Tom DeLonge Quit Blink-182 to Become One of the World’s Leading UFO Experts

by Kelsey McKinney             February 27, 2018              (

• In the 1990’s and 2000’s, Tom DeLonge was a young guitarist, singer and songwriter for the successful rock band, Blink-182. Being a UFO enthusiast and having read hundreds of books on the subject, he occasionally made references to ETs in his songs, and even spoke with CNN’s Larry King about UFOs in 2012. In 2015, while camping in the Nevada desert near Area 51, Tom and some friends say they had a close encounter with a herd of unseen aliens that swarmed past the men huddled inside their buttoned-up tents.

• DeLonge’s public revelations about the existence of ETs and UFOs apparently caught the attention of some political and military officials. He was emailed an invitation to attend a meeting at the Pentagon in 2015. In 2016, leaked Hillary Clinton campaign emails revealed that DeLonge had been in correspondence with campaign manager John Podesta discussing the UFO phenomenon. DeLonge also published his own book on UFOs called Sekret Machines and plans to release a short film on UFOs later this year.

• In an October 2017 interview on Joe Rogan’s YouTube podcast, DeLonge stated: “The only way to get people to understand what the f*ck is going on is to first present them the story… and then follow up with the science, and then show them that the [technology] you are seeing can be engineered and created.” This appears to be what DeLong is planning to do.

• While his book is officially “fiction” and his close encounters are vague, they do reveal what DeLonge believes to be true: the Nazis were involved in the Roswell crash; the Cold War was part of a massive world-wide ET cover-up; the U.S. government is currently in possession of ET technology and actual alien beings; and intelligent ETs have been visiting the Earth for decades – even genetically tampering with the human species.

• By 2017, DeLonge had assembled $75,000 cash and an esteemed group of scientists, aerospace engineers, and former government and military officials, forming a public-benefit corporation called To The Stars Academy to explore the outer edges of science and bring to light ideas unrepresented in mainstream discourse. In addition to continuing to create books and documentaries, and encouraging further government disclosures and whistle blowers, the Academy will presumably engineer some of this advanced technology itself.

• One of the Academy’s highest profile members is Luis Elizondo, the CIA/DOD insider who ran the Pentagon’s secret UFO investigation program, as scooped by the New York Times last December. Elizondo resigned from his Pentegon position to join the Academy in October 2016 in order to give this information a better chance of becoming public. Other Academy members include esteemed physicist Dr. Hal Puthoff; Steve Justice (Lockheed Martin); Jim Semivan (CIA); and Chris Mellon (DIA).

• A 2017 survey by 20th Century Fox found that 47% of Americans believe in aliens, and 39% believe that aliens have visited earth. Since their public debut in October 2017, To The Stars Academy has raised almost $2.4 million toward their stated goal of $200M. Perhaps DeLonge’s timing is just right to create a groundswell of public interest resulting in high-level government full disclosure of UFOs and ET beings. Or perhaps not. There are those in the UFO community who believe that DeLonge is merely being used as part of a soft disclosure of limited information to the public.


In no particular order, here is a list of things Tom DeLonge has consistently claimed to believe: UFOs are real, aliens are real and they visit us episodically, the U.S. government has known about alien life for decades, the U.S. government has been actively experimenting with alien technologies, the Nazis were involved in Roswell, the Cold War was actually an international cover-up about extraterrestrial life, there was more to the moon landing than we were told, the mass of nuclear weapons the U.S. has is being held for a war with aliens, human evolution was tampered with by someone or something, and the U.S. government has a real live alien species locked up somewhere.

He used to sound crazy. Here was a dude in a beanie, his left arm inked from wrist to somewhere beneath his graphic tee, best known as the former co-frontman of the rock band Blink-182. In interviews, the words coming out of his mouth made less sense than the 40 “na”s strung together in the chorus of “All the Small Things.” This would have been fine — a creative mind susceptible to wild ideas is hardly unique. Except Tom DeLonge didn’t just have a passing interest or affinity; he was planning a crusade.

        Tom DeLonge of Blink-182

In late 2015, months after he announced his departure from Blink-182, Tom DeLonge began reaching out to people in politics who might be able to help him find the truth and share it with the world. Maybe no one would have known he was doing it if he hadn’t been emailing with Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager John Podesta. When her campaign email server leaked in March 2016, though, there was a bundle of emails from Tom DeLonge: sending links, asking Podesta questions about alien life, and trying to set up a meeting between Podesta and an Air Force general to discuss what really happened at Roswell.

He was also dabbling in alien fiction. Sekret Machines Book 1: Chasing Shadows, a novel, came out in April 2016. He has a young adult series called Poet Anderson, a children’s book, and both an alien-inspired album and short film slated to come out later this year. Each of these projects is meant to be grounded in the knowledge DeLonge has acquired through his years of research, like a bite-sized introduction to what he believes is the whole truth. In a YouTube interview with Joe Rogan in October 2017, he said, “The only way to get people to understand what the fuck is going on is to first present them the story […] and then follow up with the science, and then show them that the [technology] you are seeing can be engineered and created.”

So next comes the science. In October 2017, with over $75,000 cash and more than a million dollars in assets, according to SEC filings, DeLonge launched the To The Stars Academy of Arts & Sciences, comprising a group of 10 scientists, aerospace engineers, and creatives. Their aim is to explore the “outer edges of science,” bringing to light ideas unpresented by mainstream discourse, and to try to discover proof of what DeLonge already believes. They’ll also create cultural products like novels and movies to make those ideas more accessible. The plan is something like: film Star Wars, release a documentary explaining hyperdrives and lightsabers, then raise the money to somehow actually build them.

And… maybe you can? In December, two months after the launch of the To The Stars Academy, The New York Times published an article revealing a decade-long, taxpayer-funded Pentagon program that investigated UFOs without the knowledge of the American people. (The Defense Department says it closed in 2012, though some skeptics say that it’s still in existence.) Their big scoop was based off research straight from DeLonge’s foundation. Luis Elizondo, a former Pentagon employee who ran the department and became the story’s main source, was one of the first employees of To The Stars.

Former Nevada Senator Harry Reid, who greenlit the secret Pentagon program for investigating UFOs, supports DeLonge’s cause. “I think what DeLonge helped start is really wonderful,” Reid told The FADER. “I think it’s remarkable that he’s gotten this team together. They’re all scientists with deep experience.”

Suddenly, DeLonge didn’t sound like a man possessed. He sounded like a man who knew something. “I know that it’s fun to make snarky comments, but this isn’t the kind of thing to joke about,” he told the New York Daily News in December. “This is going to really affect a lot of people and a lot of people’s belief systems.” Tom DeLonge might sound crazy to you, but he’s already had one of his claims verified. And there’s no telling what else he believes that isn’t just conspiratorial rambling, but truth.

                To The Stars Academy

This is the story of how Tom DeLonge got very, very serious about aliens.

On the 1999 Blink-182 album Enema of the State, DeLonge co-wrote the song titled “Aliens Exist.” The next year, in an interview with the Los Angeles Times, he said that the track was “about aliens that come to earth and fly up your butt […] and it’s true,” hence the “enema” in the album’s title. “I’m one of those freaks that really believes that stuff exists,” he wrote in a program for the accompanying tour. “I think if anybody out there does a little bit of research they will find that they side with me.”

In 2000, his Blink-182 bandmate Mark Hoppus told Rolling Stone that Tom “believes anything he reads. You could say, ‘I read in a magazine that an alien landed in Australia. A doctor found him and did an autopsy – there’s footage on the Internet.’ And Tom wouldn’t even question it. He would take it as gospel and go around telling everybody.”

The band gave DeLonge the platform to talk about what he believed and, because he was already famous, a built-in audience. In 2011, the same year Blink released their sixth studio album, he launched his own (now-defunct) website for conspiracy theories called StrangeTimes. In 2012, he went on Larry King to discuss UFOs: “Everyone wants evidence, but no one will take testimony,” a flustered DeLonge told to a UFO skeptic. Of course he was flustered, because at that point, testimony was all he had — that is, until he met his first alien in 2015. Well, maybe heard is a better word for it.

DeLonge was traveling in the desert around Area 51 with some fellow believers filming a documentary about UFOs and government cover-ups. His tired crew drove off-road to find a good place to build a fire, set up a tent, and, hell, maybe try to reach some aliens. That night, when DeLonge awoke to “a chorus of voices — hundreds of people talking around the tent,” he already knew that aliens don’t speak like we do. “They speak on the level of consciousness,” he told George Noory on the late-night radio show Coast to Coast AM, which focuses on the paranormal. When he woke up the next morning, his experience was confirmed: a traveling companion had heard the same thing. (DeLonge denied multiple requests to comment for this piece.)

The experience in the desert affirmed his years of questioning. Years where he had read, by his own count, more than 200 books on the subject. Finally with proof, he quit Blink-182 to focus full-time on UFOs. “I can’t tour nine months out of the year with enough time to do the enormity of what I’m setting out to do,” he told Mic. He sought out Podesta and members of the intelligence community until, by his telling of it, DeLonge was inducted into a metaphorical tent of secrets by the United States government.


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South Australia’s X-Files: Curious Adelaide Cracks Open Our Most Mysterious UFO Cases

by Nicola Gage and Daniel Keane            February 2, 2018             (

• Paul Curnow of South Australia’s Astronomical Society says that UFO sightings are common in South Australia. UFO reports in the Aussie state can be traced back to the beginning of the twentieth century. But the sightings rapidly increased after WWII. Here are a few random examples.

• In 1947, five metallic objects were seen by three people working at the Commonwealth railways in Port Augusta. A government astronomer was called in, but couldn’t explain the sighting.

• On January 22, 1954, the Bunyip newspaper reported three people had sighted a pure white flying saucer over Gawler. SA, travelling at a terrific speed.

• On February 4, 1973 in Kimba, SA, on the remote Eyre Highway, four people in three separate cars all spotted in the scrub an orange rectangle similar to an illuminated door with a being standing inside the doorway.

• In 2006 in South Australia’s Flinders Ranges, scores of people many kilometers apart saw a large sphere hurtling through the air.

• In the early hours of January 20, 1988, Faye Knowles and her adult sons Patrick, Wayne and Sean were driving along the remote Nullarbor Plain from Perth to Melbourne when a UFO tormented them for 90 minutes. A large glowing sphere chased them down the highway, landing on their roof. It picked their car up off the road, shook it violently and dropped it back down on the road rupturing a tire. Sean Knowles put his foot on the accelerator as his mother screamed, but their voices were distorted like time was slowing down. The object emitted some sort of black soot that covered the car.

