• Is the release of the existence of the cigar-shaped “asteroid” Oumuamua and the NY Times article on the $22M Pentagon program to investigate UFOs part of a deep state/NASA plan to create public panic as a prelude to a staged alien invasion in what would be the largest ‘false flag’ event since 9/11?
• Ufologist Dr Steven Greer says that it may be “a pretext to justify [the U.S. military’s] existence and get the world to eventually spend huge sums of money on a perceived if contrived threat from space.”
• Or could it be part of a deep state contingency plan to dominate the U.S. military in order to marginalize President Trump?
• [Editor’s Note] See a December 24, 2017 article by Dr Michael Salla speculating on the reasons for the government’s revealing the existence of a Pentagon UFO program and a U.S. Navy video of a ‘pill shaped’ UFO in a December NY Times article, and the ‘To The Stars Academy’ who facilitated the release of this information. Says Dr Salla: “I’m sure major U.S. defense contractors are salivating at the prospect of building fleets of armed anti-gravity spacecraft to respond to a contrived… threat to U.S. national security through a secret space program.”
Conspiracy theorists have claimed the authorities in the US are working in conjunction with space agency NASA and media organisations to create panic, before staging an alien invasion to get a tighter grip on the public.
UFO hunters state that the theory began with a New York Times article last year which revealed the existence of a $22 million Pentagon program that investigates UFOs.
Around the same time, scientists announced a cigar-shaped asteroid had entered our solar system – the first time an interstellar object had been detected in our galactic neighbourhood.
Retired physician Steven Greer: “Strictly speaking, the militarists and war-mongers, itching to ‘kick some alien butt’ as it was said in the movie Independence Day, may actually only want a pretext to justify their existence and get the world to eventually spend huge sums of money on a perceived if contrived threat from space.”
Return of Kings conspiracy website wrote: “As utterly insane as it sounds, it seems possible that the US Government is preparing to try to convince the world that there is an alien invasion about to happen, in the largest ‘false flag’ since 9/11.
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On February 11, the anonymous whistleblower “QAnon” posted information that corroborates claims that a false flag ballistic missile attack was launched against Hawaii on January 13, and that a submarine linked to the CIA is currently being hunted by the U.S. and other regional military forces.
QAnon has quickly grown in popularity since first appearing in late October, 2017 discussing the “coming storm” of revelations, document dumps, trials, events, etc., linked to Trump White House pledges to “Drain the Swamp”.
Today QAnon has an estimated audience of millions who closely follow his/her posts. Major media sources such as Newsweek have published highly critical stories in an attempt to dismiss QAnon as just the latest incarnation of unsubstantiated right wing conspiracy theories.
QAnon’s cryptic style of communication involves questions, links, photos, acronyms and codes, which are used as breadcrumbs for the reader to learn about highly classified efforts underway by White Hats in the government/military opposed to Deep State corruption and human rights abuses in the U.S. and around the world.
The most telling official document that substantiates QAnon’s claims to date is an extraordinary Executive Order passed by President Trump on December 21, 2017 declaring a national emergency and freezing the financial assets of anyone involved in human rights abuses and corruption anywhere around the world.
The mainstream media has strangely ignored Trump’s “Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Abuse or Corruption”, and its deep significance, especially given what QAnon has previously stated. If Trump’s Executive Order was indeed targeting the Deep State, it’s not surprising that it would provoke a strong reaction by powerful groups suddenly cut off from their financial assets.
That’s where the ballistic missile alert on the morning of January 13 in Hawaii becomes relevant. As discussed in three previous articles (see here, here and here), there have been a number of whistleblowers, witnesses and analysts who have all said the missile alert was genuine, and not a false alarm at all, as public officials contend.
QAnon followed the Hawaii missile alert the next day warning about an upcoming week of false flag attacks by the Deep State. This implied that the Hawaii incident was part of a series of false flag attacks, and not a false alarm.
