• Astrobiologists use telescopes to seek biochemical evidence of microbes on other planets. SETI scientists use telescopes to look for intelligent beings’ technological signatures. Then there are those who believe that intelligent extraterrestrials are here, now, buzzing the skies of planet Earth. The respective members of these three groups of ‘alien hunters’ do not necessarily get along with one another. Their interactions demonstrate a concept that sociologists call “boundary-work”, e.g.: building fences and enforcing ideas about who counts as a scientist, and who doesn’t. This ‘boundary’, however, is subjectively based on social mores, social fears, and politics.
• People who find themselves on the outside of mainstream science often foster a sense of antagonism. But the line of demarcation as to what is ‘outside’ of mainstream science shifts with time. Science’s ideas about which ET-seeking methods are valid and which are ‘fringey’ have changed over the past few decades.
• In the early years, astrobiologists and SETI – the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, worked together. ‘Perhaps those microbes on a far-off planet evolved and built radio transmitters.’ But then their respective disciplines parted ways. In order to study the conditions of life on other planets, astrobiologists tend to study conditions on this planet – drilling into frozen lakes, doing lab experiments, studying geological evolution, researching our genetics. They use this data to determine which exoplanets have the best chance for evolving life forms. SETI, on the other hand, search for electromagnetic transmissions and signatures of technologies that are not yet understood.
• In the early 1970s, NASA and the National Academy of Sciences considered SETI an important component of the search for extraterrestrial lifeforms. Then politicians such as Senator Richard Proxmire denounced SETI as a wasteful, useless, and futile endeavor. Congressional funding of SETI’s ‘High-Resolution Microwave Survey’ in the early 1990s was cut-off in 1993. The National Science Foundation banned SETI projects from its funding portfolio. Grant opportunities dried up. NASA and mainstream astrobiologists began to distance themselves from SETI.
• In the 2000s, SETI turned to private investors like Paul Allen and Yuri Milner and became associated with searching for ‘little green men’ and UFOs. The mainstream considered SETI ‘laughable pseudo-research’ outside the bounds of proper science. At the same time, astrobiology became a “legitimate” science. Astrobiologist Sara Seager told Congress in 2013, “We’re not looking for aliens or searching for UFOs. We’re using standard astronomy.”
• But SETI scientists have been clawing their way back to legitimacy. In April 2018, Congress directed NASA to start including searches for “technosignatures” in its broader search for life beyond Earth. The House Appropriations Committee is deciding whether SETI’s work will be sanctioned in the 2020s.
• One thing that both “legitimate” astrobiologists and SETI have in common is that they both consider ufology silly. They keep their distance from anyone who believes in UFOs or an extraterrestrial presence. But for someone at SETI who imagines light-years-away microbes growing into sentient beings that broadcast radio waves and beam lasers, is it that much harder to imagine these beings traveling here to Earth?
• Mainstream academic researchers claim that virtually no hard UFO data exists beyond personal accounts. Ufology doesn’t explain how or why alien spaceships could or would come all the way here. Then there are the standard variety of banal explanations for bogus UFO sightings. Ufology is not science in the way SETI researchers do science.
• Greg Eghigian, a Penn State researcher, points out that “From the early-1950s through the 1970s, a number of academics took the study of UFOs seriously and regularly engaged with ufologists.” Back then the military had official UFO research programs, even though their conclusions usually amounted to “nothing to see here.” Those programs ended. The Air Force-sponsored 1968 ‘Condon Report’ concluded that studying UFOs was a waste of time, and UFO research was consigned to the fringes.
• In 1983, Thomas F. Gieryn published his paper: “Boundary-Work and the Demarcation of Science from Non-Science.” When researchers do ‘boundary-work’, they create and maintain lines around who qualifies as a scientist and who doesn’t, and what is and what is not science. In so doing, they bestow legitimacy onto themselves and deny it to others. But this can backfire on them. When the public perceives scientists arbitrarily establishing exclusive scientific authority, people themselves feel alienated, fostering conspiracy theories about the mainstream scientists’ true motives.
• Similar to anti-vaccination activists, GMO no-goers, and people who say climate change has nothing to do with people, many ufologists have decided that scholars and politicians are at best, narrow-minded or, at worst, engaged in a deliberate attempt to hide information.
• Psychologist Stuart Appelle wrote that ufology “is not simply rejected as a legitimate discipline, it is categorically dismissed.” Rejection suggests a conclusion based on close examination and careful reflection. But dismissal is a judgment that close examination is not warranted at all, which is not very scientific. This silencing is a form of ‘social stigmatization’.
• Adam Dodd, a communications instructor at the University of Queensland (in Australia) sees mainstream scientists’ dismissal of the UFO phenomenon as ‘saving face’ in order to maintain their reputation among their own peers. An example of this is when Stephen Hawking concluded that the absence of any evidence of aliens essentially equates with evidence of the absence of aliens. And therefore, for a ‘true scientist’, UFOs and aliens are not worthy of consideration.
• This ‘boundary-work’ by mainstream scientists is both frustrating and patronizing to UFO researchers who find themselves outside of the mainstream fence. They suspect a mainstream agenda is being formed against them. Ufologists become mistrustful of so-called ‘experts’, while the mainstream regards UFO followers as ‘cranks’. So they each band together to create an ‘us versus them’ scenario, and keep their distance from each other. Scientists cannot afford the professional consequences of being associated with fringe ufologists. As a consequence, science probably loses out on the ‘kernels of truth’ in the nut bin.
• The thing that both sides generally have in common is the desire to get to the truth. But with the elitist scientists’ blanket denial of all that is lumped together as ‘fringe conspiracy theories’, these ‘hard science’ practitioners also tend to ignore cultural knowledge, emotional knowledge, spiritual knowledge, and personal knowledge. Their plodding and myopic focus on hard science may slow the rate of scientific achievement.
• Today, mainstream science seems to be more willing to embrace SETI. In 2014, SETI astronomer Jill Tarter received radio astronomy’s highest honor, the Janksy Lectureship award. And this is slowly expanding into the field of ufology. The chair of the Harvard astronomy department has publically suggested that the ‘asteroid’ Oumuamua could be a visiting spaceship.
• A NASA scientist notes that both SETI and ufology are about ‘finding the signal in the noise’. There may be ‘signals’, however small, that indicate a phenomena associated with UFOs that cannot be explained or denied that should be taken into consideration. Rather than dismissing the research of a particular ‘fringe’ group outright, scientists might listen. If so, the reaction by the fringe might be to consider mainstream ‘expert’ analysis more. There can be important truths revealed from both sides of the spectrum.
Aliens—hypothetical beings from outer space—fall into roughly three categories. They could be far-away microbes or other creatures that don’t use technology humans can detect; they could be far-away creatures that use technology earthlings can identify; or they could be creatures that have used technology to come to Earth.
Senator Richard Proxmire Sara Seager
Each of these categories has a different branch of research dedicated to it, and each one is probably less likely than the last to actually find something: Astrobiologists use telescopes to seek biochemical evidence of microbes on other planets. SETI scientists, on the other hand, use telescopes to look for hints of intelligent beings’ technological signatures as they beam through the cosmos. Investigating the idea that aliens have traveled here and have skimmed the air with spaceships, meanwhile, is the province of pseudoscientists. Or so the narrative goes.
Although these three groups have a common goal—answering the question “Are we alone?”—they don’t always get along. Their interactions demonstrate a concept that sociologists call “boundary-work”: designing and building fences around Legitimate Science, and enforcing ideas about who counts as a scientist, who doesn’t, and why. Those fences are supposed to defend science’s honor, demonstrate scientists’ objectivity, and uphold the profession’s standards. That’s good! We want that! But the fence posts also demarcate a boundary that isn’t objective but is, in fact, a function of time, location, culture, social mores, social fears, and politics. The enforcement of this sometimes-shifting boundary can send people who find
Greg Eghigian
themselves on the outside further away from mainstream science, fostering a sense of antagonism and slighted outsiderism. The history of hunting aliens is a good way to understand those unintended consequences of boundary-work in other disciplines. Because even though none of the groups actually knows, or has gained access to, whatever ET truth is out there, science’s ideas about which ET-seeking methods are valid and which are fringey have changed over the past few decades.
Astrobiology v. SETI
Thomas F. Gieryn
In the early years of astrobiology and SETI, the two groups worked more side by side than they later would. After all, they just existed at different locations on a spectrum: Maybe microbes arose on a far-off planet, and maybe those microbes evolved and built radio transmitters. Astrobiology technically just means the study of life in the universe. But that encompasses a lot: Astrobiologists look into questions like how life started, how it evolved, and what environments can support it. To study these questions, scientists can gather data on this planet, drilling into frozen lakes, doing lab experiments involving the chemistry of early Earth, studying geological evolution on Mars, or gaining a better understanding of genetics to get a better sense of what alternatives might exist to our own DNA. They also investigate what life might look like on another world, whether it has existed on other solar-system planets, and how to pick out a habitable or perhaps inhabited exoplanet from astronomical data.
Stuart Appelle
SETI, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, falls logically within the scope of astrobiology. But this search, usually for electromagnetic transmissions, is more speculative, since it deals less explicitly with the kinds of chemistry, geology, physics, and biology we can observe in the solar system—and so perhaps beyond—and instead seeks signatures of technology whose nature we don’t yet, and may never, know.
Adam Dodd
Still, NASA initially supported both sorts of searches (although it called astrobiology “exobiology”). The venerable National Academy of Sciences, in its 1972 recommendations for the search for life beyond the solar system, listed SETI as an important component of exobiology, stating that “SETI investigations are among the most far-reaching efforts underway in exobiology today.” Trouble bubbled up between the groups, though, after SETI became the object of political ire. The search for smart aliens had already proven to be a favorite football for politicians, a frequent contender for cancelation—because of the low probability of success, the speculation required, and the money that they said could be better spent on Earth. For instance, in 1978, Senator Richard Proxmire awarded the nascent project his infamous Golden Fleece Award, for wasting government funds on what he considered a useless, futile endeavor. In the early 1990s, NASA finally began its first SETI observations, part of the project that had been on the drawing board when Proxmire mocked it: then called the High-Resolution Microwave Survey. But the year after the survey began, in 1993, Congress shut down the program.
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by Sebastian Kettley October 15, 2018 (express.co.uk)
• Seventeen scientists representing the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) have released a report urging NASA to focus all future missions on the hunt for astrobiological alien life. The report was mandated by the U.S. Congress.
• The report argues that growing public interest in life outside of Earth will dictate the course of NASA’s research in the “coming decade”. The report reads: “In the three years since publication of NASA’s Astrobiology Strategy 2015, significant scientific, technological and programmatic advances in the quest for life beyond earth have taken place.” “Scientific advances have revolutionised fields of astrobiological study, ranging from results from missions focused on exoplanets, such as Kepler, to continuing discovery from existing planetary missions.”
• NASA’s astrobiologists have primarily looked at candidates for life in the solar system so far, such as Mars and the moons of Jupiter and Saturn. In recent years, NASA has found evidence of complex organic molecules in Martian rock, water plumes Saturn’s moon Enceladus and even icy deposits of water on our Moon. But an ever-growing list of exoplanets discovered far out beyond the borders of our corner of space have expanded the potential number of worlds where life could exist.
• Scientists are now hoping to unravel the mysteries of how life begins in the first place and whether these exoplanets have the right conditions for live to thrive. “Evidence from major transitions in environmental conditions from early Earth to today, and an understanding of how they occurred, is critical for the search for life.”
• The new report comes in contrast to NASA’s recent efforts to hunt the universe for signs of alien technosignatures – artificially created evidence of life in space such as radio signals – as opposed to biosignatures.
NASA should focus all future missions on the hunt for astrobiological alien life, top scientists have urged in a new report.
Seventeen scientists representing the US National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) believe the hunt for alien life is paramount.
In a report mandated by the US Congress, the 17 experts claimed astrobiology needs to be at the forefront of NASA’s research in space.
The scientists labelled astrobiology a “field of rapid change” where technological and scientific progress is advancing the quest to discover alien life.
Their report reads: “In the three years since publication of NASA’s Astrobiology Strategy 2015, significant scientific, technological and programmatic advances in the quest for life beyond earth have taken place.
“Scientific advances have revolutionised fields of astrobiological study, ranging from results from missions focused on exoplanets, such as Kepler, to continuing discovery from existing planetary missions.”
The report further argued growing public interest in astrobiology and life outside of Earth will dictate the course of NASA’s research in the “coming decade”.
Astrobiology is the study of the origins, development and spread of life throughout the universe.
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• Astrobiology – the study of life on other planets – has grown from a fringe sub-discipline of biology, chemistry and astronomy to a leading interdisciplinary field, attracting researchers from top institutions across the globe, and large sums of money from both NASA and private funders. But what exactly are astrobiologists looking for? Would they even recognize an alien being?
• Under Darwin’s theory of ‘natural selection’, we can expect an extraterrestrial being to have reached that place in its development naturally through survival and reproduction. This combination of complex design (to better survive) and apparent purpose (to reproduce), also known as ‘adaptedness’, defines life. Entities are designed to fit their surroundings. The organism’s ‘design’ variation is always improving over the generations, which allows for ‘design to appear without a designer’.
• If alien development wasn’t ruled by natural selection, the aliens wouldn’t be able to cope with changes on their planet, and so would disappear before we found them. Therefore, aliens must be the product of natural selection, following certain Darwinian rules to produce only certain kinds of organisms. Thus, astrobiologists can use the theory of natural selection and the mathematics of evolution to make predictions about alien development.
• [Editor’s Note] On the other hand, what if the biggest game in the universe was genetic experimentation to create endless types of beings? What if technologically advanced ‘creators’ have simply adapted a humanoid “star template”, i.e.: a head, torso, two arms and two legs, as a practical template for the vast majority of intelligent beings? And what if these created intelligent humanoid beings were scattered all over the galaxy/universe already? What if Earth humans were unremarkable – a common entity throughout the galaxy, and were even at the lower end of the intellectual, technological and spiritual development scale? Or what if the different Earth human races were the descendants of various refugee groups from other worlds? What if Darwin’s ‘natural selection’ had nothing to do with human or alien development, but these attributes were indeed ‘given’ to us not by natural selection but by ‘purposeful creation’ in order to survive in a particular environment? Once we have shed our belief that we are the only intelligent beings alive in the universe – having evolved ‘naturally’ from the planet’s primordial ooze, an entirely new universal paradigm of ‘creative evolution’ will be revealed to us as we raise our collective consciousness. It’s coming folks, so hold onto your hats.
What would convince you that aliens existed? The question came up recently at a conference on astrobiology, held at Stanford University in California. Several ideas were tossed around – unusual gases in a planet’s atmosphere, strange heat gradients on its surface. But none felt persuasive. Finally, one scientist offered the solution: a photograph. There was some laughter and a murmur of approval from the audience of researchers: yes, a photo of an alien would be convincing evidence, the holy grail of proof that we’re not alone.
But why would a picture be so convincing? What is it that we’d see that would tell us we weren’t just looking at another pile of rocks? An alien on a planet orbiting a distant star would be wildly exotic, perhaps unimaginably so. What, then, would give it away as life? The answer is relevant to our search for extraterrestrials, and what we might expect to find.
Astrobiology – the study of life on other planets – has grown from a fringe sub-discipline of biology, chemistry and astronomy to a leading interdisciplinary field, attracting researchers from top institutions across the globe, and large sums of money from both NASA and private funders. But what exactly is it that astrobiologists are looking for? How will we know when it’s time to pop the Champagne?
One thing that sets life apart from nonlife is its apparent design. Living things, from the simplest bacteria to the great redwoods, have vast numbers of intricate parts working together to make the organism function. Think of your hands, heart, spleen, mitochondria, cilia, neurons, toenails – all collaborating in synchrony to help you navigate, eat, think and survive. The most beautiful natural rock formations lack even a tiny fraction of the myriad parts of a single bacterial cell that coordinate to help it divide and reproduce.
And living things, unlike dirt and wind, appear to be trying to do things – eat, grow, survive, reproduce. If you’ve ever tried to squish a resilient bug, you know that it doesn’t require a complex mind for an organism to appear to want to survive. Or for a squirrel to ‘want’ to jump from one branch to the next. Or for a plant to ‘try’ to reach towards the Sun and soak up nutrients from the soil. Not only do living things have many intricate parts, but all of those parts have the same, common purpose ¬– survival and reproduction. This combination of complex design and apparent purpose, also known as adaptedness, defines life. When we look at that photo of an alien, it’s exactly this adaptedness that would make us go: ‘Aha!’ We would see, clearly, the difference between a disappointing pile of rocks and an exciting alien – design. This is good news, because there’s only one way to get such design: natural selection.
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Astronomer Eamonn Ansbro, PhD, specialist in Solar System Astronomy and instrument maker is a member of the Royal Astronomical Society, SETI member in the UK, discoverer of a Moon quake, past Vice President of the International Union of Amateur Astronomers. His scientific accomplishments include discoveries of a hydrogen envelope around the rings of Saturn. Dr. Ansbro also explores a form of proactive interaction with extraterrestrial intelligences (or CE-5) modulating hiperluminal, longitudinal EM waves based on consciousness resonance, a form of potentially instantaneous and simultaneous communication with more advanced civilizations which would not use regular transversal EM radio waves to communicate.
The frequency (compression and expansion) is modulated with voltage. They have been working for about 10 years and are now in Ireland. Ansbro and team are applying an apparently more effective form of CE-5 based on what they call “Co Creative Science” by Machaelle Small Wright and Catherine Ansbro tuning first with nature in order to achieve communication. They also use very advanced conventional detection instruments (multi-directional visual, gamma rays, infrared, etc).