• The Knowles family made it to the Ceduna police department and gave their report, along with their evidence of a severely dented car with black soot all over it. When Ceduna police phoned SA police to shed some light on the matter, Senior constable Mick Abbott replied, “If you stay on the line, I’ll transfer you to agents Mulder and Scully from our X-Files division.” The police eventually chalked it up to the car’s tire blown at a high rate of speed, and brake dust covering the car.

[Editor’s Note] Judge for yourself whether the family was telling the truth in the classic video below.


It’s a question many of us have asked ourselves: are we alone in the universe?

From flying saucers to balls of light rocketing through the sky, South Australia has had its fair share of reported UFO encounters.

One avid ABC reader has asked us to delve into the history of the state’s major cases, as part of our Curious Adelaide campaign.

So we dusted off some of South Australia’s oldest X-Files to find answers.

We’ll start in the outback, where a traumatised family was allegedly lifted off the ground by aliens.

It was still dark in the early hours of January 20, 1988, when the Knowles family was driving along the remote Nullarbor Plain.

The seemingly mundane trip from Perth to Melbourne quickly turned to terror when they encountered an unidentified flying object that tormented them for 90 minutes.

A large glowing object “like a big ball” chased Faye Knowles and her adult sons Patrick, Wayne and Sean down the highway, before landing on their roof and plucking them into the air.

“It apparently picked the car up off the road, shook it quite violently and forced the car back down on the road with such pressure that one of the tyres was blown,” a police spokesman told media at the time.

In a state of shock, Sean Knowles put his foot on the accelerator as his mother screamed but, according to reports, their voices distorted like time was slowing down.

“I wound down the window and I felt this thing on the roof… all of this smoke stuff started coming into the car, the car was covered in black stuff,” Faye Knowles told reporters after the incident.
“It was a small light and all of a sudden it became big like this, like a big ball.
“We thought we were dying, then we got out the car and we hid behind a little tree and the bushes and it couldn’t find us.”

The family eventually made it to Ceduna and reported the bizarre events to police who took the report seriously, given the state of the car, which was dented and had dust over it.

The story made headlines around the world with sceptics and believers alike trying to make sense of what happened on that lonely stretch of road.

UFO reports in the state can be traced back to the beginning of the twentieth century but it wasn’t until the early Cold War that they started appearing all over the place.
Rockets were a new invention, originally for military purposes, that made the stars seem closer than ever before.



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Experiential Astrobiology: A New Scientific and Consciousness-Based Approach

 THE CONVERGENCE: Technology, disclosed formal evidence, experiencers capable of connecting through their consciousnesses with non-traditional realities under multiple experiential perspectives and new theories are coming into focus as a QUALITATIVELY NEW PHASE OF UNDERSTANDING of our participatory relationship with non-human intelligent beings associated with the UFO phenomenon. None of these elements can be forcefully separated from each other without doing violence to the seamless, interrelated, vaster reality into which we are awakening.
Dr. Nathalie Cabrol‘s “Connectivity Network” (a network between disciplines linking space sciences, planetary sciences, life sciences, geosciences, astrobiology, cognitive and mathematical sciences) is a new, good, more integrated step forward from previous SETI approaches. To be more specific, it is a multidisciplinary step forward on the methods used moving away from an anthropocentric approach by focusing on the cognitive and perceptual basis which other beings may have in relation to their environment.
Resultado de imagen para Nancy Cabrol connectivity network
But, the trend toward more inclusion of experienced reality has to be continued. In fact, to fit into the full range of ufology and what experiencers are telling us, this requires a step further: Coordinating a multidisciplinary approach under a common factor or factors that underlie and connect across disciplines (and which, in that sense, can also be called “transdisciplinary”). And it must also include subjectivity and consciousness as fundamental and – at least – as co-equal with spacetime and matter. 
Dr. Cabrol’s approach would still be located within a way of thinking based on classical physics. It may be adequate for beings that – like us – utilize fixed physical patterns that can be explored via classical means and classical experiences with a greater degree of inter objective disconnection (also more disconnected from intersubjectivity).
However, what if extraterrestrial intelligence is already ‘here’ under an experiential ‘dimension’ or reality which connects us (the so-called “astral” “subtle” or “non-physical” realm underlying all physical manifestation). And what if this intelligence has already been ‘here’ for a long time (in linear terms) and the “Fermi Paradox” is answered by the fact that ‘they’ (physical ETs capable of using non-physical means) do not use a classical means to “travel,” to communicate, to think, to experience or to evaluate whether to communicate massively with us or not. In fact, their perceptual and cognitive basis would be different from ours. They would wait until we resonate in a healthy/constructive way with them, without huge interpretive distortions and without themselves (or considering Dr. Jaques Vallée’s ideas, their “control system”) being infiltrated and distorted by us.
J. Vallée: We have to do something that will cause them to react. And I don’t mean building landing strips in the desert and waiting out there to welcome the space brothers. 

J. Clark: But what do you mean? 

J. Vallee: I hesitate to be too specific. I’m speaking, as I’m sure you understand, of the attempted manipulation of UFO manifestations. It’s a pretty tall order. We’re assuming that there is a feedback mechanism involved in the operations of the control system; if you change the information that’s carried back to that system, you might be able to infiltrate it through its own feedback. 

We would not resonate well with them because we still rely upon a classical way of perceiving, thinking, feeling and being. And our active instincts are honed to this. We still sense each other and objects and beings n general as essentially separate while other consciousnesses might see us as participants in their reality. But experiencers (as Ingo Swann and countless others) transgress this boundary. Through telepathy and various other types of resonance, we interact.  And, according to supernormal human experiences, we the potential to outgrow our “classic reality” stage of awareness and to experience reality in more sophisticated ways.
In fact, what if ‘they’ not only use a non-local, but also a “transdimensional” physics connected to their consciousnesses in order to connect in an experiential and physical manner and, thus, overcome spacetime distance and perceived-experiential event separations by using both an underlying non-local (pre-physical and a non-physical) information matrix (or more fundamental mental reality) with its own kind of substance capable of interacting with physical substance, thus making a more advanced TRANSDIMENSIONAL scientific approach possible?
In this way, multiple potential physical patterns deriving from a unifying realm of mental information possibilities subjacent to all possible physical combinations could be combined and actualized with greater freedom overcoming a set of specific, congealed physical patterns in our linearly-perceived causal universe. The non-physical domain connecting all physical possibilities would allow meaningfulness to be utilized – for instance – via closed timelike loops within Sarfatti’s “Post Quantum Mechanics” and an accompanying, transducing, inter-realm component, usually termed in theosophy as “the etheric.”
All beings able to use their perceptual cognitive patterns across the physical and non-physical realms and (in varying degrees) overcoming linear time limitations would be quite puzzling and unintelligible to most of us still largely confined to classical perceptual and cognitive systems. And, from our linear perspective, they could have been here even before we as a species were here on the planet. Or they could be right next to us, just slightly out of phase from our perceived physical reality and, moreover, also be able to completely move in and out of the physical domain itself. 
In this “transdimensional” approach subjectivity and objectivity would be of equal value, both ultimately unified by a non-dual Consciousness which also can be understood as a non-dual Being. A unified, functioning, subjecto-objectivity would be the way of the future in order to understand how the ‘others’ (the others which are simultaneously distinct, are aspects of us and participating with us) interact and blend with our experiential, perceptual and cognitive systems. Factors like separations in sequence or in time and in distance or in space would be secondary to how experiences in consciousness can be combined. 
The coherent, experiential unification of objects and subjectivity across timelines and spatial qualities would be key to the science and technologies displayed by the advanced civilizations. 
In fact, according to Ken Wilber’s Integral Theory and to Lex Neale’s highly welcomed extension of Integral Theory (called “Integral relativity of Awareness and Energy”) into the non-physical realms, the inseparable reality aspects of subjectivity, objectivity, intersubjectivity and interobjectivity which remain in every (physical and non-physical) level of existence and their ways of revealing, interacting and connecting consciousness through many experiential and participatory methods would all be of equal value and away from the privileging of causal exterior objectivity above all else.
The invariant, underlying connective pattern itself is the reason why an even MORE EVOLVED FORM OF ASTROBIOLOGY would be “trans” as in “transdisciplinary,” “trans-reality” and “transdimensional.” Quite likely, more advanced civilizations capable of overcoming spacetime separations first came to these realizations. 
Perhaps by utilizing superluminal, EM, scalar-based, longitudinal waves (which can couple with regular, transversal EM waves) whose superluminal components may connect with retrocausal probabilities (and/or future actualities in probable future timelines) would be a better way to communicate with advanced civilizations, to modify spacetime, to cohere realities through resonance and specifically tune in with spacetimes and gravity in relation to intentionality and to their information-modulating, rotating and counter-rotating vortical nodes quite likely also manifesting as standing toroidal forms (a component of which is perhaps also expressed as volts per second in linear terms of energy carrying pulses travelling along the direction of motion).
These longitudinal waves may exist in what has been called the “Quantum Potential” in realistic QM interpretations and may be useful to modify quantum probabilities, thus, also concrete manifest physical reality. Perhaps, according to their degree of manifested retrocausal probabilities, these waves may serve to couple experienced linear, time-forward, entropy-based physical reality with various degrees of the non-local – yet physical – information aspect of the a theorized “quantum hologram.” But, inasmuch as the retrocausal component becomes equal to the forward in time (normally exteriorly manifested-actualized) component, that is, when exterior time forward and interior time backward components cancel each other out, direct, non-spacetime, non-physical, in fact, mental (or subtle) realm influences may be able to modify the quantum potential and physical actualization probabilities, rendering possible a more direct interaction with “consciousness.”
Thus, a deeper level of “transdimensional” effects may be possible, even temporarily modifying the energy density and other characteristics of spacetime, opening portals, combining physical and non-physical reality levels to connect with various stable sub-levels of physical reality.
These longitudinal waves (which are perhaps being energized in a deeper, fractally connected level of the quantum vacuum) might be used to establish both hyper luminal and instant decoding resonant states with the universal subquantum quantum hologram of all past and future physical information. Moreover, these waves may operate in the same “sub-quantum” level of reality as what has been termed “torsion waves” and perhaps various superluminal speeds are possible, besides an instant, non-local resonance in which communication is more like a blending of similar vibrational states or cohesive patterns.
Longitudinal waves – by virtue of being superluminal – would connect with the retrocausal aspect of the quantum potential (a way of understanding the so-called “etheric”) and could be used to reconcile the quantum potential’s time-forward (causal) and time-backward (retrocausal) components, canceling them back into a state in which they were not separated…the non-physical realm or domain or possibility.  Thus they would be reconciled into a higher symmetry in which subjective experience and exterior objects correlate as co-equals in terms of causality. This would differ from the physical domain or realm in which causality primarily depends upon the relation between exterior objects.
Could we, perhaps, also explain through longitudinal waves the regular, transversal EM effects sometimes detected and associated not only with UFO events but with ghosts and with instrumental transcommunication? Thinking that the mutually reciprocal relationship between longitudinal waves (being affected by a non-physical source) and regular transversal EM waves may relate with information, this might serve to transduce physical entropic states into non-physical order and also to temporarily re-transmit new organization states back into the physical realm? It would be an interesting line of research.
But, do longitudinal waves exist or can be produced to experiment with? Well, yes considering the experiments in superluminal energy transmission already being carried on by Dr. Konstantin Meyl and the superluminal, real-time communication system being built by Dr. Eammon Ansbro.
Both SETI astronomer Eammon Ansbro in Ireland and electric engineer Konstantin Meyl in Germany seem to be able to produce longitudinal waves emphasizing different aspects of these (also predicted and apparently used by Nikolas Tesla), something which promises to launch us into the next level of direct, real-time communication and practical participatory interactions with advanced ETI which think differently because they also capable of overcoming spacetime limitations.
Moreover, the use of toroidal capacitors would also assist in using regular, positive, energy as is demonstrated in the work of NASA engineer Dr. Harold White.