Since January 14, however, QAnon has not said much to cast light on the Hawaii ballistic missile alert. That is until February 11 when QAnon provided a long post referring to a recent false flag missile attack intended to start a war. The relevant post appears below and the section of comments relevant to the Hawaii missile alert is highlighted in red.
It is worth examining QAnon’s questions in light of what has been previously learned about the Hawaii missile alert and Trump’s December 21 Executive Order. QAnon wrote:
Ask yourself, who is trying to start a war?
The most obvious answer is those targeted by Trump’s Executive Order. Individuals and groups responsible for human rights abuses and corruption in the U.S. and globally, have the most to lose if their financial assets are frozen.
QAnon then wrote:
Ask yourself, if a missile was launched by rogue actors, what would be the purpose?
The purpose would be to create a false flag attack where blame would be pinned on a credible state actor capable of launching a ballistic missile that could hit Hawaii: North Korea. The “rogue actors” really responsible for the attack, would thereby have created a scenario where the U.S. military would have been forced to respond.
QAnon next pointedly asks:
Ask yourself, what would/should immediately start a WAR?
We know from World War II history that the December 7, 1941, surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, home of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, was the catalyst for America entering the war. The next day, the U.S. Congress overwhelmingly voted to declare war on the Empire of Japan.
QAnon is here telling us that a successful nuclear missile attack on Pearl Harbor would have triggered a similar War Declaration by the U.S. Congress against the alleged perpetrator. North Korea.
Were the “rogue actors” behind the attack, also hoping that an unsuccessful nuclear missile attack, in the event the missile was shot down, would also trigger war?
This possibility arises from what an anonymous Hickham Air Force Base fusion analyst says he overheard after the missile was shot down. In a post to a website protecting the anonymity of posters, s/he said:
Most significant here is what the analyst says he overheard a Federal Investigator and a Hawaii state official say about Trump’s refusal to order a retaliation, that this “demonstrated weakness in the Trump admin and a refusal to protect the people”.
QAnon’s next question is very important for identifying who was behind the missile Hawaii attack:
Ask yourself “would the PUBLIC understand the following statement: Rogue actors (Clowns/US former heads of State) initiated a missile launch in order to ‘force’ the US into a WAR/conflict against X?”
QAnon has previously referred to the CIA as “Clowns in Action”, and has described former Presidents Bush (Snr), Clinton and Obama as Deep State/CIA assets. In short, “Clowns” is QAnon’s codeword for the CIA.
In a previous article, I provided documentary evidence supporting insider claims that the CIA’s clandestine services division created a shadowy navy with its own aircraft, ballistic missile carrying submarines, and even an aircraft carrier battle group that all together comprises a “Dark Fleet”.
This is where QAnon’s cryptic references in other February 11 posts to “Red October” become pertinent.
QAnon is quite clear that s/he is referring to the famed 1990 movie, “The Hunt for Red October”. The plot of the movie described how the major powers were all hunting for a rogue Soviet submarine equipped with ballistic nuclear weapons whose captain and officers wished to defect with their new stealth technology.
QAnon’s repeated references to Red October is telling us that a similar scenario is currently occurring with the U.S. and other major world powers all seeking a rogue CIA submarine equipped with ballistic nuclear missiles and advanced stealth technology. Rather than the captain and crew wishing to defect however, the CIA submarine may be seeking a new opportunity to launch a false flag attack designed to precipitate a major regional war.
While QAnon remains controversial in the major media, multiple sources have claimed s/he is the real deal and deserves serious consideration. Many alternative media sites closely follow QAnon’s information including Dr. Jerome Corsi who has become the resident Infowars.com expert on QAnon.
QAnon’s references to a recent missile attack by rogue actors wishing to start a major war needs to be considered with what we know about the January 13 Hawaii missile alert.
QAnon is telling us that it was not a false alarm, and that it was a genuine attempt to start a major war by pinning the blame for a contrived nuclear attack, successful or not, on North Korea. The CIA linked submarine involved is apparently still at large, and capable of attempting further false flag attacks using ballistic nuclear missiles.