The non orthodox effort is associated with a more conventional SETI effort at SETI KINGSLAND, an Optical SETI research center. It includes five, sixteen and thirty-six inch reflectors, with specialized CCD cameras.What should matter for more conventional SETI scientists still working with radio waves and optical SETI should be…RESULTS. Thus, his unorthodox research into ET communication and UFOs is tolerated. http://www.kingslandobservatory.com/about.html
Apparently they have been quite successful. But soon (perhaps by November of this year) they will have 2 devices ready for non-conventional communication and may experience more dramatic results. This effort expands ufology way beyond the traditional “nuts and bolts” approach, combining science and consciousness under shared patterns. Through the combined use of resonance based on a nature-aligned consciousness modifying longitudinal waves (which are more closely related with natural living processes),ufology is expanded, becoming more interactive, experimental and capable of finding direct answers, both with scientific instruments and with the use of conciousness. We could perhaps call it “conscious contact ufology.”
After many years of research, Ansbro is certain that we are being visited. He claims to have found 660 paths which UFOs use intersecting the Equator in synchronous motion around the Earth, as large motherships wait, for instance, in the upper stratosphere while sending down smaller probes for sort term operations.
Superluminal LONGITUDINAL WAVES are important. Professor Konstantin Meyl working with Tesla’s technology has been able to produce them. His also transmit electrical energy wirelessly.
We need to learn how to produce longitudinal waves in a useful manner and how consciousness and living patterns interact with them. That would be a step forward in understanding how advanced ETs not limited to spacetime may operate and may be a way to solve the Fermi Paradox.
In this 2016 lecture, astronomer Eamonn Ansbro didn’t say how the longitudinal wave producing devices were made and how to couple these waves with consciousness and intention (after it has attuned with nature) but this information should be easy to locate. He may be experimenting with optical Bessel beams forming X-waves that have a focused superluminal component that could be considered longitudinal. I don’t know, but this information should be easy to locate.
We also need to find the mathematical and conceptual compatibility with the Quantum Hologram and with the other theories considered that connect mind, matter, consciousness across levels of reality. Longitudinal Waves (associated with EM waves) also seem to directly carry entropic and negentropic energies modifiable by intention ultimately originating in the non-physical realm of existence. They may be used to communicate, inter phase and to re-program.
The field of Ufology is moving forward and EXOPOLITICS is also becoming more recognized and talked about in this move. At the well-led forum by Mr. A.J. Gevaerd, the “Foz de Iguazu Letter 2014” intended for Brazilian representatives and senators was perfected and signed to ask them to begin to openly discuss UFO issues. The forum’s emphasis was on the social implications of the extraterrestrial presence. There also was an emphasis in speakers that proposed using effective psychic and “espirita” (spiritist) means to develop verifiable human-extraterrestrial interactions.
While there were several outstanding researchers (like France’s CNES’ Jean Jacques Velasco and Professor Erling Strand of the Hessdalen Project and Østfold University College) objectively substantiating the high probability of advanced, intelligently directed objects behind some UFOs, definitely the tenor of the event was not about whether the ETs might be here but about moving forward now that it was clear for most researchers that they were. Next (from notes taken personally at the conference) I’ll give a few summaries of three specific presentations more specifically relevant to exopolitics.
From the presentation by Mr. Thiago Luis Ticchetti (co-editor of “Revista UFO” from Brazil):
QUESTION:What will happen after disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence? Some possible answers:
After 1 min: Call relatives and tell them about the news. After 1 hr.: Billions of emails. After 1 day: More serious questions are asked.
First reactions
Are they similar to us? Are they intelligent but non-human? What are their goals? Are they benign or malignant? Are we safe?
Handling of disclosure information
Will it be handled stealthily? With how much aperture to the public? Will only a few of the secrets held be given to the public or all of them? Will this information be given voluntarily? A total radical aperture including the good and the bad?
What will happen with the political conflicts around the world? Will some be set aside to face as a species the new challenges? Ufologists will become important.
If there’s a partial (controlled) aperture it may be because governments fear a generalized panic. How will the world financial markets be affected? How will they be affected by extraterrestrial technology thereafter?
Most likely there’ll be a “false,” deceiving aperture because “nothing is certain in a trillion dollar industry filled with cover-ups. But changes do take place. Perhaps the population will have about 6 days to digest information that will change life forever.
Martial Law will be declared in a number of places in the world. The media will say that UFO stories were true after all. INTERNET will be working at maximum capacity. There will be some technical problems.
In Budhism, Hinduism and Spiritism there’s belief in extraterrestrial existence. Some other religions may have a problem with that.
There will be opposing and favorable opinions about ufological opening. Opposing: More armament will fall into aggressive hands. In favor: Technology can help people.
By the time of that dialogue/controversy perhaps more will be known about who the ETs are and what they want?
Who are they and what do they want?
Are they a threat or are they friendly? Are they in fact “extraterrestrials?” Are they intelligent machines? Are they terrestrial entities? Are they “extra” or ultradimensionals? Are they angels or demons? Are they time travellers? Are they from the future and cannot interact with us openly so as not to alter the future?
Are we like laboratory rats? Are they in a rescue mission? Do they want our DNA? Do they want to create a new type of species and-or save their own species? Do they want to eat our meat perhaps like the mutilated cows? Some evidence indicates that they were alive when they were eaten. 30,000 persons disappear every year.
Do they want our souls? Do they want our “oasis” planet? Perhaps they want nothing? Do they have empathy towards human beings? What technological level do they have? Have they already infiltrated in our society? Would some hybrids be able to pass for us easily?
Giorgio Piacenza: I’ll add: Do they want us to teach them something (let’s not assume that they can’t learn some things from us). Do they want to have our capacities, even capacities which we have not clearly recognized in us?
Institutional, Social & Cultural Questions
Will some cultural foundations crack? Will some institutions suffer credibility problems for having previously hidden this reality? How much did they know inside the government? Who knew?
There will be a new “energy equation” (new sources of energy affecting societies, productions, the economy).
How will the legal system of countries with extraterrestrial presence change?
In the coming Age what is liberated-disclosed will determine what is going to happen.
How will the day-to-day life of people continue? How will the educational structure change?
History will be re-evaluated. With respect to anthropology and archaeology we will ask: What is true or false? Psychology will have questions like: Is it possible to control experiences and memories like some ETs have shown?
Exopolitics will grow. All politics will be global. Since Brazil is the 5th country in terms of population and area and with several ufologists it will become a ufological power.
From the presentation by Dr. Alexandre Dittrich Buhr “Proposal for an Ethics for the Encounter with Cosmic Civilizations”:
Dr. Buhr is a professor and a judge, with a MsC in legal sciences and lives in the Brazilian State of Santa Catarina (where important crop circles have been regularly appearing in the past few years). He’s also had a long-time interest in Space Law, is the author of “Direito Espacial” (Space Law) and clearly includes important Exopolitical considerations.
We have to consider Space Law, Ufological Events and Ethics: Space Law regulates how countries and businesses use space. Ufological Events need to be understood under a legal perspective and Ethic need to be developed for encounters with cosmic civilizations.
By convention In Aeronautical and Space Law the limit where space starts is at 100 Km over sea level. Space technology is present in daily life. Economy, agriculture, airplanes already use space related technology.
There is Public International Space Law; Public Internal Space Law and Private International Space Law.
Space activities tend to be messy. However, there have been some treaties like the foundational 1967 Space Treaty, the 1968 Agreement on the Return of Astronauts and the Return of Objects Launched into Outer Space, the 1972 Space Liability Convention (how states are responsible when satellites fall), the 1974 Registration Convention (only 62 signing states have to inform the UN of satellites launched and their orbits but military satellites are not controlled), the 1979 Moon Agreement (subscribed by very few countries). But the 1967 Space Treaty is for the good and interests of ALL countries, stating that nothing from Outer Space can be an object of national appropriation. But the U.S. probably places weapons in space even if the UN is in agreement with the spirit of the 1967 Treaty.
Brazil has already celebrated treaties with the European Space Agency (ESA), Germany, Argentina, Chile, China, Colombia, France, India, Russia, Ukraine and the US. Brazil has been a member of the United Nation’s COPUOS (Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space) since its foundation in 1959.
It is currently considered that private activity is not contemplated under Space Law. This includes activities like space tourism, asteroid mining exploitation and rendering services to space agencies. There also is the issue of space waste. Also militarization of outer space is prohibited but it is done. There are unilateral and multilateral considerations. There’s the possibility of “space terrorism” (like attacking necessary satellites). There also is the possibility of encounters with hostile cosmic civilizations.
For most aerospace legal authorities there is no UFO phenomenon to consider. However, the violation of air space requires a legal interpretation. Also the issue of human contamination due to contact with extraterrestrial organisms requires more understanding. Moreover, the Penal Code would apply to implants, as a form of creating damage to the human body. It would also apply for sexual experiences during abductions and to the sanctity ofhome space violations. Some UFO-ET related events typified in the (Brazilian) Penal Code are implants generating corporal lesions (art 129), subtraction and/or placement of genetic material (213), kidnapping and withholding a person (art 150), illegal subjection of a person.
Mario Nogueira Rangel who wrote “Secuestros Alienígenas” (Extraterrestrial Abductions) made clear that many symptoms associated to the Abductions are violations both of the Penal Code and of Human Rights. However, we should recognize that there also are positive types of contacts. Think of Ezequiel’s experiences and of Elizabeth Klarer’s reference to the extraterrestrial Akon from Alpha Centauri. Interestingly J.J. Hurtak provided additional insights to the revealed names present in Klarer’s case.
But how should we position ourselves before a variety of extraterrestrial encounters? We need to develop an ethical understanding, a philosophical understanding and Interplanetary Space Law. We need to identify who they are and if they correlate with our basic ethical norms. We need to develop the philosophy of Interplanetary Space Law. For instance was the European civilization that brought modernity but enslaved so many in the New World good or bad? Are older extraterrestrial civilizations that have been interacting for a long time with us but which violate our rights good or bad?
From the presentation by Dr. Michael Salla “Exodiplomacy: How will Humanity Negotiate with the Extraterrestrial Visitors”:
“Exodiplomacy” is defined as the profession, activity or skill of managing diplomatic interplanetary relations by national and/or planetary representatives. There are many events signaling an increasing recognition of issues dealing with the extraterrestrial presence. Exoplanets are being discovered; in 2009 the Pontificial Academy of Sciences held an astrobiology conference; followed by the Royal Society conference on the Scientific, Societal Agenda on the Discovery of Extraterrestrial Life. On September 18-19, 2014 there was a NASA -SETI – Library of Congress symposium called “Preparing for Discovery.” The message (in agreement with the Royal Society is that it is important to prepare.
Dr. Salla announced that the Reinstated Kingdom of Hawaii, a sovereignty independence political movement dedicated land to welcome the extraterrestrial visitors and could be a lead which governments could follow.
Regarding the practice of exodiplomacy who will represent the Earth? The UN? Major nations? Amnesty International? Popular Individuals? The Dalai Lama? Is there a role for private citizens? We can speak of “second track” exodiplomacy which includes non-official efforts to establish lines of communication. We need to educate society. However, discovery of extraterrestrial life may have already happened and secret negotiations may have taken place. For instance, Canadian Engineer Wilbert Smith found that UFOs exist and that they were the most highly classified matter in the U.S. Also, whistleblowers claim that President Eisenhower had two secret meetings with extraterrestrials (one at Edwards AFB in 1954 and one at Holloman AFB in 1955). Moreover, former Canadian Minister of DefencePaul Hellyer believes (as stated in his 2014 “Money Maffia” book) that secret negotiations with ET races have taken place. First-hand testimonies also suggest that alien technology has been reversed-engineered.
Dr. Salla informed us that – according to the U.S. Constitution – the U.S. senate has to ratify International Treaties but that “Executive Agreements” “other than treaties” are allowed. If such agreements had been held in 1954, 60 years would have passed until today (2014).
However, “Galactic Diplomacy” or extraterrestrial contact is also already happening through private citizens and perhaps we already have enough information to start preparing as citizens for more open contact with ETs. We can also educate and prepare other private citizens.
Photo 1: Meditation contact group pointing at ETI craft in Teotihuacan, Mexico on July 19, 2014 (with contactee Sixto Paz)Photo 2: One of the several metallic craft observed at Teotihuacan, Mexico on July 19, 2014 after telepathic messages were received.
To develop Exopolitics we need to know who the ETs are. Developing a more proactive-interactive approach which is both verifiable and trust building we could find out more. We need to RELATE with them more and with greater equality. Let’s try it! Discard it if its false but also accept it and change our prejudices if it is not! Genuine contactees can contribute to this by assisting with the applications of scientific procedures. Furthermore, adequate, objective results would also legitimize their contact claims. It is 2014 and high time to shift ufological tactics first by relaxing many psychological, ideological and social prejudices and, quite simply…by seriously attempting toscientifically verify the extraterrestrial presence with the assistance of some of these beings and their contactees.
With the growing abundance of documentaries on extraterrestrial life people are getting used to entertaining ideas and news about extraterrestrials, UFOs and contacts. Conventional documentaries sell the expectation of an eventual intelligent extraterrestrial contact mostly through technological means and the unconventional clearly suggest that it may be actually happening through means which often include mental, psychic, spiritual and-or advanced spacetime/reality manipulating means. It is time to bring both approaches together to detect and measure unconventional flying vehicles in an objective manner and to augment any verifiable interaction with their designers.
Can we move into a more proactive, experimental stage blending scientific verification means and the mental-psychic-social contactee means? Yes, I think so after considering that already – on occasions – some degree of collectively verifiable human-extraterrestrial interactions have taken place through contactees in agreement with extraterrestrial varieties. It is not so much a matter of possibility but of overcoming the prejudicesinhibiting us from even attempting it. It is a matter of thinking beyond fears, a matter of surpassing social control mechanisms and limiting self-centered ‘comfort zones’. It is a matter of intersubjective agreement. Instead of dimissing beforehand contactee efforts that may provide evidence but may also seem to be “pseudo religious,” let’s go out to the fields and find repeatable, objective evidence through experimental interaction! Empirical results are possible and the implications are vast. A new stage of Ufology suitable for Exopolitics is possible.
The Context
We seem to be dealing with a phenomenon that bridges the gap between purely physical and purely psychic-social experiences and explanations of reality. However, to begin dealing with this adequately, first of all the very term “extraterrestrial” must become legitimate and not the butt of jokes in the perspectives of social actors.
Under the build-up of social awareness on ET issues any dramatic UFO phenomenon event may spur enough social demand and the possibility of some kind of citizen or government-induced public “disclosure.” But before that first it would be good to try to find out who’s who among the ETs to be disclosed.
I think that certain types of extraterrestrial intelligences (or “ETI”) interacted with through a few serious contact groups may become more disposed to show up (materialize?) their vehicles less ambiguously and more regularly under telepathically established place, date and time. Some ETI may be willing to work with well-meaning, balanced individuals to boost a scientifically verifiable kind of Ufology.
The Proposal
I think that we can and ought to initiate a new stage of research. Ever since the begining of the modern era of “Ufology” some researchers went on to work with contactees, telepaths and experiencers and others went on to work with classical “nuts & bolts” approximations establishing themselves as more “scientific” and dismissive of the former. Today, there’s evidence that each approximation is valid for different aspects of a reality that encompases them. Thus, these knowledge worlds must merge. Genuine contacteeism should not be further dismissed as steming from illusion and-or crank cases especially if independent researchers and media reporters are objectively verifying it.
The ETI connection between physical reality levels might occur through a non-physical, mental, information realm related to our subconscious minds and with which we are always connected. ETIs would be able to reach “our planet” not only by “tunneling” or quantum jumping between sectors of our universe but also among reality sectors, time rates and other parameters between various physical universes. This is why the concept of “ETI” would have to include the possibility of “transdimensionality.”
Let’s remember that the term “UFO” is an easy-to-use, but often imprecise, acronym pertinent to objects that have not been adequately identified, but if we have enough evidence that some of these objects are used by ETI, we should find another definition that applies to that. If we repeatedly verify in a reasonable way an intelligent interaction with objects connected with ETI after communicating with them we should apply another term, such as “ETV” (extraterrestrial vehicle) or such. Understanding these vehicles and the intelligences linked to them may be best done through a lessening of classical scientific strictures. The reason may be that, in order for them to function in our reality frame, subjective, probability-modifying, qualitative connections would also have to be in operation.
There are no clear statistics but I have the impression that for every few hundred or so typical abduction accounts (a la Budd Hopkins) there may be one that qualifies as communicative, friendly contact through invitation and respect of conscious choice. The requirement may be to possess a more permeable subconscious while in the conscious state. These types of contacts now seem to be less common and, due to our minds often being set on thinking of these encounters as truly “alien” and even manipulative they seem to be too nice to be true. However, generally speaking – even with benevolent, “space brother,” “classical contactee” cases – it is “them” (the particular extraterrestrial group involved) who generally decide how and who to initiate contact with.
For the most part it seems that we are still too primitive, emotionally attached to simplistic, dichotomous views of reality and to unpredictable but, according to some contactees we can still evolve way beyond that situation without co-dependent attachments to ETI. Some ETI would be “benevolent” in that they would believe that we can still “catch up” awakening to actualize much greater potentials. They would thus keep an eye on us advising and protect our possibilities to evolve through a conscious effort. Moreover, these ETI varieties seem to be willing to communicate at least with a few of us more in our communication styles as respectable entities of equal worth. Other ETI groups not knowing what we may become and observing not only that we are destroying our ecosystems but that we have not yet obtained a decent planetary coherence as a species may have the right to take advantage of us, for instance by hybridizing with us to “enhance” us by producing hybrids. However, I think the highest path for us relates to consciously chosen, VOLUNTARY forms of contact in which fear and limiting attachments are overcome and important information is consciously gained.
