Is “Transdimensional” logical, therefore allowing ETI to ‘visit’?

The field of Ufology is moving forward and EXOPOLITICS is also becoming more recognized and talked about in this move. At the well-led forum by Mr. A.J. Gevaerd, the “Foz de Iguazu Letter 2014” intended for Brazilian representatives and senators was perfected and signed to ask them to begin to openly discuss UFO issues. The forum’s emphasis was on the social implications of the extraterrestrial presence. There also was an emphasis in speakers that proposed using effective psychic and “espirita” (spiritist) means to develop verifiable human-extraterrestrial interactions.
While there were several outstanding researchers (like France’s CNES’ Jean Jacques Velasco and Professor Erling Strand of the Hessdalen Project and Østfold University College) objectively substantiating the high probability of advanced, intelligently directed objects behind some UFOs, definitely the tenor of the event was not about whether the ETs might be here but about moving forward now that it was clear for most researchers that they were. Next (from notes taken personally at the conference) I’ll give a few summaries of three specific presentations more specifically relevant to exopolitics.
From the presentation by Mr. Thiago Luis Ticchetti (co-editor of “Revista UFO” from Brazil):
QUESTION: What will happen after disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence? Some possible answers:
After 1 min: Call relatives and tell them about the news. After 1 hr.: Billions of emails. After 1 day: More serious questions are asked.
First reactions
Are they similar to us? Are they intelligent but non-human? What are their goals? Are they benign or malignant? Are we safe?
Handling of disclosure information
Will it be handled stealthily? With how much aperture to the public? Will only a few of the secrets held be given to the public or all of them? Will this information be given voluntarily? A total radical aperture including the good and the bad?
What will happen with the political conflicts around the world? Will some be set aside to face as a species the new challenges? Ufologists will become important.
If there’s a partial (controlled) aperture it may be because governments fear a generalized panic. How will the world financial markets be affected? How will they be affected by extraterrestrial technology thereafter?
Most likely there’ll be a “false,” deceiving aperture because “nothing is certain in a trillion dollar industry filled with cover-ups. But changes do take place. Perhaps the population will have about 6 days to digest information that will change life forever.
Martial Law will be declared in a number of places in the world. The media will say that UFO stories were true after all. INTERNET will be working at maximum capacity. There will be some technical problems.
In Budhism, Hinduism and Spiritism there’s belief in extraterrestrial existence. Some other religions may have a problem with that.
There will be opposing and favorable opinions about ufological opening. Opposing: More armament will fall into aggressive hands. In favor: Technology can help people.
By the time of that dialogue/controversy perhaps more will be known about who the ETs are and what they want?
Who are they and what do they want?
Are they a threat or are they friendly? Are they in fact “extraterrestrials?” Are they intelligent machines? Are they terrestrial entities? Are they “extra” or ultradimensionals? Are they angels or demons? Are they time travellers? Are they from the future and cannot interact with us openly so as not to alter the future?
Are we like laboratory rats? Are they in a rescue mission? Do they want our DNA? Do they want to create a new type of species and-or save their own species? Do they want to eat our meat perhaps like the mutilated cows? Some evidence indicates that they were alive when they were eaten. 30,000 persons disappear every year.
Do they want our souls? Do they want our “oasis” planet? Perhaps they want nothing? Do they have empathy towards human beings? What technological level do they have? Have they already infiltrated in our society? Would some hybrids be able to pass for us easily?
Giorgio Piacenza: I’ll add: Do they want us to teach them something (let’s not assume that they can’t learn some things from us). Do they want to have our capacities, even capacities which we have not clearly recognized in us?
Institutional, Social & Cultural Questions
Will some cultural foundations crack? Will some institutions suffer credibility problems for having previously hidden this reality? How much did they know inside the government? Who knew?
There will be a new “energy equation” (new sources of energy affecting societies, productions, the economy).
How will the legal system of countries with extraterrestrial presence change?
In the coming Age what is liberated-disclosed will determine what is going to happen.
How will the day-to-day life of people continue? How will the educational structure change?
History will be re-evaluated. With respect to anthropology and archaeology we will ask: What is true or false? Psychology will have questions like: Is it possible to control experiences and memories like some ETs have shown?
Exopolitics will grow. All politics will be global. Since Brazil is the 5th country in terms of population and area and with several ufologists it will become a ufological power.
Soon we will all know the truth.
In 1986 there was a night in which after several dramatic sightings UFOs were admitted in Brazil with the presence of Brigadier Moreyra Lima
From the presentation by Dr. Alexandre Dittrich Buhr “Proposal for an Ethics for the Encounter with Cosmic Civilizations”:
Dr. Buhr is a professor and a judge, with a MsC in legal sciences and lives in the Brazilian State of Santa Catarina (where important crop circles have been regularly appearing in the past few years). He’s also had a long-time interest in Space Law, is the author of “Direito Espacial” (Space Law) and clearly includes important Exopolitical considerations.
We have to consider Space Law, Ufological Events and Ethics: Space Law regulates how countries and businesses use space. Ufological Events need to be understood under a legal perspective and Ethic need to be developed for encounters with cosmic civilizations.
By convention In Aeronautical and Space Law the limit where space starts is at 100 Km over sea level. Space technology is present in daily life. Economy, agriculture, airplanes already use space related technology.
There is Public International Space Law; Public Internal Space Law and Private International Space Law.
Space activities tend to be messy. However, there have been some treaties like the foundational 1967 Space Treaty, the 1968 Agreement on the Return of Astronauts and the Return of Objects Launched into Outer Space, the 1972 Space Liability Convention (how states are responsible when satellites fall), the 1974 Registration Convention (only 62 signing states have to inform the UN of satellites launched and their orbits but military satellites are not controlled), the 1979 Moon Agreement (subscribed by very few countries). But the 1967 Space Treaty is for the good and interests of ALL countries, stating that nothing from Outer Space can be an object of national appropriation. But the U.S. probably places weapons in space even if the UN is in agreement with the spirit of the 1967 Treaty.
Brazil has already celebrated treaties with the European Space Agency (ESA), Germany, Argentina, Chile, China, Colombia, France, India, Russia, Ukraine and the US. Brazil has been a member of the United Nation’s COPUOS (Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space) since its foundation in 1959.
It is currently considered that private activity is not contemplated under Space Law. This includes activities like space tourism, asteroid mining exploitation and rendering services to space agencies. There also is the issue of space waste. Also militarization of outer space is prohibited but it is done. There are unilateral and multilateral considerations. There’s the possibility of “space terrorism” (like attacking necessary satellites). There also is the possibility of encounters with hostile cosmic civilizations.
For most aerospace legal authorities there is no UFO phenomenon to consider. However, the violation of air space requires a legal interpretation. Also the issue of human contamination due to contact with extraterrestrial organisms requires more understanding. Moreover, the Penal Code would apply to implants, as a form of creating damage to the human body. It would also apply for sexual experiences during abductions and to the sanctity of home space violations. Some UFO-ET related events typified in the (Brazilian) Penal Code are implants generating corporal lesions (art 129), subtraction and/or placement of genetic material (213), kidnapping and withholding a person (art 150), illegal subjection of a person.
Mario Nogueira Rangel who wrote “Secuestros Alienígenas” (Extraterrestrial Abductions) made clear that many symptoms associated to the Abductions are violations both of the Penal Code and of Human Rights. However, we should recognize that there also are positive types of contacts. Think of Ezequiel’s experiences and of Elizabeth Klarer’s reference to the extraterrestrial Akon from Alpha Centauri. Interestingly J.J. Hurtak provided additional insights to the revealed names present in Klarer’s case.
But how should we position ourselves before a variety of extraterrestrial encounters? We need to develop an ethical understanding, a philosophical understanding and Interplanetary Space Law. We need to identify who they are and if they correlate with our basic ethical norms. We need to develop the philosophy of Interplanetary Space Law. For instance was the European civilization that brought modernity but enslaved so many in the New World good or bad? Are older extraterrestrial civilizations that have been interacting for a long time with us but which violate our rights good or bad?
From the presentation by Dr. Michael Salla “Exodiplomacy: How will Humanity Negotiate with the Extraterrestrial Visitors”:
“Exodiplomacy” is defined as the profession, activity or skill of managing diplomatic interplanetary relations by national and/or planetary representatives. There are many events signaling an increasing recognition of issues dealing with the extraterrestrial presence. Exoplanets are being discovered; in 2009 the Pontificial Academy of Sciences held an astrobiology conference; followed by the Royal Society conference on the Scientific, Societal Agenda on the Discovery of Extraterrestrial Life. On September 18-19, 2014 there was a NASA -SETI – Library of Congress symposium called “Preparing for Discovery.” The message (in agreement with the Royal Society is that it is important to prepare.
In a ceremony dedicated to unveling a bust for Pope Benedict XVI on October 27, 2014 Pope Francis I stated that God gave autonomy to beings in the Universe assuring them of His continuous presence according to the internal laws he gave them to develop
Dr. Salla announced that the Reinstated Kingdom of Hawaii, a sovereignty independence political movement dedicated land to welcome the extraterrestrial visitors and could be a lead which governments could follow.
Regarding the practice of exodiplomacy who will represent the Earth? The UN? Major nations? Amnesty International? Popular Individuals? The Dalai Lama? Is there a role for private citizens? We can speak of “second track” exodiplomacy which includes non-official efforts to establish lines of communication. We need to educate society. However, discovery of extraterrestrial life may have already happened and secret negotiations may have taken place. For instance, Canadian Engineer Wilbert Smith found that UFOs exist and that they were the most highly classified matter in the U.S. Also, whistleblowers claim that President Eisenhower had two secret meetings with extraterrestrials (one at Edwards AFB in 1954 and one at Holloman AFB in 1955). Moreover, former Canadian Minister of Defence Paul Hellyer believes (as stated in his 2014 “Money Maffia” book) that secret negotiations with ET races have taken place. First-hand testimonies also suggest that alien technology has been reversed-engineered.
Dr. Salla informed us that – according to the U.S. Constitution – the U.S. senate has to ratify International Treaties but that “Executive Agreements” “other than treaties” are allowed. If such agreements had been held in 1954, 60 years would have passed until today (2014).
However, “Galactic Diplomacy” or extraterrestrial contact is also already happening through private citizens and perhaps we already have enough information to start preparing as citizens for more open contact with ETs. We can also educate and prepare other private citizens.
UFO illumined during a contact experience in Talampaya, Argentina (2013)
F.R.E.E. (the Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters) is being launched. It is being organized to bring together psychotherapists, hypnotherapists and other dedicated researchers in the field of general “experiencer” (contactee and-or abduction) research. It also gathers natural scientists and lay researchers under the aegis of astronaut and cosmologist Dr. Edgar Mitchell, PhD.
F.R.E.E. is a step forward toward legitimizing not only UFO research but also the recognition of the possibility that there may actually be interactions with extraterrestrial intelligences ocurring under ways that have not been seriously considered by most academics.
F.R.E.E. is also open to the contributions of academics like social scientists and its explorations and exchanges would benefit from the sincer, well- informed input of philosophers and theologians. Exopolitics and capable exopoliticians are also welcome in a field that requires open-ended but compatible and healthy integrative collaboration.
F.R.E.E aims at understanding “encounter experiences” in their multiple aspects; a class of human experiences which – due to multiple layers of evidence acummulating over several decades – cannot be simply tossed aside anymore either from a scientific or from ethical point of view. As a unique, real phenomenon experienced by human kind it is significant and the scientific, cultural, ethical and political implications also are quite significant.
F.R.E.E. aims at providing psychological & community support for those individuals that may need it.
F.R.E.E. is open to consider a wide-range of perspectives on a variety of encounter experiences. Moreover, F.R.E.E. also aims at shedding new light into physics (a physics which includes consciousness, ufological “high strangeness” and other “classical reality-challenging” phenomena associated with alleged contacts with extraterrestrial intelligences). This more complete physics is needed to understand how might technologically advanced intelligences reach and interact with us overcoming space-time limitations. Regarding it, the concept of a “quantum hologram” is now being particularly explored by physicists at F.R.E.E. as it begins to provide an explanatory mechanism that connects non-locality with macroscopic structures as well as quantitative and qualitative aspects of experience.
F.R.E.E. can be considered a “think tank” and a collaborative space for scientists, lay investigators and first hand experiencers to learn from each other more about the nature of the various kinds of contact experiences which have been reported in earnest for several decades – if not for centuries – around the world. It is a space where individuals unable to speak openly about their experiences and-or interests may find a receptive environment.
The mass of unconventional, yet well-researched, experiencer evidence (in addition to objective UFO research plus whistleblower and documentary evidence) indicates that contact experiences through methods transcending conventional astronomical and radio astronomical means are quite likely taking place. Evidence should trump over our pet theories about how this should take place. The psychic and reality-modifying aspects of these experiences are meant to be understood by responsible, ethical scientists, researchers as well as by cultural and political leaders willing to reassess their premises about reality if need be. Something unique, real and life-changing to individual humans (albeit different and strange from a conventional perspective) is taking place. These (sometimes information-laden) experiences may be reaching segments of humanity as a way of announcing a vaster reality ahead of the discovery (and official announcement of) exoplanets with detectable organic molecule signatures in their atmospheres or of intelligently coded radio astronomical signals.
F.R.E.E. is about improving our understanding about who we are as a species in relation to the Cosmos. A greater understanding of the Extraterrestrial Encounter Experience – achieved through serious research standards combined with an open-minded attitude– may contribute (along with other compatible integrative efforts) to generate more inclusive, politically harmonizing cultural foundations useful to develop a more intelligent coexistence in a highly interdependent planet.
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Image by Mark Rademaker depicting NASA’s IXS Enterprise, a Plausible Double Torus Alcubierre Drive Spaceship
There’s work going on at NASA which might be slowly revealing a shift in mindset from conventional action-reaction, Newtonian science and denial of extraordinary (i.e “non-classic”) events into a more “exotic,” very useful, no-nonsense science perfectly allowed by the known laws of physics. The “Alcubierre Drive” (based on a paper published in 1994 by Miguel Alcubierre) is becoming feasible. CNN gave the news on 06/18/2014 but advances had been in the works at least officially for a few years. The news mentioned travelling “faster than the speed of light” which is not quite accurate but, nonetheless, the possibility of developing technology to reach distant locations like Alpha Centauri within months or even two weeks made the news a bit of a pro (ET presence) disclosure, an eye-opener.
The chief scientist working on such important interstellar matters for NASA is Engineer Harold “Sonny” White.
In we read “Dr. White holds a Ph.D. in Physics from Rice University, a Master’s of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Wichita State University, and a Bachelors of Science in Mechanical Engineering from University of South Alabama. Dr. White has accumulated over 15 years of experience working in the aerospace industry with Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and NASA.” “Wormholes” and “Warp Drives” come to mind to practically travel great distances in space as allowed by Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity. Both involve manipulating the “fabric” of spacetime and both would require an exotic form of energy known as “negative energy” and-or “negative vacuum energy” which – as of today – is conventionally difficult to obtain.
“Warp Drives” refer to encapsulating spaceships inside a distorted spacetime “bubble” (warped or distorted in relation to an exterior spacetime reference frame). They’re about expanding spacetime behind the spaceship more than at its front (the direction they want to travel). The vehicle thus encapsulated inside this “bubble” would “surf” or “slide” towards a destiny focused ahead of the contracting front and, since there’s is no limit in principle to the amount of space contraction and dilation, it would be able to “surf” at relative speeds many times that of light. More specifically, in relation to the quantum vacuum (which can have different energy densities), two distinct spacetime energy densities derived from that vacuum can move faster than “C” in relation to each other.
Original single torus capacitor “ring” design warping spacetime with traveling compartment inside
While inside the altered spacetime “bubble,” the spaceship itself never travels beyond “C” (the speed of light limit in the vacuum), but that spacetime “bubble” in relation to the spacetime frame outside of it can indeed “move” faster than “C” carrying along the vehicle inside toward an otherwise unbearably distant destination. Impractical differences in the passage of time occurring through Lorentzian effects incurred when accelerating close to the speed of light (but within the same spacetime energy density) would also be overcome. After the warp field/“bubble” within which “surfing astronauts” are traveling is turned off, the time passed within it would correspond to the time passed outside. Passengers would return to their original time frame without having incurred Lorentzian time-dilation effects.
