come from a different planet or dimension, and have either positive or sinister motives for being here. Some believe there are both benevolent and malevolent aliens interacting with us, each with their own agenda. Benevolent aliens are here to protect us from ourselves and from the malevolent aliens, and want to prepare us for when they choose to reveal their existence. On the other hand, malevolent aliens are here to do everything from experiment on us, harvest us, and eventually subjugate the planet for their uses. But what if the conventional narrative about space aliens is wrong?
• What if everything we’ve heard about aliens is wrong? What if aliens are actually demons (aka fallen angels) who are here as some sort of satanic con game? Some Christians posit that aliens exist, but they are actually demons disguising themselves to take humanity’s attention from God, with the long-term goal of preparing the way for the rise of the Antichrist.
• One theory is that aliens will come forth once the Christians disappear from the planet with the foretold Biblical ‘Rapture’. Aliens will explain the Christians’ disappearance with a variety of explanations, but will let humanity know that they are there to prepare them for humanity’s next step into a peaceful and prosperous era. Then, a being who is secretly the Antichrist will show up with all the answers and the people will follow him, perhaps believing he is some enlightened believer from the stars. But things do not end well for humanity. As the Antichrist shows his true colors, God delivers His divine wrath on the Antichrist and his followers, and Jesus Christ shows up to finish them off. In retrospect, people will see that the entire framework of alien visitors has been part of an elaborate ruse to fool people into following Satan incarnate.
• On the other hand, anyone who has studied UFOlogy knows there is no shortage of kooky theories out there concerning aliens.
• [Editor’s Note] This concept holds true with the evil rendered here by the Orion Group, namely the Reptilians. Right now, there is a physical and spiritual war going on between ‘good’ vs ‘evil’. It is time that humanity exterminate the evil presence that has actively enslaved our planet since World War II. In the wake of this current “Great Awakening”, we will begin a new era of humanity – benefitting from the advanced technologies that have been secretly kept from us, joining with our benevolent space cousins in this region of the galaxy, and embracing the love and compassion of Creator God.
Are UFOs and extraterrestrials actually demons? What if the conventional narrative about space aliens (that they are visitors from another planet/dimension/region of Earth) is wrong? What if aliens are actually demons trying to pull a fast one on humanity? That’s a theory that has been around for some time, but only recently has come to be explored by UFOlogists and scholars in any sort of depth.
Most of the public are familiar with the concept of UFOs and extraterrestrial life. Not only has it become engrained in popular culture but it’s become a cottage industry ever since the rise in alleged sightings with books, articles, films, and TV programs covering the subject.
The narrative driving UFOs is that aliens are visiting us but from there, things get tricky. Where are they coming from? Answers range from other planets to other dimensions to somewhere underneath the world’s oceans. Some theories suggest that UFOs are actually advanced human technology that the world’s government wishes to remain secret.
Equally important is why they are here. Some believe the visitors are benevolent while others believe the visitors have sinister motives. Some believe there are both benevolent and malevolent aliens, each of course with their own agenda. Benevolent aliens are here to protect us from ourselves, from malevolent aliens, and to prepare us when they choose to reveal their existence. Malevolent aliens are here to do everything from experiment on us, harvest us, and eventually subjugate the planet for their uses.
However, what if everything we’ve heard about aliens is wrong? What if aliens are actually demons (aka fallen angels) who are here as some sort of satanic con game? Some Christians posit that aliens exist, but they are actually demons disguising themselves to take humanity’s attention from God, with the long-term goal of preparing humanity for the rise of the Antichrist.
One theory is that aliens will come forth when Christians disappear from the planet (in an event known as the Rapture). Aliens will explain the Christians’ disappearance with a variety of explanations but let humanity know that someone is there to prepare them for civilization’s step into a peaceful and prosperous era. A being who is secretly the Antichrist will show up with all the answers and people will follow him, perhaps believing he is some enlightened believer from the stars. Things do not end well for humanity as the Antichrist shows his true colors, God opens up a divine wrath on the Antichrist and his followers, and Jesus Christ shows up to take out the trash. In retrospect, people will discover that the entire framework of alien visitors has been part of an elaborate ruse to fool people into following Satan incarnate. Pretty wild, huh?
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Article by Joe Divita September 16, 2020 (
• Over this past summer, former rock star Tom Delonge spoke with The Guardian about his lifelong obsession with aliens. Lately, he has become a high-profile voice within the UFO disclosure community as a founder of ‘To The Stars Academy of Arts and Science’ which helped to release the US Navy cockpit videos of UFOs and is now working with the US Army on UFO related research. He is also featured in History Channel’s Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation.