On January 30, the Governor of Hawaii, David Ige, gave a press conference about the result of an official investigation into the January 13 ballistic missile alert that was an alleged false alarm. In the press conference Ige and other state officials gave a detailed account of the scenario that led to the false alarm.
While the official investigation concluded the emergency alert was a false alarm due to human error and a poorly designed reporting process, eyewitnesses continue to emerge saying they saw a meteorite, or something like it, exploding high in the sky over the Hawaii islands only minutes before the alert. Furthermore, eyewitnesses claim to have seen a television story about the exploding meteorite or object, before the news story was pulled.
In a video published on January 14, Marfoogle Watutu [a pseudonym] claims he was told by his sister, a Maui resident, about a tourist boat which carried multiple eyewitnesses to the exploding meteorite:
My sister has lived in Maui for eight years and what she is finding out is that a group of boaters that actually run a tour company say now that they saw something get blown out of the sky.
So, they said it looked like a meteor and then all of a sudden there was a big boom and it lit up the entire sky. It was 8 o’clock in the morning. . .
Maybe this was not a drill after all. Maybe our Boys in Blue and Boys in Green shot it down. And I would think that the U.S. would not want to cause more panic if they did try to launch something at Hawaii. Then, of course, they would say it was a mistake. They took responsibility very quickly that it was a mistake. . . This could be bullshit but I just had to relay that. . . [Transcription Source]
Apparently, some of the tourists were interviewed by a local news channel that aired these before the story was pulled.
Marfoogle has to date not released the names of any of the eyewitnesses or the tour boat company involved, making it difficult to confirm his story. He claims that Joe Rogan, a former comedian who now hosts The Joe Rogan Experience, has contacted him and is contemplating doing a report on the incident, and that some of the names have been released to him.
However, in the 500+ comments to Marfoogle’s video (80,000+ views), several purport to be eyewitnesses to the exploding meteorite and/or the television news story. What follows are the relevant comments as they appeared on January 30, which cast light on what really happened
The following comments focus on an alleged KHON2 news story about the incident, the first of which refers to a tourist boat that was covered in the story and an exploding object.
The above witnesses together, with anonymous sources cited in two previous articles, continue to raise the scenario of an intercepted ballistic missile attack, which is being officially covered up.
Multiple sources claiming that a ballistic nuclear missile had indeed been intercepted, and a cover up is underway were analyzed in my first article on the incident. My second article pointed to a rogue Deep State/CIA faction that may have used a boomer submarine to create a false flag attack, which was intended start a war with North Korea.
As to who was responsible for intercepting the ballistic missile, initial speculation focused on an anti-ballistic missile defense system run by the U.S. Navy.
On January 31, however, the U.S. Navy announced that it had conducted another exercise to intercept a ballistic missile using its Aegis class anti-ballistic missile defense technology. The exercise was the second failure by the Navy to intercept a ballistic missile attack in the past year.
Given that the exercise was conducted less than three weeks since the January 13 incident, it is clear that the U.S. Navy currently does not currently have the capacity for reliably intercepting ballistic missiles.
The US Navy’s sea-based Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense System is similar to the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system developed by the U.S. Army/Missile Defense Agency.
The announcement of the failed exercise raises an intriguing question. Were U.S. Navy leaders signaling they were not responsible for shooting down the January 13 missile? So then, who did shoot down the ballistic missile?
My initial article focused on the likelihood of a secret space program run by the U.S. Air Force that used space based weapons technologies to shoot down the ballistic missile. Photos taken on October 23, 2017, showed a rectangular shaped UFO in the vicinity of MacDill Air Force Base, Tampa, Florida.
The photographer, JP (who I have known since 2008), claims he had been earlier taken inside the rectangle UFO, and had been informed that was a weapons platform. He says that he witnessed uniformed military personnel wearing the insignia of U.S. Air Force Special Operations who could operate the weapons system.
