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Retrocausal Human Power and Hidden Extraterrestrial Interests: A Search for Integral, Scientific and Metaphysical Answers

Are the concepts of retrocausality, Philippe Guillemant’s “Theory of Double Causality,” Ken Wilber’s “Integral Theory” and Oleg Linetsky’s coherent propositions on fundamental “Boundaries” keys to understand crucial aspects of an assortment of extraterrestrial and otherworldly Interactions?

What kind of basic science emerging in the XXI Century we need to be aware of in order to relate more intelligently with the solid emerging evidence for extraterrestrial contacts and abductee interactions?  Issues about “Time” (changing the past, modifying the future, time-travel, choice and free will, visitors from the future, timelines, etc) has always been part the history of UFO research and the ET contact movement. Sometimes cryptic messages about the purpose of ET interactions have been transmitted to experiencers. What does this all mean?

Well-known, “no-nonsense” meticulous UFO-ET scientific researcher Jacques Vallée recently mentioned in a TED talk conference (held in 2011 at Brussels) chief issues in relation to retrocausality. A  U tube link is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9pR0gfil_0

When in the XX Century chief quantum physicists like Dirac, Klein, Gordon, Wheeler, Feynman, Cramer, Aharonov and other creative mavericks provided evidence for the possibility that retrocausality may be a fact of nature, most scientists were slow to consider this plausible because of their fixation with subluminal, time-forward, entropic, cause and effect, macro physicalist, intuitive perceptions adapted to the regular world consciously experienced through the physical senses.  Nevertheless, considering that “advanced waves” from the future may be physically real is a perfectly plausible way to understand some relativistic-invariant solutions that modify a purely probabilistic interpretation of quantum mechanics’ critical “Schrödinger’s Equation.” In fact, probabilistic and realistic interpretations may coexist under a more inclusive view, being an upcoming agreement more like a “both-and” issue.

Nowadays, with the influence of carefully conducted  psi retrocausal studies (as the experiments conducted by Dick Bierman of the University of Amsterdam http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9pR0gfil_0  , Dean Radin’s work with IONS http://noetic.org/  and Daryl Bem’s Meta analysis of “presentiment” experiments http://dbem.ws/ ) , attitudes are slowly changing.  Likewise, the long-standing implications of the “Quantum Eraser Effect,” (explored along with other “entanglement” issues by MIT’s Seth Lloyd, who posits that the Universe may be like a quantum computer), University of Vienna’s Anton Zeilinger’s   experimental production of a posteriori quantum entanglement (apparently after particles have ceased to exist) http://www.nature.com/nphys/journal/vaop/ncurrent/abs/nphys2294.html and other important discoveries are opening scientific minds to an understanding that retrocausal influences are dynamically real influences is gradually being recognized.

Into this discussion now enters French scientist Philippe Guillemant (http://www.doublecause.net/) who has structured an interesting model called “The Theory of Double Causality.” This model is not only praised by our esteemed colleague Jacques Vallée but –in my estimation- its main tenets seem to entail some of the reasons why ETs (apparently not just from ‘our’ physical realm but from alternative physical sub-realms more connected with “supraphysical,” Subtle Realm functioning) proceed as they do. In a universe (or Multiverse) in which the “common currency” seems to be “information structuring reality,” an issue of “their” interest or need seems to be the “management of experience” (their experience). It seems to me that we humans have a potential to connect with or to access already established timelines in a manner which “they” cannot.  This possibility becomes evident either in the interest varieties of “greys” and others seem to have upon the nature of our feelings (perhaps linked with our deep and soul-secluded, creative ways to connect with and-or ‘manifest’ realities) or in what allegedly benign ET “older brothers” and ET “guides” have directly told some contactees as, for instance, within the long-standing (since the 1970’s) “Mission Rahma” contact movement: http://www.rahmaesamar.com/portal/ .  To be more precise, in this multiple contactee case focused upon altruism and often upon young, enthusiastic Latin Americans (in spite of some misinterpretations of the ET messages and human errors also among some of the alleged contactees) the human power to compassionately modify destructive prophecies (through a conscious alignment of body, mind, will, action, feeling and spirit) has constantly been reiterated along with broad, inspiring messages that recognize that our human power is ultimately much greater than “theirs.” In fact, “they” appear to have repeatedly said that, while “they” have to use technology to enhance “their” reality-modification activities (limited by their focus upon mental capacities and their tepid feelings), we can effect a wider multi universe-modifying connection among what they called the three main “universes” (the Physical, Mental and Spiritual universes).  This is due to the fact that we possess deeper feelings which can connect with the higher planes of existence and because we are a product of the combination of multiple ET races and their capacities with indigenous, hominid evolution on Earth. “They” also have said that we have the potential to modify the history of a large portion of the Cosmos while simultaneously affecting “their” and our timelines.  “They” still say that, the choice for the highest (unbeknownst to them) outcome must be creatively and uniquely ours, that “they” cannot openly interfere with our progress in becoming self aware and in making our collective decisions. “They” say that not all ETs coming to Earth are of the same benign, general intentions and that, although “they” are protecting us from unwarranted incursions, some rogue ET entities have gained the right to interact in a limited way with us. “They” say that “we” were placed on Earth with genetic contributions from many (mostly human-like and sometimes warrior-like) ET species because we could eventually help them to get collectively unstuck from the (high but currently immobile) degree of evolution “they” have already reached, one excessively dependent on their logical minds and technology. A link to a consensus of messages received within Mission Rahma can be found at: http://www.exopolitics.org.uk/index2.php?option=com_content&do_pdf=1&id=478

So, after all, how could we get closer to the “cosmic guild” of those who know how to change their lives by changing timelines? Maybe we should pay attention to Philippe Guillemant’s “Theory of Double Causality” Seven Key Points:

  1. Our destiny is already realized in the form of a temporal line.
  2. Our temporal line is not fixed: It can be replaced by another line parallel with the present (in the Multiverse’s network). 
  3. All that which is not determined by the past is determined by the future.
  4. The function of present time is not to create reality (it already is created) but to choose our common future by the cumulative effect of all our consciousnesses.
  5. Election is difficult because our free will generally is illusory: Authentic freedom requires a mental unconditioning and a spiritual awakening.
  6. Every change in the temporal line is made by gliding, sliding or displacement along the supplementary interior dimensions of the Universe.
  7. Love is the essence of this gliding or sliding toward interior space (7D?), like gravitation is for exterior space (3D): We attract and are attracted by that which we love.

