• A January 2014 Forbes magazine article revealed secret files leaked by Edward Snowden (pictured above). Apparently, the files came from the Iranian Fars News Agency archive of nearly two million documents, guarded by the National Security Agency-Central Security Service under Iran’s department of defense.
• The secret files reveal that extraterrestrials “have been visiting our planet for thousands of years” and that several types of these aliens, including the “Tall Whites”, are working with the US Air Force in Nevada. Representatives of the Tall Whites met with President Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1954 when the “secret regime” that currently governs the nation was established. However, as early as 1930, the Tall Whites were assisting the Germans, and then the Nazis, as evidenced by the fact that during the four years of World War II, Hitler built 1,163 technologically advanced modern submarines in German shipyards.
• The secret file contains a report by the Iranian secret services revealing the motives of the Tall Whites’ association with earth humans. It is nothing less than absolute domination over human beings, which would occur as part of a programmed “final phase.” To increase the chances of success, the Tall Whites would be helping to set up a global electronic surveillance network charged with concealing their dangerous existence.
• The secret file also points to Barack Obama as a representative of this shadowy “secret regime,” according to the website Whatdoesitmean.com, and to another faction of extraterrestrials about whom even less is known.
• Before the Democrats ostensibly took over the White House this year, Senator Marco Rubio (R-Fla) served as the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee. Openly concerned about UFOs reportedly flying over US military bases with impunity, the committee included in a bill that President Trump signed into law a provision requiring military and intelligence officials to declassify and release information on UFOs by this summer.
• Not too long ago, the very existence of UFOs was completely denied by the government. Now, government officials are making UFOs public knowledge. Are we very far from coming right out and admitting that extraterrestrial beings exist and are already living here in our reality?
After former President Donald Trump signed into law a bill on Dec. 27, forcing the Pentagon and
‘Tall Whites’
spy agencies to reveal the secrets of the UFO phenomenon within the next 6 months, the pressure to know the truth has been mounting.
The opening towards the subject of the visits of extraterrestrial intelligent beings is growing more and more, going from a time when their existence was completely denied to making their knowledge mandatory for the citizens, as it was published at the time by the British media The Sun.
Although the declassification of the documents is still two months away, information on this delicate subject has been accumulating for decades, and among the most surprising is the Iranian version, according to which an extraterrestrial leader would rule the United States.
Deep State traitor Barack Obama President Dwight D. Eisenhower
Apparently, there is ‘”irrefutable evidence’ of an ‘alien/extraterrestrial intelligence agenda’ that directs U.S. domestic and international policy, and has been doing so since at least 1945″ cites Forbes in January 2014.
The source for Iran’s Fars News Agency would be an archive of nearly two million documents guarded by the National Security Agency-Central Security Service (NSA/CSS), run by the Department of Defense.
Senator Marco Rubio
Likewise, the controversial computer specialist and former CIA agent, Edward
Hitler surveying his Nazi U-Boat fleet
Snowden, was the one who leaked the revealing secret files.
They claim that extraterrestrials “have been visiting our planet for thousands of years” and that several types of these aliens, including the “Tall Whites,” are working with the U.S. Air Force Nevada.
Members of this species met in 1954 with President Dwight D. Eisenhower when the “secret regime” that currently governs the nation was established.
However, as early as 1930, they were technically assisting the Germans, and especially the Nazis, as evidenced by the fact that from building only 57 submarines during the four years of World War II, they manufactured 1,163 technologically advanced modern submarines in their shipyards.
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• Laura Eisenhower is the great-granddaughter of the former US President Dwight D. Eisenhower. President Eisenhower met with representatives of extraterrestrial beings on several occasions during the 1950s. These technologically advanced beings were recognized for having high technology and great knowledge of human genetics. A dark alliance was struck with a group of beings who allowed access of extraterrestrial technology to humans, without requiring the humans to eliminate its nuclear weapons production and arsenal. It turned out to be a bad deal for humans because the ETs ended up violating the terms of the resulting agreement, such as to only abduct a limited number of humans for their experimental purposes.
• Thus, Laura points out that the “alien invasion” has already occurred and world leaders are keeping it a secret. Furthermore, the planet was already divided by extraterrestrial beings from yet another world, of which our leaders are also aware. The governments of the US, China and Russia (to name a few) actively cover up all information regarding the extraterrestrial contact, including illegal abductions that have occurred for decades.
