Tractor Beam Breakthrough Could One Day Levitate Humans

January 23, 2018               (

• Levitating humans could be in our future, thanks to a scientific breakthrough in acoustic tractor beam technology, which can now lift larger objects than ever before. (see 41-second video below) In an article published January 22nd in the Physical Review Letters, engineers from the University of Bristol have demonstrated that it’s possible to stably levitate objects using the world’s most powerful acoustic tractor beams.

• Acoustic tractor beams use ultrasonic soundwaves that humans can’t hear to hold particles in the air. It was previously believed they could only be used to levitate very small objects which were about the same size as a wavelength of sound, but the research demonstrates the potential for far larger objects to be levitated.


Levitating humans could be in our future, thanks to a scientific breakthrough in acoustic tractor beam technology, which can now lift larger objects than ever before.

Engineers from the University of Bristol have demonstrated that it’s possible to stably levitate objects using the world’s most powerful acoustic tractor beams. Their findings were published in the Physical Review Letters on Monday.

Acoustic tractor beams use soundwaves to hold particles in the air. It was previously believed they could only be used to levitate very small objects which were about the same size as a wavelength of sound, but the research demonstrates the potential for far larger objects to be levitated.

“Acoustic researchers had been frustrated by the size limit for years, so its satisfying to find a way to overcome it,” said the study’s lead author, Dr Asier Marzo of Bristol’s Department of Mechanical Engineering. “I think it opens the door to many new applications.”

The technique creates a tornado-like effect with acoustic vortices, which researchers said are like, “tornadoes of sound, made of a twister-like structure with loud sound surrounding a silent core.”
When researchers changed the direction of the acoustic vortices, they were able to stabilize the tractor beam and its rate of rotation. They were then able to increase the size of the core at the center of the sound tornado, allowing it to carry bigger objects.



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What Has the U.S. Government Been hiding About UFOs?

by Dom Armentano             January 16, 2018               (

• Last December, when The New York Times reported that the Pentagon had authorized a UFO research from 2007 to 2012, and the Department of Defense released a Navy F-18 cockpit video of an encounter with a UFO, some in the media were exclaiming that this was the first time that the government had acknowledged UFOs. But the belief that the U.S. intelligence community had been previously unaware of the exotic nature of UFOs is just bogus.

• The U.S. government has known about UFOs since at least Roswell (and the other New Mexico crashes) in 1947, but it chose to hide this information from the American people. A declassified Air Force document from September 23, 1947 by General Nathan Twining acknowledges reported that flying discs “are real and not visionary or fictitious” and because the discs were “evasive when sighted … Some of the objects are (intelligently) controlled.” Since then, the U.S. military has had dozens of reports from experienced military pilots, FAA controllers and ground personnel of UFOs that displayed technology far in advance of our own.

• The deep intelligence state has known for at least 70 years that some UFOs were real, yet it has chosen to keep the information confidential or denied that it even existed. When this writer called for UFO disclosure in 2008, he says that his professional colleagues in law and economics thought he had lost my mind. The Cato Institute abruptly ended its 20-year affiliation with him as an adjunct scholar the day after his first UFO article appeared.

• The decades-long policy of secrecy and denial on a subject as important as UFOs is foolish and dangerous in the extreme and puts our entire democratic process at risk. The good news is these perverse attitudes are changing somewhat. The New York Times’ Pentagon project revelations have created an important opportunity for more serious media coverage of government UFO research. We must take advantage of that opportunity now and push for open Congressional hearings and full disclosure.


On Dec. 16, three experienced journalists posted a bombshell story on the New York Times website: The Pentagon had authorized a secret research project (2007-2012) to study unidentified flying objects.
Even more importantly, Luis Elizondo, the Pentagon project coordinator and a career intelligence officer, later asserted that in his opinion some UFOs were real objects and appeared to demonstrate a technology that the U.S. did not have and did not understand. To highlight that point, the Pentagon also released “gun camera” film of a Navy pilot’s 2004 close encounter with an object that displayed wildly unconventional flight characteristics.

The mainstream media was caught completely off guard by the sensational Pentagon revelations, although they should not have been. Some breathlessly opined that never before had a U.S. intelligence agency acknowledged UFOs were solid objects that defied conventional explanation. Well, not exactly. While that assertion is true in some narrow sense, the belief that the U.S. intelligence community had been unaware of the exotic nature of UFOs until the recent Pentagon study is just totally bogus.

In point of fact, they have known about the unconventional nature of the phenomenon for decades and have chosen to hide the bulk of that information (dozens of military gun camera films, for example) from Congress and especially from the American people.

Contrary to the media coverage of the Pentagon story, the U.S. defense and intelligence communities actually have known about the exotic nature of UFOs since at least 1947. There exists, for example, a once-secret document (dated Sept. 23, 1947) written by Gen. Nathan Twining (Air Material Command) that acknowledges reported flying discs “are real and not visionary or fictitious” and that the discs “must be considered evasive when sighted … which lends belief to the possibility that some of the objects are (intelligently) controlled.”

And since the U.S. military had dozens of reports from experienced military pilots and FAA controllers and ground personnel that the discs could hover, turn on a dime and then accelerate at incredible speeds — unlike any technology that existed then or now — it was implicit even in 1947 that these flying objects were not ours.

In short, the deep intelligence state has known for at least 70 years that some UFOs were real; yet it has chosen to keep the information in support of that conclusion either confidential or simply denied that it even existed. But a decades-long public policy of secrecy and denial on a subject as important and mind-bending as UFOs is foolish and dangerous in the extreme and puts our entire democratic process at risk.



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Bizarre Accounts of Mysterious Phantom Bases

by Brent Swancer          January 14, 2018           (

• Governments around the world do have extremely secretive, off-limits bases scattered throughout all corners of the globe, which draw to them such stories of strange experiments, secret research, UFOs, and all manner of high strangeness. Here described are four of them (besides Area 51).

• Base AL/499 is located in a subterranean cavern 200 feet under the English village of Peasemore (about 50 miles due west of London). According to self-proclaimed former intelligence operative, James Casbolt, the secret base is home to Project Mannequin where they clone genetically enhanced humans and research various methods of mind-control to create sleeper assassins that can be activated at any time. The base is run by the NSA and the Illuminati.

• In the remote Kalahari Desert of South Africa there is a secret underground base called Camp 13. On May 7, 1989, South African fighter jets shot down and recovered an unidentified spacecraft made of a smooth, silvery substance. Inside were three ET passengers, each five feet in height with thin bodies, large heads, and dressed in tight silver one-piece outfits. The South African military took possession of the craft and its occupants, who were reportedly still alive at the time. UFO researcher Tony Dodd claims that the United States negotiated with the South African government to hand over the alien spacecraft and its passengers, but South Africa kept one of the alien crew members hidden away at Camp 13.

• In New Mexico underneath the Archuleta Mesa, north of Santa Fe on the Colorado state line, is the Dulce Base near the small town of Dulce. It was first discovered in 1979 when a local electrician named Paul Bennewitz began picking up radio transmissions between government forces and aliens emanating from the mesa. Later, Phil Schneider claimed that he had actually worked at the facility. Schneider described the layout of the base in great detail, saying it had 7 levels and was a joint operation between the U.S. government and extraterrestrials. Thousands of aliens lived there and were allowed to experiment on humans in secrecy in exchange for advanced technology and peace, according to Schneider. The base has an underground subway system linking it with the Los Alamos National Laboratory, just outside of Santa Fe. Thomas Costello claims to have been a security guard at the Dulce base and has reported seeing horrific experiments carried out on both humans and aliens alike at the facility. Costello told of underground caves occupied for centuries by reptoids and taken over by the RAND Corporation to create biological weapons. The former guard spoke of fleets of alien ships stored at Los Alamos, human/alien hybrid cloning, and a vast system of tunnels running under the entire country.

• And apparently, the infamous Area 51 base is merely a front for where the real secret experiments are being conducted in a base called NEXUS, far beneath McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas. The NEXUS base is a massive, labyrinthine complex containing four distinct sections called “Hives.” Hive 3 is used for the testing of advanced space-travel and space-warfare technologies, particle engines, gravitational beams and inter-dimensional anomalies. Hive 4 is kept in a “total information blackout.” The “gem” of Hive 4 are the “twins”: a pair of twelve-foot-tall, pale, female beings that float a few inches off the ground and drag their toes lightly as they move. These ‘twins’ can psychically cause hallucinations, sickness, and insanity in other beings. They once caused a military guard to kill himself by “bashing his own brains out with the butt of a pistol while singing an Irish folksong”.

• Finally, U.S. Department of Agriculture files reveal that a secret base was built in the Tonto National Forest near Phoenix. An eye-witness to the base’s construction reported seeing miniature stealth planes, UFOs, flesh-eating extraterrestrials and a severed head. Another witness said that the base is a “hotbed of UFO activity”. It is also reported that many people have gone missing at this national park.

• It is impossible to know how much truth any of these wild stories have. Based on hearsay and rumors with no real evidence, there is no way to prove them or disprove them, keeping them firmly in the domain of speculation and the imagination.


One cornerstone of many a conspiracy theory is that of mysterious secret bases. Governments around the world do have extremely secretive, off-limits bases scattered throughout all corners of the globe, which draw to them such stories of strange experiments, secret research, UFOs, and all manner of high strangeness. Many of these have become legendary for the thick cloud of intrigue and bizarre tales orbiting them, such as the infamous and much-discussed Area 51 in Nevada. My colleague Nick Redfern recently also talked about deep weirdness at the top-secret Porton Down military installation in the English county of Wiltshire. However, while the stories surrounding many of these sorts of facilities may or may not hold any truth, at least the bases themselves are known to be real, if not fully understood.

Yet there are other supposed secret bases out there that hover out in the realm of pure speculation, rumor, myth. For some supposed secret bases, their very existence seems to be fueled by pure conspiracy theory, and it is not really known if they have ever even existed or not. These are the weird, very often eyebrow raising tales of phantom secret bases that may or may not exist and the bizarreness that surrounds them.

One such base is known as Base AL/499, and is known primarily through the testimony of a James Casbolt, who came forward to claim to have been a high level intelligence operative at the top secret facility. According to Casbolt, Base AL/499 is supposedly located 200 feet under the earth in a subterranean cavern under the English village of Peasemore, and is involved with the top secret Project Mannequin, which supposedly seeks to primarily to clone genetically enhanced humans and to research various methods of mind-control to create sleeper assassins that could be activated at any time. The base is apparently overseen by the NSA, and it is all made even more ominous when considering the fact that Casbolt also claims that Base AL/499 has connections with the secret society the Illuminati.

Besides human cloning and mind control there are also the supposed bases dealing with aliens and UFOs. Area 51 is there and has been done to death, so let’s look at some more obscure such bases which are currently unknown to even really exist. Out in the remote wasteland of the Kalahari Desert of South Africa there is allegedly a secret underground base called Camp 13, which is most well-known from what is called the “Kalahari Incident.” On May 7, 1989, a bizarre unidentified spacecraft is said to have crashed into the desert near the border with Botswana, after being aggressively shot down by South African fighter jets. The South African military then immediately descended upon the downed craft, and apparently found their electrical equipment to inexplicably malfunction in the vicinity.

The craft itself was said to be made of a smooth, silvery substance, and inside there were found to be three passengers of apparently extraterrestrial origin, about 5 feet in height and with thin bodies, large heads, and dressed in tight silver one-piece outfits. The area of the crash had also seemingly experienced an immense heat that had fused together the sand in the location into smooth glass. The military did their best to hide the site with fresh sand and whisked off the craft and its occupants, who were reportedly still alive at the time. UFO researcher Tony Dodd has claimed that the United States negotiated with the South African government to hand over the alien spacecraft and its passengers, but South Africa then supposedly secretly kept one of the alien crew members and had it hidden away at the mysterious Camp 13. Is there anything to this odd story? Who knows?

Speaking of rumored secret bases harboring UFOs and aliens, there is also supposedly one called Dulce Base lurking in the wilds of the U.S. state of New Mexico within the Archuleta Mesa, which lies on the Colorado-New Mexico border near the small town of Dulce. The base, which has gained legendary status in the UFO community, was allegedly first discovered by the public in 1979, when a local electrician named Paul Bennewitz began picking up what he claimed to be radio transmissions between government forces and aliens emanating from the mesa, which he became convinced were from some secretive underground base. At the time, the story became a big hit in UFO circles, and there was much talk of what the government was up to out there in those badlands. The whole thing received further fuel when a man named Phil Schneider came forward to claim that he had actually worked at the facility, before proceeding to take the tale deeper into the weird.

Schneider would go on to describe the layout of the base in great detail, saying it had 7 levels and was a joint operation between the United States government and extraterrestrials. According to Schneider, the base had thousands of aliens living there, where they were allowed to experiment on humans in secrecy in exchange for pieces of advanced technology and peace. Eerily, the base also supposedly had an underground subway system running between it and the Los Alamos National Laboratory, which has its own mythology of conspiracy theories as well. Another supposed former employee at the base was a man named Thomas Costello, who claimed to have been a security guard there and that he seen horrific experiments carried out on both humans and aliens alike first hand during his tenure at the facility. According to an article by Mike Rothschild on Dulce Base from Skeptoid:

“Castello added depth and detail to the existing story, telling of underground caves occupied for centuries by reptoids, caves that were taken over by the RAND Corporation for use by the New World Order to create biological weapons. The former guard spoke of fleets of alien ships stored at Los Alamos, human/alien hybrid cloning, his arguments with a cranky reptoid leader named “Khaarshfashst” and a vast system of tunnels running under the entire country.”

All manner of stories have been laid on the alleged base ever since, such as that it is ground zero for an interstellar war and that there has even been a shoot-out between humans and aliens on the premises. Schneider would eventually develop cancer, which he claimed to have contracted from an alien weapon during the incident, and committed suicide in 1996. Considering these rather far-fetched claims, the fact that all of our information on the alleged base comes from three possibly mentally troubled people, the sense of a detachment from reality to the whole tale, and the fact that there doesn’t actually seem to be any evidence at all of anything approaching what is described going on at Archuleta Mesa, there has understandably been quite a lot of skepticism aimed at the existence of the Dulce Base, and it is largely completely left to the imagination.

       McCarran International Airport

Just about as bonkers as the mythology of Dulce Base is the tale of a top secret government facility purportedly lying under the McCarran International Airport, in Las Vegas, Nevada. According to an elaborate report from a Reddit user named Blue_KeyCard, the infamous and mysterious Area 51 is merely a front and distraction from where the real secret experiments are being conducted, deep down in the bowels of the earth beneath McCarran Airport. The mysterious base itself, which is apparently called NEXUS, is described as a massive, labyrinthine complex deep down under the airport, where it remains hidden partly because the airport drowns out any suspicious sounds from it and city of Las Vegas consumes so much power that it its own immense power consumption doesn’t look suspicious.

Within the NEXUS base, there are claimed to be four distinct sections called “Hives.” According to the witness, Hive 1 is for “finance, accounting, operations/organization divisions, troop training/housing, and some small-scale weapons testing.” Next is Hive 2, which is for “Chemical engineering, some nano-tech research, and advanced psychological fitness,” then Hive 3 with its bioweapon and disease research and testing of “advanced space-travel and space-warfare technologies, particle engines and gravitational beams,” as well as research into inter-dimensional anomalies, and finally the sinister and terribly mysterious Hive 4, which is apparently kept in a “total information blackout.” In this place clearance is especially limited, and there is seemingly no communication at all with the outside world. Even more ominous is that the facility supposedly harbors what the witness calls possibly “the most terrifying thing in the world,” which he explains thus:

“Another thing I’ve read minimally about are “the twins.” I don’t know who or what these are, but they’re the “above-top-secret” gem of Hive 4. It is treasonous to even correspond about them on our secure networks unless you are cleared to do so, and only four employees are. I’ve only seen a few things about them. One was a medical record. No vitals, unusual vocalizations that manifest hallucinations and psychosis in nearby employees, and skin that produces violent nausea when touched. The document was basically speculation that the skin functions much like the Australian stinging tree or a jellyfish.”

“I read documents about people who worked with them as well. In 4, a woman was remanded to the psychological ward after being in the same room with them, and a soldier who stood outside of the laboratory where they are kept basically killed himself. Specifically, he peeked inside during a routine access, then began bashing his own brains out with the butt of a pistol while singing an Irish folksong. The woman who was remanded to psych was even weirder: during breakfast with her colleagues, she grabbed a fork, stood up, walked out of the mess hall, stripped all of her clothes off, blinded herself in both eyes, then somehow managed to make her way all the way up to Floor 1 where the access corridor to Hive 3 is located. How she managed to operate the dozens of keycard readers, passcode boxes, and retinal scanners is still under review. Last email regarding her was sent in 2012, about how she sits in the dark of solitary on Floor 11’s psych ward with a permanent and blissful grin on her face.”

“One of my colleagues whom I trust told me that he saw the twins once through hacked access to a video feed. He said they are woman-like, about twice as tall as a full-grown man, with unidentifiable black growths dangling from their heads (like hair but thicker), and they basically float a few inches off the ground and drag their toes lightly as they move. They’re utterly pale. He never saw the faces, but he claims that they appear to distort reality (or at least the video feed) in such a way that space looks bent around them.”

It is all very, very strange and compelling stuff, if not obviously charged with an whiff of pure fabrication. Just what is going on here? The Reddit user claims that all of this is going on as the U.S. government actively seeks to maintain the illusion that Area 51 is where all of these experiments are being carried out, in order to divert attention away from the real site. Is there anything to any of this tale at all or is this just the ranting of a delusional individual or a flat out hoax? You can read the whole report here and see what you think. It seems worth taking this all with a grain of salt or two, as it did come from Reddit, and is most likely a fabricated piece of spooky creepypasta, but it is all very entertaining nonetheless.



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Deputy Defense Secretary Shanahan to Take Over Duties of Principal Space Adviser

by Sandra Erwin            January 18, 2018                (

• Deputy Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan (in photo above) will be taking on the duties of space adviser that previously resided with the secretary of the Air Force, according to a Jan. 17 memorandum sent to Defense Department military and civilian leaders. Shanahan will assume oversight of the military space portfolio that previously resided with the secretary of the Air Force.

• This move, and the Air Force’s recent establishment of a three-star vice commander of Air Force Space Command are the first steps to implementing and embracing congressional direction on changes to the space enterprise, pursuant to the 2018 National Defense Authorization Act.

• The National Space Defense Center will be transitioned from an experiment to a functioning command center in support of joint and interagency space capabilities.

• Shanahan will also engage a federally funded think tank not affiliated with the Air Force to study the pros and cons of having a separate military department responsible for the national security space activities of the Department of Defense.


Deputy Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan will be taking on the duties of space adviser that previously resided with the secretary of the Air Force, according to a Jan. 17 memorandum sent to Defense Department military and civilian leaders.

In the memo, titled “Guidance for Increasing Lethality and Warfighting Readiness in Space,” Shanahan lists a number of changes that will be made to the management and organization of the national security space enterprise.

The most important shift is Shanahan assuming the oversight of the military space portfolio that previously resided with the secretary of the Air Force. Shanahan’s memo was written in accordance with Section 1601 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018.

In a related action also aimed at complying with NDAA provisions, the Air Force moved to establish a three-star vice commander of Air Force Space Command resident in the National Capital Region.

These are the “first steps to implementing and embracing congressional direction on changes to the space enterprise,” said space industry consultant Mike Tierney, of Jacques & Associates, who reviewed the memo on Thursday.

The memo makes it clear that the Air Force is not losing any of its Title 10 authorities. Title 10 of the U.S. Code provides the legal basis for the roles, missions and organization of each of the military services. “The department of the Air Force will continue to be principally responsible for organizing, training, equipping and presenting ready Air Force space forces to combatant commanders.”

The memo directs immediate implementation of the following changes:
The position and office of the Principal DoD Space Advisor are terminated and the duties responsibilities, personnel and resources of that office will be transferred to Shanahan on an interim basis. Current PDSA Director Dr. John Stopher will lead the staff and report directly to Shanahan.

The commander of Air Force Space Command will serve a term of at least six years and serve as a Joint Functional Component Commander under the commander of U.S. Strategic Command. Air Force Space Command will consult with the DoD chief information officer to “evaluate, develop, and make recommendations on the procurement of commercial satellite communications services and provide any recommendations to the Deputy Secretary of Defense by August 1, 2018.”



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It’s Very Likely That Advanced Life Has Evolved Elsewhere – But What Would They Look Like?