Imagen relacionada

But perhaps, by producing and patterning these longitudinal waves with specific resonant frequencies, we may be able to amplify negative energy states of the zero-point energy of the vacuum and, thus, to open stable, traversable wormholes without the need for immense amounts of ordinary, positive energy.
For Konstantin Meyl, longitudinal waves transmit usable electric energy with a receiver instantly or practically instantly detecting the transmitter. This is why I think they may form a close time-like loop and, according to Dr. Jack Sarfatti’s expose of “Post Quantum Mechanics,” this would allow a non-deterministic modification of (energy pumped) Frohlich open systems. It is as if experiential moments in time meet as one, cohering meaningfully and displaying a more intimate form of entanglement which allows for back and forth communication, a true relationship and not only correlation in some dynamic properties like complementary polarization states.
It would be a physics that allows regulating events as when two individuals are telepathically blended as a single experiencer beyond the limits of time and space. And I posit that this physics will allow for multiple alternative approaches to coincide with experience and consciousness first as co-equal and, ultimately, as more fundamental. The quantum hologram theory, longitudinal-scalar waves, torsion waves, Post-quantum (realist) theory inclusive of retrocausality, the Copenhagen Interpretation, cosmological theories of multiple universes, would become compatible under a more comprehensive understanding. 
Furthermore, the whole gestalt of we may call “unconsciously connected humanity,” in order to remain viable and not under progressive de-humanization and the control of other intelligences, will have to face the truth and adapt. 
Moreover, through education and honest leadership We (The People) would reunite with the so-called “breakaway civilization,” an alleged segment of human society whose level of retro-engineered extraterrestrial technology (and participation with extraterrestrial species) is such that they have effectively become a different type of civilization, with a more complex understanding, space-faring, partially inter-reality-faring, already in close contact with some (benign and non-benign) advanced extraterrestrial intelligences, a civilization allegedly not necessarily limited to any particular formal Government and already unable to be understood in our regular political world.
Of course, the degree of any this which might be true is still highly speculative and, for the time being, what we have are incredible, coinciding stories presented as whistleblower, insider witness testimonies. But, also for the time being, since 1947 (and after 70+ years of secret research and formal negations for security reason, for self-interest reasons or “for our own good”) we have a more basic, ongoing confirmation, educational effort: the honest to God start of a pro democratic, disclosure process in progress as the Department of Defense, CIA, DIA (and probably other agencies and secretive higher-ups) have allowed the B corporation “To the Stars Academy of Arts & Sciences” to get closer to the citizenry by revealing through still important media institutions formerly classified documents and engaging them with projects that make the news more assimilable.
Overall, the mental and physical experiential “landscapes” of our evolving humanity and that of the “others” must meet to solve the paradox of occasional encounters, extreme experiences and extreme negations. The worlds must meet as we become more inclusive and aware of each other.
Photo of an interesting group of scientists and intelligence officers fromTo the Stars Academy recognizing the importance of space-time manipulation and the capacities of consciousness in order to understand and reproduce UAP/UFO phenomena.
First and foremost, through the capacity which consciousness has to connect experiential ontological realities (and from an astrobiological perspective), we will be able to explore and (assuming risks and responsabilities) interact with a vast, multi-layered cosmos teeming with life. Consciousness-assisted technologies may help but the main capacity is consciousness itself independent from this artificiality. Thus, I hope we do not become overly dependent upon them and fall into a new object-dependent, materialist trap (as many multi-reality-connecting, transdimensionally-capable extraterrestrial civilizations may have).
Cabrol, Nathalie. Alien Mindscapes – A Perspective on the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (Astrobiology Magazine, Volume 16 Issue 9. September 2016)
Clark, Jerome.  Jacques Vallée Discusses Control System.
Sarfatti, Jack.. Bohm Pilot Wave Post-QuantumTheory…/320061469/Bohm-Pilot-Wave-Post-Quan…
Piacenza, Giorgio. A More Advanced form of Ufology and CE5?
Piacenza, Giorgio. Scalar Waves: What Might they Be?
To the Stars Academy of Arts & Sciences

Ancient Civilization Used Sound Energy to Levitate and Contact Aliens

by Patrick Knox         February 21, 2018             (

• Archaeological findings suggest previous civilisations used circular structures as energy-generating devices to create man-made portals in time. Two years of research suggests that human beings from thousands of years ago produced natural sound harmonic frequencies produced from the surface of the Earth at frequencies of more than 380 gigahertz – much greater than any levels used today.

• In the UFOmania YouTube channel video clip (below), the narrator explains that the Sumerian civilization (Iraq) may have inhabited parts of southern Africa thousands of years ago. The technology the Sumers used in 3,000BC is similar to the way we use laser technology today.

• The discovery has left many confused as to what this previous society could possibly have done with the high-frequency sound energy they created. One YouTube comment reads: “Sound was used as energy to levitate objects in order to create the monuments that opened vortices which allowed spacecraft to come and go.” Another added: “…many ancient rock carvings showed a spiral, which could be some kind of sound wave. This is something they can only draw and couldn’t put into words.”

[Editor’s Note] As to the notion of a “bizarre new claim”, Michael Tellinger has been talking about these circular structures in southern Africa, such as Adam’s Calendar, for years. Also see a recent article in the ExoNews about recent developments in levitation technology.


Archaeological findings suggest previous civilizations used circular structures as energy-generating devices to create man-made portals in time, according to boffins online.

The research – which extended over a two-year period – suggested that human beings from thousands of years ago produced natural sound harmonic frequencies produced from the surface of the Earth.

In the video clip, the narrator explains that the Sumerian civilisation may have inhabited parts of southern Africa thousands of years ago. The Sumers are one of the earliest civilisations known to walk the Earth. They are said to date back to 3,000BC. The technology they apparently used is said to be similar to the way we use laser technology today.

Some of the frequencies recorded are believed to reach more than 380 gigahertz – much greater than any levels used today.

The discovery has left many confused as to what this previous society could possibly have done with the energy they created and whether they could have possibly known more about our planet than we do today.


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Cluster of UFOs Spotted on Live Fox News Broadcast

by Sean Martin          March 7, 2018          (

• Before sunrise, at 4:43 in the morning on February 28, 2018, on a Fox 6 News broadcast in Milwaukee, viewers and then the two on-air broadcasters watched an ‘odd astronomical display’ as at least 10 bright lights dashed around in the distant night sky in the background. They seemed to glow, then dim, then glow again.

• Shocked by the sight, the female broadcaster asks, “Are those fireworks?” When it becomes apparent that they are not fireworks, she says, “What is that? Aliens?” Then she asks her male counterpart whether he sees these lights dancing around the night sky. He responds, “I do see that and it keeps getting weirder by the second. It looks like they are sticking around”.

• Authorities later claimed that the darting formation of lights were actually seagulls.
• The video was uploaded to the YouTube channel Suspect Sky (see 2:09 minute below), and YouTubers were not buying the seagulls excuse. American Supps, wrote: “I watched it 500 times now and these are no seagulls”. Percy MO wrote: “You would need binoculars to see tiny seagulls at that distance, and even then it would be difficult with the limited light. These objects are much larger and are illuminating for more than 15 seconds… This is a very weak juvenile attempt at an explanation.”

[Editor’s Note] The policy of ExoNews is not to try to report the abundance of images and videos of purported UFOs which typically consist of a light in the sky that cannot be explained. Also, it is too easy to create a fake. But this being on a television news cast and the nature of the lights swirling around the sky makes this video extraordinary.


Viewers of Fox 6 News were treated to an odd astronomical display in the early hours of February 28 when a series of bright lights dashed around a live feed of Milwaukee.

People who had tuned in at 4.43am saw at least 10 bright dots moving about in the distance, first glowing and then seemingly disappearing before shining a light again.

Even the man and woman presenters of the show were surprised by the activity and went so far as to question if it was extraterrestrial activity.

The female broadcaster is shocked by the sight asking: “Are those fireworks?”.

However, when it became clear that they were not fireworks, she asked: “What is that? Aliens?”
She then asks her colleague: “You see that, right?”.

Her male counterpart then responds: “I do see that and it keeps getting weirder by the second. It looks like they are sticking around”.

Authorities later claimed that seagulls reflecting light were responsible for the strange darting formation of lights.

However, viewers of the video, which was uploaded to popular UFO YouTube channel Suspect Sky, were not buying that excuse.

One user, American Supps, wrote: “I watched it 500 times now and these are no seagulls”.

Another user, Percy MO, took apart the ‘seagull explanation’ piece by piece.

She wrote: “You would need binoculars to see tiny seagulls at that distance, and even then it would be difficult with the limited light.

