Tag: Curtis LeMay

Does Hangar 18, the Legendary Alien Warehouse, Exist?


Article by Sarah Pruitt                       January 17, 2020                           (history.com)

• Like Area 51, the legend of Hangar 18 at Wright Field – now Wright-Patterson Air Force Base – outside of Dayton, Ohio is one of flying saucers, extraterrestrial remains and even captured aliens secretly being held in a sealed and guarded warehouse called ‘Hanger 18’ or “the Blue Room”.

• Wright Field was home to the Air Force’s UFO investigation effort, Project Blue Book, from 1951 to 1969. Senator Barry Goldwater, Republican nominee for president in 1964, notoriously tried to gain access to the Blue Room through General Curtis LeMay, and was soundly rebuked. In 1974, a UFOlogist named Robert Spencer Carr publicly claimed that the Air Force was hiding “two flying saucers of unknown origin” inside Wright-Patterson’s Hangar 18. Carr claimed to have a high-ranking military source who saw the bodies of 12 alien beings as autopsies were being performed on them. A 1980 movie, Hangar 18, helped to cement the legend of Wright-Patt as a hotbed of the government’s UFO-related activities.

• The stories of Wright-Patterson go back to its alleged involvement in the cover-up of a UFO crash near Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. At the time, a Roswell Army Air Field press release said the Army had recovered a “flying disc” and sent it on to “higher headquarters” at Fort Worth. But Fort Worth immediately recanted the story saying it was only a weather balloon. Many UFO researchers believe that some of the debris from Roswell were sent to Wright Field and stored in Hangar 18.

• One military pilot, Oliver Henderson, told his wife that he flew a plane loaded with (flying saucer) debris, along with several small alien bodies, from Roswell to Wright Field. Children of another pilot, Marion “Black Mac” Magruder, claim that their father saw a living alien at Wright Field in 1947 and told them “it was a shameful thing that the military destroyed this creature by conducting tests on it.”

• The Air Force has categorically denied any of the rumors tying the Ohio base to UFOs and aliens. They even deny there is a ‘Hanger 18’ at Wright-Patt, although there is a ‘building 18’. In an official statement in 1985, the Air Force said, “There are not now, nor have there ever been, any extraterrestrial visitors or equipment on Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.”

• And as to the crashed saucer outside of Roswell which the Army/Air Force later claimed was a weather balloon? In 1994 the Air Force changed its story, again, saying that it was actually debris from a surveillance “balloon device” (called “Project Mogul”) that was designed to spy on nuclear research sites in the Soviet Union. (see July 1994 USAF Roswell Report featuring the Project Mogul balloon explanation here)


As home to Project Blue Book, ground zero for government investigation of UFOs from 1951 to 1969, Wright Field (now Wright-Patterson Air Force

Jesse Marcel with “weather balloon” debris

Base) outside Dayton, Ohio, ranks up there alongside Area 51 as a subject of enduring speculation.

Many of the rumors surrounding Wright-Patt, as it’s known for short, involve what might have gone on inside a particular building, known as Hangar 18. UFO enthusiasts believe the government hid physical evidence from their investigations—including flying saucer debris, extraterrestrial remains and even captured aliens—in this mysterious warehouse, specifically inside a sealed, highly guarded location dubbed “the Blue Room.”

The legend of Hangar 18 goes back to the supposed crash of a UFO in the desert near Roswell, New Mexico, in July 1947. According to a press release issued by the Roswell Army Air Field (RAAF) at the time, their personnel inspected the “flying disc” and sent it on to “higher headquarters.” A subsequent press release from an Air Force base in Fort Worth, Texas (assumed to be the aforementioned headquarters) claimed the disc was a weather balloon—a claim the Air Force acknowledged was untrue in 1994, admitting it had been testing a surveillance device designed to fly over nuclear research sites in the Soviet Union.

But in addition to Fort Worth, many UFO researchers believe some of the materials from Roswell were also transported to Wright Field after the crash and stored in Hangar 18, based on unsubstantiated reports from former military pilots. One, Oliver Henderson, reportedly told his wife that he flew a plane loaded with debris, along with several small alien bodies, from Roswell to Wright Field. According to the children of another pilot, WWII ace Marion “Black Mac” Magruder, their father claimed to have seen a living alien at Wright Field in 1947 and told them “it was a shameful thing that the military destroyed this creature by conducting tests on it.”