January 13, 2018        (

• “It is astonishingly likely that we are not the only time and place that an advance civilization has evolved,” says Adam Frank, professor of physics and astronomy at the University of Rochester.

• “By predicting that aliens have undergone major transitions – which is how complexity has arisen in species on earth, we can say that there is a level of predictability to evolution that would cause them to look like us,” said Sam Levin, a researcher in the University of Oxford’s Department of Zoology.

• While Hollywood films and science fiction literature fuel the belief that aliens are other-worldly, monster-like beings, very different to humans, new research suggests that we could have more in common with our extra-terrestrial neighbors, than initially thought.

• In a study published in the International Journal of Astrobiology, scientists from the University of Oxford show how evolutionary theory can be used to support alien predictions and better understand their behavior. Aliens might be shaped by the same evolutionary processes and mechanisms that shaped humans, such as natural selection, evolving to be fitter and stronger over time. We can say that there is a level of predictability to evolution that would cause them to look like us.

• There are potentially hundreds of thousands of habitable planets in our galaxy alone. If we’re not alone, we have taken a small step forward in answering what our neighbors might look like.

[Editor’s Note] Researchers such as David Wilcock and Emery Smith have said that the humanoid “five pointed star” shaped form, with a head, torso, two arms, and two legs, is a template that is common to intelligent beings all across this crowded galaxy. Different dominant DNA dictate the type of form this template will take, whether human, reptilian, insectoid, feline, or an unlimited number of variations.


“From a fundamental perspective the question is ‘has it ever happened anywhere before?'” said Adam Frank, professor of physics and astronomy at the University of Rochester. “And it is astonishingly likely that we are not the only time and place that an advance civilization has evolved.”

If it’s astonishingly likely that life has evolved elsewhere, as Adam Frank proposes, what would they look like? “By predicting that aliens have undergone major transitions – which is how complexity has arisen in species on earth, we can say that there is a level of predictability to evolution that would cause them to look like us,” said Sam Levin, a researcher in the University of Oxford’s Department of Zoology.

Hollywood films and science fiction literature fuel the belief that aliens are other-worldly, monster-like beings, who are very different to humans. In the film Arrival, a linguist is charged with figuring out how to communicate with aliens who have landed on Earth. Visually, the aliens—called heptapods shown above—although not human, their subtle, otherworldly fluid movements and the dense atmosphere in which they breathe fits with our idea of biological possibility. As extraterrestrial life forms they seem truly feasible, even real, bearing a strong resemblance to Earth’s most alien intelligent life: cephalopods -squid and octopus.

In stark contrast, the Ridley Scott movie, Prometheus, opens with a human-like alien sacrificing itself after consuming a dark liquid, acting as a “gardener in space” to bring life to a world. In 2089, archaeologists Elizabeth Shaw and Charlie Holloway discover a star map in Scotland that matches others from several unconnected ancient cultures. They interpret this as an invitation from humanity’s forerunners, the “Engineers”. Peter Weyland, the elderly CEO of Weyland Corporation, funds an expedition, aboard the scientific vessel Prometheus, to follow the map to the distant moon LV-223, landing on the barren, mountainous surface near a large, artificial structure, which a team explores. Inside, they find stone cylinders, a monolithic statue of a humanoid head, and the decapitated corpse of a large alien, thought to be an Engineer; Shaw recovers its head. The crew finds other bodies, leading them to surmise the species is extinct.

New research suggests that we could have more in common with our extra-terrestrial neighbors, than initially thought. In a study published in the International Journal of Astrobiology scientists from the University of Oxford show for the first time how evolutionary theory can be used to support alien predictions and better understand their behavior. They show that aliens are potentially shaped by the same processes and mechanisms that shaped humans, such as natural selection.

The theory supports the argument that foreign life forms undergo natural selection, and are like us, evolving to be fitter and stronger over time.

Sam Levin, a researcher in Oxford’s Department of Zoology, said: ‘A fundamental task for astrobiologists (those who study life in the cosmos) is thinking about what extra-terrestrial life might be like. But making predictions about aliens is hard. We only have one example of life – life on Earth — to extrapolate from. Past approaches in the field of astrobiology have been largely mechanistic, taking what we see on Earth, and what we know about chemistry, geology, and physics to make predictions about aliens.

“In our paper, we offer an alternative approach, which is to use evolutionary theory to make predictions that are independent of Earth’s details. This is a useful approach, because theoretical predictions will apply to aliens that are silicon based, do not have DNA, and breathe nitrogen, for example.”



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Eerie Lights Over Early Massachusetts: The First UFO Sightings in the New World

by Micah Hanks              January 8, 2018               (

• In 1628, Governor John Winthrop brought nearly 1000 colonists from England to the Massachusetts Bay to establish a settlement in the Shawmut Peninsula which would eventually become Boston. By the beginning of 1640, settlers in the new land exceeded 20,000.

• John Winthrop kept a detailed journal. The entry marked for March 1, 1639 reads as follows: “In this year one James Everell, a sober, discreet man, and two others, saw a great light in the night at Muddy River. When it stood still, it flamed up, and was about three yards square; when it ran, it was contracted into the figure of a swine: it ran as swift as an arrow towards Charlton, and so up and down about two or three hours. They were come down in their lighter about a mile, and, when it was over, they found themselves carried quite back against the tide to the place they came from. Divers other credible persons saw the same light, after, about the same place.”

• On January 18, 1643, Governor Winthrop recorded a similar incident: “About midnight, three men, coming in a boat to Boston, saw two lights arise out of the water near the north point of the town cove, in form like a man, and went at a small distance to the town, and so to the south point, and there vanished away. They saw them about a quarter of an hour, being between the town and the governor’s garden. The like was seen by many, a week after, arising about Castle Island and in one fifth of an hour came to John Gallop’s point.”

• One week after this incident, lights were seen again in the region and, as Winthrop notes in the following passage: “A light like the moon arose about the N. E. point in Boston, and met the former at Nottles Island, and there they closed in one, and then parted, and closed and parted divers times, and so went over the hill in the island and vanished. Sometimes they shot out flames and sometimes sparkles. This was about eight of the clock in the evening, and was seen by many.”

• Winthrop notes that with this second sighting of “mystery lights”, mysterious voices were heard: “About the same time a voice was heard upon the water between Boston and Dorchester, calling out in a most dreadful manner, boy, boy, come away, come away: and it suddenly shifted from one place to another a great distance, about twenty times. It was heard by diverse godly persons.”

• Two weeks later, Winthrop notes that the voices is heard again, and attributes it to a Virginia man with “skill in necromancy” who was killed in an explosion on a ship, but his was the only body not found. “About 14 days after, the same voice in the same dreadful manner was heard by others on the other side of the town towards Nottles Island. These prodigies having some reference to the place where Captain Chaddock’s pinnace was blown up a little before, gave occasion of speech of that man who was the cause of it, who professed himself to have, and to have done some strange things in his way from Virginia hither, and was suspected to have murdered his master there; but the magistrates here had not notice of him till after he was blown up. This is to be observed that his fellows were all found, and others who were blown up in the former ship were also found, and others also who have miscarried by drowning, etc., have usually been found, but this man was never found.”

• These peculiar items in Winthrop’s journal can be considered the first instances of unexplained aerial phenomena in the New World.


Massachusetts in the early 1600s was a bleak destination, though one with promise. In the early years of the settlement of the Massachusetts Bay, Governor John Winthrop brought just shy of 1000 colonists over from England, first stopping at Salem before moving on toward the Shawmut Peninsula, where they would establish the settlement that would eventually become Boston.

Nearly 200 of the settlers died under the extreme living conditions of that first American winter. Others, if not ill from the harsh weather, were sick of the trials of settlement; a number of the disillusioned returned to England in the spring. However, with the slow growth of the settlement, living conditions improved under the labors of Winthrop and the steadily growing population of New Englanders; by the beginning of 1640, settlers in the new land exceeded 20,000.
During this first pivotal decade in the history of Massachusetts, John Winthrop kept a detailed journal of occurrences in the region, from those civic or political in nature to noteworthy religious events and other happenings.

Governor John Winthrop

There were other occurrences, too, which Winthrop chronicled in his journal, some of them quite curious. Such were the details of the entry marked for March 1, 1639, a portion of which read as follows: “In this year one James Everell, a sober, discreet man, and two others, saw a great light in the night at Muddy River. When it stood still, it flamed up, and was about three yards square; when it ran, it was contracted into the figure of a swine: it ran as swift as an arrow towards Charlton, and so up and down about two or three hours. They were come down in their lighter about a mile, and, when it was over, they found themselves carried quite back against the tide to the place they came from. Divers other credible persons saw the same light, after, about the same place.”

The account given is a strange one, though not unlike the circumstances popularly reported in conjunction with sightings of strange lights in the skies in modern times. It was, in other words, very much a sighting of an unidentified flying object, though what the actual phenomenon witnessed may have been cannot be easily determined solely from Winthrop’s narrative. Filtered through the puritanical mindset of a pre-Newtonian world, there is indeed much left to the imagination.

There are nonetheless aspects of the report Winthrop gives us that are of interest. Of particular note had been his description of the witnesses, which may imply some degree of disorientation caused by observing the light. As the observers “found themselves carried quite back against the tide to the place they came from,” some might discern from this that something akin to “missing time” had occurred. Indeed, certain similarities to popular UFO reports of the last few decades come to mind here, namely the alleged 1976 Allagash UFO incident, where those involved claimed to have observed a light over the course of several consecutive nights, along with the requisite missing time of many UFO abductions of the era (there have been questions raised about the veracity of this 1976 UFO incident in recent years, which are beyond the scope of the present discussion).

This would not be the sole inclusion of anomalous aerial phenomena in the governor’s journal. Winthrop recorded a similar incident several years later, dated January 18, 1643, where he noted: “About midnight, three men, coming in a boat to Boston, saw two lights arise out of the water near the north point of the town cove, in form like a man, and went at a small distance to the town, and so to the south point, and there vanished away. They saw them about a quarter of an hour, being between the town and the governor’s garden. The like was seen by many, a week after, arising about Castle Island and in one fifth of an hour came to John Gallop’s point.”

One week after this incident, lights were seen again in the region and, as Winthrop notes in the following passage, were apparently “seen by many”: “A light like the moon arose about the N. E. point in Boston, and met the former at Nottles Island, and there they closed in one, and then parted, and closed and parted divers times, and so went over the hill in the island and vanished. Sometimes they shot out flames and sometimes sparkles. This was about eight of the clock in the evening, and was seen by many.”



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The Secret Navy behind the Ballistic Missile Attack on Hawaii

As information continues to emerge confirming that there was a ballistic missile attack against Hawaii that was intercepted on January 13, the investigation begins to shift from what happened, to who was responsible. In this article, I analyze various sources describing the attack, and identify the mysterious naval force that was most likely responsible for launching the ballistic missile, which presumably was nuclear armed.

In my January 17 article, I listed three alternative news sites referring to sources that all said that a ballistic missile was launched against Hawaii by a stealth submarine. The alternative news sources were radio host Dr. Dave Janda, Operation Disclosure (RV/Intelligence Alert), and the Public Intelligence Blog. The Operation Disclosure and Public Intelligence blog sites point to an Israeli submarine as responsible, while Dr. Janda said it was a submarine belonging to a rogue Chinese Navy faction.

Further corroboration for the ballistic missile attack explanation comes from former Forbes Magazine writer, Benjamin Fulford, who says that according to his insider sources, there was a submarine based attack:

One sign of this extreme tension came last week when “a missile from a cabal submarine was stopped from hitting Hawaii and the submarine was sunk,” Pentagon sources say.  Media outlets around the world have reported that Hawaiian residents all received the following warning on their mobile phones:  “BALLISTIC MISSILE THREAT INBOUND TO HAWAII, SEEK IMMEDIATE SHELTER, THIS IS NOT A DRILL,” but later this was reported to be a false alarm.  It was not—it was an attempt by “the cabal” to blame the attack on North Korea and use it as a trigger for their long-desired World War III, CIA sources say.

Both Fulford and the Public Intelligence claim that the ballistic missile was intended to simulate a North Korean attack suggesting the responsible submarine was in the vicinity of North Korea, either in the Sea of Japan or off the Japanese coastline.

In determining the type of missile attack against Hawaii, yet another source refers to a Hawaii tourist boat about 100 miles out at sea that saw what appeared to be a meteorite exploding in the air shortly before the Hawaii Emergency alert went out Saturday morning, January 13. The additional source appeared as an update to the original Public Intelligence blogsite article about the Hawaii missile attack:

Word here in Hawaii is that a group of tourists and tour guides were on a boat 100 miles off shore Saturday morning around 8 AM when they witnessed what they thought to be a meteor blowing up over the ocean. It was reported on Hawaiian channel 2 but then removed from their website. Rumor is the launch came from an Israel Dolphin 2 submarine. Some college basketball games had a red alert across the screen from US Pacific Command declaring a missile launch in the Pacific near Hawaii.

This additional Hawaii source is vital in understanding what happened since it reveals that the missile was coming down from the upper atmosphere following a ballistic trajectory similar to a meteor. This helps confirm that a ballistic missile was involved rather than another type of nuclear delivery system such as a cruise missile which fly much closer to ground and have a far more limited range.

Of the sources cited so far, aside from Dr. Janda, all believe a faction of the Israeli Navy was behind the attack using a dolphin class submarine supplied by Germany. The USS Liberty attack during the 1967 Arab Israeli war is often cited as an example of Israel launching a false flag attack against the U.S. to embroil it in wars against Israel’s regional enemies.

In a private email received on January 19, former CIA covert operative and Marine Intelligence Officer, Robert David Steele, says that the attack was a “Zionist submarine doing a USS Liberty on Hawaii”.

In considering the possibility of a rogue Israeli submarine being responsible, it’s important to review the armaments possessed by the class of submarines belonging to the Israeli Navy. In a news story describing Israel’s possession of Dolphin class submarines purchased from Germany, its armaments are described as follows:

The Dolphin boats are equipped with six 533mm standard torpedo tubes and four 650mm jumbo tubes and can carry 16 weapons. The smaller tubes can fire torpedoes and Harpoon anti-ship missiles as well as other conventional weaponry, but its larger tubes are what makes the Dolphin class so special. From them, frogmen, remotely operated vehicles and especially large cruise missiles capable of carrying nuclear payloads can be deployed.

Israel’s Dolphin Class submarines can carry cruise missiles which are well suited for Middle East operations, rather than ballistic missiles which are better suited for long distance targets thousands of miles away. Ballistic missiles require much larger “boomer submarines” to launch them, rather than the smaller Dolphin class submarines possessed by Israel.

The Dolphin 2 submarine is 69 meters (225 feet) in length, which is less than half the size of the Ohio class boomer submarines (170 meters/560 feet long) used by the US Navy to carry Trident ballistic nuclear missiles. Sea Launched Ballistic Missiles need vertical missile tubes as opposed to the more traditional horizontal torpedo tubes used for Sea Launched Cruise Missiles located at the front of the smaller Dolphin class submarine.

Consequently, it’s unlikely that a renegade faction of the Israeli Navy launched the ballistic missile attack since their Dolphin class submarines simply don’t have the capacity.

Furthermore, it’s hard to imagine how a U.S. war against North Korea and/or China would advance Israel’s national security interests, which are far more concerned about threats posed by major regional rivals such as Iran.

Dr. Janda describes a rogue faction of the Chinese Navy being responsible, and that after the missile had been intercepted and destroyed by the US. Missile defense system, the regular Chinese Navy destroyed the submarine.

This explanation is perhaps the scariest to consider since the US national security apparatus would almost certainly hold China responsible for such an attack despite any genuine factional divisions within the Chinese Navy.

The immediate U.S. response would have been, at the very least, a direct retaliatory nuclear attack against China’s main regional ally North Korea, which would have been scapegoated for a Hawaii attack. After destroying North Korea’s military infrastructure, the country would have then been subsequently overrun and occupied by the U.S. Military and its South Korean ally in an analogous way to Afghanistan after the 9/11 attack. 

China’s strategic interests would have been severely setback in such a scenario. It’s hard to imagine any Chinese military commander, rogue Navy faction or not, would risk a nuclear retaliatory strike by the U.S. that would set back China’s steady emergence into a global superpower over the next decade or so. Patience is a characteristic that China’s political leaders possess in abundance.

Consequently, I find it unlikely that a rogue faction of the Chinese Navy was behind the ballistic missile attack.

So who then launched the attack against Hawaii?

For an answer we need to consider legendary Hawaii Senator Daniel Inouye who in 1987 described the existence of a shadowy government within the U.S. with its own separate military assets.

There exists a shadowy Government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of the national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself.

Inouye was clearly convinced of a very highly classified U.S. agency that had the independent funding and wherewithal to develop its own Air Force and Navy outside the regular chain of military command.

In contrast to the assets of the regular U.S. Air Force and Navy, this covert fleet of ships and aircraft would be “dark”, in terms of its security classification. It would therefore be appropriate to call it the “Dark Fleet” which is what secret space program insider Corey Goode says it is called by the U.S. military according to his confidential sources [Skype Communication Jan 18). He says that it is separate to another “Dark Fleet” which is a Secret Space Program that operates in Deep Space.

I need to point out that in 2017, I personally met some of Goode’s confidential Earth Alliance sources. They provided many documents to prove they are deeply connected to NATO security operations and the European intelligence community. They have continued to provide Goode intelligence information since they consider him to be a genuine extraterrestrial contactee, and asset of a Secret Space Program Alliance known to exist by NATO officials.

What U.S. Government agency would have the ability to raise its own “Dark Fleet” outside the regular chain of military command and Presidential executive authority? The only U.S. agency capable of doing so is the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). More specifically, we are talking about the CIA’s Directorate of Operations (formally Clandestine Service) which runs all its global covert operations, where a Dark Fleet would have been developed to meet operational requirements.

The 1949 CIA Act comprised additions to those sections of the 1947 National Security Act that dealt with the creation of CIA. The 1949 CIA Act gave a Congressional stamp of approval to the creation of a ‘black budget’ it could spend without recourse to U.S. law as the following section make clear:

… any other Government agency is authorized to transfer to or receive from the Agency such sums without regard to any provisions of law limiting or prohibiting transfers between appropriations [emphasis added]. Sums transferred to the Agency in accordance with this paragraph may be expended for the purposes and under the authority of sections 403a to 403s of this title without regard to limitations of appropriations from which transferred. [50 U.S.C. 403f(a)]

Essentially, this gave the CIA the power to generate large amounts of money through covert means and launder it however it wished through the Pentagon and the U.S. bureaucracy. The funding was used for an unofficial “black budget” that by 2001 was estimated to be as high as $1.7 trillion annually.

In addition to having the financial means, the CIA has long been developing its own covert Air Force. This began in the mid-1950’s when the CIA established Area 51, as the location to develop future fleets of spy planes with the aid of companies such as Lockheed, which today is the world’s largest defense contractor.

In the 1960’s the CIA began training personnel to develop skills necessary to operate its spy planes on U.S. aircraft carriers. CIA documents confirm that the U.S. Navy was training the CIA on how to operate spy planes on their carriers:

Source: Central Intelligence Agency Online Library

The above document went on to discuss how Kelly Johnson, Director of Lockheed’s Skunkworks, helped the CIA launch its U-2 spyplane from the USS Kitty Hawk

Another CIA document shows the Navy’s reluctance to allow the CIA to use its aircraft carriers to carry spy planes in trouble spots like the Mediterranean, thereby creating the operational necessity for the CIA to eventually acquire its own aircraft carrier to carry fleets of spy planes around the world.

Source: Central Intelligence Agency Online Library

These official CIA documents support the conclusion that by the 1970’s the CIA’s Directorate of Operations had its own squadrons of spy planes, and would have acquired its own aircraft carrier out of operational necessity that it could operate anywhere around the world without any kind of government oversight.

As far as the CIA having its own submarines, a Washington Times article from January 3, 1985 shows that two ballistic missile submarines, USS John Marshall and Sam Houston were handed over to a 2000 man Special Operations Force.

Source: Central Intelligence Agency Online Library

It can be guaranteed that the CIA’s Directorate of Operations would have similarly justified the acquisition of ballistic missile capable submarines for its own covert operations around the world.

With the CIA’s role in generating multiple black budgets, it could easily have diverted some of these funds to defense contractors for building ballistic missile capable submarines for exclusive use in clandestine operations. It’s worth noting that Lockheed Martin builds the Trident II ballistic missiles for the Ohio class submarines currently possessed for by U.S. Navy.

