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Article by Ciaran McGrath July 27, 2019 (
• KM Lewis, a UFO researcher and author of the book on Area 51 entitled: The Thirteenth Guardian, believes that a saucer did in fact crash near Roswell, NM. However, Lewis says, “I don’t believe the occupants were little green men.” “We have been searching for the truth,” says Lewis, “… but the wrong truth, in my opinion.” Lewis says that the truth that we have been missing is that, while the Roswell occupants came from a different star system, they are in fact our distant ancestors. “The question is: What happened to them? Why did they leave Earth? That’s what I believe the secrecy is all about,” says Lewis.
• “What if all those futuristic sci-fi movies (flying cars, intergalactic travel at warp speed, teleportation etc) is not the future, but the past?” Lewis reasons that if these advanced humans are the UFOs that we see in our skies, then the UFO’s that the government is keeping in Area 51 are actually from a civilization that began on Earth. So this “’extraterrestrial technology’ in Area 51 turns out to be pretty terrestrial.” says Lewis.
• “Our forebears, people just like you and I, were much more intelligent than we acknowledge,” says Lewis. “The tech to travel from planet to planet in very little time is not new; it is forgotten. We have done it before – but a very long time ago.”
• Lewis continues, “Albert Einstein, an avid student of the UFO phenomenon, once said that UFOs are man-made flying machines built by a very advanced ancient civilization that left Earth 20,000 years ago for some unknown reason.” “The idea that some of our forebears left Earth for some unknown reason according to Einstein, would explain why our planet is so special to them. It’s home.”
• [Editor’s Note] With all due respect to Albert Einstein, and not having read The Thirteenth Guardian, it seems as though this author is determined to isolate the human race in a vacuum of uninhabited space. But the galaxy is said to contain thousands of human-like civilizations at various levels of development. These humans look nearly identical to us, except they have a variety of skin colors and hair patterns, and they are typically smaller than Earth humans. Do all of these originate from a human species on the Earth from 20,000 years ago? No. Also, would these advanced humans themselves crash their saucer in New Mexico? Or would they use more ‘disposable’ android beings to pilot and crash these saucers (perhaps on purpose to provide us with new technology), rather than risk their own lives? KM Lewis and Albert Einstein may not have thought their theories through completely. Or it could be that they simply didn’t have the level of knowledge of extraterrestrials that we do today. Still, I would say that they were on the right track. Ours is a galaxy dominated by human-like civilizations, waiting for the right time to reveal themselves and offer their assistance in ridding our planet of the negative extraterrestrial beings that have enslaved us in this false reality, and help us to advance our technology, our social system, and our spiritual consciousness.
The base was in the news recently after a Facebook event entitled Storm Area 51, They Can’t Stop All of Us, and fixed for 3am on September 20, attracted vast numbers of people who have pledged to take part, with the current total standing at 1.8 million. KM Lewis, who has written a novel about Area 51 entitled The Thirteenth Guardian, fully acknowledges the Facebook event was started as a “joke” – but believes the truth really is “in there”. He told “We have been searching for the truth… but the wrong truth, in my opinion.
“According to some researchers, Albert Einstein, an avid student of the UFO phenomenon, once said that UFOs are man-made flying machines built by a very advanced ancient civilisation that left Earth 20,000 years ago for some unknown reason.

“It’s a crazy idea, on the face of it – but my research suggests that it is not as far fetched an idea as one might think.”
Mr Lewis, who said he had been researching the subject for ten years, added: “I believe something may very well have crashed in Roswell/Area 51… but I don’t believe the occupants were little green men.
“They looked exactly like us; but they came from the stars.
“They looked like us because they are our far, distant forebears.
“The question is: What happened to them? Why did they leave Earth? That’s what I believe the secrecy is all about.
“The ‘extraterrestrial technology’ in Area 51 turns out to be pretty terrestrial.
“What if all those futuristic sci-fi movies (flying cars, intergalactic travel at warp speed, teleportation etc) is not the future, but the past?
“As I did my research, I was so shaken to my core, I thought the only way to tell the story was through a novel – The Thirteenth Guardian.
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