by Brett Tingley October 19, 2017 (
• Billy Corgan, the former lead singer of the band The Smashing Pumpkins revealed on an October 16th episode of The Howard Stern Radio Show that he witnessed a human shapeshift right before his eyes.
• Says Corgan, “I was with somebody once and I saw a transformation that I can’t explain. It’s a really messed up story.”
• Corgan: “Suddenly [I] turn around and there’s somebody else standing there.” Stern: “A different human? Did you say to the person, ‘What’d you just do here?’” Corgan: “Yes, and they acknowledged it.” Stern: “And what did they say they were? From another planet?” Corgan: “They wouldn’t explain.”
For whatever reason, more and more actors and celebrities have been coming forward lately with stories of encounters with UFOs, ghosts, or even Bigfoot. The paranormal seems to be back in style, and perhaps celebrities are merely capitalizing on the current zeitgeist in order to get their name in the headlines. Whatever the case may be, this week’s celebrity paranormal story comes from William Patrick Corgan, the artist formerly known as Billy Corgan and former member of ‘90s alt-rock pioneers The Smashing Pumpkins. Corgan was on The Howard Stern Show this week to promote his new album Ogilala when the interview turned towards Corgan’s many appearances on that loud, angry guy’s conspiracy nutjob radio show. You know the one.
Billy Corgan
As it turns out Corgan is a vocal believer in some of the more fringe conspiracy theories including all sorts of anti-vaccination claims, mass media brainwashing, and of course good ol’ fashioned chemtrails. During this recent interview, as Stern pressed Corgan on what exactly his alleged paranormal or unexplained experiences have been, Corgan revealed that he once witnessed a human shapeshift right before his eyes:
Let’s just say I was with somebody once and I saw a transformation that I can’t explain. It’s a really messed up story. It’s up there with one of the most intense things I’ve ever been through.
Corgan was pretty tight lipped about what exactly he witnessed, but given his favorite conspiracy theorist/radio host’s obsession with the so-called “lizard people” who secretly rule the world, there’s no telling what Corgan saw – or thinks he saw:
Corgan: Imagine you’re doing something and suddenly you turn around and there’s somebody else standing there.
Stern: A different human?
Corgan: Sorta. It’s hard to explain without going into detail–I’d rather not go into details.
Stern: But did you say to the person, “What’d you just do here?”
Corgan: Yes, and they acknowledged it.
Stern: And what did they say they were? From another planet?
Corgan: They wouldn’t explain.
Corgan claims he was totally sober during the experience. Is this another case of a celebrity (arguably) past his prime trying to stir up headlines (and succeeding), or could Corgan have truly witnessed a skinwalker/ shapeshifter? The problem with nearly all of these types of stories is that they usually only have one witness, and eyewitness testimony is rarely considered reliable evidence.
I dunno though, dude looks like he knows a skinwalker when he sees it.
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The popular website has today released another article debunking an upcoming BBC documentary examining alien invasion theories and the London Olympics. In his article, “The Aliens are Coming†Jurriaan Maessen argues that including information about extraterrestrial life in prospective false flag operations is an aspect of “predictive programming†whereby the alternative media is discredited by the mainstream media focusing on the “wildest†of “conspiracy theories.†Maessen was preceded by Paul Watson on June 30 who argued that introducing the “public toxic issues of UFOs and aliens†into research on false flag operations would ultimately discredit the 9/11 and 7/7 truth movements. By launching a preemptive strike against the upcoming BBC conspiracy theory special, Maessen and Watson hope to debunk claims of an alien invasion theory during the Olympics. A sensible position to take given the paucity of information that such an event could really occur. Yet, they and are effectively inflicting collateral damage on long standing research efforts to reveal an extensive international official cover-up of extraterrestrial life, and how this influences geopolitics – a relatively new international disciplinary approach called “exopolitics”. In effect, has declared war on the field of exopolitics entering into alternative media discourse on false flag events, in an effort to debunk an improbable alien invasion theory of the London Olympics.
Maessen sums up his argument against alien conspiracy theories as follows:
Recent attempts by mainstream media to discredit all “conspiracy theories†by focusing on the wildest among them, appears to be a deliberate effort on the part of the controlled media…. All the producers (and the executives who have final say in the editing room) have to do is a more or less wides sweep of the internet, have lunch, sift out the “alien connectionâ€, and then highlight those theories as “mainstream among the substream.†(O miraculous deception!).
Maessen’s point is pretty clear. There is little substance to conspiracy theories on a governmental cover up of extraterrestrial life – theories belonging to the burgeoning field of exopolitics. Echoing Paul Watson’s June 30 article focusing on an upcoming BBC documentary that examines rumors of an alien invasion during the London Olympics, Maessen continued: “The same principle applies to the countless theories floating around the web in regards to an expected cosmic event set to occur when the Olympic Games are in full swing.â€
The BBC is focusing its new documentary about “conspiracy theorists†around the premise that aliens will invade London during the Olympics. This entire meme is clearly being pushed by the establishment to discredit the truth movement.†Maessen agrees and argues: “the alien connection is being pushed by the establishment to divert attention away from the documented reality of false flag operations and to undermine those exposing them.