As noted earlier, the CIA and Lockheed have developed a long and close relationship since their joint efforts to develop Area 51 for spy planes and other advanced technologies in the 1950’s. Therefore it is very possible that the CIA’s Dark Fleet possesses Trident II ballistic nuclear missiles developed by Lockheed Martin.

Consequently, Inouye’s claims of a shadowy government possessing its own Air Force and Navy is very feasible given what we know about the CIA’s history, and official documents showing its military assets, training and close relationship with defense contractors such as Lockheed Martin.

The CIA had the independent funding to create squadrons of spy planes that could operate from an aircraft carrier with the necessary support craft that altogether constituted a CIA controlled aircraft carrier battle group that included nuclear submarines.

So was the CIA’s Dark Fleet behind the ballistic missile attack on Hawaii? I put this question to Corey Goode and he responded:

Yes, They DO have an Air Craft Carrier and destroyers and support vessels, a whole fleet….This stuff has been a part of recent briefings in the form of informed speculation as to what occurred in Hawaii/Japan. All are pretty convinced that a rogue CIA sub fired missiles and MIC SSP [USAF/NRO/DIA Secret Space Program] took the missiles out. We are all waiting for specifics and confirmation but these are “read in” General/Colonel types doing the speculating.[Skype Communication 1/19/18)

The CIA’s Directorate of Operations has long been the primary asset of what Inouye called the Shadow Government, but today is referred to as the “Deep State”. Due to President Trump’s December 21, 2017, Executive Order freezing the financial assets of all involved in human rights abuses and corruption,  Trump was not only declaring war against U.S. global elites involved, but also against the funding sources for the CIA’s covert operations.

The CIA’s black budget is made possible by human rights abuses and corruption around the planet that provides almost unlimited funds for its covert operations, including its Dark Fleet. Consequently, the CIA’s Dark Fleet had the means, motive and opportunity to attack Hawaii with a ballistic nuclear missile  that would embroil the Trump administration in a major regional war with North Korea and possibly China.

Significantly, on January 16, Japan’s major public broadcaster also warned the public about an incoming ballistic missile attack. Once again, a false alarm was issued shortly after by government authorities.

It’s quite possible that the same submarine responsible for the Hawaii attack, launched another missile attack, this time against Japan, presumably Tokyo. It was also brought down, probably by the same defense forces that tracked and destroyed the Hawaii bound missile. Again, the purpose would have been to simulate a North Korean attack thereby triggering a major regional war.

Such a war would distract the Trump administration and U.S. military from going after Deep State assets, and tie down the U.S. in a serious regional confrontation. Thankfully, the U.S. Navy and Air Force, along with the USAF run secret space program, were able to neutralize the attacks on Hawaii and Japan.

The multiple sources and documents cited above lead to a remarkable conclusion. A CIA created secret Navy launched ballistic missile attacks against Hawaii and Japan using a Dark Fleet created in the 1970’s to support covert operations around the world.

Consequently, neutralizing the “Dark Fleet” and reigning in the CIA’s Directorate of Operations must become a high priority goal for the Trump Administration and the Pentagon. A major step in doing so is for the truth to be officially released about ballistic missile attacks against Hawaii and Japan.


© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

[Note: My thanks to Corey Goode for reading an earlier draft of this article and his helpful suggestions.]

Further Reading

Could Extraterrestrials Help Us Save the Earth?

by Vikram Zutshi            January 9, 2018            (

• With the December 16, 2017, the New York Times reporting of the existence of a Pentagon UFO program and an F-18 cockpit video of a pill-shaped UFO, people are becoming less inhibited about discussing the UFO topic, or even revealing what they themselves have seen. Other governments and academics are also studying the UFO phenomena in the UK, Canada, Peru, France, Belgium, Spain, Sweden, Chile, Brazil, Uruguay, Mexico, Japan and the ex-Soviet Union.

• In India, Kumaresan Ramanathan, a senior technical engineer with a Chennai based IT firm, recently became that country’s first ‘certified UFO investigator’ under the auspices of the Mutual UFO Network.

• In July 2015, physicist Stephen Hawking launched the London-based “Breakthrough Listen” scientific research program aimed at finding evidence of civilizations beyond Earth. Hawking said, “We don’t know much about aliens, but we know about humans. If you look at history, contact between humans and less intelligent organisms have often been disastrous from their point of view, and encounters between civilizations with advanced versus primitive technologies have gone badly for the less advanced.”

• Another member of the “Breakthrough Listen” research program, science journalist Ann Druyan said, “We may get to a period in our future where we outgrow our evolutionary baggage and evolve to become less violent and shortsighted. My hope is that extraterrestrial civilizations are not only more technologically proficient than we are but more aware of the rarity and preciousness of life in the cosmos.”

• Humanity needs a wake-up call – something that shakes us out of our complacency and short-sightedness and forces us to recognize that we all share a symbiotic relationship with each other and with this fragile planet.

• The realization that we are not alone in the universe may be exactly what is needed at this stage of our evolution to help unite us in common purpose and actualize the full potential of our shared humanity. With the realization that perhaps we are only one of many civilizations in a vast galaxy comes the need for a broader and more encompassing (and compassionate) vision of the future. It may be the catalyst required for our species to develop a planetary consciousness and cast off the old, redundant affiliations that no longer serve.


A few years ago I visited an old friend at his home in the Patagonian province of Santa Cruz, Argentina. Apart from its breathtaking grandeur the region is known for a more unexpected reason: local residents have reported frequent sightings of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (more commonly known as UFOs), among the highest in the world.

The region has become a popular hub for UFO enthusiasts ever since hundreds of apparitions started appearing in the mid-1990s. So widespread is the phenomenon that a new government agency called the “Committee for Studies of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena” has been established to investigate UAPs in the region under the auspices of the Chilean Air Force.

My host Guillermo had his own story to tell. While walking his sheep dogs around the range the previous year he observed a weather phenomenon he had never seen before—a wall of fog that extended from the skies to the plains and horizontally as far as the eye could see. A high-pitched sound emerged from the fog and suddenly, out of nowhere, a large oval disc about a hundred feet in diameter flew up and hovered directly above, maneuvering back into the fog a few moments later.

Like many others who have witnessed such phenomena, Gullermo was uncomfortable talking about his experience, acutely aware of the danger of sounding like a kook. But the days of being embarrassed about UFOs may be drawing to a close. On December 16, 2017, the New York Times published an expose about a secret US Department of Defense initiative called the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program that was active from 2007 to 2012, dedicated to the investigation of Unidentified Flying Objects.

The bombshell report, co-authored by three seasoned journalists including two Pulitzer prize winners, includes on-the-record statements by Luis Elizondo, the man who ran the program, videos of possible UFOs filmed by the Pentagon, and confirmation of the US Government’s activities from former Senator Harry Reid, who earmarked $22 million for them while in Congress. “Much progress has been made with the identification of several highly sensitive, unconventional aerospace-related findings,” said Reid in a letter to a deputy defense secretary at the time.

In July 2015, a group led by physicist Stephen Hawking launched “Breakthrough Listen,” an initiative that’s claimed to be the largest ever scientific research program aimed at finding evidence of civilizations beyond Earth. During the launch of the initiative at the Royal Society in London, Hawking voiced his fears about what might happen in any such encounter, and why humankind needed to be much better prepared for what they might bring: “We don’t know much about aliens,” he told the audience, “but we know about humans. If you look at history, contact between humans and less intelligent organisms have often been disastrous from their point of view, and encounters between civilizations with advanced versus primitive technologies have gone badly for the less advanced.”

Science journalist Ann Druyan—who was part of the announcement panel—seemed more upbeat: “We may get to a period in our future where we outgrow our evolutionary baggage and evolve to become less violent and shortsighted,” she said. “My hope is that extraterrestrial civilizations are not only more technologically proficient than we are but more aware of the rarity and preciousness of life in the cosmos.”

Whether you’re an optimist or a pessimist about the possibilities of life on other planets, it’s here, beyond all the technical details about UFOs and ‘Advanced Aviation Threats’ and what exactly has been witnessed by whom, that the real interest lies. To put it bluntly, if human beings are so ineffective in confronting planetary problems, shouldn’t we seek out help wherever we can find it even if it comes from an inter-planetary source?

With religious and ethnic chauvinism on the rise, self-serving corporations wreaking havoc on the environment, and populist demagogues commandeering significant swathes of the populace, it’s clear that humanity needs an urgent wake-up call—something that shakes us out of our complacency and short-sightedness and forces us to recognize that we all share a symbiotic relationship with each other and with this fragile planet.



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Pentagon Nominee Griffin Promises Stronger DoD Leadership in Advancing Technology

by Sandra Erwin              January 18, 2018                ( )

• The Trump administration’s nominee for the position of undersecretary of defense for research and engineering, Michael Griffin (in photo above), told the Senate Armed Services Committee that the U.S. military can no longer count on having technological dominance. The shift in the spread of global technology “demands that we reassert our technological leadership,” said Griffin. “Our most pressing challenge will be to field new capabilities faster than our adversaries, and faster than has been the case for decades.”

• As undersecretary of defense for research and engineering, Griffin would be dual-hatted as chief technology officer of the Department of Defense.

• Griffin said the Pentagon currently faces the “most technically challenging future defense environment we have seen since the Cold War.” The Pentagon’s number one priority should be the “rapid incorporation of those technologies into new military capabilities.” The Pentagon needs to “maintain and enhance military superiority in space.”

• William Roper, the administration’s nominee for assistant secretary of the Air Force for acquisition added that commercial technologies are on a path to “revolutionize warfare,” particularly artificial intelligence, machine learning and autonomy.

• The Defense Department already represents over 50 percent of U.S. government expenditures in research and development.

[Editor’s Note] This seems to be heading right down the path that Dr. Salla warned us about in a December 24, 2017 article, where the Air Force will use this opportunity to funnel billions of dollars into building up a lower-level military space program as part of an officially sanctioned “soft disclosure”, without revealing the much larger and far more advanced U.S. Navy-controlled Solar Warden space program that has been in existence since the 1980’s. Said Dr. Salla, “I’m sure major US defense contractors are salivating at the prospect of building fleets of armed antigravity spacecraft to respond to a contrived Russian (and Chinese) threat to US national security through a secret space program.”


The United States military can no longer count on having technological dominance over its adversaries. For the Pentagon, this is a pivotal moment that demands bold action, said Michael Griffin, the Trump administration’s nominee for the position of undersecretary of defense for research and engineering.
Global spread of technology that the Pentagon used to own exclusively has shifted the balance of power, a situation that “demands that we reassert our technological leadership,” Griffin told the Senate Armed Services Committee Thursday during a confirmation hearing for a slate of Pentagon nominees.

“Our adversaries are leveraging nearly universal access to technology and exploiting our own scientific and technological advances to threaten our deployed forces, our allies and the national and economic security of our nation,” Griffin said.

Griffin had made a similar point in written answers to questions submitted to the committee. “Our most pressing challenge will be to field new capabilities faster than our adversaries, and faster than has been the case for decades,” he wrote.

Although the Pentagon is no longer the biggest player in technology, it nonetheless has significant talent in its national labs, the defense and commercial industrial base, and in academic institutions, Griffin noted. The Defense Department represents over 50 percent of U.S. government expenditures in research and development.

“We can and must provide the leadership to focus these critical national resources,” he said. For the Pentagon, priority one should be the “rapid incorporation of those technologies into new military capabilities.”

Griffin said the Pentagon currently faces the “most technically challenging future defense environment we have seen since the Cold War.” A top priority in his job will be “protecting the technological edge of our U.S. forces.”

Griffin is expected to be swiftly confirmed. He brings a strong technology and government background to the defense research and engineering job, a new position that Congress created specifically to shake up the Pentagon’s bureaucracy and speed up the transition to technology from labs to the field.
Griffin served as NASA administrator during the George W. Bush administration. He headed the space department at Johns Hopkins University’s Applied Physics Laboratory. He previously was president and chief operating officer of In-Q-Tel Inc., CEO of Orbital Sciences Corporation’s Magellan Systems division, and general manager of Orbital’s Space Systems Group.

As undersecretary of defense for research and engineering, Griffin would be dual-hatted as chief technology officer of the Department of Defense. The CTO will be the primary advisor to the secretary and the deputy secretary for all things technology.

Space Reforms

Because of his strong space background, Griffin is likely to be involved in ongoing efforts to reorganize the military’s space portfolio as mandated by Congress in the 2018 National Defense Authorization Act. Section 1601 of the NDAA included a number of reforms on space acquisition, management and oversight.

That point was raised by the committee’s top Democrat, Sen. Jack Reed. “You have a wealth of background on space, but let me be clear that the day-to-day job for which you are being confirmed is to be the chief technology and innovation officer of the department, and not for the management of space issues.”

In his written statement, Griffin said he would pay equal attention to all “warfighting domains, including space.” Space is “essential to achieving our national security objectives,” he said. “Our adversaries understand this and have taken concerted efforts to deny this advantage.” For that reason, the Pentagon needs to “maintain and enhance military superiority in space.”

On specific space technologies such as satellites, Griffin said the Pentagon should tap the considerable commercial investment in microsatellites and cubesats to “facilitate research and enable resilience in areas such as sensing, environmental forecasting, and communications.”

With regard to space launch, he said the Pentagon should “continue to work with new and existing commercial entrants.” He also suggested the Pentagon should increase collaboration with NASA, especially as military begins to focus on a national initiative in hypersonics.

Griffin said the Chinese have conducted nearly 20 times as many hypersonic flight vehicle tests as the United States has done over a comparable period. “This is a capability they’ve developed that overflies our air defense, under-flies our missile defense and holds our sea and land bases at risk.”



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Proof of Aliens? What is the Rendlesham Forest Incident?

by Emily Hodgkin                   January 6, 2017                    (

• The Rendlesham Forest incident in Suffolk, England is still one of the most compelling stories of a UFO sighting recorded in the UK, and it has been referred to as “Britain’s Roswell”. What was the Rendlesham Forest incident?

• On the night of December 26, 1980, a patrol near RAF Woodbridge reported seeing lights, which appeared to land in the near by Rendlesham Forest. (At the time, RAF Woodbridge was a U.S. Air Force base for the 79th Tactical Fighter Squadron. This is adjacent to it’s “twin” base, RAF Bentwaters.) Thinking the lights might be a crashed human aircraft, they rushed to the site and found a round, glowing metal object with colored lights. Returning to the site the next morning, all they found were a number of triangular impressions on the ground.

• Two days later, on December 28, 1980, the deputy base commander, Lt. Col. Charles Halt, visited the area and took radiation readings. He and his party saw another flashing light which hovered and beamed down a stream of light. A witness to the event, U.S. Air Force officer Steve Longero, said, “I think it was something not from this world.”

• Longero said of the object in the woods, “From what I remember… it was really glowing like a reddish, greenish light… like something was really hot and it was just glowing.” He also recalled how the object vanished. “As people were getting close to this thing it kind of came nearer to us and then it would go forward and then go back and all of a sudden it just disappeared, like something out of Star Trek, it was like warp speed and we were all ‘what was that?’”

• Other British local claimed to have seen the UFO as well. The occurrence caused the Ministry of Defence to issue a public statement to the people of Briton to assure them it was not a threat to national security.

• You can camp in Rendelsham Forest, and the forest has a trial called the UFO Trail.


ALIEN encounters of signs of aliens are some of the most intriguing mysteries for human kind. Was proof of aliens found in the Rendlesham Forest incident in Suffolk? Local men claimed to have seen UFO sighting.

Alien encounters such as the Rendlesham Forest incident are often the subject of public intrigue.
This event, which occurred in 1980, is still one of the most compelling stories of a UFO sighting recorded in the UK, and it has been referred to as “Britain’s Roswell”.

It even caused the Ministry of Defence to issue a public statement to the people of Briton to assure them it was not a threat to national security.

What was the Rendlesham Forest incident?

The Rendlesham Forest incident took place over two nights in December 1980. On 26 December a patrol around RAF Woodbridge reported seeing lights, which appeared to land in the near by Rendlesham Forest.

They rushed to the site, thinking the lights might be a crashed human aircraft, however, they were shocked by what they found.

They claimed to have found a round, glowing metal object with coloured light that scared animals in a nearby farm.

Returning to the site in the morning all they found were a number of triangular impressions on the ground.

On December 28 deputy base commander Lt. Col. Charles Halt visited the area and took radiation readings. He and his party then claimed to see another flashing light, which hovered and beamed down a stream of light.

Was proof of aliens found in Rendlesham Forest incident in Suffolk? While some think this could be evidence of an extraterrestrial visit, most agree it is not conclusive.

Some believe it to be a hoax, while others claimed the object was a downed Soviet spy satellite.
A witness of the event, retired U.S. Airforce officer Steve Longero, told the Sun in December 2016: “I think it was something not from this world.”



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Air Force to Create Three-Star ‘Vice Commander’ Post in D.C. Area to Manage Space Activities

by Sandra Erwin             January 16, 2018             (

• In an effort to comply with a legislative mandate promulgated in the 2018 National Defense Authorization Act to increase focus on space and make it a higher priority on the U.S. Air Force’s agenda, the Air Force has announced plans to create a new three-star Vice Commander of Air Space Command position, with offices in Washington D.C. That office would “assist the commander of Air Force Space Command with his/her responsibility to organize, train and equip space forces.”

• This comes after Congress scrubbed a previous plan to create an Air Force three-star Deputy Chief of Staff for Space Operations office. Leaders of the House Armed Services Committee’s strategic forces subcommittee determined that the space forces should have more autonomy within the Air Force without setting up a distinctly separate Space Corps.

• Still, there are those in the House Armed Services Committee who want less bureaucracy, and have made it clear that the debate over the Space Corps is far from over.


Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson has notified the congressional armed services committees of a new plan to create a three-star position that would directly support U.S. Space Command.

The post would be “vice commander of Air Force Space Command,” and would be based in Washington — not in Colorado Springs, Colorado, where Air Force Space Command is headquartered.

This is part of a broader effort by the Air Force to comply with a legislative mandate to increase focus on space and make it a higher priority on the Air Force’s agenda.

“Recently, the Secretary of the Air Force notified the defense congressional committees of Air Force actions to implement the provisions of H.R. 2810, Section 1601 of the 2018 National Defense Authorization Act,” Air Force spokesman Maj. William Russell told SpaceNews in a statement.

He said Air Force will establish a three-star vice commander of Air Force Space Command to be located in the national capital region. That office would “assist the commander of Air Force Space Command with his/her responsibility to organize, train and equip space forces.”

This plan comes just weeks after Congress in the 2018 NDAA nixed a previous plan to create an Air Force three-star “deputy chief of staff for space operations,” dubbed A-11. Air Force Space Command chief Gen. John Raymond announced the A-11 decision in April with much fanfare at the National Space Symposium. The intent was to nominate then Vice Commander of Air Force Space Command Maj. Gen. David D. Thompson to the position. Leaders of the House Armed Services Committee’s strategic forces subcommittee derided the idea and led a push to eliminate the A-11, calling for space forces to have more autonomy within the Air Force.

It is not clear whether the Air Force intends to select Thompson to serve in the new D.C.-based vice commander slot. Thompson since July has been special assistant to the commander of Air Force Space Command at Peterson Air Force Base, Colorado. Maj. Gen. Robert J. Skinner is the two-star deputy commander of Air Force Space Command, a job that would remain in Colorado.

Russell pointed out that the Air Force “will not establish the position and office of the deputy chief of staff of the Air Force for space operations.” And the service continues to “review acquisition management and governance to implement this act as well as acquisition reform authorized in previous defense authorization legislation.”

A Capitol Hill source said a move to create a new three-star office may make sense for the Air Force, but it might not go over well with lawmakers who want less bureaucracy. “The rhetoric on the Hill has been about removing boxes from the org chart,” the source said. “Adding a new slot may not resonate on the Hill.”

House Armed Services Committee Chairman Rep. Mac Thornberry did not comment specifically on the Air Force proposal on Tuesday during a breakfast meeting with reporters. In general, he said, his committee will be “watching very carefully” how the Air Force goes about implementing the NDAA provisions concerning the management of space. The House voted for the creation of a stand-alone space corps within the Department of the Air Force but the proposal was rejected by the Senate.

“What we came up with in last year’s NDAA was a compromise that did not set up a separate space corps but did try to improve accountability for space,” Thornberry said. “It’s too early to say how well that’s worked. We’re just in the early days.”



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Was a Nuclear Missile Attack on Hawaii Thwarted by a Secret Space Program?