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Tom DeLonge’s UFO Research Center is Making Politicians Demand Answers

Listen to “E72 8-20-19 Tom DeLonge’s UFO Research Center is Making Politicians Demand Answers” on Spreaker.
Article by MJ Banias                         August 9, 2019                          (vice.com)

• In July, Republican US Representative Mark Walker of North Carolina, wrote a letter to the Secretary of the Navy expressing concern over the recent surge in UFO-related events affecting American military forces. Walker noted a December 2017 article in the New York Times about the secret Pentagon UFO program called AATIP and revelations that Navy pilots encountered anomalous aerial objects off of the coast of California in 2004 and off of the East Coast in 2015, and whether it could pose a security risk.

• Tim McMillan, a law enforcement consultant and intelligence analyst interested in UFOs said, “It’s abundantly clear by the language of his letter, Rep. Walker is acting on information brought out by To The Stars Academy or their proxies.” TTSA is Tom DeLonge’s UFO study organization that has been promoting the government’s knowledge of the existence of UFOs. “What we see here,” says McMillan, is the “most successful component of TTSA—[as] a political lobby.”

• Walker concludes his letter to the Navy Secretary by asking: does the DoD “continue to dedicate resources to tracking and investigating these claims” of UFOs and have they found any “physical evidence or otherwise that substantiates these claims?” McMillan says, “The Navy’s response to Rep. Walker will be the most interesting aspect of all this.” “Will Representative Walker make the Navy’s response public? [W]ill Representative Walker push the issue further?”

• The study of UFOs is becoming serious political business and has convinced many within the UFO community that this is a pivotal moment in the study of the phenomenon. But Walker’s letter is just another example in a long history of politicians trying to get answers. Politicians and high-ranking officials have been questioning the UFO cover-up for decades.

• Republican Presidential candidate in 1964, Barry Goldwater was denied access to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in the late 1960’s and 70’s where he alleged that the Air Force was hiding evidence of flying saucers. In a 1994 interview, he stated, “I think the government does know [about UFOs].” Goldwater related that he called his former running mate, Air Force General Curtis LeMay, and said, “’General, I know we have a room at Wright-Patterson where you put all this secret [UFO] stuff. Could I go in there?’ … [H]e got madder than hell at me, cussed me out, and said, ‘Don’t ever ask me that question again!’”

• In 1967 in open dialogue on the floor of the Canadian House of Commons Ministers of Parliament, Ed Schreyer and Barry Mather demanded more information on UFOs from the Department of National Defence. This led to a formal motion to have all related UFO documents released. The motion was denied.

• In 1993, New Mexico Congressman Steven Schiff made several inquiries to the DoD regarding the Roswell UFO crash of 1947. This prompted a General Accounting Office investigation into the Roswell crash. In July 1995, the GAO determined that what crashed at Roswell was a Project Mogul balloon.


Last month, Republican representative Mark Walker of North Carolina wrote a letter expressing concern over the recent surge in UFO-related events affecting American military forces.

Walker’s concerns stem from the December 2017 article in the New York Times about the now defunded secret Pentagon UFO program called AATIP and the revelations that several Navy pilots in 2004 and 2015 engaged in bizarre encounters with anomalous aerial objects off the coast of California and Florida. The news that the Navy is now changing its protocols for personnel to report UFO sightings has spurred a renewed interest in the potential safety and security risks these unknown objects pose.

“The reports mention the existence of these encounters both domestically and abroad during various missions and trainings,” Walker wrote. “Based on pilot accounts, encounters with these UAPs (unidentified aerial phenomena) often involved complex flight patterns and advanced maneuvering, which demand extreme advances in quantum mechanics, nuclear science, electromagnetics, and thermodynamics.”

What’s most notable is that what Walker is asking for closely aligns with what Blink 182 singer Tom Delonge’s To the Stars Academy (TTSA) has been uncovering and publishing over the last few years. While TTSA has made some odd claims, the sheer amount of attention the media is giving the UFO topic in the last two years has undoubtedly increased.

“What we see here with Mark Walker’s letter to the Secretary of the Navy is the undiscussed, but most successful component of TTSA—a political lobby,” Tim McMillan, a law enforcement consultant and intelligence analyst interested in UFOs, said in an interview. “It’s abundantly clear by the language of his letter, Rep. Walker is acting on information brought out by TTSA or their proxies.”

“The Navy’s response to Rep. Walker will be the most interesting aspect of all this,” McMillan added. “Will Rep. Walker make the Navy’s response public? If he feels the Navy’s response is inadequate, will Rep. Walker push the issue further?”


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Classified CIA Files ‘Reveals Who Jesus Really Was – and Coming End of Days’

by Henry Holloway                     April 21, 2019                    (dailystar.co.uk)

• Declassified files contained in the CIA archives include the book “The Adam and Eve Story” by Chan Thomas (click here), dating from 1966. Thomas appears to have been a UFO researcher working on a project for the US Air Force. Thomas begins his book with dedications to a string of the top US military brass, saying without them “this book might not exist”. He specifically mentions US Air Force Generals Curtis LeMay and Harold Grant, and CIA intelligence officer Admiral Rufus Taylor.