“These objects are much larger and are illuminating for more than 15 seconds. The comparison that is being passed off as an explanation which shows seagulls above a building is taken at a much shorter distance where you can clearly see the birds.

“This is a very weak juvenile attempt at an explanation.”



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US Intelligence Agencies Warn War in Space is Coming

by Brett Tingley           February 20, 2018            (

• If a war ever broke out involving the United States, Russia and China, the first thing everyone would do is to knock out the other side’s communications and military satellites, thus making ‘space… the pivotal battlefield in the next global conflict’.

• According to a report by the Director of National Intelligence and presented to congressional intelligence and armed forces committees, Russia and China are only a few years away from having operational anti-satellite technology designed to reduce the advantages of the American military. ‘Military reforms in both [Russia and China] in the past few years indicate an increased focus on establishing operational forces designed to integrate attacks against space systems and services with military operations’, says the report.

• While both the Chinese and Russian governments publicly claim that space should be a peaceful domain, they’ve both been training their military personnel in the operation of anti-satellite (ASAT) weapons and other military types of “experimental” and “killer” satellites”. The United States, of course, has also been doing some shadowy aerospace stuff and secret testing in orbit.

• Does strange stuff falling from the skies and mysterious booms mean that there is already a space war going on over our heads? Does the advancement of space-age technology make a space war inevitable? The report states that “the risk of… interstate conflict… among great powers is higher than at any time since the end of the Cold War.” Space Wars, here we come.


Space is beginning to become more accessible to humankind. Naturally, the military wants to start fighting wars up there. Really, though, if you think about the timelines of the development of automobiles, aircraft, and atomic bombs relative to their use in war, it’s a wonder that there hasn’t been a war in space yet. I guess the near-unbelievable price tags of any space-borne technology still hold back the superpowers from going CRASH BANG BOOM with all their shiny new space toys – for now, at least.

Thanks to James Bond villain-in-the-making Elon Musk and the Chinese rocket scientists who are no doubt furiously plagiarizing his technology (yeah, they really do that), those price tags are sure to come down in the near future. What does that mean for us? Get ready for war in space, folks. It’s gonna be weird – and deadly.

For now, most of the space weaponry involves disarming, destroying, or hijacking enemy satellites. Giant death lasers are on the way though, don’t worry. Satellites are what give battlefield advantage to modern militaries, providing GPS and communications networks, surveillance capabilities, and probably even some seriously crazy space-based firepower we don’t even know about yet. Those satellites are relied upon by military forces during conflicts, making them prime targets for adversaries. According to a new report published by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, Russia and China are only a few years away from having operational anti-satellite technology designed to reduce the advantages of the American military. The report also states that “the risk of interstate conflict, including among great powers, is higher than at any time since the end of the Cold War.” Space Wars, here we come.

This new report was published by the intelligence community and presented to congressional intelligence and armed forces committees. In the view of intelligence analysts, the United States’ closest rivals for world hegemony are fast at work preparing for space to be the pivotal battlefield in the next global conflict: If a future conflict were to occur involving Russia or China, either country would justify attacks against US and allied satellites as necessary to offset any perceived US military advantage derived from military, civil, or commercial space systems. Military reforms in both countries in the past few years indicate an increased focus on establishing operational forces designed to integrate attacks against space systems and services with military operations in other domains.



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New Book – Antarctica’s Hidden History: Corporate Foundations of Secret Space Programs

Antarctica is a land about to be exposed over its well-guarded secrets and ancient hidden mysteries …

In 1955, as a result of a secret agreement reached between the Eisenhower Administration and a German breakaway group in Antarctica, a transnational corporate space program began to emerge. The secret infusion of personnel and resources from US military contractors into Antarctica allowed this transnational corporate program to steadily grow into a major space power, which would eventually surpass and eclipse the secret space programs run by the US Navy, Air Force, and the classified space programs of other nations.

Whistleblower claims substantiate that many of the classified programs conducted there violate the 1961 Antarctic Treaty, and constitute “crimes against humanity” due to the abuse of a captive slave labor force. Dr. Michael Salla daringly exposes the major corporations involved in these illegal programs, and how the truth is hidden from company shareholders and the public. Today, Antarctica’s secrets are slowly being revealed by the increasing volcanic activity that is melting the massive ice shelves, exposing ancient artifacts and crashed extraterrestrial spacecraft.

Full disclosure of Antarctica’s history, and current events involving multiple space programs and transnational corporations, will vitally aid in transforming our planet, and prepare humanity for the major geological events that lie ahead as the melting ice unveils all that has previously been hidden.

About the Author: Dr Michael Salla is a former university professor in international relations, and is the author of Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs and Extraterrestrial Alliances (Book 1 in Secret Space Program Series, 2015), and The US Navy’s Secret Space Program and Nordic Extraterrestrial Alliance (Book 2 in the Series) both of which became #1 Amazon Best Sellers. He is also the author/editor of nine other books dealing with ‘Exopolitics’, International Conflict, U.S. Foreign Policy  and Global Peace.

Antarctica’s Hidden History: Corporate Foundations of Secret Space Program is approximately 380 pages in length, and is Book 3 in the Secret Space Programs Series.

Release Date: March 25, 2018!

Pages: Approx 380.

Pre-order – Paperback edition from – Cost $19.95

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Pre-orderAutographed paperback edition from

Hate Speech Initiative a Trojan Horse for AI Takeover of Humanity

A February 8 video by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) promotes a new Artificial Intelligence (AI) based algorithm it calls the “Online Hate Index” which is aimed at identifying hate speech. The ADL believes that the AI algorithm can be used by social media platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter to identify and quickly remove hate speech.

In the video, Brittan Heller, the Director of the ADL Center for Technology & Society says the goal of the index is to:

Help tech platforms better understand the growing amount of hate on social media, and to use that information to address the problem. By combining Artificial Intelligence and machine learning and social science, the Online Hate Index will ultimately uncover and identify trends and patterns in hate speech across different platforms.

In its “Phase I Innovation Brief” published January 2018 on its website, the ADL further explains how “machine learning”, a form of Artificial Intelligence based on algorithms, can be used to identify and remove hate speech from social media platforms:

The Online Hate Index (OHI), a joint initiative of ADL’s Center for Technology and Society and UC Berkeley’s D-Lab, is designed to transform human understanding of hate speech via machine learning into a scalable tool that can be deployed on internet content to discover the scope and spread of online hate speech. Through a constantly-evolving process of machine learning, based on a protocol developed by a team of human coders as to what does and does not constitute hate speech, this tool will uncover and identify trends and patterns in hate speech across different online platforms, allowing us to push for the changes necessary to ensure that online communities are safe and inclusive spaces.

The ADL’s Online Hate Index is described as “a sentiment-based analysis that runs off of machine learning.” The ADL Brief goes on to say:

All the decisions that went into each step of creating the OHI were done with the aim of building a machine learning-enabled model that can be used to identify and help us understand hate speech online.

What the ADL and other promoters of AI based algorithms fail to grasp is the potential of AI to evolve through its programmed capacity for “machine learning” into the kind of fearsome interconnected sentient intelligence featured in movies such as the Terminator and Battlestar Galactica.

It is well known that scientists/inventors such as Stephen Hawkins and Elon Musk have been loudly warning about the long term threat posed by AI. They and others believe that AI poses an existential threat to humanity, and needs to be closely controlled and monitored. In a 2014 speech Musk said:

I think we should be very careful about artificial intelligence. If I had to guess at what our biggest existential threat is, it’s probably that. So we need to be very careful with artificial intelligence…. ‘I’m increasingly inclined to think that there should be some regulatory oversight, maybe at the national and international level, just to make sure that we don’t do something very foolish… With artificial intelligence we’re summoning the demon. You know those stories where there’s the guy with the pentagram, and the holy water, and … he’s sure he can control the demon? Doesn’t work out.

Musk’s view was echoed by Stephen Hawking who warned against the danger of AI in an interview with the BBC in December 2014:

The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race…. It would take off on its own, and re-design itself at an ever increasing rate.… Humans, who are limited by slow biological evolution, couldn’t compete, and would be superseded.

Similarly, Corey Goode, an alleged insider revealing the existence of multiple secret space programs, claims that AI is already a threat in deep space operations. When he first emerged in early 2015, Goode focused a great deal of attention on the AI threat, and continues to warn about it today.

He says that these programs, along with extraterrestrial civilizations, take strict security precautions to identify and remove any kind of AI signature:

There are a few ET “AI” Groups (ALL Malevolent to Humanity, from our perspective) that the SSP(s) (There are several Secret Space Programs) have been dealing with for decades.

If an “Asset” is “Scanned” and has a “Bio Neuro AI Signature”, “AI Nano Tech” or “Overlapping AI related EMG type Brian Wave Signature” (Or any other sign of AI exposure) those persons are immediately placed in isolation and are not allowed anywhere near the current era SSP(s) Technology (Which is “Mostly” Bio-Neurological and Consciousness Interactive) until they have been “Cleared” of all AI influences.

Now, let’s analyze all this in terms of what the ADL is proposing for social media platforms to use AI based algorithms to identify hate speech.

At first look, there is great appeal in the idea of monitoring speech and regulating people promoting fear, hate or violence against others whether on social, religious or economic grounds. After all, we all want to live in a peaceful and tolerant world, which includes cyberspace, so why not exclude intolerant and hateful individuals and groups from our social media platforms?

The big problem here of course is that there is a real danger that social media can be surreptitiously used to exclude dissenting political viewpoints under the guise of regulating hate speech. We see this already occurring with Youtube using an army of 10,000 volunteers from groups such as the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Many popular YouTube channels are being increasingly targeted by strikes and removals for behavior characterized as bullying or hate speech. Yet, this YouTube crackdown appears to be a cleverly disguised politically driven campaign to remove alternative voices questioning the official media narrative on a great number of social issues, rather than really cracking down on hate speech. I’ve written about the problem here.

What ADL is proposing, however, goes well beyond what YouTube is currently doing. The ADL is openly promoting a censorship system where it won’t be humans doing the actual monitoring and removal of hate speech but an AI algorithm. What might be the result of this if allowed to occur given the warnings of AI posed by Hawking, Musk and Goode?

It doesn’t take an Einstein to realize that if social media platforms did allow AI algorithms to monitor and censor content, that warnings about a future AI threat would themselves eventually be deemed to be a form of hate speech. After all, if corporations can be recognized to have the same rights as individuals according to the infamous Citizens United ruling by the Supreme Court in 2010, won’t AI sentience eventually also be recognized to have similar human rights in the U.S.?