Let us find some bona fide contactees that seem to work with varieties of ETI willing to interact more openly in a mutually respectful manner. In George Adamski’s time few other witnesses (like Madeleine Rodeffer) were able to see and film the craft or to accompany the main protagonist to a contact experience. Most of the alleged physical contactees from the 1950’s had experiences almost exclusively reserved to them as it’s been known through their individual testimonies. It seems that when the possibility of making these experiences more collectively verifiable was increasing, the “CONTACTEE ERA” (a window of opportunity in time) was questioned to the point of almost coming to a close. It didn’t make much difference even if some pictures (like for instance Paul Villa’s) really looked outstanding.
The many alleged contact cases with human-looking, conversant and friendly ETI known in the 1950’s were almost forgotten and contacts with other kinds of ETI naturally surged from the 1960’s on. We don’t need to condemn that but to understand it as a natural shift after easier contacts were rejected. For various reasons the tendency in the northern hemisphere was -generally speaking – also unable to match the more flexible – even if less analytical – adaptive mindset in some of the best (albeit few), coherent, idealist, Latin American contact groups able to blend spirituality, some degree of intellectual coherence and hard work with a natural, easygoing INTERSUBJECTIVE acceptance of the extraterrestrial presence as “elder brothers” or simply…as friends. Thus, a different contact plan with a different subgroup of ETIs was implemented in Latin America in the 1970’s.
While most contact procedures in the Northern Hemisphere apparently became more, instrumental, intrusive, matter-of-fact, one-sided and result-driven, the ones in the Southern Hemisphere became subtler, more open to voluntary participation, but also at times tending towards sociological forms of psycho-spiritual cultism and over-idealization. However, contacts were real…even physicallly so and ocassionaly collectively verified and today there’s a slowly growing awareness that a dynamic middle ground compromise accepting greater objectivity can be achieved. In the beginning, mostly due to a non-scientific attitude and to great respect for the “extraterrestrial guides” only in very rare instances did people bring along their cameras to try to document the ETI presence. Now, there’s a mildly growing interest in using video and photo cameras to document what is happening and with it there are more opportunities for a more modern kind of worldwide recognition.
Ufologists and scientists in the more rigidly intellectual “north” should at least “suspend judgment” as much as possible and go see what is happening with a spirit of genuine scientific exploration and straightforward sincerity. That is what Michael Salla (political scientist) and Paola Harris (investigative journalist) did through a particular serious contactee as reported in http://exopolitics.org/extraterrestrial-message-for-humanity/ and in http://edy.rdz.mybluehost.me/exonews1/encounter-antarel-mt-shasta/.
In my my view, those experiences can be repeated and improved in different countries with the respect and CONSENT of the particular friendly extraterrestrial beings directly associated. That would be more exopolitically convenient for humanity at large since these beings seem to respect our self-determination. Moreover, it should be repeated in a progressive manner with the aim of building genuine, amicable relationships of trust and respect not only with the ETI but with ourselves, learning and respecting the process involved.
Our worldviews, premises and paradigms (now mired in conflicting views, materialism, lack of trust and even excessive post-modern relativism) will definitely receive a refreshing expansive influence after “first contact” becomes clear or after a socially impacting form of disclosure is widely acknowledged. However, we still need to learn much more about benign forms of contact not only easier to assimilate by honest, rational human minds but offering a communicative broad-spectrum picture. We would need to psychologically move beyond the traditional “let’s first consider them as potential enemies” military-like, approach and this shift in view could even officially take place through gradual, voluntary contacts and interactions establishing trust.
We can bring together useful intelligent, QUALITATIVE approaches that, due to a sense of self invested in the partial solutions of dichotomous thinking, only SEEMED UNREAL AND NON-CREDIBLE . What can arise from this is not only a form of “scientific contacteeism” and a more “proactive exopolitics” but also “experimental ufology” and, in the latter case (with increasing degrees of cooperation from ETI) we could have more opportunities to measure energy fields and other aspects related to various scientific theories that may begin to explain the “transphysical” and-or “interdimensional” nature of devies that operate across a vaster cosmic reality. The bulk of the effort, of the coming together and research would fall upon human shoulders, not upon the “space brothers” (a perfectly valid term) who are not here to “save us” as is often generalized among intellectuals and researchers that often OVERSIMPLIFY contacteeism.
Through specific contactees and through their psychic-psychological-ethical, group-based contact methods (however “naïve” and “soft” they may seem) there may rise opportunities both for accredited scientists and for objective “citizen scientists” to verify contacts; to interact and communicate with ETI (and-or to verify interactions and communication events) first hand. That is important and that is a possibility.
I understand that contacts through genuine telepathy and telepathic psychography are generally more respectful of human dignity and more accurate and that through them the contact can sometimes be verified, for instance, through consecutive and simultaneous communication receptions, synchronicities and sufficiently unequivocal specifically expected verification sightings. However, to be fair I must say that it is known that psychiatrist Mario Dussuel advisor to Chile’s CEFAA carried on some proactive scientific contact experiences through the use of voice channeling. He requested a particular extraterrestrial group to provide a way to analyze the substance of “foo fighters” and apparently was soon given a PHYSICAL SAMPLE through another person and the analysis was performed.
The Fear
The fear of being made fun of by peers inside academic, political and other modern institutions and then shunned from opportunities has been a powerful deterrent against serious research into genuione contacteeism. There simply is a stubborn resistance to consider something as crucial, especially through means outside of recognized academic methods. But evidence for a reality that urges to be recognized will eventually win out against avoidance, closed-mindedness, denial and fear.
Let me state that I do admire the work of regular scientists revealing the cosmos in other specific, valid, necessary, objective and conventional ways. I’m all for SETI, ESA and NASA’s continued discoveries and look forward to the launch of the Tess and James Webb Missions. The scientists’ revealing of patterns in the known physical universe may reflect deeper aspects of the non-physical cosmos. Their discoveries are necessary. In fact, connecting with ETI through alternative telepathic and contactee means may not necessarily reveal to us all there is to know as some ETI may want to avoid propitiating co-dependencies or not be willing to inform us of everything they know. Thus scientific research (also open to an open dialogue with the humanities and social sciences) should remain just as important in order to develop our understanding even after widely acknowledged verification or disclosure.
However (even if not coinciding with current theoretical frameworks or being taken seriously by most individuals with PhDs) credible evidence for an intelligent extraterrestrial presence does already exist, should be carefully looked into and should be creatively approached. Scientific but non-conventional methods are called for. If institution-based scientists remain unwilling to work with contactees to verify human-ETI interaction a new breed of “citizen scientists” also providing objectively-gathered evidence can promote knowledge and disclosure.
The Opportunity
The next step is to try to develop rapport with the extraterrestrial entities willing to establish a dialogue, allowing us to verify their presence. It is not naive because it has been gradually happening on a small scale. They may be willing not only to appear with their craft at a set place, date and time but to eventually – for instance – facilitate us filming or taking pictures of their vehicles, perhaps during daytime. That’s were science and scientific equipment can come in. Some reporters have even been occasionally able to witness and-or film anomalous aerial objects through some contactees.
If “CITIZEN SCIENTISTS” produce enough serious evidence, then an academic interest in actually verifying and communicating with ETI through contactees may also follow. Their work may also be scientifically valid and deserve due respect and being reproduced.
We would have to come to terms with the legal status of ETI as much as with our own legal status (or analogous concept) according to ETI procedures and understandings. We would have to understand whether existing in a non-completely physical form within our reality frame exempts ETI from our legal prohibition against flying over our nation’s skies without permission.We would have to come to terms with the likely fact that “they” have been coming and going before we even thought what a modern “legal status” was. We would have to consider that perhaps “they” (how many and why?) have influenced our cultural and biological evolution over eons. We would have to learn to communicate with them also according to their understandings.
It is time to make contact, solidifying the evidence in an undeniable way, dialoguing in tandem with verifiable events to build our knowledge of who ‘they’ are, what their plans are, their differences, agreements, excesses, and so forth. We also need to know who ‘we’ are in relation to ‘them’ and who expects what from us. I think that treating contactee and UFO research in a non-trivial way will be a first step crucial to be treated by most ETI varieties as sufficiently responsible, intelligent, as equals and as sovereign whose conscious minds deserve to be respectfully consulted before interactions.
It is time to think more inclusively. The contact experience itself doesn’t need to be limited to individuals without scientific training. It can be both with a subjective-intersubjective approach as well as a careful, objective evidence-gathering approach. Both skeptical, materialist scientists claiming that there’s little or even “no shred of evidence” that we are being ‘visited’ and small segments of humanity claiming to already be in voluntary contact with ETI would have to come together recognizing the merits of each other’s methodologies as their exclusivist attitudes become passé.
Knowing when and where extraterrestrials may become detectable would give accredited scientists and “citizen scientists” time to prepare for careful data gatheringincluding the use of measurement devices such as infrared, gamma ray, x ray, detectors. Perhaps the decay of spacecraft produced particles into gamma rays expected by theorists like Robert L. Schroeder can be tested. The role of consciousness, the subconscious, premonition, why some individuals can clearly see an ETI vehicle and someone next to them cannot could come to be better understood
Taking simultaneous pictures at a known distance between two cameras preferably in the daytime and with some clouds for reference and (with ETI consent) could be useful to triangulate the distance from materialized ETI objects establishing that they are indeed three dimensional, of a certain size and apparent distance as they become detectable in our spacetime reality.
I also take the proposal of working with bona fide contactees and willing extraterrestrial entities as an enhancement over already interesting and partially successful CE-5 methods because of the particularity of being friends with ‘them’,knowing who ‘they’ are, and when and where they will manifest. This would lead to more repetitive, experimental opportunities. What is need the most is not to dismiss offhand the requirement to work in a respectful manner with the finest available contactees, whether we agree or not with their ideologies or with their more qualitative, subjective-intersubjective methods. Contactees, contactee supporters, accredited scientists, citizen scientists and also the general public, cultural leaders and politicians al lneed to grow up. Given that most people may not be serious enough, nor ethically motivated or sufficiently easy-going about full-blown, open contact interactions, most likely the process would have to be relatively gradual. However, it needs to get on its way.
Verified, objective interactions connected with associated extraterrestrial information could also gradually inform our exopolitical considerations. We could assign more credence to some of the information imparted about cosmic history, human history and the structure of an intelligent cosmic community. Some of us could even have onboard contact opportunities and ETI ambassadorship may gradually manifest. The UN would have to establish a multi national research office and congressional hearings would ensue.
Practical, empirical results that can be analyzed would help scientists overcome their prejudice against the possibility of directly affecting physically verifiable phenomena through an interactive “space” not limited to a rigid external reality. Even the possibility of scientists experiencing some degree of verifiable physical and-or “transphysical” contact themselves could happen. Not facing these mind-expanding challenges would probably signal that we are an unviable, closed-minded species, incapable of facing planetary challenges as a whole.
Photo 1: Meditation contact group pointing at ETI craft in Teotihuacan, Mexico on July 19, 2014 (with contactee Sixto Paz)Photo 2: One of the several metallic craft observed at Teotihuacan, Mexico on July 19, 2014 after telepathic messages were received.
To develop Exopolitics we need to know who the ETs are. Developing a more proactive-interactive approach which is both verifiable and trust building we could find out more. We need to RELATE with them more and with greater awareness and equality.
Genuine contactees can contribute to this by assisting with the applications of scientific procedures. Furthermore, objective results would also legitimize their contact claims. It is 2014 and high time to shift ufological tactics first by relaxing many psychological, ideological and social prejudices and, quite simply…by attempting toscientifically verify the extraterrestrial presence with the assistance of some of these beings and their contactees.
With the growing abundance of documentaries on extraterrestrial life people are getting used to entertaining ideas and news about extraterrestrials, UFOs and contacts. Conventional documentaries sell the expectation of an eventual intelligent extraterrestrial contact mostly through technological means and the unconventional clearly suggest that it may be actually happening through means which often include mental, psychic, spiritual and-or advanced spacetime/reality manipulating means.
It is time to bring both consciousness and scientific approaches together to detect and measure unconventional flying vehicles in an objective manner and to augment any verifiable interaction with their designers.
we need to be bolder and to move into a more proactive, experimental stage blending scientific verification means and the mental-psychic-social contactee means. I do think so after considering that already – on occasions – some degree of collectively verifiable human-extraterrestrial interactions have taken place through contactees in agreement with intelligent extraterrestrial varieties. It is not so much a matter of possibility but of overcoming the prejudicesinhibiting us from even attempting it.
It is an issue of thinking beyond fears, a matter of surpassing social control mechanisms and limiting self-centered ‘comfort zones’. It is also a matter of intersubjective agreement. Instead of dismissing serious contactee efforts that may provide evidence but may also seem to be “pseudo-religious,” to the premises of our particular identity “tribe” let’s go out to the fields and find repeatable, objective evidence through experimental interaction! Empirical results are possible and the implications are vast. A new stage of Ufology suitable for Exopolitics is possible. Integrative Ufology: scientific, activist and psychic. The field demands this integration.
We seem to be dealing with a phenomenon that bridges the gap between purely physical and purely psychic-social experiences and explanations of reality. However, to begin dealing with this adequately, first of all, the very term “extraterrestrial” must become legitimate and not the butt of jokes in the perspectives of social actors.
Under the build-up of social awareness on ET issues, any dramatic UFO phenomenon event may spur enough social demand and the possibility of some kind of citizen or government-induced public “disclosure.” But before that first, it would be good to try to find out who’s who among the ETs to be disclosed.
I think that certain types of extraterrestrial intelligences (or “ETI”) interacted with through a few serious contact groups may become more disposed to show up (materialize? temporarily relocate?) their vehicles less ambiguously and more regularly under telepathically established place, date and time. Some ETI may be willing to work with well-meaning, balanced individuals to boost a scientifically verifiable kind of Ufology.
We ought to initiate a new stage of research. Ever since the beginning of the modern era of “Ufology”, some researchers went on to work with contactees, telepaths and experiencers and others went on to work with classical “nuts & bolts” approximations establishing themselves as more “scientific” and dismissive of the former. Today, there’s evidence that each approximation is valid for different aspects of a reality that encompasses them. Thus, these knowledge worlds must merge. Genuine contacteeism should not be further dismissed as stemming from illusion and-or crank cases especially if independent researchers and media reporters are objectively verifying it.
The ETI connection between physical reality levels might occur through a non-physical, mental, information realm related to our subconscious minds and with which we are always connected. ETIs would be able to reach “our planet” not only by “tunneling” or quantum jumping between sectors of our universe but also among reality sectors, time rates and other parameters between various physical universes. This is why the concept of “ETI” would have to include the possibility of “transdimensionality.”
Let’s remember that the term “UFO” is an easy-to-use, but often imprecise, acronym pertinent to objects that have not been adequately identified, but if we have enough evidence that some of these objects are used by ETI, we should find another definition that applies to that. If we repeatedly verify in a reasonable way an intelligent interaction with objects connected with ETI after communicating with them we should apply another term, such as “ETV” (extraterrestrial vehicle) or such. Understanding these vehicles and the intelligences linked to them may be best done through a lessening of classical scientific strictures. The reason may be that, in order for them to function in our reality frame, subjective, probability-modifying, qualitative connections would also have to be in operation.
There are no clear statistics but I have the impression that for every few hundred or so typical abduction accounts (a la Budd Hopkins) there may be one that qualifies as communicative, friendly contact through invitation and respect of conscious choice. The requirement may be to possess a more permeable subconscious while in the conscious state. These types of contacts now seem to be less common and, due to our minds often being set on thinking of these encounters as truly “alien” and even manipulative they seem to be too nice to be true. However, generally speaking – even with benevolent, “space brother,” “classical contactee” cases – it is “them” (the particular extraterrestrial group involved) who generally decide how and who to initiate contact with.
For the most part, it seems that we are still too primitive, emotionally attached to simplistic, dichotomous views of reality and too unpredictable but – according to some contactees – we can still evolve way beyond that situation without co-dependent attachments to ETI.
Some ETI would be “benevolent” in the sense that they would believe that we can still “catch up” by awakening to actualize much greater dormant potentials. They would thus keep an eye on us advising and protecting our possibilities to evolve through a conscious effort. Moreover, these ETI varieties seem to be willing to communicate at least with a few of us a bit more under our communication styles as respectable entities of equal worth.
Other ETI groups not knowing what we may become and observing not only that we are destroying our ecosystems but that we have not yet obtained a decent planetary coherence as a species may have the right to take advantage of us, for instance by hybridizing with us to “enhance” us by producing hybrids. However, whether we see “eye to eye” with them or not this “taking advantage” may also be beneficial to us as future incarnating souls as we blens with another species perhaps generating a more balanced one.
However, I think the highest path for us relates to consciously chosen, VOLUNTARY forms of contact in which fear and limiting attachments are overcome and important information is consciously gained. As most ETs seem to be benevolent or neutral (and playing by non-undue interference rules) according to most experiencers, most ET contacts also seem to lead to spiritual and personal development.
Let us find some bona fide contactees that seem to work with varieties of ETI willing to interact more openly in a mutually respectful manner. It would beeasier to interact with human-looking ETs. Some called them “Adamic Race” ETs.
In George Adamski’s time, few other witnesses (like Madeleine Rodeffer) were able to see and film the craft or to accompany the main protagonist to a contact experience. Most of the alleged physical contactees from the 1950’s had experiences almost exclusively reserved to them as it’s been known through their individual testimonies. It seems that when the possibility of making these experiences more collectively verifiable was increasing, the “CONTACTEE ERA” (a window of opportunity in time) was questioned to the point of almost coming to a close. It didn’t make much difference even if some pictures (like for instance Paul Villa’s) really looked outstanding.
The many alleged contact cases with human-looking, conversant and friendly ETI known in the 1950s were almost forgotten and contacts with other kinds of ETI naturally surged from the 1960s on. We don’t need to condemn that but to understand it as a natural shift after easier contacts were rejected. Apparently, society and those in the know within Government would not believe such lofty propositions. Their values and intersubjective agreements would have to evolve to accept heartfelt information for them to get more objective evidence or to permit social change.