A Directed Energy Weapons system on a space based weapons platform could have the capacity to reliably shoot down a ballistic missile intended to simulate an attack from North Korea. Unlike anti-missile missiles used in the Navy’s Aegis defense system which have failed twice in two tests against simulated ballistic missile attacks, a Directed Energy Weapon could send a pulse of laser energy at the speed of light.
A Directed Energy Weapons could therefore easily intercept a ballistic missile in the terminal stage of its flight trajectory where it travels at hypersonic speeds (5x speed of sound).
What gives further credence to the possibility that Maui residents and tourists witnessed a missile being shot down by a Space Based Directed Energy Weapon is the U.S. Air Force surveillance installation on the summit of Haleakala, Maui.
The capabilities of the Maui Space Surveillance Site (MSSS) is described by GlobalSecurity.org as follows:
The Maui Space Surveillance Site (MSSS) includes the Air Force Maui Optical Station (AMOS) is an asset of the US Air Force Materiel Command’s Phillips Laboratory. the Maui Optical Tracking and Identification Facility (MOTIF), and a Ground-based Electro-Optical Deep Space Surveillance (GEODSS) site operated by US Air Force Space Command.
… The site is the only one of its kind in the world, combining operational satellite tracking facilities (MOTIF and GEODSS) with a research and development facility (AMOS). The MSSS operates primarily at night, but performs many of its SOI missions 24 hours a day.
It is very likely that the Maui Space Surveillance Site was used in the tracking and/or shooting down of the ballistic missile. If so, this would help explain why many Maui residents saw the explosion. It was only during the final stage in the trajectory of the missile attack that a directed energy weapon system could have been used as the Maui facility could help accurately triangulate the missile’s position.
Further insight into what happened on the morning of January 13, comes from an anonymous Hickham Air Force Base source on duty at the time of the alert. S/he pointed out the great amount of confusion over the alert which was at different points considered a drill and then a genuine attack by U.S. Pacific Command personnel.
Significantly, s/he points out it was only after a request for a military response to the presumed attacker, North Korea, was declined by the White House that Hawaii local authorities were instructed to say it was all a false alarm.
The confusion over the missile alert being a drill or genuine has the tell-tale characteristics of a false flag attack. Similar confusion has occurred in past false flag events on September 11, 2001 (New York) and July 7, 2005 (London), etc. In these alleged terrorist attacks, military and government authorities were first told about a drill where security forces were instructed to stand down, and then informed that a real attack was occurring by which time it was too late to prevent.
The exercise or drill – at the same time, at the same place – has became the sine non qua or indispensable element of the recent false flag operation.
In the Hawaii situation, it appears that cool heads at the White House did not order military retaliation against North Korea after the missile was shot down. President Trump and/or his national security advisors likely suspected that a false flag attack had been attempted.
According to my own efforts to find Hawaii residents willing to testify about witnessing a high altitude object being destroyed, I have been told that police and other authorities are intimidating witnesses into silence.
Consequently, in contrast to the official State of Hawaii report that the January 13 event was a false alarm due to human error, the following conclusions can be offered.
First, a ballistic missile likely carrying a nuclear warhead was destroyed during the final stage of its trajectory by a USAF Secret Space Program using space based Directed Energy Weapons deployed on rectangular shaped weapons platforms.
Second, the Maui Space Surveillance Site helped in the tracking and destruction of the ballistic missile as it neared the Hawaiian Islands, the most likely target being Pearl Harbor, Honolulu.
Third, a drill was scheduled for the morning of January 13, which was intended to create confusion so that a ballistic missile attack could succeed, and the missile’s trajectory would point to North Korea as the culprit.
Fourth, the party responsible for the false flag attack is a rogue Deep State/CIA group with its own ballistic nuclear submarines, which are part of a secret Navy apparently called the Dark Fleet.