I wonder if the alleged electrogravitational “Biefeld-Brown Effect” is a related way to generate an Alcubierre or Alcubierre-type of propulsion effect. Regarding this effect (thoroughly researched by Thomas Towsend Brown who produced available and also classified patents) it is alleged that – in a disc-shaped, high k (dielectric) capacitor which distributes charges in opposite directions, space-time dips into a “well” on the side of the positive charges as it simultaneously expands as a “hill” on the side of negative charges. Also, allegedly some configurations with high dielectrics, extremely high pulsed voltages and different amperage may result in thrust and movement towards the positive charges even in a hard vacuum, eliminating the possibility that the effect is only due to a coronal discharge interacting with air. Perhaps space-time itself is also distorted by this method which is said to generate a separate, modified space-time “bubble” around a craft, isolating it from inertial effects as it moves in relation to exterior space-time. Does this system also produce negative energy states?
Thomas Townsend Brown tested many disc-shaped capacitors. His work should be considered even today.
The expansion and contraction of gravitational forces would (like in the Alcubierre Drive concept) allow a craft to “surf the cosmos” within its own modified space-time that would (in different degrees) be uncoupled or out of phase with ordinary, exterior space-time. The most efficient shapes, materials, pulsed frequencies, the architecture of multiple smaller capacitors and other details must be classified.
NASA’s Advanced Propulsion Physics Laboratory (“Eagleworks”) is the lab working (within the Johnson Space Center, in Houston, TX) on this promising development and, thus far, there seems to have been some success in spite of the small amount of funding given for this project (perhaps in the order of 50,000 USD). However, scientists are working in a laboratory that was also used to develop inertial components for the Apollo Missions and which can be isolated from vibrations outside. They also have access to precision instruments because the measurements they are attempting to make (with small warp field-generating prototypes) are very small.
The positive effects apparently obtained as of today are tiny but likely (about to be replicated and sufficiently verified) as “proof-of-concept,” perhaps thereafter eventually “maturing” into a practical application. Still, much needs to be carefully tested but, apparently, these almost “proof-of-concept” experiments are quite promising. For success in interstellar travel activities, it seems crucial to produce “negative density/negative pressure,” through a charged negative potential “ring” (or torus) perpendicular to the craft. Capacitors are being used with this toroidal topography. Alcubierre originally suggested his drive would be more feasible with “exotic” negative energy. However, Dr. Harold White has shown that the required potential field may be sustained by using toroidal capacitors with positive energy oscillating within. However, I understand that in order to expand spacetime behind the craft that positive energy oscillating within the toroidal capacitors would still have to produce negative energy states that can be directed.
As one increases the oscillation and the thickness of the toroidal component one may need less exotic mass-energy requirement to produce the space warp but there would be no flat space left for the spacecraft and the oscillations could destroy it. So, in order to protect the spacecraft and its occupants, a careful relationship between the frequency of the oscillation and the thickness of the 3D torus must be found along with a proper separate spacetime warp bubble around the spacecraft, all the while preserving the flat region where the spacecraft is located. To facilitate this, Dr. White found that it would be useful to add a second 3D torus producing the oscillations.
Good general information on Dr. White’s general concepts can be found in “WARP FIELD MECHANICS 101″ and WARP FIELD MECHANICS 102” by Harold White at: and at
I wonder if the metamaterials being studied by To the Stars Academy of Arts & Sciences (TTSA) and the proposals of Dr. Jack Sarfatti can be added into the mix 1) To facilitate the production of negative energy states that expand spacetime, 2) The weakening of the rigidity of spacetime to be able to distort it with even less mass-energy requirement and 3) To facilitate the isolation of the spacecraft from the spacetime warp forming a surrounding Alcubierre Drive-shaped bubble.
A question to think about: May current toroidal “ring” forms perpendicular to the section containing the spaceship crew eventually evolve into whole ellipsoidal forms and/or double discs, thus classic UFO shapes? If we continue to surround the central “cabin” with thick rings or torii it looks like we could form an enclosed ovoid. Another question is whether opening an energy flow from the vacuum (obtaining from the vacuum the energy to oscillate) would potentiate the effect.
Are both disc-shaped and tubular ET craft structured by combining “rings” that can be thought of as torii? Below photograph by Antonio Urzi
The warped bubble of spacetime apparently created inside that negative potential “ring” or torus would be FLAT. Thus the craft inside this “bubble” would experience ZERO acceleration and – within its own frame of reference – it wouldn’t, in fact, go faster than the speed of light.The central region of the bubble (where the warp space spaceship is) would remain within the astronaut’s original spacetime frame and not be affected by relativistic time dilation. But there is no theoretical limit for the speed the spacetime bubble would be able to move with respect to the contextual spacetime in the rest of the universe.
Without feeling/experiencing any acceleration or a challenge to inertia people or objects inside the craft (itself inside the warp or “bubble”) would not crash against the walls. Interestingly Dr. White found (in 2011 and 2012), by making the “ring” (the torus) thicker (like a “lifesaver” candy) the effects are potentiated; while the flatness of space is decreased (would not be a good thing for crew members) the mechanical ‘strain’ required to manipulate spacetime is decreased; meaning that less negative energy would be needed to achieve the Alcubierre Drive effect. Thus the energy density inside the warp or “bubble” would collapse many orders of magnitude. For a 10-meter diameter craft, by thickening the “ring,” “torus” or “donut shape,” the Jupiter-size mass as an energy source once needed can be reduced to, let’s say, the mass the Voyager spacecraft.
Alcubierre’s original work required the use of “negative energy” to expand spacetime behind the spaceship and this poses a technical difficulty. However, in 2017, a small amount of matter behaving in a negative energy state was produced at Washington State University.
As shown in the first image perhaps the single torus can be doubled. Different configurations can be experimented upon. In a basic presentation found at a Space Vision’s Student Conference found at Dr. White explains that “A series of Barium Titanate ceramic capacitors are charged to very high (DC) voltages to establish a very large potential energy, to establish a blue-shifted frame relative to the lab. The net effect according to the field equations should change the perceived wavelength of that leg of the interferometer for a photon as it moves through that (warped) region.” Moreover, “The interference patterns seem to change as a function of time.”
Experimenters are also trying to find Fourier transform changes. They have detected some interesting but (as per this article) not definitive changes. As of today I’ve found little information about the oscillating charge-discharge frequencies used but suspect that they are a key component also needed to magnify the Alcubierre Drive Effect. Could it be that frequencies that may cancel out and “warp” our 4D regular spacetime (possessing a specific stable energy density framework in the quantum vacuum) would be understood as out of phase multiples of a fundamental spacetime oscillation in which our known universe is located?
With a Helium-Neon laser-based interferometer detecting shifting light interference properties Dr. White and his team are trying to measure a small-scale warp bubble effect to achieve proof-of-concept. The effect to be measured is very tiny (about 1/100 a wavelength of light) so it requires much precision and a seismically isolated room and computer analysis to overcome the signal-to-noise ratio. Perhaps a larger prototype will show a greater effect. They are also trying to use a Fabry-Perot interferometer to measure it. They also used a new interferometer and claim to have measured a small warping effect in 2013.
A spaceship sent to Alpha or Beta Centauri would have to start with a small acceleration in order for its spacetime “bubble” to continue to move forward in relation to the outer frame of reference. I don’t know how the direction of movement could be re-directed.
The amount of energy required would be a function of the radius. A much smaller amount of negative energy would still be needed with a thicker toroidal capacitor and an adequately fabricated potential field. Moreover, the possibility of learning to produce some of it became real since in 2017 WashingtonState University physicists published in Physical Review Letters “Negative-Mass Hydrodynamics in a Spin-Orbit-Coupled Bose-Einstein Condensate” and University of Rochester physicists published in Nature Physics “Anomalous Dispersion of Microcavity Trion-Polaritons.” In both cases, small amounts of negative energy states were produced and verified. Links: and
For space-time to ‘know’ which direction to contract and to expand – if indeed it is “catalytic” – one would need to accelerate first with a conventional propulsion system to establish an initial velocity relative to some ecliptic or solar inertial frame. Then turn the field on.
Then space expands and contracts as a result, but not itself as a catalyst, contracting in the front and expanding behind. The spaceship would then be carried within the “bubble” in the direction of the contraction and spacetime as a reference frame can move faster than “C” in relation to the spacetime frame exterior to the bubble. We would have an oscillating potential field given by the relation dϕ/dt. I wonder about adequate frequencies and if a frequency multiple as a rotating or counter-rotating field out of phase with a fundamental 4D spacetime frequency would be useful. For this, we would need to know if there is a basic resonant frequency within the fabric of our spacetime.
Another approach that is being tried at NASA’s Eagleworks Lab: Instead of placing a ring of potential energy around the beam path they tried to put a very high potential region in the middle of the light beam path. So a capacitor was placed in the middle of the beam path and they apparently got even more interesting results.
Calculations explained by Dr. Harold White show that increasing the thickness of the torus-ring and oscillating the bubble field intensity would reduce the amount of energy required for a PRACTICAL Alcubierre “propulsion” implementation. I wonder how much negative energy would it still be necessary and whether a particular configuration of the oscillating potential field is able of producing it.
Update (April, 1st 2020): Maybe recent work conducted by To the Stars Academy of Arts & Sciences (TTSA) on anomalous metamaterials will show that negative energy states capable of expanding spacetime can be harnessed from the quantum vacuum. I suppose that the negative resonances produced in these metamaterials when pumped by high-frequency EM energy (perhaps in the terahertz range) might also produce “anti-gravity” negative energy states.
I really recommend this transcript of a very informative lecture by Dr. Hal Puthoff:
Moreover, besides the toroidal topography that (as demonstrated by Dr. Harold White) diminishes the amount of energy needed to warp spacetime, perhaps these metamaterials (with unique isotopic ratios and allegedly obtained from genuine UFOs) may slow the speed of light making (according to Dr. Jack Sarfatti) spacetime less rigid and, therefore, easier to be distorted.
Another method also being explored as a non-classical form of space travel (the so-called “Q Thrust”) works by pushing off against the quantum vacuum’s virtual particles popping in and out of existence in space. Where fields are stronger there are more virtual particles popping in and out of existence whereby creating such fields would make such a thrust theoretically plausible. I think that creating a warped bubble field would also make the “Q Thrust” more feasible. To me, this indicates that a series of technologies based on similar principles reinforce each other.
Some questions: As of today I’ve found little information about the oscillating charge-discharge frequencies used but suspect that they are a key component needed to magnify the Alcubierre Drive.
Could it be that frequencies that may cancel out and “warp” our 4D regular spacetime (possessing a specific stable energy density framework in the quantum vacuum) would be understood as out of phase resonance-canceling multiples of a fundamental 4D spacetime oscillation? I wonder if switching the toroidal capacitors on and off with and-or generating vortical, circulating field cycles around them with a specific resonant multiple of a basic quantum vacuum spacetime frequency might enhance the effect. I wonder if the appropriate frequency might also relate to a completely out-of-phase resonant multiple of gravity wave frequencies in 4D spacetime? Furthermore, I think that other functions of the torus need to be recognized as a bridge between “dimensions,” branes, realities.
May these recent advances in Alcubierre Warp Drive generation relate to the model (and predictions) produced by Engineer Robert L. Schroeder?
Schroeder’s model (coming from a particle physics perspective) is connected with RS1 Warped Geometry Theory, a variety of String and Cosmological Brane Theory attempting to explain the weakness of the force of gravity). It explains ET-UFO effects as gravity cancellation effects in relation to Kaluza Klein Gravitons that may exist in a Five-Dimensional “Bulk” and which – in turn – may generate micro black holes capable of canceling normal gravitons in our normal 4D spacetime. If this occurred, the spaceship would also partially move into the 5-dimensional “bulk” (See: ).
Intuitively, for me Schroeder’s proposal and Harold White’s are compatible. This should be studied further. Above’s depiction may be that of a complementary method emphasizing particles but also the role of a 5D higher dimensional “bulk” as per Robert L. Schroeder’s approach. For instance, Dr. White found that expanding the Alcubierre metric into a higher spacetime would change the stiffness of spacetime. Apparently, if the “bubble’s” intensity also oscillated, the stiffness of spacetime would be decreased and this would also reduce the energy requirement.
A minimum, non-trivial amount of negative energy would still be needed to reduce the stiffness of spacetime according to the following basic relation: dϕ/dt. However, in relation to a higher spacetime frame (like the 5 D “bulk”), a positive vacuum energy density might induce a negative vacuum energy density and warp field.
In a paper published by Dr. Harold White and by E. W. Davis titled “The Alcubierre Warp Drive in Higher Dimensional Spacetime” (it can be found at ) we read in the conclusion that there is a “remarkable discovery that a spacecraft’s spacetime expansion boost in the Alcubierre warp spacetime actually represents a movement of the spacecraft off our local brane (3 + 1 dimensional spacetime) and into the higher dimensional bulk space. The Alcubierre warp spacetime expansion boost merely acts as a scalar multiplier acting on an initial velocity. The consequence of this is that the equation of state for the energy density and pressure that induces this effect is equivalent to the dark energy equation of state and the equation of state for the vacuum energy in space. This suggests a conceptual laboratory experiment whereby a toroidal positive energy density induces a negative pressure warp field.”
In other words, achieving exotic negative energy effects MIGHT be plausible through positive energy manipulation if we indeed live in a higher dimensional, 5D “bulk.” This may also mean that electromagnetic photons emitted by the spaceship while inside the spacetime warp “bubble” might not be detected in the regular 4D (3 space + 1 time) spacetime frame. The spacecraft would become gradually INVISIBLE as it moves off our normal reference frame (or 4D brane) and into the 5D bulk.
I wonder if using faster-than-light scalar longitudinal EM waves (Dr. Konstantin Meyl shows a method on how to generate them) inside the toroidal ring capacitor (instead of transversal EM waves) would help to induce a negative pressure warp field. And what if these waves were set at specific pulse frequencies or resonant multiples of frequencies that may cancel or enhance gravity waves or resonate with zero-point vacuum energy allowing it to cohere perhaps in conjunction with polaritons and other quasi-particles?
In an interview for Popular Science Dr. White basically mentioned that he had signed a non-disclosure agreement that prohibited him from revealing how he might produce the small – but sufficient – amount of negative energy required for the project to work. Moreover, he wasn’t able to mention with what entity he had signed that agreement. What is known is that DARPA is financing NASA’s Eagleworks Lab and that the lab recently moved into a larger facility.
Interestingly, many of the unique (beyond Newtonian) characteristics (also listed by Robert L. Schroeder) observed through the best available evidence of what could reasonably be considered as technologically advanced extraterrestrial vehicles seem to be partially explained not only by Dr. Schroeder’s model but by the model being developed at NASA. While NASA uses the so-called “Chung-Freese Model” and Schroeder uses Randall-Sundrum’s RS1 Model, both consider that our perceived 4D Universe exists within a more encompassing 5D brane called “the bulk.”
I think these models (Alcubierre’s and Schroeder’s) should be carefully compared, especially if both allow for similar non-classical spacetime distortion, gravity modification and practical, spacetime “travel” behavior. And, are these models compatible with T.Towsend Brown’s electrogravitics allegedly producing thrust in the direction of [ositive charges and also apparently distorting spacetime?
Perhaps the more we differentiate a spacetime bubble around a craft from the external spacetime of the planet the more we enter an alternative higher-dimensional universe? Interestingly, besides, an annulment of inertial effects, and a way to reach otherwise exceedingly distant locations in 4D spacetime, we may speak of a way to become translucent and even to achieve invisibility. As White and Davis suggest in the aforementioned paper: “As the Alcubierre LIF (ALIF) warps as suggested by equation (7), the photons emitted from it will not be able to intersect the coordinate observer (lab)frame because the photons were emitted off-brane from the ALIF. This is the reverse scenario we discussed earlier where photons on the brane were not able to interact with an electron off of the brane. Unless something acts on the off-brane photons to reduce their boost, they will not be detected by the on-brane coordinate observer. Hence, an Earthbound coordinate observer will most likely see a dimming effect when viewing the ALIF as its spacetime expansion boost increases. Similarly, the ALIF will see his/her surrounding universe grow dimmer and dimmer as photons emitted on-brane cannot reach the now off-brane ALIF.”