The implication here according to is that exopolitics research needs to be ghettoized and sifted out of the alternative media in order not to contaminate genuine research on 9/11 and 7/11 as false flag operations.
The position taken by Watson’s and Maessen’s boss at on the alien issue and false flag events, is more nuanced. According to Alex Jones’ take on the movie Prometheus, the global elite (Illuminati) not only believe in extraterrestrial life, but claim to be the direct descendents of ancient aliens that invaded and took over the Earth millennia ago. Jones argued in a video review of Prometheus that it was important to understand the Illuminati belief system in order to assess their global agenda. Jones was keen to point out that he did not share this belief, but this did not assuage critics who attacked Jones as selling out and becoming a “true believer†of the UFO issue. Jones has earlier gone on the public record to support claims that a false flag UFO invasion has been planned and is possible. Yet it appears that Jones is tacitly agreeing with Watson and Maessen that a UFO false flag event for the Olympics is a distraction, or in Maessen’s terms “predictive programmingâ€
In rejecting any link between the fields of exopolitics/UFO research and false flag operations, Maessen, Watson and more generally are committing a grave mistake. The literature on a government cover up on extraterrestrial life is extensive and compelling. Very recently, Chase Brandon, a former CIA clandestine officer and official media liaison confirmed publicly on air that he had witnessed files in the CIA’s historical archive that confirmed that UFO Roswell crash really happened:
I went into the side room and looked at all those boxes… I only had a chance to look at one – I pulled the one down that said ‘Roswell’ and I looked inside… there were materials, there were papers, there were other items…. I absolutely know… that there was a craft from beyond this world that crashed at Roswell, that the military picked up remains of not just the wreckage but cadavers and all of that was made public for a short while…
Brandon’s testimony may prove to be as compelling as that of Philip Corso (ret. Lt Col) who headed the Foreign Technology Desk at the US Army’s Research and Development Division who claimed that he was given a file of Roswell UFO artifacts to stimulate corporations in the development of a range of technologies, e.g., Fiber Optics, Lasers, Kevlar fabrics, etc.
In a 2006 article examining Alex Jones and others examining 9/11 as a false flag event, I pointed out:
9-11 authors fail to identify a number of key exopolitical factors behind false flag operations. These factors have to do with the political management system created for extraterrestrial affairs; the technology and knowledge about extraterrestrials that are located on the territory of different foreign governments; and with the ‘black budget’ needed to finance covert operations based on acquiring extraterrestrial technologies and information. Given the highly classified nature of extraterrestrial affairs, all these activities occur without any congressional or legislative oversight in the US and other major nations such as Britain, Russia and China.
I find it high unlikely that an alien invasion of London will take place during the Olympic games. Maessen and Watson, however, err greatly in claiming that efforts to combine research into false flag events and extraterrestrial life is part of an official effort to undermine the 9/11 and/or 7/7 truth movements. The fact that the BBC is examining alien invasion theories may rightly raise suspicions over the agenda of such programming, but in claiming that exopolitics/UFO research undermines the truth movement Watson and Maessen go too far. A more nuanced position is needed here – echoing some of the insights of their boss at, Alex Jones on a UFO false flag event and global elite belief systems about extraterrestrial life. Declaring war on exopolitics research and its relevance for the 9/11 and 7/7 truth movement is not only wrong but it serves another agenda. The cover-up on extraterrestrial life and technology goes back more than sixty years and has created an enormous shadow over geopolitics and international finance. The cover-ups about 9/11 and 7/7 are relatively recent and have occurred under the shadow of a larger geopolitical agenda. Jones, Watson and Maessen have brought up some aspects of this agenda and deserve credit for that. They need, however, to go deeper. In attempting to debunk expolitcs/UFO research and dismiss it from alternative media investigations on 9/11 and 7/7; Watson, Maessen and have declared war on the wrong target.
Alex Jones, founder of the popular Infowars website, has a problem. He personally believes that extraterrestrial life exists somewhere out there, but does not believe that proof has been found that off world aliens are real. In that sense he follows a very conventional script, yet Jones is very interested in a select group of individuals that do strongly believe in extraterrestrial life. That is the “Illuminati†or global elite, or international banking families, intent on controlling and enslaving humanity according to Jones. Jones has gone on the public record with his research findings that not only are the Illuminati “true believers†in extraterrestrial life, but they have established a secret religion where they view themselves as the descendents of ancient astronauts that visited Earth, and even created human life.
In a recent video review of the movie Prometheus where Jones addressed Illuminati beliefs in extraterrestrial creators, he was hit by an avalanche of criticisms from viewers that he had become a “true believer†in alien life. Jones felt compelled to issue a second video pointing out that he was not a true believer in extraterrestrials, but was interested in exposing the belief system of the Illuminati who are true believers. Jones problem is that he is fast discovering that the analysis of those secretly controlling international politics and finances cannot be neatly separated from evidence and beliefs of those convinced that extraterrestrials have visited and even live among us! Jones problem is that he needs to walk through the door of exopolitics – a relatively unknown field of study into the political implications of extraterrestrial life – without antagonizing his large support base and being dismissed as a naïve true believer.