We could very easily end up in a dystopian future where different forms of AI are used to monitor and regulate human behavior in egregious ways, and any humans protesting or warning what the AI system is doing would be censored for hate speech.

Given the existential threat posed by AI, if we accept what Hawking, Musk and Goode are telling us, let alone the inappropriateness of censoring alternative news perspectives in the first place, then free speech needs to be protected on social media at all costs.

In the U.S. this should not present too great challenge given the First Amendment Constitutional right to free speech, and legal remedies available in the Federal court system. Those individuals who threatened legal remedies to YouTube cracking down on their channels appear to have been the most successful in restoring their channels. YouTube apologized to such users for the overzealous behavior of its new army of 10,000 moderators. 

However, the U.S. is an island in a vast ocean where other countries do actively punish individuals and groups for hate speech. This is where the future appears ominous given the temptation for national regulators to eventually punish social media platforms that don’t regulate hate speech. This would force Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and other platforms to adopt the AI based algorithms recommended by the ADL or other organizations for widespread usage.

This is likely to lead to a situation where major nations such as China, or supranational entities such as the European Union, might embrace AI algorithms to monitor and regular hate speech. China is already closely monitoring and removing dissident political thought from media platforms through firewalls, and may well be contemplating incorporating AI algorithms to do so more effectively.

While national regulators across the world may be tempted for different reasons to adopt the ADL’s proposal for AI algorithms to identify and remove hate speech, we need to firmly keep in mind that this would create a Trojan horse for eventual AI control of humanity.

Despite the genuine problems posed by hate speech, national regulators need to ensure that social media platforms are never regulated by AI algorithms given the potential for global security to be undermined, and humanity being genuinely imperiled by an AI takeover.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice


Black Knight Satellite Filmed by International Space Station, UFO Watchers Say

by Sean Martin          February 21, 2018          (

• In 1963, NASA astronaut Gordon Cooper claimed to have seen an unknown satellite in space. NASA said Cooper was hallucinating. In 1998, the space shuttle Endeavour took a photo of the mysterious satellite and dubbed it ‘The Black Knight Satellite’. Now, video feed from the International Space Station has captured the satellite to the astonishment of control personnel. (see YouTube channel Section 51 video below) In the video, the Black Knight is seen floating near the Soyuz spacecraft set to dock with the ISS.

• Conspiracy theorists claim the satellite is 13,000 years old, of extraterrestrial origin (from Epsilon Boötis to be exact), and orbiting the Earth in near-polar orbit. NASA says that it is a thermal blanket dropped by space shuttle crew.

[Editors Note] For me, the most compelling part of the video is a gasp made by a female crew or control personnel when the satellite appears on screen. This is no lost blanket.


The Black Knight Satellite is the name given to an object captured on camera by NASA astronauts during a 1998 space shuttle mission.

Conspiracy theorists claim the satellite is of extraterrestrial origin and possibly up to 13,000 years old and orbiting Earth in near-polar orbit.

The legend has been circulating since the Sixties and now footage uploaded to YouTube channel Section 51 claims to be evidence of the alleged craft.

A caption beneath the video reads: “Leaked pictures from ISS show the 13,000 year old Black Knight Satellite UFO very close to Soyuz Spacecraft during approach to the Station.”

In the video, a mysterious and long looking black object can be seen floating near the Soyuz spacecraft, which is set to dock with the ISS.

As astronauts are heard mumbling in the background, the black knight seems to stay in the distance as if it were keeping an eye on what is happening.



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Forget Flat Earth, the New Hot Conspiracy Theory is That Our Planet is Actually Hollow

by Rob Waugh           February 19, 2018            (

• Rodney Cluff, the author of World Top Secret: The Earth is Hollow, says that more and more people are accepting the theory that the Earth is hollow (or honeycombed), and that these interior areas are home to advanced civilizations with UFO technology.

• Researchers such as Nigel Watson, author of UFOs: The Nazi Connection also claim that Hitler and the Nazis established an underground base at New Swabia, Antarctica after World War II. Ernest Zundal, in his 1975 book Nazi Secret Weapon, stated that after WWII the Nazis continued to develop flying saucers and found an entrance to the hollow Earth within Antarctica.

• The theory goes on to claim that the CIA and the US military-industrial complex secretly allied with these post-WWII Nazis, and created vast underground bases at Dulce (New Mexico); Area 51 (Nevada); Camp Hero (Long Island); and Denver International Airport. Underground bases have also been built in Europe and Australia.

• Says Cluff, “The shell of the Earth is about 800 miles thick, from the outside to the inner surface. Suspended in the center of that hollow is an interior sun that is divided by day and night sides.” The North and South poles have substantial openings that lead into the interior. Rumors about secret Nazi UFO projects provide an alternative to the extraterrestrial invader explanation.


Thousands of new believers are ‘discovering’ the idea that our planet is hollow – and there’s a race of alien super-beings inside it, flying about in UFOs, according to the Independent.

Oh, and the Nazis are somehow involved as well, with many conspiracy theorists convinced that Hitler and his colleagues escaped into the hollow Earth in 1945.

So how do you actually believe this stuff without the aid of hard drugs?

Speaking to The Sun, Rodney Cluff, the author of World Top Secret: The Earth is Hollow, said, ‘More and more people are coming to terms with the fact that the Earth is hollow. I get emails from people learning about it every day.

‘It’s definitely growing in popularity – certainly not in the millions but maybe in the thousands.’

‘I don’t know how the flat-Earthers can be so confused. They are obviously wrong. The world is not flat – it’s hollow. They reject all the evidence.’

So what’s it like in there?

Cluff said in 2015, ‘My conception of the Hollow Earth, based on my research is that the shell of the Earth is about 800 miles thick, from the outside to the inner surface. Suspended in the center of that hollow is an interior sun that is divided by day and night sides.

‘The other part of the Hollow Earth theory is that near the North and South pole are substantial openings that lead into the interior.’


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Are Ancient Peruvians With Long Skulls Aliens? No, They Were Self-Made, Says Study

by Nirmal Narayanan           February 18, 2018             (

• Mainstream researchers have discovered elongated skulls in humans from at least a thousand years ago in various parts of North America, Africa, and Europe. They have concluded that the practice of skull elongation was very common in ancient times.

• In particular, researchers analyzed the skulls of the Collagua people who roamed in the Colca Valley in south-eastern Peru around 1100 to 1450 CE. Researchers believe that these people would bind up their baby’s head to give them a pear-shaped skull. These long-headed Collagua women also had better diets and less signs of violence than their round headed peers, indicating that they were considered privileged in their community, perhaps even royalty.

[Editor’s Note] The unaddressed question is why would an elongated head represent a royal class? Were they trying to emulate a previous Earth species whom they revered as gods? Was it the long-headed Anunnaki and their long-headed human-hybrid descendants that civilizations all over the world were imitating?


Several conspiracy theories have surfaced online since the discovery of elongated skulls in the Peruvian theory. Many conspiracy theorists believed that aliens have once lived in Peru, while others claimed that these skulls are that of human-alien hybrids.

But now, a new study published in the journal Current Anthropology has revealed that these elongated skulls have nothing do with aliens or extraterrestrials, instead, the practice of skull elongation was very common in those ancient ages. Researchers also made it clear that similar elongated skulls were discovered from various parts of North America, Africa, and Europe.

During the study, researchers analyzed the skulls of the Collagua people who roamed in the Colca Valley in south-eastern Peru around 1100 to 1450 CE. The researchers believed that people used to bind up their baby’s head to give them a pear-shaped skull. After measuring carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis of the bones, researchers found that Collagua women with elongated skulls used to eat a more varied diet which indicates that they were more privileged than others in the community.

Interestingly, the remains of these women with elongated skulls had less physical violence inflicted on them. According to the study’s author, this is a sign that Peruvians who had elongated skulls could be from the royal family.



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Does the Possibility of an ‘Extraterrestrial Threat’ Even Exist? Or Would It Be Another Event Like 9/11?

by Arjun Walia              February 15, 2018               (

• In the fall of 2016, Wikileaks’ released an email from former astronaut Edgar Mitchell to Clinton advisor, John Podesta, noting that “our nonviolent intelligent extraterrestrials from the contiguous universe are helping us bring zero point energy to Earth…[and] will not tolerate any forms of military violence on Earth or in space.”

• Mitchell also mentioned Carol Rosin, consultant to various corporations, government departments and intelligence communities, and close assistant to former NASA director, Wernher von Braun in the 1970’s. Below is a 33:53 minute video of Carol Rosin being interviewed by Steven Greer wherein she discusses the progression of “enemies” of the United States that the (deep state) government planned to create through “false flag” events, to justify the weaponization of space. The parade of fabricated “enemies” of the United States would be the Russians, then terrorists, then ‘third world crazies’, then asteroids, and finally extraterrestrials. “All of it,” said von Braun, “is a lie.”

• Why do we wait until the government or the media verifies something in order to believe it’s true? Mainstream media and Western governments habitually spread misinformation. But people still trust their government implicitly. This makes it easy for the deep state to twist the truth to their own ends. If the ‘war on terror’ and the ‘war on drugs’ are any indication, we should be wary of anything they tell us about UFOs.

• We don’t need the government to tell us what is already apparent. We just need to do independent research and think for ourselves. Rosin says that before his death, Von Braun asked her to educate the public as to these “false flag” scare tactics, and to educate the decision makers about why we shouldn’t be putting weapons into space.


Wikileaks’ release of the Podesta emails exposed massive amounts of corruption within the U.S. political system. Some of the Podesta leaks include information about UFOs and extraterrestrials in the form of private emails. One in particular was from Apollo 14 astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell, and it reads as follows:
“Dear John,
Because the War in Space race is heating up, I felt you should be aware of several factors as you and I schedule our Skype talk.
Remember, our nonviolent ETI from the contiguous universe are helping us bring zero point energy to Earth.
They will not tolerate any forms of military violence on Earth or in space.
The following information in italics was shared with me by my colleague Carol Rosin, who worked closely for several years with Wernher von Braun before his death.
Carol and I have worked on the Treaty on the Prevention of the Placement of Weapons in Outer Space, attached for your convenience.”

