A Rosetta Stone From the Aztec UFO Crash
Article by Donald Burleson and Christina Stock March 1, 2021 (rdrnews.com)
• On March 25, 1948, a large disk-shaped object crashed near Aztec, New Mexico. One of the civilian scientists called in to study the craft was physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer (“father of the atomic bomb”). Oppenheimer examined a “sort of book” found inside the UFO, consisting of plastic-like pages filled with strange symbols that looked something like (Hindu) Sanskrit. Since nobody could make any sense of those symbols, they were sent to prominent cryptanalyst William F. Friedman to decipher.
• When trying to decipher an ancient writing, cryptanalyst attempt to develop a ‘ Rosetta Stone’, or a piece of the writing that they can actually decipher and then apply it to other writings. In 1799, engineers deployed by French emperor Napoléon Bonaparte discovered a Rosetta Stone writing of ancient hieroglyphic. A few years later, linguist Jean-François Champollion matched the message in the hieroglyphic to an Egyptian demotic script. The Egyptian script matched up to a classical Greek script well-known to scholars. By examining these parallel inscriptions, Champollion was finally able to read the hieroglyphics, determining that they involved not only pictographs but also elements of phonetic writing, where names were spelled out according to their sound.
• This is the sort of process that Friedman would need to employ in order to break the writing on the plastic book found in the Aztec UFO, where the mystery wasn’t an ancient Earth language with which we had lost contact, but a language from another world. Were the symbols in the Aztec book just pictographs or did they have phonetic qualities too? Did the language contain affixes to show different forms and tenses of verbs?
• If Friedman was able to determine anything from that analysis, the results are still classified and we may never know. Perhaps the Aztec book itself may have proven to be a UFO Rosetta Stone, helping illuminate a language from realms unknown.
• [Editor’s Note] While the 1947 Roswell NM crashes (two of them at the same time) and the 1950 Farmington NM ‘UFO Armada’ are well publicized, the 1948 Aztec NM UFO crash was ‘debunked’ at the time and well-hidden from the public. Is this be because the Aztec ‘crash’ was more of a controlled landing where the sixteen small humanoid beings died of some sort of exposure, relatively preserving the craft and beings for study by the Air Force? It is also said that the beings were from Venus and the craft contained a number of human-like babies that the ET beings may have been “seeding” by giving them to Earth families to raise, as Nikola Tesla claimed he himself had been. And was the nearby Farmington NM multi-day ‘UFO Armada’ these same ET beings looking for their missing craft a couple of years later?
When a large disk-shaped object crashed on March 25, 1948 near Aztec, New Mexico, one of the civilian scientists called in to study

the craft was physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer. He examined a “sort of book” found inside the UFO, consisting of plastic-like pages filled with strange symbols that Oppenheimer said looked something like Sanskrit.
According to researchers — since nobody could make any sense of those symbols — they were sent to prominent cryptanalyst William F. Friedman for an attempt at decipherment. If Friedman was able to determine anything from that analysis, the results are still classified.

Strictly speaking, the problem was not one of trying to decode a message deliberately enciphered for purposes of secrecy, but rather the problem of reading a text in an unknown language. However, the two problems sometimes amount to practically the same thing, in terms of what one needs to do to solve them.
What was needed was a new Rosetta Stone.
The original Rosetta Stone was discovered in Egypt in 1799 by engineers deployed by French emperor Napoléon Bonaparte. A few years after the discovery, the hieroglyphics on the stone were deciphered by linguist Jean-François Champollion. This was a milestone in the field of linguistics, since it was the first time in many centuries anyone had been able to read ancient Egyptian writing.
The key to the decipherment was the fact that on the Rosetta Stone, the same message was carved first in hieroglyphics, then in Egyptian demotic script, then in a classical Greek script well-known to scholars. By examining these parallel inscriptions, Champollion was finally able to read the hieroglyphics, determining that they involved not only pictographs but also elements of phonetic writing, where names were spelled out according to their sound.

The problems Champollion faced, and ultimately solved, were no doubt encountered by Friedman in a bizarre new context, where the mystery wasn’t an ancient Earth language with which we had lost contact, but a

language from another world.
Friedman, for example, must have struggled with the question of whether the symbols in the Aztec book were just pictographs or had phonetic qualities, too. Also, Friedman would have had to determine whether the script was an inflected language, i.e., whether it contained things like affixes to show different forms and tenses of verbs. Some extraterrestrial creature examining English language texts in the same way would notice the repetition of configurations like “-ed” and “-ing.” Did Friedman discover anything analogous in the Aztec UFO script? We may never know.
In any case, the prevailing powers in 1948 certainly did the right thing in sending the mysterious document to Friedman. As a moderately experienced cryptanalyst myself, I can assure everyone that solving the problem would have had to be a cryptological challenge, likely one of the most intriguing decipherments anyone ever tackled.
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