Alex Jones got his hands on an early script of Prometheus and produced a video claiming the “ideas presented in Prometheus are at the core of Western secret societies†The core concept in these secret societies or “Illuminati†belief system, according to Jones, is that humanity was created by a group of extraterrestrial visitors called ‘gods’ by the ancients, and global elites are the direct descendents of these creator ‘gods’. Jones goes on to claim: “Every major globalist we look at going back more than 160 years is completely and totally obsessed with the idea that off world aliens are controlling this planet and giving them hidden knowledge.†Jones concluded:
The film Prometheus is completely constructed around the secret religion of the Illuminati who believe they are transcendent and becoming the superman… The Illuminati believe they have stolen the fire of true genius from the gods.
After his video review was released, Jones received an avalanche of protests from readers claiming that he had been paid off to promote Prometheus, and had become a true believer in extraterrestrial life. In a follow-up video Jones tried to set the record straight. He said:
In reading a synopsis of the film that I got from a source, it’s basically what the Illuminati are in to. They believe that we were basically created by Aliens, but I don’t believe that!
Jones concludes: “This is a film about the origins of humanity, where aliens create humanity and are coming to now take us to the next level of evolution which the elite believe.â€
Is Jones correct that the global elite have a belief in extraterrestrial life that amounts to a quasi-religious system that they use to justify global policies which they secretly influence and manipulate? There is in fact abundant whistleblower testimony in support of Jones’ conclusion.
Cathy O’Brien, author of Trance-Formation of America (1995) was one of the first to blow the whistle on the global elite’s belief in extraterrestrial life. O’Brien’s book reveals that she was trained as a “Presidential model†where she claims to have been mind controlled to perform sexual and other favors for some of the world’s most powerful politicians. She reveals that these powerful politicians have a strange quasi-religious belief in extraterrestrial life. While O’Brien herself did not claim to see evidence that extraterrestrials were real, she saw many rituals and events where powerful politicians dressed or tried to make her believe that they were descendents of alien beings. She wrote about one case involving the President of Mexico at the time, Miguel De La Madrid and President George Bush, Snr, who both tried to convince her that they were shape shifting aliens using what she thought was holographic technology:
De La Madrid had relayed the ‘legend of the Iguana’ to me, explaining that lizard-like aliens had descended upon the Mayans. The Mayan pyramids, their advanced astronomical technology, including sacrifice of virgins, was supposedly inspired by the lizard aliens. He told me that when the aliens interbred with the Mayans to produce a form of life they could inhabit, they fluctuated between a human and Iguana appearance through chameleon-like abilities – ‘a perfect vehicle for transforming into world leaders.’ De la Madrid claimed to have Mayan/alien ancestry in his blood, whereby he transformed ‘back into an Iguana at will.’ De la Madrid produced a hologram similar to the one Bush did in his… initiation. His hologram of lizard-like tongue and eyes produced the illusion that he was transforming into an Iguana.”
Another source revealing the extraterrestrial belief system of the global elite emerged in October 2008, An individual calling himself/herself the Hidden Hand participated in an online dialogue on the popular Above Top Secret forum, and wrote:
I am a generational member of a Ruling Bloodline Family… Our Lineage can be traced back beyond antiquity. From the earliest times of your recorded “history”, and beyond, our Family has been ‘directing’ the ‘play’ from behind the scenes, in one way or another…. I want to be clear on this Bloodline issue. The ones you know, they are of earthly lineage. Yes, they have their place in the Family, but the Real Power lines, do not originate from this planet.
As the Hidden Hand makes clear, the ruling bloodline families, the Illuminati, see themselves as descendents of off world beings that came to earth in antiquity.
There is another source concerning a recent Bilderberg Group meeting that again supports the extraterrestrial global elite connection. A former hotel employee, Mr B, described what happened when he entered a room where a Bilderberg meeting was occurring to deliver a message.
Mr B claimed upon entering he saw around 24 people seated around a large rectangular table. They were speaking in a cacophony of sounds, none of which was intelligible. It didn’t sound like any language Mr B had ever heard before. Mr B couldn’t see any faces among those seated around the table. He could see their physical bodies in suits, etc., but the faces were hazy due to some kind of mist or fog. Mr B reported that there was an intense energy field pervading the room – it was definitely very unusual and felt otherworldly. Mr B felt resentment being projected towards him over his unwelcome presence. He was directed towards the person to whom he had to deliver the message. Mr B delivered the message and promptly left the room. He was unaware of the message’s contents. Soon after leaving the room, Mr B experienced a massive headache, which lasted several days and he had to take time off.
Mr B’s experience suggests that an element within the Bilderberg group may be in touch with and/or controlled by an other worldly/extraterrestrial force. Again, this supports Alex Jones contention that the global elite firmly believe they are descendents of extraterrestrials.
Jones problem clearly emerges here. Can one analyze the belief system of the global elite/Illuminati without being criticized by a general public that is deeply skeptical about the existence of extraterrestrial life? Jones solution is to separate his own personal beliefs from those of the global elite. Yet how can this be done without considering a vast database of evidence concerning UFOs and extraterrestrial life?
It is a fact that some of the world’s most powerful men and women believe they are the descendents of extraterrestrials that played a role in the genetic engineering of humanity. Is this a fanciful belief system designed to augment the egos of global elites and intimidate subordinates, or is there some substance to these beliefs? Jones appears to favor the former position for the moment, but knows he can’t close off the possibility of the latter. The door of exopolitics that has appeared at this stage in Jones research into the global control system will inevitably introduce his Infowars audience to a strange new universe.