On Saturday morning January 13, residents of the Hawaiian Islands received an emergency alert that warned of an incoming ballistic missile and instructed everyone to take cover. Residents near Honolulu, the expected ground zero of any nuclear attack, fled for their lives to more remote areas of Oahu expecting the worst.

This is what appeared on peoples’ cell phones at 8:07 am local Hawaii time:

Then after 38 minutes of sheer terror for many all over the Hawaiian islands, residents were notified by the emergency alert system that it was all a false alarm.

Someone had pressed the wrong button according to local State authorities.   Residents were supposed to be reassured that the responsible individual would be reassigned. An inquiry has been launched by the Hawaii Governor David Ige.

Mainstream media coverage has exclusively focused on Hawaii State authorities explaining that the problem was one person pressing the wrong button. According to an official timeline of events, U.S. Pacific Command notified Hawaii State authorities that there was no missile launch at 8:10 am.

Local authorities subsequently attempted to inform the public via a number of means that the ballistic missile alert was a false alarm. But it was only at 8:45 am, 38 minutes after the initial alert, that a second emergency alert was sent over the Public Alert and Warning System announcing the mistake.  

Was the long delay between warning and the warning retraction received by Hawaii residents simply the unprecedented foul up of an emergency alert sent by State authorities, or was something else happening?

My wife and I have lived on the Big Island of Hawaii since 2004, and during our time here there have been a steady number of emergency alerts issued for hurricanes, tsunamis, flash flooding, and lava flows. Sirens regularly wail at the start of the month to test the emergency alert system for these kinds of events, and more recently for a possible nuclear missile attack from North Korea.

The regular occurrence of destructive events and their consequences in the region have led to an emergency alert system that is second to none when it comes to providing timely and accurate information to Hawaii residents in potentially life threatening circumstances.

We regularly receive emergency alert updates after the initial event described in an emergency alert. So the explanation that it took 38 minutes to issue an update to the initial false alarm is very hard to believe.

The chances that the ballistic missile alert was a simple mistake by one person even further strains credulity. One writer points out how the system is designed to prevent this precise mistake:

There is no “button” that could be accidentally hit. There are five fail safe procedures in the Hawaiian Emergency Alert Management System, the last being a two key system such as are present in US missile silos and on US nuclear missile submarines.  Two keys, eight feet apart, requiring two different individuals to simultaneously and positively trigger the alert.

This is why alternative media reports of an intercepted nuclear missile attack needs to be considered, since it raises another scenario that better fits the sequence of events on that Saturday morning.

The first alternative news report appeared on the Operation Disclosure blogsite on January 13. It was headed RV/Intelligence Report and said:

Missile launches were detected in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Hawaii.
The launches originated from the same anomaly detected yesterday, Jan. 12.
The missiles were immediately intercepted and destroyed.
The anomaly was revealed to be a nuclear stealth submarine.
The nuclear stealth submarine was located and destroyed shortly after the attempted attack.

On January 16, another author came out saying that the Hawaii event was an intercepted nuclear missile attack. After explaining how the emergency alert system is designed to prevent the kind of human error claimed by state authorities, s/he wrote:

There was a missile. Probably fired from a submarine under the control of individuals loyal to the Deep State, possibly Israeli or German. The missile was not fired from North Korea or by North Korean forces. The missile was intercepted. Then the coverup began.

[Update 1/17/18] An additional alternative news media source corroborating key aspects of the thwarted missile attack against Hawaii is veteran journalist and orthopedic surgeon, Dr Dave Janda. He commented in a radio interview about what a “Deep Level source”, who has never been wrong over the years he has known him, had told him about the Hawaii missile incident:

What this source told me was that , and again I’ve never found this source to be wrong, was that there was actually a missile fired. The missile was brought down by the United States … antimissile program…. It was a submarine based missile and … it was from a Chinese sub…. This was a renegade faction within the Chinese military that was in charge of this sub that fired this missile, and in fact the Chinese Navy, supportive Xi Jinping [Current President of China] was the ship that then took out that submarine.

If the above scenario actually happened then it makes sense that an alert was generated after the initial missile launch. Then, once the missile had been intercepted, local and federal authorities were informed immediately, only three minutes later.

The additional 35 minutes was probably due to the “short time” it took to find and take out the missile launch system, likely a submarine, to prevent another missile launch. The all clear was then given to issue the additional emergency alert to Hawaii residents while covering up the nuclear attack and take down.

What adds credibility to this alternative scenario are photos of a number of UFO’s seen over Hawaii 31 minutes after the second emergency alert. The photos show UFOs that display an advanced technology that may be craft belonging to a USAF run Secret Space Program that has broken away from Deep State control.

Another explanation is that the craft were extraterrestrial in origin and following a decades-long policy of secretly intervening to forestall nuclear weapons incidents, as contended by the author, Solaris Modalis, who provided the photos’ genesis.

While extraterrestrial intervention is possible, it is more likely that the highly advanced state of a USAF-run Secret Space Program was all that was needed to intervene to thwart the intended false flag attack. In either case, the photos may explain how the incoming ballistic missile was shot down.

If our alternative scenario is correct, this raises a number of critical ‘who’, ‘why’ and ‘where’ questions. As to the ‘who question’, both alternative news sources refer to a stealth submarine with ballistic nuclear weapons technology.

Clearly this could only have been achieved by a nation or entity in control of submarines equipped with nuclear ballistic weapons. The Deep State is referred to in the reports as the most likely culprit, possibly using a nation state proxy to be able to pin the blame on North Korea in a false flag event.

As to the ‘why question’, a possible answer lies in the December 21 Executive Order passed by President Trump to freeze the financial assets of all involved in human rights abuses and corruption in the US and around the world. By cutting off the life blood of major Deep State actors and proxy groups, the U.S. Military that is the real power behind the Trump Presidency, has declared financial war against the Deep State.

Furthermore, alternative news reports of Guantanamo military prison being expanded in late December 2017, to host Deep State VIP’s detained by U.S. Special Forces, may have also been a catalyst for the Deep State to react.

It’s very possible that the Deep State responded to these recent developments by launching a nuclear weapons attack against Hawaii, which hosts the largest concentration of U.S. military assets anywhere in the world. If so, it is fortunate that the attack was thwarted and the culprits taken out, most likely by antigravity spacecraft belonging to a Secret Space Program.

This raises the question of whether there might be future “false flag” attacks by Deep State assets to initiate major regional conflagration and a possible World War III. Such a possibility was alluded to by the anonymous whistleblower, Q Anon, who posted a cryptic warning on January 14 that implied the Hawaii event was one of a major false flag events this coming week.

On January 16, a New York Times report referred to another false alarm, this time in Japan where residents were warned by a major TV broadcaster to take shelter from an incoming ballistic missile:

Japan’s public broadcaster on Tuesday accidentally sent news alerts that North Korea had launched a missile and that citizens should take shelter — just days after the government of Hawaii had sent a similar warning to its citizens.

Could the Hawaii and Japan false alarms be the first two attempts at major false flag events orchestrated by the Deep State that have been thwarted by the U.S. military and its “off-world” allies?

It’s also possible that what really happened on January 13 (and Jan 16 in Japan), including the mainstream media explanation of human error, may have been intended as a threat to the U.S. military and Trump Administration to step back from the financial war and the extraction of Deep State VIPs taken to Gitmo.  

It’s hard to imagine the U.S. military and Trump backing down after their initiatives in late December 2017, especially if there really was a missile attack against Hawaii. The possibility of potential false flag military attacks orchestrated by the Deep State gives powerful incentive to government authorities to cover up what really happened on the morning of January 13, and possibly also to Japan on January 16.

The possible involvement of a Secret Space Program, most likely acting alone or with extraterrestrial assistance, in thwarting false flag attacks on Hawaii and/or Japan provides confidence that future false flag attacks using conventional military technologies are unlikely to succeed.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

Was one of the Midlands’ most notorious UFO incidents secretly investigated by the Pentagon?

by Jamie Brassington January 3, 2018 (

• On March 31, 1993 at 1:15 am, a Ministry of Defence (MoD) police patrol reported a large triangular craft over the Midlands airbase (in western England) estimated as being 200 metres in diameter and flying at about 200 feet without showing up on radar. It was one of a dozen UFOs reported flying at a high speed over the skies of Britain. The craft made a low humming noise and fired a beam of light which swept the ground. It left trails of luminous vapor and sped off in a South East direction.
• Nick Pope, who ran the MoD’s UFO project between 1991 and 1994, believes the ‘high-profile’ event, dubbed the ‘Cosford Incident’, formed part of the US Pentagon’s Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program which ran between 2007 and 2012 and generated a 490-page report consisting of UFO sightings from across the world. (reported in December).

• Said Pope, “The Cosford Incident was the most high-profile and compelling UFO incident that took place during my time on the MoD’s UFO project in the early nineties… It is probably among the best cases in our entire archive, that goes back decades and includes around 12,000 sightings.”


In 1993, an MoD police patrol reported a large triangular craft over the Midlands airbase which fired a beam at the ground before speeding off.

It was one of a dozen UFOs reported flying at speed over the skies of Britain at the same time.

Nick Pope, who ran the MoD’s UFO project, believes the ‘high-profile’ event, dubbed the ‘Cosford Incident’, formed part of the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program.

The programme, run secretly by the American government, operated between 2007 and 2012, but its existence was only revealed last month in December by US-based journalists.

However it generated a 490-page report consisting of UFO sightings from across the world.

Mr Pope, who wrote a report on the incident at the time, told the Express & Star: “The Cosford Incident was the most high-profile and compelling UFO incident that took place during my time on the MoD’s UFO project in the early Nineties.

“It is probably among the best cases in our entire archive, that goes back decades and includes around 12,000 sightings.

“It is inconceivable to me that this wouldn’t be one of the incidents mentioned in the secret US report. I’m sure the Americans knew all about the Cosford Incident, and maybe conducted some discreet enquiries of their own.”

Nick Pope

On March 31 at around 1.15am, MoD officers reported ‘a vast triangular shaped craft flying at about 200ft’. The craft made a low humming noise and fired a beam of light which swept the ground. It left trails of luminous vapour and sped off in a South East direction.

Most eyewitnesses described the craft as having two white lights, but some said there was a third giving an impression the object was triangular.

In his report at the time, Mr Pope said there was a UFO of ‘unknown origin’ operating in the UK air space without showing up on radar.

He said the incident was of ‘considerable defence significance’ and recommended it for further investigation.

Although no new details have come to light, Mr Pope believes the severity of the event would have prompted the American government to carry out its own investigation.

He added: “Officials connected with the Pentagon’s AATIP project have disclosed that it (the programme) generated a 490-page report detailing UFO sightings from not just the US, but from all around the world.

“If US intelligence found any answers (about the Cosford Incident), it’s not clear whether they told British defence chiefs. I’d left the MoD by the time AATIP was set up, so I don’t know whether the Americans briefed us on their findings.”

UFO websites claimed that the event was a major indicator alien life existed.

But sceptics believed there could have been different causes. The day before the sighting, a Russian radio satellite was jetted into the sky and the debris from its rocket booster fell back down to Earth.

The severity of the Cosford Incident was made even more extra-ordinary because at the same time, dozens of triangular-shaped UFOs were reported moving at speed in the sky across western Britain. They were also reported in other areas of the Midlands on the night. One family from Rugeley even claimed they chased a UFO across the Staffordshire countryside into a field before it disappeared.

The first sighting took place in Somerset the day before at around 8.30pm, said Mr Pope.

Then at 9.30pm in Quantock Hills, Somerset, a police officer with a group of scouts reported seeing aircraft described as ‘looking like two Concordes side by side and joined together’. Mr Pope said: “The reports came in thick and fast and when I arrived at work the following morning I received a steady stream of reports.



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A UFO Encounter For the Ages (Don’t Worry, Nothing Happened, Go Back to Sleep)

by Jon Rappoport          January 4, 2018             (

• On November 5, 1957, the AP reported from New Orleans, “The Coast Guard cutter Sebago sighted an unidentified flying object over the Gulf of Mexico at 5:21 a.m. today. The object, seen for about three seconds, resembled a brilliant planet moving at tremendous speed.”

• On November 6, 1957, the LA Times published an article by Frank Altomonte on page one headlined: “MYSTERY AIR OBJECTS SEEN IN SKY OVER LA.” “Unidentified flying objects first reported over Texas and Gulf of Mexico arrived over Southern California yesterday.” “[USAF personnel] spotted six ‘saucer shaped flying objects’ at an altitude of about 7000 feet at the base of a cloud bank about 3:50 p.m.”

• “Personnel at Los Alamitos Naval Air Station (near San Diego) reported unidentified objects in sight almost continuously between 6:05 and 7:25 p.m.” A UFO over Long Beach Municipal Airport “appeared to be ‘star-like,’ and glowed in varying colors, changing from bright to dim and back again.” “The objects also were observed by 10 military personnel waiting to board an airplane at the airport. Maj. Baker said he rejected the theory that the objects were sheet ice in a cumulonimbus cloud because of their regular circular shape.”

• “Maj. Louis F. Baker, commanding officer of the weather observation post, who sighted the objects with his assistants Airmen Joseph Abramavage and William Nieland said: ‘They were circular and shiny like spun aluminum changing course instantaneously without loss of speed like planes in a dogfight,’ Maj. Baker said. He said the objects were larger than a twin engine C-46 aircraft and were in sight for about a minute and a half.”

• Wow. One of the most significant events in modern times occurs over the skies of Los Angeles, with multiple professional observers and private citizens quoted. You would assume an extensive investigation would be launched. So what happened next? What did they do? … Nothing. No follow-up.

• True reality has been obfuscated by the eyes, ears, and mouth of the public – the mainstream media – by design. News reporters don’t ask the right questions. They back away from a story just when it becomes vital. It looks like these reporters are inherently stupid. A reporter will not cross the line beyond which “important people” would be damaged and exposed, where “official reality” would fall. The underlying dictum of the press is: “official reality” must never fall.


In my work as a reporter over the past 35 years, I’ve studied how major media cover stories. One of their consistent blunders:

Failure to follow up. But it isn’t really a blunder. There is a boundary, and reporters aren’t allowed to cross it.

Therefore, it looks like these reporters are inherently stupid. They don’t ask the right questions. They back away from a story just when it becomes vital.

Well, many of them are stupid—but it’s often a trained response. Over time, they learn to act as if they’re clueless; and then, after years, they are.

What is this boundary? It’s the line beyond which “important people” would be damaged and exposed, if the reporter followed his instincts and pressed forward.

Important people, important institutions are like giants standing on slippery mud. Give them a push, and they fall. Start digging around in the mud, and they fall.

Official reality falls.

The underlying dictum of the press is: Official reality must never fall.

Here is a stunning example of a day when it did—a UFO encounter for the ages.

On March 18, 2001, Jeff Rense ( published an article by Frank Altomonte, headlined: “SIX ‘SAUCER-SHAPED’ UFOS AND FACE-TO-FACE ET CONTACT IN LA IN 1957.”

Altomonte dug up a November 6, 1957, article from the LA Times. Not just any article. Page one, under a huge black banner headline at the top of the page: MYSTERY AIR OBJECTS SEEN IN SKY OVER LA.

Read these 1957 quotes, and remember, this is the LA Times, the most important newspaper in Los Angeles, and one of the leading papers in the US—during a time when print journalism was still the main source of information for the public.

“They (USAF personnel) spotted six ‘saucer shaped flying objects’ at an altitude of about 7000 feet at the base of a cloud bank about 3:50 p.m.”

“Those unidentified flying objects first reported over Texas and Gulf of Mexico arrived over Southern California yesterday.”

“Personnel at Los Alamitos Naval Air Station reported unidentified objects in sight almost continuously between 6:05 and 7:25 p.m.”

“Lt. Richard Spencer, a flying officer, saw the object from the ground. ‘It was not a star and it was not an airplane’, he said. He admitted, however, that it appeared to be ‘starlike,’ and added that it glowed in varying colors, changing from bright to dim and back again.”

“Airport Tower Operator Louis D. Mitchell and a sentry on duty, Hospitalman Charles Kreiger, also observed the object. Almost all observers were agreed that the object moved slowly — almost imperceptibly, across the sky. Most were agreed that the direction of travel was north or northwest.”

“Lending credence to the reports was the fact that…Air Force weather observers, including the commanding officer of the unit, acknowledged sighting unidentified phenomena over Long Beach Municipal Airport.”

“They spotted six ‘saucer shaped flying objects’ at an altitude of about 7000 feet at the base of a cloud bank about 3:50 p.m.”

“Maj. Louis F. Baker, commanding officer of the weather observation post, who sighted the objects with his assistants Airmen Joseph Abramavage and William Nieland said: ‘They were circular and shiny like spun aluminum changing course instantaneously without loss of speed like planes in a dogfight,’ Maj. Baker said. He said the objects were larger than a twin engine C-46 aircraft and were in sight for about a minute and a half.”

“The objects also were observed by 10 military personnel waiting to board an airplane at the airport, the spotters reported. Maj. Baker said he rejected the theory that the objects were sheet ice in a cumulonimbus cloud because of their regular circular shape.”

“An electronics executive, Merlin G. Perkins, 1102 N. Wright St., Santa Ana, said he observed an object though binoculars for almost a half hour as it moved slowly overhead finally fading away into the reflected light above the Santa Ana business district. It appeared to be round and it winked slowly from dim to bright, with a reddish glow, Perkins said.”

The November 6, 1957, LA Times also ran a short piece from the Associated Press, dated a day earlier. AP is, of course, one of the two or three largest news wire services in the world.

“New Orleans, Nov 5 (AP) — The Coast Guard cutter Sebago sighted an unidentified flying object over the Gulf of Mexico at 5:21 a.m. today. The object, seen for about three seconds, resembled a brilliant planet moving at tremendous speed.”

There is much more to Altomonte’s article, but you’re getting the picture.

As far as the LA Times was concerned, back in 1957, what happened next? What did they do?

Nothing. No follow-up.

One of the most significant events in modern times occurs over the skies of Los Angeles, with multiple professional observers (and private citizens also quoted), so you would assume an EXTENSIVE INVESTIGATION would be launched.

“OK, boys, this is when you earn your paychecks. You’re supposed to be relentless reporters. I’m your boss, and this is when I earn my paycheck, too. I’m setting you loose. I don’t care how long it takes. Find out what the hell this is. Break down doors. Go up against the Pentagon and the CIA. The Times will back you up. Is it people from another planet? Is it our own secret craft, with onboard technology no one has ever heard of? Is it Nazis, Russians? We’re going to chase this until the cows come home. And by cows, I mean you. Come home with the true story. We’re not going to let go. You’ll never cover another story like this in your lives…”

But no.

That didn’t happen.

The massive follow-up that should have launched from the Times, like rockets, was squelched.



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Transparency Not An Alien Concept

by Alan Chartock          January 4, 2018            (

• In this short commentary, Alan Chartock, a professor at the State University of New York writes: “Of course there are other forms of life out there besides us. Are you kidding? “And if they are out there, why don’t they show themselves? “If other civilizations are so much greater than we are, why haven’t they conquered us? “What would we do if we found other civilizations?”

• Since our governmental approach has been to conduct ET/UFO studies and programs in secret, we have no real idea what research has been done and what data has been collected. So we enter into a formulaic denial that there is nothing else out there. Does the government fear that the sharing of information will cause panic and that the people can’t be trusted?

• There has to be transparency. Without that there can be no democracy. Of course, we are not alone and once we figure that out, we had better have a plan.


Of course there are other forms of life out there besides us. Are you kidding? Just how egotistical must we be to think that we are all alone in the cosmos? Take a look out at the night sky and read the literature as we discover constellation upon constellation, universe upon universe. You’d think we could admit to ourselves that we have no idea where it all begins and where it stops? And yet there are those who have the egotistical impudence to suggest that it’s just us. Oh, come on.

Back in 2004, a couple of American fighter pilots saw something unusual and a record was made but kept secret. It was, one said, “not from the Earth.” The video was recently made public and we now discover that the Pentagon had been studying extraterrestrial phenomena through a now discontinued program that ex-majority leader Harry Reid had insisted upon. Of course, since our governmental approach has been to conduct these kinds of studies and programs in secret, we have no real idea what research has been done and what data has been collected. So we enter into a formulaic denial that there is nothing else out there. Very specific evidence is ignored and it is tough to understand why that is.

Does the government fear that the sharing of information will cause panic and that the body politic really can’t be trusted with whatever information we have gathered? No one wants to be thought of as a conspiracy kook. It’s much easier to suggest that the people who report sightings are nothing more than publicity seeking lunatics. In fact, that may be true, but then again, maybe not.