The first human-looking ETs seemed to invite us through a feeling of trust towards a higher form of living and it was not a mind thing. Grays and other ETs seem to be less healthy and needier but most may not actually be “negative.”
For various reasons the tendency in the world’s northern hemisphere was -generally speaking – also unable to match the more flexible – even if less analytical – adaptive mindset in some of the best (albeit few), coherent, idealist, Latin American contact groups, able to blend spirituality, some degree of intellectual coherence and hard work with a natural, easygoing INTERSUBJECTIVE connectivity and acceptance of the extraterrestrial presence as “elder brothers” or simply…as friends. Thus, a different contact plan with a different subgroup of ETIs was implemented in Latin America in the 1970s.
While most contact procedures in the Northern Hemisphere apparently became more, instrumental, intrusive, matter-of-fact, one-sided and result-driven, the ones in the Southern Hemisphere became subtler, more open to voluntary participation, but also at times tending towards sociological forms of psycho-spiritual cultism and over-idealization. However, contacts were real…even physically so and occasionally verifiedin a collective way.
And today there’s a slowly growing awareness that a dynamic middle ground compromise accepting greater objectivity (while maintaining spiritual idealism) can be achieved. In the beginning, mostly due to a non-scientific attitude and to great respect for the “extraterrestrial guides” only in very rare instances did people bring along their cameras to try to document the ETI presence. Now, there’s a mildly growing interest in using video and photo cameras to document what is happening and with it there are more opportunities for a more modern kind of worldwide recognition.
Ufologists and scientists in the more rigidly intellectual “north” should at least suspend judgment as much as possible and go see what is happening with a spirit of genuine scientific exploration and straightforward sincerity. This is what Michael Salla (political scientist) and Paola Harris (investigative journalist) did through a particular serious contactee as reported in http://exopolitics.org/extraterrestrial-message-for-humanity/ and in http://edy.rdz.mybluehost.me/exonews/encounter-antarel-mt-shasta/. They verified the possibility of a peaceful, interaction with ETI.
In my view, those experiences can be repeated and improved in different countries with the respect and CONSENT of the particular friendly (and more human-compatible) extraterrestrial beings directly associated. That would be more exopolitically convenient for humanity at large since these beings seem to respect our self-determination much more markedly. Moreover, it should be repeated in a progressive manner with the aim of building genuine, amicable relationships of trust and respect, not only with the ETI but with ourselves, growing, learning and respecting the process involved.
Contact would also induce us to think of ourselves as a single species or family worldwide, overcoming hyper nationalisms and, if we connect more with each other like this, the various groups of ET (acting different plans and provisions in case of different eventualities) may see as a whole that we are more deserving of sovereignty.
Our worldviews, premises, and paradigms (now mired in conflicting views, materialism, lack of trust and even excessive post-modern relativism) will definitely receive a refreshing expansive influence after “first contact” becomes unequivocally clear in a conscious, worldwide sense or after a socially impacting form of disclosure is widely acknowledged. However, we still need to learn much more about benign forms of contact which not only are easier to assimilate by honest, rational human minds but also offering a communicative broad-spectrum picture. We need to converse with them’ and to know ‘who’s who’ among them. For this, we would need to psychologically move beyond the traditional “let’s first consider them as potential enemies” military-like, approach and this shift in view could even officially take place through gradual, voluntary contacts and interactions establishing trust.
We can bring together useful intelligent, QUALITATIVE approaches that, due to our self-investment in the partial solutions of dichotomous thinking, only SEEMED UNREAL AND NON-CREDIBLE. What can arise from this is not only a form of “scientific contacteeism” and a more “proactive exopolitics” but also an “experimental ufology” and, in the latter case (with increasing degrees of cooperation from ETI) we could have more opportunities to measure energy fields and other aspects related to various scientific theories that may begin to explain the physical, “trans physical” and-or “interdimensional” nature of devices that operate across levels of reality. The bulk of the effort, of coming together and research would fall upon human shoulders, not upon the “space brothers” (a perfectly valid term) who – in my view and that of a majority of contactees (in spite of detractors prejudices) are not here to “save us.” They are not here to save us as is often generalized among intellectuals and researchers that often OVERSIMPLIFY contacteeism.
Through specific contactees and through their psychic-psychological-ethical, group-based contact methods (however “naïve” and “soft” they may seem) there may rise opportunities for accredited scientists and for objective “citizen scientists” to verify the interactive contacts; also greater opportunities to interact and communicate with ETI first hand. That is important and that is a possibility. A step forward to look up to.
I understand that contacts through genuine telepathy and telepathic, instrumental psychography are generally more respectful of human dignity and more accurate and I understand that, through them, the contact can sometimes be verified, for instance, through consecutive and simultaneous communication receptions, synchronicities and sufficiently unequivocal specifically expected verification sightings. However, to be fair, I must say that it is known that psychiatrist Mario Dussuel (advisor to Chile’s formal UAP/UFO research office CEFAA) carried on some proactive scientific contact experiences through the use of voice channeling. He requested a particular extraterrestrial group to provide a way to analyze the substance of “foo fighters” and apparently was soon given a PHYSICAL SAMPLE through another person and the analysis was performed. Therefore, there may be other methods but we must be careful so as not to deceive ourselves or be interfered by negative ETI groups or other entities.
The fear of being made fun of by peers inside academic, political and other modern institutions and then shunned from opportunities has been a powerful deterrent against serious research into genuine contacteeism. There simply is a stubborn resistance to consider something as crucial, especially through means outside of recognized academic methods. But the evidence for a reality that urges to be recognized will eventually win out against avoidance, closed-mindedness, denial, and fear.
Let me state that I do admire the work of regular scientists revealing the cosmos in other specific, valid, necessary, objective and conventional ways. I’m all for SETI, ESA and NASA’s continued discoveries and look forward to the launch of the Tess and James Webb Telescope Missions. The scientists’ revealing of patterns in the known physical universe may reflect deeper aspects of the non-physical cosmos. Their discoveries are necessary. In fact, connecting with ETI through alternative telepathic and contactee means may not necessarily reveal to us all there is to know as some ETI may want to avoid propitiating co-dependencies or not be willing to inform us of everything they know. Thus scientific research (also open to open dialogue with the humanities and social sciences) should remain just as important in order to develop our understanding even after widely acknowledged verification or disclosure.
However, (even if not coinciding with current theoretical frameworks or being taken seriously by most individuals with PhDs) credible evidence for an intelligent extraterrestrial presence does already exist, should be carefully looked into and should be creatively approached. Scientific but non-conventional methods are called for. If institution-based scientists remain unwilling to work with contactees to verify human-ETI interaction with a new breed of “citizen scientists” also providing objectively-gathered evidence can promote knowledge and disclosure.
The next step is to try to develop a rapport with the extraterrestrial entities willing to establish a dialogue, gradually but clearly allowing us to verify their presence. It is not something naive because it has already been gradually happening on a small scale. We can take the small-scale methods and what was learned and try to verify even more publicly.
“They” may be willing not only to appear with their craft at a set location, date and time but to eventually – for instance – facilitate us filming or taking pictures of their vehicles, perhaps during the daytime. That’s were science and scientific equipment can come in. Some reporters have even been occasionally able to witness and-or film anomalous aerial objects through some contactees. “They” may agree to move their craft in a certain way or produce certain energy emissions following our requests and a type of experimental verification could take place.
CITIZEN SCIENTISTS may be able to work with some open-minded, respectful accredited scientists but if the latter don’t show up the “CITIZEN SCIENTISTS” could produce serious evidence so that academic interest in actually verifying and communicating with ETI through contactees may follow. Of course, the work of citizen scientists can also be scientifically valid and deserve due respect and also being reproduced.
We would have to come to terms with the legal status of ETI as much as with our own legal status in the cosmos (or analogous concept) according to ETI procedures and understandings. For instance, we would have to understand whether existing in a physical-but- non-completely physical form and materializing more to coincide within our reality frame exempts ETI from our legal prohibition against flying over our nation’s skies without permission.
We would have to come to terms with the likely fact that “they” have been coming and going before we even thought what a “legal status” was in the modern sense of the word. We would have to consider that perhaps “they” (how many and why?) have influenced our cultural and biological evolution over eons. We may have to understand that we already share the planet with them. We would have to learn to communicate with them also according to their understandings.
It is time to make direct contact, solidifying the evidence in an undeniable way, dialoguing together with verifiable events to build our knowledge of who ‘they’ are, what their plans are, their differences, agreements, excesses, and so forth.
We also need to know who ‘we’ are in relation to ‘them’ and who expects what from us in the larger scheme of things.
I think that treating contactee and UFO research in a non-trivial way will be a first step crucial to be treated by most ETI varieties as incipiently or sufficiently responsible, intelligent, or as equals and sovereign, beings whose conscious minds deserve to be respectfully consulted before interactions.
It is time to think much more inclusively. This is not wishy-washy thinking. It is vital to survive. The contact experience itself doesn’t need to be limited to individuals without scientific training. It can take place both with a subjective-intersubjective approach as well as with an objective evidence-gathering approach.
Both skeptical, materialist scientists claiming that there’s little or even “no shred of evidence” that we are being ‘visited’ and small segments of humanity claiming to already be involuntary contact with ETI needs to come together recognizing the merits of each other’s methodologies as their exclusivist attitudes become passé. The phenomenon itself may decide to increase its demonstrations worldwide because it may be urgent for us and them that we do not to destroy the Earth’s ecology. They may not want to show up in a shocking way but may also try to legitimize their presence by appearing to members of formal institutions.
Knowing when and where extraterrestrials may become detectable would give accredited scientists and “citizen scientists” time to prepare for careful data gathering including the use of measurement devices such as infrared, gamma-ray, x-ray, detectors. Perhaps the decay of spacecraft produced particles into gamma rays expected by theorists like Robert L. Schroeder can be tested. The role of consciousness, the subconscious, premonition, why some individuals can clearly see an ETI vehicle and someone next to them can be better understood. How can science grow by understanding UFOs? Is it a science of resonance in which consciousness is paramount?
Taking simultaneous pictures at a known distance between two cameras preferably in the daytime and with some clouds for reference and (with ETI consent) could be useful to triangulate the distance from materialized ETI objects establishing that they are indeed three dimensional, of a certain size and apparent distance as they become detectable in our spacetime reality.
I also take the proposal of working with bona fide contactees and willing extraterrestrial entities as an enhancement over already interesting and partially successful CE-5 methods because of the particularity of being friends with ‘them’, knowing who ‘they’ are, and when and where they will manifest. This would lead to more repetitive, experimental opportunities. What is need the most is not to dismiss offhand the requirement to work in a respectful manner with the finest available contactees, whether we agree or not with their ideologies or with their more qualitative, subjective-intersubjective methods. Contactees, contactee supporters, accredited scientists, citizen scientists and also the general public, cultural leaders and politicians al need to grow up. Given that most people may not be serious enough, nor ethically motivated or sufficiently easy-going about full-blown, open contact interactions, most likely the process would have to be relatively gradual. However, it needs to get on its way. We need to learn to think like an intelligence observing us observing outside of our historical routines to stop the stupid destruction of our lives, political systems, and environment.
Verified, objective interactions connected with associated extraterrestrial information could also gradually inform our exopolitical considerations. We could assign more credence to some of the information imparted about cosmic history, human history and the structure of an intelligent cosmic community. Some of us could even have onboard contact opportunities and ETI ambassadorship may gradually manifest. The UN would have to establish a multinational research office and congressional hearings would ensue.
Practical, empirical results that can be analyzed would help scientists overcome their prejudice against the possibility of directly affecting physically verifiable phenomena through an interactive “space” not limited to a rigid external reality. Even the possibility of scientists experiencing some degree of verifiable physical and-or “trans physical” contact themselves could happen.
Not facing these mind-expanding challenges would probably signal that we are an unviable, closed-minded species, incapable of adapting beyond close-at-hand realities (local realism) or facing current planetary challenges as a whole.
The state of the world “Switch on the news and you see record-breaking protests, historic uprisings and riots on once-calm streets – there’s no doubt that growing income inequality is an issue of central importance.”
This is not a quote from a recent article in a magazine for social change, but the opening statement of chapter 2 in the recent Outlook on the Global Agenda 2014 report from the World Economic Forum, best known for its annual meeting of the global elite in Davos. World leaders are finally becoming more aware of the dangers of the enormous, and widening, gap between rich and poor, and that this trend cannot be allowed to continue unchecked was also reflected in President Obama’s State of the Union speech of January 2014: “Today, after four years of economic growth, corporate profits and stock prices have rarely been higher, and those at the top have never done better. But average wages have barely budged. Inequality has deepened. (…) The cold, hard fact is that even in the midst of recovery, too many Americans are working more than ever just to get by – let alone get ahead.” He then went on to outline policies meant to address the dangers inherent in the growing disparity in income and opportunity.
George Adamski with,Venusian Orthon
One way that people with a heart and some common sense often express their disbelief about humanity’s dysfunctional ways of relating to itself and the planet is by taking the perspective of an outsider: “If a Martian were to visit our planet…” followed by an observation of the way humans have complicated life for themselves or other creatures that makes no sense on any level beyond a profit motive. Perhaps it is not surprising, in this context, that it has taken world leaders so long to recognize the dangers engendered by these social inequalities. While many readers of these pages will be aware that we have been visited and are being visited by people from other planets, many might not know that these same visitors have repeatedly voiced their concerns about the way we have chosen to organise society around the need to earn money for daily living and pursuing the “dream” of limitless wealth, no matter if it kills the planet. For instance, in 1954, during his sojourn on a mothership, George Adamski was told by his hosts from space: “If man is to live without catastrophe, he must look upon his fellow being as himself, the one a reflection of the other.” After many years of sustained contact with the people from other planets Adamski added in December 1964: “[T]o have a healthy and prosperous society, that which causes the most trouble must be removed. As we all know, this stigma is poverty in the midst of plenty. It is the cause of sickness, crime, and the many evils that we know…”
Encounters with people from space
Daniel Fry
A civilian consultant with the military in the late 1940s, Daniel Fry was contacted July 4, 1949 by a saucer pilot who landed in front of him in the desert after Mr Fry had missed his bus home. At some point during his contact, which he claims included a ride in the saucer from California to New York and back, Mr Fry was told, “With freedom from want comes freedom of fear and your civilization would be safely past the critical point in its development.”
Likewise, Truman Bethurum, a road worker from California, was contacted late July 1952. His contact did not involve a trip in the ‘scow’, as he called the saucer, but he was invited aboard for discussions with its captain on seven or eight occasions. Of these, he said he “got the impression that cooperation among all of their people is an inherent feature of their lives, and that poverty is unknown. Also, that what we call riches or wealth is certainly more evenly distributed than on our earth.” As a result, the captain tells him, there are no criminals or conmen on their planet (identified as ‘Clarion’). “Not even speculators. (…) If we had them on Clarion it would soon be of small worth; we’d have mansions and slums, as you do.”
Buck Nelson, a farmer and saw mill owner from Denver who was first contacted late July 1954, wrote after having visited some of the planets in our system: “Some of our commonly used methods of making a living would be absolutely unacceptable to them. One of these methods is our practice of making money from money in so many different ways.”
Finally, Brazilian contactee Dino Kraspedon (pseudonym for Aladino Félix), who had his experience around the same time that George Adamski had his famous encounter in the California desert in November 1952, was told quite unequivocally even then: “…wars take place against the wishes of most people, because poor people do not fight easily. Carnage has become the perquisite of the rich and powerful… Abundance blinded them, gluttony clouded their vision. Strife is the product of egoism.”
In the event, governments and the military managed to discredit the experiences and information that these men were asked to share with the world in the midst of the Cold War. Yet, in the 1960s one contactee was given unprecedented insights into the social organisation of the home planet of his contactors.
The story of a businessman
Stefan Denaerde (left) Wendelle Stevens (right)
Dutch businessman Ad (short for Adrian) Beers and his family were sailing the Oosterscheldt, a large estuary in the south west of Holland, one summer evening, when his yacht’s compass seemed broken. While sailing back to the harbour, he was suddenly staring into a strong blue-white searchlight. Switching the engine into reverse, full power, could not prevent the boat hitting something solid. Upon closer inspection it seemed as if Mr Beers’ boat had hit the hull of an overturned ship and he saw a body floating in the water nearby. As he jumped overboard with a lifeline, he landed on a hard surface at a depth of just three feet. Shortly after he had secured the lifeline to the floating body someone in a similar outfit as the drowning person, which looked like a space suit, came wading through the water to assist him in his rescue efforts. He then describes how the sight of an “animal-like face, with large square pupils in the eyes, which were both hypnotic and self-assured” struck him like a thunderbolt.
It was only then that he realised they were visitors from another planet who, out of gratitude for his rescue efforts, went on to offer him detailed information about their world. Over the course of two days he was shown vivid images of the way society on ‘Iarga’, as they called their planet, was organised accompanied by detailed explanations of the underlying philosophy.
Being the director-general of the Dutch importer for Swedish lorry manufacturer Scania, Mr Beers presented his story as science fiction under the pseudonym of Stefan Denaerde (‘Steve of Earth’), in the hugely successful book Buitenaardse beschaving (‘Extraterrestrial Civilization’) in 1969. In 1977 the first English edition was published as Operation Survival Earth, while an expanded edition was published five years later by the late Wendelle Stevens as Contact from Planet Iarga.
With his own background as a business executive Mr Beers was immensely impressed by the, what he considered terrifying, efficiency of the planet’s social organisation: “This must be a universally governed planet, but seemingly so strictly governed that everything was streamlined and standardized. What a terrible thought!” Yet, in deploring what he perceives as a lack of the characteristic that lies at the core of the ills of present-day society, at the same time he witnesses to some degree of perfection what the participants in the Italian Friendship Case were taught by their contacts from space, and which seems to be the aim for humanity as we respond more and more to the Aquarian energies of unity and synthesis: “Their weak point is the development of their individuality. They do almost everything in groups, they think collectively and they obey the laws of their society to the letter. They live for and through the friendship and love within the group.”