In Ridley Scott’s latest movie, Prometheus, humanity’s creators, an extraterrestrial race described as the “engineersâ€, plan to return and destroy us by introducing a new life form that replaces humanity. The Prometheus mission makes the ground breaking discovery that the engineers are humanity’s progenitors. It goes on to depict the engineers as violent aliens not interested in having a dialogue with its intelligent human “children”, but to only destroy and replace it.
At some point in this grand genetic engineering project, the engineers lose control of the experiment to replace humanity, and are almost destroyed themselves by the new alien life they create. Lying in stasis for millennia, one of the engineers is discovered and awakened by the crew of Prometheus who make the startling discovery of what humanity’s creators were planning, and what had happened to them.
This most implausible of plots is slowly developed in Prometheus as a prequel to the Alien movie franchise which Scott started back in 1979. As a big budget Hollywood block-bluster, Prometheus may be little more than sci-fi entertainment similar to other recent alien invasion films such as Battleship, the Avengers and MIB3.
Alternatively, Prometheus may be part of a series of recent films intended to “educate” humanity to think about extraterrestrial life in a way that promotes national security priorities; or even more mysteriously, an esoteric religion shared by global elites.
A 1953 document issued by a panel of scientific experts convened by the CIA’s Psychological Strategy Board (1951-53), recommended that the movie industry would be used to “educate” U.S. citizens about the flying saucer phenomenon and the associated extraterrestrial hypothesis, i.e., some UFOs are interplanetary in origin.
The Robertson Panel recommended an ˜educational program” to remove the “threat” posed by enemy nations exploiting the public’s belief in flying saucers. This “educational program” is where the movie industry is explicitly mentioned in the Durant Report:
The Panel’s concept of a broad educational program integrating efforts of all concerned agencies was that it should have two major aims: training and debunking. The “debunking” aim would result in reduction in public interest in “flying saucers” which today evokes a strong psychological reaction. This education could be accomplished by mass media such as television, motion pictures, and popular articles [emphasis added].… Such a program should tend to reduce the current gullibility of the public and consequently their susceptibility to clever hostile propaganda.
The Report issued by the Robertson Panel in January 1953, endorsed a CIA sponsored policy of using the movie industry to “educate” the public about extraterrestrial life. One can deduce from the movies emerging immediately after the Report’s release that the key idea being promoted was extraterrestrials were hostile invaders intent on taking over our world.
Movies such as The War of the Worlds, Invaders from Mars, etc., promoted a strong national security response to evidence of extraterrestrial life. This differed dramatically from earlier movies such as The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951) that depicted extraterrestrials as galactic policemen concerned over humanity’s aggressive tendencies.
Movies depicting extraterrestrial life in a positive light generally appeared prior to the Durant Report’s release and before the Psychological Strategy Board and its successor (Operations Coordination Board 1953-1961) became dominant in setting official policy on UFOs and extraterrestrial life.
The general public’s psychological reaction to a steady stream of Hollywood movies depicting dangerous extraterrestrial invaders, was to remain passive as the military-industrial complex took over all responsibility for the UFO/flying saucer phenomenon and ridiculed researchers trying to expose the truth.
There is much evidence that a Galactic version of the FBI/CIA’s COINTELPRO was covertly organized against UFO researchers and those having direct experiences with extraterrestrial life and technology. It is highly likely that Prometheus and other 2012 summer movie releases are part of a renewed phase of psychological warfare (Galactic COINTELPRO) where the public are conditioned to believe that extraterrestrials are evil invaders.
Alex Jones got his hands on an early script of Prometheus and produced a video claiming the movie reveals the deepest belief system of global elites – the Illuminati. More specifically Jones states, the ideas presented in Prometheus are at the core of Western secret societies.
The core concept in the Illuminati belief system, according to Jones, is that humanity was created by a group of ancient astronauts, and global elites are the direct descendents of these extraterrestrials or creator ˜gods”. Jones goes on to claim: Every major globalist we look at going back more than 160 years is completely and totally obsessed with the idea that off world aliens are controlling this planet and giving them hidden knowledge.
The film Prometheus is completely constructed around the secret religion of the Illuminati who believe they are transcendent and becoming the superman… The Illuminati believe they have stolen the fire of true genius from the gods.
Jones correctly identifies the mindset of the Illuminati who view themselves as descendents of the Titans (Prometheus), and the true protectors of humanity from the fickle gods (extraterrestrial founders).
The film Prometheus achieves two simultaneous objectives. It continues to promote the idea that extraterrestrials are hostile and ready to invade humanity at a moment’s notice. The psychological impact of Prometheus and similar alien invasion movies is to make citizens passive to the ever increasing evidence that extraterrestrial life has been visiting our world, and governments and global elites have conspired to keep this secret.
Another objective is that Prometheus helps sow the seed that extraterrestrials that played a role in humanity’s creation are returning with a dark agenda they plan to impose on humanity.
While the idea of returning gods is extolled in the belief systems of indigenous peoples around the world, Hollywood is conditioning humanity to believe the opposite, extraterrestrials are intrinsically evil, even those that may have played a role in humanity’s genetic engineering.