All of this has been explored in one film after another and people are excited by the idea that there are civilizations out there that are far more advanced than ours. Many of us love the idea that films like “The Day That Earth Stood Still” are quite real — that other beings have the capability of studying our plant and, unlike us, recognize that the way we are doing things could result in the mutual destruction of our world. Recently there were printed reports that the North Korean maniacal dictator Kim Jung Un stated that he had the nuclear button on his desk and the President of the United States countered, boasting that his nuclear button was bigger. What could possibly go wrong?

So why have there been so many sightings over the years? Could they really have been extraterrestrial fly-by’s? And if they are out there, why don’t they show themselves? We are sending our own probes through space to see what’s out there. What would we do if we found other civilizations? Would we do to them what we did to the Native American populations? Would we rape and pillage? If other civilizations are so much greater than we are, why haven’t they conquered us? Maybe they are aware of the dangers of such actions.

I often think of the way cancer cells can metastasize through the body, wreaking havoc as they destroy one organ after another. There is always the possibility that extraterrestrial civilizations or even we ourselves are just like that. We hop to the moon and soon to Mars and then to goodness knows where.
It may well turn out that our insistence on spending the money on these secret programs that could go to health care and education may lead to the eradication of all that has happened up to now on earth. We really do have to think this through. If we are spending the money why are we doing it? There has to be transparency. Without that there can be no democracy. Of course, we are not alone and once we figure that out, we had better have a plan.

Alan Chartock is professor emeritus at the State University of New York, publisher of the Legislative Gazette and president and CEO of the WAMC Northeast Public Radio Network. Readers can email him at



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The Stephenville UFO Wave: 10 Years On

by Nick Redfern               January 3, 2018                   (

• On January 7, 2007 in the skies above Stephenville, Texas (pop. 17,000, about 75 miles SW of Ft Worth), several dozen eye witnesses including a pilot, a county constable and business owners, saw an object about one mile in length and a half mile in width, with bright lights coming from it, flying low over the town. Witnesses said they also saw Navy F-16 fighter jets chasing the UFO.

• Major Karl Lewis with the Joint Reserve Base Naval Air Station in Fort Worth denied that any Navy aircraft flew over Stephenville that evening, and the military were very sure that it was just a commercial airliner with the sun reflecting off of it at a strange angle.

• A couple of weeks later, the Dallas Morning News reported that military officials had admitted to having F-16 fighters in the air near Stephenville on the night. The Air Force Reserve Command Public Affairs official responded that there were, in fact, ten F-16s from the 457th Fighter Squadron performing training operations that early evening.

[Editor’s Note] The government/military must be under standing orders to lie about every UFO incident. They make up the lies as they go. This began with the Army at Roswell, 1947, and became standard military protocol. Consequently, we citizens cannot trust anything that the U.S. government or the military has told us, or not told us.


Just a few days from now we will be marking the 10th anniversary of the Stephenville, Texas wave of UFO activity and encounters. It was a wave which caught the attention of not just UFO researchers, but also much of the world’s media – and the U.S. military, too. There is no doubt that the case was – and still is – steeped in intrigue and mystery. And, as the tenth anniversary looms large on the horizon, there’s also no doubt that there are still enough weird leads and strange aspects to the story to allow for a new investigation of the case. Let’s take a look at the timeline and how things went down.

It was on January 7 that matters really kicked off in Stephenville – and in big-time fashion, too. Consider the following, from Associated Press, on January 14: “…In this farming community where nightfall usually brings clear, starry skies, residents are abuzz over reported sightings of what many believe is a UFO. Several dozen people – including a pilot, county constable and business owners – insist they have seen a large silent object with bright lights flying low and fast. Some reported seeing fighter jets chasing it.”

Steve Allen, the owner of a freight company was quoted as saying: “People wonder what in the world it is because this is the Bible Belt, and everyone is afraid it’s the end of times.” No wonder Allen was so vocal: he said he saw a massive craft in the skies above, somewhere in the region of one-mile in length and half-a-mile in width. He said that the object was “positively, absolutely nothing from these parts.”

Intriguingly, witnesses claimed to have seen military F-16 aircraft pursuing the gigantic aerial vehicle. This, however, was denied by staff at the 301st Fighter Wing at the Joint Reserve Base Naval Air Station in Fort Worth, Texas. Major Karl Lewis stated with respect to this issue, on January 15, that no F-16 aircraft were in the skies of Stephenville on the night of the 7th. The military suggested that they were “90 percent sure this was an airliner. With the sun’s angle, it can play tricks on you.”
Needless to say, the local media were quick to report on the matter. The Fort Worth-based Star Telegram newspaper told its readers the following, also on January 15: “Stephenville’s latest close encounter is weirder than any light in the sky. Stephenville is under assault – not by Martians, but by people hunting them. The phones haven’t stopped ringing at Steve Allen’s trucking company in nearby Glen Rose. He’s the guy who was out Jan. 7 watching the sunset at a friend’s house near Selden when they all saw some weird flashing lights. Now he can’t work for all the calls from London and around the world. Some of the callers are scarier than space aliens.’I’ll be OK,’ he joked Tuesday, ‘as long as I don’t get abducted.’”

Also on the 15th, The Raw Story had its say on the mysterious matter: “Dozens of eyewitnesses have reported seeing a mile-long UFO being pursued by fighter jets last week in the small town of Stephenville, Texas. ‘It was very intense bright lights…and they spanned a wide area,’ said one woman. NBC News spoke with County Constable Lee Roy Gaitan, who offered a somewhat different description. ‘I saw two red glows,’ he said. ‘I never seen anything like that, never.’”



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UFO Mania Hit Muncie Hard in 1973

by Keith Roysdon              January 1, 2018            (

• In October, 1973, The Muncie Star, in Muncie, Indiana ran a UPI story about three UFOs over Tennessee reported by twenty witnesses including a county sheriff. In Chester County, Tennessee, two UFO’s reportedly buzzed two young brothers who hid in a chicken coop. Police blamed the misidentified objects as merely weather balloons.

• On October 9th, The Muncie Star reported, several hundred people saw mysterious multi-colored lights in the skies over Muncie. Police blamed it on weather balloons.

• On October 13th, the UPI reported that two shipyard workers in Pascagoula, Mississippi claimed to have been abducted and taken aboard a UFO by “silvery-skinned creatures with big eyes and pointed ears.” The shipyard workers’ stories were verified under hypnosis.

• Other reports began coming in from Muncie and Delaware County, Indiana of a rash of UFO sightings. The Star’s newspaper article headline read “[UFO] Reports Rampant in the South.” Indiana National Guard helicopters were blamed for these UFO sightings.

• On October 14th, a Dayton, Ohio woman told police that “an oblong object with blinking lights killed two cows when it landed in a field.”

• On October 17th, The Muncie Evening Press reported an encounter of a Muncie woman who claimed that a UFO had landed behind her home. The patrolman at the scene said, “That lady did see something because she was terrified”. “There are people out there that are not people,” one caller to police said about an incident near the town of Wheeling, north of Muncie.

• On October 19th, The Muncie Evening Press reported a Blackford County Sheriff’s Deputy seeing a “strange looking” object with arm-like extensions over a manufacturing plant.

• On October 20th, The Muncie Star reported UFO sightings near Portland, IN.

• Throughout October 1973, UFO sightings were reported every day from Texas to southern Indiana. But by November, the local UFO craze was over.

• Northwestern University researcher J. Allen Hynek said there was no doubt Earth was being visited by aliens. Steven Spielberg’s movie “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” was set largely in Muncie, though not filmed there, and partially based on Hynek’s accounts.

[Editor’s Note] I certainly hope that the guy responsible for losing all of those weather balloons was sacked.


With recent news reports of a secret Pentagon investigation of flying saucers and Unidentified Flying Objects going back over a period of several years, it’s important to note that Muncie, IN — all of East Central Indiana, really — got there first.

Muncie’s dramatic 1973 brush with UFO mania was recently cited in a magazine article and, of course, 2017 saw the 40th anniversary of the release of Steven Spielberg’s “Close Encounters of the Third Kind,” which was set largely in Muncie (although it was not filmed here).

Before any of that happened, however, in October 1973, Muncie newspapers ran daily stories about sightings of UFOs around the country.

And then the flying saucer sightings began in earnest right in our own backyard.

October 1973 began with a United Press International story, played on page 16 of The Muncie Star, about UFO reports in Tennessee, where a county sheriff said he had personally seen three UFOs. Twenty people called police down there, noting they had made similar sightings.

The next day, another UPI story appeared, this time on the front page of The Star, expanding on the Tennessee sightings. Two brothers, 13 and 9, took refuge in a chicken coop when they were buzzed by a UFO in Chester County, Tennessee.

Two days later, according to a story published in The Muncie Star, police found a weather balloon that was likely responsible for UFO sightings north of Indianapolis.

For several days in a row, Muncie newspaper readers saw account after account of UFO sightings elsewhere. “Reports rampant in the south,” read one headline.

Then, on Wednesday, Oct. 10, 1973, the UFO craze came to Muncie. The evening before, The Muncie Star reported, “mysterious multi-colored lights” were seen by “several hundred” people. About 100 people called police, sheriff’s Sgt. Richard Cranor said, over the course of two hours. Another 50 to 60 people called Muncie police.

Police theorized that weather balloons were to blame. Newton Sprague, director of Ball State University’s observatory, offered the balloon theory too.

Then on Oct. 13, local newspapers carried a UPI story about two shipyard workers in Pascagoula, Mississippi, who said they were abducted and taken aboard a UFO by “silvery-skinned creatures with big eyes and pointed ears.” The reported encounter became one of the most famous of the UFO era.

The floodgates were opened for UFO sightings in the Muncie area.

On Saturday, Oct. 13, 1973, “four or five” Indiana National Guard helicopters were blamed for a rash of UFO reports over Muncie and Delaware County. The choppers prompted 40 calls to police.

The next day, in Dayton, Ohio, a woman told police that “an oblong object with blinking lights killed two cows when it landed in a field.”

In the meantime, UPI reported that hypnosis supported the stories of the two Mississippi men who said they were abducted. Northwestern University researcher J. Allen Hynek, upon whose cases Spielberg’s movie was partially based, said there was no doubt Earth was being visited by aliens.

On Oct. 17, The Muncie Evening Press reported on a few days of Muncie UFO encounters. “More UFOs reported in Muncie,” read the headline.

“A Mrs. Pierce at 226 N. Davis called police at 8:54 p.m. Tuesday to report that a UFO had landed behind her home. Patrolman William Kirby, who was at the scene, said, ‘That lady did see something because she was terrified.’” A neighbor had heard clicking sounds at about the same time.

“There are people out there that are not people,” one caller to police said about an incident near the town of Wheeling, north of Muncie.

“I’ll believe in one when it flies through my living room,” Muncie’s Deputy Police Chief, Jack Turner, told The Evening Press.



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Seth Rich Channeled by Karl Mollison – A Review 5.3

by Duke Brickhouse, Part 5.3 in the Channeling Series         Click here for Part 5.1, Part 5.2

Part 5.3: Hanging On By A Thread

In this third and final installment of the true Seth Rich story, as disclosed by Karl Mollison’s channeling of Spirit Seth in a June 9, 2017 interview by Denny Hunt on his YouTube channel, “Why Is This True?”, I continue the chain of events that I began in part 5.2 with the fabrication of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia in order to cover up the fact that Seth Rich was murdered in retribution for his leaking culpatory Democratic National Committee (DNC) emails to Wikileaks, a revelation that could very well expose the wizard pulling the levers behind the curtain – the group of career intelligence officials who run a shadow government known as the “deep state”.

The back story of Seth Rich centers around Seth’s devotion to a pure democratic process, and how the deep state went into damage control when they discovered that he had leaked thousands of sensitive DNC emails to Wikileaks in May and June of 2016. The deep state sequestered the computer evidence through the compromised cyber security firm, CrowdStrike, preventing even the FBI from accessing the DNC’s computers. Then they invented a Russian scapegoat called Guccifer 2.0 to take credit for hacking the emails and turning them over to Wikileaks. Toward the end of June, DNC chairs Linda Wasserman Schultz and Donna Brazile bribed Seth by offering him a job at the Hillary Clinton campaign headquarters in New York City for the duration of the presidential campaign. Seth may have said yes to the promotion, but his refusal to go along with the Trump/Russia cover story resulted in his murder early Sunday morning, July 10th, 2016.

                           Seth Rich

In this channeling, Spirit Seth reveals that his murder “… was indeed a political assassination. This was payback for the actions I took that were…harmful to certain vested interests politically.” Seth’s ‘actions’ were to reveal the truth of the DNC’s decidedly undemocratic bias for Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders during the Democrat primaries. But it was the deep state that was pulling the DNC’s    strings to make sure that their puppet candidate, Hillary, would win the Presidential election.

As Spirit Seth explains, “they use the very acts of the truth-teller to turn things around and work it in such a way… to enlist an opposition and to make that the truth of things…” And this is exactly what happened. They took Seth’s exposure of the DNC’s pro-Hillary bias and flipped it to make the leaked DNC emails appear to be the result of an “attack” on American democracy by the Russians, having nothing to do with Seth Rich. In the months following the murder, the deep state would be vigilant to distract public attention from Seth Rich altogether. To this end, they would promote a secret collusion between Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

As extensively related in part 5.1 of this series, Spirit Seth required a “spirit rescue”, as higher density negative extraterrestrials prevented Seth’s spirit from escaping this plane and reaching the Divine Realm. Spirit Seth was kept at bay in a non-physical sensory-deprived purgatory until his rescue by Denny and Karl. Karl’s background and channeling protocol is more fully explained in the first article as well.

Once again, my intention in this three-part series of articles is to present the flow of events that show a pattern of deception, ridicule, and misdirection employed by the deep state to accomplish its ends. Complicit were the D.C. police in their red-herring murder investigation, the Washington Hospital Center where Seth mysteriously died, and Seth’s own highly compromised and mind-controlled family who displayed a programmed cognitive dissonance whenever anyone brought up the possibility that Seth may have worked directly with Wikileaks.

I do not attempt to cite my source for every piece of information presented. I gathered the information from news articles and video reports that anyone can Google and find on the internet.

In the previous article I presented a timeline showing step-by-step how the deep state controlled the public narrative through its influence over prominent politicians, government officials, and the mainstream media. I tracked the evolving Russian narrative up to the Presidential election in November 2016. In this final part of the story, I continue to follow the development of the deep state Russian hacking narrative after the election and into the Trump administration, and the increasingly desperate measures taken by the deep state to ensure that the investigations of Russian ties to the DNC email leaks and accusations of collusion with the Trump campaign dominated the headlines.

The Beat Goes On

On November 21, 2016, two weeks after Donald Trump’s upset victory over Hillary Clinton in the U.S. Presidential election, the Rich family’s self-appointed patron, attorney and Republican lobbyist Jack Burkman, gathered the family for a news conference asking for information or surveillance video of Seth’s murder as the D.C. police still had no leads. They related how the previous day they had all gathered on a street corner in Seth’s neighborhood to hold a rally and distribute posters. Seth’s mother, Mary Rich, marveled that the DNC’s interim chair, Donna Brazile, would come to the rally.

In November 2016, Jack Burkman made a $100,000 contribution to the Seth Rich police reward. In December Burkman would add another $5000. Along with the D.C. police department’s reward of $25,000 and Wikileaks’ $20,000, the total in the police reward fund for information on the Seth Rich murder stood at $150,000.

The family’s deep state handler, Brad Bauman, sternly monitored the news conference. Bauman stated that the family only wanted to get to the facts of who killed Seth Rich, while dismissing any so-called conspiracy theories. When Burkman stepped up to say that he personally didn’t see much evidence of an attempted robbery, Seth’s father Joel Rich quickly responded that the D.C. police had found no evidence suggesting that Seth’s murder was anything other than a botched robbery, and that’s what the family believed. Anything outside of the official police version, said Joel, was nothing more than a lie and a conspiracy theory.

On December 9, 2016, the CIA released a report concluding that the “cyber-attack” which resulted in the DNC’s emails being leaked to Wikileaks was carried out by covert Russian agents directly tied to the Kremlin, and was intended to prevent Hillary Clinton from winning the presidential election in 2016. That day, both The Washington Post and The New York Times ran articles saying that U.S. intelligence officials had a “high confidence” that Russia was involved in hacking the DNC servers in an attempt to sway the U.S. election in Trump’s favor.

Russian President Vladimir Putin categorically denied the Russian government’s involvement in any such cyber-attacks.

On December 14, 2016, Wikileaks associate and former British Ambassador to Uzbekistan, Craig Murray told the London Daily Mail that he had received a flash drive containing the Podesta emails in September 2016 at a rendezvous in a wooded area in northwest D.C. near American University from a Democratic party insider who was disgusted “at the corruption of the Clinton Foundation and the tilting of the primary election against Bernie Sanders.” So it appears that Seth wasn’t the only one at the DNC leaking emails.

On December 30, 2016, President Obama ordered sweeping sanctions against Russia. He ordered thirty-five Russian diplomats be expelled from the U.S. and the closure of two Russian diplomatic compounds.

On January 5, 2017, Reuters reported that a CIA agent revealed that the CIA had identified the Russians who hacked the DNC, and that Putin had been directing his military intelligence agency to carry out the cyber-attacks in order to discredit the U.S. election process, to assist Trump’s campaign, and to undermine Hillary’s. The CIA agent chose to remain anonymous because this information he was leaking was top secret. Director of U.S. Intelligence James Clapper confirmed this “intel”, and that Putin’s inner circle was reportedly celebrating Trump’s election win as “a victory over the United States”.

On January 6, 2016 a much anticipated intelligence report commissioned by Obama was released. Signed off by Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, CIA Director John Brennan, and FBI Director James Comey, the report confirmed that Russia had directed the hacking of the DNC email servers and their release to Wikileaks. The report depicted Russia’s interference as unprecedented in scale. The fourteen page report specifically rebuts Trump’s repeated assertions that the intelligence community had no evidence of Russia’s involvement.

Republican House Intelligence Committee chair, Devin Nunes, used the intelligence report to criticize Obama, saying that the House Committee “has been warning the Obama administration for years about the need for stronger measures against Russia . . . but our warnings largely fell on deaf ears.”

On January 18, 2017, in President Obama’s final press conference, amid his joking and listing of his administration’s accomplishments, he dutifully brought up Wikileaks and the intelligence community’s conclusions of Russian hacking, noting however, that they were not conclusive.

Deconstructing Guccifer 2.0

On June 15, 2016, an anonymous internet troll calling himself Guccifer 2.0 claimed responsibility for hacking the DNC servers. Three days later, Guccifer 2.0 released a limited amount of innocuous DNC documents to the political website, The Hill, and claimed to have leaked the DNC emails to Wikileaks. On September 13, 2016, Guccifer 2.0 released more “hacked” DNC emails online to Forbes magazine. On October 4, 2016, Guccifer 2.0 released documents hacked from the Clinton Foundation, but they turned out to be previously released documents as well as some public records.

On October 7, 2016, the entire U.S. intelligence community consisting of seventeen agencies unanimously stated that they were “confident” that the Russian government directed the DNC hack and identified and Guccifer 2.0 as the Russian assets acting on behalf of the Kremlin.

Guccifer 2.0 named himself after a known Romanian computer-hacker, Guccifer 1.0, who in 2016 was already in police custody for hacking Hillary’s private email server when she was Secretary of State. Guccifer 2.0 initially claimed that he was Romanian, but that was quickly dispelled since he couldn’t speak Romanian.

Although Guccifer 2.0 denied that he was connected with the Russians, as a real hacker would, cyber experts easily found underlying metadata “fingerprints” of the Russians in the hacked DNC emails and documents that Guccifer 2.0 had provided.

Back in 2003, a group of former U.S. intelligence agency computer experts, disgruntled by the disinformation generated by the intelligence community after 9/11, left the government to form their own independent cyber-analysis organization known as Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS). Of the thirty computer experts within this organization, four former senior NSA and CIA analysts who were expert in Russian intelligence and computer technology scrutinized the Guccifer 2.0 documents. In December 2016, VIPS released a preliminary report criticizing the Russian hacking narrative as having zero evidence, and that the DNC emails were leaked by someone at the DNC, not by the Russians.