In other words, the translucent and invisibility-achieving aspects of UFOs would also be part of the effects predicted by this technology developed at NASA. Moreover, as “proof-of-concept” is finally reached to reasonable satisfaction, overly skeptical scientists (excessively attached to accepting “reality” only in classical terms and unable to conceive that other intelligences may be able to reach Earth from remote locations) will also have to contend with the theoretically canonical and experimentally established idea that some interstellar civilizations may have had enough time and opportunities to develop a form of practical Alcubierre Warp Drive. This and further amounts of high-quality ET-UFO evidence and more scientific advancements will make blatant, closed-minded,witness-testimonies-annulling criticisms and “anti-research” extremely untenable.
While empirical data forces us to modify our explanations, worldviews, or theories there’s also a tendency among social structure supporters to ridicule and combat data in which our preferred theories don’t fit…but in the end, a plain common sense understanding about the evidence prevails and there’s an inevitable shift. Would fusing multiple torii or “rings” turn Mark Rademaker’s depiction of NASA’s IXS Enterprise into a “cigar-shaped UFO” or tubular space-warping gravity control vehicle? See video of an alleged cylindrical-shaped UFO over Korosten, Ukraine
Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
The “Alcubierre Drive” (by which a spacecraft would, in fact, “surf” a locally warped segment of space-time), Robert L. Schroeder’s engineerable micro black holes hypothesis in combination with T.Towsend Brown’s “electrogravitics” (which in some cases may function in a hard vacuum), Konstantin Meyl’s superluminal scalar-longitudinal waves and Roger Shawyer’s “EM Drive” (now also being enhanced and perfected in China along with a – related – “Cannae Drive” elsewhere) indicate that it is possible to modify and/or circumvent classic spacetime limits. Moreover, perhaps older, more technologically proficient cosmic civilizations connecting with higher levels of reality and with consciousness would not only have become (at the very least) interstellar but (more powerfully) capable of using the non-physical domain or realm (beyond the zero-point energy) underlying all physical possibilities and manifestations.
I may be way off the mark but suspect that all of these alleged “drives” may work not only because they generate interaction with virtual particles but also because they harness negative energy states and that these states (and the whole process) relate to a physics of interactions with a deeper superluminal, information-connected layer of reality, inclusive and transcendent of local closed time-like loops with retrocausal quantum mechanical components between real particles and real pilot waves, as related to the Post-Quantum Theory expounded by Dr. Jack Sarfatti.
Dr. Sarfatti also contends that if the speed of light can be dramatically reduced in a metamaterial, the energy required to bend spacetime is greatly reduced.
This engineering would allow us to create a local gravitational near field around an object and regulating it (as an Alcubierre gravitational bubble) would also allow us to move this object around (between spacetime fields) unaffected by inertia in relation to exterior gravity. If this were possible, I suppose that an object could also be disconnected from its original exterior spacetime surroundings incrementally, first increasing its relative rate of time.
Observing the object from outside of its artificial gravitational bubble the object would be blueshifted. However, what if the artificial field also affects the interior of the object? Would quantum retrocausal influences become more obvious for the object that would eventually shift into another level of physical reality (one in which greater retrocausal influences allow minds to interact more readily with matter)? Furthermore, if the normally experientially hidden, quantum retrocausal component becomes as actual as experienced time-forward causality, would the object (and anyone in it) return to a more fundamental, ontologically real, non-physical realm in which all possibilities for physical events and possible physical universes originate?
There were also some patents (not reviewed here) awarded to Salvatore Cezar Pais. It was done with the support of the U.S. Navy which might be technologically compatible with any of the proposals here mentioned.
High-Frequency Gravitational Wave Generator (2017)
Patent US20180229864A1
Craft using an inertial mass reduction device (2016)
Patent US10144532B2
Perhaps elements of the Government handling part of the UFO secrecy (and even perhaps a more advanced Secret Space Program) are allowing To the Stars Academy of Sciences to act as a venue to begin introducing major worldview-changing evidence, ideas and details about some technologies already capable to warp spacetime to some degree. The success of this effort might depend on how much is revealed and in what way besides public trust, interest, and support. Be as it may, taken together, these and the timidly emerging, non-conventional “spacetime modification” proposals appearing in the “white” unclassified world (like the EM and Cannae drives) already provide an array of visionary possibilities for humankind. Hopefully, soon, an officially sanctioned (or instead, an officially allowed) method to “surf into the cosmos” could be revealed in order to promote the evolution of humanity needing to reconnect with an already partially conversant and partially hiding cosmic community. But this would likely require a responsible, unified, human effort and to abide by transplanetary (probably even trans-reality or “transdimensional”) rules.
Sometimes the proponents of one theory or technology dismiss those of others but can some of the proposals shown be effectively combined?
But if the technologies capable of modifying spacetime and “surfing into the cosmos” exist how do we educate and reveal? And who should decide who may use these spacetime altering technologies responsibly?
Perhaps we require an intelligent, non-co-dependent type of guidance from benevolent, elder cosmic siblings that want us to become the best we can be. Perhaps secret managers of the technologies know that they cannot continue doing it without including society? Moreover, besides the ethics and exopolitical decisions required to manage these technologies, how do we educate and include billions of prone-to-quarrel human beings (and their often narcissistic leaders) at a time of institutional disruption?
What if the more we disentangle a spacetime vehicle and occupants from the limits of our exterior classical physicality the more it acquires the characteristics of an underlying, meaningful mental connectedness? Are we prepared to deal with a mental interconnectedness underlying physical reality (and perhaps capable of modifying it) not only as a vague idea but in practice?
What are some of the basics behind the different kinds of ET craft that seem to come in and out of our physical reality frame, to counteract gravity and inertia, to create MACRO QUANTUM effects and so on? All ET may have to behave according to some rules and most seem to be respectful toward us. Perhaps a minimum degree of a more ORGANIC consciousness would be necessary to be allowed to operate on Earth (and inside) whether positively or negatively inclined. That consciousness would go hand in hand with a science that probably makes use of a realm that transcends and includes what we normally experience as the “Physical Realm.”
To understand who is positive and primarily in “service to others” or negative or primarily in “service to self” would be innacurate based on the more dichotomous judgment standards we employ along with a common sense and science based on our classical physical experience. We would need to beging to understand retrocausality applicable to the Physical Realm but ultimately stemming (along with regular time-forward causality) from a higher non physical symmetry. However (as a brief comment diverging a little from the main theme of this article) I think that there should be much more recognition of benevolent extraterrestrial groups, similar in typology to Earth humans. By “benevolent” I mean respectful of consious free will choice and not only of subconsious free will. Also respectful of a preparation for contact process.
In spite of the interest in abductions (whether Et or human made) and a sense of reality that only validates an “us vs. them” mentality) these friendlier, conversant, respectful contacts (which have been ridiculed and misunderstood) are also real and would be highly beneficent for humanity helping us to (re) insert ourselves into a vast cosmic community; a vast galactic “family.” Those ETs of similar typology and human demeanor, character and ‘feel’ may be for us (at this point in our individual-collective awareness) easier to contact as was the case of the 1950’s contacts. However, not all ‘space brothers’ need to be “Nordic” as mindlessly repeated in some places and eventually not all of them need to be human. And -while still benevolent and quite sufficiently human-looking – not all of them need be as easy to relate with psychologically as the kind space ‘friends’ George Adamski met. But that’s another theme. However, don’t miss it: Carefully check out and check out Steckling video interviews like
Now, regarding the “Ethereans” (Etherean ETs) sometimes referred to in (non classical physics “nuts & bolts” limited UFO literature): This should be clarified to get a more scientific idea of it so that people may not think that space brothers (blond human shaped or not) is not a wishful thinking situation: Thinking about “ethereans” for some years I think that various rates of physical density (degrees of limitation into time forward space time experience) exist as the larger Physical Realm (a realm predominantly organized according to specific space time principles, material causality and its logic) interacts (in corresponding various degrees) with the Subtle Realm (also organized under space and time inclusive principles, another form of material causality and logic). In the Subtle Realm interiors (subjectivities) and exteriors (limiting material correlates to experience) would be causally co-equal and posses another form of substance; a space and time transcending and including “mental substance” (some of its sublevels are called the ‘astral subplanes’).
The nexi or intermediate combinations between the space time exteriorly experientially expressed Physical Realm and the null space time exteriorly expressed Subtle Realm is what we may call or experience as the “physical” etheric planes. They are stable intermediate states that retransmit the vivification of experiential menaing from the Subtle Realm into the Physical. They are actual but only perceived as potential from our ordinary causally time-forward, conscious experience. However, these intermediate “etheric” states transduce the retrocausal aspects (transcended and included under a higher metaphysical symmetry in the Subtle Realm). These retrocausal aspects are needed to materialize physical substance under space time parameters. They are expected under some quantum mechanical solutions that incorporate Einstein’s relativity (like the Klein-Gordon solution to Einstein’s original equation which in itself included physical momentum under a square root that gave a positive time-forward causal result and time-backward causal solution).
This is a news report which I’m translating from contactee Ricardo Gonzalez. Citizen contacts with benevolent beings are indeed happening and increasing in Latin America. Talampaya is a special energy vortex and mystical-spiritual place in Argentina. Information of friendly and BEAUTIFUL contacts like these should also be known to counteract so much negativity and information about aggressive ETs, misguided secret control groups, technological abuses, enslaving Annunakis, dangerous, atrophied, service-to-self ETs (of which – to be fair with a large amount of credible data – there are some) and things of that nature. Positive encounters which are gradually on the rise also are objectively genuine and only irrational predispositions toward paying more attention to sinister aspects of Human-ET contacts will give us an incomplete picture keeping us in a state of fear or a fixated willingness to fight. As much as fear-based events do occur, LOVE-based ones are more substantial, verifiable and promising of freedom, truth and justice in the long run and as a wiser form of Exopolitical development in human-ET relations. We can truly say that simple, well-intended humanity is also being gradually contacted accross the world in a form of unofficial disclosure as groups of people are verifying good, beautiful and truthful forms of contact happening now. The ensuing healing associated with these good types of contact (contacts that involve gradual preparation and respect) should be encouraged much further in order to awaken to our best capacities as a unified human species and wiser citizens of the Cosmos. The nature of these contacts is not about depending on ETs or about putting them on a pedestal. It neither is about condemning them or perhaps going to war with them. It is not about being assimilated or destroyed as a civilization. It’s about ending the conflicts and achieving an equally respectful, caring friendship with ourselves and with all of life. It is about waking up to our most wholesome potentials and not allowing abuses while healing and becoming examples that heal ancient conflicts in the Cosmos. It is about allying ourselves with defenders of the original human plan and with its Divine purpose.
Giorgio Piacenza C.
The encounter suggested by the extraterrestrial Guides has been an extraordinary and unforgettable event. Us, more than 250 persons from 16 countries (arriving from different places of Europe, Canada, the U.S., Mexico, Caribbean and a large part of South America) gathered from 7-9 September in that important sanctuary of the White Brotherhood in order to radiate light to the world.
The dates had been given by the elder brothers of the Cosmos. And so we informed others about it since the moment of receiving this information more than half a year ago in a place called “Sierra de la Ventana.” Later on, they gave us more information telling us about the importance of Talampaya in order to envelop the world with peace.
As we remember, the dates of the encounter “coincided” with the crisis in Syria. The extraterrestrials had anticipated it and, for some reason, they wished that country not to be attacked on those dates. This is a theme that I’ll further develop later on. Moreover, Pope Francisco requested a day of prayer for the tension in the Middle East for September 7th, the same date we had been given. If this weren’t enough, Obama waited the for the approval for the military strike on the 9th. Today we can see that none of this occurred.
It depends on us maintaining the energy and optimism to affect world events. Some of them can be avoided and the intensity of others can be diminished or be postponed in order to secure a better evacuation of the civilian population. Be as it may, the saying that we can create what we believe becomes a fact.
That was the main objective of the international encounter in Talampaya. An encounter that was open, free for every walker in the path that resonated with that task. We gather without names and labels. There, all of us were a single group.
The elder brothers allowed themselves to be seen during different sightings. Some of these apparitions were registered by two professional photographers, Christian Belluco and Matías Zubrzycki, both equipped with cameras which were sensitive to the light. Thanks to them we obtained extraordinary registers in which we can see the trajectory of the luminous UFOs glistening the starry laden sky in Talampaya. The light of these objects was so intense that it stood out over that of the stars. We signaled them out with a powerful laser light in order to have a reference point in the photographs, in the same manner as we had previously done in Sierra de Ventana. The support of the (ET) guides during the three nights was unequivocal.
On the 9th, 60 of us went to Ciudad Perdida (Lost City), an earth energy enclave located at the Talampaya National Park. We had received telepathic instructions to go there and to perform a connecting task at the pyramidal hill in order to connect it with the blue crystal found in the underground city of Erks (in Capilla del Monte, Argentina). This hill is the ancient nucleus of a volcano that protects one of the 13 solar discs. This experience – which was supported by the other participants forming the remaining group at base camp in Talampaya – was extraordinary…
It has allowed us to understand why Talampaya was the first place where the intraterrestrial retreat of Erks functioned; why for some time it was separated from the sanctuary of the Uritorco Mountain (in Capilla del Monte, near ERKS) and why they “joined” now as a single center of power.
The presence of the guardians from Talampaya and Uritorco was remarkable. We could hear their voiced singing mantrams while an aroma of flowers inundated the pyramidal hill. Furthermore, some persons were touched by invisible presences that made them feel a profound level of peace.
The support group that remained at the campground also lived through very important experiences. Not all of us could go because the National Park only provided authorized transportation for 60 persons. Here I must say that a large part of the contact group in Buenos Aires – a group that had been preparing for the encounter since January – gave up their place for brothers from other countries to be able to go to Ciudad Perdida (Lost City). This was an attitude of responsible surrender-commitment which I value and admire very much.
We created the (adequate) conditions to receive communications in a simultaneous manner. The contact took place and in the communications we were announced that in the second half of 2014 there would be an expedition to Belukha, in the Altai Mountain range. This would be a journey which, according to the extraterrestrial Guides would allow us to complete the crucial information about the Cosmic Plan and the human role in the new time.
Furthermore, the received messages – half a dozen receptions – notified about an experience for 9.00 PM. According to the Guides, some persons would receive the Cesium Crystals and other, an ethereal element, a sort of small crystal made of a rhomboidal shaped light which would act as an “amplifier” of the faculties of the Pineal Gland, which – as we know – relate with co-creation and healing. As far as we understood, this element would be temporal and only to show us what we are capable to do if through discipline and a mystical preparation we activate our psychic abilities through our own merits.
And thus it occurred: At 9.00PM, after the presence of the Guides in the skies of Talampaya, persons in sets of tens received this initiation that was coordinated among the extraterrestrial Guides and the guardians of Uritorco and Talampaya which, by the way, during an excursion to the canyon, I could photograph. I’m referring not just about those guardians shown to tourists but the original/previously unknown ones. I had already obtained a partial register of that in 2002 but during this journey I was able to take high resolution pictures of the “prohibited” petroglyphs.
Due to the importance of the experiences we have lived, the information received and the images achieved, I feel that I must write with greater detail about what Talampaya really is for it to be known. Starting tomorrow I’ll write a small book about all of that hoping to publish it in about two weeks. People will be able to download the text – which will be illustrated with images – for free. The message must reach everyone.
The encounter finished with an atmosphere of much peace and also of nostalgia due to the farewells. I got to known extraordinary persons and it was beautiful seeing different spiritual groups, contact groups, UFO research groups (as the friend from the Pedro Romaniuk Foundation) or persons unconnected with these themes but imbued with a strong sentiment of participating by working all of us, united.
After the encounter at Talampaya ended, we got into our vehicles and took the return road. While in the route, our minibus driver pointed toward a violent accident. We could see a wrecked car. Perhaps its driver had lost control and turned over. That route was veru dangerous and had many precedents of cars that came off the road due to speeding, animals crossing, etc.
Later on we found out that four of the participants in the encounter had been in that car… We found out that two of them were well but that the other two had suffered grave blows. They were in a serious condition and had been urgently taken to the Enrique Vera Barros Regional Hospital where they would be operated upon.