• DeLonge doesn’t consider the government cover-up of extraterrestrials and UFOs to be ‘conspiratorial’. “Anybody can go on to the CIA website and read thousands of reports (on UFOs),” says DeLonge. “There’s just a vacuum of conversation. Our government has had decades of the very difficult burden of dealing with something that is extremely advanced but poorly understood. They need time to dig into this, to understand it, to gather data and analyze it.”
• “People need to buckle up, open their minds and stop talking about, you know, aliens and extraterrestrials, because I have a feeling that that’s not exactly what it is,” DeLonge said. “I can’t say much, but I do know there have been moments when certain presidents have come close (to disclosing the alien presence).” The issue is whether the public can digest full disclosure of extraterrestrials and UFO technology. “That’s scary for people in the Pentagon when they’re trying to keep civilization duct-taped together,” says DeLonge.
• DeLonge believes that the evidence shows that alien beings have been present on this Earth for thousands of years. He cites cave drawings depicting abductions and even suggested that a spacecraft may have presided over the birth of Jesus Christ. “Things were written in text thousands of years ago, like hearing voices in your head, or a burning bush that was talking. The ancient texts may have called it God, but I’m just saying it’s not that simple.” DeLonge continued, “The star of Bethlehem – was that a star or a craft? Because a star is really big. It wouldn’t be hovering over a manger.”
• [Editor’s Note] Here, Tom DeLonge is setting up the next nugget of UFO disclosure that the Pentagon will allow him to reveal. Apparently, he and his Pentagon pals don’t think that the public can handle full disclosure of the truly ubiquitous extraterrestrial presence, much less how far the US deep state has expanded its secret space program using extraterrestrial technology. So first, they want the public to start getting used to the idea that UFOs and the beings that fly in them are real. Then they will let us in on who these beings really are. This long drawn out type of ‘limited hangout’ disclosure – only giving bits and pieces of the picture – is what the deep state military industrial complex has in mind, and it will take decades if they have their way.
Don’t be surprised if we are told that the UFOs are really our Earth human descendants who in the future have gained advanced spaceship technology and, due to a time warp, they keep appearing now and then in our skies. Earlier in the summer, Corey Goode was briefed on this ‘limited hangout’ scenario. Corey reported his briefing to Dr Michael Salla as follows: “POTUS’ ‘Roswell Briefings’ are basically this: Roswell was not an alien event. It was a mishap from us in the future. POTUS is told that the majority of the lights seen in the sky are from our own craft operating in the future and creating a temporal butterfly effect. They are told that what the ancients saw in the sky was often the exact same phenomenon….” Corey Goode continues: “POTUS is under the impression that because of tests being run in Roswell during the same time that future craft were operating in that space at a later time… that it caused the craft to pull into the past and crash, thus beginning the new tech boom after WWII.” You can read an extensive essay on limited hangout scenarios and what else Corey had to say in Dr Salla’s previous ExoArticle: “Roswell UFO Crash to be Officially Disclosed as Time-Traveling Future Humans”.
a UFO hovering over the ‘Baptism of of Jesus Christ’
Former Blink-182 member Tom DeLonge has become an increasingly high-profile voice within the extraterrestrial community. He’s not just spewing
painting of the birth of Christ with a UFO in the background
conspiratorial nonsense — his To The Stars Academy of Arts and Science struck a research deal with the U.S. Army and the nation’s Navy even published UFO videos shared by To The Stars. Now, he’s suggested that aliens presided over the birth of Christian deity Jesus Christ.
Season 2 of the musician/alien researcher’s History Channel program Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation aired over the summer and he spoke with The Guardian about his lifelong obsession with aliens.
DeLonge isn’t quick to attribute every mysterious aircraft sighting (now referred to as UAP — unidentifiedaerial phenomenon) to otherwordly inhabitants/cosmic joyriders. “People need to buckle up, open their minds and stop talking about, you know, aliens and extraterrestrials, because I have a feeling that that’s not exactly what it is,” he said.
Quick to disown the idea that his research and other efforts are mere ballyhoo and that there is a dedicated practice of governments covering up the existence of extraterrestrial life, potentially even on Earth itself, DeLonge charged, “It’s not conspiratorial. Anybody can go on to the CIA website and read thousands of reports. There’s just a vacuum of conversation. Our government has had decades of the very difficult burden of dealing with something that is extremely advanced but poorly understood. They need time to dig into this, to understand it, to gather data and analyze it.”