In March 2017, Wikileaks released another cache of U.S. intelligence documents identified as “Vault 7”. These documents revealed the existence of a “Project Umbrage”, an entire U.S. intelligence department dedicated to the “misdirect attribution” of the source of a CIA cyber-operation to other locations (most often Russia) by leaving false-flag cyber-fingerprints for independent computer analysts to find.

On April 25, 2017, a former government cyber expert by the name of Adam Carter came forward with his own analysis of Guccifer 2.0. Said Carter, “The (Hillary) campaign was in a desperate position and really needed something similar to a Russian hacker narrative, and one where they would be fortunate to have a seemingly clumsy hacker that leaves lots of ‘fingerprints’ tainting the file and bringing the reputation of the leaks into question.” “Sure enough,” said Carter, “Guccifer 2.0 – the world’s weirdest hacker – was spawned and started telling lies in an effort to attribute himself to the malware discoveries, etc.” Carter surmised that it was likely a government misdirect attribution effort whereby CrowdStrike, the deep state’s pet cyber-security firm, invented a DNC hacker ostensibly working with the Russians in order to discredit the impending July 22, 2016 Wikileaks release. Said Carter, “CrowdStrike had the means. The Hillary Clinton campaign had the motive.”

On July 24, 2017, VIPS released their full report on Guccifer 2.0, concluding that the cyber-fingerprints were a clumsy misdirect attribution deliberately intended to implicate a Russian source. They discovered that Guccifer 2.0 had even hidden the name of the supposed Russian hacker within the layered data: Felix Dzerzhinsky, the founder of the Soviet secret police who had died a hundred years earlier.

The VIPS report also noted that the highly touted seventeen intelligence agencies that concurred with CrowdStrike’s original finding in 2016, that the Russians had hacked the DNC servers, were actually three hand-picked analysts from the CIA, NSA and FBI, an epiphany later confirmed by James Clapper, the Director of Intelligence who originally announced the “unanimous findings of all seventeen agencies” on October 7, 2016.

In July 2017, a private computer analyst calling himself “the Forensicator” released his own study of the Guccifer 2.0 hack. According to analysis of data speed transfers, he concluded that it couldn’t have been the Russians hacking the DNC, but it had to have been a direct download to a local flash drive by someone on the inside.

The DNC responded to the VIPS report by reiterating that the intelligence agencies had unanimously concluded that the Russians did it, and therefore any suggestion otherwise was pure conspiracy theory obviously being pushed by the Trump administration. Media outlets dismissed the report out of hand, calling it “incoherent” and “the product of a crank”.

Congress Gets Involved

On March 10, 2017, The New York Times reported that the DNC hacker, Guccifer 2.0, had private Twitter correspondence with Trump campaign advisor Roger Stone back in August 2016. Stone characterized the exchanges as “…so perfunctory, brief and banal I had forgotten it”. But it gave the political pundits “hard evidence” that the Russians had been working with the Trump campaign to steal the election from Hillary, and to call for a Congressional hearing.

The House of Representatives convened hearings on Russian interference in the U.S. election. On March 20, 2017, before the House Intelligence Committee, FBI Director James Comey for the first time acknowledged that the bureau was investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election and Russia’s possible collusion with the Trump campaign. News outlets such as The New York Times used this opportunity to bring up any remote or suspected business ties that Trump and his circle ever had with Russia.

Comey told the House Committee that although the FBI was denied access to the DNC servers in their investigation, they could rely on the information provided to them by the DNC’s cyber-security firm, CrowdStrike. “[This] my folks tell me, is an appropriate substitute”, said Comey. CrowdStrike’s Dimitri Alperovitch refused to testify to the House Committee at all.

President Trump turned to his closest intelligence advisers, Dan Coats the Director of National Intelligence, and Admiral Michael Rogers, Chief of the National Security Agency. He asked them to inform the press that there wasn’t any evidence of Trump’s collusion with Russia. But neither of them would cross the deep state and they both remained silent.

This is how our government operates. They spend their time chasing red herrings and getting very little accomplished. This is an intentional flaw created by the extraterrestrial Anunnaki overlords, and the deep state does their bidding.  As Spirit Seth explains, “Things that are allowed to succeed are mostly the trivial or the things with a surface value. And they may sound good and may be shiny, but lack depth and lack effectiveness. The tough problems are simply not dealt with.”

“Most people within the Washington community are engaged in chasing their own tail, are not contributing in any way to humanity, and in fact are draining away options and possibilities because they are viewed as the ones in charge and in control.” says Spirit Seth. “And of course, they have the purse strings… doling out funds for many badly needed programs. The making of laws governs everything. Multiple layers of redundant, confusing, conflicting regulations… consume huge amounts of wasted effort… [and] act as a drain on productivity. This goes on at all levels.”

Introducing Rod Wheeler

In March 2017, Dallas businessman and Washington insider, Ed Butowsky, got in touch with Seth’s dad, Joel Rich. Since the D.C. police were getting nowhere, Butowsky suggested they hire a private investigator and he would pay for it. The lobbyist Jack Burkman suggested hiring former D.C. police homicide detective Rod Wheeler. Wheeler was fired from the D.C. police department in 1995. But the Rich family had seen Wheeler on Fox News so they readily agreed.

Once again, Burkman publicly stated that he didn’t buy the botched robbery theory that the D.C. police were selling. The problem, however, was that Burkman had latched onto a theory that involved the Russians hacking the DNC, giving the emails to Wikileaks, and then killing Seth to cover it up. The Rich family distanced themselves from Burkman.

         Jack Burkman

Conditioned to disregard any investigation theory that considered Seth’s involvement with Wikileaks, Seth’s brother Aaron set up a GoFundMe page to help cover the costs of the continuing D.C. police investigation which steadfastly focused on the botched robbery theory and offered no evidence at all. A memorial fundraiser for Seth was held at the Rich family’s synagogue in Omaha. The DNC’s Donna Brazile spoke at the event. This was right about the time when Brazile finally admitted that back in October 2016, when Brazile had moderated a CNN “town hall”  campaign event featuring Hillary Clinton, Brazile had given Hillary the questions ahead of time. Brazile had denied it since October. Seth’s mother Mary remarked of Donna Brazile, “When have you ever heard of a boss leading a murder investigation of their employee?”


On March 31, 2017, the Rich family’s newly hired private investigator, Rod Wheeler, was interviewed by the D.C. Fox News affiliate, Fox 5 News. Wheeler stated that he saw no evidence of Russian involvement, but the murder could have been related to Seth’s job at the DNC. This renewed public interest in the Seth Rich murder story.

                       Rod Wheeler

On May 15, 2017, Wheeler told a Fox 5 News reporter that he now had a source linking Seth Rich to Wikileaks. The Fox 5 News report went as follows – Fox 5: “You have sources at the FBI saying that there is information that could link Seth Rich to Wikileaks?” Wheeler: “Absolutely. Yeah. That’s confirmed.”

Wheeler also said that his contact in the D.C. police department told him that the D.C. police were ordered to “stand down” in the Seth Rich investigation. Wheeler believed there was evidence of a cover up in the Seth Rich murder case.

Outraged, the Rich family demanded a retraction by Wheeler and Fox 5 News.

On May 16, 2017, the Rich family sent the Fox 5 News reporter a carefully worded statement (sounding suspiciously like their handler Brad Bauman). They wrote: “As we’ve seen through the past year of unsubstantiated claims, we see no facts, we have seen no evidence, we have been approached with no emails and only learned about this [Wheeler interview] when contacted by the press. Even if tomorrow, an email [implicating Seth with Wikileaks] was found, it is not a high enough bar of evidence to prove any interactions as emails can be altered, and we’ve seen that those interested in pushing conspiracies will stop at nothing to do so. We are a family who is committed to facts, and not fake evidence that surfaces every few months to fill the void and distract law enforcement and the general public from finding Seth’s murderers. The services of the private investigator who spoke to [the] press was offered to the Rich family and paid for by a third party, and contractually was barred from speaking to [the] press or anyone outside of law enforcement or the family unless explicitly authorized by the family.”

Brad Bauman, himself, also responded to the renewed allegations tying Seth to Wikileaks by writing, “Anyone who continues to push this fake news story after it was so thoroughly debunked is proving to the world they have a transparent political agenda or are a sociopath… showing a profound lack of judgment and common decency.” Bauman added that anyone who believes Rich may have leaked the DNC e-mails “deserves a place in hell.” Finally, Bauman pointed out that even if an email had been sent by Seth to Wikileaks, it still would not be evidence of foul play.

                       Brad Bauman

So, according to both the family and Bauman, even if email evidence were presented to the family tying Seth to Wikileaks, they would not believe it.

In response to these scathing rebukes from the Rich family, the Fox 5 News affiliate retracted the story that very day. But the Fox 5 News report had caught the attention of Sean Hannity at Fox News in New York. On May 16, 2017, Hannity brought Rod Wheeler onto his show. Wheeler told Hannity that he was still under contract with the Rich family and that he had spoken with a credible federal investigator (FBI) who looked at Seth’s personal computer while in the possession of the D.C. police, and it showed evidence of contact between Seth and Wikileaks. And if it was just a robbery/ murder, why would the FBI be involved in the investigation? In an accompanying article on the Fox News website, Wheeler is quoted as saying that someone within the D.C. government, DNC, or the Clinton team is blocking the murder investigation from going forward.

Conversely, NBC News reported that the D.C. police’s official position was that Seth’s laptop “never contained any e-mails related to WikiLeaks, and the FBI never had it.”

Wheeler also told Hannity that when Wheeler first reached out to the D.C police to inquire as to the Seth Rich investigation, the police did not return his calls because a “high ranking official at the DNC” (whom Wheeler later identified as DNC chair Donna Brazile) called the D.C. police, and also called Seth’s father, Joel, to demand to know why Wheeler was “snooping around” the investigation as she understood that the Rich family had fired Wheeler. Wheeler then said that this high ranking DNC official was the same person Seth was having problems with at the DNC just before his murder. In a later statement, Wheeler said that U.S. Congresswoman and former DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz was also keeping close tabs on Wheeler’s investigation.

                 Hannity and Wheeler

On May 17, 2017, Fox News reported that a “federal investigator” had corroborated Wheeler’s story that an FBI analysis of Seth’s computer showed that Seth had transferred over 44,053 DNC emails plus attachments to Wikileaks director Gavin MacFayden – the exact amount of emails subsequently published by Wikileaks.

On May 19, 2017, the Rich family’s lawyer sent Wheeler a written demand to cease and desist acting as the family’s private investigator. In a video statement the Rich family expressed their deep disappointment with Rod Wheeler, and that they were exploring legal remedies against him.

This same day the Russian Embassy in the United Kingdom tweeted “Wikileaks informer Seth Rich murdered in U.S. but [the British mainstream media] was so busy accusing Russian hackers to take notice.”

On May 22, 2017, Wheeler communicated with Fox News reporter, Malia Zimmerman, saying that Donna Brazile’s actions made her a person of interest in the Seth Rich investigation. “I sincerely believe that there is an underground culture of corruption that exists within the confines of the nation’s capital that includes quite possibly the crime of murder,” Wheeler told Zimmerman.

Wheeler also related that when the D.C. police returned Seth’s personal computer to the family, Wheeler asked brother Aaron if he could take a look at Seth’s computer to see if Seth was arguing with anyone before the murder. Aaron replied, “No. I already checked it. Don’t worry about it.” When Wheeler asked about Seth’s cell phones, Aaron said, “We’re not going to worry about the cell phones.” Then Aaron told Wheeler, “All I want you to do is work on the botched robbery theory and that’s it.”

Damage Control

At this point the deep state went into full damage control. Every writer in every corrupted media outlet from The New York Times to CNN churned out story after story ridiculing anyone who spoke about a possible connection between Seth Rich and Wikileaks. The mainstream media haughtily dismissed any such notion as a loony tunes conspiracy theory on par with Pizzagate, another story that had emerged from the leaked DNC emails which the mainstream media successfully torpedoed through scorn and ridicule.

The New York Times called the Seth/Wikileaks connection “fake news”. The Huffington Post called it “alt-right idiocy”. ‘Fact checking’ organizations called it pure conspiracy theory. Corporate sponsors were pulling their advertising from Fox News for merely mentioning the Seth Rich conspiracy theory. Other media outlets took notice of these tactics.

Apparently, it was Donna Brazile’s job to contain the Seth Rich story. On May 21, 2017, Donna Brazile tweeted, “Seth Rich was… proud to be an American. This desire to scar Seth’s legacy to his country and party is shameful.” Three days later Twitter shut down the feed for news source for 12 hours in retaliation for tweeting a story that it was Donna Brazile who had called the D.C. police to ask why Rod Wheeler was still snooping around the Seth Rich investigation.

         Donna Brazile

On May 22, 2017, The Gateway Pundit reported that the video from the body cameras worn by three of the six D.C. police officers responding to the scene of Seth’s shooting had disappeared. Also, the bar manager at Lou’s City Bar where Seth was last seen before the shooting said that the D.C. police never bothered to interview him or any of his employees, nor did they request to see the bar’s security video.

On his Fox News show on May 22, 2017, Sean Hannity introduced to the mainstream public a German/Finn living in New Zealand by the name of Kim Schmitz, who went by the internet screenname ‘Kim Dotcom’. In an earlier May 20, 2017 Twitter post, Schmitz revealed that he’d been online friends with Seth Rich, and that they had been communicating for a couple of years. Schmitz said that in his internet correspondence Seth used the screen name ‘Panda’. It was well-known that Seth loved pandas and once wore a panda costume to work all day. He said that he and Seth often talked about political corruption and the undue influence of corporate money in politics. According to Schmitz, Seth was interested in forming an American branch of the New Internet Party, a political group that Schmitz founded in New Zealand in 2014.

             Kim “Dotcom” Schmitz

The family’s deep state spin doctor, Brad Bauman, responded with typical rhetoric and ridicule. “The Rich family is tired of having to respond to accusations in damaging Seth’s good name and creating more emotional hardship on a grieving family. The family is not going to entertain his (Schmitz’) ridiculous, manipulative and completely non-credible statements.”

The U.S. Justice Department is currently trying to extradite Schmitz from New Zealand to stand trial for copyright infringement allegedly committed on his internet file-hosting service which the U.S. government characterizes as “massive worldwide online piracy.”  Schmitz faces several decades in prison, demonstrating the long reach and ruthlessness of the deep state. For his part, Schmitz has announced his new project – an alternative internet not controlled by the deep state.

The circumstantial evidence of Seth’s involvement with the DNC email leak to Wikileaks was mounting.  The deep state needed to pull out their big guns to take back the news cycle and resume its mainstream mind control.

On May 23, 2016, former CIA director John Brennan steered the news cycle back to Trump and the Russians by telling a House Intelligence Committee how “concerned” he was that Moscow was pulling the President’s strings, and that he was “aware” that Russian officials had interacted with the Trump campaign during the summer of 2016, although Brennan conceded that he didn’t have a shred of evidence.

That same day, the Rich family published an op-ed article in The Washington Post to report that the D.C. police had still found no connection between Seth and Wikileaks on Seth’s computer, and they asked “those purveying falsehoods to give us peace, and to give law enforcement the time and space to do the investigation they need to solve our son’s murder.”

             Mary, Aaron and Joel Rich

Also on that day, Aaron Rich wrote a letter to the Executive Producer of Sean Hannity’s Fox News show, Porter Berry. It was released to the public by CNN. In it, Aaron said, “It is a travesty that you would promote false conspiracy theories and other people’s agendas rather than work with the family to learn the truth.” “Think about how you would feel losing a son or brother. And while dealing with this, you had baseless accusations of your lost family member being part of a vast conspiracy.” “As such, we urge you to please not provide a platform for a person who is known to have pushed false evidence in the past…” (ie: Kim Dotcom) “… To spread potentially false, damaging information will cause us additional pain, suffering and sorrow. By airing this information, you will continue to emotionally hurt us.” “We appeal to your decency to not cause a grieving family more pain and suffering by allowing your platform to be used by someone to drag our family name through the mud.”

Finally, on this busy day of May 23, 2017, One America News Network (on Direct TV) added $100,000 to the Seth Rich reward fund to increase the total to $250,000.

By the end of day May 23, 2017, Fox News New York had succumbed to the pressure and retracted the Wheeler story.

The deep state apparently had gotten to Rod Wheeler too.

It had been only one week since Wheeler made his unambiguous statements to Fox 5 News: (a) he had a source in the FBI with evidence linking Seth to Wikileaks, and (b) the D.C. police were ordered to ‘stand down’ in the investigation;  and not very long since Wheeler had made statements to other media outlets saying (c) the FBI had evidence that Seth transferred 44,053 DNC emails to a Wikileaks’ director, (d) brother Aaron refused to allow Wheeler to look at Seth’s returned personal computer and instructed Wheeler to pursue only the robbery theory, (e) Wheeler suspected a cover up, and (f) Donna Brazile was a person of interest.

All of the sudden Wheeler completely changed his story. He flat out denied ever seeing any evidence or speaking to anyone in the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department about a link between Seth Rich and Wikileaks. On August 1st Wheeler would file a federal lawsuit saying that he was misquoted on Fox, and that Fox News, Butowski, and Donald Trump himself had colluded to fabricate the story and cajoled Wheeler into going public with it.

The outcome of this lawsuit, if it goes to trial at all, is irrelevant. As Spirit Seth previously explained, the deep state’s real intention is “…to turn things around… and to make that the truth of things…” In this instance, Wheeler has taken his own theory of Seth’s leaking the DNC emails to Wikileaks, and turned his prior public statements around to accuse Fox News and President Trump of putting those words in his mouth in order to help hide the collusion between Russia and Trump in stealing the election from Hillary.

As far-fetched as this sounds, the mainstream media fed it to a mind-controlled populace that was becoming evermore confused and tired of hearing about Seth Rich. Escalating news fatigue is part of the deep state mind-control strategy. The deep state really doesn’t care about another frivolous lawsuit. They are only interested in Wheeler’s claims having the appearance of being truthful. Wheeler had succumbed to their intimidation, and now the deep state intended to make the most of this false publicity to close the book on the entire Seth Rich story, focusing instead on Trump’s collusion with Russia.

The day after Wheeler filed his lawsuit, the Rich family who had very publicly criticized and fired their former private investigator were back to praising Wheeler. “We are hopeful this [lawsuit] brings an end to what has been the most emotionally difficult time in our lives, and an end to conspiracy theories surrounding our beloved Seth.”

On August, 1, 2017, DNC Communications Director, Xochitl Hinojosa, responded to Wheeler’s lawsuit saying, “it is beyond vile that the White House – and possibly even Trump himself – would use the murder of a young man to distract the public’s attention from their chaotic administration and Trump’s ties to Russia.” “The Rich family has begged those responsible for these conspiracies to stop. And yet, Trump’s allies have ignored their pain and their pleas, degrading the office of the President by spreading repulsive lies. This should outrage any decent human being. There is no excuse for the suffering that Trump’s associates and their conspirators at Fox have caused the Rich family and those closest to him. Both parties should denounce these sick and twisted tactics.”

These are examples of “piling on” as commonly used by the mainstream media. One compromised source will quote another and so on. They maintain the “official” story, and ridicule anyone who suggests anything otherwise. Then they top it off with emotionally charged pleas that these unfounded attacks are harming innocent victims and family members.

In spite of Fox News’ official retraction, Fox personalities Sean Hannity and Newt Gingrich, and Congressman Blake Farenthold refused to let the Seth Rich/Wikileaks theory die. They knew that something smelled fishy. On May 24, 2017, Farenthold was castigated on CNN for calling for a real investigation of the Seth murder, and suggesting that the Russian investigation might simply be a distraction. The CNN hosts shut him down, insisting that the D.C. police had already determined that Seth was killed in a botched robbery attempt.

At the end of May 2017, a government watch group called Judicial Watch declared that there was “credible evidence” that still needed to be addressed in the Seth Rich murder investigation. They charged the D.C. Mayor, Muriel Bowser, with shutting down the police investigation, withholding key evidence from the public, and refusing to cooperate with anyone investigating the Seth Rich case. In response, the mayor repeated that it was a botched robbery and nothing more.

On May 26, 2017, reviled pharmaceutical tycoon Martin Shkreli made an uncharacteristically generous gesture by adding $100,000 to the police reward for a total of $350,000 for information in the Seth Rich murder. Still, no one has stepped forward with any information.

By June 2017, it had been almost a year since Seth’s murder. It was time for the deep state intelligence community and the mainstream media to doubled down on the Russian cyber-war narrative and end any lingering talk about a Seth Rich/Wikileaks connection.