After gathering once again at Capilla del Monte, more than 30 persons performed a healing task. We asked help to the guardians of Talampaya and to the extraterrestrial Guides. In this way we could visualize our brothers healing and coming out well in spite of the serious situation.
Later on we received a phone call: Our brothers had recuperated. The doctors could not believe it…They had very serious internal wounds and these had healed. Bewildered, the physicians didn’t carry on with the surgery and they were released from the hospital. We have the previous evidence and all the documents that give credit to this.
Photos by Christian Belluco, Talampaya, 09/2013
Jesus a Being of Love and Cosmic Dimensions
Is he serving the Creator within all levels of Creation? Is he recognized by extraterrestrials?
We are just beginning to discover the connections between mind, consciousness, dimensions and physical space-time. We need to step out of the box. A worldwide accumulation of objective evidence amassed in more than 68 years since the beginning of modern ufology merits scientific research and considering not only that “they” are here…but that “they” may have probably been here for eons. Considering what some of the extraterrestrials may have told some bona fide contactees and, as a very brief exotheological summary of information harmoniously received since 1974 by those contactees associated with “Mission Rahma” (a contact mission capable of occasionally providing some collectively verifiable evidence), I’ll offer the following outline which may be considered by many as important “news” or at least as “newsworthy.”
Three contactees: Sixto Paz Wells, Luis Fernando Mostajo and Ricardo Gonzalez have – to the best of my exopolitical assessment – individually experienced various kinds of contacts that supplement and complement each other’s views of the same coherent “exotheology” in which Jesus plays the important role of a most advanced Master, head of Earth’s White Brotherhood of benign and saintly beings following God’s benevolent will; a role allowed by being a/the spiritual representative in perfect unity with the Universal Christ Intelligence. As the story goes, his human physical body was prepared or modified by advanced extraterrestrials for him to incarnate as a human capable of sustaining a direct connection with the Cosmic Christ or Logos, the first Intelligence expressed from the Absolute or “the Father.” As the extraterrestrial transmissions go, his mission was to rescue (or redeem) humanity from completely falling into satanic-luciferian forces, some of which were made of discarnate negative extraterrestrial entities (in large part from Orion) who had perished on Earth after trying to interfere with human evolution. These forces attempting to influence world affairs have allegedly followed their leader “Satanael” who himself had become a follower of a powerful non-physical being in the Mental Universe known as “Lucifer.”
The information given by conscious will-respecting extraterrestrials working for a “Cosmic Plan” following Jesus Christ’s guidance for intervening on our planet and in connection with a spiritual hierarchy (the White Brotherhood of the Star) connected both to Earth, to the Galaxy and to the evolution of numerous civilizations in our local group of galaxies is that, after millions of years of evolution, many extraterrestrial civilizations became stuck on somewhat advanced high 4 or 5th dimensional levels of consciousness without being able to move beyond that as they became overly dependent on technology by being guided by (mostly benevolent) co-creator beings from the “Mental Universe.” After the Luciferian rebellion of a segment of beings from that Mental Universe they also experienced negative influences and severe conflicts but even earlier than that (by becoming dependent on beings from the Mental Universe guiding them along their evolution across the various planes of the Physical Universe) their capacity for deep spiritual sentiment (a subtlety that could reach into the Creator’s “heart”) became atrophied or underdeveloped missing what was necessary to reach the highest echelons of creation (a structure basically composed of a three-tiered Cosmos and various levels of consciousness occupying 7 physical, 3 mental and 2 spiritual planes). These beings (while not necessarily “negative”) needed to work under their respective levels of physicality using their wills, understandings and love in order to evolve. However they sorely needed to go beyond the excessively mental approach to life which the “ultraterrestrials” (those of the non-physical, angelic kingdoms in the Mental Universe) had taught them.
In these circumstances, the Logos; the Cosmic Christ; the first born which had emanated directly from God, the Absolute; that prism through which God the Father (an otherwise unreachable Absolute) proposed a “Divine Plan” which would entail a “fresh start”: to establish humanities in the Physical Universe gifted with a greater range of free will while living in biologically hyper dynamic planets, seeded by Life’s greatest potentials, even if prone to major survival dangers and to large degrees of uncertainty. These humanities would be able to experience a greater depth of feeling capable of connecting with the Spiritual Universe while eventually managing to live in harmony amidst highly life-challenging, physical conditions thus showing previous extraterrestrial civilizations the way to move forward. In these circumstances a large coalition of extraterrestrial civilizations accepted the Christ’s Plan as it had been transmitted to their most evolved individuals/masters and then intervened to contribute genetic and other characteristics. The net result would be more than the sum of the parts.
First spores of life were brought to specific planets to inseminate oceans with the possibility of actual life forms. Life evolved under natural laws which allowed intelligent patterns from the Creator’s Mind to materialize as the Creator worked through a chain of beings from the Mental and Physical Universes. We could say that these beings co-creating eternally exist like us within the Mind of God and their relative existences are sustained by God, the only real Being. More recent contact messages also mention that essential aspects of life on Earth was also assisted by life generating elements brought from Orion’s Nebulae and when humanoid species began to naturally develop on Earth at times they were combined with the genetic factors of various extraterrestrial lineages.
In other words, we potentially possess the combined capacities of several extraterrestrials that listened to the Christ’s Plan and to the Christ’s interpretation of the Father’s will. However, Lucifer and his followers from the Mental Universe opposed to be surpassed by a new and primitive physical species and thereafter also generated followers among many physical civilizations. Apparently, some of the negatively-oriented extraterrestrials known today are descendants of some of those original lineages and under karmic laws are allowed to intervene with restrictions until we become fully aware of who we are and-or command our rights and decide to stop this.
Out of 8 “UR” planets suitable for this major “experiment” 7 were destroyed by various sorts of cataclysms and even the Earth was destroyed millions of years before in its original timeline but a unique permission was granted by a council of the most evolved extraterrestrial masters in order to create an artificial timeline in which to relocate Earth before its destruction. We are allegedly living in this alternative timeline while having recently crossed point of beginning to merge with the original timeline. There’s great expectation in the Universe on how we will unfold becoming aware of who we are in the Cosmic scheme of things. How we solve our human conflicts, learn to live with technology while respecting “Pacha Mama,” forgive the errors (sins) or mistakes committed by many of our extraterrestrial relatives and learn to live in harmony all of life will be a unique example for the cosmic community and becoming the “harvest” which positive extraterrestrial groups will experience. Our unique “voice” or “note” in the Cosmos is just beginning to blossom as a fruit that has never been known before.
According to the benevolent extraterrestrial group (which involves beings from Orion that left their home worlds avoiding falling into negative warrior-based paths and beings from a higher physical vibration in Venus, certain Pleiadians, a planet called Cerpican, Xilox in the Andromeda Galaxy and colonists in Ganymede, the moon of Jupiter), after humanity began to evolve it was partially interfered by various ‘negativized’ extraterrestrial groups. There were also mistakes committed,sometimes in a paternalistic fashion. Besides that also human-ET hybrid colonies were installed on Earth. Under Satanic influences these colonies (like Mu and Atlantis) also experienced misgivings and conflicts and some of the survivors which remained steadfast to the original benevolent ethical precepts of their civilizations moved into underground bases and occasionally influenced the development of human civilizations (as in Egypt in the African continent and Tiwanacu next to Lake Titicaca in South America).
Before Jesus’ birth it was noticed that if humanity continued developing without a deeply felt reverence for a loving God, the sacredness of life and kindness to fellow human beings, the last surviving “UR” experiment would also fail. Under this conditions the Logos/Cosmic Christ originating the new evolutionary “Plan” “felt responsible” for the human plight and sent Master Jesus (the most evolved human), to show the most direct and deepest path to God (the way of love) and to represent with his teachings and living example a supreme act of forgiveness (in this case as a human when – for a moment – the Christ force apparently abandoned him) in the cross.
With Jesus’ presence on Earth, the course of history inevitably leading to self-destruction was changed and a new dispensation/opportunity was obtained. While service to others or benevolent extraterrestrial civilizations (even if sentimentally under developed) guide and recommend and humbly look forward to learn from what we can demonstrate, those still under the influences of Lucifer tend to denigrate our species and often pretend to forcefully extract or “harvest” our capacities obtaining permission from our subconscious premises and state of ignorance. However, the first ones also want us to remember our ancient and complex earthly and cosmic history and why – as souls – we came to Earth in the first place. They want us to become more aware of who we are in order to choose a conscious return to the cosmic family, being able to contact them by intelligently choice with respect and without dependencies.
In this story apparently transmitted to the three contactees previously mentioned (and to others also participating in the Mission Rahma contacts) Jesus’ role must be understood as compatible with in depth, non-Christian, religious perspectives. I believe that the concept of a “master” is key here and can be understood in a way that satisfies Christians and non-Christians alike. We would have to transcend and include some pre-Nicean Council understandings and come up with a Jesus that is compatible with the idea of a prophet as that of a Bodhisattva and of God’s “Logos” expressed as an “avatar” in human form. This would be a Jesus so infused by divine force that he becomes or – in fact -recognizes his ever-present, timeless unity with the Creator’s supreme Intelligence in such a way that (as a soul and as an expression of that Logos before creation) his relative being and understanding becomes indistinguishably fused with that of the Logos or the Absolute’s first expression. In a way he would still be a man expressing the will of God and in a way an identity with God’s “Logos.”
Furthermore, concepts similar to that of the “Logos” or supreme organizing, uncreated intelligence interpreting the will of the “Father” (perhaps equivalent to the “Para Brahm” in Vedic terms, and to the “Ain” in Jewish, mystical terms) may also occur within some understandings of Buddhism and mystical and philosophical Islam (for instance as “Bodhicitta” in the case of Buddhism and in the case of Islam as Fritjoff Schuon elucidated as an aspect of the a trinity expressed by God when understood with a relative sense). Even within the normally considered non-theological and deity non-compatible Buddhism the least known (and formerly suppressed) Maha Madhyamika/Jonangpa school posits an essence (compatible with the concept of the Absolute) to which the emptiness which all relative phenomena are inherently subjected to doesn’t apply.
Definitely I’m not saying that Jesus was an extraterrestrial or that the Creator is an extraterrestrial. The issues are much more deeper and sacred to minimize them like that! However, there’s a spiritual relationship that transcends the confines of the Earth and possesses a universal reach. Have the aforementioned contactees from Latin America been told part of a story and-or history that relates to Jesus because of the receptivity of their Catholic/Christian cultural background? What may be learned from similar contactees in the Far East, India, or perhaps Africa, Melanesia, Eastern Europe, Siberia, Indonesia or the Middle East? How much more of an exotheology will we have to discover and to carefully integrate under deep and “trans theological” patterns to mature as a planetary species?
If the Mission Rahma’s extraterrestrial messages are a valid account of part of our forgotten or unknown history we’ll have to overcome our exclusivist rejections of different superficially understood theologies to get at the crux of their meaning and of human history and destiny in relation to the Cosmos. We need to remember and to contact beings that respect us and may tell us more of our cosmic history. We also need to compare information from other similar contactee sources like George Adamski. On a deeper level of research we may find that that which connects us is more than that which separates us and that, as Thomas Merton showed, we may be climbing different sides of the same mountain even if the terrain looks seriously different on each side.
Interesting comments beyond a limited understanding of Jesus by Fr. Richard Rohr at
Nicolas Roerich allusion to intraterrestrial Masters of Wisdom– These masters are also recognized by a FEW knowledgeable persons within ANDEAN and contactee traditions in Perú
By Giorgio Piacenza
The creator of the term “exopolitics” (Alfred Webre) defined it as “”the study of political process and governance in interstellar society.”” In 2004 Dr. Michael Salla, promoting an academic exopolitics defined it as: “The study of the key individuals, institutions and political processes associated with extraterrestrial life.”
In 2009, the Strategy Committee of the Exopolitics Institute defined “exopolitics” as “an interdisciplinary scientific field, with its roots in the political sciences, that focuses on research, education and public policy with regard to the actors, institutions and processes, associated with extraterrestrial life, as well as the wide range of implications this entails through public advocacy and newly emerging paradigms.”
In order to practice exopolitics is it not absolutely necessary to believe that extraterrestrials are currently interacting with planet Earth and/or humanity but (in contrast to exobiology) it is necessary to at least seriously consider the legal, political, scientific, religious and cultural implications of what this presence could mean.
If diplomatic contact were established with other civilizations, who would represent the interests of common people, nations, the Earth and nature as a whole? Would it be the United Nations that until now is formed by nations that represent themselves in a forum to solve their differences in a peaceful way and to promote agreements? Would it be any of the more powerful nations like the U.S., Russia, China, India, Canada, Brazil? The European Union? How would religions be represented? And what about intellectuals, humanitarians, universities, scientific academies?
Most exopoliticians today consider that the accumulated evidence provided by a Ufology of a scientific character in the last six and a half decades has sufficiently demonstrated that we are being visited by a variety of intelligent beings from the Cosmos. That “ufology” would include not only physical evidence but contacteeism and abduction research, both of them now also called “experiencer research.” The exopoliticians would also consider that specific secret groups from some of the more powerful of the world’s nations have covered-up this fact, perhaps – among other reasons – to study the technology behind the mystery. They also basically agree that, by conducting these investigations without any checks and balances from civil society, the rights of citizens have been in some ways violated. Moreover, they would say that research has been conducted using public funds without submitting to democratic supervision or accountancy.
Is all of this warranted? Has it all been done only having national security inmind or have there been abuses of civil rights, even perhaps unwarranted enrichment? As a species, we need to heal all this. We need to know who we are. Why would ET’s be here? Can we or can’t we handle the truth? While there’s evidence that a fraction of humanity is experiencing genuine contact events with a variety of beings, there is still too much denial, fear and old-style covert militarism handling aspects of this situation, some of it perhaps managed for the sake of power, under a paradigm of disconnection, under a secret association of top aerospace corporations, elites, unacknowledged covert military projects and intelligence teams “in the know.”
Not only our leaders, but the mass of humanity needs to grow up beyond such an unending projection of conflict that also projects a continuity of our Earthly fears, hateful subdivisions,selfishness and conflicts into the Cosmos.
The growing emergence of credible whistleblowers who (in order to defend democratic ideals) reveal that they worked in secret government projects investigating UFOs and different kinds of extraterrestrial information is quite extensive. It is sufficient to carefully read the declarations recorded by the “Disclosure Project.” However, these and other informants and/or “whistleblowers”/credible concerned citizens have openly decared in venues such as “Project Camelot,” and “The Citizen’s Hearing for Disclosure.” In fact, Exopolitics Institute founder Dr. Michael Salla has also conducted interviews with individuals like William Mills Tompkins (with documents accrediting he worked for aerospace firms and for the U.S. Navy) regarding the existence of a secret space program dating back to the 1940’s.
Important cases indicative of the reasonable possibility that some of the effects were best explained by considereing the activities of technologically-advanced, non-human intelligences were researched and/or assessed by a high-ranking French team of security experts and scientists who produced the so-called “COMETA Report.” Furthermore, testimonies from military and government officials attesting about important (and even nationally recognized) unique UFO cases have been gathered by reporters like Leslie Kean. Also, the number of declassified UFO documents from countries like England and Brazil is significant. All of this and much more points to a physically real phenomenon, sometimes interactive, sometimes exhibiting intelligent behavior; a phenomenon that is already being officially investigated in several countries. Therefore, in a way, the U.S. is becoming an “odd” super power by not unequivocally publicly recognizing an interest in UFO research. Moreover, leaked classified documents (which in some cases have been carefully analyzed verifying their autheticity) exist. For example, see the work of Dr. Robert Wood (former Mc Donald Douglas scientist) on the SOM-1 101 documents for this.
There have also been physical analysis of implants found in persons who claim to have been abducted; implants possessing truly anomalous characteristics (like isotopes not naturally occurring on Earth, a nano technology apparently connected to the nervous system, the lack of an inflammation response, the emission of electromagnetic signals and no sign of entry) all indicates that (unless all can be explained by secret military operations) we are really facing a complex, intelligent presence that can only be irrationally ignored by preserving our own ignorance while other countries with a more open-minded attitude move forward in understanding.
