Cosmic Implications of Paranormal Research in the US Military and Intelligence Community

A talk scheduled at the India International Centre, 40 Max Mueller Marg, New Delhi on April 20th, 2011 at 6,30 p.m by Commander Scott Jones – US Navy, Rtd. In recent years, well before the irruption of Wiki leaks, a gradual process of disclosure began worldwide, meant to reveal to the general population that the Earth is, since a very ancient past, being monitored and visited by various technically highly advanced intelligent beings from other regions and dimensions of the universe. The release of voluminous official, hitherto classified documents by the Governments of France, Great Britain, Denmark, Sweden, Brazil, New Zealand, the USA and other nations is only one part of this massive endeavor.
The film industry, especially in Hollywood is also playing a major role in getting people used to this reality on which much information is now available on the Internet as well as in many technical books, documentary films and articles. Eminent persons, including former Soviet Chairman Mikhail Gorbachev, Former Canadian Defence Minister Paul Hellyer and a number of astronauts, cosmonauts, generals, air marshals, admirals and top Intelligence officials have gone on record to confirm the situation that has been kept from most people for many decades, at least since the UFO crash of July 1947 in Roswell, New Mexico, supported  over time by multiple independent confirmations.
By secretly investigating the observations and records of AVC (Alien Visitation Crafts), popularly named UFOs, certain Military Intelligence organizations have gained scientific information far in advance of what is taught as publicly available, “civilian” science and technology. In some cases, they have been able to duplicate some of the very advanced technological features of the AVC and have clandestinely deployed a variety of ARV (Alien Reproduction Vehicles) which are also routinely described as UFOs by the uninitiated. The current situation is hence loaded with major and potentially ominous implications for the national security of all countries, especially those that have been kept out of those developments, mainly pursued by the USA and a few of its key allies.
It has been asserted by credible sources that much of the knowledge revolution that has taken place in the last two or three decades, especially in the areas of electronics, computer science, cybernetics, biology, nanotechnology, physics et al.. proceeds from the information collected from the Alien visitors and their spacecraft. Scott Jones is one of the senior military and intelligence personnel involved in the classified research of certain agencies of the US Government who have decided to make their experiences and conclusions known, in the belief that the survival of our species may well depend on the release and use of this critical information.
Scott Jones is a PhD in Political Sciences (South Asian Studies, American University, Washington DC) who did his thesis on India’s Parliamentary Defence management history and mechanisms (1975).
He was a Aircraft Carrier Jet pilot during the Korean War, qualified to fly and deliver nuclear weapons.

  • From 1961 to 1963 he was at the Pentagon working to plan the National Military Alternate Center (NMAC) at Fort Raven (Md) as a Senior Officer of the Defense Atomic Support Agency (DASA) in the Department of Command, Control and Intelligence System Development
  • From 1963 to 1965 he served as Chief of the Target Development Branch at the Intelligence Directorate (J-2) of the US European Command in Stuttgart, Germany where he created the nuclear target list for NATOs’ General Strike Plan (GSP).
  • From 1965 to 1967 he was Assistant US Naval Attache to India and Nepal, under Ambassador Chester Bowles
  • From 1967 he was the head of the Missiles, Ordnance and Astronautics Division of the Naval Scientific and Technical Intelligence Center (NAVSTIC) in Washington DC.
  • From 1968 he was Chairman of the Missile and Aircraft Subcommittee of the Guided Missile & Aerospace Intelligence Committee (GMAIC) of the National Intelligence Directorate
  • From 1985 to 1991 he was Special Assistant to Senator Claiborne Pell (D, RI), Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee in which capacity he carried out a survey of Government-sponsored research on consciousness in the US, Europe, the USSR and China. He investigated a number of related US Special Access Programs (SAPs).
  • After retirement, he managed for a Washington DC thinktank the declassification, research and writing of the history of all US oceanic open air nuclear tests.
  • In the mid-nineties he was the Director of the Laurance Rockefeller Initiative to brief President Bill Clinton on the UFO and Extra-terrestrial related situation.
  • He is currently promoting the PEACE Room Project ( on which more information is available on the website.

We hope you will be attend to attend his talk,
Come  Carpentier
World Affairs
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CB Scott Jones, Come Carpentier, India International Centre, The Peace Room, World Affairs Journal

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