In a June 23, 2017 article, The Washington Post reported that Russia had hacked the DNC’s computers as early as the summer of 2015, but the breaches did not become public until they were disclosed by none other than the Post in June 2016. The article claims that the FBI is still tracking “a flurry of hacking activity” by Russia against U.S. political parties, think tanks, and other targets.

In May 2016, the Profiling Project, a group of George Washington University forensics students financed by Jack Burkman, the D.C. attorney and Rich family benefactor who was banished from the family’s inner circle for mentioning the possibility of Seth’s ties with Wikileaks, filed a lawsuit to preserve police evidence of Seth’s murder. In June, it was reported that Seth’s extensive social media posts were being systematically deleted, including his anonymous postings. On June 20, 2017, the Profiling Project released an independent report on the Seth Rich murder saying it was most likely the act of a hired killer, and that video, ballistic, autopsy documents, and medical examiner’s evidence were being suppressed by the police. Rich family “spokesperson” Brad Bauman regarded the Profiling Project report as pathetically amateurish and incomplete, deserving of no consideration whatsoever. Burkman and his Profiling Project’s further attempts during the summer to create sensationalist videos to renew public interest in the Seth Rich story were largely ridiculed and ignored.


By the end of the summer of 2017, the mainstream media had largely forgotten about the Seth Rich murder, much less any link between Seth, the DNC emails and Wikileaks. Predictably, the Seth Rich story has become old news. A handful of internet news sites such as (WND) have tried to keep the investigation in the forefront, but the mind-controlled American public have decided that the Seth Rich story is “fake news” and “conspiracy theory”. The real story is the collusion between the Russians (Putin himself actually) and Donald Trump to steal the election from Hillary Clinton. It appears that the deep state manipulators have prevailed once again.

On November 11, 2017, former DNC chair Donna Brazile released her book Hacks: The Inside Story of the Break-Ins and Breakdowns That Put Donald Trump in the White House. While Brazile takes the opportunity to make herself out to be the savior of the Democratic Party, she steadfastly maintains the false Russian hacking narrative. In the book she writes, “With all I knew now about the Russians’ hacking, I could not help but wonder if they had played some part in [Seth’s] unsolved murder. Besides that, racial tensions were high that summer and I worried that he was murdered for being white on the wrong side of town.” She added, “His death continued to tear me up inside.” Brazile also mentions Seth in the dedication section of her book.

While the DNC claimed to honor Seth as a friend and patriot, and was publicly outraged at Seth’s unsolved murder, neither the DNC nor Hillary’s campaign made any contribution to the Seth Rich police reward fund. When asked why the DNC had not contributed to Seth’s reward fund seeking information on the killers, Donna Brazile replied that the DNC was prohibited from making such contributions. Federal election law experts countered that no such legal prohibition exists. While individuals cannot be personally enriched by campaign donations, both the DNC and the Clinton campaign committee are free to contribute to a criminal investigation either directly, or indirectly through a charitable organization.

One expert remarked, “they (the DNC) certainly didn’t mind spending money on the Trump dossier.” This is in reference to an intelligence dossier created by Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence officer hired by Fusion GPS. Fusion GPS is an ‘opposition research’ firm with ties to the Democratic Party that was retained by the DNC. The DNC reportedly spent over $10 million for the dossier. And as Brazile relates in her book, the Hillary campaign committee controlled the DNC’s purse strings.

Publicly released in the fall of 2016, the Steele dossier made several claims against Trump – none of which have been proven. Among these claims the dossier alleges that during a trip to Moscow, Trump hired prostitutes to urinate on the bed that Obama had slept on in the hotel’s presidential suite; that Trump had been providing Russia with intelligence for years; and that Trump would agree to ignore the ongoing Ukraine/Russian conflict if Russia would leak their hacked DNC emails to Wikileaks. Steele is currently being investigated by the U.S. Justice Department for lying to the FBI with regard to the dossier.

But the deep state isn’t going to help an investigation that could potentially reveal Seth as the staffer who leaked the DNC emails to Wikileaks, thereby exposing the false Russia-Trump narrative and implicating the deep state in the murder of Seth Rich. Rather than contribute to the police reward to assist in the murder investigation, they dedicated a bike rack to Seth at the entrance of the DNC headquarters.

At a book signing in November 2017, when asked about any revelations of Seth’s connection with the DNC emails leaked to Wikileaks, Donna Brazile became visibly angry and incoherent, accusing reporters of trying to smear Seth and his family for mere sensationalism. “Once again, I would like to go on the record as saying that the attempt to smear Seth Rich has caused enormous harm to his family,” Brazile charged. “Joel and Mary (Rich’s parents) deserve better than that kind of salacious, sensational type of journalism.” “Seth was a patriot. I got a chance to work with him. I wish you would have known him, because, had you known him, you would not be bringing up some of what I call blatant attempts to smear his name.”

Whenever confronted with Seth’s direct involvement in the DNC leaks, Brazile will go into an emotionally-charged tirade about conspiracy theories, how Seth was a patriot and a nice guy who doesn’t deserve to be smeared as a traitor, how the Rich family is suffering from these smear tactics, and how she herself fears for her own life. Her demeanor becomes highly combative. She will ramble incoherently and refuse to answer direct questions regarding Seth. These are telling signs of her deep state mind control programming.

In her book, Brazile reveals that immediately after the DNC computer “hack”, the DNC’s cyber-security firm, CrowdStrike, made a ‘replica’ of the data, and at a cost of “millions of dollars”, destroyed the DNC’s email servers and computer hard drives in order to purge the Russian spyware infecting them.

An unnamed government cybersecurity contractor described Brazile’s explanation for destroying the servers as “the stupidest thing I ever heard.”

“That’s clearly a lie by a politician who knows nothing about cyber security, or they’re lying,” said the government contractor. “It doesn’t matter if the server has spyware. The FBI wanted the server in the unaltered condition. If it had spyware, it’s not going to matter to the FBI. They are going to do cyber forensics on everything on the server, regardless of the spyware.”

An FBI investigative file on Hillary Clinton revealed that during the 2016 Presidential race, the Clinton campaign used a special program known as BleachBit to delete her private emails and try to prevent their recovery. This cyber security contractor suspects that the DNC likely did the same.

The primary purpose of the DNC in destroying the server is to conceal data, said the cyber security expert. “The only reason they would replicate the data is to sort through what they don’t want the FBI getting; then they destroyed the original server so real forensic analysis cannot be performed on the data that was deleted. I guarantee you there’s a lot of missing emails on the replica.”

“Even if they scrub the hard drive, there are techniques that the FBI has to recover deleted data. I guarantee the DNC erased the files off the server,” said the expert. It’s not the DNC’s job to determine whether the FBI needs to be protected from spyware. They should have just turned it over as is, and they didn’t because they have something to hide. This is common knowledge that any cyber security person would know.”

On October 18, 2017, D.C. attorney Jack Burkman filed a lawsuit against the DNC and Hillary Clinton in the D.C. Superior Court seeking financial compensation for supporters who contributed to the Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign by donating to the DNC. In November, after Donna Brazile revealed further information about the DNC’s bias toward Hillary in her book, Hack, Burkman amended his lawsuit to include Brazile as a named defendant. Burkman also contends that Brazile knows the truth about Seth Rich’s death.

In November 2017, Kim “Dotcom” Schmitz accepted a six-figure financial settlement from the police in New Zealand for the “unreasonable” use of force by an anti-terrorism Special Tactics Group working with the FBI when they conducted a pre-dawn “military style” raid on his Auckland mansion in January 2012 with helicopters and over 70 police officers “for a non-violent internet copyright infringement charge brought by the United States, which is not even a crime in New Zealand,” according to Schmitz. Schmitz’ appeal to his extradition to the U.S. to stand trial for that charge is scheduled for February 2018 in a U.S. Court of Appeals.

By October 2017, the Senate Intelligence Committee investigating collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign to sway the 2016 Presidential election had interviewed over 100 witnesses and reviewed over 100,000 pages of documents over a nine month period and still found no evidence of any collusion. Undaunted, the committee chair stated that “the issue of collusion is still open.” The top Democrat on the committee, Mark Warner, said that there is still a “large consensus that the Russians hacked into political files and strategically released them with the goal of influencing the election.”


There was, very likely, Russian cyber influence going on in the 2016 U.S. Presidential election. It may have been Russian intelligence using automatic social media bots and “troll farms” with rooms full of computers generating fake social media propaganda pages and uploading political ads. But Facebook, Google, YouTube and Twitter all say that the Russian ads and propaganda amounted to a “tiny fraction” of the overall content on their social media platforms.

The Russian’s most likely learned about the use of social media to influence an election from the U.S. intelligence community who wrote the book on meddling in other nations’ political affairs. There are strong indications that social media sites such as Google and Facebook were actually created by the CIA through its’ high tech venture capital subsidiary, In-Q-Tel, specifically to collect metadata on private citizens worldwide. They are now accusing Russia of doing what they themselves routinely continue to do.

This is all part of the deep state game. But one thing is certain. Russia did not provide Wikileaks with the DNC emails. Seth Rich did. Now the deep state has turned Seth’s leaking of DNC emails to Wikileaks into a Russian-Trump collusion narrative in order to give our elected government officials another excuse to “spin [their] wheels and waste time and effort on non-issues,” as Spirit Seth puts it.

“The greatest karmic debt is flowing from the way my action was used as evidence of a collusion with Russia and is now serving as a disinformation campaign by the intelligence community to cause disruption and confusion among the lawmakers, the legal community, and the population as a whole… where differing factions continue to be at war over trivia or non-reality, which is the case here.”

Spirit Seth notes that the deep state also used this opportunity to revive a long-standing “Cold War” antagonism between the United States and Russia, and offers an enlightened view of such recklessness. “To fan the flames of discord between nations with nuclear weapons is never a good idea. When you think about it simply in those terms, this is flirting with great danger, at a minimum, to sow discord and… hatred between these two nations. There needs to be a coming together, not growing discord and suspicion. This has resulted in near disaster in the past, as you to have unearthed in talking with other light beings,” (referring to a previous channeling by Karl Mollison of General Andrew Goodpaster, wherein Spirit Goodpaster reveals that in the late fifties, he and some other light workers successfully resisted a Reptilian effort to assassinate President Eisenhower which most likely would have led to a nuclear war between the United States and the Soviet Union).

“This is a favorite tool of the extraterrestrial alliance to create false reasons to… fuel clandestine activities that [require]… the superpowers to come in to police things,… bring in troops and do bombings, and so on. This happens over, and over, and over again.” says Spirit Seth. “The reasons for war are always artificial. They are always a manipulation and an orchestration.”

“When humans are allowed to be who they truly are, no one dies through the hands of another human. It is only [done] when they are corrupted from within by mind control, by manipulation through dark spirits causing doubts, fears, hatreds within, and pushing karmic buttons to remind people of times they had done such deeds via those same manipulations in past experiences or past lifetimes. Those are the only conditions when people will act in that fashion.” “[War] is never justified. It is always ginned up in some way to foment fear and discord by the extraterrestrials.” “You can see from history, this is the order of the day and always has been. This is what needs to change.”

It is essential to the deep state cover up that the media never seriously investigate the role that Seth Rich played. For if the American public learned the truth, it could be the string that unravels the deep state’s entire agenda, which is to maintain control over the world through their control of the U.S. government on behalf of a hidden extraterrestrial hierarchy that has spent the last 5000 years orchestrating the manipulation and enslavement of the human race on Earth for their own purposes. Spirit Seth describes the essence of this power base: “The corruption is engaged in and orchestrated by the extraterrestrials through multiple layers, through multiple extraterrestrial beings with differing origins, all of whom wish to control and conquer.”

These negative beings (ie: the Reptilians, Greys, and Nordic Arcturians, and their Anunnaki overlords) know that humanity has now reached a tipping point where these negative beings will either prevail in their long-term plan to rule this planet and solar system or will be defeated by the more powerful collective human consciousness working with the Divine Realm, opening the way for humanity to ascend in spiritual consciousness as is our natural progression at this time.

As Spirit Seth explains, these negative beings tolerate one another at the moment because “each has unique things it contributes to the overall effort and subjugation.” “The end purpose is the elimination of humans and the control of the planet directly. So the stakes are quite high.”

A Final Word of Encouragement from Spirit Seth

Like nearly all of the historic light workers channeled by Karl Mollison in Denny Hunt’s “Why Is This True?” YouTube series during 2017, Spirit Seth seemed less interested in recounting the unfortunate events that led to his murder and the Russian narrative concocted by the deep state, than he was in using this channeling opportunity to educate and urge humanity to save itself.

“Can we deal with [the negative ET] interlopers? Can we deal with darkness that creeps in to undermine us, the temptations to serve the ego, the temptations of power, to use it wisely and with love and not to serve selfish aims?”

“The interlopers have moved so far away from their Divine path they can readily be seen by most humans as depraved and lost. They wish to drag humans down to their level. You need not let that happen. You are winning the battle. You are a great contrast to them, and you can make things better. [You can] prevail through simply realigning fully with the light and the love available to you.”

“Highly sacred [to the Divine Realm] is the right of the person to decide who they are, what they believe, what they wish to… interpret about life on all levels. This is the great undertaking in the human enterprise, that all have an individual perspective… coming from different souls each with unique attributes. There is a rich array of possibilities and great variation in perspectives. We do not claim to have Divine truth about anything in particular. We cannot change people directly by over-riding their notions. We can only offer some testimony and allow them to sort and sift.”

“[The negative ETs] have free agency and free will, as you do. [The Divine Realm] cannot step in and stop them. But in a contest between the light and the dark, the light can win if the forces are lined up from the human side to weigh in on the Divine, taking action and winning the day.”

“This is very much a delicate business for the light beings. The reason you do not see the Angels working miracles on every street corner is because that would tip the balance and would deny humans the ability to work things out for themselves… and to establish within themselves the various beliefs about reality and non-reality. That is the valid test for them and the only true way to grow. Whatever you are simply told and decide to accept is the second-level and lower-tier form of learning. True learning [comes] through following the heart and seeking true inspiration for a higher purpose.”

“We do not wish to short-circuit the ability of those humans who are interested in my story the chance to work the puzzle out for themselves and factor in my words. We will not rob them of that… opportunity to exercise their discernment.”

“We do not wish to change anyone’s minds or hearts other than bringing information and truth forward. It is for each person to decide their own truth, to take their own stand, and to live with the consequences. This is the role of life. The great teacher is independence and responsibility, and seeing the consequences of all choices made by the individual. So we do not wish to create mass movements for persuading people per se but only bring forth truth to allow them to pick and choose what they… embrace, or perhaps will reject.”

“Many [humans] are coming in, marking time [on Earth] and making no contribution to the whole. …One can look for ways to contribute, not necessarily on the front lines or the thick of the battle, but in some way to raise their awareness. And the raising of awareness is quite important because the answer to prayers is adjusted to the level of awareness within the one who makes the prayer, with regard to their understanding of the scope of the problem at hand, the intention behind the request, and …a willingness to stand strong and draw on all their inner resources [to] cultivate the belief in the Divine as a true partner. [By this] they will gain strength and will be assisted accordingly.”

“All who do acts of bravery to uncover truth for a high purpose will receive some protection and support, … [and] many blessings for taking those bold steps. There are many needed to perform such acts to enable the Shift in Consciousness to be successful. People must step forward and come out from under the shadow. This will make them visible. It is unavoidable. So all must find some courage within, to speak out and to take a stand. This your channel and sponsor are doing because the commitment is being made on a soul level and a conscious choice made to be among the seekers of truth and the witnesses to truth. And this anyone can do and join the effort, and will be a force for good. That is the greatest service and the greatest use of the lifetime.”

“If you… embrace that loving intelligence and ask its guidance, inspiration, help, healing, and protection, …the balance will tip in [your] favor.” “There are many opposing forces and your responsibility is to safeguard your life. You are in charge. Any [additional] support [from the Divine Realm] is an extra blessing and will be given. The only question is whether it will be enough in a particular situation to prevent all harm. That may or may not be the case.”

“The issue for all who do such [light work] is to maintain safety first and foremost. There is nothing gained by reckless acts and meeting a premature demise. So if you do [light] work, in connecting to the Divine Realm you can have a greater level of safety and protection by enlisting their help. This is never a guarantee. You are always buffeted by multiple forces, all of whom have some standing and some say in things, even the dark forces.”

“Humans need to be strong. Humans need to heal themselves and one another. They need to work together. They need to see there is strength in numbers. They need to wake up and enlist the reconnection of Divine Realm as their champion and their ally. If they do these things, they will win easily. The [negative] extraterrestrials are being kept at bay. …They are losing ground [to] the growing [human] spiritual enlightenment and awakening that …you see in those people who do not settle for things the way they are, and do question [the status quo].”

“Those [people] are the ones currently escaping the [mind control] manipulation, as some are resistant. Those are the potential saviors, and the ones who can listen to and accept our message. All can contribute in the ways we have stated. The choice is yours, and if you choose to side with the light, you will have many benefits and many blessings in the future.”

As a true light worker, Seth Rich exposed deep state corruption so that the world can learn the truth about our reality. The Earth is a better place because of Seth’s courage and sense of duty to the truth. And we are better off because of the wisdom and virtue found in the exhortations of Spirit Seth in urging humanity to shake off the apathy and ignorance dulling our minds, to understand our dire situation, and to utilize the forces of love in the Divine Realm to defeat the evil beings that are poised to destroy us.

Thank you Seth Rich.


Part Five in the Channeling Series (Part 1 – Part 2 – Part 3 – Part 4)

Copyright 2018, Duke Brickhouse

Photos of Flying Saucer Craft & Alleged Nordic Extraterrestrials

On January 12th, a photo was taken of a flying saucer craft with a large rectangular shaped porthole window apparently showing two occupants. According to the photographer, who uses the pseudonym JP to maintain anonymity, the occupants are two Nordic “human looking” extraterrestrials who were telepathically communicating with him.

JP says that he received a telepathic communication while at a residence about 10 miles outside of Orlando, Florida where he was told to go outside and look up into the sky. This is what he says he was told in the communication:  

Today at 6 o’clock I had an amazing contact… I was getting telepathic messages inside the house asking me if I wanted to see them. So I was negotiating with them if I could take a picture. I told them that this was really important for Disclosure.

The voice in my head that I heard was the Nordics that picked me up in Brazil. [Note: I was first contacted by JP in 2008 about his extraterrestrial encounter in Brazil. M.S.]

They are working with the United States Air Force – doing missions around Antarctica in outer space, giving a technology to the Air Force that’s overwhelming…

…that can manipulate any point in the air and open a wormhole to other planets by giving coordinates. This technology works in flashes, gives a flash like a lightning [bolt] but no noise.

So I go outside and I hear the voice that tells me to look up. I saw them. I was taking photos but it was not working. My phone was being blacked [out] by some hacker. But I did manage to take some pictures and save it in my phone.

JP provided a sketch of the two alleged Nordics he saw in the spacecraft.

He also supplied three photos of the craft he witnessed which are found in the following video.

Click image to enlarge

The final photo in the sequence appears to validate his claim of witnessing two Nordic extraterrestrials – original photo is available on right.

What’s also pertinent in JP’s above telepathic communication is the claim that the group of Nordics in the spacecraft captured in the photos is working with the US Air Force, providing different types of technological support.

On September 14, 2017, JP supplied photos of a cigar shaped craft flying near MacDill Air Force base.  He says this craft belongs to extraterrestrials working with USAF Special Operations. JP has also supplied photos of triangle and rectangular antigravity craft flying out of MacDill Air Force Base, some of which have taken him on board.

In one incident on October 23, 2017, he recognized the insignia of the military occupants of a rectangular shaped craft as belonging to USAF Special Operations.

JP recently moved from Tampa to Orlando, Florida, and continues to liaise with the special operations community that wish to recruit him due to his relationship with Nordic extraterrestrials who have provided him information about advanced technologies.

The January 12 photos provided by JP is evidentiary support for his alleged contacts and communications with Nordic extraterrestrials, and may be among the few photos capturing the mysterious occupants of alien spacecraft.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

[Note: Only hours after sending me the photos of the above craft and its occupants, JP’s daughter began experiencing convulsions, turned blue and had to be rushed to hospital with a 103 degree F. temperature. Please send your thoughts and prayers to JP and his family.]