If Alex Jones is correct, then the global elite stand to benefit by depicting themselves as the direct descendents of the gods (Titans), and humanity’s saviors against the ire of the returning gods/extraterrestrials who may not be happy with the way the Earth has been managed during the latter’s long absence.
In short, a conflict between Earth’s global elite and returning extraterrestrials may be imminent, and movies such as Prometheus will have us believe that only the Illuminati, rather than the returning gods have humanity’s best interests at heart.
The Bilderberg Group is concluding its annual meeting this weekend in Chantilly, Virginia (a suburb in the Washington DC metro area) to discuss a range of hot button international issues. The meeting (May 31 to June 3) has attracted protestors many of whom believe that the Bilderberg annual meeting serves to expand the interests and influence of international banking cartels. Protestors and critics believe the Bilderberg meeting is a forum where world policies are secretly decided, and implemented. High among these policies is the creation of a one world government and central bank. In contrast, the Bilderberg Group website claims that its meetings are merely “a small, flexible, informal and off-the-record international forum in which different viewpoints can be expressed and mutual understanding enhanced.†The Bilderberg website further points out “no resolutions are proposed, no votes taken, and no policy statements issued.â€
So what is the real agenda behind the Bilderberg group? Is it to promote the interests of international banking cartels and a one world government? Alternatively, is Bilderberg simply an annual forum for leading industrialists, bankers, hi-tech gurus, and up-and-coming politicians to meet, learn about each other, and better understand international events? The ultimate answer may be truly out of this world.
According to Bilderberg Group critics such as Alex Jones, currently leading an Occupy Bilderberg protest, the annual meeting serves the interests of an international banking cartel intent on creating a one world government and a global Central Bank. To achieve these long term goals, the Bilderberg Group meets annually to implement international policies where they secretly manipulate national politics, economics, and global events. The ultimate goals are all very worldly: a One World Government controlled by a World Central Bank. The international banking families would provide much of the capital for setting up the World Central Bank thereby creating virtually unlimited wealth for future generations of international bankers. This wealth would be more than sufficient to satisfy the greed, ambitions, and political needs of international banking interests in controlling humanity. The Bilderberg Group has already become, according to Daniel Estulin, a shadow world government:
… they have gathered yearly in a luxurious hotel somewhere in the world to try to decide the future of humanity … the Bilderberg Group has grown beyond its idealistic beginnings to become a shadow world government, which decides in total secrecy at annual meetings how their plans are to be carried out. They threaten to take away our right to direct our own destinies.
So are Jones, Estulin and other critics correct? Is the annual Bilderberg meeting merely a front for international banking interests that form the backbone of a shadow world government?
The following story was told to me by a former hotel employee that had worked at a venue where the Bilderberg group was meeting one year. This was a year where Bill Clinton was attending according to this employee. I have met this former hotel employee and will simply refer to this person as Mr B. I found Mr B to very credible, and he had no reason to fabricate what follows.
While at work during the Bilderberg annual meeting, Mr B was instructed to deliver an important message to a specific person attending a meeting in one of the smaller meeting rooms being used by the Bilderbergers. As is now well known, it is the tradition of the Bilderbergers to hire an entire hotel for its exclusive use during an annual meeting. All hotel staff are basically there to serve the needs of Bilderberg participants during the meeting. So it was not unusual for Mr B to be given such a task which he was now responsible to complete. Initially, Mr B was refused entry and was asked to hand the message over to someone else. Mr B insisted that he was under strict orders to deliver the message personally. After some heated discussion, Mr B was given permission to enter the meeting room. That’s when things became very bizarre.
Mr B claimed upon entering he saw around 24 people seated around a large rectangular table. They were speaking in a cacophony of sounds, none of which was intelligible. It didn’t sound like any language Mr B had ever heard before. Mr B couldn’t see any faces among those seated around the table. He could see their physical bodies in suits, etc., but the faces were hazy due to some kind of mist or fog. Mr B reported that there was an intense energy field pervading the room – it was definitely very unusual and felt otherworldly. Mr B felt resentment being projected towards him over his unwelcome presence. He was directed towards the person to whom he had to deliver the message. Mr B delivered the message and promptly left the room. He was unaware of the message’s contents. Soon after leaving the room, Mr B experienced a massive headache, which lasted several days and he had to take time off.
Mr B’s experience suggests that an element within the Bilderberg group does have an otherworldly composition and agenda. It’s very likely that Mr B had viewed the Bilderberg’s mysterious Executive Committee in session, and that the people running Bilderberg may be in touch with and/or controlled by an outside otherworldly force. What is this otherworldly force? None of the major Bilderberg Group researchers elaborate on such an element. So at this point, I will outline what my exopolitics research has revealed about this otherworldly element in Bilderberg Group meetings.
Key personnel and agencies involved in the formation of the Bilderberg Group reveal that its hidden purpose was to encourage global cooperation in response to a perceived long term threat known to Bilderberg’s creators: the Central Intelligence Agency; the Rockefeller brothers; Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands; and Kissinger. This long term threat was only shared on a need-to-know basis, and emanated from World War II events involving Nazi Germany’s advanced technology programs. Events which Nelson Rockefeller, Kissinger, and the eventually the CIA, became deeply intimate with during and immediately after the War – Nazi attempts to reverse engineer extraterrestrial technologies for the war effort.