• One revelation that Thomas makes in the book is that the Earth is subject to “cyclical pole shifts” every 7,000 years. Thomas claims there are “null zones” in the Milky Way through which our solar system passes every few thousand years, which cause cataclysmic changes to Earth such as the poles shift. These cataclysmic events have been foretold by figures throughout history, including Jesus. The most recent cataclysm was Noah’s Flood. Another revelation is that Jesus was not a prophet of Jerusalem, but a scholar who trained in India. Yet, Jesus had predicted a coming global disaster and wanted to prepare people for the end times.

• Thomas claims to have translated Jesus’s dying words on the cross, speaking in an Indian dialect, “I am fainting, I am fainting, darkness is overcoming me”. And when Jesus ascended to heaven, he was actually picked up by a “space vehicle” according to Thomas.

• Thomas says that the Genesis story in the Old Testament is actually a parable about the collapse of a previous civilization due to an extinction event before Noah’s Flood.

• It is believed that Thomas was part of a team employed by aerospace firm McDonnell Douglas and led by Dr Robert Wood, who has since gone on to become a prominent expert on UFOs. Wood names Thomas in an article published in 2007 as one of the men he employed to research UFOs. Wood describes the author as an “exceptionally innovative” man who “claimed to be in contact with ETs”, and a “total out of the box thinker”.

• Thomas’s book was originally published in 1963 and 1965 – with a copy entering the CIA files in 1966. It then went unpublished again until 1993 and hasn’t been published since. But full versions of the book can be found online. Internet conspiracy forums have stumbled across the book this year, and Google Trends reveals interest in the book has increased by 700% over the past 12 months.

• So why would the CIA initially classify this document? In the book’s closing, Thomas writes: “To all of those who ridiculed, scorned and laughed, relegating me to the nuthouse and even firing me… “For how else would I have been so driven to pursue, solve, find and derive the truth. I owe them.”

[Editor’s Note]  This information is strikingly similar to the information that Corey Goode, David Wilcock, other insiders and prominent channelers have revealed about an imminent “solar event” that will occur within the next ten years or so, due to our solar system drifting into an energetic ‘rift’ in this part of the galaxy which has caused all of the planets in our solar system, including the Earth, to see an increase in temperature as well as volcanic and seismic activity. This is said to be a precursor to a possible pole shift, which may have caused the continent of Atlantis to shift to the South Pole some 12,000 years ago to become Antarctica. It is said that this energetic event will trigger those humans on Earth who are prepared, to ascend to a fourth density of consciousness, and will usher in a thousand-year “Golden Age” on Earth. Those who are woefully unprepared will return to a third density existence elsewhere until their next opportunity to ascend in roughly 25,000 years.


Declassified files from the CIA archives reveal the strange book “The Adam and Eve Story” by Chan Thomas, dating from 1966.

It is contained in a packet of other documents alongside an article from Time magazine – and a “transmittal slip”.
Listed on the handwritten document includes a toolbox, tire gauges, key holder and fender repair kit.

The book – written by author Chan Thomas – makes a string of outrageous claims about the history of the world and a coming cataclysm linked to the Bible story of Noah’s Flood.

Daily Star Online can reveal Thomas appears to have been a UFO researcher working on a project for the US Air Force.
Reasons for the CIA’s classification of this text and the other items is unknown, but it’s resurfacing has inflamed conspiracy theories.

Handwritten on the front of the scanned book is “for Art L., from”, with the second name redacted by the CIA – suggesting the text may have been seized from someone given it as a gift.

Thomas makes a series of claims in the book the world is subject to “cyclical pole shifts”.

It claims civilization is wiped away every 7,000 years by this cataclysmic event, which has been foreseen by figures throughout history – including Jesus.

He claims Jesus is not the prophetic figure we now him as in the Bible, but instead a scholar who trained in India.

And it writes that Jesus had predicted a coming disaster and attempting to prepare people for the end times – with the last cataclysm being Noah’s Flood.

Thomas claims to have translated Jesus’s dying words on the cross, claiming he was actually speaking in the language he learned in India – in which he said “I am fainting, I am fainting, darkness is overcoming me”.

And he alleges on Easter Sunday when Jesus is said to have ascended to heaven, he was actually picked up by a “space vehicle”.

The book’s title – The Adam and Eve Story – comes from Thomas’s assessment that the Genesis story is actually a parable about the collapse of a previous civilization, in an extinction event before Noah’s Flood.

He claims there are “null zones” in the Milky Way our Solar System passes through every few thousand years, which cause cataclysmic changes to Earth as the poles shift.



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