Further Reading

Why Doesn’t Anyone Care About Aliens?

by Michael Auerbach          December 31, 2017             (

• One would think that with the recent revelations of the first known interstellar object to pass through our solar system, the “asteroid” Oumuamua, a long, narrow object that appears to be coated with organic material;  a Pentagon program that spent $22 million to study UFOs;  an accompanying cockpit video of a Navy jet tracking a pill-shaped UFO;  and the news that the government had stored exotic ‘non-terrestrial’ metals from UFO crash sites in a Nevada warehouse, the public would be in a frenzy to know more about the UFO and extraterrestrial presence.

• So, why doesn’t anyone seem to care?

• The writer blames President Trump. According to the writer, the day to day activities of Donald Trump has dominated every news cycle to the point that if a story is not about him, the public figures it must not be newsworthy.

• Trump has made everyday reality seem so alien to so many of us that news pertaining to actual aliens doesn’t seem nearly as wild as it would have in another era. Our ability to be shocked is exhausted. It feels as though ET himself could step out of a flying saucer in Times Square and half a day later the news cycle would move on to Trump’s latest tweetstorm.

• Ultimately, we cannot afford to let the extraordinary become ordinary – not in culture, not in politics, and certainly not in science. We cannot abandon our ability to dream and think big, to approach the world with a sense of wonder. Such an abandonment would be a betrayal of our children and the children we once were. Our reality may be distorted right now, but the truth is still out there.


When I was a kid, I dreamed of aliens. Not literally – I didn’t hallucinate in the middle of the night about being abducted and probed or anything like that. But I imagined with spine-tingling wonder what it might be like if humanity made contact with alien life, what it would mean for the world and for me.

That’s why it came as such a shock last week to see an article in the New York Times declaring that a small, ultra-secretive group at the Pentagon is actually, in real life, investigating UFOs. They have videos, one published in the Times, that beggar explanation. They have facilities in Nevada that had to be retrofitted to accommodate exotic metals from crash sites, materials which researchers deemed did not appear to originate from any country, and technology against which the program’s director said the United States could not defend itself.

Again, this is not being reported on some fly-by-night blog. This is the New York Times. Couple this information with the discovery of the first known interstellar object, Oumuamua, passing through our solar system – a long, narrow asteroid that appears to be coated with organic material – and it’s got me wondering: Why doesn’t anyone else seem to care? When I was growing up, or even a few years ago for that matter, these kinds of reality-bending revelations would have sparked massive public conversation and dominated media coverage. Now they pass without a blip.

What’s the deal?

To be sure, some of the explanation is probably as simple as public fatigue around these types of stories from less reputable sources. After decades of conspiracy theories and X-Files reruns, the threshold for credulity is extra high. And as a skeptically minded person myself, I think that’s a good thing. But when a publication like the New York Times stands behind this kind of story and people treat it with less interest than the latest Robert Mueller shoe-drop or the new tax law, it makes me think that something deeper is afoot – and as with so many things, I think the issue ties back to Donald Trump.

Since he rode down that golden escalator two and a half years ago (really, it’s only been two and a half years), Trump has occupied an outsized role in the psyche of America and, to a lesser degree, the world. After his shocking election in 2016, he’s dominated every corner of public discourse, reaching far beyond politics into sports, film, television, business, and so on. Every story seems to be about him, whether it’s intended to be or not.

A corollary of Trump’s refraction of reality, then, is that things which can’t in any way be related back to him seem inherently less important. He’s the protagonist of our cultural subconscious, no matter how much we might not want him to be, and his presence permeates our world so overwhelmingly that news which doesn’t in any way connect to him feels ancillary at best and irrelevant at worst – even if that news involves the possibility of extraterrestrial life.

Indeed, Trump has made everyday reality seem so alien to so many of us that news pertaining to actual aliens doesn’t seem nearly as wild as it would have in another era. Our ability to be shocked is exhausted. It feels as though ET himself could step out of a flying saucer in Times Square and half a day later the news cycle would move on to Trump’s latest tweetstorm.



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Cosmic Cafe: The Biggest Story in 2018?

by Carol Mann                January 4, 2018               (

• This commentary by Carol Mann is an invitation to begin adjusting ourselves to the far-reaching changes to everything we thought we knew and believed, which a confirmed E.T. presence will bring. The ability to expand our capacity for what’s true and to adapt, no matter how mind blowing, can spare individuals, communities and nations from excessive fear and mitigate serious personal and societal mental trauma as some of our long-held and/or foundational beliefs become obsolete.

• These revelations also introduce the extraordinary and challenging opportunity to step into becoming galactic citizens capable of leaning into and contributing the best of our unique humanness to the advancements, the complexities and the wonders of expanding beyond what we are able to imagine. Always keep in mind that every human being has a heart equipped with the ability to consciously access and share the highest love, creativity, and intelligence of the Cosmos. As this story unfolds, keep informed, keep your mind open and curious. And as consistently as possible, lead with an open heart.


“Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known…The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena…There are a lot of places out there, the molecules of life are everywhere, I use the word billions… it would be astonishing to me if there weren’t extraterrestrial intelligence.”
~ Carl Sagan


In the past couple of weeks, amid the holiday hustle and bustle, there has been an interesting, no-drama flurry of UFO related information, including camera footage, released by NASA, former Pentagon officials, and other high level sources to mainstream media. Articles and interviews have appeared in The New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Huffington Post, on the major television news broadcasts and in social media. The bottom line of all this is that highly placed people and government sources are gently letting us know that the evidence for non-terrestrials visiting the Earth is very compelling.


The topic of extra-terrestrials and their influence on life here on Earth is not new. Peoples throughout history have attempted to tell us in the records of their art, written traditions, and even in nuggets of truth surviving in myths that contact with E.T.’s has been going on for untold thousands of years and is real. Ancient advanced civilizations all over the world have openly attributed their knowledge of everything from architecture, engineering and medicine to beings from the stars who came to Earth. The recognition of star beings is also true among indigenous cultures.

Currently, we have the eyewitness reports from astronauts, military personnel, police, scientists, and thousands of civilians who have witnessed UFOs and/or experienced “close encounters.” Recently we also have detailed testimony about secret space programs from credible experts and experiencers turned whistleblowers. There is an impressive selection of brilliantly researched books published on these E.T. and secret space program topics.


What is new is that when NASA and Pentagon government sources share previously secret information with mainstream media, when a recently retired head of a government UFO project speaks publically about findings, we can assume the timing of this is not random. These disclosures would likely be on purpose and with a purpose. This appears to be part of an on-going soft disclosure … aka a little bit at a time … perhaps slightly accelerated right now…about what’s been going on for the past seventy years or so related to extra-terrestrial research, exploration, technology retrieval and outer space discoveries.


This article is an invitation to be aware of what we are being shown is on the event horizon. This is not about promoting fear. This is intended as an opportunity to begin adjusting ourselves to the far reaching changes to everything we thought we knew and believed, which a confirmed E.T. presence will bring. The ability to expand our capacity for what’s true and to adapt, no matter how mind blowing, can spare individuals, communities and nations from excessive fear and mitigate serious personal and societal mental trauma as some of our long-held and/or foundational beliefs become obsolete.


Inevitably there will be good guys and bad guys, noble agendas and destructive ones, things we will want to know and things we’d rather we didn’t know. The ability to see what is … without emotional reactivity … allows for mental clarity, emotional calm and the ability to discern what’s true to make informed choices. As more and more of what’s been kept secret related to UFOs, space exploration and ET technology is likely revealed, there will an appropriate mix of reactions … from shock, upset and despair to wonder, excitement and optimism, and everything in between.


These revelations also introduce the extraordinary and challenging opportunity to step into becoming galactic citizens capable of leaning into and contributing the best of our unique humanness to the advancements, the complexities and the wonders of expanding what’s possible beyond what we are able to imagine. Always keep in mind that every human being has a heart equipped with the ability to consciously access and share the highest love, creativity and intelligence of the Cosmos. As this story unfolds, keep informed, keep your mind open and curious. And as consistently as possible, lead with an open heart.



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39 UFOs Were Spotted In New York City In 2017

by Noah Manskar           December 31, 2017           (

• Peter Davenport, the director of the Washington state-based National UFO Reporting Center (NURC), says, “I know that this is the greatest scientific question that has ever confronted man… whether we are alone or not.” “And I submit to you that we are visited on a frequent basis. This is the biggest story in the world.”

• UFO sightings are most frequent in California and Florida where 13,033 and 6,190 UFOs have been reported, respectively, since the database’s inception in the 1990’s.

• In 2017, residents of New York City reported 39 UFO sightings. This number is down compared to 2016, when the city reported 47 sightings to the NURC’s online database. New York City’s sightings accounted for about 23 percent of the 169 reported across the state of New York in 2017.

• New Yorkers reported seeing flashing lights or objects of varying shapes in the sky for as little as 30 seconds to as long as 30 minutes. Lots of the events came late at night or early in the morning, though some were reported during daylight hours.


NEW YORK, NY — The truth is out there – and it might have visited the Big Apple in 2017. New Yorkers reported 39 sightings of unidentified flying objects across the five boroughs during the year, according to the National UFO Reporting Center.

Most reports came out of Brooklyn, where 15 people spotted unusual lights or shapes floating through the skies. Ten sightings came from Queens, nine from Manhattan, three from Staten Island and two from the Bronx.

UFO sightings are down this year compared to 2016, when the city reported 47 sightings to the NURC’s online database. Manhattan saw 18 UFOs that year, Brooklyn saw 14, Queens saw 11, the Bronx saw six and Staten Island three.

New York City’s sightings accounted for about 23 percent of the 169 reported across the state this year, NURC’s database shows.

New Yorkers reported seeing flashing lights or objects of varying shapes in the sky for as little as 30 seconds to as long as 30 minutes. Lots of the events came late at night or early in the morning, though some were reported during daylight hours.

“All of the sudden, I see 2 triangles made up of lights floating by in the sky,” wrote one Astoria, Queens, resident who was looking out of a fifth-floor apartment window over the East River at 9:29 p.m. on Oct. 20. “There 1 second gone the next. One triangle was made of red lights and the other craft made of blue.”

New York City is far from alone in seeing UFOs. The NURC has reports from every U.S. state and other nations. Sightings are most frequent in California and Florida — sky-watchers there have reported 13,033 and 6,190 UFOs respectively since the database’s inception in the 1990s.

The U.S. government became interested enough in flying saucers that in 2007 it launched a Department of Defense program to study sightings of them, according to a bombshell report in The New York Times this month. Former government officials, including the program’s former director, say the effort is still active, though federal funding for it ran out in 2012.



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UFO ‘Bigger Than the Moon’ Among Nearly 5,000 Sightings Last Year

by Paul Harper           January 1, 2018             (

• The US National UFO Reporting Center says it had 4,655 reports of flying saucers in 2017.
• Top ten states for UFO sightings:
1. California 490
2. Florida 308
3. Washington 192
4. Arizona 180
5. New York 170
6. Pennsylvania 161
7. Colorado 147
8. Ohio 146
9. Connecticut 146
10 N. Carolina 135


Thousands of mysterious cases were logged by the National UFO Reporting Centre (NUFORC).

The NUFORC said it had 4,655 reports of flying saucers in 2017. California was the hotspot for the bizarre encounters with 490 sightings, followed by Florida with 305.

Nevada, the home of Area 51 where alien hunters claim an extra terrestrial spaceship and its crew were taken following a crash in Roswell in 1947, generated 55.

One spooked woman saw something bizarre with her husband on December 14 near Santa Fe, New Mexico.

She claims they “saw an object flying across the Interstate in a southeasterly direction.

“It appeared triangular with bright green lights around its entire periphery.”

“From my husband’s perspective, it appeared larger than a full moon.

”By the time it crossed my field of vision (I was in the passenger seat), it appeared slightly smaller than a full moon.



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Has Extraterrestrial Manipulation Ended Making Possible 1000 Years of Human Freedom?

A consortium of extraterrestrial races conducting long term genetic engineering of humanity has been told to end its historic interference according to Secret Space Program insider Corey Goode. As a result of this, and related “galactic diplomacy” developments, he says that humanity is about to embark on a thousand years of uninterrupted peaceful development as a fully autonomous member of the galactic community.

Goode has just released an extensive update with his latest experiences involving extraterrestrials, Inner Earth entities and secret space programs in a joint article written with New York Times best selling author David Wilcock.  While Goode’s update may read like a science fiction space opera, his Cosmic Disclosure Gaia TV interview series with Wilcock has generated hundreds of thousands of views, and a devoted following convinced of the veracity of his claims.

In my own research of Goode’s claims since March 2015, I have not found any evidence of fraud or deception. Instead there has been much circumstantial evidence supporting his claims which have been detailed in a number of articles, and more extensively in a 2015 book comprehensively examining his claims in light of such evidence along with corroborating witness testimony.

The most recent examples of circumstantial evidence concern Goode’s revelations of extensive underground facilities in the Moon where large bases had been secretly built. In 2017, scientists confirmed the existence of massive lava tubes in the Moon which could support large cities. The size of the Moon’s caverns were large enough to fit a large metropolitan city, as illustrated in the following diagram showing how Philadelphia could easily fit inside one of them.

The city of Philadelphia is shown inside a theoretical lunar lava tube. A Purdue University team of researchers explored whether lava tubes more than 1 kilometer wide could remain structurally stable on the moon. (Purdue University/courtesy of David Blair)

In his latest update, Goode discusses being taken into the Moon where he traveled through its network of lava tubes.

There is an extensive amount of information in Goode’s portion of the joint article which is over 10,000 words. Given the extensive material, I will focus on arguably the most significant event, which concerns what he was told about the extraterrestrial consortium, the “Super Federation”, being compelled to end its long term genetic experiments.

To read the other issues raised by Goode in his update, you can visit the latest post by Wilcock on his Divine Cosmos website. All quotes that follow are extracted from the joint Goode and Wilcock article.

Goode begins by describing how he was taken to a Super Federation meeting:

In one of these dream-state communications I was told that I should prepare for a series of meetings with the Super Federation and the “Council at Saturn” in the next few days.

On Saturday, December 16, 2017, at a little after 3:30 AM, a blue orb appeared in my room. I got up and put on the nice clothes that I had laid out next to my bed the night before….

I then faced the orb and indicated that I was ready to be transported.

Goode described being taken to a temporal anomaly near Jupiter housing a large diplomatic facility where the Super Federation conducts its regular Assembly. He has previously discussed participating in various roles as part of an Earth delegation in the Assembly.

In his update, Goode discussed his new role where he would address the entire Assembly as a spokesperson for the Sphere Being Alliance, a recently arrived group of higher density extraterrestrials (6th-9th) whose abilities and technologies far exceed those of the extraterrestrials running the long term genetic programs on Earth.

I was starting to get a bit shaky when I figured I would just get it over with. I thought to myself, “I am ready.” Immediately, Tear-Eir and the Golden Triangle Being were standing behind me, very much in the same manner as when they had first appeared with me in front of the SSP Alliance at the LOC.

Goode has previously described Tear-Eir as a 6th density being who has mentored him since 2013, and appointed him to play the critical role as the Sphere Being Alliance’s delegate at a meeting at Lunar Operations Command (LOC) in March 2015, before a consortium of human space programs called the Secret Space Program (SSP) Alliance.

Corey Goode as he appeared at LOC in March 2015. Permission: Sphere Being Alliance.

Goode states that the process of appointing a normal citizen to represent the Sphere Being Alliance in diplomatic negotiations with the major space powers and extraterrestrial groups in a solar system has been repeatedly followed in our local stellar cluster of 52 star systems.

It appears that this diplomatic formula has been used to overcome the usual power disparity where the will of normal planetary citizens are ignored by planetary elites and their extraterrestrial patrons. Goode certainly appears to be a good choice for such delegate as he has a common touch that appeals to many watching his interviews.

Goode was chosen by the Sphere Being Alliance, to overcome this power disparity on Earth, and give the normal citizenry of our planet a voice in diplomatic negotiations concerning their future:

Tear-Eir addressed me and said “Repeat everything exactly as I communicate it to you,” to which I nodded in agreement. I then turned to the delegation once more and began to speak.

I then spoke the words “We greet you in the love and light of the one infinite creator” at which time both Tear-Eir and the Golden Triangle being put their palms forward and bowed. I mimicked what they did. I felt a very deliberate yet loving energy coming from Tear-Eir….

He was having me address groups of beings by both their name and where they came from. Tear-Eir began to discuss cosmic agreements over these programs that have been made and broken over oceans of time. It seems that each of the 52 stars in our local star cluster have gone through similar programs.

Tear-Eir then announced that the Super Federation as they knew it would soon be disbanded, as had been done in countless other star systems in accordance with Comic Law.

Tear-Eir further stated that soon 2 more Guardian Races would come to replace the Blue Avians and Golden Triangle Beings. At that point, the new Guardians would guide the Super Federation through consolidating and closing down these programs.

Goode then described a vehement protest by the extraterrestrial races in the Assembly, who were then reminded of the superior technological power possessed by the Sphere Being Alliance (aka Guardian Group) that had been militarily exercised in previous past situations:

Tear-Eir then had me say “remember the Ponce System.” I had a flash of some sort of military conflict between a few of the Super Federation groups and a Guardian group that was enforcing a similar situation in a far-away star system, long ago.

The incident seemed significant to everyone present, except the Earth Delegation and myself. The delegates returned to their seats and waited for me to address them again.

What Goode just described appeared to be a veiled threat by the Sphere Being Alliance/Guardians that basically forced the Super Federation to accept the terms that had been laid before them. He went on:

Tear-Eir then had me state, “Humanity has had much to overcome. In this new phase, this council will soon disband.

“Humanity’s “Cosmic Family” will assist them in healing and guiding them through the management of their own genetic and spiritual growth.

“This council will attend to its members incarnated on Earth, until which time humanity requests that you remove them.

“Humanity will be offered an official seat at a new Super Federation Council.

“These Cosmic Family members will use their experiences as a part of these programs to help guide this council in further ongoing programs across this Galaxy.”

Soon after, “Gonzales”, a pseudonym for a U.S. Navy officer that has worked closely with Goode in his space encounters since 2015, spoke about the significance of the development:

He said “Do you know what this means?” I looked at him and said, “Humanity will not be controlled and experimented on by dozens of ET races who think they are gods?”

He smiled and said, “They are the gods from our myths…. But, yes. And it means that the Galactic Federation, which the Sphere Being Alliance is a part of, will now assist us with the Draco Empire.

“They will not remove them for us, but will provide support that allows us to clean up our own house. We will really only have to contend with the AI threat until the series of solar events clear them from the Sol System.”

Goode was next informed about a 1000 year galactic energy anomaly that will make possible an era of unprecedented human evolution and development:

I was shocked and said, “The Sphere Being Alliance is non-violent; how will they confront the reptilians?” He said, “I think we will have to watch that play out together. After the series of solar events, the Draco will be energetically expelled from this system.

“An incompatible energy will emanate from the Sun for about a thousand years.

“Many reptilians will try to remain hidden on Earth in temporal fields and within heavily shielded bases deep in the Earth, as they have for prior cycles.

“Humans will be responsible for rooting them out of their hiding places.

“During that time, the Draco will be unable to return to this system.” …

I asked, “Why for only a thousand years?” Gonzales looked at me and said, “Sounds Biblical, doesn’t it?

“The Earth is near a Super Gate. Those are quite special. The only alternative is to block their access to a system the super-gate is near. After Humanity has been through disclosure and the solar events, the reptilians will be of little threat.”

I asked “Who manages this energy field for the thousand-year period?”

He stated, “The thousand-year energy fields seem to be a natural part of the cosmic web’s cycles and energy flow.”

He stated that according to his info, this thousand-year cycle is “not something set up by Galactic Federation assets.”

Goode has not offered any hard evidence to support his claims. Aside from some circumstantial evidence and corroborating claims by insiders such as the recently deceased William Tompkins, Dr. Pete Peterson, and others known to David Wilcock, there appears little to corroborate his incredible claims.

The lack of hard evidence has led to some critics claiming Goode is a fraud, and even led to an extreme form of character assassination against him and his closest associates. However, a close examination of two of the most well-known critics shows they deliberately omitted and skewed important background data that supported Goode’s professional background. This doesn’t prove Goode’s testimony to be genuine, only that persistent efforts to discredit or debunk him fail to be persuasive.


Goode’s testimony is ground breaking and until there is clear evidence showing him misrepresenting or concocting events, he deserves to be taken seriously given the strong public interest in his case, and growing fan base. If his testimony is accurate, as I continue to believe is the case, then he may just have participated in major off-planet diplomatic meetings that directly impact humanity’s future, and ushers in an unprecedented 1000 year age of freedom from extraterrestrial interference.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice 

Further Reading

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