Planetary governments and social systems About the level of attainment of his hosts the writer says: “Their definition of the word civilization or culture has nothing to do with the scientific or technological development level, but with the manner in which the community takes care of the handicapped or weaker beings. The word superculture defines the situation that arises when through individual effort, a group structure has arisen which abolishes any discrimination against any individual.”
Reminiscent of the findings in the Brandt Commission’s 1980 report North-South: A Programme For Survival, that the only way out of our problems on Earth is a recognition of our mutual interdependence and the need for global policies to ensure the basic needs of every human being, Mr Beers’ contacts from space tell him: “Our cosmic universal economic system can be compared to both communism and the capitalist Western economy. One can also say that our cosmic economics can’t be compared to either. (…) It is only through this system that a race can achieve a cultural level of social stability.”
While the people on Earth at present are caught in a grossly skewed system that reduces them to servants of ‘the economy’ and where austerity measures that cut deep into social services are justified by politicians as “necessary to stimulate the economy”, the strictly regulated economic system on ‘Iarga’ serves the needs of the people and even helps the author, as an exponent of the free market system, to see how a system based on justice also helps freedom to flourish: “The universal economic system shows itself in practice to be an efficient production system of goods and services, placing prior importance in the sectors housing, nutrition and transport. (…) The aim of this system is to free the individual as much as possible from non-creative, servile work.” Indeed, “the universal economic system that exists by a great many intelligent races, does not concern itself with money, possession, or payment. The aim of this system is to free the people from material influences and motivation”.
In response to questions about the means of exchange and systems of governments on other planets, George Adamski wrote in October 1957: “Their means of exchange is a commodity and service exchange system, without the use of money. All production is for the benefit of everyone, with each receiving according to their needs. And since no money is involved, there are no “rich”; there are no “poor”. But all share equally, working for the common good. (…) The needs of the people are considered impartially by [a body of representatives elected from every district and every walk of life], and problems are solved for the common good of all.” This sounds like the advanced system of barter that esotericist and futurologist Benjamin Creme has foretold as the means of distributing resources on a global scale after the economic meltdown that is about to hit humanity, and it can also be found in the accounts of several other contactees.
Likewise, Ad Beers is told: “…we have no money, but everyone can go on holiday (…) if they wish.” And: “Nothing is paid for on Iarga, only registered. What a consumer uses is registered in the computer center (…) and this may not exceed that to which he has a right.” His contacts from space explain to him that on ‘Iarga’ two worldwide consumer organizations “stimulate the [production] trusts to produce the goods that are needed. The trusts are not permitted to advertise or exert any influence on the consumer, as this could never be objective” because “[i]n a socially stable society, you would have not only freedom of speech, but, even more important, freedom of thought. Propaganda, repeated one-sided information, damaged the freedom of thought…”
When Mr Beers asked the visitors from space for more specific technological knowledge to advance Earth’s civilization, the reply could not have been clearer: “The last thing that you need is technological information to increase the gap between your intellectual development and your almost non-existent social development. Carry on playing with your Mars probes for the moment, as half of your world’s population lives in poverty and hunger. The only information you need lies in the field of societal standards.”
Based on the descriptions that Mr Beers gives of the information that is shared with him, the current writer, whose previous research indicates that the ET presence on Earth originates from planets in our own solar system, would speculate that the crew of the ship that Mr Beers sailed into were actually from the planet Mars, which Truman Bethurum described as “a great manufacturing planet”. Benjamin Creme has said that Mars is at the same level of evolution as Earth, but “Mars has not made as many mistakes as we have, which is why it has a technology unbelievably ahead of ours. They are masters of space, masters of energy. They make most of the spacecraft we see and call UFOs, from small scout ships to gigantic motherships. Even some of the Venusian craft are made on Mars to Venusian specifications.” (Readers who are still under the illusion that Life can only be carbon-based and express itself exclusively in dense-physical form are referred to Chapter 5 of my book Here to Help: UFOs and the Space Brothers for an explanation of the concept of life on the etheric (subtle) physical planes of matter, which science is looking for as “dark matter” or “dark energy”. Another interesting clue as to the reality of the etheric planes was reported early July 2014 when astrophysicists announced that their research shows there is 400 per cent more light in intergalactic space than could be attributed to known sources.)
Exopolitics redefined
Despite the focus in Ad Beers’ story being on the more mundane aspects of life on ‘Iarga’, his exchange with the space people included some ‘philosophical’ points that will ring a bell with readers who are familiar with the teachings on detachment of, for instance, J. Krishnamurti: “Happiness is being at peace with oneself and one’s surroundings. This is determined to a large extent by one’s success in achieving self-set goals, in other words, by a ruthless appraisal of oneself. This individual striving to reach a self-chosen goal [as opposed to competing with others; GA] is the creativity in man.” And: “The body with all its selfish demands is just a shell. We are only concerned with the creative intellect, the soul that is capable of unselfish thought. How do we educate children for freedom and happiness? Freedom is the absence of the effect of compulsion on the individual’s behaviour. Freedom cannot be obtained with a weapon in the hand. It can only be obtained by the parents’ careful mental forming of their children, by the correct conception of good and evil.”
So, while the world is poised, even unknowingly, for the final act in the planetary drama that is being played out as the collapse of our defective systems erodes any semblance of democracy and forces humanity to once again face the spiritual realities of life and join hands to demand justice and freedom for all, it is interesting to note that not only Life and the human kingdom are universal occurrences throughout Cosmos as I have documented elsewhere, but so apparently are the Laws that govern their expression in right human relations as the foundation for a sane social system that ensures the survival of the race and the safe progress of its civilization.
With much more information along the same lines from these and other contactees, which I will be presenting in my upcoming book, a new definition of exopolitics presents itself. The simplest definition of ‘exopolitics’ at the moment goes something like: “The study of the political actors, processes and institutions associated with extraterrestrial life.” For some this presupposes the existence of extraterrestrial life, for others merely the possibility of such. Readers who are familiar with my books will know that I take the extraterrestrial presence on Earth as an indisputable fact, based on a triangulation of correspondences between the information from the original contactees of the 1950s, humanity’s shared wisdom of the ages, and the experiences of dignitaries and officials in recent decades, against the background of the changes engulfing our world today.
Based on the information in this article, and its pertinence to the state of the world today – which has also been pointed out by Paul Hellyer in his 2010 book Light at the End of the Tunnel – A Survival Plan for the Human Species – a much more practical definition of the term ‘exopolitics’ seems appropriate, which goes back to the original meaning of its constituents, with ‘exo’ meaning “(from) outside” and ‘politics’ meaning “matters concerning the state or its citizens”:
Exopolitics [noun, uncount]: People from other planets showing humanity alternative, saner ways of organising society, without imposing their views.
This makes ‘exopolitics’ at once a much more urgent concept, as it places the ET presence on Earth solidly in the context of the crises facing humanity today – political, economic, financial, social and environmental.
By Gerard Aartsen M.Ed.
Sources and references: Gerard Aartsen (2011), Here to Help: UFOs and the Space Brothers George Adamski (1964), Cosmic Bulletin George Adamski (1957-58), Cosmic Science for the Promotion of Cosmic Principles and Truths. George Adamski (1955), Inside the Space Ships Truman Bethurum (1954), Aboard a Flying Saucer Willy Brandt (ed.; 1980), North South: A Programme for Survival Benjamin Creme (2010), The Gathering of the Forces of Light – UFOs and their Spiritual Mission Stefan Denaerde (1977), Operation Survival Earth Michael Franco (2014), ‘Universe’s missing photon sources baffle scientists’ Daniel Fry (1954), The White Sands Incident Paul Hellyer (2010), Light at the End of the Tunnel – A Survival Plan for the Human Species Dino Kraspedon (1957), My Contact With Flying Saucers Buck Nelson (1956), My Trip to Mars, the Moon and Venus
Adapted for ExoNews from an article that was first published in Share International magazine, Vol. 33, No.6, July/August 2014.
Gerard Aartsen has been a student of the Ageless Wisdom teaching for over 30 years and his research in this area resulted in a comprehensive online catalogue of teachings. He also writes regularly about the extraterrestrial presence on Earth and is the author of two books on the subject, which have both been published in various languages. He has been a member of the Exopolitics Institute’s Advisory Board for Research and Education since 2011, is a regular guest on international radio shows about UFOs and related phenomena, and has lectured in Europe, America and Asia.
Gerard Aartsen (1957) has a Master of Education degree from the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands, where he has held a teaching position in the department of secondary education since 2001.
UFO illumined during a contact experience in Talampaya, Argentina (2013)
F.R.E.E. (the Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters) is being launched. It is being organized to bring together psychotherapists, hypnotherapists and other dedicated researchers in the field of general “experiencer” (contactee and-or abduction) research. It also gathers natural scientists and lay researchers under the aegis of astronaut and cosmologist Dr. Edgar Mitchell, PhD.
F.R.E.E. is a step forward toward legitimizing not only UFO research but also the recognition of the possibility that there may actually be interactions with extraterrestrial intelligences ocurring under ways that have not been seriously considered by most academics.
F.R.E.E. is also open to the contributions of academics like social scientists and its explorations and exchanges would benefit from the sincer, well- informed input of philosophers and theologians. Exopolitics and capable exopoliticians are also welcome in a field that requires open-ended but compatible and healthy integrative collaboration.
F.R.E.E aims at understanding “encounter experiences” in their multiple aspects; a class of human experiences which – due to multiple layers of evidence acummulating over several decades – cannot be simply tossed aside anymore either from a scientific or from ethical point of view. As a unique, real phenomenon experienced by human kind it is significant and the scientific, cultural, ethical and political implications also are quite significant.
F.R.E.E. aims at providing psychological & community support for those individuals that may need it.
F.R.E.E. is open to consider a wide-range of perspectives on a variety of encounter experiences. Moreover, F.R.E.E. also aims at shedding new light into physics (a physics which includes consciousness, ufological “high strangeness” and other “classical reality-challenging” phenomena associated with alleged contacts with extraterrestrial intelligences). This more complete physics is needed to understand how might technologically advanced intelligences reach and interact with us overcoming space-time limitations. Regarding it, the concept of a “quantum hologram” is now being particularly explored by physicists at F.R.E.E. as it begins to provide an explanatory mechanism that connects non-locality with macroscopic structures as well as quantitative and qualitative aspects of experience.
F.R.E.E. can be considered a “think tank” and acollaborative space for scientists, lay investigators and first hand experiencers to learn from each other more about the nature of the various kinds of contact experiences which have been reported in earnest for several decades – if not for centuries – around the world. It is a space where individuals unable to speak openly about their experiences and-or interests may find a receptive environment.
The mass of unconventional, yet well-researched, experiencer evidence (in addition to objective UFO research plus whistleblower and documentary evidence) indicates that contact experiences through methods transcending conventional astronomical and radio astronomical means are quite likely taking place. Evidence should trump over our pet theories about how this should take place. The psychic and reality-modifying aspects of these experiences are meant to be understood by responsible, ethical scientists, researchers as well as by cultural and political leaders willing to reassess their premises about reality if need be. Something unique, real and life-changing to individual humans (albeit different and strange from a conventional perspective) is taking place. These (sometimes information-laden) experiences may be reaching segments of humanity as a way of announcing a vaster reality ahead of the discovery (and official announcement of) exoplanets with detectable organic molecule signatures in their atmospheres or of intelligently coded radio astronomical signals.
F.R.E.E. is about improving our understanding about who we are as a species in relation to the Cosmos. A greater understanding of the Extraterrestrial Encounter Experience – achieved through serious research standards combined with an open-minded attitude– may contribute (along with other compatible integrative efforts) to generate more inclusive, politically harmonizing cultural foundations useful to develop a more intelligent coexistence in a highly interdependent planet.
(Sequence: UFO’s Over Washington DC, 1952. Birds or a more serious reason for the alert that occurred?)
In simple terms, I’ll say that EXOPOLITICS is the field of research and political activism dealing with the cultural and practical implications of an extraterrestrial presence. While serious evidence exists regarding a complex, interacting, intelligent extraterrestrial presence, it is not absolutely necessary to believe in this, but it is minimally necessary to consider the implications of this possibility either in the past, the present or the future.Exopolitics: Definitions by Outstanding ResearchersMichael E. Salla PhD: Exopolitics is the formal discipline that studies the implications of extraterrestrial life in relation to public policies. It is the study of the key individuals (actors), institutions and political processes associated with extraterrestrial life.
Dr. Salla’s style tends to be more academic but operating under an extensive conceptual range. http://exopolitics.org/about/founder/Relying on decades of diverse accumulated evidence with assigned degrees of credibility, at the Exopolitics Institute founded by Dr. Salla, the extraterrestrial presence is already considered to be a concrete reality of immense cultural, legal, political, religious and scientific interest for humanity.
Alfred L. Webre JD: Exopolitics is the study of political processes and governance in inter stellar community. Dr. Webre –a Canadian- coined and-or popularized the term “exopolitics.” On my account, Webre’s style is more “interpersonal” as he values more personal evaluations based on interviews. He may be correct regarding some less verifiable aspects but probably also tend to fall into some exaggerations. http://exopolitics.blogs.com/about.htmlI think that Dr. Webre and Dr. Salla’s definitions complement each other.
Stephen Bassett: Exopolitics is the art or science of government as concerned with guiding or influencing governmental policy toward extraterrestrial-related phenomena and extraterrestrial beings. Mr. Bassett also refers to “exopolitics” as “exopolitical actions, practices, or policies” as “the exopolitical opinions or sympathies of a person” and as “the total complex of relations between the human race and non-human, intelligent beings.”Stephen Bassett (who organized public audiences for the disclosure of the extraterrestrial cover-up at the National Press Club in Washington, DC) focuses more on political activism, especially vying for the great world powers in the know to reveal to their citizens and to the world what is what they really know and secretly research about the extraterrestrial presence. http://www.paradigmresearchgroup.org/
Ed Komarek: Exopolitics is the study of politics pertaining to extraterrestrial contact.According to Mr. Komarek “Exopolitics is based upon the understanding that earth is being visited by many advanced extraterrestrial races with diverse ethics, motives and agendas. http://exopolitics.blogspot.com/
The Core Exostrategy Group in 2009, which included Manuel Lamiroy, Victor Viggiani, Robert Fleischer and Neil Gould: Exopolitics is the convergence of an interdisciplinary science, a political movement and a new paradigm which relate to the vast range of implications regarding extraterrestrial life.
Paola Harris: Exopolitics also is the study of the contacts and relationships between humanity and extraterrestrial civilizations. http://www.paolaharris.com
All the previous mutually enhancing definitions and associated exopolitical research aim at understanding the complexity of extraterrestrial life and at developing adequate, mutually beneficial policies.
The development of well-informed, life-enhancing policies about the extraterrestrial presence so as to peacefully and intelligently integrate humanity in a respectful way within a vast cosmic community of intelligent beings is a crucial goal in Exopolitics.
There also is a short and a longer formal definition of Exopolitics worth mentioning because they were developed within Exopolitics Institute as a group consensus process in 2009. The group participants were Michael Salla Victor Viggiani, Manuel Lamiroy, Pepón Jover, Robert Fleischer, Paola Harris, Neil Gould, Come Carpentier.
The FORMAL DEFINITION: Exopolitics is an interdisciplinary scientific field, with its roots in the political sciences, that focuses on research, education and public policy with regard to the actors, institutions and processes, associated with extraterrestrial life, as well as the wide range of implications this entails through public advocacy and newly emerging paradigms.
The SHORT DEFINITION Exopolitics is the convergence of a new interdisciplinary science, an international political movement and a new paradigm, which all deal with the wide range of implications of extraterrestrial life.
Please go to this link http://exopoliticsinstitute.org/?page_id=1043 Further Development of the ConceptExopolitics has various aspects. It can be understood as a scientific discipline (as an emerging social science) involving research, education and the creation of policies (focusing upon actors, institutions and processes) in order to treat in a coherent way the implications of extraterrestrial life, including an intelligent extraterrestrial presence.
Another aspect of exopolitics refers to a global, multicultural, multinational and-or grassroots social movement with educational purposes advocating to transform the current (scarce, often dismissive and excluding) management of information on extraterrestrial life. It also advocates the creation of new, democratically and publicly sanctionednational andinternational policies of research, aperture, contact and education.
Furthermore, exopolitics is in agreement with the necessity of broadening and actualizing our metaphysical and scientific concepts about the nature of reality, basing ourselves on more inclusive and new philosophical, methodological, scientific, ethical and spiritual paradigms which can help us understand in a more complete and profound way the nature of possible interactions with a diverse cosmic community which apparently transcends the classical limits of space-time and an excessively simplistic dichotomous way of thinking.
The shifts and additions in “paradigms,” worldviews and in their implicit metaphysics would relate with increases in the capacity of consciousness to take in more perspectives in first, second and third person subjectivity. Open systems theories, autopoiesis and complexity sciences, “exoconsciousness” (or the role of consciousness in cosmological, organizational, and evolutionary processes), holographic theories (like astronaut Edgar Mitchell’s), information-based physics, alternative non-classical technologies, quantum computing, non-standard, coherent interpretations and applications of quantum and quantum-relativistic phenomena, variations on M-Theory, zero-point energy, possible forms of canceling gravity and inertia as well as studies in relation to a physics connecting consciousness, retrocausality, information, multiple realities, geometry, higher dimensionality and even “subtle energies.”