Tom DeLonge what are medieval artists trying to tell us?
He also understood the sensitivity of such rattling revelations if world leaders were to disclose with the general public that alien life had indeed been confirmed. “I can’t say much, but I do know there have been moments when certain presidents have come close,” explained DeLonge. “The issue always becomes: how are people going to digest this if we hit them over the head with a giant sledgehammer? That’s scary for people in the Pentagon when they’re trying to keep civilization duct-taped together.”
As for the idea of an enduring presence of alien visitors on Earth, DeLonge cited cave drawings depicting abductions and even suggested that a spacecraft could have been presiding over the birth of Jesus Christ.
“Things were written in text thousands of years ago, like hearing voices in your head, a burning bush that was talking. The ancient texts may have called it God, but I’m just saying it’s not that simple,” DeLonge urged, wondering aloud, “The star of Bethlehem – was that a star or a craft? Because a star is really big. It wouldn’t be hovering over a manger.”
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Article by John Stokes September 7, 2020 (
• Non-coding DNA sequences are common to all living organisms on Earth, from molds to fish to humans. In human DNA they constitute a larger part of the total genome, says Professor Sam Chang at the Human Genome Project. HGP researchers believe that 97% of the non-coding sequences in human DNA is actually the genetic code of extraterrestrial life forms.
• Non-coding sequences were discovered years ago and were originally labeled as “junk DNA” because their function remained a mystery. “What we see in our DNA is a program consisting of two versions, a big code and basic code,” says Professor Chang. He says that it is now a ‘verified fact’ that the primary DNA “big code” is a ‘program’ that was written by an advanced extraterrestrial intelligence, while the “basic code” was tailored to organisms living on the Earth and added to big code. “[G]enes by themselves are not enough to explain evolution; there must be something more in ‘the game’,” says Professor Chang.
• “Our hypothesis is that a higher extraterrestrial life form was engaged in creating new life and planting it on various planets. Earth is just one of them. Perhaps …it was a scientific experiment, or a way of preparing new planets for colonization, or [the]… ongoing business of seedling life in the universe,” says Professor Chang. The “extraterrestrial programmers” …wrote “the big code”, …made more improvements, tried again and again.” The ET DNA programmers were pressed to meet an ‘Earth project’ deadline, and “may have cut down drastically on big code and delivered a basic program intended for Earth.” This resulted in programming ‘gaps’ in DNA sequencing. Such gaps would explain the illogical growth of cancer cell masses that have their own “veins, arteries and …immune system that vigorously resists all our anti-cancer drugs”.
• Human genetic material would have been provided by human-looking extraterrestrials to enhance human evolution. Earth human’s spiritual evolutionary development has been ‘boosted’ by humans from other star systems incarnating here on Earth as “star seeds” or “star children”. ‘Contactees’ such as George Adamski, Orfeo Angelucci, George Van Tassell, Howard Menger, Paul Villa, Billy Meier and Alex Collier have described these human extraterrestrials as ‘benevolent’. Collier says that “Earth humans” are “a product of extraterrestrial genetic manipulation” by a variety of extraterrestrial races participating in this ‘human experiment’.
• So-called ‘ancient astronaut’ writers have long held that intelligent extraterrestrial beings visited and/or colonized Earth in the remote past, whereupon they upgraded the primitive hominid Homo erectus by means of genetic engineering to create the human race as we know it: Homo sapiens. Evidence for this idea is found in the improbability of Homo sapiens emerging so suddenly, and ancient myths describing human-like gods coming down from the heavens and creating mankind ‘in their own image’. Famous exponents of the ancient astronaut intervention theory are Erich von Daniken and Zecharia Sitchin.
• Dr. Micheal E. Salla is a founder of the ‘Exopolitics movement’ which seeks an open and informed dialogue about and ultimately with extraterrestrial beings, so that humankind will become a socially responsible “global democracy” within the Universe. He notes that “the most compelling testimonies on the different extraterrestrial races comes from ‘whistleblowers’ such as Sergeant Clifford Stone.” Stone, a retired U.S. Army sergeant who served 22 years, participated in the Army’s retrieval of crashed extraterrestrial ships and biological entities of a variety of extraterrestrial races. Dr. Salla claims that the presence of extraterrestrials residing on the Earth is known by various government institutions and agencies. Another military insider, former Master Sergeant Bob Dean, revealed that one group of extraterrestrial beings “looked so much like us they could sit next to you on a plane or in a restaurant and you’d never know the difference.” Apparently, “human extraterrestrial races can easily integrate with human society… where they can be indistinguishable from the rest of humanity.” said Dr. Salla.