Besides the work of Philippe Guillemant (which today is mostly found in French) I (often) recommend the profuse and highly informative compendium on retrocausality (including the human intuitive perception of retrocausal influences) by Antonella Vannini’s works on “Syntropy.” An available link is:  http://www.sintropia.it/thesis.pdf

 In Frank Visser’s “Integral World,” a web site which explores “theories of everything” and in which Ken Wilber’s “Integral Theory” (which I think has elements of a trans-parochial universal theory ETs might relate with) is creatively criticized and reviewed, Oleg Linetsky presents us far-reaching ideas compatible with how “reality” is manifested and with this essay’s theme. In Linetsky’s ideas, the importance of FEELING is emphasized. If I’m correct, feelings are understood as ways to bring coherence into our experiential worlds; as responses of our embodied consciousness in relation to inevitable, primordial, pre-cognitive (and –in my view- retrocausally pre-conscious) experiential “energy tensions” or “conflicts” appearing due to the fundamental existence of “boundaries” created by the (conceptually) paradoxical coexistence between consciousness in its absolute character and consciousness as an entity experientially embedded in its own relative Kosmos.

 If my reading of Linetsky is correct, these “conflicts” (of which five main essential kinds are posited and which, I assume, should affect every kind embodied consciousness, including ETs, however advanced) would be caused by four fundamental and unequal ways in which all embodied consciousnesses are required to interpret and harmonize how their experience of “reality” or of the Kosmos comes into actual being.  The first two essential “conflicts” would relate to Ken Wilber’s discovery that all which arises in the Kosmos expresses in four distinct ways. The three other essential “conflicts” would be caused by how we interiorly experience the influence of the Kosmos’ three main realms of existence (also in relation to the four main ways anything in the Kosmos is expressed).

Retrocausality-related conflicts would correspond to attempts to bring more personal experiential coherence and resolution to at least one of the five main “energy tensions” or “conflicts” posited by Linetsky (the conflict arising from the dichotomy between a Gross, stably patterned experience and a Subtle, more fluid, varied and experimental one).  These “tensions” affecting every sentient being are generated by how our embodied consciousnesses respond to the simultaneously tensional arising of Interior vs. Exterior aspects, Individual vs. Collective aspects (summing up Wilber’s four quadrants of the Kosmos), Gross (physical) vs. Subtle aspects, Subtle vs. Causal aspects and Causal vs. Natural Non-Dual aspects.  Please also note that the recognition of non-physical realms (the Subtle and Causal) in embodied experiential influence is utilized to attempt to understand the predicament all embodied beings have to face. In my view, the recognition of non-physical realms with which our consciousnesses may be experientially connected and with which our particular physical universe may interact and depend upon is of great scientific and philosophical importance. In a metaphysical sense, non-physical realms may be understood as potentially real for us experientially focused in ‘our’ particular physical universe. In a metaphysical sense, we could say that Subtle and Causal realities are time-shifted into our probable futures. Our actual experiences may be potentially conditioned in a modifiable way by how we align our experiences with these non-physical realms, not unlike to how Guillemant posits that we can change our timelines by choosing in relation to already existing futures (which even if existing in their own right can also be considered as “potential” until connected with).

 These issues may be hard to understand at first but please let us hone our interpretive skills to get a better grip on what is going on. Let’s try to boost our understanding of the nature of reality to share a common language with beings which may come from “supraphysical” universes. Searching for a scientific and metaphysical understanding of the interactive nature of our Physical Realm with non-physical realms has been a common theme in my other writings. Please, as more inclusive-integral persons, as exopoliticians, as philosophers, as scientists, as UFO researchers and as responsible, concerned, thinking beings, let’s try to develop an updated scientific and philosophical foundation which may be useful in our attempts to make sense of the complex world(s) of Exopolitics, ETs, UFOs, Disclosure and even the related subject of human survival after bodily death. This, along with our healthy, integrative intentions is part of our preparation to establish a closer, mutually beneficial exchange with our selves and with other cosmic civilizations. Along these lines, let’s make an attempt to delve into more encompassing, coherent models such as Ken Wilber’s (still incomplete but evolving) “Integral Theory.” Let’s attempt to develop a careful understanding of what kind of a Multiverse or living Kosmos we might be in if retrocausality is a fact and if deep existential propositions like those found in Linetsky’s “Open Letter to Ken Wilber and Integral Teachers” are valid. A link to Linetsky’s work is found at: http://www.integralworld.net/linetsky4.html

By Giorgio Piacenza

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extraterrestrial life

Giorgio Piacenza

After a clear UFO sighting with multiple witnesses within 300 feet in the Peruvian coastal town of "Chilca" in 1975, I participated with the Mission Rahma contact group and befriended several contactees from this and other contact efforts. I also researched many aspects of the UFO phenomenon for several decades and feel inclined to contribute in the confluence of philosophical and scientific perspectives.

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