• In recently released videos (see below), Laura calls on the members of the ‘cabal’, ie: organizations linked to the thirteen most powerful ‘Illuminati’ families in the world who have controlled global finance and the media. Laura says that these ‘elite’ have been manipulating the human population “trying to create a new world order.” They work in concert with demonic forces to achieve their dark plans, using taxpayer money to covertly create secret space programs, advanced weapons technology, and global control projects.
• With a direct reference to Bill Gates and the touted vaccinations that could be used to implant a chip into the arms of the population to facilitate domination and control over humans, Laura proclaims that “we are sovereign beings, and this plan (of human subjugation) is a violation of the codes of ‘The Creation’,” and exhorts the elite cabal to abandon their evil intentions.
• Laura accuses the cabal and their extraterrestrial cohorts of “violating… the cosmic natural laws and the harmony of Mother Earth… to control and possess us, stamping out our free will.” “[T]his elite has the support of draconian (reptilian) beings,” says Laura, “who want to modify humans to make them their slaves.” She assures us, however, that “these beings will not be able to fulfill their evil mission.”
• [Editor’s Note] Over the past month, Laura Eisenhower has posted several “chat” videos addressing the state of our world at this time. This article seems to draw from each of these, which I have included below.
In May 2017, I wrote an article on Dwight Eisenhower as channeled by Karl Mollison and guided by Denny Hunt of the website GetWisdom.com (see ExoArticle here). In it, Denny asks Spirit Eisenhower about his great-granddaughter, Laura Eisenhower. Spirit Eisenhower replies, “I am with her often and support all she does… She is a shining example of the continuation of this legacy. … [I] am working directly with Creator and with [Laura’s] higher self to impulse her with thoughts, with ideas, and encouragement, and sending love as well to raise her up and to help her to stay strong. This is what we do as Light beings in helping one another. And so she will be another point of the many spears who are advancing the awareness and knowledge needed to truly help humanity in a positive way.”
Laura Eisenhower is the great-granddaughter of the former US President Dwight D. Eisenhower, who in life was known to be the first president to make a pact with aliens. She states in recent statements that the alien invasion has already happened.
At the beginning of her video Laura Eisenhower mentions Bill Gates and a chip that is intended to be implanted in people. She considers it to be to a form of domination and control on humans.
According to Laura’s words, she warns that: “… do not believe that you can suddenly put vaccines in our arms to use us as a source of property, something else is coming behind that, completely disabling your ability to do give consent. We are sovereign beings and this plan is a violation of the codes of The Creation.”
The Alien invasion has already happened
Laura reveals that the extraterrestrial pact was almost carried out with alien beings in 1954. But the human elite rejected the proposal because the aliens demanded that nuclear weapons be eliminated, to which they flatly refused.
It is important to know that these beings are macrocephalus, with large and slanted eyes, their arms are thin and elongated with 4 fingers. Their skin is bright greyish, they are beings of small stature, although their heads are large. These beings are said to communicate telepathically, according to people who claim to have had contact with them, and point out that they never made a sound from their mouths. They are recognized for having high technology and great knowledge of genetics.
The human-aliens alliance has allowed access of extraterrestrial technology to humans. That is, the aliens had been granted a permit to experiment with a limited number of people. However, over time it has been discovered that these creatures violated the agreement and exceeded the agreed limit of abducted humans.
14:38 minute video: ‘Message to the Dark Controllers’, April 10. 2020 (‘Laura Eisenhower’ YouTube)
16:07 minute video: ‘Time to Wake Up’, April 28, 2020 (’Laura Eisenhower’ YouTube)
10:28 minute video: ‘We Need a Massive Global Uprising’, May 12, 2020 (‘Laura Eisenhower’ YouTube)
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Article by Greg Archer January 9, 2020 (desertsun.com)
• Earlier this month, Christopher Munch screened his new movie, “The 11th Green” at the 31st annual Palm Springs International Film Festival in Palm Springs, California. The movie portrays President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s alleged secret meetings with extraterrestrial emissaries during the 1950s.
• “There was an urban legend out there …in the 1950s that Dwight Eisenhower had one or more face-to-face interactions with visitors from other worlds,” says Munch. “What interested me about the story was not so much the specifics of it or whether it was true or not, but more so … how (Eisenhower) would have potentially reflected back on those experiences late in his life. Would he have regrets or done things differently?”