• Exopolitics groups and independent contactees such as Alex Collier say that constituents of “Human ETs” seek to “uplift human consciousness” to “ensure that global humanity evolves in a responsible way without endangering both itself and the greater galactic community of which it is part.” Collier notes that “hostile elements” introduced competing cults and religions on Earth in order to manipulate and control humankind. Jesus Christ was a “human ET” who sought to inspire the social consciousness of humankind toward unity, not to create a divisive ‘Christian religion’. A religious ‘savior scenario’ was instilled in us to “disempower us” and allow for an elite-driven oppressive social power structure that compliments a ‘greed-oriented self-aggrandizement’ that they share with other elites from governments to business enterprises. The efforts of socially progressive human ETs have been undermined by ‘capitalists’ who exploit an oppressive agenda of greed and power. Benevolent human ETs seek to “help humanity find freedom from oppressive structures through education and consciousness raising.”
• In the 1950s, George Adamski was the first to write about extraterrestrials that had established a presence on Earth and were secretly living among the human population. Dr. Salla has written of other contactees, such as Howard Menger, who claim to have encountered extraterrestrials acting like ordinary citizens. “They apparently looked so much like us that they could get jobs, lived in neighborhoods, drove cars, and could blend in easily with the human population,” says Dr. Salla. “If Adamski is accurate in his recollections and the extraterrestrials are telling the truth, then it would appear that there could be a significant number of extraterrestrials who are living incognito among the normal population in many if not most major cities on the planet. Upon examining other contactee cases and the testimonies of whistleblowers, it does appear as though this is indeed the case.”
• The “human extraterrestrial visitors” have been reported as going to great trouble to ‘blend in’ – learning the indigenous language, learning how to drive and navigate on highways systems, and taking innocuous jobs over several years. These “human extraterrestrial visitors” have been represented has often having very attractive physical characteristics, with “human extraterrestrial females” being among the most beautiful.
• Alex Collier reports that there are over 135 billion other human beings living within the eight closest galaxies to ours. But advanced human ETs view Earth humans as savages that are a threat to themselves. “We have a very bad reputation,” says Collier, “because we are the only human race in the galaxy that kills itself, that turns on itself. We are the only race that allows itself to live in poverty. We are the only ones who allow members of our race to starve. We are the only ones that allow members of the race to be homeless. We are the only race that would sell itself into slavery.”
• The saving of Humanity from its current course of self-destruction may vitally rely on our setting aside greed-driven agendas to create a constructive dialogue in which we Earth humans view ourselves as an integral part of a much larger group of humans within this star sector, this galaxy, and this universe.
• [Editor’s Note] Recent corroboration that extraterrestrial humans live within our societies, unnoticed, comes from the late William M. Tompkins in his books Selected by Extraterrestrials Vol. 1 (2015) and Vol. 2 (2020). Tompkins worked with the US Navy and top aerospace companies throughout his career starting in the late 1940s. He states unequivocally that, from the beginning, many of the top aerospace engineers and executives had brilliant and gorgeous Nordic human female “assistants” and “secretaries” who were able to telepathically nudge the engineers with technical breakthroughs to move their research along. And for some reason, they were very highly sexualized in their dress and conversation.
Some information on message boards indicate that Dr. Sam Chang doesn’t exist. Credit for these genome research goes instead to two scientists in the former Soviet republic of Kazakstan, Vladimir I. shCherbak and Maxim A. Makukov.
Alex Collier
A group of researchers working at the Human Genome Project indicate that they made an astonishing scientific discovery: They believe so-called 97% non-coding sequences in human DNA is no less than genetic code of extraterrestrial life forms.
George Adamski
The non-coding sequences are common to all living organisms on Earth, from moulds to fish to humans. In human DNA, they constitute larger part of the total genome, says Prof. Sam Chang, the group leader. Non-coding sequences, originally known as “junk DNA”, were discovered years ago, and their function remained a mystery. The overwhelming majority of Human DNA is “Off-world” in origin. The apparent “extraterrestrial junk genes” merely “enjoy the ride” with hard working active genes, passed from generation to generation.
After comprehensive analysis with the assistance of other scientists, computer programmers, mathematicians, and other learned scholars, Professor Chang had wondered if the apparently “junk Human DNA” was created by some kind of “extraterrestrial programmer”. The alien chunks within Human DNA, Professor Chang further observes, “have its own veins, arteries, and its own immune system that vigorously resists all our anti-cancer drugs.”