Fifth, the US Navy’s January 31 test was intended to let the general public know that it does not yet have the capability of intercepting ballistic missiles, and that the real heroes in tracking and intercepting the nuclear attack on Hawaii was USAF Special Operations.
Further information is needed to determine the accuracy of these conclusions. One thing is pretty clear at this point given the number of insider sources and witnesses that have come forward so far. The official State of Hawaii investigation is a cover-up for a ballistic missile attack, which evidence suggests was a false flag attack using one or more nuclear weapons by a mysterious naval force desiring to start a regional nuclear war.
Thankfully, a classified space based weapons system was most likely used by the USAF Special Operations, thereby giving the U.S. national security planners time to develop an appropriate response to those behind the false flag attack.
On Saturday morning January 13, residents of the Hawaiian Islands received an emergency alert that warned of an incoming ballistic missile and instructed everyone to take cover. Residents near Honolulu, the expected ground zero of any nuclear attack, fled for their lives to more remote areas of Oahu expecting the worst.
This is what appeared on peoples’ cell phones at 8:07 am local Hawaii time:
Then after 38 minutes of sheer terror for many all over the Hawaiian islands, residents were notified by the emergency alert system that it was all a false alarm.
Someone had pressed the wrong button according to local State authorities. Residents were supposed to be reassured that the responsible individual would be reassigned. An inquiry has been launched by the Hawaii Governor David Ige.
Mainstream media coverage has exclusively focused on Hawaii State authorities explaining that the problem was one person pressing the wrong button. According to an official timeline of events, U.S. Pacific Command notified Hawaii State authorities that there was no missile launch at 8:10 am.
Local authorities subsequently attempted to inform the public via a number of means that the ballistic missile alert was a false alarm. But it was only at 8:45 am, 38 minutes after the initial alert, that a second emergency alert was sent over the Public Alert and Warning System announcing the mistake.
Was the long delay between warning and the warning retraction received by Hawaii residents simply the unprecedented foul up of an emergency alert sent by State authorities, or was something else happening?
My wife and I have lived on the Big Island of Hawaii since 2004, and during our time here there have been a steady number of emergency alerts issued for hurricanes, tsunamis, flash flooding, and lava flows. Sirens regularly wail at the start of the month to test the emergency alert system for these kinds of events, and more recently for a possible nuclear missile attack from North Korea.
The regular occurrence of destructive events and their consequences in the region have led to an emergency alert system that is second to none when it comes to providing timely and accurate information to Hawaii residents in potentially life threatening circumstances.
We regularly receive emergency alert updates after the initial event described in an emergency alert. So the explanation that it took 38 minutes to issue an update to the initial false alarm is very hard to believe.
The chances that the ballistic missile alert was a simple mistake by one person even further strains credulity. One writer points out how the system is designed to prevent this precise mistake:
There is no “button” that could be accidentally hit. There are five fail safe procedures in the Hawaiian Emergency Alert Management System, the last being a two key system such as are present in US missile silos and on US nuclear missile submarines. Two keys, eight feet apart, requiring two different individuals to simultaneously and positively trigger the alert.
This is why alternative media reports of an intercepted nuclear missile attack needs to be considered, since it raises another scenario that better fits the sequence of events on that Saturday morning.
The first alternative news report appeared on the Operation Disclosure blogsite on January 13. It was headed RV/Intelligence Reportand said:
Missile launches were detected in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Hawaii. The launches originated from the same anomaly detected yesterday, Jan. 12. The missiles were immediately intercepted and destroyed. The anomaly was revealed to be a nuclear stealth submarine. The nuclear stealth submarine was located and destroyed shortly after the attempted attack.
On January 16, another author came out saying that the Hawaii event was an intercepted nuclear missile attack. After explaining how the emergency alert system is designed to prevent the kind of human error claimed by state authorities, s/he wrote:
There was a missile. Probably fired from a submarine under the control of individuals loyal to the Deep State, possibly Israeli or German. The missile was not fired from North Korea or by North Korean forces. The missile was intercepted. Then the coverup began.