• The storyline involves a Washington DC journalist named Jeremy who moves into his late father’s house, which by coincidence was formerly owned by President Eisenhower before the President’s death in 1969. Jeremy’s father served on the National Security Council staff for President Eisenhower back in the day. His father’s former protégé gives him reels of film that suggest America had interaction with off-world visitors 50 years ago, but the “extraterrestrial question” was left in the wrong hands. The film portrays Eisenhower in 1967 contemplating the extraterrestrial presence kept hidden by a shadow government. The story switches time-periods from Jeremy’s father as a young counselor to the President in the 1950s, to modern day as Jeremy is piecing together the history.
• Munch notes that, “In the course of the last year, the film has become timelier … as “major publications have documented … incidents involving the U.S. Military engaging with UFOs over the past 15 years or so.” The military’s revelations of UFOs “cannot be easily dismissed, as it was from the 1950s onward, where UFOs and ETs were only considered in the context of the ‘giggle factor.’”
• Regarding Eisenhower’s encounters with alien beings, Munch believes that such encounters would have been “routine” for the former President. “I don’t think anything really phased Eisenhower,” says Munch. As a mainstream journalist, Jeremy’s character “certainly has a predisposition”. “[B]ut it’s balanced out by his concern for the validity of what he’s reporting. I think that’s the quandary for any journalist who is having to report on the subject of UFOs or extraterrestrials.”
• [Editor’s Note] I doubt that Eisenhower considered his meetings with extraterrestrial beings to be “routine”. I doubt that anyone would find interactions with aliens routine, except maybe Corey Goode. Eisenhower was famously under a great deal of stress, causing multiple heart attacks during his presidency. After he had completed his second term in office, his farewell address in January 1961 alluded to a shadow government hiding the fact that they were working with extraterrestrial beings, and creating a massive ‘military industrial complex’ that owed no allegiance to the elected government of the United States nor its citizens.
Christopher Munch
Written and directed by Christopher Munch, “The 11th Green” begins on slow simmer and eventually arrives at an emotional boil as it floats back and forth through time to explore a curious proposition: that former President Dwight D. Eisenhower was not only interested in but also had contact with extraterrestrials.
The film, which was partially shot in Palm Desert and other Coachella Valley locations, screens in the Locals Spotlight program at the 31st annual Palm Springs International Film Festival.
“There was an urban legend out there for some time, and I believe reports first appeared in the 1950s
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
that Dwight Eisenhower had one or more face-to-face interactions with visitors from other worlds,” Munch says. “What interested me about the story was not so much the specifics of it or whether it was true or not, but more so the emotional ‘what if?’ involving Eisenhower. How this man would have potentially reflected back on those experiences late in his life. Would he have regrets or done things differently?”
How did Munch craft a story with a potentially contentious subject matter that today’s audiences could embrace? With an inventive storyline.
The plot: After his 85-year-old father dies from a sudden heart attack, slick Washington D.C. journalist Jeremy Rudd (played by Campbell Scott) returns to his golf resort home. Fighting memories of his beleaguered father-and-son relationship, Jeremy suddenly becomes much more acquainted with his father’s mysterious legacy.
Toss in a romantic interest via his father’s former assistant, Laurie (played by Agnes Bruckner), and a visit from his father’s protégé, Jacobsen (played by Currie Graham), who hands Jeremy reels of film that suggest America had interaction with off-world visitors 50 years ago, and our protagonist suddenly finds himself in a personal and professional conundrum.
Is his newfound potential love interest clouding his interest? Should he believe in the film footage presented to him?
16:14 minute Eisenhower farewell speech, January 17, 1961 (‘Ewafa’ YouTube)
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by S.A. Miller December 24, 2018 (washingtontimes.com)
• Space program realists believe that President Trump’s creation of a Space Force branch of the US military is a step toward ‘full disclosure’ of the government’s acknowledgment of extraterrestrials and the technology gleaned from their crashed spacecraft.
• The Space Force plan pits Trump against his natural enemy: the “Deep State”. The Deep State faction within the federal government is the keeper of alien secrets, according to UFO researchers.
• “This is HUGE and [Space Force is] something the Deep State does NOT want,” conspiracy theory filmmaker Jordan Sather posted on Twitter. “Understand that with the Space Force, the advanced technologies (free energy, antigravity) kept in secret think-tanks within Lockheed, Boeing, & other corporate contractors will now have an avenue to be released publicly,” Mr. Sather tweeted.
• Dr. Michael Salla, an author who promotes the longtime extraterrestrial presence on Earth, noted that Pentagon top brass oppose the establishment of a sixth branch of the military. “…by ordering the creation of a Space Force, Trump is shaking the bureaucratic and corporate tree that hides the (existing) Secret Space Program that the Air Force runs along with the National Reconnaissance Office, the Defense Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency,” writes Dr Salla on his ExoPolitics.org website.
