Two years ago, I emailed then Counselor to the President, John Podesta, stating my high regard for his commitment for disclosure and asked him to lunch to discuss Exoconsciousness, his ET self-awareness. Today, my lunch invitation is archived in the Podesta Wikileaks emails.
Subject: Exoconsciousness
Dear John: I trust you enjoyed reading Exoconsciousness. Maybe becoming Exoconscious. I have high regard for your commitment to disclosure of the Extraterrestrial Presence. Your commitment marks a pivotal time on Earth. Would you like to go to lunch? I feel our conversation would be enlightening for both of us. An opportunity to share.
Warm Regards, Rebecca
*Rebecca Hardcastle Wright, PhD* Founder, Institute for Exoconsciousness
Why Lunch?
Prior to my email, I sent Podesta a copy of my book,
Exoconsciousness: Your 21st Century Mind. It is an introduction to Exoconsciousness via science, history, and religion. It includes my personal narrative of how I integrated my ET contact and research into my personal identity as a human. An ET human.
After sending the book, two friends, Kathy Dreyer and Mia Feroleto, urged me to email Podesta and simply ask him to lunch. I took their advice. I wanted to get to know John Podesta: his personal ET experiences, how he integrates his Roman Catholic religion with what he knows of ET, how government UFO-ET information influenced his view of himself and other humans.
I figured Podesta liked pasta and would enjoy lunch. I wanted to get to know him as Exoconscious. If he asked, I wanted to introduce Podesta to Exoconsciousness–the innate human consciousness ability to connect and communicate with ET.
Because….Podesta is Exoconscious. I am Exoconscious. You are Exoconscious.
He never responded to my invitation. The door to Podesta never opened for me.
Why Exoconsciousness?
Living and working in Washington, DC, gradually changed my ET perspective.
My ET contact began in early childhood. I had ongoing experience of outer and intra-dimensional ET contact. My lifelong ET contact
germinated the concept of Exoconsciousness. I became aware that human consciousness was the fundamental in the ET Presence on Earth. I realized that the field of consciousness was fundamental to the ET Intergalactic Presence.
This awareness shifted my self-identity and with it the focus of my work.
I’ve had a lengthy history with Michael Salla and Steve Bassett’s Exopolitical Disclosure. I’ve served on Salla’s
Exopolitics Insitute Board and furthered Bassett’s publicity, supporting his
Disclosure work. Their work is essential. They and the members of their communities are friends and colleagues.
However, with my growing Exoconsciousness, I no longer share their Exopolitical emphasis on ETs as a national security, political issue. ET’s as Unidentified flying objects. ET as government, military, intelligence sourced information. ET as Other.
Over 5 years I saw too much in Washington, DC to adhere to the illusion of divisive government, military, intelligence and political alliances. The players continually shift, diverting our attention. Public personas move about on the chess board, creating and dissolving alliances to remain in power.
What I’ve come to realize is that WE– humans with an Exoconscious innate ability to connect and communicate with ET–are the fundamental power on Earth. Each of us is a communication portal connected to ET. Each of us is ET.
An Exoconscious Proposal
Humans with an ET Identity form the Exoconscious Planetary Network that will continue to bring forth the ET Presence. We are Disclosure. Each of us is Exoconscious Self Disclosure. Not the Rockefeller Initiative. Not Hillary Clinton, Not John Podesta. We humans, who are aware of our ET Identity, are Disclosure.
As for the government, military and intelligence factions throughout the world, who, over 7 decades, chose to suppress and manipulate the ET presence–they need to be accountable to themselves and the citizens of the world for their decisions and actions.
For more information about the 70 years of government, military, intelligence primary sourcing of Ufology and the necessity for humans to become Exoconscious, please read my paper:
Exoconscious ETs: 2-Way Street
Exoconsciousness is a 2-way street. The thing is–ETs are Exoconscious too. Humans and ETs are Exoconscious.
An integral part of developing your Exoconsciousness is that you develop a new relationship with ETs. While scientists and researchers warn of ETs coming to eat us for lunch, attacking us when we least expect it, or dissolving our human race with their superiority– We Exoconscious Humans need to let go of this fear-based propaganda. Propaganda is simply story woven to diminish and dismiss the powerful innate Exoconscious abilities of each and every human.
Exoconsciousness offers a NEW Human-ET relationship
In the Exoconscious ET Human relationship, we experience how ETs can be in service to humanity and humanity can be in service to ETs. In other words, our actions, self-awareness, and beliefs open us to ET.
Exoconsciousness initiates the ET relationship on a more humane, mature level.
Over lunch, I wanted to ask John Podesta if he was becoming Exoconscious. 
Instead, I will ask you: Are you becoming Exoconscious?
Thanks for reading — I’m Rebecca Hardcastle Wright, founder of the Institute for Exoconsciousness. Our mission is to support ET Experiencers. The Institute connects ET experiencers with an international network of experiencer groups.
My signature is exploring what it means to be an Exoconscious Human — how we form an ET identity and create ET-Human community. My personal ET contact began in early childhood and continues today.
In Exoconsciousness: Your 21st Century Mind I share my story and wisdom I’ve gained integrating my ET experience.
I am available for Exoconscious Coaching services, speaking and interviews. I look forward to hearing from you.
If you want to learn more about becoming an Exoconscious Human, please join my Webinar.