How Far Advanced are ‘They’ and ‘Where’ can we Meet?

How Far Advanced are “They”?
“Where” can we Meet?




Giorgio Piacenza Cabrera

I think that thinking that many ETs are “millions of years”
ahead of us, is a relative concept. I think that this can be conceivably true,
perhaps even in an Einstenian, General Relativistic “spacetime.” Nevertheless,
I also think that as far as “they” (various ET groups) have a need to interact
with us (however distinct from human perspective ‘needs’), we already have a shared meeting point, “level,” “area of encounter” or “potentially shared experiential space.” This means that we may also have a shared ‘level’ of evolution in at least one, but probably many more aspects. I think that this potentially allows for us to meet both complementing each other in harmony (as in the Inca principle of “YANANTIN“) and also as equal companions sharing common levels (as in the Inca principle of “MASINTIN“).

“Evolution” (which also involves change and adaptation) doesn’t always mean “steady progress.” That is one aspect that doesn’t always manifest. It may also take the form of an overall increase in complexity (even while previous stages remain stable and frequently sustaining subsequent levels of complexity) but it may not always be as ‘steady’ and forward marching as our technological, political, cultural development has been through the West’s historical influence in the last 500 years or so. Stagnation and even “involution” are also part of “evolution” which, in a general, more complete sense, mostly means “change”. In other words, I think that ETs can also stagnate and linear time difference (even if we shared the same space) may be quite a relative thing. I think that the simple fact that we are already sustaining some degree of interaction means that our “experiential spaces” are allowed to meet because of degrees of awareness, experience and information qualities sharing similar characteristics. Moreover, I think that what we sometimes consider as “less evolved” may not always be so. Case in point, it seems that sometimes it’s easier for some ETs to communicate with traditional Native Americans than with hyper modern or post-modern, biased New Yorkers. Just as sometimes we may hear friendly stories of ETs intersecting their realities more openly with Native North Americans (for instance in the Star Knowledge gatherings held by chief White Eagle-Standing Elk) I’ve also hear similar accounts taking place in remote rural areas in the mountains of Peru.

I think that, in some important ways already recognized by ET as understandable
within their “philosophy,” Native Americans can be more ‘advanced’ than modern and postmodern academicians and otherwise sophisticated “social-lites.” The fact that there also are degrees of contact with non-Native Americans might mean that those other people sustaining them are also capable of co-creating or co-holding a contact “space.” In other words, even if ETs coming to Earth are more technologically advanced, for instance in terms of consciousness-activated trans-dimensional effectiveness and in several other ways, they may also share with us some ‘levels’ of “evolution” and common or also complementary ‘needs’. Through these common ‘levels’ or ‘potentially concurring spaces’, perhaps even allowing for the meeting of TIMELINES (which expanding on a concept from physicists A. Sorli and D. Fiscaletti)1 may be defined by the mathematical programming of
the rate of change in space) we may be able not just to ‘converse’ and to
briefly meet ‘here and there’ in our experiential space with little collective
consequence, but also to build a new creative, experiential and more
communicative convergence.

What kind of wisdom can we discover in Native Americans to enhance our probabilities of open contacts? Let me build up upon some very specific ideas still in Inca-Andean-Quechua spiritual
thinking2: If we share some need levels with theirs we can also interact
and create a new world by exchanging our energies and identities with theirs. This can be cooperative or competitive. We would simply less “alien” to each other becoming more than the give and take of the exchange. Our partly matching evolutionary ‘levels’ would also complement each other actualizing a new and creatively-interesting
space enhancing our mutual experience. From the perspective of an Andean “Cosmovision,” we would perhaps call this event a “TINKUY with YANANTIN preeminence” and, in
the “relation” (a paramount concept in Andean thinking) we would also learn to recognize each other as co-equal parts of a larger, living whole continuously sustained by “KAWSAY” or “Camakin,” the universal, living energy.

In the Inka and pre-Inka “Tawa Chakana” (four-sided stair-bridge) we find that a world of experience is given living energy and actualized through the central opening of awareness when a rational and an instinctive principle meet. This new actual world is the middle step in each of the four sides of this “Andean Cross.”  The main vertical
principles are called “Jawa” or “Hanan” and “Uku” or “Urin” and, in relation to the actual (or ‘present’) world of “Kay Pacha,” represent infinite potential
worlds. The upper world of “Jawa”or “Hanan” is considered like that which is already given and the lower world of “Uku” or “Urin” is considered like that which hides and gestates the future. In a sense, the upper world is order and the lower is chaos and instinct.

The three zigzagging steps in a Tawa Chakana (see figure above and-or go to

form a stair or crossing bridge (chakana) and circulate like a snake up and down and all around the whole figure. Can we also consider it a “star-crossing” bridge? Besides the central empty hole, there’s a square enclosing an inner circle (representing “Uku”) and, in turn, this square is circumscribed by an outer circle (representing “Jawa” or “Hanan”). All three figures are surrounded by the stairs going around the entire figure. Every “Tinkuy” or tensional encounter between two different entities in a necessarily ‘tense’ relation with each other generates a shared and a new experiential space. Entire universes can be created through this process. When the encounter between the higher and the lower principles is based on loving, mutual need the, so called, “Yanantin” principle manifests and the relation can be horizontal and based upon equality, connecting the left and right sides of the “Tawa Chakana.” When this “Yanantin” predominates, the Non Dual Mystery that permits relations to occur between dissimilar pairs of things manifests. Then the “Tawa Chakana” along with its fifth, central direction can be considered a model of Totality.



2.  Giorgio Piacenza C. (2012). “A Brief Inca Andean Quechua Cosmovision Glossary.”




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Giorgio Piacenza

After a clear UFO sighting with multiple witnesses within 300 feet in the Peruvian coastal town of "Chilca" in 1975, I participated with the Mission Rahma contact group and befriended several contactees from this and other contact efforts. I also researched many aspects of the UFO phenomenon for several decades and feel inclined to contribute in the confluence of philosophical and scientific perspectives.


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