• Dr Salla continued: “Large aerospace companies such as Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, General Dynamics, etc., supply the technologies and components for the Air Force’s Secret Space Program. Consequently, the Military Industrial Complex/Deep State has played a major role in setting space policy due to its ability to manipulate Air Force officials through the supply and acquisition process.”
• In a series of books, Dr Salla has detailed what he describes as “whistleblower/insider claims” about secret space programs at the Pentagon, including a Navy operation in deep space with miles-long space carriers that use Space Marines as a fighting force.
• Some in the UFO community also believe that President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed a secret treaty in 1954 with an alien race known as the Greys wherein the two sides agreed not to interfere with each other’s affairs. The Greys would share technology with the U.S., and the aliens would be allowed to abduct humans for various experiments, provided they submit the names of abductees to a secret government committee known as the “Majestic 12.”
• The Defense Department has promoted the Space Force as a military branch charged with defending U.S. assets in space, such as satellites, and fending off cyberattacks in a confrontation with Russia and/or China, which have been building capabilities to knock out satellites that are vital to communications, navigation and intelligence. There is abundant evidence that the Pentagon has top-secret operations in space, such as spy satellites. A 2017 New York Times report that revealed a secret Defense Department program that investigated UFOs for at least five years.
• The Pentagon prefers to keep Space Force operations within the Air Force, similar to the way the Marines are organized under the Navy. Mr. Trump has initiated the process, but it takes an act of Congress to create a new military branch.
• Jan C. Harzan, executive director of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) said, “I don’t really think [the Space Force] has anything to do with extraterrestrials or aliens.” Mr. Harzan doubts that the government is getting closer to “full disclosure” of the alien presence. “My personal opinion is that…there is probably some benefit of putting it all under one head.”
• “I do believe that we have technology which has been reverse-engineered from aircraft that are not from here and that we are probably using that technology someplace,” said Harzan. “I would be shocked if the president was not briefed. How much they tell him, I have no clue.”
President Trump’s order to create a military Space Force gave conspiracy theorists another tantalizing piece of evidence — some say the best yet — that the government is hiding the truth about extraterrestrial visitors.
The idea is that launching the Space Force will be a big step toward the government’s acknowledgment of extraterrestrials and technology gleaned from crashed alien spacecraft — what the UFO community calls “full disclosure.”
Making it all the more real, the Space Force plan pits Mr. Trump against his natural enemy: the “deep state” within the federal government. The deep state is also the keeper of alien secrets, according to UFO researchers.
Jordan Sather
“This is HUGE and something the Deep State does NOT want,” conspiracy theory filmmaker Jordan Sather posted on Twitter after Mr. Trump issued the surprise June 18 order for the Pentagon to start planning a Space Force.
“Understand that with the #SpaceForce, the advanced technologies (free energy, antigravity) kept in secret think-tanks within Lockheed, Boeing, & other corporate contractors will now have an avenue to be released publicly,” Mr. Sather tweeted.
Michael Salla, an author who promotes theories about secret U.S. space programs and longtime extraterrestrial presence on Earth, noted that Pentagon top brass oppose the establishment of a sixth branch of the military to patrol above the atmosphere.
“It is important to understand that by ordering the creation of a Space Force, Trump is shaking the bureaucratic and corporate tree that hides the Secret Space Program that the Air Force runs along with the National Reconnaissance Office, the Defense Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency,” he posted on his ExoPolitics website.
Dr. Michael Salla
He continued: “Large aerospace companies such as Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, General Dynamics, etc., supply the technologies and components for the Air Force’s Secret Space Program. Consequently, the Military Industrial Complex/Deep State has played a major role in setting space policy due to its ability to manipulate Air Force officials through the supply and acquisition process.”
In a series of books, Dr. Salla has detailed what he describes as “whistleblower/insider claims” about secret space programs at the Pentagon, including a Navy operation in deep space with miles-long space carriers that use Space Marine as a fighting force.
The outer reaches of the UFO community also believe that President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed a secret treaty in 1954 with an alien race known as the Greys. The two sides agreed in the “Greada Treaty” not to interfere with each other’s affairs. Also under the treaty, the Greys would share technology with the U.S., and the aliens would be allowed to abduct humans for various experiments, provided they submit the names of abductees to a secret government committee known as the “Majestic 12.”