[Update 1/17/18] An additional alternative news media source corroborating key aspects of the thwarted missile attack against Hawaii is veteran journalist and orthopedic surgeon, Dr Dave Janda. He commented in a radio interview about what a “Deep Level source”, who has never been wrong over the years he has known him, had told him about the Hawaii missile incident:
What this source told me was that , and again I’ve never found this source to be wrong, was that there was actually a missile fired. The missile was brought down by the United States … antimissile program…. It was a submarine based missile and … it was from a Chinese sub…. This was a renegade faction within the Chinese military that was in charge of this sub that fired this missile, and in fact the Chinese Navy, supportive Xi Jinping [Current President of China] was the ship that then took out that submarine.
If the above scenario actually happened then it makes sense that an alert was generated after the initial missile launch. Then, once the missile had been intercepted, local and federal authorities were informed immediately, only three minutes later.
The additional 35 minutes was probably due to the “short time” it took to find and take out the missile launch system, likely a submarine, to prevent another missile launch. The all clear was then given to issue the additional emergency alert to Hawaii residents while covering up the nuclear attack and take down.
What adds credibility to this alternative scenario are photos of a number of UFO’s seen over Hawaii 31 minutes after the second emergency alert. The photos show UFOs that display an advanced technology that may be craft belonging to a USAF run Secret Space Program that has broken away from Deep State control.
Another explanation is that the craft were extraterrestrial in origin and following a decades-long policy of secretly intervening to forestall nuclear weapons incidents, as contended by the author, Solaris Modalis, who provided the photos’ genesis.
While extraterrestrial intervention is possible, it is more likely that the highly advanced state of a USAF-run Secret Space Program was all that was needed to intervene to thwart the intended false flag attack. In either case, the photos may explain how the incoming ballistic missile was shot down.
If our alternative scenario is correct, this raises a number of critical ‘who’, ‘why’ and ‘where’ questions. As to the ‘who question’, both alternative news sources refer to a stealth submarine with ballistic nuclear weapons technology.
Clearly this could only have been achieved by a nation or entity in control of submarines equipped with nuclear ballistic weapons. The Deep State is referred to in the reports as the most likely culprit, possibly using a nation state proxy to be able to pin the blame on North Korea in a false flag event.
As to the ‘why question’, a possible answer lies in the December 21 Executive Order passed by President Trump to freeze the financial assets of all involved in human rights abuses and corruption in the US and around the world. By cutting off the life blood of major Deep State actors and proxy groups, the U.S. Military that is the real power behind the Trump Presidency, has declared financial war against the Deep State.
Furthermore, alternative news reports of Guantanamo military prison being expanded in late December 2017, to host Deep State VIP’s detained by U.S. Special Forces, may have also been a catalyst for the Deep State to react.
It’s very possible that the Deep State responded to these recent developments by launching a nuclear weapons attack against Hawaii, which hosts the largest concentration of U.S. military assets anywhere in the world. If so, it is fortunate that the attack was thwarted and the culprits taken out, most likely by antigravity spacecraft belonging to a Secret Space Program.
This raises the question of whether there might be future “false flag” attacks by Deep State assets to initiate major regional conflagration and a possible World War III. Such a possibility was alluded to by the anonymous whistleblower, Q Anon, who posted a cryptic warning on January 14 that implied the Hawaii event was one of a major false flag events this coming week.
On January 16, a New York Times report referred to another false alarm, this time in Japan where residents were warned by a major TV broadcaster to take shelter from an incoming ballistic missile:
Japan’s public broadcaster on Tuesday accidentally sent news alerts that North Korea had launched a missile and that citizens should take shelter — just days after the government of Hawaii had sent a similar warning to its citizens.
Could the Hawaii and Japan false alarms be the first two attempts at major false flag events orchestrated by the Deep State that have been thwarted by the U.S. military and its “off-world” allies?
