One of the World’s Most Sensational ‘Alien Encounters’
by Craig Campbell March 1, 2019 (
• On October 11 1973, Charles Hickson, 42, and Calvin Parker, 18, were fishing at the Pascagoula River, Mississippi, when a strange craft – oval-shaped, eight feet across and eight feet high with two flashing blue lights – appeared near them. A door opened and three weird creatures levitated them onboard. After studying the two humans, shipyard workers Charles and Calvin were then put back where they had been, at the west bank pier.
• Both men reported being paralyzed and numb during the incident. Hickson passed away eight years ago. But Parker, aged 64, says that when they were taken onboard he was given some kind of injection to calm him down. Still, he fainted due to fright. Doctors would later confirm the puncture wounds. Both men passed a lie detector test and have maintained their story throughout their lives, despite ridicule and disbelief.
• They described the creatures as being roughly humanoid in shape and standing about five feet tall. Their skin was pale in color and wrinkled, and they had no eyes and slits for mouths. Their heads appeared connected directly to their shoulders, with no discernible neck. Instead, there were three carrot-like growths – one where the nose would be on a human, the other two where ears would normally be. They had lobster-like claws at the ends of their arms, and seemed to have only one leg, as if their legs were fused together, ending in an elephant-like foot. The creatures moved in a mechanical, robotic way.
• The men were released about twenty minutes after being abducted, but could not immediately recall what had happened to them inside the craft. They reported their story to the Keesler Air Force Base, but were told it had nothing to do with UFOs. So they went to the Mississippi sheriff’s office, where sheriff Fred Diamond believed they were sincere and terrified. Later on, Parker was able to recall some details through hypnotic regression.
• After the incident was publicized, a retired US Navy chief petty officer named Mike Cataldo came forward to say that he had observed a strange craft at dusk on the same date in that area. Also, Maria and Jerry Blair came forward to relate how they had been sitting in their car, looking out from the east bank of the Pascagoula River when Parker and Hickson were on the west bank. Maria saw what she “thought was an airplane because of its bright lights flashing on” going back and forth across the sky. She told Jerry that the plane must be lost because it “didn’t act like it knows what direction it wants to go.”
On October 11 1973, Charles Hickson, 42, and Calvin Parker, 18, were fishing at the Pascagoula River, Mississippi, when they say something incredible happened.
A strange craft appeared near them, a door opened and three weird creatures levitated them onboard.

Having studied the two humans, shipyard workers Charles and Calvin were then put back where they had been, at the west bank pier.
One man who looked deep into the story and wrote a book about it with Parker is Philip Mantle, a top UFO researcher, from Pontefract.
Hickson sadly passed away eight years ago, but Parker is still with us, aged 64, and Philip was told by him that when they were taken onboard he was given some kind of injection to calm him down.
“Charles and Calvin were fishing off a pier when they heard a whirring or whizzing sound, saw two flashing blue lights, and reported that an oval-shaped craft, some eight feet across and eight or more feet high, suddenly appeared near them,” says Philip.
“A door opened on the ship, they said, and three creatures emerged and seized the men, floating or levitating them into the craft. Both men reported being paralysed and numb.
“Parker claimed he had fainted due to fright.
“They described the creatures as being roughly humanoid in shape and standing about five feet tall.
“The creatures’ skin was pale in colour and wrinkled, and they had no eyes that the men could discern, and slits for mouths.
“Their heads also appeared connected directly to their shoulders, with no discernible neck.
“There were three carrot-like growths instead – one where the nose would be on a human, the other two where ears would normally be.
“The beings had lobster-like claws at the ends of their arms, and seemed to have only one leg.
“Hickson later described the creatures’ lower bodies looking as if their legs were fused together, ending in elephant-like feet.
“Hickson also reported that the creatures moved in mechanical, robotic ways.
“Parker claimed that he could not recall what had happened to him inside the craft,” says Philip, “although later, during sessions of hypnotic regression, he offered some hazy details.”
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