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by Duke Brickhouse – Part Three in the Channeling Series
“Reptilian extraterrestrials… were actively working with the Nazi leaders and the Nazi scientists during World War II. This, researchers have correctly determined.” But it is actually “the Anunnaki [who] are the great taskmasters underlying all of the alien agenda and presence… allowing the other aliens (such as the Reptilians) to be the instruments of our destruction.” “This is very much a consequence of mind control. Your military officials… are hapless dupes in this, in the same way everyone in the public and other aspects of society are similarly programmed to be in a state of complacency about the mounting number of UFO sightings, the growing number of alien abduction accounts, and so on.” “It is not just that the people are self-serving or evil in some way. They… have been programmed.”
Dwight Eisenhower
Thus, through renowned hypnotist Karl Mollison’s channeling of President Dwight D. Eisenhower in another installment of Denny Hunt’s ongoing “Why Is This True?” YouTube channel series, the spirit entity of Dwight Eisenhower gets straight to the point in his typically inimitable style.
“I was aware of the existence of physical extraterrestrials… interacting with us in a variety of ways.
I was very eager… to see what they would be willing to do to help us in the world effort to achieve lasting peace and stability.” “I never dreamed there would be an evil underside to what was happening. I certainly am surprised now at how naïve I was in thinking this might be a first occurrence and a new initiative that would likely bear great fruit in… at last achieving a worldwide stability.”
“The extension of the Nazi regime [was] being orchestrated and manned by the Reptilian extraterrestrials.” “If a world leader and world power can be made to subjugate all of humanity, then this takes all the burden away from them (the Reptilians) as they desire to do the same thing, but they know this would cause casualties for them. It would be messy despite their (the Reptilians) superiority, and so they use the human as a tool and a weapon to do the dirty work for them.”
“It was all orchestrated, engineered, planned, and put into motion through mind control manipulation of the German people first, then the Italians and the Japanese, to create a series of militaristic regimes who could work in concert and gain global dominance. This was the objective and it mattered not to the Reptilians how reckless, savage, or ultimately self-destructive it might prove to be because they simply do not care or value what happens to any human beings.” “The entire saga was an alien manipulation to promote that regime, to encourage its emergence and to cause the greatest possible harm to the human community.”“With the end of the war and the collapse of the Nazi regime, the Reptilians simply moved on to other targets.”
This information was channeled by Karl Mollison who, in the 1980’s and 1990’s, was a hard core scientist working in the medical and pharmaceutical industry. Being in the medical industry, Karl was always looking for insights to new methods of healing. Rather than turning a blind eye to the mounting empirical evidence of psychic and hypnotic healing, Karl decided to explore this himself by taking classes in hypnotherapy. To his surprise, he discovered that he was especially adept at channeling the Divine Source and higher beings.
Karl Mollison
By 2006, Karl had made hypnotherapy his vocation. Since then he has conducted hundreds of channeling sessions. He’s developed a trust in certain Spirit Realm sources and has honed his channeling protocols to achieve the most honest and accurate of readings. With each channeling session, Karl will set his intention in genuine love and goodness, without ego, fear or self-interest. Then he will begin by falling into a lucid trance, contacting the highest Divine Source and working his way down to the particular spiritual being that the interviewer wants to channel, while making sure that no outside negative forces elbow their way into the conversation. During a channeling session, Karl is able to monitor and recall these channeling conversations as a third party witness.
When asked directly by Denny “Were you given the name or names of the extraterrestrial group you dealt with?” Spirit Eisenhower responds, “They were not revealing of their origin, only saying they were from the stars and were here in a learning capacity to do scientific observation with the aim eventually to make a diplomatic outreach once they felt comfortable in doing so. This was very much disarming and was received in a positive way by me and the military as well. [We] were so conditioned to maintaining secrecy about all things that were new and, in particular, that could confer some military or political advantage for the United States.” The United States’ leaders were interested in extraterrestrial aircraft and spacecraft technology, to be sure, but also in “all manner of alien capabilities, especially the telepathic abilities and the ability to manipulate energy which they had seen demonstrated.”
Spirit Eisenhower continues, “We had no reason to question their motives, but we looked to their counsel and leadership as being clearly advanced beings. [We] shared the concerns they recounted about not causing mass panic and the disruption of the existing institutions and recommended that we go slow and develop a long-term plan to eventually begin to share such knowledge when the proper foundation was in place. So these were the early impressions and the early recommendations.”
“This was deemed top-secret or above in all levels at all times and in all ways until we could find out what the implications might be, and the decisions were made to keep this secret from the public and we were advised quite strongly about this by the extraterrestrials themselves who we had already begun to trust, seeing no evidence of weaponry, no evidence of hostility, other than their presence being a violation of our airspace.” “ This was all complete propaganda from them as they never intended to support us in a meaningful way and never wished to have their doings broadcast more widely.”