It’s also possible that what really happened on January 13 (and Jan 16 in Japan), including the mainstream media explanation of human error, may have been intended as a threat to the U.S. military and Trump Administration to step back from the financial war and the extraction of Deep State VIPs taken to Gitmo.
It’s hard to imagine the U.S. military and Trump backing down after their initiatives in late December 2017, especially if there really was a missile attack against Hawaii. The possibility of potential false flag military attacks orchestrated by the Deep State gives powerful incentive to government authorities to cover up what really happened on the morning of January 13, and possibly also to Japan on January 16.
The possible involvement of a Secret Space Program, most likely acting alone or with extraterrestrial assistance, in thwarting false flag attacks on Hawaii and/or Japan provides confidence that future false flag attacks using conventional military technologies are unlikely to succeed.
A document released by the Benenson Strategy Group on behalf of the Clinton Foundation reveals that Hillary’s Presidential Campaign is in dire straits due to mistrust over mainstream media coverage and polling. The document analyses a number of salvage scenarios and recommends one called FIRESIGN which is a false flag extraterrestrial invasion using advanced holographic technology.
This week President Barack Obama personally leads an attempt to persuade the US Congress to authorize a US militarily attack against the Syrian regime in response to a chemical weapons attack on rebel held areas in Damascus on August 21. Casualties range from 355 to 1729 dead, with three times as many being injured in the attack. Obama lays responsibility squarely at the regime of Bashar al-Assad. Obama claims intelligence sources confirm with ‘high confidence” that the attack was launched by the regime even if Assad did not give the order. This is reflected in a German Intelligence report that has just emerged that suggests that the attack was conducted by government forces without Assad’s approval.
For many military analysts and independent observers the timing of the attack raises many troubling questions for the scenario depicted by Obama. Why would the Assad regime resort to chemical weapons when it was winning the war using conventional forces? Also, why would the regime launch chemical weapons during a visit by United Nations chemical weapons inspectors? According to US Ambassador Samantha Powers, the attack was timed to show the contempt of the Assad regime to international norms, and its intent to increasingly use chemical weapons.
Not so according to the majority of alternative media sources. The consensus that has quickly emerged is that it was Syrian rebels themselves that launched a chemical weapons attack on rebel held suburbs in Damascus Syria in a false flag attack to provoke Western military intervention. What both President Obama’s administration and the alternative media are not considering is a shadowy “Third Force” operating in Syria. There is evidence that a “Third Force” is operating in Syria that plans to decimate Damascus for an otherworldly “exopolitical” agenda.
Let me begin by describing this shadowy “Third Force” which can also be described as the “Hidden Hand” of both world politics and the relatively new field of exopolitics. The “Hidden Hand Dialogue” is a set of questions and answers given by a self-described Illuminati insider and members of the Above Top Secret Forum that was recorded in October 2008. The insider responds to questions in a sincere and consistent way, and reveals valuable information about the secret control mechanisms used by an elite group of insiders s/he calls “The Family”. S/he wrote:
I am a generational member of a Ruling Bloodline Family… Our Lineage can be traced back beyond antiquity. From the earliest times of your recorded “history”, and beyond, our Family has been ‘directing’ the ‘play’ from behind the scenes, in one way or another.
Among the many insights s/he gives is that the leadership of the family is very much aligned with a group of extraterrestrials that has been on Earth for millennia:
I want to be clear on this Bloodline issue. The ones you know, they are of earthly lineage. Yes, they have their place in the Family, but the Real Power lines, do not originate from this planet.
This echoes the apocryphal Book of Epoch where a band of 200 fallen angels/extraterrestrials arrived on Earth and mate with humanity to create a new bloodline of ruling elites – the Nephilim.
Preston James has just written an article on Veteran’s Today describing the Luciferian extraterrestrial aspects of this “Third Force:”
Some credible insiders have claimed that most top world leaders have had to enter into a contract with the Third Force which is really lucifer, the fallen one, the great deceiver of mankind, who has presented himself as the Annunaki Master Controller Chief Alien ET which is claimed to be an an inter-generational, inter-dimensional entity that is manipulating the world according to his alien ET agenda.