The main task of the Bilderberg Group was to coordinate the nations of the world so that any information gained by any nation pertaining to extraterrestrial life and technology was to be sent to the right place for research and development. A highly secretive second Manhattan project that had begun in the United States under President Truman to deal with the alien life and technologies was expanded to include other nations in a globally coordinated effort. Eisenhower’s election in November 1952, offered his chief supporters, the Rockefeller Family, the opportunity to have greater corporate involvement in the now ‘global’ Manhattan Project.
The Rockefeller brothers (Nelson and David) along with Henry Kissinger, were instrumental in shaping the Eisenhower government’s response to extraterrestrial technologies using Cold War covert operations as a cover, and helping set up the Bilderberg Group for that purpose. The Bilderberg Group would meet to coordinate national policies so that humanity would have the best chance of surviving the challenges posed by visitation of different extraterrestrial factions with unknown agendas.
A vital part of the Bilderberg Group agenda was to ensure that the global media and national legislatures would not learn about an extraterrestrial presence, or of the coordinated national contributions to a globally coordinated Manhattan Project. Funding a global Manhattan Project, let alone the U.S. element that was at its core would be a monumental task. The global Manhattan Project would cost hundreds of billions in the 1950s, and eventually grow to trillions to fund each year. It would have to be funded in a way that the mass media and national legislatures would not discover what was happening. This funding came from diverse sources such as CIA front companies, insider trading, “black goldâ€, international drug trade, etc. This was a key reason why international bankers were prominent in Bilderberg Group meetings. International banking offered the means for transferring enormous sums of illicitly generated money to this unacknowledged Global Manhattan Project.
If knowledge of extraterrestrial life and technology was the real reason behind the formation of the Bilderberg group, then exactly how does this otherwordly element relate to those running Bilderberg, and international banking families? Answers emerge from a mysterious individual called “Hidden Hand†that participated in a public dialogue in the popular internet forum, Above Top Secret in Octoberr 2008. According to the Hidden Hand, secret elite groups control our planet and have been doing so for millennia. The basic idea is that a select group of families with distinct bloodlines have accumulated power and pass this on from one generation to another. The Hidden Hand reveals the number of core bloodlines making up “The Family” is thirteen. Of the thirteen base bloodlines, the Hidden Hand says that only three are indigenous to Earth. The rest have off-world origins, the so called Fallen Angels or Nephilim as described in the Book of Enoch. S/he clearly identifies where the most power is found among the thirteen bloodlines:”I want to be clear on this Bloodline issue. The ones you know, they are of earthly lineage. Yes, they have their place in the Family, but the Real Power lines, do not originate from this planet. Did Mr B witness a meeting where members of these ruling bloodline families were speaking in their native non-human language at a Bilderberg Group event?
There are many significant global events and processes that are being discussed at the 2012 Chantilly meeting of the Bilderberg Group. For a majority of the participants, the Bilderberg Group discussions are merely a means of promoting international cooperation in the leading political, financial and technological issues of the day. Those protesting the Bilderberg meeting see it as a tool for achieving the goals of international banking interests and can rightly point to key individuals such as David Rockefeller in Bilderberg Group meetings. After all, Rockefeller claimed in his Memoirs (2003):
Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure — one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.
In probing deeper into the Bilderberg mystery and key people involved with it, one ultimately encounters an otherworldly factor in its genesis and confidential discussions. Mr B’s experience casts light on this otherworldly or extraterrestrial element.
The prominent individuals and agencies involved in originally creating the Bilderberg group in 1954 did so with the intent of promoting international coordination in responding to an unannounced extraterrestrial presence that threatened elite global interests. Indeed, these elite global interests may themselves have an otherworldly origin, and see extraterrestrial visitors as competitors for the control of Earth and humanity. It’s worth emphasizing that these elite global interests intimately involved in the Bilderberg Group have very different goals to the global interests of humanity. Casting light on Bilderberg Group meetings is a step in the right direction of learning about humanity’s hidden past, possible future, and the otherworldly present.
Poster for upcoming movie featuring US Navy responding to alien invasion
Professor Paul Springer from the U.S. Air Command and Staff College was authorized by his employers to discuss military plans to respond to an alien invasion. Springer responded to questions by an Australian Television program exploring possible responses to an alien invasion that aired on Easter Sunday. In the segment titled ““U.S. military making plans for an alien invasion,†he discussed the implications of humanity being confronted by an extraterrestrial threat. Springer’s comments echoed the sentiments by Professor Stephen Hawking in April 2010 that advanced extraterrestrial life is likely to be predatory, and humanity needs to be prepared for contact with hostile off-world visitors. Furthermore, Springer’s comments reveal that a 2006 book titled An Introduction to Planetary Defense: A Study of Modern Warfare Applied to Extra-Terrestrial Invasion, written by a number of defense contractors, may in fact contain many aspects of the Pentagon’s classified plan. Most importantly, Springer’s comments confirm for the first time that the Pentagon has drawn up contingency plans for an extraterrestrial invasion.