Deeply related to Exopolitics is the field of Exoconsciousness, a concept developed by Mrs. Rebecca Hardcastle Wright andpertaining to the extraterrestrial origins, dimensions and abilities of human consciousness.http://rebeccahardcastlewright.com/about/
The very unfoldment of the Cosmos would also be related in a fundamental way to the expressions of consciousness.Moreover, I think that recognizing the primacy of Consciousness asNon Dual (distinct and prior to subjective consciousness and its simultaneously-arising objective “material” counterparts, processes and mechanisms in multi-tiered levels of “reality”) is crucial not to fall yet into another form of reductionism, however subtle, even if it is based on a post-classical science. Furthermore, I think that – in regards to philosophy – it will be important to extend our concepts and practice in a transdisciplinary manner, partially based upon elements of Ken Wilber’s “Integral Theory” (and in other compatible Meta integrative models) which challenge the primacy of a classic materialist realism and-or reductionist materialism contributing to the creation of less dichotomous, more integral and inclusive “paradigms” and rational metaphysical foundations.
Considering the recent developments in Meta Philosophies and or Integrative philosophies (like Basarab Nicolescu’s, Edgar Morin’s, Ken Wilber’s and Roy Bhaskar’s) I think that Exopolitics should advance beyond (or rather transcend and include) interdisciplinarity becoming TRANSDISCIPLINARY as common axioms and principles behind the various disciplines that contribute to this discipline are discovered. In this manner Exopolitics will resonate more in accord with the philosophical shift bound to modify other disciplines related to the possibility of a profound transformation and reestructuring of civilization (disciplines like Astrobiology, an emergent consciousness and information-based, hyperdimensional physics and even perhaps Ecology, Economy and the Complexity Sciences). I think that discovering how to integrate qualitative and quantitave conceptual structures and methods under shared axioms, patterns and principles will assist humanity in establishing a less dichotomous and more intelligently inclusive dialogue with extraterrestrial civilizations.
Currently, Exopolitics primarily uses the more qualitative methods of the social sciences basically to produce evaluations or assessments (akin to intelligence assessments) about different cultural, political, strategic, legal, interactive and social situations pertaining to an actual or to a possible extraterrestrial presence. It aims at being useful for political decision-making in relation to extraterrestrial life and – as an extension – in relation to space law and the actual use of space. In case of acknowledge the discovery of extraterrestrial life (even if microbial) and in contact with ET intelligences working in conjunction with the United Nations would likely be necessary. Find out about the United Nations’ OOSA at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0cOFMgKUFw
The legal status of extraterrestrial beings and even of their alleged bases on Earth and rights to traverse the skies of current modern nation-states is also considered.Whenever possible serious exopoliticians analyze andcompare information with (verified or probable) leaked or declassified official documents. The probable motivations behind individuals, institutions and groups are also analyzed. Likewise, probable historical patterns of interaction in what appears to be an ancient human-extraterrestrial relationship are researched and there’s an attempt to elucidate the diverse probable interests and purposes behind policies of cover-up and-or release of information as much as the diverse probable interests and purposes of a variety of extraterrestrial beings.
Also, there’s an attempt to understand which would be the more adequate “paradigms” and rational metaphysical presuppositions needed to constructively assimilate the reality of an interacting extraterrestrial presence. Moreover, there’s an attempt to predict the consequences of a greater degree of publicly recognized contact events with extraterrestrial beings and to educate and (given that representatives from several extraterrestrial civilizations seem to have been continuously interested in establishing various degrees of direct contact with citizens from different countries) promote greater levels of responsible citizen contacts or a responsible “citizen diplomacy” establishing contact protocols based upon the principle of mutual respect.
Although at Exopolitics Institute there’s a provisional overall extraterrestrial typology developed on the basis of observing consistently reported interactive behavior patterns (Helpers, Observers, Manipulators and Intruders),there is also an attempt to study all aspects of these interactions ever more profoundly and to understand how may the cosmic community be organized; a “community” which would probably be interacting with us under norms and principles based on a more inclusive logic.Mr. Manuel Lamiroy gives a good overview about exopolitics in his web site as follows: http://www.exopaedia.org/Exopolitics and at http://www.exopoliticssouthafrica.org/exopolitics.htm He also created a good diagram which at a glance illustrates some of the basic areas of exopolitics. It can be found at http://www.exopoliticssouthafrica.org/exopolitics.htm Lamiroy has been a long-time, integrative researcher who has also published an “Exopaedia” with vast information including some possible extraterrestrial typologies, possible planetary origins and more. The “Exopaedia” can be found at http://www.exopaedia.org/Exopaedia
Pope Francis is reportedly preparing a major world statement about extraterrestrial life and its theological implications. Rosana Ubanell from Voxxi News today reported that due to advances in scientific detection methods for the discovery of extraterrestrial life, Pope Francis wants to be ready with a statement about “First Contact”. Ubanell reports that details have yet to be officially announced but that the Vatican’s interest in extraterrestrial life is well documented through recent astrobiology conferences the Vatican Observatory has sponsored or participated in. Father Guy Consolmagno, a Jesuit astronomer and one of the leading Catholic proponents for preparing for the scientific discovery of extraterrestrial life, on July 18, won the Carl Sagan science medal from the American Astronomical Society. Pope Francis, a fellow Jesuit, regularly consults with Consolmagno and other leading Vatican astronomers about scientific issues. It is likely that Pope Francis is preparing an “Urbi et Orbi” speech – Latin for “to the city [of Rome] and the world” – about First Contact with extraterrestrial life.
The Vatican’s scientific interest in extraterrestrial life was publicly revealed for the first time in May 2008 when the head of the Vatican Observatory, Fr Gabriel Funes, also a Jesuit, gave an interview to the Vatican newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano. Funes made a series of startling statements about how extraterrestrial life is likely to be more ethically evolved than humans, and can be welcomed as brothers. In his interview, which was titled “The extraterrestrial is my brother,” Funes said that intelligent extraterrestrial life may not have experienced a ‘fall’, and may be “free from Original Sin … [remaining] in full friendship with their creator.” This makes it possible to regard them as ‘our brothers’ as Funes explained:
Just as there is a multiplicity of creatures on earth, there can be other beings, even intelligent, created by God. This is not in contrast with our faith because we can’t put limits on God’s creative freedom… “Why can’t we speak of a ‘brother extraterrestrial’? It would still be part of creation…
Most importantly, Funes’ statement makes possible the idea that Christianity can be exported to extraterrestrial worlds that have not experienced a ‘fall’ and are free from original sin.
Just over a year after his interview, Funes was the organizer of the first ever Astrobiology Symposium held by Pontifical Academy of Sciences in November 2009. Consolmagno and Funes have ever since played leading roles for the Vatican Observatory in presenting a theological perspective on the discovery of extraterrestrial life. Most importantly, both have been leading advisors to Pope Francis about scientific issues concerning the discovery of extraterrestrial life.
What is likely to be the content of Pope Francis’ upcoming statement or possible “Urbi et Orbi” speech about alien life? An important clue is a forthcoming presentation by Fr. Consolmagno at a September 18-19, 2014, astrobiology symposium organized by NASA and the Library of Congress that is titled: “Preparing for Discovery: A Rational Approach to the Implications of Finding Microbial, Complex or Intelligent Life Beyond Earth.”
Consolmagno is a featured presenter and will discuss the theological implications of discovering alien life. His topic, “Would You Baptize an Extraterrestrial?” suggests that Pope Francis agrees that extraterrestrials are capable of the higher ethics involved in understanding the Christian message and becoming Christians.
If Pope Francis is indeed preparing a statement about extraterrestrial life, it is likely to emphasize that there is no incompatibility in Christian teachings with a belief in extraterrestrial life as Fr. Funes proposed in May 2008. More importantly, Pope Francis is likely to emphasize themes of extraterrestrials: not sharing in original sin; being more ethically evolved; and being capable of sharing the Christian message, and being our brothers.
Not all will welcome a statement from Pope Francis advocating extraterrestrials as brothers and worthy of being baptized into the Christian faith. According to Chris Putnam and Tom Horn, authors of Exovaticana, Pope Francis I is preparing to lead the Catholic Church to embrace aliens as “brothers in Christ” – reflective of the 1950s and 1960s contactee reports of benevolent “space brothers.” Putnam’s and Horn’s Exovaticana portends a future religious war between those accepting extraterrestrials as “brothers in Christ” and those believing them to be returning demons about to enslave us. Despite the extensive scholarship found in Exovaticana, it unfortunately skews data towards an overly negative assessment of the motivations of extraterrestrial visitors. Thankfully, the Vatican’s evolving public position, as reflected by statements from its leading astronomers, shows a far more enlightened stance on how to consider the discovery of alien life from a theological perspective. A statement or “Urbi et Orbi” speech from Pope Francis expounding on various themes associated with the view that extraterrestrials are potential “brothers in Christ’ is a welcome position to take on a controversial issue with major world significance.
A discussion between Neil Gould, Director of the Exopolitics Institute and Cheuk Fei, host of MJ13, Hong Kong’s Exo Media Platform including analysis of a document containing a channeled interview between a Nordic ET and human. The film makes it clear that whilst channeled information cannot be regarded as an absolute truth, it can certainly be compared against core information [testimony from contactees] collected from researchers. In this film part of the discussion centers around an exhausting attempt to set aside anthropocentricism and in some sort of bizarre way adopt the perspectives of ET; the findings are that human expectations and position in the food chain are less significant than the preservation of the planet against its destruction by mankind.
Note:This video begins in Chinese and after 5 minutes completes its 1hr:57 minutes in English.
The 2013 World Economic Forum's Global Risks Report Considers the Implications of Discovering Extraterrestrial Life
In Section 5 of the GLOBAL RISKS 2013 “Executive Summary” for the 2013 World Economic Forum one of the five "X” Factors (thought in conjunction with Nature Magazine) and being presented this year is the “Discovery of Alien Life: Proof of life elsewhere in the universe could have profound psychological implications for human belief systems.”
As one of the “X Factors from Nature” the discovery of alien life is considered one of “five emerging game-changers” beyond the (more typical) landscape of 50 global risks. It is also considered as a way to “alert decision-makers.”
The other “X factors from Nature” considered for 2013 are:
Rogue Deployment of Geoengineering (technology to manipulate climate)
Costs of Living Longer (old age costs of living longer due to medical advances).
Commentary: "Climate Change" is connected with alleged extraterrestrial messages. "Cognitive Enhancement" makes you think of higher intelligence through technology, an issue that already sounds quite sci-fy and ET-related. "Rogue Deployment of Geoengineering" could at least in part be associated with scalar interferometry, HAARP and other such exotic (perhaps ET-related) ideas and technologies. Only "Costs of Living Longer" seems to be a more normal economic concern.
Questions: 1) Does someone "in the know" (and pulling the strings) know that there may be an impending disclosure perhaps to be initiated by an ET alliance or (while attempting to give it a spin before it gets out of hand) to be initiated by one or more governments? Russia comes to mind after Prime Minister Medvedev unique declarations a few weeks ago.
2) Are we simply talking about a bolder, creative and imaginative approach this year or is someone trying to induce "la creme de la creme" world leaders to start thinking with more awareness about the extraterrestrial presence?
3) Will exopoliticians be called into action and exopolitics itself take off a serious discipline if ET presence disclosures actually "come to the fore?"
Theological Implications Regarding the Impending Discovery of Extraterrestrial Humanities
By Giorgio Piacenza
(This is an updated version of an article previously published in 2012)
The term “Catholic” means “universal” but is the official Roman Apostolic Catholic Church doctrine truly universal in relation to what we are gradually discovering about the Cosmos? If we consider that at least some of the most important elements of Roman Catholic doctrine and (and of other religions) are ESSENTIALLY and principially universal, there will be room for an interpretive development suitable to the current growing awareness that we are being “visited.”
What is happening right now? Perhaps the unofficial (yet-semi-official because of being high-level in the hierarchy and not being formally suppressed) declarations of Mons. Corrado Balducci and Fr. Gabriel Funes S.J. (director of the Vatican Observatory) are the first intended and un-intended stage of promoting a revolutionary conceptual move in the direction of a truly more “universal” (catholic) and cosmically appropriate kind of interpretation. This entails not just making faith more agreeable with modern science but also developing or extending/amplifying more adequate theological interpretations that attend to the increasing factual evidence connecting Earth humans with the extraterrestrial presence. The growing awareness is happening now and the role of “God” (also understood not just as “creator” but as “sustainer of being” in some alleged and real ET contact experiences) should increasingly become a matter of discussion and study.
I bet that in trying to find fresh explanations matching settled theologies with current ET-related surprising facts theoretical leaders of many religions will come to recognize how much they share in common. A transdisciplinary-theological, trans-religious approach (if that is a correct term) based in deeply shared commonalities may be born. It is not just that the nations of the world will set aside their differences in case of an “alien threat” as president Reagan once suggested at the UN, the news will be that religious and fundamental metaphysical commonalities should also be gradually realized. Many of the faithful will come to realize that ETs can be welcome in the classical versions of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism. While some ETs may be kind and respectful to us and not all ETs may be benevolent or ideal in our terms, we’ll still be brethren in the Cosmos.
The ET presence will inspire the finding of inter-faith ecumenical connections and -perhaps- more sophisticated concepts about God’s nature and notions such as “PANENTHEISM” will form a basis to supersede excessive, strict, intolerant “us vs. them” or “this vs. that” more superficial doctrinal disagreements. Furthermore, these enhanced interpretations should inspire many of the faithful to update their cultural perspectives. A well-guided religion can assist many persons to evolve their understandings in a healthy, positive way. In relation to Christianity, how are we to understand the redemptive role of Jesus when the extraterrestrial presence becomes widely known?
Is “original sin” and Jesus redemptive intervention on Earth applicable to extraterrestrial beings in the Cosmos? This is a crucial issue here. This was mentioned and discussed in the Vatican sponsored conference (in Vatican grounds) regarding the plausibility of extraterrestrial life in the universe in 2009. However, we should probably not assume that there’s ample awareness about intelligent ET life visiting Earth at the Vatican. As in most cases within large, conventional social institutions, most people either avoid the subject not to imperil their credibility or lack sufficient information about it.
I believe that, after periods of being on the wrong side of the rational debate by rejecting scientific advancements which routinely and quantitatively displace Earth’s Man as the center of all creation, the Vatican curia’s attitude is now becoming quite auspiciously agreeable with the findings and extrapolations of biological-cosmological-material-astrobiological science. This is becoming obvious in articles like those of investigative journalists Paola Harris and Marc Kauffman in which public opinion-relevant, researcher-priests (like Fr. Funes and Mons. Balducci) were consistently allowed the freedom to declare that God may have created intelligent extraterrestrial beings. While both Funes and Balducci suggested that extraterrestrials would be like cosmic brothers to us, the latter was allowed to speculate (beyond a scientifically safe orthodox view) that extraterrestrials may have already visited Earth. There is a time when excessive doubt against so much human testimony about an ET presence is not prudent or wise, he basically said.
Whether most conventional academic scientists look at the best objective evidence today or do it later on, the fact that serious persons are reporting ET encounters and even some air forces in the world are not excluding seriously considering the possibility that some UFOs can be of extraterrestrial origin (besides serious whistle blower testimony, photographs, analyzed photos, videos, archaeological signs, scientifically analyzed, alleged ET implants and more) should be taken into consideration by objective, open-minded, critical thinking individuals able to think and to express themselves with freedom. On the aggregate, the more serious types of evidence overcome often criticized, flimsier types of evidence also provided in less rigorous form by individuals with less critical thinking skills. One piece of evidence being genuine would be enough to warrant a serious, responsible interest. Not wanting to see this evidence as a whole is a serious and sad oversight which – nonetheless – can and should be remedied for the good of humanity.
Personal dislike for the ET presence theme or for it not conforming to established theory, regular methods and procedures and known facts (as implicit grounds for not looking into this) already smells incredibly out of touch and in itself less credible. Evidence (however unique) and experience (however different from stable reality patterns) should dictate the scientific course to follow.
In my view, the Funes and Balducci declarations are part of a tardy but, nonetheless, healthy move towards the really valid idea of complementing faith with reason, even if it was in principle done in order to remain culturally relevant in the modern world. However, I think that complementing faith with classical “and intuitively-obvious” physical science is simpler than what may be in store for upcoming theologians. All cultural leaders will have to stop sustaining extremely conservative stances as per the ever-more-evident extraterrestrial presence not necessarily manifesting in a classical material ‘realistic’ or classical- intuitive way. The space-time altering phenomenon seems to interact more with subjectivity, meaning and qualitative factors than classical phenomena.
Issues for an Upcoming Theology After rather simple generalizations about possible intelligent extraterrestrial biological existing only in our physical universe are superseded by a realization of the multilevel-multidimensional diversity of actual contacts with extraterrestrials already ocurring semi-discretely, a conceptual challenge will arise. I think this will occur when science and gradual ET disclosures advance to the point of exposing extraterrestrial diversity and complexity in relation to the dependence of multiple physical realms on non-physical realms. This sophistication about the multi dimensionality of creation will call for a more sophisticated theology.
According to some believable contactee friends, this gradual reconnection with -a long forgotten- ET life will increase after December 21st, 2012 which will mark a “point of no return” towards ending our relative and conceptual isolation from the rest of the intelligent Cosmos. What may ensue is an awareness of additional theological implications in relation to how different extraterrestrial beings may have been affected by a more universal type of Fall into sin (defined as an interpretive mistake or deviation from an adequate relation with God through the Logos).
The “Fall” would also have included non-physical (non-ET) angelical creation-helpers established in a higher, non-physical realm and capable of negatively influencing and-or challenging a variety of physical civilizations some of which may have also “fallen” for it and some of whom may have resisted. Many civilizations may have suffered a form of Fall. Perhaps all of creation was somehow implicated. This is also part of contactee lore. Considering that human witnessing is decisive for faith and for validating human experience in general (as Monsignor Balducci proposed), I would say that in-depth ET contact research also suggests that there is credible witness evidence that some extraterrestrials some some the many mansions in the “Physical Multiverse” may have also been swayed more than others by this Fall originating in beings from yet other higher ontological mansions in a higher ontological non physical realm. Accordingly, different context-dependent ways to reconcile with the Creator (the Profound LOVE of Cosmic Consciousness) by positing different kinds of interventions by the LOGOS, perhaps other incarnations of the Christ-Logos Principle may become necessary as we gradually learn how complex the history of the entire Cosmos may really be and grow out of our cosmic parochialism.