Earlier, Spirit Eisenhower referred directly to the Reptilians as the warring species that manipulated the Nazi’s in World War II without concern for how reckless or destructive it was to humanity. Now Spirit Eisenhower is discussing the extraterrestrial beings who came forward to work with the leadership of the United States. Although uncertain of their identity, Spirit Eisenhower says that these extraterrestrials had shown no evidence of hostility and expressed concern for the well-being of the people of Earth, and he had no reason to question their motives. It appears that the unnamed beings that U.S. leadership began to trust were extraterrestrials other than the Reptilians.
A hint as to which ET race Spirit Eisenhower is referring, other than the Reptilians, is given with Denny’s next question, “What is your understanding of the long-term plan [of the] powers that have ruled this planet for the last several thousand years? Spirit Eisenhower answers, “The long-term plan of those who were here first to do the greatest damage is the ultimate enslavement of humanity… [and] eventually to eliminate humans and have the planet for themselves. … We are speaking of the Anunnaki here.”
“The others here (Reptilians, etc.) have other self-serving motivations and they are being tolerated and exploited tactically as minions to do some dirty work. Again this simply serves the Anunnaki by taking some of the heat away from them and allowing the other aliens to be the instruments of (Anunnaki-imposed) destruction.” But in the end, the Anunnaki “…also wish to push out the other aliens present.”
Spirit Eisenhower does not shy away from delving into the darker information. “We will not mince words with you or try to put a happy face on this. It is the literal truth and always has been. They (the Anunnaki) started thousands of years ago in subjugating humans and altering and manipulating them to be subservient, and used humans as a slave race to do mining and acquisition of materials, minerals and such… and this they are doing now. They have taken many (humans) to their own planet and those individuals are truly lost in their world and living terrible, terrible lives.” “This served two purposes.” It gave the Anunnaki a cheap form of labor, and “it became the means to begin the process of control and subjugation, for humans need something to do. It is easier to create slave camps, slave work projects, and so on, than it is to create prisons because humans are not happy being contained and being idle.”
Denny asks Spirit Eisenhower about Secretary of Defense and MJ-12 member, James Forrestal. “I was close to him and I had tremendous respect for him. I considered him a true friend and a patriotic American. We did have a difference of opinion about the disclosure of the alien presence and this caused some rift between us, but it was only a working issue in the sense of one colleague disagreeing with another. …I knew his loyalty could be counted on.”
“I was not aware of any plan he (Forrestal) may have had to disclose things independently in a public fashion. This would have been a quite alarming development and I never expected this would happen. This was really of greater concern to the intelligence agencies who saw this possibility and were monitoring him and keeping him under observation. Their reach is quite large. They have connections within all branches of the military and that was true even during World War II and beyond. And so they are the most dangerous human link to the extraterrestrials desiring human suffering because they are part of the very infrastructure of government and the military and in a position to do great harm.”
“The level of mind control is the most intense and the most successful among those individuals in such key positions of authority. …No one can truly be trusted in this kind of situation. …It is certain there has been corruption on multiple levels within the person which makes them lean in the desired direction. Such individuals will either not be sympathetic to an opposing perspective or will actively oppose it and fight to the death against it, against all reason, logic, common sense, or feelings of charity, or any kind of divine impulse.”
“There have been some rare persons who have escaped their (mind controlling) influence and this creates the seeds of opportunity to have a counter-force and a kind of inner guerrilla activity to put roadblocks in the way of some of the worst plans and darkest agendas. But such individuals typically don’t last for long because they eventually come to the attention of the more darkly influenced and then become outcasts within the organization for not being with the program, and then eventually are phased out through reassignment or discharge. In some cases… they are eliminated and there have been many, many, killings to maintain a tight grip on the government and military. In Forrestal’s case this is in fact what happened. He was assassinated to prevent him from sharing his knowledge with anyone. The risk was great with that mindset and perspective that he would tell too many people, not all of whom could be as trusted to maintain secrecy and confidentiality, and that was the greatest risk. So steps were taken to eliminate him.”
“This was a tragic loss, not only for [Forrestal] and his family, but for the nation as well. Looking back now, it is clear that if he had been allowed to blow the whistle this could have greatly accelerated the ability of humans to rise to the occasion and take back more power, and begin to shift things in an earlier time frame and to a greater degree. This …possibility existed for a time but was then snuffed out.”