Professor Chang further stipulates that “Our hypothesis is that a higher extraterrestrial life form was engaged in creating new life and planting it on various planets. Earth is just one of them. Perhaps, after programming, our creators grow us the same way we grow bacteria in Petri dishes. We can’t know their motives – whether it was a scientific experiment, or a way of preparing new planets for colonization, or is it long time ongoing business of seedling life in the universe.”
Professor Chang further indicates that “If we think about it in our human terms, the apparent “extraterrestrial programmers” were most probably working on “one big code” consisting of several projects, and the projects should have produced various life forms for various planets. They have been also trying various solutions. They wrote “the big code”, executed it, did not like some function, changed them or added new one, executed again, made more improvements, tried again and again.”
Professor Chang’s team of researchers furthermore concludes that, “The apparent “extraterrestrial programmers” may have been ordered to cut all their idealistic plans for the future when they concentrated on the “Earth project” to meet the pressing deadline. Very likely in an apparent rush, the “extraterrestrial programmers” may have cut down drastically on big code and delivered basic program intended for Earth.”
Professor Chang is only one of many scientists and other researchers who have discovered extraterrestrial origins to Humanity.
Professor Chang and his research colleagues show that apparent “extraterrestrial programming” gaps in DNA sequencing precipitated by a hypothesized rush to create human life on Earth presented humankind with illogical growth of mass of cells we know as cancer.”
Professor Chang further indicates that “What we see in our DNA is a program consisting of two versions, a big code and basic code.” Mr. Chang then affirms that the “First fact is, the complete ‘program’ was positively not written on Earth; that is now a verified fact. The second fact is, that genes by themselves are not enough to explain evolution; there must be something more in ‘the game’.”
“Soon or later”, Professor Chang says “we have to come to grips with the unbelievable notion that every life on Earth carries genetic code for his extraterrestrial cousin and that evolution is not what we think it is.”
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• “The Annunciation with Saint Emidius”, a painting by Carlo Crivelli which dates back to 1486 (shown below), depicts a UFO in the skies firing down a beam of light to the Virgin Mary. Ancient alien theorists interpret this scene as when the Virgin Mary was impregnated with her son, Jesus Christ. Thus, conspiracy theorists claim that Jesus was actually sent to Earth by a different race from another planet.
• The website Listverse states: “Their belief is that Jesus was not divine at all. Instead, it was the result of genetic engineering and the implanting of a child into the unsuspecting Immaculate Conception.” “Many people who claim to have been abducted (by aliens) state that they were inside their homes when a strange light shone from outside the buildings.”
• However, ufologist Jacques Vallee told Huffington Post that the painting is fictional, and there is no way the artist would know what is in the skies at the time of the supposed conception of Christ as it was painted almost 1500 years later.
• Similarly, the walls of the Svetitskhoveli Cathedral in Mtskheta, Georgia (Eastern Europe) contain an 11th century portrait of Christ being crucified with a large crowd gathered around Him (shown above). But in the top left and right corners are what appear to be dome-shaped flying craft with three trails coming out of each. Theorists claim that this is proof of the existence of alien UFO’s 2000 years ago. Art historians claim that the strange craft actually represent guardian angels.
A Painting dating back to the 1400s could prove that aliens coexisted with humans on Earth and may have played a part in the story of the Bible.
“The Annunciation with Saint Emidius” 1486
The paining in question is the “The Annunciation with Saint Emidius,” by Carlo Crivelli which dates back to 1486. In it, a strange object is seen in the skies firing down a beam to the Virgin Mary, supposedly impregnating her with Jesus Christ. While the thin laser-like light was meant to stem from a formation of angels, conspiracy theorists claim it is a UFO firing the beam, and is more proof of ancient aliens.
Conspiracy theorists claim that Jesus was not divine, but was actually sent by a different race from another planet.
The website Listverse states: “Their belief is that Jesus was not divine at all. Instead, it was the result of genetic engineering and the implanting of a child into the unsuspecting Immaculate Conception.
“Supposedly, she was abducted and impregnated by an alien race.They argue that the beam of light striking Mary while she is indoors is consistent with modern-day alien abductions.
“Many people who claim to have been abducted state that they were inside their homes when a strange light shone from outside the buildings.”
However, computer scientist Jacques Vallee told Huffington Post that the painting is fictional, and there is no way the artist would know what is in the skies at the time of the supposed conception of Christ as it was painted almost 1500 years later.
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