Again, we must collectively find how in relation to extraterrestrials- the partially understood essential truths expressed by today’s religious leaders (of all sincerely-inspired world faiths and denominations) may harmonize much better with each other. To advance the cause of reasonable faith in this global-planetary (and perhaps soon-to-be) new cosmically aware age we need to converge the most plausible truths under a truly spiritual, non-reductionist, integral attitude. In our untapped potentials must be ways to overcome excessively dividing fractional thinking.
Integral metaphysicians like Fritjoff Schuon which profoundly and reasonably explored the mystical (but also simultaneously rational) “PRINCIPIAL” shared core of WORLD RELIGIONS discovering common truths could function as guides for the mind-expanding and sentiment-expanding stages leading to a more mature world civilization to come. We need that. We need more world unity andf to beging perceiving that religions have a deep shared core.
Protestant minister Gary Bates (2009) of Creation Ministries International stated that the entire focus of creation is mankind on this Earth. He may be correct in that the entire focus of creation is mankind but he may be clinging to a false interpretation if we limit mankind or human kind to Earth. He may be rightfully defending his understanding of a pure version of Christianity against excessive flights of fancy and I applaud him for that. However, the expansion of concepts is slowly but surely coming for the good.
Perhaps, if we think about mankind not as quantitatively limited to this Earth, but as defined by an essential quality of consciousness and mode of beingcapable of personally relating with Godin a uniquely profound way, a being created by God’s infinite power in innumerable, beautiful, varied forms and measures in His Cosmos, an intelligent, self-aware being equally capable of saintliness as of paying homage to temptation into sin (or error), we may approach a more useful understanding.
The outer appearance of this essential being “created in Hisimage and likeness” may be similar or vary but the essence -qualifying as human- may not. The role of God personally creating Man in each habitable planet or as a universal template (the Adam Kadmon of Jewish mysticism?) after which particular beings representing God and His template molded particular human-suitable forms will need to be carefully addressed. We may also need to further inquire and discover which created physical beings (of different physical forms and physical “densities”) do not correspond to the category of “Man” but must, nevertheless, be essentially loved and respected as they would still be part of God’s Creation.
Some beings may have instincts and a biology that enslave them more reducing their free will and some may be quite benevolent and protective of our highest potentials but nonetheless more mental and lacking a degree of sentiment necessary to approach the higher creative echelons of reality and God. We will also need to essentially understand those (human or humanoid in appearance or not) who do not respect us because we have been unconscious and a peril to the planet, becoming more aware, not necessarily allowing them to hurt us or to replace us as a species but assisting them with compassion to align themselves with God’s will. It is us who need to awaken first and be an example without co-dependencies on extraterrestrials or traditional xenophobic enmity responses.
Theological Implications Regarding the Impending Discovery of Extraterrestrial Humanities
By Giorgio Piacenza
(This is an updated version of an article previously published in 2012)
The term “Catholic” means “universal” but is the official Roman Apostolic Catholic Church doctrine truly universal in relation to what we are gradually discovering about the Cosmos? If we consider that at least some of the most important elements of Roman Catholic doctrine and (and of other religions) are ESSENTIALLY and principially universal, there will be room for an interpretive development suitable to the current growing awareness that we are being “visited.”
What is happening right now? Perhaps the unofficial (yet-semi-official because of being high-level in the hierarchy and not being formally suppressed) declarations of Mons. Corrado Balducci and Fr. Gabriel Funes S.J. (director of the Vatican Observatory) are the first intended and un-intended stage of promoting a revolutionary conceptual move in the direction of a truly more “universal” (catholic) and cosmically appropriate kind of interpretation. This entails not just making faith more agreeable with modern science but also developing or extending/amplifying more adequate theological interpretations that attend to the increasing factual evidence connecting Earth humans with the extraterrestrial presence. The growing awareness is happening now and the role of “God” (also understood not just as “creator” but as “sustainer of being” in some alleged and real ET contact experiences) should increasingly become a matter of discussion and study.
I bet that in trying to find fresh explanations matching settled theologies with current ET-related surprising facts theoretical leaders of many religions will come to recognize how much they share in common. A transdisciplinary-theological, trans-religious approach (if that is a correct term) based in deeply shared commonalities may be born. It is not just that the nations of the world will set aside their differences in case of an “alien threat” as president Reagan once suggested at the UN, the news will be that religious and fundamental metaphysical commonalities should also be gradually realized. Many of the faithful will come to realize that ETs can be welcome in the classical versions of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism. While some ETs may be kind and respectful to us and not all ETs may be benevolent or ideal in our terms, we’ll still be brethren in the Cosmos.
The ET presence will inspire the finding of inter-faith ecumenical connections and -perhaps- more sophisticated concepts about God’s nature and notions such as “PANENTHEISM” will form a basis to supersede excessive, strict, intolerant “us vs. them” or “this vs. that” more superficial doctrinal disagreements. Furthermore, these enhanced interpretations should inspire many of the faithful to update their cultural perspectives. A well-guided religion can assist many persons to evolve their understandings in a healthy, positive way. In relation to Christianity, how are we to understand the redemptive role of Jesus when the extraterrestrial presence becomes widely known?
Is “original sin” and Jesus redemptive intervention on Earth applicable to extraterrestrial beings in the Cosmos? This is a crucial issue here. This was mentioned and discussed in the Vatican sponsored conference (in Vatican grounds) regarding the plausibility of extraterrestrial life in the universe in 2009. However, we should probably not assume that there’s ample awareness about intelligent ET life visiting Earth at the Vatican. As in most cases within large, conventional social institutions, most people either avoid the subject not to imperil their credibility or lack sufficient information about it.
I believe that, after periods of being on the wrong side of the rational debate by rejecting scientific advancements which routinely and quantitatively displace Earth’s Man as the center of all creation, the Vatican curia’s attitude is now becoming quite auspiciously agreeable with the findings and extrapolations of biological-cosmological-material-astrobiological science. This is becoming obvious in articles like those of investigative journalists Paola Harris and Marc Kauffman in which public opinion-relevant, researcher-priests (like Fr. Funes and Mons. Balducci) were consistently allowed the freedom to declare that God may have created intelligent extraterrestrial beings. While both Funes and Balducci suggested that extraterrestrials would be like cosmic brothers to us, the latter was allowed to speculate (beyond a scientifically safe orthodox view) that extraterrestrials may have already visited Earth. There is a time when excessive doubt against so much human testimony about an ET presence is not prudent or wise, he basically said.
Whether most conventional academic scientists look at the best objective evidence today or do it later on, the fact that serious persons are reporting ET encounters and even some air forces in the world are not excluding seriously considering the possibility that some UFOs can be of extraterrestrial origin (besides serious whistle blower testimony, photographs, analyzed photos, videos, archaeological signs, scientifically analyzed, alleged ET implants and more) should be taken into consideration by objective, open-minded, critical thinking individuals able to think and to express themselves with freedom. On the aggregate, the more serious types of evidence overcome often criticized, flimsier types of evidence also provided in less rigorous form by individuals with less critical thinking skills. One piece of evidence being genuine would be enough to warrant a serious, responsible interest. Not wanting to see this evidence as a whole is a serious and sad oversight which – nonetheless – can and should be remedied for the good of humanity.
Personal dislike for the ET presence theme or for it not conforming to established theory, regular methods and procedures and known facts (as implicit grounds for not looking into this) already smells incredibly out of touch and in itself less credible. Evidence (however unique) and experience (however different from stable reality patterns) should dictate the scientific course to follow.
In my view, the Funes and Balducci declarations are part of a tardy but, nonetheless, healthy move towards the really valid idea of complementing faith with reason, even if it was in principle done in order to remain culturally relevant in the modern world. However, I think that complementing faith with classical “and intuitively-obvious” physical science is simpler than what may be in store for upcoming theologians. All cultural leaders will have to stop sustaining extremely conservative stances as per the ever-more-evident extraterrestrial presence not necessarily manifesting in a classical material ‘realistic’ or classical- intuitive way. The space-time altering phenomenon seems to interact more with subjectivity, meaning and qualitative factors than classical phenomena.
Issues for an Upcoming Theology After rather simple generalizations about possible intelligent extraterrestrial biological existing only in our physical universe are superseded by a realization of the multilevel-multidimensional diversity of actual contacts with extraterrestrials already ocurring semi-discretely, a conceptual challenge will arise. I think this will occur when science and gradual ET disclosures advance to the point of exposing extraterrestrial diversity and complexity in relation to the dependence of multiple physical realms on non-physical realms. This sophistication about the multi dimensionality of creation will call for a more sophisticated theology.
According to some believable contactee friends, this gradual reconnection with -a long forgotten- ET life will increase after December 21st, 2012 which will mark a “point of no return” towards ending our relative and conceptual isolation from the rest of the intelligent Cosmos. What may ensue is an awareness of additional theological implications in relation to how different extraterrestrial beings may have been affected by a more universal type of Fall into sin (defined as an interpretive mistake or deviation from an adequate relation with God through the Logos).
The “Fall” would also have included non-physical (non-ET) angelical creation-helpers established in a higher, non-physical realm and capable of negatively influencing and-or challenging a variety of physical civilizations some of which may have also “fallen” for it and some of whom may have resisted. Many civilizations may have suffered a form of Fall. Perhaps all of creation was somehow implicated. This is also part of contactee lore. Considering that human witnessing is decisive for faith and for validating human experience in general (as Monsignor Balducci proposed), I would say that in-depth ET contact research also suggests that there is credible witness evidence that some extraterrestrials some some the many mansions in the “Physical Multiverse” may have also been swayed more than others by this Fall originating in beings from yet other higher ontological mansions in a higher ontological non physical realm. Accordingly, different context-dependent ways to reconcile with the Creator (the Profound LOVE of Cosmic Consciousness) by positing different kinds of interventions by the LOGOS, perhaps other incarnations of the Christ-Logos Principle may become necessary as we gradually learn how complex the history of the entire Cosmos may really be and grow out of our cosmic parochialism.
Again, we must collectively find how in relation to extraterrestrials- the partially understood essential truths expressed by today’s religious leaders (of all sincerely-inspired world faiths and denominations) may harmonize much better with each other. To advance the cause of reasonable faith in this global-planetary (and perhaps soon-to-be) new cosmically aware age we need to converge the most plausible truths under a truly spiritual, non-reductionist, integral attitude. In our untapped potentials must be ways to overcome excessively dividing fractional thinking.
Integral metaphysicians like Fritjoff Schuon which profoundly and reasonably explored the mystical (but also simultaneously rational) “PRINCIPIAL” shared core of WORLD RELIGIONS discovering common truths could function as guides for the mind-expanding and sentiment-expanding stages leading to a more mature world civilization to come. We need that. We need more world unity andf to beging perceiving that religions have a deep shared core.
Protestant minister Gary Bates (2009) of Creation Ministries International stated that the entire focus of creation is mankind on this Earth. He may be correct in that the entire focus of creation is mankind but he may be clinging to a false interpretation if we limit mankind or human kind to Earth. He may be rightfully defending his understanding of a pure version of Christianity against excessive flights of fancy and I applaud him for that. However, the expansion of concepts is slowly but surely coming for the good.
Perhaps, if we think about mankind not as quantitatively limited to this Earth, but as defined by an essential quality of consciousness and mode of beingcapable of personally relating with Godin a uniquely profound way, a being created by God’s infinite power in innumerable, beautiful, varied forms and measures in His Cosmos, an intelligent, self-aware being equally capable of saintliness as of paying homage to temptation into sin (or error), we may approach a more useful understanding.
The outer appearance of this essential being “created in Hisimage and likeness” may be similar or vary but the essence -qualifying as human- may not. The role of God personally creating Man in each habitable planet or as a universal template (the Adam Kadmon of Jewish mysticism?) after which particular beings representing God and His template molded particular human-suitable forms will need to be carefully addressed. We may also need to further inquire and discover which created physical beings (of different physical forms and physical “densities”) do not correspond to the category of “Man” but must, nevertheless, be essentially loved and respected as they would still be part of God’s Creation.
Some beings may have instincts and a biology that enslave them more reducing their free will and some may be quite benevolent and protective of our highest potentials but nonetheless more mental and lacking a degree of sentiment necessary to approach the higher creative echelons of reality and God. We will also need to essentially understand those (human or humanoid in appearance or not) who do not respect us because we have been unconscious and a peril to the planet, becoming more aware, not necessarily allowing them to hurt us or to replace us as a species but assisting them with compassion to align themselves with God’s will. It is us who need to awaken first and be an example without co-dependencies on extraterrestrials or traditional xenophobic enmity responses.
Click ET for enrollment info for “Search for Extraterrestrial Life” course
Edinburgh University is set to launch a series of six free online courses in Autumn 2012, one of which is titled: “Introduction to Astrobiology and the Search for Extraterrestrial Life”. The course involves five lectures to be presented online and will result in a certificate to all that complete it. Edinburgh is teaming up with Princeton and Stanford universities in an effort to make available undergraduate courses to a global audience for free as part of the Coursera consortium. According to Edinburgh University spokesperson, Ranald Leask: “Something like extraterrestrial life comes out of a wide and deep base of knowledge and academic endeavour.†Leask is referring to the progress made by the scientific community in confirming the existence of distant exoplanets and that some of these have the right conditions for hosting life as we know it. Princeton was the first U.S. university to offer a degree in astrobiology. Now thanks to Edinburgh University, astrobiology courses that focus on questions concerning the existence of extraterrestrial life are going global.
Edinburgh’s “Search for Extraterrestrial Life†course will be taught by Professor Charles Cockell who has authored two books on Mars, worked for NASA, and is the current Director for the UK Center for Astrobiology. Cockell’s course will examine questions such as “Is there life on other planetary bodies?†and “How is it distributed throughout the Universe?â€
The first two weeks of the course explore the origins of life and how beings survive in extreme environments, with the focus in the third week moving to the possibility of life being discovered on other planets. The final week includes asking how contact with an extraterrestrial intelligence would be dealt with and what would be the impact on society. It concludes with the question “who would represent Earth?†in the event of first contact.
The course is a direct result in the ongoing discovery of exoplanets, some of which have been confirmed to exist in the habitable region of their suns. This has sparked a number of academic conferences focusing on the social and political impact of the discovery of extraterrestrial life. Two were hosted by the Royal Society of London in 2010, and led to much media interest over scientific speculations over the likely motivations of extraterrestrial life. The most notable has been Prof Stephen Hawkings’ view about space faring extraterrestrials being more likely predatory in nature than friendly.
Recent advances in space telescopes have now made it possible to detect alien metropolises on distant worlds. On May 8, 2012, NASA announced: “NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope has detected light emanating from a “super-Earth†beyond our solar system for the first time. While the planet is not habitable, the detection is a historic step toward the eventual search for signs of life on other planets.â€Â According to Dario Borghino from Gizmag: “This marks the first time that light has been detected from a planet of such a small size, and the find is telling astrophysicists where to look in their search for signs of life on planets beyond our own.â€
The question to be examined in the final week of the Edinburgh Unniversity course, “who would represent Earth†in the case of contact is very significant. It first came to public prominence in 2010 in relation to Dr Mazlan Othman from the United Nations Office of Outer Space Affairs who was a presenter at the Royal Society astrobiology conference in October 2010. There was much media speculation over a story in the Sunday Times mistakenly claiming that Dr Othman would represent Earth on behalf of all humanity. In an earlier talk, Othman did say however:
The continued search for extraterrestrial communication, by several entities, sustains the hope that some day human kind will receive signals from extraterrestrials. When we do, we should have in place a coordinated response that takes into account all the sensitivities related to the subject. The UN is a ready-made mechanism for such coordination.
Edinburgh University’s upcoming “Introduction to Astrobiology and the Search for Extraterrestrial Life” course will open up an exciting new era in the study of extraterrestrial life. Core questions regarding the existence and societal implications of extraterrestrial life are being raised by respected scientists, and will now be discussed by students around the world. According to Jeff Haywood, vice principal of the University of Edinburgh, the number of students for the online course is potentially 100,000 students or more. That projected enrollment figure is in itself a remarkable possibility. Whether 100,000 students enroll or not, it is clear that the scholarly study of extraterrestrial life and its societal implications has entered mainstream scientific discourse and is now going global.
Jim Sparks allows the timely release of his filmed interview by Jake Gould and Neil Gould, Exopolitics Hong Kong, more than one year after it was filmed. Sparks describes his interactions with near future humans who still look very similar to us, as opposed to the far future humans who are almost unrecognizable as humans.
“You could be rubbing shoulders with one and never know itâ€.
The realities associated with Time travel will become more acceptable to members of the public as more whistleblowers come forward exposing the activities of covert agencies and large corporations with regard to quantum access technologies.Dr David Lewis Anderson asserts that time travel is real and being secretly developed by governments and private corporations. Seattle attorney Andrew Basagio has been publicly claiming that from the time he was 7 to when he was 12, he participated in Project Pegusas a secret U.S. government program that he says worked on teleportation and time travel under the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.
At Project MEXO, [see slide shows] a Hong Kong live virtual conference endorsed by the Exopolitics Institute, Jim Sparks gave a 40-minute presentation on Time Travel, explaining how aspects of his abductions relate to time travel.