“The stories of the Roswell crash and recovery of debris including a living extraterrestrial are quite true, and there were other recoveries as well.” says Spirit Eisenhower. He explains that while he did not personally view the Roswell crash site, nor the recovered physical materials, nor did he have any interaction with the surviving Roswell extraterrestrial being, he was given some feedback on all of it. Then the intelligence he received on the extraterrestrial presence began to steadily decrease. “It was not long before there was a huge communication gap that raised alarm bells for me and almost ended my Presidency and my life as well. Looking back, I know there was a plot against me, and this almost came to fruition. So I was skirting with great danger without truly realizing what was happening.”
“This set the scene for a more public awareness of the alien presence and that was very much supported by the Light in bringing forward this information. [This was] followed by many impulsed sources of knowledge and insight that led to many screenplays about the existence of extraterrestrials both good and bad – some raising fear; some giving false hope. The reason for it all was to help everyone become more aware of the …alien involvement. This is an essential step in raising every one up and achieving …the Shift in Consciousness.”
Denny then asks Spirit Eisenhower about his great granddaughter, the popular spiritual crusader Laura Eisenhower. “I am with her often and support all she does… She is a shining example of the continuation of this legacy. … [I] am working directly with Creator and with [Laura’s] higher self to impulse her with thoughts, with ideas, and encouragement, and sending love as well to raise her up and to help her to stay strong. This is what we do as Light beings in helping one another. And so she will be another point of the many spears who are advancing the awareness and knowledge needed to truly help humanity in a positive way.”
Laura Eisenhower
“I am still connected with very, very, strong loving bonds to my family and descendants. All are part of a soul group who have been together for a huge span of time and we work together in our projects again and again. We support one another when present together in the physical and we support one another when some are in the physical and others back in the Light. This is where I am, and from this vantage point I am in the best position to provide support and encouragement.”
Spirit Eisenhower points out the potential pitfalls in assisting in humanity’s shift in consciousness. “All light-workers leave their mark and all have greater potential than they themselves know. The difficulty …for them is not appreciating themselves enough, not understanding the truly great power they have, and this is better understood by the opposition. So when they are identified as risks and then manipulated (by the dark side entities) in a way to sideline them, there is a great loss to the cause and in most cases the individuals themselves. If [sidelined] early enough, [they are] not aware of what they were capable of and would have accomplished.
There are still “many humans who may have a kind of personality or an inner alignment with certain leanings in terms of authoritarianism that might lead them to see an appeal in Nazi regalia or the kind of thinking involved with their (dark) legacy. And so there can always be new acolytes brought into a group to carry out that sort of focused agenda once again. And you see this in various groups that appear, the skinheads and so forth and the neo-Nazi movement.” Invariably, this is the result of continuing Reptilian mind control. “These are all forays into human manipulation. They are not unilateral choices by those people in creating the organizations and drawing followers. It is always the case that an alien agenda is showing itself in causing those leaders who emerge to take that role and put it into practice. So anything of this kind that you encounter is first and foremost a Reptilian-led propaganda effort at sabotage, infiltration, and domination eventually down the road. This is not to say they will be successful, but this is an ongoing kind of arm wrestling that human[kind] is doing with the interlopers.”
Notwithstanding, Spirit Eisenhower exhorts all light-workers to come forward at this time. “This has rarely been more greatly needed, and not because these are the darkest of times but simply because humanity has never been closer to an ultimate tipping point, to have the Light burst forth, and to have a state of heaven on earth. This is within reach now and all are working in earnest to speed the day forward, and this is what she (Laura) does. And all who live in our memory are contributing too.”
“Everyone here in the physical has a soul purpose and many are continuing to struggle and suffer, and they live very restricted and primitive lives in many cases. This is not without purpose. There are important karmic reasons for this, and there are important lessons for all of the rest who look on in shock and horror at the seeming impossibility of helping so many who are seemingly in a quicksand of their own making or by cultural history and predisposition that seems intransigent, and so trapped in the past there is no way to bridge that gap.”
“Those things are still ongoing because they need to be worked out and in the old-fashioned way, so to speak, through a karmic rebalancing – the hard way as you would describe it – paying one’s debts, incurring personal suffering in the re-balancing of suffering caused to others, and so on. This is an old paradigm that will be changing. Part of the repayments by so many in the level of suffering that you observe is accomplishing the turning of the wheel to a point when things can move in an entirely new direction. And this will eventually lead to a world where the healing of karma will be extremely rapid and will not involve pain. It will simply be a self-realization and will happen almost without thinking. The beings in the Light would find it almost unthinkable to harm another and would never ever do it. You can contrast that with the many human dramas playing out across the planet and see quite starkly how far things are away from that simple description.”