In the alien invasion TV segment, Springer was asked: “What do you think would be the alien plan? What would they do first?†He responded:
That really depends on why they are here in the first place. If they are here for the extraction of a specific resource, for example, they might just want to eliminate any resistance that might block them from their objective. If, on the other hand, their goal was actual occupation and conquest, then they would probably have to prioritize anything they perceive as a threat to their own dominance. So, they would probably start by wiping out as many communications networks as possible and eliminating as many weapons that might represent some form of threat either to them, or to the resources they are trying to extract. So they might very well want to counter every nuclear weapon, not because it represented a threat to them, but because it might destroy whatever they’re here to collect.
Significantly, Springer addresses how the Pentagon would view extraterrestrial interference with nuclear weapons. Aliens would interfere with nuclear weapons not because they are dangerous to life here or elsewhere, but because nuclear weapons are a threat to what the aliens wish to collect from Earth. It has been well documented that for 60 years or more, UFOs have been monitoring nuclear weapons facilities, and in some situations have actively interfered with nuclear weapons. Many UFO researchers have interpreted this as a sign that extraterrestrials were trying to warn humanity of the global threat posed by nuclear weapons. Indeed, numerous individuals claiming to have been contacted or abducted by extraterrestrials since the early 1950s have made a similar point. Springer’s comments reveal the contrasting conclusion drawn by the Pentagon in their planning scenario.
Springer is then asked: “Wouldn’t it be a strange situation if humanity had to band together, fighting alongside Russia, or I guess, the Taliban?†He responded:
It would, but keep in mind that many of the greatest civilizations in human history have been formed, basically, to counter a common enemy. When you look at the great world powers of the globe today, you find a lot of them formed because of the fear of a common enemy.
Significantly, this echoes the same sentiment drawn by former President Ronald Reagan at a famous speech at the UN General Assembly in September 1987:
In our obsession with antagonisms of the moment, we often forget how much unites all the members of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside of this world. And yet I ask – is not an alien force already among us?
Reagan’s last question reveals that he did not believe that an alien invasion scenario was something that lay ahead in future decades. It was a contingency humanity had to grapple with in the immediate moment – an extraterrestrial presence was already among us. Global unity was an imperative to deal with all the implications of such a presence! It appears that Reagan was secretly briefed about extraterrestrial life, and some of the threats this posed to humanity. Was he really warning the world about classified alien secrets withheld from the global public?
Not so fast according to reporters such as Alex Jones and Kurt Nimmo. They believe that the alien invasion scenario described by Springer would in fact be a false flag operation using very earthly advanced technologies to simulate an alien invasion: The goal would be to justify the creation of a one world government where more and more civil liberties would be lost – especially for U.S. citizens.
A false flag alien invasion scenario was first revealed by Dr Werner Von Braun, a founder of the US Apollo Space Program, to Carol Rosin shortly before the former’s death in 1977 This gives credence to a possible agenda behind the Pentagon leaking an alien invasion plan. The threat would be contrived, extraterrestrials aren’t real at all. What, however, would be the case if Reagan’s warning was authentic, and extraterrestrials are already here? In such a scenario, there would be many good reasons why Jones and Nimmo are wrong, and greater global governance would be essential in dealing with advanced extraterrestrial life and technology.
Prof Springer’s revelation of classified Pentagon plans to respond to an alien invasion raises many intriguing questions. Most importantly, Springer reveals that the Pentagon acknowledges the importance of thinking through the many national security issues surrounding the possible existence of extraterrestrial life and technology. Whether one agrees with former President Reagan that extraterrestrials are already here and constitute a global threat, or whether the Pentagon plan is merely a ruse for a false flag event to usher in a one world government; in either case, the time for serious study of issues concerning extraterrestrial life has come. The global media and scholarly community need to educate themselves and the public about the many political implications of advanced alien life, evidence that such life is already visiting us, and finally whether extraterrestrials are our friends or foes.
Tripoli has fallen to a rebel advance and freedom loving people in Libya and around the world are celebrating the fall of Muammar Gaddafi. A cause for celebration given Gaddafi’s four decades old eccentric hold over Libya. Not so according to a giant in the alternative media – Alex Jones. Jones is a champion of the 911 Truth movement, and indeed the first to expose 911 as a false flag operation. Alex Jones has been at the forefront of efforts to warn the American public about the dangers of an unchecked police state, unfettered corporate power, secretive groups, and exploitative international banking. Jones’ websites, and are filled with articles that broadly fall under the rubric of anti-globalism. Globalists, according to Jones and supporters, are those advocating the formation of a New World Order wherein government authority is centralized around the planet. A New World Order would be one wherein big government, big corporations and secretive organizations such as the Bilderberg Group dominate international politics and finances.
According to Jones, globalists use cherished U.S. Constitutional principles such as democracy and rule of law as fig leaves for the ever-steady effort to centralize life all over the planet into a future fascist, corporatist state. That’s why the Arab Spring, where young Arab protestors overthrow despots who have held power for decades, is criticized by Jones as a sham. The real agenda is to remove Arab dictators opposed to globalists now ready to expand into the Arab world in order to promote international banking, corporate penetration, etc.