The Hidden Hand gave detailed answers to questions, and made some predictions. Among these was the following: “Damascus, will be uninhabitable by the end of 2010, possibly even sooner…”
Significantly, Benjamin Fulford, a former Asia Pacific Bureau chief for Forbes Magazine, claims that someone with connections to what he describes as a “criminal cabal” made a threat in September 2011 that “Damascus would be made ‘uninhabitable.’” There’s no evidence that Fulford was aware of what the Hidden Hand had predicted back in 2008, so it’s a curious coincidence that the same language was used for claiming that Damascus would become uninhabitable at some point by a mysterious group of individuals with great power behind the scenes.
In 2008, such a prediction appeared very fanciful, and indeed did not occur by the predicted date. Fulford’s similar prediction did not have a timeline but clearly suggested that the coming devastation was to be contrived by the Third Force/criminal cabal. Now, however, we are witnessing the Syrian capital of Damascus being slowly destroyed in an expanding civil war where indiscriminate aerial bombing and artillery force was initially used by the government as reported by independent organizations such as Amnesty International.
As the Assad regime continued its use of indiscriminate force to cow its opponents into submission and punish civilians supporting the opposition, it’s not unrealistic to assume that Assad would eventually resort to chemical weapons as he lost control of densely populated urban areas. In retaliation, rebel units could themselves use chemical weapons they have gained access to against regime forces and areas, as Assad’s regime is now claiming. If chemical weapons were used in a large scale in Syria’s capital by opposing forces, then Damascus could indeed become uninhabitable in the not too distant future.
The tide of the war, however, changed dramatically for the Assad regime with an influx of Hezbollah fighters from Lebanon and Quds Force volunteers from Iran. Cities and territory that had been held by rebel forces for months began to fall starting with the border town of Qusayr in April 2013. So why would Assad resort now to the use of chemical weapons in Syria’s capital city? He most likely didn’t as some press reports are now claiming. Nor is it feasible that the rebels themselves would target a rebel held area thereby dealing themselves a significant tactical military setback. The most likely culprit is therefore a shadowy Third Force calling itself “The Family” that desires to escalate the conflict in Syria and fulfill its own prophesy that Damascus would become uninhabitable.
The ultimate fate of Damascus will be a sign that the revelations of the Hidden Hand and Benjamin Fulford were accurate – the Earth has been controlled by a “Family” or “Criminal Cabal” of ruling bloodlines with enormous power behind the scenes that manipulates both sides in international conflicts. A book by William Bramley, the Gods of Eden, traces how the Third Force – he calls them “the custodians” – has historically manipulated both sides of conflicts to achieve its long term goals. Numerous witness reports suggest that most visiting extraterrestrials, however, are not part of the Third Force, and in fact are in conflict with them. According to multiple contactees and the Book of Enoch, the Third Force was a criminal band of extraterrestrials banished to Earth millennia ago.
President Obama’s attempt to persuade the US Congress to authorize military force against Assad’s regime is facing heavy resistance and may fail. More people than ever have become educated by the alternative news media about false flag events, and strongly suspect that the chemical weapons attack in Ghouta, Damascus was indeed a false flag operation. It was not however an attack launched by the Assad regime or by the rebels who both had no clear interest in authorizing such an attack. Instead, ultimate responsibility lies with the Third Force which explicitly mentioned years ago that Damascus would in future suffer from calamitous events that would make it uninhabitable. We are very likely witnessing the beginning of a chain of events that may fulfill this dire prophesy. However, the power of the alternative media to educate the general public about false flag events and a historic extraterrestrial presence (exopolitics) is a positive development. It may culminate in the planned chain of destructive events in Damascus involving chemical weapons and U.S. intervention not occurring. There is good reason to believe that the power of the Third Force to manipulate humanity’s fate is being increasingly exposed, and will eventually come to an end.