US Gov Brought Down ET Craft With Bodies Inside Says FBI Doc
Article by Arjun Walia January 27, 2021 (
• Former Canadian Defence Minister Paul Hellyer claimed that the protocol when military jets were scrambled to intercept a UFO was to “shoot first and ask questions after.” Last year, Pentagon UFO program astrophysicist Eric W. Davis confirmed retrievals of “off-world vehicles not made on this Earth.” Apollo 13 astronaut Edgar Mitchell once told the world: “Yes there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered.”
• Numerous stories suggest that multiple governments have been successful in bringing down UFO craft in an attempt to find out more about them and reverse engineer them ever since the 1941 Cape Girardeau UFO crash and the two Roswell UFO crashes in 1947. Former Air Force officer and US Atomic Energy commissioner Colonel Ross Dedrickson blamed the Roswell crashes on the disruption in the magnetic field caused by the detonation of nuclear weapons in the region, crippling the UFO craft’s navigation system.
• The most viewed document in the public FBI archive is an account of an Air Force investigator written by FBI agent Guy Hottel to FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover. According to Hottel, the Air Force investigator claimed that three flying saucers had been recovered in New Mexico (two near Roswell in 1947, one near Aztec in 1948). They were described as being circular in shape with raised centers, approximately 50 feet in diameter. Each one was occupied by three bodies of human shape but only 3 feet tall, dressed in metallic cloth of a very fine texture. Each body was bandaged in a manner similar to the blackout suits used by speed flyers and test pilots. According to the informant, the saucers crashed in New Mexico due to high-powered military radar in the area interfering with the controlling mechanisms of the saucers. Of course, others have subsequently claimed that the story was a hoax.
• The FBI document is from the 1950s, a time when UFOs were popular within the mainstream due to an explosion of UFO sightings after the US dropped the atomic bomb. Even President Truman stated that the subject of UFOs is brought up at “every conference that they’ve had with the military.” “[T]here’s always things like that going on, flying saucers,” said Truman, “and they’ve had other things you know.” This was also around the time in 1952 when a formation of UFOs flew over Washington DC unimpeded.
• If all of this was going on 70 years ago, what has been happening today? Not a lot. People have lost trust in the government to tell us the truth. Big media is being exposed as complicit in the mind-control of the public’s perception of events and issues. People are recognizing the illicit connections among intelligence agencies, government and big corporations.
• Still, after decades of ridicule and secrecy, UFO disclosure is exploding in the mainstream media. People are seriously considering the idea that we are being visited by other beings. Hopefully, the public’s awakening to the reality and acceptance of UFOs will be a catalyst to our awakening to the true nature of our reality, the prospect of a higher purpose in life, and the potential power of our collective human consciousness.

Apollo 13 astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell once told the world that “Yes there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered.” He is seen

making these statements in this documentary. Eric W. Davis, a renowned astrophysicist who worked with the Pentagon UFO program stated that he gave a classified briefing to a Defense Department Agency, as recently as March 2020 about retrievals from “off-world vehicles not made on this Earth.” Christopher Mellon, a former Deputy Assistant Defense Secretary for Intelligence from 1997 to 2002 has confirmed that he was present during this testimony. He himself has been quite outspoken about the phenomenon over the past few years. Dr. David Clarke, an investigative journalist, reader and lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University who was also the curator for The National Archives UFO Project from 2008–2013, came across some interesting documents suggesting that the UK was desperate to capture UFO technology. Paul Hellyer, former Canadian defence minister claimed that the protocol when military jets were scrambled to intercept a UFO was to “shoot first and ask questions after.”
The thought of attempting show aggressive actions against objects that show no aggression themselves is concerning to me. This activity on our part (humans) comes when the behaviour of these objects are not indicative of any type of threat. They often perform evasive maneuvers to avoid our aircraft and the majority of the time, there is no type of retaliation observed. This makes one question our own behaviour and the way our governments have responded to the UFO phenomenon, it’s not something to be proud of in my opinion.

The information above isn’t even the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the topic of crash/UFO retrievals. There are numerous stories suggesting that multiple governments have been successful in bringing down these craft in an attempt to find out more about them and also, perhaps, reverse engineer them. Roswell is not the only case. Here’s an article I’ve wrote about the 1941 Cape Girardeau UFO crash, for example.

Colonel Ross Dedrickson, who had a long stint with the Air Force as well as the US Atomic Energy commision claimed that the detonation of nuclear weapons polluted the magnetic field which some of these craft relied on to operate.
What Happened: A document that made some noise within the mainstream in 2013 due to the fact that’s it’s been viewed more than 1 million times and is, according to the FBI, their most viewed document, reads as follows
An investigator from the Air Force stated that three so-called flying saucers had been recovered in New Mexico. They were described as being circular in shape with raised centers, approximately 50 feet in diameter. Each one was occupied by three bodies of human shape but only 3 feet tall, dressed in metallic cloth of a very fine texture. Each body was bandaged in a manner similar to the blackout suits used by speed flyers and test pilots.
According to Mr. (redacted) informant, the saucers were found in New Mexico due to the fact that the Government has a very high-powered radar set-up in that area and it is believed the radar interferes with the controlling mechanisms of the saucers.
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