Jones stance on the Arab Spring and support for dictators appears odd at first given mainstream media coverage of events in Libya, Egypt, Syria and elsewhere, but is consistent with the anti-globalism Jones espouses. For Jones, better the little devil of Arab dictators firmly controlling their populations, than the big devil of globalists adding the Arab world to their international balance sheets. So the big question becomes, is Jones right? In many respects, Jones is insightful in his geo-political analysis, yet fails in a major way to understand the underlying dynamics driving international politics and events such as the Arab Spring. He fails to seriously consider the question of extraterrestrial life, and how an exopolitics perspective would change the way we view geo-political events.
Alex Jones, like many media personalities with large listening audiences, has largely sidestepped the question of extraterrestrial life. Jones has avoided immersing himself into controversies of whether or not extraterrestrial life is visiting our world and whether a “Cosmic Watergate†is occurring. Instead, he has considered the possibility that a fake alien invasion can be staged, and has publicly commented about an alien false flag operation. Jones position here is both consistent and cautious. He acknowledges that a false flag operation featuring alien life could be done with holographic technologies, without acknowledging that extraterrestrial life is real and is being covered up. In this cautious way, Jones has introduced his audience to the alien issue, but solely in the context of a possible future false flag operation. This is where Jones’ caution prevents him from seeing the bigger picture. That is visiting extraterrestrial life has been interacting with governments, corporations, military and private citizens for at least six decades. The policies implemented to shield all this from the world public all fall under the rubric of ‘exopolitics’ – the politics of extraterrestrial life.
The field of exopolitics is vast in its implications across all aspects of human life, and directly impacts on Jones’ central concern of the dangers of globalism. For Jones, globalism is driven by the avarice of international bankers and transnational corporations wanting to penetrate and control new markets and populations. That’s true to an extent, and we have much to learn from Jones and his supporters in that regard. If Jones, however, peeled back the onion layers a little more he would find a deeper dynamic behind globalism. A powerful factor behind globalism is the need for those in control of the extraterrestrial issue – to gain control over any extraterrestrial artifacts, knowledge or contacts found throughout the planet. The best way of understanding exopolitics is to consider that for at least six decades, major governments and militaries have worked secretly together to gain intelligence and conduct counter-intelligence on extraterrestrial life and technology. In addition, covert operations have been led around the planet wherever any information, technology or contact with extraterrestrials has occurred.
Organizations such as the Bilderburg Group, Council of Foreign Relations, etc., have played key roles by providing the intellectual firepower on how such a network of intelligence, counter-intelligence and covert operations can be conducted without the world’s populations learning about it. Globalism, in that respect, provides a very useful process for being able to conduct such operations across international borders. More importantly, international cooperation on the extraterrestrial issue has led to the creation of a “breakaway civilization†in highly classified underground and undersea bases. According to some credible sources, there are even human colonies on the moon, Mars and beyond. For many readers that might appear to be sheer science fiction. Yet once thorough research is conducted, the conclusion is inescapable.
The existence of a breakaway civilization is one of the great failings of contemporary world politics, and especially for progressive thinkers who have eschewed serious discussion of the extraterrestrial issue. The most advanced technologies known to humanity have been secretly developed and used in vast network of classified projects without any kind of oversight by representative government institutions, media or population. So where does Jones and his take on the dangers of globalism fit into this exopolitics picture?
Globalism is simply a process that can be used for good or evil depending on how it is managed by those with the most influence in directing and controlling it. In making globalism the big devil of the progressive movement and alternative media, Jones errs. He makes the profound mistake of not recognizing that it is how globalism is currently being managed that is the problem. Globalism can be a very good thing in monitoring and regulating international practices, especially when it comes to introducing transparency and accountability into the classified programs that have been conducted for decades around the planet. Humanity has a need-to-know what technologies have been secretly developed. This will require transparency not only in classified military programs; but, more importantly, classified corporate programs around the planet that defy oversight by any government or military agency. In the United States alone, the amount of black budget funds siphoned by the CIA into this network of deep black programs was estimated to be up to 1.7 trillion a year over the three year period from 1998 to 2000.
The reflexive anti-globalist stance, taken by Alex Jones and supporters has the unintended consequence of facilitating the continued secrecy that makes possible classified military and corporate programs across international borders. An anti-globalist ‘every country mind-their-own business’ approach encourages opacity and unaccountability across international borders. Anti-globalism eschews international cooperation and the strengthening of multilateral institutions such as the United Nations and International Criminal Court. At the same time, one needs to be wary that globalism is not hijacked in order to facilitate corporations and military programs seeking to secretly manage even more extraterrestrial information and contact all over the planet. Done correctly, globalism can help expose and bring to account those responsible for hiding how advanced extraterrestrial technologies have been secretly developed and used.
Supporting peoples struggling for democratic governments such as we are witnessing in Libya, Syria and other Arab Spring countries is an important means for promoting transparency and accountability across international borders. Alex Jones reflexive anti-globalist agenda not only unintentionally supports recalcitrant dictators in the Arab world, but also aids those that have secretly controlled a vast complex of secret projects and covert operations focused on extraterrestrial life and technology. The world has a need-to-know what has secretly happened behind the closed doors of highly classified compartmentalized alien related projects spanning the globe. We should not be afraid of globalism. Wisely embraced, globalism can bring about the kind of transparency and accountability across international borders needed to protect humanity’s freedoms well into the 21st century