As per further evidence of direct contact, “experiencer” testimony, the Edgar Mitchell Foundation for Research on Extraterrestrial Encounters (F.R.E.E.) has conducted a major international survey for persons that claim conscious memory recall of having experienced contact(s) with non-human intelligent beings inconnection to UFO sightings. Thousands of individuals have already responded in various languages and some unique patterns have arised (often challenging some widely held assumptions about the contact experience and abductions). Whether we consider these reports as sufficient proof that objectively real extraterrestrial contacts are happening or not, it would be ludicrous – from a scientific point of view – to simply dismiss these reports. This is an important type of research that adds more credibility regarding the extent and plausible objective reality of the contact phenomenon and sheds new and/or more precise information about it. A link to F.R.E.E. is
In addition to ancestral myths, stories and knowledge about “star visitors” there is well-researched, modern and old UFO photographs, some taken before the advent of the computer age. All of this points toward the realization that we are infact being “visited” in a semi-covert way. “They” normally seem to show up briefly and on a limited manner and leave all too soon. There are lies and misperceptions or mistaken identities, but it would be unreasonable to dismiss all of it as such.
Above, first a 1943 photo from Huánuco, Peru researched by Mr. Juan Manuel Llanos (from the Asociación Peruana de Ufología) and then a 1938 photo from Poland researched by Mr. Robert Bernatowicz from the Nautilus Foundation.
Outright dismissal and apathy toward what could be a most significant, worldview-changing situation can be explained by a deep-seated “not wanting to know” expressing itself in multiple ways. However, perhaps under a different exopolitical approach, this can gradually (if not speedily) be reverted. Is it unreasonable to think that the attitudes of ridicule, ultra secrecy, fear, power-seeking, religious condemnation and denial could play a role in extraterrestrials generally not being more open about their presence?
Since the Exopolitics Institute was created in the U.S., similar institutes and organizations have emerged in Germany, England, Spain, South Africa, Hong Kong and several high quality international conferences have been organized. The movement exists but has not reached a wider audience. One of themes more referred to in some conferences has been that of government secrecy. Another has been that of “Galactic Diplomacy.” Then again, friendly interactions besides forced interventions (abductions) conducted by some varieties of extraterrestrial entities have been mentioned. Also, some of the information brought by some contactees (showing some degree of evidence like photographs, other witnesses and videos) has been analyzed. Moreover, information from different parts of the world has been incipiently cross-referenced.
To simply say that the ET presence is “impossible” according to the laws of physics (such as those we havefound as per classical physics and General Relativity) would be to affirm that we know is where the limits of older civilizations stand. It would be equivalent to ignoring the fact that science often advances with amazing strides and that it continuously overcomes its own limits, finding unexpected ways to build on past successes. It would be equivalent to categorically stating that the non-local findings of quantum mechanics will never be applicable to large, everyday objects. Perhaps by learning to distort the spatial energy density at the zero-point “quantum vacuum” and by understanding the non-local way inertia operates we would come to understand that the normal physical limits are a valid but also restricted to a local situation and within a range that can be overcome.
Engineers Tom Valone, Eugene Mallove and Thomas Bearden performed very interesting studies about how some of the elements of extraterrestrial technologies might operate. The“emDrive” devised by Roger Shawyer is also quite promising and only seems to violate Newton’s second law. These possiblities have to do with an interactive quantum vacuum. Parts of this technology might serve to generate forms of clean energy and may be released to the public if it is found that they cannot be weaponized.
In April 2013 at the National Press Club in Washington, DC 40 witnesses declared before 6 former U.S. congressmen (and citizens from the U.S. and around the world) in a mock (yet damn serious) public hearing under oath. Peru was well represented by retired Coronel Oscar Santa María Huertas (who intercepted with his jet fighter and shot at an alien space craft during a massive daytime sighting above La Jolla Airforce Base in 1980, Peru) and by the attorney Anthony Choy (researcher of the “Chulucanas Incident” in northern Peru and one of the civilian founding members of OIFAA, the Peruvian Airforce’s Research Office of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena). Their declarations contributed to the “eye-opening” or “discovery environment” co-generated with the shocking declarations of the other witnesses. Former U.S. intelligence officers, veteran researchers with serious degrees of evidence about a cover-up, plus captains, sergeants, majors and coronels (like Richard French) from the U.S. and other countries, also contributed with their very clear and objective declarations that point toward extraterrestrial “visitation.” Retired Coronel Ariel Sánchez from the Republic of Uruguay narrated how in his country “anomalous aerial objects” are studied with greater openness, educating the civilian population without conclusive saying that extraterrestrials are here but (like other official research organizations in LatinAmerica) without discarding the extraterrestrial presence as a reasonable POSSIBILITY.
The former U.S. congress persons (Merrill Cook, Darlene Hooley, Carolyn Kilpatrick, Mike, Gravel, Roscoe Bartlett, Lynn Woolsey) had arrived to the hearing with some skepticism knowing little about the wide-ranging UFO subject matter but were quite impressed by the quality of the witnesses assembled. In the end they suggested that some other country or group of countries (perhaps Latin American countries) formally ask the United Nations to produce an international conference on the theme of UFOs/the ET presence. They did recognized that it was an important issue of global scope that concerns everyone. A former Brazilian senator was present and promised that, upon returning to his country, he would promote this idea. Also UFO researcher Ademar J. Gevaerd announced that the Brazilian Air Force had declared that it would not only declassify thousands of UFO files (besides what they had already declassified) but that it would collaborate more closely with civilian researchers.
The in-depth studies of historian Richard Dolan and of other notable concerned citizens, exopoliticians, academicians and activists like Michael Salla, Stephen Bassett, Daniel Sheehan and Steven Greer seemed to show that the cover-up of the extraterrestrial presence will not be sustained for much too long. Hundreds of DVD’s containing the all the hearing’s declarations and inquiries from the former congressmen were sent to current congressional leaders but years have gone by and little or no interest has been shown.
However, in society in general,the taboo that implies simply speaking about this likely presence is winding down. The same goes for events deemed “paranormal” which also seem to be “impossible” but which innumerable studies (including meta statistical studies such as those conducted by Dr. Dean Radin) show that they are not.
But what we need a more flexible mindset to create a more inclusive worldview in which science and these events related with subjectivity are compatible. We need to update the mental narratives that define or color our self-identities, doing it with empirically and scientifically proven awareness that we indeed participate in a vaster, psychical, conscious, multi-layered, coherent, non-local, feedback and feed forward, intelligent information matrix dependent of a more essential spiritual reality.
But what role will Peru and Peruvian thinkers play when the reality of this presence is (even if gradually or partially) finally revealed and/or vastly acknowledged? How will a Peruvian (or similar developing country) Government react when information about possible semi-legal agreements with some ultra covert military forces have been discretely made (without democratic supervision) with specific extraterrestrial groups, some of which may not have our best interests at heart? Will an international leadership form to establish contact with other, more pro-human extraterrestrial civilizations?
I surmise that Andean countries like Peru generally possess cultural traditions which are more flexible and adaptive, even to events that escape prosaic physical explanations. Populations have been culturally suppressed but have sincretically adapted. They found attractive commonalities between what they knew and some Western Christian beliefs and practices. While the acceptance of all forms of life is more natural in the original Native American traditions in which connectivity with subtle energies is also easier, the sense of the Sacred as felt and colored in relation to Christian Catholic concepts like the supreme Love, Understanding and Power of Jesus also connect some contactees (and potentially other members of society) with the possibility of interacting with very highly evolved, benevolent extraterrestrial and intra terrestrial beings.
We strive in the modern, religious and traditional worlds without being excessively defined by any of these. Its upside is adaptability. Its downside is not having well-defined values. However, unless modernity, decadent institutions, corruption, materialist and consumer values overtake us completely, we may have more possibilities for culturally adapting to new exopolitical realities and even of contributing some original perspectives to the emerging exopolitical movement.
I intuit that some of the ancestral Andean Traditions (in union with current/modern knowledge) can help us to produce our own theoretical models in relation to Exopolitics and in relation to the cultural transformations implied. After extensive reading and participating in a few traditinal ceremonies, I will use my own interpretations of what sone of the Andean concepts might refer to. A particular tradition called “Tinkuy” or “unforced encounter” may be intellectually (and feeling-wise) quite useful to connect with other worlds.
By means of contact “experiencers” in general and researchers like psychiatrist Dr. John Mack from Harvard; by means of information from whistleblowers and a long-standing research (at least since the beginning of the “Modern UFO Era” in the 1940s) which includes the physical and psychical aspects of UFO encounters, we can safely say that we know that contact events with extraterrestrials tend to produce physical space-time anomalies together with pronounced interactions between the minds and consciousnesses involved. As in Native American natural medicine (often erronesously called “shamanism”), what in modern times is called “subjective” blends in with what is called “objective,” showing that these events correspond to other kinds of more inclusive, reconciling, interactive laws. This calls for a new kind of science integrating physics with classical and “paranormal” experience, consciousness, meaningfulness, rational metaphysics much more.
Perhaps the Andean concept of RECIPROCITY (Ayni) (part of a much more complex wisdom) can guide us. Maybe we can also demonstrate that, just as we have adapted in a syncretic but creative way (at least until postmodernism and excessive commercialism without losing our original identity) to European ideas and mores, to Christianity and Modernity during the processes of cultural crossbreeding and the assimilation of foreign cultural patterns, we could also adapt to the new world which would form under the open recognition of the extraterrestrial presence without undergoing an excessively intense cultural shock. Perhaps we (and humanity everywhere) will demonstrate that the essential esoteric teachings of our religions rather than disappearing would interconnect and broaden, get richer and deepen.
What if besides God’s universal laws and patterns defining what an ideal human being is, varieties of ETs (likewise ultimately dependent upon those and/or other patterns) also contributed to our gene pool? Should we be protected from that knowledge like everalsting children? No, because I think that we can grow up and adapt. But we need to know and not just that ETs are here, that there are kind and unkind ones, that some elements still called “the government” have lied to us or that there is advanced multiple reality shifting technology. I think that we need to know about our origins and who we are or were supposed to be in relation to beings that may have been active on Earth far longer than a few decades.
I think we are much more resilient and that the “Durant Report” conclusion for the “Robertson Panel”about the dangers of contacting a more advanced civilization was not too valid. The possibility of syncretism enriching rather than diminishing human civilization is real as long as the cultural leaders representing the highest wisdom of a civilization are not eliminated or suppressed. The danger would be when a civilization forgets the highest principles that guide it as can happen not only in Perú but also in the U.S. and the Western world which brought liberal democracy and with it, some univeral human rights principles that should extend worldwide but which may be hundered if we continue on a stubborn path of prompting elites, discordant ideologies, abusive exploitationof nature, commoditizing and objectifying people, continuous superficial entertainment and exalting winners over losers and violence.
What if the Ideal Man (the Adam Kadmon) was indeed a Divine creation in a higher (now mythicized) plane of existence and what ETs might have done as per our physical vehicles is but a small part of it all? What if ‘they’ need us to grow up and -due to our ignorance about who we are and lack of political unity – some go about it more aggressively while others more spiritually and respectfully? And among them, who would be more politically convenient to openly establish closer bonds with? Should we prioritize contacts with beings first willing to share metaphysical knowledge rather than contacts with beings willing to share a technology with the potential to mire us into firther cycles of conflict? Should we let any secret government appointees represent humanity and handle the exopolitics?
How can exopolitics really develop in Peru interacting with the world? What are our potentials? There already is a certain flexibility and openness. There’s also a native way of thinking about complementarity between dynamic opposites in the original Andean tradition and it may be philosphically and culturally useful. But in “modernizing Perú” there’s also a growing allegiance to modern entertaiment and commercial, cultural, political, economic forces and a psychology of cynicism due to extensive corruption.
Our Air Force was open to receive reports from citizens and spoke openly about what was being reported or researched. If we – as citizens or even within institutions – were to collaborate with bona fide contactees able to communicate with beings willing to provide evidence this would give us an unusual recognition if we were able to become earnestly/responsibly interested and able to film -with interactive clarity – actual extraterrestrial (transdimensional) vehicles during programmed appointments for those sightings. Thus, can we seek this interaction with ‘them’ to help them be less ‘unusual’ in our presence by accepting them with the same respect they bestow on us? I think so.
As Latin Americans in general and as Peruvians in particular we can perhaps stand out in this type of “connective exopolitics” of…CONTACT; of taking a stance to relate Humanity and the Earth system with more benign, positive beings that respect us more thoroughly in order to learn and educate (they can learn from us as we can learn from them) in an essentially egalitarian exchange, respecting our common essence without generating dependencies. The Qu’ero people of the Andes and other native American compatriots perhaps know there are advanced beings that live underground among us in the planet. The “Paco Pacuris”….They also are in the Peruvian territory protecting…Earth.
As a people we are a hope for the planetary future of exopolitical relations if we maintain and respect and enhance these benign relations. Possibly in all Native American traditions there is an easygoing, calmer acceptance of a variety of experiences that connect us with other intelligences, ancestors, nature spirits, even star beings. All of them – like humans (Runas) – simply are conscious beings. Accepting a relationship (Tinkuy) with other types of Runas (other “humans” or intelligent beings with differing inner capacities to connect and toco-create) would simply extend the range of our “home,” that part of the universal tapestry that we can perceive, interact with and which imposes limits and responsibilities upon us.
What appears to our awareness, especially in a community-sanctioned form, can be incorporated into our reality system. Relationships are the main factors in non-polluted Andean thinking and only through relationships can something really exist. Concepts such as reciprocity, male and female complementarity in everything and parity (the idea that anything that exists comes in pairs), lend themselves to recognizing further relationships among all entities. This thinking tends not to be “essentialist” as in the Western traditions, but everything is considered “alive” and basically originating in what can be understood as a dimensionless center called CHAUPIN. Moreover, levels of reality (often connected with wat could be called “time frames”) are accepted and encounters between beings and realities are said to generate new forms of existence. Thus, a natural or unforced “encounter” (or TINKUY) with beings from other realities can generate creative outcome that enriches the tapestry of life. The distinction between worlviews, the sacred and daily life is less important and there’s an emphasis in responsibility. Feeling (munay), thinking/conceptually understanding (yachay) and acting (llankay) are integrated and equally important.
The division of reality into three levels and four areas all of which originate from what may be considered an indefinable (maybe “non-dual” Source – the Living Energy or “Force” (Kawsay) – may also be another key concept, compatible with current philosophical advances like Integral Theory.
I think that, as a particular exopolitical expression, we can take the initiative of communicating more actively with protective beings in order to balance the Earth system, the expressions of its Living Energy or “Force” (Kawsay). In the Andean traditions it is understood that there is “heavy” force (or energy, so to speak) and that some beings live under it but benign curandero and priestly practices exist to lighten up this burden and heal. Thus (as in other native American traditions) the existence of some “service-to-self” extraterrestrial entities could be more naturally accepted and there can be practices to neutralize or restore human and planetary life that has been influenced by them.
Forgiveness and a fresh openness to a more positive path is possible and lies ahead.
The first photo on the left is from Teotihuacan, Mexico when UFOs were seen during a meditation led by Peruvian contactee Sixto Paz Wells. There are several other contactees and telepaths potentially capable of same. It’s important to continue with these pro-active, amicable human-extraterrestrial citizen efforts worldwide.
The second image depicts that when the center of the Andean Cross (Tawa Chakana) is placed over Cuzco a 45 degree angle to its upper-left center tip aligns with important sacred sites (Huacas) along the Capaq Ñan (Inca and pre-Inca road system). An intermediate line between the north-south line and the main 45 degree NW Capaq Ñan line would play an important part in ancient cosmic rituals related with alignment of the Earth and the concept of “tying up the Sun.”
“Chakana” means “bridge” (a bridge for an interwoven, relational, multi-level reality) and the “Tawa Chakana” (the four-sided chakana) also represents an Andean cosmology about how reality is structured and connected. If adequate, it may help understand how universal influences structure the cosmic tapestry that extraterrestrials (capable of modifying spacetime and of utilizing psychic, spiritual and material aspects) also understand. It could be useful to understand the creation, relationships and connectivity among realities born from the unforced encounter (Tinkuy) of distinct realms.
