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  • Lancashire Man Has ‘Proof’ That Aliens Have Visited

Lancashire Man Has ‘Proof’ That Aliens Have Visited

by Matthew Calderbank                 December 13, 2018                   (lep.co.uk)

• Craig Megson, a 35-year-old warehouse worker from Barnoldswick and a life-long UFO enthusiast, has come forward with footage that he filmed in February 2018, which Megson believes shows a fleet of alien spacecraft flying over Fishergate (in Preston, England). (se 2:29 minute video below)

• Megson was returning home from a day out in Blackpool with his 6-year-old son when his eyes were drawn to the skies above Preston. He said: “We’d had a fantastic day in Blackpool and we were just changing trains in Preston when it happened. Outside of the train station, Megason “… saw these lights move silently across the sky, and then more came along. So I got my phone out and started filming.”

• “At first I thought they were planes, but there was no flashing lights or sound,” said Megson. Then more came along and I thought they might be Chinese lanterns… [I]t was a windy night and I remember thinking, I’ve seen Chinese lanterns before but they’ve never moved like this!”

• Megson said he was soon joined by other curious spectators who were drawn to the mysterious lights in the sky. “There were a lot of people around, at least 20, and we started talking about what they could be,” said Megson. “I asked the man next to me what he thought they could be and he simply said, “They’re not planes mate, that’s for sure.”

• Tim Dust, who runs the YouTube channel UFO MAN, ‘jumped at the chance’ to share Megson’s footage with his 31,000 followers. Dust said, “I have years of experience analyzing footage of unidentified phenomena in our skies and I can say for sure these are not Chinese lanterns. I know this because of their continual horizontal flight path. Lanterns will rise with the air currents and flicker out. These lights are steady. …They most likely are not drones either, because they made no sound and did not have navigation strobes.”

• Megson insists that what he recorded that night is the proof he has been seeking for years – proof that we are not alone. “I must admit I’ve seen a lot of strange lights over the years but not like this. This is on a different scale. If anyone needs proof of the existence of aliens, here it is.”


According to a warehouse worker from Barnoldswick, the truth is out there – right above the rooftops of Fishergate.

Craig Megson, a life-long UFO enthusiast, has come forward with footage that he believes shows a fleet of alien spacecraft flying over Fishergate.

The 35-year-old said the footage, filmed in February, is ‘compelling evidence’ for the existence of extraterrestrials.

Craig was returning home from a day out in Blackpool with his 6-year-old son when his eyes were drawn to the skies above Preston. He said: “We’d had a fantastic day in Blackpool and we were just changing trains in Preston when it happened.

“I went outside the station for a vape and I noticed these lights in the sky. I showed them my son and he found it quite funny. He just looked at me and laughed.

“I saw these lights move silently across the sky and then more came along. So I got my phone out and started filming.

“At first I thought they were planes, but there was no flashing lights or sound. Then more came along and I thought they might be Chinese lanterns. But they don’t move in formation like that do they?

“Plus, it was a windy night and I remember thinking, I’ve seen Chinese lanterns before but they’ve never moved like this!”
Craig said he was soon joined by other curious spectators who were drawn to the mysterious lights in the sky.

“There were a lot of people around, at least 20, and we started talking about what they could be”, said Craig.

“I asked the man next to me what he thought they could be and he simply said, “They’re not planes mate, that’s for sure.”

2:29 minute StarForce Team video of UFO lights over Lancanshire



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Barnoldswick, Blackpool, Chinese lanterns, Craig Megson, Fishergate, Preston England, Tim Dust

ExoNews Editor

Duke Brickhouse is a former trial lawyer and entertainment attorney who has refocused his life’s work to exposing the truth of our subjugated planet and to help raise humanity’s collective consciousness at this crucial moment in our planet’s history, in order to break out of the dark and negative false reality that is preventing the natural development of our species, to put our planet on a path of love, light and harmony in preparation for our species’ ascension to a fourth density, and to ultimately take our rightful place in the galactic community.

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