“It is 2am in the morning and I am abducted and find myself in an examination room on board their space craft, where they are using several types of tests on me. Each test takes approximately 1 hour and in this case there are 3 tests. Clearly total time spent is 3 hours [approx]. Afterwards I find myself in another room and it’s time for medical procedures and ending with extraction of semen, the procedures and extraction takes 1-½ hours. All together these events take a total of 4 ½ hours [approx]. When all of this is finished I am returned home.Keeping in mind I was captured at 2am. When returned home, I find my clock reads 2:40am. Here on earth only 40 minutes [approx] passed; while on board it took 4 ½ hours. In these cases would you not consider this distortion of time as ‘time travel’? What else could it be?â€
Sparks explained that on one other occasion, he saw himself arrive back from an abduction before he had left.
“I was then abducted and the procedures on board took around 2 hours. When I was returned home I found myself back on the sofa. As I lay there I saw in front of me what I couldn’t believe, it was myself.  Although 2 hours had passed on board I was returned approximately 2 to 3 minutes before I left. I was stunned and speechless. I saw myself with its back facing me as if it were another person stepping through the same procedures as I did earlier to get a snack from the kitchen. My other self from the past did not take notice any notice that I was even there. After time past I became fearful because I knew he would see me on his return to the sofa. As he walked towards the sofa facing me he starred right through me as if I wasn’t there. I thought for a moment he was going to sit on me as he got closer until he began to fade. Let me make a point here I travelled back in time and this was no accident they purposely did this for me to experience it.â€
Traditionally, Sparks, abductees and researchers such as Dr David Jacobs speak about a hybridization program involving Greys [and other ET races] whereby alien sperm/DNA are matched with human ova/DNA to produce hybrid children. In time, some of these children are then subjected to the same procedure once again; if matched with 100% Alien sperm/DNA then the offspring are more Alien looking but if matched with 100% human sperm/DNA they become more human looking.
In this film Sparks injects a twist into the abduction lore, by revealing that landing parties of humans, who were not born, raised or nurtured on this planet are brought here to intermingle with “what they areâ€. Jake Gould likens this to “animals in captivity being returned to the wildâ€.
“These humans are the result of [Earth human] ova and semen being collected here and incubated somewhere else,†explained Sparks.
Jim concedes that he is not sure of the agenda in this specific case but that the Greys have many agendas and perhaps in this one, they simply wish to bring us along as we are.
Jim insisted that this film was not to be released before 2012.
Dr. Scott Jones (Commander, US Navy, Rtd.) visited New Delhi, India from April 19th to April 23rd, 2011 after spending three days in Pune, Maharashtra where he made a presentation to the Maharashtra Institute of Technology (MIT) and met with various representatives of the academic community.
In Delhi, Dr. Jones gave a talk on April 20th at 6.30 pm at the prestigious India International Centre, the premier public cultural and intellectual forum in India’s capital. The talk was moderated by Come Carpentier de Gourdon, Convener of the International Board of World Affairs, the Journal of International Issues, and was well received by the audience, which asked many questions and engaged in a lively discussion with the speaker.
In the morning of the 20th, Dr. Jones met with Dr. Manmohan Sharma, the Secretary General of the Indian Association of Parliamentarians for Population and Development (IAPPD) and its Chairman, Prof. P J Kurien, an eminent physicist and member of the National Parliament (Lok Sabha) who sits on the Parliamentary Defense Commission. Dr. Kurien who held several portfolios as a Cabinet Minister in the Government and who was chairman of the Indian Institutes of Technology Central Board is a close friend of Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh and the Defense Minister, Mr. Antony. Dr. Kurien was accompanied by another Member of Parliament, Mr. Khanna and by a University Professor who is one of his advisers.
During more than one hour, Dr. Jones briefed the Indian visitors on the ET/UFO related issue and its global, strategic, cultural and spiritual implications. Dr. Kurien said that he was broadly aware of the matter and showed strong interest as well as an intention to bring it up with the relevant members of the Government. He paid special attention to the draft “Space Peace Treaty” that was presented to him by Dr. Scott Jones and he highlighted the passage referring to the incidents of “ICBM shutdowns” caused by UFOs in the US on various occasions.
On the following day, April 21st, Dr. Jones sent by courier three briefing documents, including the text of the aforesaid Treaty to the respective Ambassadors to India of the Russian Federation, the People’s Republic of China and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. The courier package sent to each included a seal-shaped symbol of P.E.A.C.E, the not-for-profit organization founded and run by Dr. Scott Jones and Mr. Neil Freer. That symbol featured one of the oldest icons of Indian civilization, an exquisite engraving of the great Indian humped bull or Zebu (bos Indicus), from the 7000 year old Indus-Saraswati civilization, that is also the animal totem of the great God Shiva, the lord of Nature, yoga, generation and destruction.
A similar briefing package has been delivered, to the care of Dr. Manmohan Sharma for the Indian Minister of External Affairs, Dr. Krishna.
Dr. Scott Jones left New Delhi to return to the United States on April 23rd, 2011.
Dr Mazlan Othman, Director or the UN Office of Outer Space Affairs. Photo: UN/IISD
The United Nations is set to appoint the head of its Office of Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) as the first official responsible for representing humanity in the case of contact with extraterrestrial life. At an upcoming Royal Society (of London) conference scheduled from October 4-5, Dr Mazlan Othman will explain how the UN plans to implement changes that will result in her being given responsibility as part of her current position as the director of UNOOSA. Othman says the need for such a responsibility is due to the discovery of exoplanets that makes it more likely than ever that humanity will eventually discover extraterrestrial life. She has said that the UN is now actively planning a coordinated response for ‘First Contact’ .
Othman is a respected figure in the astrophysics and Outer Space Affairs community. She was the first female to graduate with a Ph.D in astrophysics from the University of Otago New Zealand (1981) and became Malaysia’s first astrophysicist. She was nominated by Kofi Annan to head UNOOSA from 1999 to 2002, before being summoned back to Malaysia to head the Malaysian National Space Agency from 2002-2007. She was responsible for the training and flight of Malaysia’s first astronaut Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor, and was re-appointed head of UNOOSA by the current UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, in 2007. As far as Othman’s scientific expertise is concerned, Professor Richard Crowther, a space law expert at the United Kingdom’s space agency said: “Othman is absolutely the nearest thing we have to a ‘take me to your leader’ personâ€.
The continued search for extraterrestrial communication, by several entities, sustains the hope that some day human kind will receive signals from extraterrestrials. When we do, we should have in place a coordinated response that takes into account all the sensitivities related to the subject. The UN is a ready-made mechanism for such coordination.
At the October 4-5 Royal Society conference, Othman will go into detail in the process the UN plans to undertake to appoint her as humanity’s first representative for First Contact. The Conference is titled “Towards a scientific and societal agenda on extra-terrestrial life,†and its webpage explains the need for political processes to accommodate scientific study of extraterrestrial life:
Even more than the scientific agenda, a corresponding complementary societal agenda needs to be debated. With a mix of invited talks and panel debates, we particularly look into the detection of life, the communication with potential extra-terrestrial civilizations, the implications for the future of humanity, and the political processes that are required.â€
Othman will present at a panel discussion titled: “Extra-terrestrial life and arising political issues for the UN agenda.”
Othman’s position shows that the United Nations is closely monitoring scientific developments concerning the discovery of exoplanets and the growing likelihood that life can be found throughout the universe. Recently, renowned astrophysicist, Stephen Hawking caused a furor when he said that extraterrestrial life is almost certain to exist, but we should be careful since they are likely to be predatory in nature. Hawking’s exopolitical speculations has stimulated wide ranging debate over the motivations of advanced extraterrestrial life. As a member of the Royal Society, Hawking’s views very likely played a role in influencing the agenda of the upcoming Royal Society conference.
The upcoming UN announcement of a First Contact official comes at a convenient time for a grass roots effort to get the City of Denver to pass an Ordinance, Initiative 300, that will create an Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission. Initiative 300 is on the ballot for the November mid-term elections and deals with some of the same “First Contact†issues that Othman will be given responsibility for at the UN. For example, the proposed Ordinance asks:
Shall the voters for the City and County of Denver adopt an Initiated Ordinance to require the creation of an extraterrestrial affairs commission to help ensure the health, safety, and cultural awareness of Denver residents and visitors in relation to potential encounters or interactions with extraterrestrial intelligent beings or their vehicles, and fund such commission from grants, gifts and donations?
It will certainly be difficult to dismiss the importance of Denver’s proposed Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission if the UN moves forward with its plans to appoint Othman as the official responsible for First Contact, and the Royal Society endorses political processes to deal with the detection of extraterrestrial life.
The upcoming appointment of a UN official to be in charge of a future First Contact scenario is a welcome step forward in legitimating discussion about the social and political implications of extraterrestrial life. Such a political discussion – popularly known as exopolitics – is the explicit focus of the upcoming Royal Society Conference. Uthman’s upcoming responsibility makes it more important than ever that the academic/scientific community discusses the social and political implications of the discovery of extraterrestrial life, and the growing likelihood of First Contact. Further Reading
A Montage of Life Born in the Astronomical Context. Graphic by Keren E. Fedida: Planets and Life Certificate
Princeton University has just announced a “Planets and Life” Certificate program in astrobiology that offers students an interdisciplinary approach to the possibility of extraterrestrial life existing throughout the universe. Astrobiology, or ‘exobiology’ as it first developed, is a scientific discipline that by definition is interested in the biology of life beyond our planet. Astrobiology is attracting growing student and scientific attention due to the ongoing discovery of exoplanets. A recent announcement from scientists working on the Kepler Space Telescope that rocky earth-like planets are more prevalent than gas giants such as Jupiter and Saturn, has fueled scientific speculation that suitable life-bearing conditions are far more common than previously thought. This has led to the realization that due to the advanced age of some solar systems, older and more advanced intelligent life very likely can be found elsewhere in the galaxy. Astrobiology conferences organized by the Vatican’s Pontifical Academy of Science in November 2009, and the Royal Society of London in January 2010 began the task of exploring the implications of extraterrestrial life found elsewhere in the galaxy. According to the Planets and Life Certificate program Director, Astrophysics Professor Adam Burrows, “Biology is experiencing a great renaissance … there are a lot of people making this the focus of their scientific work … It’s the fastest growing field in astronomy.”
The student body at Princeton, a private university that relies on student tuition for operational expenses, was a key factor in the development of the Life and Planets astrobiology program. It was students who had earlier completed one of the courses taught by evolutionary biology professor Laura Landweber, that formed an Astrobiology Club and pushed for the creation of the certificate program. Professor Landweber’s course, AST 255 “is an introduction to astrobiology and explores topics like the origin of life on Earth and the possibility of extraterrestrial life on Mars and Europa, one of Jupiter’s moons.” Clearly, the question of life on Mars and elsewhere in our solar system is something that continues to inspire keen student interest.
A key aspect of the new astrobiology program is that it will be interdisciplinary. According to the Princeton University News Release, the program allows “students to take cognate courses in nine departments: astrophysics, chemistry, ecology and evolutionary biology, geosciences, molecular biology, mechanical and aerospace engineering, electrical engineering, chemical and biological engineering, and computer science.” Noticeably missing from the list of departments are the social sciences of political science and sociology.
Most recently, Professor Stephen Hawking, a member of the Royal Society of London that sponsored the January 2010 astrobiology conference, took scientific speculation on extraterrestrial life to its logical conclusion by introducing political and sociological questions. He asked what would they be like in terms of their motivations, and would their political agenda involve resource acquisition to the degree that they might threaten the earth? Hawking’s introduction of political and sociological questions to the study of extraterrestrial life is part of the nascent field of exopolitics which has yet to be formally acknowledged by Princeton or any other university. While Princeton’s astrobiology certificate for the moment emphasizes the natural sciences in its interdisciplinary program, it’s hard to justify the exclusion of exopolitical questions when the world’s foremost astrophysicist, Stephen Hawking, is explicitly raising such questions. Princeton University is to be congratulated for creating a pioneering interdisciplinary certificate program in the growing field of astrobiology. With time, however, the program will need to expand its certificate program in order to systematically address exopolitical questions, that cannot and should not be excluded from an interdisciplinary study of extraterrestrial life in the Galaxy.
[Special Notice: The author teaches a course in the Exopolitics Institute’s Certification Program titled: The Science, Spirituality and Politics of Extraterrestrial Life. Fall Semester clases have just begun. More info here.]
Further Reading
Part 1 Â of this article presented Dr Paul Davies, Astrobiologist as a man whose vision is embedded within the current imposed and skewered worldview. On Coast to Coast radio, Davies debunked and ignored the exopolitical evidence that Ets engage our planet. In this article the exopolitical prescriptions are presented so that Dr Davies has an early opportunity to dig himself out of his politically polluted worldview.
“Is Davies a typical example of the gatekeepers that Hawking sought the human race to circumvent? I say yes and suggest that Dr Davies embraces the processes available within the multidisciplinary field of Exopolitics. Â
“Through collaborations and meetings with clinicians, “experiencers”,
anthropologists, physicists, Theologians and political scientists,
Dr. Mack has encouraged members of different disciplines to bring their talents to this explorationâ€. Â
Below I present to Dr Davies an “Exopolitical apical bud of knowledgeâ€, beginners tools that he could use to begin his reeducation as to the existence of UFOs and their engagement with planet Earth; perhaps a process adopted by ET anthropologists and geneticists who are following a principle of non [mass] intervention with a fledgling species who appear to be aiming ballistic missiles at themselves whilst their mainstream scientific community peer through a single telescope lens with both eyes.
At an event organized by Dr Stephen Greer at the National Press Club in 2001, over 400 military and corporate witnesses with security clearances testified as to the reality of military involvement with Ets, back engineering of ET craft, alternative energy and advanced technology some of which could advance astronomy and astrobiology.
a) Dr Paul LaViolette argues compellingly that the interesting and quite intricate behaviors of pulsars fit much more easily with a model of an ETI (extraterrestrial intelligence) beacon carrying information. The neutron star lighthouse model predicted that pulsars would be formed in supernova explosions and in fact several of them have been found near supernova remnants.
“The neutron star lighthouse model predicted that pulsars would be formed in supernova explosions and in fact several of them have been found near supernova remnantsÂ
If that were truly how they were formed, one would expect to find pulsars concentrated toward the center of the galaxy where most supernovas occur. However, LaViolette has noticed that the distribution of observed pulsars in the galactic plane differs markedly from that.â€
“The position of these anomalies at a one-radian angular distance from the galactic center (g.c.) is especially odd because:
1.      the radian is arguably a natural angular unit that would be recognized by many societies
2.      this particular angular position would exist only from a point of view located exactly where we are – giving the impression of a deliberate signal or sign to our society or any society at our locationâ€
“This strongly implies that the pulsars appear where they are by design, and furthermore that the design is intended to get the attention of a society that lives exactly where we are.â€
b) AÂ ‘monolith’, was snapped from 165miles away using a special high resolution camera on board the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.Fuel was added to the flames after Buzz Aldrin, the second man to walk on the Moon, alluded to a similar monolith detected on Mars’ moon Phobos. In the video below Aldrin commented:
‘When people find out about that they are going to say, “Who put that there? Who put that there?” Well the universe put it there, or if you choose God put it there.’
Little green men
Whistleblowers testimony to western legal standards, by people who stand to face ridicule or even worse, lose their pensions cannot be ignored. Sgt. Clifford Stone gives testimony to his involvement in black operations where he retrieved UFO craft and their occupants that had been either shot down by exotic weapons or had simply crashed. The testimony of Charles Hall a meteorologist who worked at Nellis Airforce base. Hall interacted with ET beings “Tall Whitesâ€, guests of agencies within the U.S. Military.
In an interview with research journalist and author Paola Leopizzi Harris she told ZlandCommunications:
“My recollection is that Hynek said it was backstage of one of the many Johnny Carson Tonight shows [Carl] Sagan did. He basically said [to Hynek] in 1984, ‘I know UFOs are real, but I would not risk my research [College] funding, as you do, to talk openly about them in public.[…]
“I had started out as an outright ‘debunker,’ taking great joy in cracking what seemed at first to be puzzling cases. I was the arch-enemy of those ‘flying saucer groups and enthusiasts’ who very dearly wanted UFOs to be interplanetary.†Hynek, J. Allen. ‘The Hynek UFO Report’. Dell Publishing Co. 1977â€
“Furthermore, sleep paralysis and hypnogogic hallucinations of such long duration tend to be symptoms of narcolepsy -a neurological disorder characterized by an overwhelming desire to sleep at any time. Individuals with narcolepsy also suffer from cataplexy -a sudden loss of voluntary muscle tonus with full consciousness, often during emotional events (Carlson, 1994). Individuals in our sample of experiencers deny such symptoms. Those experiencers who have undergone electroencephalograph (EEG) testing in an attempt to find a neurological cause for their experiences report no significant findings. Thus, there is no evidence that sleep paralysis can account for the abduction phenomenon.â€
Psychological Inquiry, Vol. 7, No. 2, 1996
A reason as to why UFOs would come, especially when the human civilization is just beginning is made quite understandable by the NICAP reports of UFO sightings at ICBM sites and nuclear Weapons Storage Areas. Robert Hastings provides all his sources some of which make up the hundreds if not thousands of UFO sightings around nuclear installations including the shutting down of missile launch systems as in the case of Capt. Robert Salas. The Ets are mentoring us; they are awakening us to the dangers of the nuclear age.
Artifacts left behind by ET civilizations
The Dogon tribesmen of Mali, West Africa, contain astronomical knowledge which the native people could have neither learned by themselves nor guessed. Dogon legends speak of Jupiter’s four moons and Saturn’s rings, which were not seen by human beings until the invention of the telescope. At the temple of Abydos, Egypthighly developed crafts, specifically a helicopter, a submarine, some form of flying saucer, and a jet plane. In Iraq there are 5000-year-old Sumerian sealsthat depict our solar system.
Dr Davies is part of our scientific community, most of whom have a cycloptic and 3-D view of our reality imposed onto them by the politics of ontology. It is an insult to our experiencers and contactees and proves how effective the ET media truth embargo is and how mankind’s progress is being retarded. When official disclosure takes place one day, you will hear our mainstream scientists say; “Well what I really meant was…….!!