This symbolIt has an open center (Chaupin) or Source of Life. “Yana” would mean “pure” or “flour” or “clear”. “Yanan” (also meaning dark) would represent dependent reflection, a necessary illusion. “Masintin” would represent a specific influence among equals or a parts-generating influence which can be conflictive or cooperative. “Yanantin” would represent the ideal harmony between two opposites that complement. Yana, Yanan, Masintin, Yanantin would be primordial influences that combine into 4 areas of expression and each would basically express within three “worlds,” including an actual world of already-existing (organizing?) principles (Hanan Pacha) and an interior, emerging, future-oriented, potential and/or chaotic, but psychologically real world (Uku Pacha). The middle level (Kay Pacha) would be a world of perceivable, relational experiences for anyone living in it and would be generated by the natural or unforced encounter (Tinkuy) of the other two worlds. It would maintain the characteristics of the parent worlds but also be born (and relationally sustained) with its own original contribution to the tapestry of Life.
Ritual cosmological representations (“mesas”) made by curanderos (andean priests, ritualists or “paqos”) also often divide these into 4 general “spaces” (or “canchas”) formed by combining “Yana” “Yanan” “Hanan” and “Uku.” It is more speculative but, in a certain sense, “Masintin,” representing indivisible or unique entities in equal relationships with each other would correlate with “Hanan” (as clearly-given principles) and “Yanantin,” representing dual and harmonious, but less defined relationships, would correlate with “Uku.”
There might be different combinations between the Hanan and Uku pachas giving rise to worlds of experience with different characteristics (perhaps different “densities” if they are physical). From our physical perspective the Hanan Pacha would correspond to what is called the Seed World in Vedanta Cosmology (Causal in Theosophy) and the Uku Pacha would correspond to what is known as the Subtle or Mental World.
The basic Andean Chakana can also be multiplied as a fractal. The most advanced Andean “priests” (Ruwa Altum Misayoq) would be able to travel across many or all worlds by first going into the center.
If our paradigms (theoretical models and methods) explaining empirical, interactive episodes with non-human intelligent entities and realities can be enhanced by ancient Andean traditions that can also complement and supplement other ancient wisdom traditions, current thinking on quantum physics (like the Quantum Hologram Theory of Consciousness) and emerging transdisciplinary and integrative philosophies, the stated goals of “Exopolitics” (as expressed in the 2009 Exopolitics Institute’s definition) would be facilitated.
Further information:
By Giorgio Piacenza What extraterrestrial civilizations would be most convenient to contact as friends and allies of humanity? Should “Apunians” be high on the list of a citizen’s contact initiative? Individuals currently claim they are contacting these helpful ETs. However, I also conducted the following interview in Lima, Peru in 1994 while Vlado Kapetanovic Bulatovic was still alive. Mr. Kapetanovic (who was naturalized as a Peruvian citizen) passed away in 2005 and is considered to have been the first contactee in Peru to speak about contacts with beings from planet “Apu.” He was well-known and respected among ET-contact-interested individuals and UFO researchers. He was invited by Wendelle C. Stevens to the First International UFO Conference and – due to his inspiring, straightforward humanitarian message – received a standing ovation. He transmitted the feeling that relatively easy contacts with respectful, human extraterrestrials were possible.
Allegedly, people contacting the “Apunians” didn’t require any special preparation. Mr. Kapetanovic was born in Kolasin, Montenegro in 1918 and after the Second World War came to Peru to work as an hydroelectric engineer. Vlado was a kind, humble, affable and generous man who wrote “170 Horas con Extraterrestres” under the pseudonym of “Vitko Novi.” The book was published in Spanish, German and Italian, but also in English by Wendelle C. Stevens (in the English version 70 Hours were taken away from the title by mistake). Well, Vlado (like the Apunians) basically inspired benevolence. His first book (“170 Horas con Extraterrestres”) is more credible as it basically narrates events. Subsequent books (like “Galaxia X-9”) seem to be based on what he recalls and partially re-interprets about the history of the world, the creation of the universe and other things that were allegedly shown to him through three dimensional “time screens” on board an Apunian space craft. Besides Vlado Kapetanovic there are other contactees in Peru who claim to have had physical contacts with the Apunians. Among them, Sixto Paz Wells from Mision Rahma, Ricardo Gonzalez and Roberto Vargas de la Gala. One of the best known Apunians is called “Godar” and I also know a Uruguayan couple who have allegedly contacted Godar besides those mentioned. These contactees’ information about the Apunians matches Vlado’s but only partially so. In Vlado’s case, they are more like “kind people” that interact with Andean shepherds in a helpful way and even accept prepared food and eat with them. They are said to come from another more evolved “galaxy” which Vlado calls “X-9.” In the other contactee cases, the Apunians come from “Alpha Centauri” and are sometimes contacted physically and-or holographically through artificially generated, visible space-time connecting, energy bubbles called “Xendras.” They are human-looking and over 7’ tall but also considered very respectful and protective. Contacting this variety of Apunians normally requires physical, mental and spiritual preparations as if they maintain a higher energy state. Interestingly, the word “Apu” is very important here in Peru and refers to the powerful spirits of the mountains, to a “lord,” to something sublime and to community leaders. Allegedly, Vlado’s first encounter took place in Hydroelectric Plant of Huallanca, in Ancash, Peru and subsequent encounters took place in a small settlement of high altitude (between 11,000-13,000 feet approximately) shepherds above the right margin of the “Quitaraxa River,” near Los Cedros Creek, not far from “Champara” mountain and close to “Milwacocha.” One of the alleged witnesses was a technician whose last name was “Quispe” and another one was called Adrian Perez. I haven’t located them personally to verify the story but can attest that, during some psychographic communications with alleged “Apunians” (communications in which some family members and friends were involved and which led to clear UFO sightings in the beach of the coastal town of Chilca, south of Lima), alleged “Apunian” ETs held Vlado Kapetanovic in high regard.
I haven’t seen photographs or UFO films related with this case. It mostly rests on the authenticity Vlado exuded and perhaps on finding a few living witnesses. Mr. Julio Longo who lived with Vlado in Salamanca de Monterrico, Lima attests in favor of Vlado’s sincerity. Anthony Choy (well-known Peruvian UFO researcher) mentions that he met neighbors who saw UFOs near Vlado’s home. Tobías Sarmiento was Vlado’s replacement engineer at the hydroelectric in Huallanca and might still live. A man named Adrian Perez is mentioned in Vlado’s account but I haven’t met him. Veterinarian José Antonio Torre Ferrara allegedly met some of the witnesses of Vlado’s encounters. He lives in Lima and I’m going to research this.
Vlado Kapetanovic : Interviewed by Giorgio Piacenza Vlado Kapetanovic (Vitko Novi), born in 1918, is a Yugoslavian electrical engineer who experienced hundreds of physical contact hours with the Apunians in the highlands of Peru. He is highly regarded by some people communicating with ETs in Peru and is a responsible altruistic man living a very simple life. This interview took place in Lima in September of 1994 and speaks about some of his first encounters with a very benevolent and old race of friends to the human race. GP– Who are they Vlado? VK– They are persons that live on a planet they call “Apu,” which is many millions of light years distant from our galaxy. GP– How do they look? VK– They look the same as us, yet they are physically better proportioned (than most on Earth). They can be as tall as they wish to; some are taller than two meters and some are shorter. GP– When did your contacts begin? VK– On March 10, 1960, at the Hydroelectric Plant of Huallanca in Ancash, Peru. One night the light went out… I was an electrical technician in charge of the plant… I went outside to start the D.C. emergency system and met with such a light that it seemed to be daytime. It came from a saucer resting on a piece of land between two nearby rivers. The security guard, Quiroz, told me not to approach because “they are persons that do much good up in the villages… they he-l us, make it rain and every-thing.” I just thought they were from the military because somehow they had passed through the electric cables. Nevertheless, I asked Quiroz where they were from and he said. “They are our friends from planet Apu.” Thinking that he was drunk, I told him to set down. Walking towards the light, I encountered two human persons. They saluted me in my own language (Yugoslavian), but this didn’t surprise me because anyone can learn languages. I asked them why they had caused the interruption and they answered, “Friend, we don’t come to Earth to harm anyone, but to help our terrestrial brothers…everything for others.” then they climbed into the ship and left. GP-How was your second contact? VK– On April 2, 1960, a technician and I went for a hike.1 On a plain we found shepherds with their animals. There was a campfire and suddenly one of the shepherds came to us and aggressively asked, “What do you want here?” I told him that we were hunting pumas. Then he abruptly said, “go over there.” Suddenly, another person approached from the campfire gathering and I recognized him as one of those persons that I had seen at the hydroelectric plant. He gave me his hand and the shepherd allowed me to pass through. We sat around and one of the foreigners stood up and said he would demonstrate a “gymnastic exercise” for our liking. He pressed some buttons on his chest, his pants became wider like balloons then flew around and returned. Thinking that I was being hypnotized, I walked back home. GP– How was your third experience? VK– On May 15, 1960, Quispe the technician and I went for a walk to the hills and we met with shepherds in huts near a campfire. Out of a hut came a crying boy and a crying lady. We asked this lady why she was crying and she responded that a week ago one of her boys had fractured his spine and several ribs. Then we went into the hut to see her boy. He was about ten years old and his body had a deep blue color associated with gangrene. We asked her to allow us to take the boy to the town of Caraz for treatment. She emphatically rejected this proposal because “the g-ds will come to heal him”. I was expecting them to dance naked and invoke the spirits when suddenly a small airplane descended vertically without any noise. Everyone around the campfire stood up when a woman stepped out of this craft, approached and went into the hut. Carrying the little boy in her arms, she took him into the airplane. Everyone around me kneeled down, but I remained standing until my companion told me to kneel. She then approached and said, “Please stand up. We don’t come to Earth to be thanked, paid, or worshipped on your knees because we have the sacred mission of doing everything for others.” We all stood up, She approached and I asked her, “What have you done with the boy?” She responded, “I disintegrated him into minius1 and then reintegrated him with healthy cells.” Again, I asked her, “What does that mean?” She made a gesture with her hands and turned seven sheep into flower vases. I still thought she could make me see anything through hypnosis. She commented that on Earth “We, as a people, usually think what we can see or do selfishly.”
“Then, where are you from,” I asked her, “From Earth or Apu?” “I am from Earth, but have lived in Apu for 100 years.” Then she moved her hand once again and the vases turned into seven doves. Some dogs ran after them and I thought, “Poor dogs, they are as hypnotized as me.” Suddenly, she moved her hand and the seven sheep reappeared. Then, the lady invited us to go into the airplane to see events on the “time screens”. Quispe, a few shepherds and I went into the craft and on the wall we saw a glass screen that began to reproduce everything we thought. We saw the birth and life of Jesus Christ and the way in which a section of Apu was somehow once connected with the Lake Titicaca region. We also saw how a “cellular planet” touched this region and promoted life. This is why there are some strange animals on the lake (such as the giant frogs) that were investigated by a team of French scientists. GP– What is the Apunians’ main message, Vlado? VK– They don’t know how to hate. They just reject the negativity and soften it. This is why they don’t have any wars. They are friends of all intelligent beings in the universe. If someone attacks them they disintegrate them and reintegrate them as a friend. Their main message is expressed by the phrase “everything for others.”3 GP– Do you still have contacts? VK– I have contacts every now and then. One has to concentrate and relax for this. But they are among us every day since they can appear as whites, blacks, Orientals or whatever is necessary.
By Giorgio Piacenza
On April 12, 2013, The Rachel Maddow Show from MSNBC gave us a full segment on the upcoming Citizen’s Hearing on Disclosure to be held in Washington DC between April 29 and May 5, 2013. Her segment was titled “Watch This Space” and mentioned that, not long ago, the White House was forced to respond (after receiving 12,000 signatures) to a “We the People Petition” to reveal an extraterrestrial presence visiting Earth. While the White House’s Office of Science & Technology Policy responded in the negative in that “there is no credible evidence” for this. Could it be that the White House will indefinitely represent the policy of official denial in a world in which Brazil, Mexico, Chile, Belgium, England and other countries are revealing part of the UFO report files? Can a simple denial from an Office (which probably is neither informed, or has cared to carefully investigate) appease the general citizenry (perhaps for a few more decades) and that’s about it?
Probably, official denial won’t hold too much water this time as a 5-day marathon fake hearing in a room configured at the National Press Club to resemble a Senate hearing with the participation of 5 genuine former members of Congress. This event invites us all who are convinced that there is serious credible evidence of the extraterrestrial presence to support -as Ed Komarek says-our leaders for them to come out finding the courage to treat this subject seriously. We should be healing, rather than negative about our leaders since we are all part of the same human situation facing an eye-opening reality. It is a big step for our leaders to take as initially worldviews are questioned and “orthodox” science (it wouldn’t be likely for ETs to get here they say) which is the official “common sense” standard for most institutionally-focused persons would also be questioned. However as Rachel Maddow showed (taking an honest initiative among the large U.S. networks), it may take a make believe congressional hearing to allow the Government to take notice move on with the issue (as the U.S. is one of the world’s last holdouts of official government denial of a major country’s interest in the UFO phenomenon).
This is news as it may well be a sure-footed beginning…not unlike taking a first step into a new direction that can change the destiny of a major journey; a first long-lasting, political-cultural step towards recognizing the legitimacy and respect for the issue of the many important (legal, scientific, philosophical, spiritual, political) implications of a genuine extraterrestrial presence. More news networks and opinion-guiding institutions should follow (unless told to keep away or to downplay it?) in one way or another even if their spoke persons -by training and habit- may still attempt to throw to us a reaction-provoking, tongue-and-cheek style, either to dismiss or simply to create a form of controversy. Bryce Zabel and Richard Dolan’s analytically-adequate book A.D. (After Disclosure) might also become newsworthy, at least among the next generation of the daring intelligentsia trying to catch up with the Exopolitical issues that should have been recognized about 65 years ago (and are already being seriously discussed by individuals like Michael E. Salla and Manuel Lamiroy).
Rachel Maddow announced that the five former senators will be paid $ 20,000 each to conduct the hearings. I don’t know about that detail but I know that the witnesses in general are seriously reporting very real -even if incredible- aspects of a worldwide phenomenon that could be admitted in many objective and impartial courts and that has been officially and non-officially recognized since the 1940’s but which, in spite of enormous amounts of adequate evidence (including physically analyzed alien implants ) it has been largely ignored, debunked, laughed at and distorted by most of our cultural, political, scientific and religious leaders. Let’s study the whole of the Exopolitical phenomena inclusively, both in its objective and in its qualitative aspects.
Other important pro-disclosure events (like Dr. Steven Greer’s Disclosure Project gathering of important witnesses in 2001 at the National Press Club) have taken place and interest has peaked and subsided as the media gave a lukewarm coverage to them. However, Larry King from CNN was valiant enough to interview several key witnesses as well. This time there is a greater opportunity for the issue to cease being in the entertaining fringe boondocks of Fantasia and to gradually (or even sooner) become a cultural “meme” as seriously considered as the national debt or other normal political concerns. The more respectable individuals like former Canadian Minister of Defence Paul Hellyer speak up, the less movers and shakers and regular folk will try to look the other way (so as to look respectable within formal culture). The less the issue elicits smirks, fear, denial or excessive, blinding enthusiasm , the more we’ll be able to collectively deal with its implications, change our selves on purpose as adults and (literally) soar to the Cosmos. My take on this is that dangerous technological secrets (one of the valid reasons for the cover-up/truth embargo) will still be kept for quite some time and -after some degree of official disclosure- we will continue with our lives while gradually opening up to a whole new world in which science, metaphysics and spirituality are seen as a more complete kind of knowledge. Moreover, the possibility of strengthening positive, mutually-respectful relations with conscious human choice-respecting varieties of ETs could also come to fruition as this option would be in the natural interest of most people on Earth.
By Giorgio Piacenza
Is this old news or current news? Well it is happening now. And how many people know of the latest findings (PHYSICAL EVIDENCE) of extraterrestrial implants? From the research of podiatric surgeon Roger Leir , chemist material scientist (and nano tube technological expert) Steve Colbern and physicist Robert Koontz I’ll summarize it for you. A good reference is found here. Grey Alien Implants: A worldwide phenomenon or perhaps localized by zones but in many cases they are physically detectable. Have you noticed a strange object after a strange dream or sleep paralysis?
