Is “Transdimensional” logical, therefore allowing ETI to ‘visit’?

Given that advanced ETI (extraterrestrial intelligence) exist and generate physical effetcs that seem to be “non-classical” and “paranormal”, can these beings actually use a non-physical domain in order to create effects in the physical domain (like the collapse of space-time and macro-scale teleportation)?
A more fundamental first question would be: Is it logically possible? The answer would seem to be be ‘YES’ and that is where the news is: The link between extraterrestrial intelligences and what could be (a bit imprecisely) called a “transdimensional” technology based on a non-classical logic in order to generate non-local physical effects  utilizing a distinct Non-Physical Domain or Realm.
But it would be logical by allowing an “included middle” surpassing classical, Aristotelian logic and this inclusion would be a key ingredient expressed in inter-realm interactions. it would also be useful for any future exopolitical study of the extraterrestrial mind, its technology, culture, interstellar-inter-realm political organization. Moreover, it would be useful for gradually constructing here on Earth a more viable and interconnected civilization capable of relating with extraterrestrial “transdimensional” ways of understanding things. 
The integration of complementary opposites in physical science leading to a “transdimensional” process would be akin to what physicist-philosopher Basarab’s Nicolescu posits within a transdisiplinary model in which opposites found at a lower level reconcile not just at a HIGHER ontological LEVEL, but as one of the opposites becomes less manifest while the other becomes more manifest.
Thus – for instance – the particulate aspect and the information aspect simultaneously associated with physical reality may exchange states of actualness and potentiality when there’s interaction between an ontologically less inclusive (physical) level and an ontologically more inclusive (mental) one. The latter domain or realm is assumed to exist based on the body, mind, spirit trilogy almost universally found in many cosmological traditions, including Vedanta. 
In other words, considering an interaction between a physical domain of reality and a mental domain of reality (which would not even be reducible to the information aspect of a promising model called “the quantum hologram”), perhaps physical, particulate, kinetic states may become less actual  (and more potential) and their causal influence (as per their corresponding information aspect) might be transduced (via what could be called an “etheric” transducing, inter-domain ‘membrane’ or ‘medium’ possesing a retrocausal component) into the ontologically more inclusive and fundamental (from a relative standpoint) Mental Domain or Realm. In that realm, they would be reprogrammed and, when transduced back again into the Physical Domain or Realm, they would re-arrange information patterns and quantum probability distributions coherently functioning within a space-time system, thus generating observable, non-local effects. And in this exchange, no energy would be lost. 
From reading the works of Basarab Nicolescu and Stephan Lupasco, I consider that “A” (which could represent the local and particulate) would reconcile with “non-A” (which could represent the non-local and extended) when one represents the experientially present actual state and the other a complementary opposite in an experientially potential state. Therefore, Bohr’s concept of “complementarity” (eventually appllicable to the relation between particles and information waves) would have a better explanation.
Nicolescu, B: Transdisciplinarity and Complexity
Brenner J.E. “The Philosophical Logic of Stephane Lupasco”
Thus, Aristotle’s concepts of potentia and actuality proper to rational philosophical metaphysics are revived in an alternative fashion applicable to an incipient explanation of inter-reality exchanges which advanced ETI might use.
It would be allowed by Consciousness-Being reconciling within non-dual unity the opposites which it includes in three distinct domains of expression.

Basarab Nicolescu, exopolitics, extraterrestrial, extraterrestrial technology, Giorgio Piacenza, Transdimensional, ufo

Giorgio Piacenza

After a clear UFO sighting with multiple witnesses within 300 feet in the Peruvian coastal town of "Chilca" in 1975, I participated with the Mission Rahma contact group and befriended several contactees from this and other contact efforts. I also researched many aspects of the UFO phenomenon for several decades and feel inclined to contribute in the confluence of philosophical and scientific perspectives.

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