The Director of National Intelligence is scheduled to release a comprehensive report on June 25 to the US Senate that will conclude, according to official leaks, that UFOs are an unknown national security threat! Why is this a ‘Big Lie’? What’s the Deep State agenda behind promoting this now through the mainstream media after decades of dismissing the UFO phenomenon?
Watch this short film about how America has been secretly reverse engineering captured extraterrestrial spacecraft since the WW II era, and is on the verge of releasing some of its secret UFO technologies through the United States Space Force.
I wish to thank my inspired and incredibly gifted wife, Angelika Whitecliff, for the many hours she devoted to creating this short film and raising public awareness of these critical issues.
Article by Katie Anderson February 20, 2021 ( )
• Glen Richardson’s father once told him about a strange occurrence that happened before Richardson was born. His father awoke one night around 2 or 3 in the morning to the sound of a vacuum cleaner. He ventured downstairs expecting to find his wife, but instead, saw a very big, bright, yellow and orange blinding light coming from outside the window. “He went to take a closer look, it lit up the sky for a few more seconds, and then it vanished,” said Richardson (pictured above).
• With this story, Richardson was hooked. He consumed as many books and articles on the UFO topic as he could get his hands on and became a resident UFO investigator in Hartlepool, in Durham County, England – studying unexplained objects and potential alien existence. He began travelling the length and breadth of the UK to meet people who’d had witnessed similar phenomena. “[M]y late-father that really inspired me- because he was a very skeptical man,” says Richardson, now 45. Richardson works as a mental health care assistant when he’s not chasing UFOs.
• The most compelling case that Richardson has dealt with over the last 20 years involved a woman from Northumberland who came forward two years ago saying she’d seen an unrecognizable object in the sky followed by two Apache helicopters. “…I spoke to a gentleman from the Ministry of Defence” said Richardson. “He confirmed there were three Apache helicopters deployed at the same time and location.” “She was adamant that the third was not a helicopter.”[B]ut… it validated her sighting of an unrecognizable object.
• Richardson says North East England is somewhat of a “hotspot” for UFO sightings, with many reports coming in over the last few years, including across Hartlepool. “A man in Hartlepool complained of missing time while he was awake, and a triangular shaped craft outside his room when he went to sleep,” said Richardson. “He said these things happened to him on three separate occasions during the 1980s.”
• Richardson said he feels there is a difference between these ‘abduction’ scenarios and hallucinations he observes in his job as a mental health worker. Patients will just come out with their hallucination. But when UFO witnesses speak of an encounter, they act very cautiously. “Often it’ll start with them describing a sighting, and once they trust you, they’ll confide in you about something more,” says Richardson. “Often I get the impression they don’t believe it themselves, or they don’t want to believe it.”
• With the advancement of smart phones and other video technology, more people are capturing them and the stigma attached to reporting UFO’s is falling away. And with this change, “[P]eople are feeling more confident than ever coming forward,” notes Richardson. “When I first started, there was a lot of name-calling (from) friends and colleagues… but that’s settled down now.”
• “I’m part of a strong community of researchers and we are all in it for the same reasons: to help people and to gather as much information as possible to substantiate that there is life out there. It would be an amazing discovery.”
• Richardson concedes that there are logical explanations for many UFO sightings. But there are some that just can’t be explained. “I do believe there is something else going on,” he says. And he believes that there is more to it than just unidentified flying objects – there is the potential for alien life. “Regardless of whether you believe in evolution or religious arguments, it seems highly unlikely that we are the only life out there.”
one of Glen Richardson’s UFO pics
For most people, UFOs are a source of intrigue and the extra-terrestrial is reserved for sci-fi Netflix binges.
But for Hartlepool ‘s resident UFO investigator, Glen Richardson, studying unexplained objects and potential alien existence is a life-passion.
“I’ve been interested in this line of work for as long as I can remember” said Glen, 45, who works as a mental health care assistant when he’s not chasing UFOs.
Hartlepool, England
“But it was one story from my late-father that really inspired me- because he was a very skeptical man.”
“He told me that one night, before I was born, he awoke around 2 or 3 in the morning to the sound of a vacuum cleaner. He ventured downstairs expecting to find my mum, but instead, saw a very big, bright, yellow and orange blinding light coming from outside the window.
“He went to take a closer look, it lit up the sky for a few more seconds, and then it vanished.”
Glen was captivated by the tale, and eagerly consumed as many books and articles on the topic as he could get his hands on. Soon, he began travelling the length and breadth of the UK to meet people who alleged they had witnessed similar phenomena.
He said the most compelling case he’s dealt with over the last 20 years involved a woman from Northumberland, who came forward 2 years ago saying she’d seen an unrecognisable object in the sky followed by two Apache helicopters.
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Prof Haim Eshed, a senior scientist who for nearly 30 years headed Israel’s space security program has revealed secret US extraterrestrial agreements, a joint US ET base on Mars, and how a Galactic Federation is closely monitoring human affairs. Major media around the world is covering Prof Eshad’s revelations. He further declared that President Trump was on verge of extraterrestrial disclosure but was told to hold back by the Galactic Federation since we weren’t at the right level of technological development. Apparently Space Force was help speed up humanity’s technology base.
In this podcast, Dr. Michael Salla covers Prof Eshed’s revelations, the close historic cooperation between Israel’s Mossad, the CIA and the National Reconnaissance Office when it comes to satellite surveillance and the covert use of advanced antigravity craft. He also discusses how the alleged Galactic Federation wants humanity to get closer to Type 1 civilization status according to the Kardashev scale, and how the lifting of national security orders on 5900 patent applications could quickly achieve this goal.
• Scientists have detected a key ingredient on the surface of Mars supporting the existence of organic lifeforms.
• Life on Mars may have been forced underground when a disaster occurred on the planet’s surface.
• [Editor’s Note] Is this a part of a “soft disclosure” to introduce those of us here on Earth to what is actually happening on Mars?
Scientists have found key evidence which suggests life may once have existed on Mars.
Nasa’s Curiosity rover has detected boron, a key ingredient for life, on the dusty surface of the Red Planet.
The discovery is a huge boost in the hunt for extraterrestrials and could back up a theory suggesting life on Mars may have been forced underground when disaster turned the planet into a “frigid desert”.
Patrick Gasda, a postdoctoral researcher at Los Alamos National Laboratory said: “Because borates may play an important role in making RNA – one of the building blocks of life – finding boron on Mars further opens the possibility that life could have once arisen on the planet.
“Borates are one possible bridge from simple organic molecules to RNA. Without RNA, you have no life. “The presence of boron tells us that, if organics were present on Mars, these chemical reactions could have occurred.” RNA is ribonucleic acid, a nucleic acid present in all modern life which is involved in the decoding and expression of genes from DNA. It is known to be unstable, so unless boron is present it decomposes quickly. Gasda’s work is detailed in a study published this week in the journal Geophysical Research Letters. It describes how Nasa’s buggy found the element in calcium sulphate mineral “veins” in the rocky surface. That means boron was present in Mars groundwater and indicates that the Gale crater, where Nasa’s robo buggy is right now, may have been home to life. It bolsters the bizarre theory that life originated on Mars and was carried to Earth on an asteroid.
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