“It is very much about overturning the alien suppression, both the long-term alteration of the human in disconnecting us from the spiritual core, as well as the cultural disconnection and miscommunication leading to all manner of grievances and combat. So this is the number one subject of great urgency, coupled with dealing at all levels [of] the spirit community of the dark ones. This cover-up and suppression has been quite effective but is growing in the level of friction and the intensity required to keep a lid on things.” “There will be a turning point and a tipping of the energies towards what the Light is supporting here. So all can take heart in this. It is not as dire as our words might suggest. At the present time the Light is winning, but this does need to be maintained and anything that can be added to the cause will accelerate that eventuality and this would be a tremendous contribution.”
“This is what is in store for humanity in the future and what we mean by having heaven on earth. The ability to heal the self and one another will be profound, rapid, and understood completely by everyone. There will not be lingering pain or any darkness spread, and this will completely change the nature of existence. This is how things were always meant to be and what everyone is striving for who are progressing on a soul journey. This [Earth] is not the only dark place but it is one of the darkest. The upliftment and the growth of the light-worker community is carrying the energy forward to a great new day that is coming. So we applaud all who are involved in the effort and support our loved ones first and foremost, for that is a deep, deep, soul connection. As you can imagine from my service, I have a deep, deep, soul connection to all I helped to serve in my last incarnation, and that has not changed and will not disappear.”
“We are happy to be of further service if you wish at a later time, to revisit this or other topics. And we would be happy to help you in any way we can to shed light on things and to help support your efforts to spread knowledge and awareness. That is step one. If humanity as a whole could be awakened to the reality of what is happening, the world would change instantly because of the power of human consciousness to make it so. The task is harder when there are only hundreds to a few thousand light-workers who are focused on the problem. That is carrying a huge, huge, load. It is not that they cannot succeed, it is only that it takes a bit longer. The more you reach, the more you awaken, the greater the energy grows, and [with] the collective effort this will turn the tide. So we wish you all the best success in everything you do. We are now connected and we are in your corner.”
Spirit Eisenhower tells it like it is. He doesn’t sugar-coat the influence that the negative entities had during his lifetime, and which they still hold over humanity today. He concedes that the Earth is one of the “darkest places” in the universe. Spirit Eisenhower does, however, reassure all active light-workers that this struggle is necessary, that the movement toward the Light is gaining momentum, and that “at the present time the Light is winning”. The work that the light-workers do “will completely change the nature of existence”, and a “great new day” is coming.
It is also becoming quite clear from this and past channeling sessions that mind control plays a primary part in the Reptilians’ subjugation of humanity, both at the top levels of our government and military, and at the lowest levels of ordinary humans who persist in their compulsion for “authoritarianism” and the dark “alien agenda”. A stark example from Spirit Eisenhower is his description of mind control manipulation as a cause for World War II. Typically, these people are not inherently evil, but they have been “programmed” to follow a “Reptilian led propaganda effort”. This is consistent with information that Corey Goode has provided where there is an energy frequency being directed at the Earth, along with a wide array of massive cloaked platforms that hover closely over high population centers to amplify and transmit these frequencies to the Earth below.
Finally, Spirit Eisenhower reinforces the notion that the Reptilians themselves are servants to the enigmatic Anunnaki. It is still unclear exactly who the Anunnaki are, whether they are a supremely powerful race from Nibiru; or if the term applies more broadly to a group of extraterrestrial beings who use humanity and the Earth for their own exploitation of resources; or possibly a higher fifth-density manifestation of evil slurping up the negative loosh energy produced by suffering humans as alluded to in the Gnostic Gospels. At any rate, Spirit Eisenhower confirms that “the Anunnaki are the great taskmasters underlying all of the alien agenda and presence… allowing the other aliensto be the instruments of our destruction.”
The apocalyptic battle between good and evil for the future of humanity and the Earth is being waged right now. Still, too few people can see what is going on all around them. While the Light-side forces are gaining momentum and are currently “winning” according to Spirit Eisenhower, it is imperative and most urgent that we light-workers intensify our efforts to spread awareness of the truth among the general population to achieve a geometric growth in the disclosure movement. For awareness will manifest in heightened consciousness. And heightened consciousness will manifest in the global consciousness shift that will serve to eradicate the sinister control and manipulation of the Anunnaki over humanity and facilitate our ascension to a fourth spiritual density.