Prosaic answers will most likely suffice but in some cases…actual advanced alien implants have been detected. What are they made of? Quite often Meteoric Iron (with non-earthly isotopes) with cobalt and significant amounts of iridium. They have isotopic ratios that do not occur naturally on Earth. One was of a class of nickel-iron meteorites called hexahedrites. Speculatively: Heavier isotopes might have been formed near the galactic core and-or due to supernovas. They are normally irregular and covered with an oily shell+ hard coating that prevents body rejection. Produce no immune response. Biological tissue grows from the metal. This was seen with EDX Electron Microscopy. Some of the implants emit FM electromagnetic radiation radio signals before removal in scalar-related frequencies 93 MHz, 15 MHz, even a frequency used in sattelite space communications. Seem to have a surface coating, sensitive to phonons in order to retransmit soundwaves.
If you break them they reassemble (Bob Koontz). There are carbon nano tube electronics in these devices not found in nature (Steve Colbern). They seem to be single-wall nano tubes. Steve Colbern, chemist material scientist, nano technician finds them far advanced from formal Earth (and possibly covert Earth) technology. Roger Leir mentions that they are often found in many places, rather superficially in the body but also near bones. Nerve cells connect to the devices!! Some of the objects have strong magnetic fields of over 10 milligauss. Some 15% of abductees show significant fluorescent glows on skin area for up to 1 month (detectable with UV-A, but more with UV-B and UV-C). Small metal detectors and X-rays and Gauss meters can detect them in the body. Off course if with X-rays it’s difficult to locate them CAT scans can locate them more precisely. No visible signs of entry/no known portal of entry. If entry signs are detected right after an implant event they close up and leave no mark in a day or two. About 24 implants have been recovered. Some have regular ortho rhombic crystalline structures of sodium chloride that are rectangular and varying in size (Steve Colbern). Perhaps they are used to generate scalar radio frequencies (Bob Koontz). Often when podiatric surgeon Roger Leir tries to remove them with surgical steel they move away from the scalpel. If about 2% of U.S. population with various signs of abduction is really indicative, perhaps the number of implanted people is -relatively speaking- quite large. If this is real. How many individuals are being implanted or monitored in other ways by non-grey ET beings? This is constantly news because it is still happening and new evidence is always coming up. See this evidence directly obtained by Joanne Summerscales from AMMACH at the 2013 IUFOC (see embedded video or click here).
Toward Convenient & Constructive Exopolitical Contacts
By Giorgio Piacenza Cabrera
Conscious contacts after invitations are happening right now. Many Mision Rahma (for the most part, Hispanic) contactees have discovered other worlds physically, mentally, astrally, telepathically, and through holographic projections. They have befriended respectful extraterrestrials that in my view- exist in a higher physical level, a reason why the contactees’ bodies, minds and energy fields had to be prepared to achieve healthy encounters. Elements of a once lost complex history of humanity have been recuperated which unfortunately, includes various forms of abusive and mistaken extraterrestrial interventions. However besides indigenous Earth genetics- we may have been genetically combined with at least 12 major extraterrestrial species relates us to “them,” to their tendencies, their abilities, their genetically associated descendants and offshoots and to their spiritual and psychic potentials. Thus, there is a great expectation among many ET groups and subgroups because they want to learn from us how to move ahead in evolution. While most adhere to strict ethical norms and principles and are aligned in respect to Earth’s representative the universal sovereign Master Jesus the Christ– with what we could term a large Confederation also under the spiritual guidance of 24 Elders in our Galaxy and 9 Elders in the Andromeda Council there are some (human, reptile and grey looking) who may follow their own independent, non-aligned paths. Some are Orions under a Luciferian influence. Although some of these ET varieties may have some rights to intervene in a limited way on planet Earth (also called Merla by other civilizations) all are monitored and supervised. Moreover, since Earth is in a type of ‘cosmic quarantine’, some rogue ET types having nothing to do with our special human history are not allowed to interfere and there are overseers that stop them. Those (both positively and negatively inclined) already participating are allowed specific kinds of intervention according to need but must follow specific protocols because the interests of many ET groups as a whole are at stake. This is why not one group has simply and crudely invaded us. There’s a general agreement and supervised control mechanisms so that not one group excedes itself as it may have happened in the past.
The overall situation involving the many extraterrestrial civilizations, groups and subgroups intervening on Earth is much more complex, unified and interrelated than normally expected and cannot be reduced to a simple explanation. However, there are underlying patterns that can be elucidated and the word complex should not be a turn off against learning. Additionally, in my own view, a shared degree of transdimensional technologies force all extraterrestrial coming into our shared reality to abide by mutual respect rules because the waywardness of one could also be adverse to the needs and projects of others.
As part of the process signaled by the end of the more known long count Mayan calendar humans are supposed to gradually reconnect with (and to become aware of) a timeline that involves most extraterrestrial groups involved in humanity’s seeding. Allegedly, from the ETs perspective their timeline will be affected sooner and in my understanding- we will affect them as if we had an “internal” locus of control with respect to to them. However, from our terrestrial perspective, we will gradually connect with their timeline. Furthermore, a third timeline (resulting from the fusion) is emerging.
Now, besides becoming more aware of our history; besides remembering who we are, understanding cosmic principles and gradually joining or participating in the multidimensional Cosmos; besides becoming aware of our full manifestation potential as highly unique beings (according to God’s Plan), capable of connecting the three main realms of God’s Creation(without technology), many extraterrestrials of our forgotten history hope that once we find out- we’ll find the inner strength and fortitude to forgive them from the terrible mistakes committed against us. They want to become more wisely emotional and to recuperate some atrophied chakra functions. They want to learn from our emotions which can also connect us with the greatest power: God’s Love, something which they forgot or inhibited by incorporating too much mental wisdom and technology due to a history of excessive dependence on powerful non-physical beings. They want to understand how with our high degree of free will we might overcome our highly polarized state within a dense, effervescent physicality as it gradually shifts to subtler influences.
There have been many levels of contacts in Mision Rahma and one of the more important ones have been through the dimensional portals called xendras. Over the years perhaps a couple of dozen Mision Rahma participants have been allowed to travel to a colony in the moon of Jupiter we call Ganymede and which the confederated ETs call Morlen. Morlen was founded by individuals from a region in Orion and by others who didn’t adhere to a Luciferian-influenced rebellion stemming from a non-physical realm. It is a colony made of several kinds of colonists and, in the 1970’s, some Mission Rahma participants were taken as a group through a Xendra portal to experience a direct encounter with their wise governing elders: The Minors of Morlen. There, peaceful life is sustained in semi underground dwelling complexes through advanced technology and I think that their living physical frequency is not as dense as on physical Earth. However, through what could be called an ‘energy cloak’ surrounding contactees when taken there after some preparation (involving discipline but not an insurmountable rigor), current Earth humans can for special purpose occasions travel there. Some of these occasions have served to receive information as when they were showed a book preserving a complex but meaningful cosmic history, or when Master Jesus (who apparently possesses a resurrected body capable of traversing all seven levels of the Physical Universe or Realm and of perfectly connecting the Mental and Spiritual (Causal) universes or realms) wanted to inspire workin on Earth through a direct message.
Quite often the preparation takes the form of a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet, regular daybreak solar and nighttime Moon energy incorporation meditations, meditations on our (telepathically received) cosmic name, psychophysical (tai chi and moving, yoga-like) exercises, intuition and psychic development exercises, self-control practices (such as being alone and in silence in a dark place in the countryside), regular camping excursions to get close to nature and the development of a healthy, socially responsible and emotionally balanced life. An aid to preparation has also been the energetic implantation in the chest area of a pair of semi materialized cesium crystals which are then absorbed into the astral body and help to assimilate a shift of programming energies coming from the center of the galaxy (decades before the end of the known long count Mayan Calendar in 2012).
When some participants develop telepathic and-or automatic writing abilities, dates, times and places are often given to verify the communications through spacecraft sightings. Sightings should preferably be unequivocal and not to be confused with satellites, airplanes, etc. and the communications should not promote a single person or an ego but be non-forcing, respectful and constructive with coherence and specificity as need be while the spiritual guiding aspect should trans temporally build upon previous and subsequent communications. Sometimes, these communications are received in different places by different â’antennas’ (rather than channelers) simultaneously or consecutively but complementing each other. In time, an easygoing rapport of trust and friendship with friendly extraterrestrial beings needs to develop without lies or manipulations.
It would behoove wise exopoliticians to (through genuine, approachable, well-intended contactees)try to relate with the benevolent and respectful, positively spiritually-based kinds of extraterrestrials who are not willing to give us right away the technologies we can’t ethically handle. The path of assuming the general role expected for humanity in the Cosmos must start with spiritual principles, forgiveness, love, truth and wisdom. Connecting with more communicative extraterrestrials working under an organization aligned with Christ Jesus and positively-oriented galactic and inter galactic elders (also assisting Earth’s White Brotherhood) would be more convenient in the long run for humanity than focusing most of our attention on power feuds, cover-ups and technologies.
Perhaps cultural differences preclude segments of humanity from these kind of contacts. Perhaps they require simple, dedicated sensibilities like those of the many well-intended Hispanics participating in Mission Rahma’s contacts. However, it would behoove exopoliticians and other principled, idealistic persons of good will to prepare themselves for greater degrees of contact with these benebolent extraterrestrial beings (why not also call them “friends” and “older space brothers”?) either directly or through well-intended, genuine contactees. It would be a great way to begin learning the ABCs of the exopolitical situation outside our planet.
Regarding Xendras, contactee Sixto Paz Wells from Peru tells us that:
Among the least known contact experiences which nonetheless is one of the most extraordinary and incredible are the Xendra Interdimensional Doors. A ‘xendra’ is a dimensional door or space-time threshold. As they (ETs) told me, they have been able to concentrate energy in such a way that they can dematerialize a person, canceling his molecular cohesion and atomic weight and they can project or send him to another place.
The xendra is the projection of concentrated light that accelerates the person’s vibration and acts as a dimensional transference vehicle and threshold in space-time. (Again) the person going through a xendra depending on its intensity- can even be dematerialized to be tele-transported to another place, canceling his molecular cohesion and atomic weight. This experience can occur many times during the personal and collective preparation process. This means that one can re-live it many times in which case there are many kinds of xendra that allow from a physical experience to a mental projection or also a bilocation or also a conscious astral experience.
The types of xendras are:
a) Xendra I: A kind of dimensional door designed for a single person in the company of an extraterrestrial being or guide. This xendra usually has the shape of a half Moon, about 10 meters (33 feet) in diameter and allows a physical experience of dematerialization with the local disappearance of the person and his projection to another place which could be the interior of a spaceship, an intraterrestrial or sub aquatic base or even another planet.
b) Xendra II: is that xendra in which up to seven persons can go inside while coordinated or accompanied by two extraterrestrial beings. This experience can also be physical or of a mental projection or bilocation and the shape can be that of a golden half Moon, oval-shaped, like an arch or different.
c) Xendra III-IV ‘Gimbra’: This is the kind of xendra that allows up to 12 persons to go at once inside and it is usually coordinated by the Confederation’s Council. This xendra varies its form from something like a greyish silver dome to a whitish or glistening blue cloud or a dome where sparks float above the ground having a whitish surface. It can measure a diameter greater than 10 meters (33 feet). Unlike the other types of dimensional passages this kind of xendra facilitates a profoundly spiritual experience of cosmic integration. The other xendras can provide physical mental or astral experiences but many persons go through the threshold and don’t manage to remember what they experienced inside and this is why they might have to work during their meditations and conscious regressions in order to remember it.
When one goes inside one of the (physical teleportation) xendras one feels dizziness, nausea, a sensation of losing weight. One feels as if the entire body is burning, a very strange sensation. In some cases one feels being like an inside-out sweater or jersey, as if one has been turned inside-out completely, somewhat similar to the story of Alice in Wonderland, meaning that they place you on the other side of the mirror. It really is an extraordinary experience, above all because when I first went into it I estimate I was between 4-5 days (in Ganymede) but upon my return found out that only 15 minutes had passed.
(This is an updated version of an article previously published in 2012)
The term “Catholic” means “universal” but is the official Roman Apostolic Catholic Church doctrine truly universal in relation to what we are gradually discovering about the Cosmos? If we consider that at least some of the most important elements of Roman Catholic doctrine and (and of other religions) are ESSENTIALLY and principially universal, there will be room for an interpretive development suitable to the current growing awareness that we are being “visited.”
What is happening right now? Perhaps the unofficial (yet-semi-official because of being high-level in the hierarchy and not being formally suppressed) declarations of Mons. Corrado Balducci and Fr. Gabriel Funes S.J. (director of the Vatican Observatory) are the first intended and un-intended stage of promoting a revolutionary conceptual move in the direction of a truly more “universal” (catholic) and cosmically appropriate kind of interpretation. This entails not just making faith more agreeable with modern science but also developing or extending/amplifying more adequate theological interpretations that attend to the increasing factual evidence connecting Earth humans with the extraterrestrial presence. The growing awareness is happening now and the role of “God” (also understood not just as “creator” but as “sustainer of being” in some alleged and real ET contact experiences) should increasingly become a matter of discussion and study.
I bet that in trying to find fresh explanations matching settled theologies with current ET-related surprising facts theoretical leaders of many religions will come to recognize how much they share in common. A transdisciplinary-theological, trans-religious approach (if that is a correct term) based in deeply shared commonalities may be born. It is not just that the nations of the world will set aside their differences in case of an “alien threat” as president Reagan once suggested at the UN, the news will be that religious and fundamental metaphysical commonalities should also be gradually realized. Many of the faithful will come to realize that ETs can be welcome in the classical versions of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism. While some ETs may be kind and respectful to us and not all ETs may be benevolent or ideal in our terms, we’ll still be brethren in the Cosmos.
The ET presence will inspire the finding of inter-faith ecumenical connections and -perhaps- more sophisticated concepts about God’s nature and notions such as “PANENTHEISM” will form a basis to supersede excessive, strict, intolerant “us vs. them” or “this vs. that” more superficial doctrinal disagreements. Furthermore, these enhanced interpretations should inspire many of the faithful to update their cultural perspectives. A well-guided religion can assist many persons to evolve their understandings in a healthy, positive way. In relation to Christianity, how are we to understand the redemptive role of Jesus when the extraterrestrial presence becomes widely known?
Is “original sin” and Jesus redemptive intervention on Earth applicable to extraterrestrial beings in the Cosmos? This is a crucial issue here. This was mentioned and discussed in the Vatican sponsored conference (in Vatican grounds) regarding the plausibility of extraterrestrial life in the universe in 2009. However, we should probably not assume that there’s ample awareness about intelligent ET life visiting Earth at the Vatican. As in most cases within large, conventional social institutions, most people either avoid the subject not to imperil their credibility or lack sufficient information about it.
I believe that, after periods of being on the wrong side of the rational debate by rejecting scientific advancements which routinely and quantitatively displace Earth’s Man as the center of all creation, the Vatican curia’s attitude is now becoming quite auspiciously agreeable with the findings and extrapolations of biological-cosmological-material-astrobiological science. This is becoming obvious in articles like those of investigative journalists Paola Harris and Marc Kauffman in which public opinion-relevant, researcher-priests (like Fr. Funes and Mons. Balducci) were consistently allowed the freedom to declare that God may have created intelligent extraterrestrial beings. While both Funes and Balducci suggested that extraterrestrials would be like cosmic brothers to us, the latter was allowed to speculate (beyond a scientifically safe orthodox view) that extraterrestrials may have already visited Earth. There is a time when excessive doubt against so much human testimony about an ET presence is not prudent or wise, he basically said.
Whether most conventional academic scientists look at the best objective evidence today or do it later on, the fact that serious persons are reporting ET encounters and even some air forces in the world are not excluding seriously considering the possibility that some UFOs can be of extraterrestrial origin (besides serious whistle blower testimony, photographs, analyzed photos, videos, archaeological signs, scientifically analyzed, alleged ET implants and more) should be taken into consideration by objective, open-minded, critical thinking individuals able to think and to express themselves with freedom. On the aggregate, the more serious types of evidence overcome often criticized, flimsier types of evidence also provided in less rigorous form by individuals with less critical thinking skills. One piece of evidence being genuine would be enough to warrant a serious, responsible interest. Not wanting to see this evidence as a whole is a serious and sad oversight which – nonetheless – can and should be remedied for the good of humanity.