In the email, Dr Mitchell mentions Carol Rosin, who was the first female corporate manager of Fairchild Industries. A space and missile defence consultant who has worked with various corporations, government departments, and intelligence communities, she worked closely with Wernher Von Braun shortly before his death, specifically on the subject of space-based weapons. She also founded the Institute for Security Cooperation in Outer Space.

Carol Rosin

Below is a very telling interview with Carol that was conducted by Dr. Steven Greer, founder of The Disclosure Project. Greer accompanied Dr. Edgar Mitchell in all his communications and meetings with the Pentagon and has been instrumental in bringing forth hundreds of military whistleblowers of all ranks, with verified credentials and backgrounds, to share what they’ve learned about this phenomenon through their work.

In the interview, she brings up the idea of a false flag alien threat. The term ‘false flag’ describes covert operations that are designed to be misleading, to make it appear as though events are being carried out by entities, groups, or nations other than those who actually planned and executed them.

Says Carol Rosin: “I met the late Dr Wernher Von Braun in early 74, at that time Von Braun was dying of cancer, but he assured me that he would live a few more years in order to tell me about the game that was being played, that game being the effort to weaponize space, to control Earth from space and space itself.

“He asked me to be his spokesperson, to appear on occasions when he was to ill to speak, and I did. And what he asked me to do was to educate decision makers and the public about why we shouldn’t be putting weapons into space . . . and what the alternatives are, how we could be building a cooperative space system.

“What was most interesting to me, was a repetitive sentence that he said to me over and over again. . . . And that was the strategy that was being used to educate the public and decision makers, and the scare tactics, the spin that was being put on the weapons system. And that was how we identify an enemy.

“The enemy at first he said, the enemy against whom we’re going to build a space based weapons system . . . First the Russians are going to be considered the enemy . . . then terrorists would be identified and that was soon to follow . . . then we were going to identify third world crazies, we now call them nations of concern. . . . The next enemy was asteroids . . . [and] against asteroids we’re going to build space based weapons.

“And the funniest one of all, was against what he called aliens, extraterrestrials, that would be the final card. And over, and over, and over during the four years that I knew him and was giving his speeches for him, he would bring up that last card.

“And remember Carol, the last card is the alien card. We’re going to have to build space based weapons against aliens,’ and all of it, he said, is a lie.”



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YouTube Purge of Social Media Threatens Full Disclosure

YouTube has begun purging its popular video hosting platform of channels that challenge the narrative coming out of the mainstream news media across a wide spectrum of topics. This has led to outright terminations and strikes against some of the more popular channels, which have been exhorting viewers to question the conventional news narrative.

These channels have been accused to be participating in hate speech or bullying due to them vigorously addressing controversial topics, transgressing norms of political correctness, or exploring evidence that some national tragedies may have been false flag attacks. Among the topics that appear to have attracted the attention of YouTube censors are disclosures by QAnon, which allegedly involves information released by covert U.S. Army Intelligence operatives.

The YouTube video purge not only has grave implications for free speech, but can also seriously impact on the prospects for full disclosure of secret space programs, UFO’s, and the advanced technologies and hidden intelligence behind these.

These subjects have been successfully kept secret for decades due to mainstream media either ignoring or ridiculing their seriousness, or by removing journalists from their positions for covering them. I found this out first hand as a “citizen journalist” for the online newspaper where I had over 50 million pages views for over 300 articles written from 2009 to 2015.

All my content was summarily removed when a new editorial policy was adopted where “exopolitics” and many other alternative news topics were no longer considered legitimate news. Hundreds of citizen journalists writing highly popular blog articles were dismissed without any appeal process. All this badly backfired on the Examiner which by July 2016 was forced to shut down.

It’s no surprise then that the CIA has been found to have compromised media organizations in order to shape the mainstream media narrative. I would not be surprised that the Examiner had been similarly compromised. Therefore, any attempt to suppress alternative media sources that challenge mainstream news is a threat to full disclosure.

YouTube, owned by Google, has very recently begun using an army of 10,000 moderators to police the thousands of videos uploaded to its platform on a daily basis.   In addition, progressive liberal organizations such as the Southern Poverty Law Center are being used as “Trusted Flaggers” which target YouTube users that vigorously challenge the mainstream news narrative.

Strikes are issued by the moderators and/or flaggers with only a very brief reference to the category of the YouTube community guidelines that has been allegedly transgressed. s No detailed explanation is given for the strike nor is the individual moderator(s) or organization behind the strike identified.

Among the first YouTube channels to be terminated under their three strikes policy was the Richie Allen Show on February 22, which had over 76,000 subscribers and 1,400 videos. Jordan Sather’s Destroying the Illusion channel was terminated on February 26 (120,000 subscribers), as was Jerome Corsi’s channel (34,000 subscribers) on March 1. Strikes were also given to Alex Jones/Infowars (2.3 million subscribers and 33,000 videos), Mark Dice (1.2 million subscribers) and a growing list of others.

[Update 3/4/18] On late Saturday night, Alex Jones reported that YouTube was poised to delete his channel:

When challenged, some of the strikes have been reversed, and channels restored as occurred with Corsi, who received White House support from back channel discussions. Interestingly, both Corsi and Sather were giving a lot of coverage to the QAnon disclosures.

Officials linked to QAnon may have even stepped in to save Corsi’s channel. Sather instead has created a replacement YouTube channel called Destroying the Illusion 2.0., where he plans to continue examining the QAnon material, secret space programs and many other topics.

The long-term prospects for YouTube channels and news sites challenging mainstream media narratives does not look good due to the moderators and flaggers actively posting strikes against many channels challenging mainstream news narratives.

YouTube, Twitter and Facebook are at different stages in downgrading, hiding and/or terminating alternative media sites in a transparent and foolhardy effort to get people to buy back into the mainstream media narrative on topical issues.

YouTube, along with Twitter and Facebook, are destined to fail since there is a growing social movement that simply doesn’t trust the mainstream news narrative, which many believe is hopelessly compromised by Deep State actors such as the CIA.

This is a phenomenon that is not going to be reversed during the Trump administration given the highly partisan nature of American politics, and the rapid growth in the popularity of the QAnon revelations which are being followed by as many as 20 million people (Q post 809).

What YouTube, Twitter and Facebook are doing is only highlighting how they have been compromised by individuals and groups that have a vested interest in hiding the machinations of the Deep State, and covering up the truth on an extensive number of topics.

In the meantime, it would be wise for individuals to support alternative media by directly visiting the websites of content providers, which are not controlled by YouTube, Twitter and Facebook. Subscribe to RSS feeds, email lists, etc., of your favorite sites, and don’t become too dependent on social media platforms such as YouTube, Twitter and Facebook, which are only going to continue to terminate accounts of those not supporting the mainstream media narrative. Here is a list of alternative social media platforms that don’t censor posters.

In the case of information concerning secret space programs and “exopolitics” I recommend subscribing to the RSS and email feeds of which is my personal site, or which hosts a diverse collection of exopolitics authors, and stories from around the internet.

As far as the YouTube purge of channels promoting the QAnon information, the quick reinstatement of the Corsi channel after possible White House intervention raises hopes that this new policy direction may similarly backfire on YouTube and Google, as it did for back in 2016.

The threat posed by the YouTube purge is very real and preemptive steps need to be taken by all who value alternative news perspectives, and desire social media to be an effective means of promoting full disclosure.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

NASA Asked to Investigate 10,000-Year-Old Rock Paintings of ‘UFOs and ETs’

by Jon Austin           February 14, 2018             (

• Ancient rock paintings found in Charama, India seem to depict aliens and UFOs from 10,000 years ago.

• A video uploaded to YouTube’s The Lost History Channel (see below) says the local Indian government is seeking the help of NASA and the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) to help study these rock paintings. Says Indian archaeologist JR Bhagat, “Charama presently doesn’t have any such expert who could give clarity on the subject.”

• The rock paintings are done in natural colours that have hardly faded despite the years. “The strangely carved figures are seen holding weapon-like objects and do not have clear features.” Says Bhagat, “Specially, the nose and mouth are missing… In few pictures, they are even shown wearing space suits.”

• There appear to be depictions of aliens and UFOs found in ancient art across the globe, including in Egypt and Aboriginal rock art in Australia. This correlates with a popular ancient alien theory that our ancestors were visited by an advanced race of aliens that helped them build great monuments such as the Egyptian pyramids and Stonehenge – structures that would seem to defy the technology of primitive societies.


Mysterious ancient rock paintings could show depictions of advanced aliens who visited our ancestors around 10,000 years ago, according to staggering claims. The paintings, found in Charama, India, have been said by some to show aliens and UFOs, similar to how they are depicted in sci-fi movies.
A video uploaded to YouTube’s The Lost History Channel says the local government in the area is seeking the help of the US and Indian space agencies.

In the video, the narrator explains how a number of the paintings were discovered.

According to local archaeologist JR Bhagat it is unclear as to what the images were supposed to be of.
He said: “The findings suggest that humans in prehistoric times may have seen or imagined beings from other planets which still create curiosity among people and researchers, reports.
“Extensive research is needed for further findings. “Charama presently doesn’t have any such expert who could give clarity on the subject.“

The expert also said some of the other features of the paintings were unclear and the characters appeared to be wielding weapons.

He added: “The paintings are done in natural colours that have hardly faded despite the years.
“The strangely carved figures are seen holding weapon-like objects and do not have clear features.
“Specially, the nose and mouth are missing. “In few pictures, they are even shown wearing space suits.
We can’t refute possibility of imagination by prehistoric men but humans usually fancy such things.”
The narrator said archaeologists have contacted NASA and the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) to help solve the mystery.



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The Physics of UFOs: “If This Was a Court of Law, We Are Beyond a Reasonable Doubt.”

by Arjun Walia            February 13, 2018             (

• The above is a quote by Luis Elizondo in a recent interview by George Knapp and the I-Team Las Vegas (pictured above). Elizondo was the director of the Pentagon’s $22M UFO research program until he retired to join Tom Delonge’s ‘To The Stars Academy’ to make public an F-18 cockpit video of a tic-tac shaped UFO and an accompanying New York Times article last December. The Pentagon program was authorized by Senator Harry Reid in conjunction with Bigelow Aerospace. Founder Robert Bigelow said in a ’60 Minutes’ (CBS) interview that the Earth is currently being visited by extraterrestrials, an opinion shared by Elizondo.

• Elizondo said, “…advanced physics and quantum mechanics…sudden and extreme acceleration, hypersonic velocities, low observability, trans-medium travel and… positive lift, or anti-gravity, is really a manifestation of a single technology …(that) we think we know…”.

• Fellow ‘Stars Academy’ member, physicist Dr. Hal Puthoff said in a recent radio interview that the tic-tac UFO created a ‘space-time metric’ “able to create their own space-time bubbles,” making it easy for UFOs to travel what humans perceive as impossible distances in a short period of time. Elizondo told CNN that the tic-tac UFO video doesn’t even compare with the other UFO footage that they plan to release.

• Dr. Thoedore C. Loder, Professor of Earth Sciences at the University of New Hampshire, predicted that revelations in propulsion technology will dramatically alter our 20th century view of physics and technology and must be considered in planning for both energy and transportation needs in the 21st century.

• The technologies fall into the following broad categories: a) quantum vacuum/ zero point field electromagnetic energy; b) electrogravitic and magnetogravitic energy; c) room temperature nuclear energy; and d) electrochemical internal combustion systems.

• The only real way the human experience can evolve and move forward is with total transparency. We are more than what we’ve been made to believe, and our capability and potential for good is far beyond anything we can imagine.


If this was a court of law, we are beyond reasonable doubt.” Those were the words of Luis Elizondo in a recent interview by I-Team Las Vegas and George Knapp (as seen in the picture). Last October, Elizondo ended his long career with the U.S. government, and with one of his most recent positions being the director of the Pentagon’s study of unknown aerial objects (ATTIP), he definately knows a thing or two about the subject. The program was authorized by Harry Reid, a former U.S. Senator in conjunction with Bigelow Aerospace.

Not long ago, the founder of Bigelow aerospace told the public (in a 60 minutes interview) that we are not alone, and that Earth is currently being visited by extraterrestrials. Elizondo also shared his belief that there is a lot of evidence showing that we’re “probably not alone, whatever that means.”

Elizondo is part of the To The Stars Academy, headed up by Tom Delonge, the company that the US Government is working with to disclose the existence of UFOs to the American public, as well as the exotic technologies that go with them. They are the ones the Pentagon went through to spread the release of their UFO footage.

The team also includes Jim Semivam, a former senior intelligence service member of the Central Intelligence Agency, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for intelligence Christopher Mellon, and a recently retired Program Director for Advanced Systems at Lockheed Martin, Steve Justice.

The company’s team also has Hal Puthoff, a co-founder of the US Government’s Stargate Progam, a 25 year program that investigated parapsychological phenomena.
When Elizondo made the court of law statement, he was referring to the scientific data, and more, we now have showing that something strange has been going on in our atmosphere for a very long time. He’s also gone on the record, stating that.
“For the first time, we have a compelling picture that what we are seeing is explained in our current understanding of physics, advanced physics, and quantum mechanics… perhaps all these observables that we have been seeing, for example: sudden and extreme acceleration, hypersonic velocities, low observability, trans-medium travel and last but not least positive lift, or anti-gravity, is really a manifestation of a single technology. So it’s not five exotic technologies we’re trying to figure out how it works. It’s one and we think we know that one too.”

“Spacetime Metric Engineering”

An article published on the To The Stars website states as follows,
“One of the scientists that helped figure it out is physicist Dr. Hal Puthoff. He wrote the proposal that helped Bigelow land the [DoD] contract to study UFOs and in a recent radio interview, said he commissioned 38 scientific papers during the study to explore exotic propulsion ideas, including what he called “spacetime metric engineering.” In essence, the Gimbal and Tic-Tac craft were able to create their own spacetime bubbles.”

One of the first statements Steve Justice (mentioned above) made using the To The Stars platform is that, when it comes to the technologies he’s been around, worked with, and seen, it would be an understatement to call them revolutionary.

He also stated, while discussing the concept for the craft that To The Stars plans to build, the following:
This is a concept for an international point-to-point transportation craft that will erase the current travel limits of distance and time. It mimics the capabilities observed in unidentified aerial phenomenon by employing a driver system that alters space-time metric. We have glimpses of how the physics of this works, but we need to harvest technologies from the Science Division to “realize” the capability.

By making this statement, he is telling the world that Unidentified Flying Objects (which are commonly tracked on military radar) utilize a device that somehow combats the problem of distance and time, making it easy for them to travel what we humans perceive as great and impossible distances in a short period of time.



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UFO Metal Mystery: Material Allegedly Stored by Pentagon is ‘Not From This Earth’

by Jon Austin           February 22, 2018            (

• The report claims that the Department of Defense Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) a program that was run by military intelligence official, Luis Elizondo, on the fifth floor of the Pentagon’s C Ring, had recovered “unknown alloys” believed to have come from a UFO that had been tested and found to have properties unknown to science, and are thus materials “not from this earth”.

• Luis Elizondo was interviewed in February by Alejandro Rojas, the host of the UFO Congress, the world’s biggest UFO conference, in Phoenix, Arizona. Rojas said, “I can tell you it is not a (normal) alloy like the New York Times claims.” Elizondo stated that it is a ‘meta material’ with strange isotopic values. A ‘meta material’ is a material made from assemblies of multiple elements fashioned from composite materials such as metals or plastics, that are engineered to have a property that is not found in nature.

• “The question is do they come from outer space or inner space or somewhere in between. I don’t know,” said Elizondo. “I think it is really, really unlikely to come from another country like Russia or China. Some people claim the materials were provided by UFO investigators, and others believe they were recovered by the government.

• The bulk of the money allocated by the DoD for the Pentagon program reportedly went to Bigelow Aerospace in Las Vegas, run by billionaire US businessman Robert Bigelow. Bigelow’s Las Vegas headquarters was modified to accommodate the storage of these alien materials. During an interview with prime time CBS current affairs show 60 Minutes in May 2017, Bigelow revealed that intelligent aliens are secretly living on Earth, and the government knows it.

• No images have surfaced of the alleged alien material, nor any details of where the objects were found, or how many items there have, or whether they have been tested, or what has ultimately happened to them.

[Editor’s Note]  See 35:55 YouTube video below of Luis Elizondo answering a series of questions that was provided to the UFO Congress in February 2018.


Substances allegedly recovered from a UFO were found to be made of materials “not from this earth”, it has staggeringly been claimed. A top UFO expert told he has been assured that the material has been tested and has been found to have inexplicable properties.

In December, a New York Time article revealed details of a top-secret £16 million US Pentagon study into the potential threat posed by UFOs.

The report claimed the Department of Defense (DoD) Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Programme (AATIP) even recovered “unknown alloys” believed to have come from a UFO that had been tested and found to have properties unknown to science.

The project was run by military intelligence official, Luis Elizondo, on the fifth floor of the Pentagon’s C Ring.
He has revealed two former classified videos of suspected UFOs that were looked at, but nothing to confirm the metal actually exists.

However, he has given an exclusive interview to the organisers of the UFO Congress, which is the world’s biggest UFO conference, and took place in Phoenix, Arizona, this month.

Alejandro Rojas, host of the UFO Congress said Mr Elizondo had told him more about the metal during the exclusive interviews that were screened at the event.

Mr Rojas said: “I can tell you it is not an alloy like the New York Times claims.

“I shared at our conference that Elizondo has told me it is a ‘meta material’ with strange isotopic values indicating it is not from earth.”

A metamaterial is a material engineered to have a property that is not found in nature. They are made from assemblies of multiple elements fashioned from composite materials such as metals or plastics.

No other details have so far surfaced, with some people claiming the materials were provided by UFO investigators, and others believing they were recovered by the government.

Mr Elizondo said in the interview: “The question is do they come from outer space or inner space or somewhere in between. I don’t know.

“The data we have been seeing is so advanced it is hard enough for us to replicate our observations with our understanding of quantum mechanics. But for this type of technology to be available when we first started seeing it, I think is beyond improbable, I’m not going to say impossible, but I think it is really, really unlikely to come from another country like Russia or China.

“It leads to the next quest if it is not ours and not theirs, then whose is it?

“I don’t know whose it is and that is why we are asking the questions and why we did what we did for the last 10 years and why we need to continue doing what we are doing because we need to ask those questions.

“We don’t know who they belong to, we don’t know who they are or what they are, but we know they are real.”

The bulk of the money allocated by the DoD for the project reportedly went via a contract to Bigelow Aerospace in Las Vegas, run by billionaire US businessman Robert Bigelow, who is also working with NASA to create a new expandable spacecraft.

Last May, Mr Bigelow stunned the world by declaring during an interview with prime time CBS current affairs show 60 Minutes intelligent aliens are secretly living on Earth, and the government knows.


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Interstellar Travel and Biosphere Reboots Means There Are a Lot of Aliens in the Galaxy

by Brian Wang         February 22, 2018          (

• Based upon the average lifespan of a typical galactic civilization, and the notion that civilizations come, go, and reappear within the same star systems, aerospace engineer Robert Zubrin (pictured above) calculates that the number of technologically advanced civilizations in our galaxy (ie: at least as advanced as we are) greatly exceeds the 3,500 calculated by Frank Drake in 1961 known as “Drake’s Equation”.

• Among the 400 billion stars comprising the Milky Way galaxy, Zubrin estimates the number of technological civilizations to be 5 million. Also, the nearest civilization is probably about 185 light years away.


In 1961, radio astronomer Frank Drake developed a pedagogy for analyzing the question of the frequency of extraterrestrial civilizations. Robert Zubrin shows a couple of significant mistaken assumptions by Drake. Robert Zubrin wrote this for Centauri Dreams.

Drake equation defines a “civilization” as a species possessing interstellar communication capability. This means radiotelescopes. By this definition, civilization did not appear on Earth until the 1930s. Although, Earth does not really have the means to usefully broadcast and had limited means to interpret interstellar radio communications. Also, we may need to look at laser or other forms of interstellar communication.

L is the average lifetime of a technological civilization.
N/L, is the rate at which such civilizations are disappearing from the galaxy.
R∗, the rate of star formation in our galaxy;
fp, the fraction of these stars that have planetary systems;
ne, is the mean number of planets in each system that have environments favorable to life;
fl the fraction of these that actually developed life;
fi the fraction of these that evolved intelligent species; and
fc the fraction of intelligent species that developed sufficient technology for interstellar communication

If we estimate L=50,000 years (ten times recorded history), R∗ = 10 stars per year, fp = 0.5, and each of the other four factors ne, fl, fi, and fc equal to 0.2, we calculate the total number of technological civilizations in our galaxy, N, equals 400.