Personal dislike for the ET presence theme or for it not conforming to established theory, regular methods and procedures and known facts (as implicit grounds for not looking into this) already smells incredibly out of touch and in itself less credible. Evidence (however unique) and experience (however different from stable reality patterns) should dictate the scientific course to follow.
In my view, the Funes and Balducci declarations are part of a tardy but, nonetheless, healthy move towards the really valid idea of complementing faith with reason, even if it was in principle done in order to remain culturally relevant in the modern world. However, I think that complementing faith with classical “and intuitively-obvious” physical science is simpler than what may be in store for upcoming theologians. All cultural leaders will have to stop sustaining extremely conservative stances as per the ever-more-evident extraterrestrial presence not necessarily manifesting in a classical material ‘realistic’ or classical- intuitive way. The space-time altering phenomenon seems to interact more with subjectivity, meaning and qualitative factors than classical phenomena.
Issues for an Upcoming Theology After rather simple generalizations about possible intelligent extraterrestrial biological existing only in our physical universe are superseded by a realization of the multilevel-multidimensional diversity of actual contacts with extraterrestrials already ocurring semi-discretely, a conceptual challenge will arise. I think this will occur when science and gradual ET disclosures advance to the point of exposing extraterrestrial diversity and complexity in relation to the dependence of multiple physical realms on non-physical realms. This sophistication about the multi dimensionality of creation will call for a more sophisticated theology.
According to some believable contactee friends, this gradual reconnection with -a long forgotten- ET life will increase after December 21st, 2012 which will mark a “point of no return” towards ending our relative and conceptual isolation from the rest of the intelligent Cosmos. What may ensue is an awareness of additional theological implications in relation to how different extraterrestrial beings may have been affected by a more universal type of Fall into sin (defined as an interpretive mistake or deviation from an adequate relation with God through the Logos).
The “Fall” would also have included non-physical (non-ET) angelical creation-helpers established in a higher, non-physical realm and capable of negatively influencing and-or challenging a variety of physical civilizations some of which may have also “fallen” for it and some of whom may have resisted. Many civilizations may have suffered a form of Fall. Perhaps all of creation was somehow implicated. This is also part of contactee lore. Considering that human witnessing is decisive for faith and for validating human experience in general (as Monsignor Balducci proposed), I would say that in-depth ET contact research also suggests that there is credible witness evidence that some extraterrestrials some some the many mansions in the “Physical Multiverse” may have also been swayed more than others by this Fall originating in beings from yet other higher ontological mansions in a higher ontological non physical realm. Accordingly, different context-dependent ways to reconcile with the Creator (the Profound LOVE of Cosmic Consciousness) by positing different kinds of interventions by the LOGOS, perhaps other incarnations of the Christ-Logos Principle may become necessary as we gradually learn how complex the history of the entire Cosmos may really be and grow out of our cosmic parochialism.
Again, we must collectively find how in relation to extraterrestrials- the partially understood essential truths expressed by today’s religious leaders (of all sincerely-inspired world faiths and denominations) may harmonize much better with each other. To advance the cause of reasonable faith in this global-planetary (and perhaps soon-to-be) new cosmically aware age we need to converge the most plausible truths under a truly spiritual, non-reductionist, integral attitude. In our untapped potentials must be ways to overcome excessively dividing fractional thinking.
Integral metaphysicians like Fritjoff Schuon which profoundly and reasonably explored the mystical (but also simultaneously rational) “PRINCIPIAL” shared core of WORLD RELIGIONS discovering common truths could function as guides for the mind-expanding and sentiment-expanding stages leading to a more mature world civilization to come. We need that. We need more world unity andf to beging perceiving that religions have a deep shared core.
Protestant minister Gary Bates (2009) of Creation Ministries International stated that the entire focus of creation is mankind on this Earth. He may be correct in that the entire focus of creation is mankind but he may be clinging to a false interpretation if we limit mankind or human kind to Earth. He may be rightfully defending his understanding of a pure version of Christianity against excessive flights of fancy and I applaud him for that. However, the expansion of concepts is slowly but surely coming for the good.
Perhaps, if we think about mankind not as quantitatively limited to this Earth, but as defined by an essential quality of consciousness and mode of being capable of personally relating with God in a uniquely profound way, a being created by God’s infinite power in innumerable, beautiful, varied forms and measures in His Cosmos, an intelligent, self-aware being equally capable of saintliness as of paying homage to temptation into sin (or error), we may approach a more useful understanding.
The outer appearance of this essential being “created in His image and likeness” may be similar or vary but the essence -qualifying as human- may not. The role of God personally creating Man in each habitable planet or as a universal template (the Adam Kadmon of Jewish mysticism?) after which particular beings representing God and His template molded particular human-suitable forms will need to be carefully addressed. We may also need to further inquire and discover which created physical beings (of different physical forms and physical “densities”) do not correspond to the category of “Man” but must, nevertheless, be essentially loved and respected as they would still be part of God’s Creation.
Some beings may have instincts and a biology that enslave them more reducing their free will and some may be quite benevolent and protective of our highest potentials but nonetheless more mental and lacking a degree of sentiment necessary to approach the higher creative echelons of reality and God. We will also need to essentially understand those (human or humanoid in appearance or not) who do not respect us because we have been unconscious and a peril to the planet, becoming more aware, not necessarily allowing them to hurt us or to replace us as a species but assisting them with compassion to align themselves with God’s will. It is us who need to awaken first and be an example without co-dependencies on extraterrestrials or traditional xenophobic enmity responses.
Bates, Gary (2009). Did God create life on other planets? Retrieved from Harris, Paola (2008).
The Vatican Officially Proclaims that Extraterrestrial Life most Probably Exists, retrieved from Kauffman, Marc (2009).
The Religious Questions Raised by Aliens retrieved from
Dr. Leir interview analysis of alleged ET implants
Whistleblower evidence from the Disclosure Project and CSETI
(This is an updated version of an article previously published in 2012)
The term “Catholic” means “universal” but is the official Roman Apostolic Catholic Church doctrine truly universal in relation to what we are gradually discovering about the Cosmos? If we consider that at least some of the most important elements of Roman Catholic doctrine and (and of other religions) are ESSENTIALLY and principially universal, there will be room for an interpretive development suitable to the current growing awareness that we are being “visited.”
What is happening right now? Perhaps the unofficial (yet-semi-official because of being high-level in the hierarchy and not being formally suppressed) declarations of Mons. Corrado Balducci and Fr. Gabriel Funes S.J. (director of the Vatican Observatory) are the first intended and un-intended stage of promoting a revolutionary conceptual move in the direction of a truly more “universal” (catholic) and cosmically appropriate kind of interpretation. This entails not just making faith more agreeable with modern science but also developing or extending/amplifying more adequate theological interpretations that attend to the increasing factual evidence connecting Earth humans with the extraterrestrial presence. The growing awareness is happening now and the role of “God” (also understood not just as “creator” but as “sustainer of being” in some alleged and real ET contact experiences) should increasingly become a matter of discussion and study.
I bet that in trying to find fresh explanations matching settled theologies with current ET-related surprising facts theoretical leaders of many religions will come to recognize how much they share in common. A transdisciplinary-theological, trans-religious approach (if that is a correct term) based in deeply shared commonalities may be born. It is not just that the nations of the world will set aside their differences in case of an “alien threat” as president Reagan once suggested at the UN, the news will be that religious and fundamental metaphysical commonalities should also be gradually realized. Many of the faithful will come to realize that ETs can be welcome in the classical versions of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism. While some ETs may be kind and respectful to us and not all ETs may be benevolent or ideal in our terms, we’ll still be brethren in the Cosmos.
The ET presence will inspire the finding of inter-faith ecumenical connections and -perhaps- more sophisticated concepts about God’s nature and notions such as “PANENTHEISM” will form a basis to supersede excessive, strict, intolerant “us vs. them” or “this vs. that” more superficial doctrinal disagreements. Furthermore, these enhanced interpretations should inspire many of the faithful to update their cultural perspectives. A well-guided religion can assist many persons to evolve their understandings in a healthy, positive way. In relation to Christianity, how are we to understand the redemptive role of Jesus when the extraterrestrial presence becomes widely known?
Is “original sin” and Jesus redemptive intervention on Earth applicable to extraterrestrial beings in the Cosmos? This is a crucial issue here. This was mentioned and discussed in the Vatican sponsored conference (in Vatican grounds) regarding the plausibility of extraterrestrial life in the universe in 2009. However, we should probably not assume that there’s ample awareness about intelligent ET life visiting Earth at the Vatican. As in most cases within large, conventional social institutions, most people either avoid the subject not to imperil their credibility or lack sufficient information about it.
I believe that, after periods of being on the wrong side of the rational debate by rejecting scientific advancements which routinely and quantitatively displace Earth’s Man as the center of all creation, the Vatican curia’s attitude is now becoming quite auspiciously agreeable with the findings and extrapolations of biological-cosmological-material-astrobiological science. This is becoming obvious in articles like those of investigative journalists Paola Harris and Marc Kauffman in which public opinion-relevant, researcher-priests (like Fr. Funes and Mons. Balducci) were consistently allowed the freedom to declare that God may have created intelligent extraterrestrial beings. While both Funes and Balducci suggested that extraterrestrials would be like cosmic brothers to us, the latter was allowed to speculate (beyond a scientifically safe orthodox view) that extraterrestrials may have already visited Earth. There is a time when excessive doubt against so much human testimony about an ET presence is not prudent or wise, he basically said.
Whether most conventional academic scientists look at the best objective evidence today or do it later on, the fact that serious persons are reporting ET encounters and even some air forces in the world are not excluding seriously considering the possibility that some UFOs can be of extraterrestrial origin (besides serious whistle blower testimony, photographs, analyzed photos, videos, archaeological signs, scientifically analyzed, alleged ET implants and more) should be taken into consideration by objective, open-minded, critical thinking individuals able to think and to express themselves with freedom. On the aggregate, the more serious types of evidence overcome often criticized, flimsier types of evidence also provided in less rigorous form by individuals with less critical thinking skills. One piece of evidence being genuine would be enough to warrant a serious, responsible interest. Not wanting to see this evidence as a whole is a serious and sad oversight which – nonetheless – can and should be remedied for the good of humanity.
Personal dislike for the ET presence theme or for it not conforming to established theory, regular methods and procedures and known facts (as implicit grounds for not looking into this) already smells incredibly out of touch and in itself less credible. Evidence (however unique) and experience (however different from stable reality patterns) should dictate the scientific course to follow.
In my view, the Funes and Balducci declarations are part of a tardy but, nonetheless, healthy move towards the really valid idea of complementing faith with reason, even if it was in principle done in order to remain culturally relevant in the modern world. However, I think that complementing faith with classical “and intuitively-obvious” physical science is simpler than what may be in store for upcoming theologians. All cultural leaders will have to stop sustaining extremely conservative stances as per the ever-more-evident extraterrestrial presence not necessarily manifesting in a classical material ‘realistic’ or classical- intuitive way. The space-time altering phenomenon seems to interact more with subjectivity, meaning and qualitative factors than classical phenomena.
Issues for an Upcoming Theology After rather simple generalizations about possible intelligent extraterrestrial biological existing only in our physical universe are superseded by a realization of the multilevel-multidimensional diversity of actual contacts with extraterrestrials already ocurring semi-discretely, a conceptual challenge will arise. I think this will occur when science and gradual ET disclosures advance to the point of exposing extraterrestrial diversity and complexity in relation to the dependence of multiple physical realms on non-physical realms. This sophistication about the multi dimensionality of creation will call for a more sophisticated theology.
According to some believable contactee friends, this gradual reconnection with -a long forgotten- ET life will increase after December 21st, 2012 which will mark a “point of no return” towards ending our relative and conceptual isolation from the rest of the intelligent Cosmos. What may ensue is an awareness of additional theological implications in relation to how different extraterrestrial beings may have been affected by a more universal type of Fall into sin (defined as an interpretive mistake or deviation from an adequate relation with God through the Logos).
The “Fall” would also have included non-physical (non-ET) angelical creation-helpers established in a higher, non-physical realm and capable of negatively influencing and-or challenging a variety of physical civilizations some of which may have also “fallen” for it and some of whom may have resisted. Many civilizations may have suffered a form of Fall. Perhaps all of creation was somehow implicated. This is also part of contactee lore. Considering that human witnessing is decisive for faith and for validating human experience in general (as Monsignor Balducci proposed), I would say that in-depth ET contact research also suggests that there is credible witness evidence that some extraterrestrials some some the many mansions in the “Physical Multiverse” may have also been swayed more than others by this Fall originating in beings from yet other higher ontological mansions in a higher ontological non physical realm. Accordingly, different context-dependent ways to reconcile with the Creator (the Profound LOVE of Cosmic Consciousness) by positing different kinds of interventions by the LOGOS, perhaps other incarnations of the Christ-Logos Principle may become necessary as we gradually learn how complex the history of the entire Cosmos may really be and grow out of our cosmic parochialism.
Again, we must collectively find how in relation to extraterrestrials- the partially understood essential truths expressed by today’s religious leaders (of all sincerely-inspired world faiths and denominations) may harmonize much better with each other. To advance the cause of reasonable faith in this global-planetary (and perhaps soon-to-be) new cosmically aware age we need to converge the most plausible truths under a truly spiritual, non-reductionist, integral attitude. In our untapped potentials must be ways to overcome excessively dividing fractional thinking.
Integral metaphysicians like Fritjoff Schuon which profoundly and reasonably explored the mystical (but also simultaneously rational) “PRINCIPIAL” shared core of WORLD RELIGIONS discovering common truths could function as guides for the mind-expanding and sentiment-expanding stages leading to a more mature world civilization to come. We need that. We need more world unity andf to beging perceiving that religions have a deep shared core.
Protestant minister Gary Bates (2009) of Creation Ministries International stated that the entire focus of creation is mankind on this Earth. He may be correct in that the entire focus of creation is mankind but he may be clinging to a false interpretation if we limit mankind or human kind to Earth. He may be rightfully defending his understanding of a pure version of Christianity against excessive flights of fancy and I applaud him for that. However, the expansion of concepts is slowly but surely coming for the good.
Perhaps, if we think about mankind not as quantitatively limited to this Earth, but as defined by an essential quality of consciousness and mode of being capable of personally relating with God in a uniquely profound way, a being created by God’s infinite power in innumerable, beautiful, varied forms and measures in His Cosmos, an intelligent, self-aware being equally capable of saintliness as of paying homage to temptation into sin (or error), we may approach a more useful understanding.
The outer appearance of this essential being “created in His image and likeness” may be similar or vary but the essence -qualifying as human- may not. The role of God personally creating Man in each habitable planet or as a universal template (the Adam Kadmon of Jewish mysticism?) after which particular beings representing God and His template molded particular human-suitable forms will need to be carefully addressed. We may also need to further inquire and discover which created physical beings (of different physical forms and physical “densities”) do not correspond to the category of “Man” but must, nevertheless, be essentially loved and respected as they would still be part of God’s Creation.
Some beings may have instincts and a biology that enslave them more reducing their free will and some may be quite benevolent and protective of our highest potentials but nonetheless more mental and lacking a degree of sentiment necessary to approach the higher creative echelons of reality and God. We will also need to essentially understand those (human or humanoid in appearance or not) who do not respect us because we have been unconscious and a peril to the planet, becoming more aware, not necessarily allowing them to hurt us or to replace us as a species but assisting them with compassion to align themselves with God’s will. It is us who need to awaken first and be an example without co-dependencies on extraterrestrials or traditional xenophobic enmity responses.
Bates, Gary (2009). Did God create life on other planets? Retrieved from Harris, Paola (2008).
The Vatican Officially Proclaims that Extraterrestrial Life most Probably Exists, retrieved from Kauffman, Marc (2009).
The Religious Questions Raised by Aliens retrieved from
Dr. Leir interview analysis of alleged ET implants
Whistleblower evidence from the Disclosure Project and CSETI
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