Four-hundred civilizations in our galaxy may seem like a lot, but scattered among the Milky Way’s 400 billion stars, they would represent a very tiny fraction: just one in a billion to be precise. In our own region of the galaxy, (known) stars occur with a density of about one in every 320 cubic light years. If the calculation in the previous paragraph were correct, it would therefore indicate that the nearest extraterrestrial civilization is likely to be about 4,300 light years away.

The Drake equation is wrong. The equation assumes that life, intelligence, and civilization can only evolve in a given solar system once. This is manifestly untrue. Stars evolve on time scales of billions of years, species over millions of years, and civilizations take mere thousands of years.

Current human civilization could knock itself out with a thermonuclear war, but unless humanity drove itself into complete extinction, there is little doubt that 1,000 years later global civilization would be fully reestablished. An asteroidal impact on the scale of the K-T event that eliminated the dinosaurs might well wipe out humanity completely. But 5 million years after the K-T impact the biosphere had fully recovered and was sporting the early Cenozoic’s promising array of novel mammals, birds, and reptiles.

Similarly, 5 million years after a K-T class event drove humanity and most of the other land species to extinction, the world would be repopulated with new species, including probably many types of advanced mammals descended from current nocturnal or aquatic varieties.
Estimating the Galactic Population

There are 400 billion stars in our galaxy, and about 10 percent of them are good G and K type stars which are not part of multiple stellar systems. Almost all of these probably have planets, and it’s a fair guess that 10 percent of these planetary systems feature a world with an active biosphere, probably half of which have been living and evolving for as long as the Earth. That leaves us with two billion active, well-developed biospheres filled with complex plants and animals, capable of generating technological species on time scales of somewhere between 10 and 40 million years. As a middle value, let’s choose 20 million years as the “regeneration time” tr.

Using average lifespan technological civilization at 50,000 years then there are probably 5 million technological civilizations active in the galaxy right now and the nearest civilization is probably about 185 light years away.



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Human Cloning about to be Unleashed upon the World

A February 28 report by the New York Times describes how Barbara Streisand paid $50,000 to have two clones made of her favorite pet dog that passed away last year. The story reveals how open source cloning has been quietly developed in scientific laboratories over the last 20 years, and is opening the door to human cloning becoming a reality in the near future. This is not a surprise given multiple whistleblower claims that human cloning was developed by the 1970’s in highly classified military projects.

The New York Times describes how cloning has evolved since “Dolly the Sheep” who was born in 1996. The New York Times tracks how research shifted over years to clone “about two dozen other mammal species, including cattle, deer, horses, rabbits, cats, rats — and yes, dogs.”

The first dog was cloned in 2005 by South Korean researchers at Sooam Biotech. This was followed in 2008 by a California company partnering with the South Koreans which successfully cloned three puppies from a group of five dogs. By 2015, Sooam Biotech, had cloned over 600 dogs according to reports from Business Insider and NPR.  

The lead Korean scientist behind the cloning is Hwang Woo Suk, who became infamous for fraudulently claiming he had cloned human embryos in 2004. Despite his fall from scientific grace, no one is doubting that he is successfully cloning dogs.

NPR reports that the cloning process is successful in about one in three attempts, and raises many ethical concerns about the number of miscarriages and the sickly pups that are eventually born.

This did not deter Streisand who used either Sooam Biotech or another Texas based company, her publicist did not reply to the New York Times about which one cloned her dog.

The New York Times summarized an interview Streisand gave with Variety Magazine about her two cloned puppies, which suggested she was satisfied with the results:

In her interview with Variety, Ms. Streisand revealed that two of her three Coton de Tulear dogs were clones. Specifically, the magazine reported that the dogs — Miss Violet and Miss Scarlett — had been cloned from cells taken from the mouth and stomach of Ms. Streisand’s late dog Samantha, who was 14 when she died last year.

Miss Violet and Miss Scarlett “have different personalities,” Ms. Streisand told Variety. “I’m waiting for them to get older so I can see if they have her brown eyes and her seriousness.”

The fact that over 600 dogs have been cloned so far by a Korean researcher made infamous for claims about cloning humans, suggests it is only a matter of time before human cloning becomes a reality.

However, according to a number of whistleblowers, cloning has been occurring since at least the 1970’s. Dr Peter Beter was appointed by President John F. Kennedy to serve as General Counsel for the Export-Import Bank of the United States, a position he held from 1961 to 1967. In an audioletter dated May 28, 1979, Dr. Beter said:

Clones of all kinds of animals have been produced successfully in the laboratory, but that is not what bothers people. In the recent past it has been claimed that human clones are also possible and that some may already be in existence. These last claims about human clones have been ridiculed, denied, and suppressed by all kinds of officials–the reason is that the idea of duplicate human beings impinges upon a super-secret realm of Intelligence activities by both Russia and the United States.

It’s noteworthy to point out that animal cloning according to Dr. Beter was occurring at least 20 years before Dolly the Sheep in highly classified research projects.

It is the claims of Michael Wolf that are next worth considering since he says he was involved in the creation of the first human clone in a classified research facility. Chris Stonor wrote an article summarizing an interview with Wolf in October 2000:

He was involved in various genetic experiments – one being the Sentinel Project. After perfecting cloning techniques on animals Dr Wolf and his associates successfully created an artificially-intelligent human named ‘J-Type Omega’ – their superiors wanted a superbright, superpowerful soldier who would follow orders without fear or question. But Dr Wolf surreptitiously programmed ethics into its intelligence after realizing that ‘J Type’ had a soul.…

The Sentinel Project involved a close association with the ‘Greys’. The ETs vast knowledge on genetics being essential for its success. ‘J Omega’ was grown in a water tank from an embryo. Part of the DNA used came from Dr Wolf. It took exactly one year before he was ready to be ‘awoken’.

In Wolf’s 1993 book, The Catchers of Heaven: A Trilogy, he explained how he was instructed to terminate the clone since it refused to follow an order by his military superiors to kill a dog:

Of course, man has always wanted to create a being in his own image… We can do it now. We have done it! He was terminated, however, because he couldn’t follow orders; he couldn’t shoot an animal. This being told the big brass that I said: “People do not do things unless there’s a good reason to do it. I see no good reason to kill this harmless dog. (The Catchers of Heaven, p. 9)

Wolf asserted that from 1972 to 1977 he worked on highly classified at the S-4 facility at Papoose lake, and Area 51 more generally. It was during this period that the J Omega human clone was allegedly created.

Other more recent whistleblowers who have come forward to claim that human cloning has been around for decades in classified projects include William Tompkins, Corey Goode  and Emery Smith.

It is generally accepted that classified research projects are typically two or three decades ahead of their open sources equivalents. Therefore, the revelations of Beter, Wolf, Tompkins, Goode and Smith concerning the existence of human cloning experiments going as far back as the 1970’s, if not earlier, have just been scientifically vindicated by the New York Times story.

The fact that animal cloning is now available for those willing to pay $50,000 for former pets, raises the likelihood than in the very near future, people will be asked to pay similar or higher fees for clones of former relatives, persons of interest, or even themselves. It’s very likely that the New York Times story on Streisand is preparing the general public for human cloning as a future commercial enterprise, despite the many ethical issues it raises.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice 

Further Reading

Testimony Claims Nixon Hid Proof of ET in White House Time Capsule

by Paul Seaburn            February 16, 2018                (

• This article highlights a video interview of Robert Merritt by “Dark Journalist” Daniel Liszt. In the 1970’s, Merritt was the sleazy guy that politicians and alphabet agencies – and even Richard Nixon – would go to when they needed to instigate a smear campaign against a political rival or faction.

• Merritt says he met with President Nixon three times in a deep underground location beneath the White House. In the first meeting, Nixon read him a letter stating that U.S. was protecting an extraterrestrial being at Los Alamos and that scientists were able to obtain “advanced technology and science” from the being. Nixon then sealed the letter in a “time capsule” that he hid somewhere in the White House.

• In another meeting, Merritt says Nixon taped a copy of the letter to Merritt’s stomach and told him to deliver it to National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger and not to tell anyone about it. Merritt says co-author Douglas Caddy has recently notified the National Archive that Nixon’s so-called time capsule is still in the White House and that Caddy will reveal the location if the National Archive will agree to publicly divulge the letter.

• Merritt was also a key witness in the Watergate scandal, as told in his book, ‘Watergate Exposed: A Confidential Informant Tells How The Burglars Were Set Up and Reveals Other Government Dirty Tricks, by Robert Merritt, As Told To Douglas Caddy, Original Attorney for the Watergate Seven’. Merritt was an informant for the White House’s “Huston Plan” – a 43-page plan by Nixon aide Tom Charles Huston in 1970 which outlined how the White House would use domestic burglary, illegal electronic surveillance, and opening the mail of “left-wing radicals” and “anti-war protesters” to find cause to arrest and detain them. During this operation, Merritt overheard a discussion of the Watergate break-in while illegally tapping a phone call.

• Below is a 3:05 minute introductory video, and a 1:14:41 minute video of the full interview.


As someone with an interest in history, politics, conspiracy theories and the possible existence of alien life and extraterrestrial contact with humans, this headline and follow-up was guaranteed to catch my eye: “Nixon time capsule will reveal the existence of extraterrestrials. A Huston Plan Informer revealed that President Nixon hid a time capsule in the White House that contains an explosive spreading about ETs / UFOs.”

The link in the post pointed to an episode of “Dark Journalist”, a video series by Daniel Liszt, an independent reporter, filmmaker and the “Dark Journalist.” According to the write up, Liszt interviews Robert Merritt, whose connection to Richard Nixon and the Watergate scandal is told in “Watergate Exposed: A Confidential Informant Tells How The Burglars Were Set Up and Reveals Other Government Dirty Tricks, by Robert Merritt, As Told To Douglas Caddy, Original Attorney for the Watergate Seven.” In previous interviews, Merritt has said that he had learned about plans for the break-in from James Reed, a.k.a. Rita Reed, a drag queen who worked on the switchboard at the Columbia Plaza Apartments, just blocks from the Watergate Hotel, where he overheard the planned break-in being discussed while secretly listening in on a telephone conversation. Merritt apparently made this contact as an informant for the Huston Plan.

The Huston Plan referred to was a 43-page report of proposed security operations put together by White House aide Tom Charles Huston in 1970 at the request of President Richard Nixon, who wanted more control over domestic intelligence on so-called left-wing radicals and the anti-war movement. During the 1973 Watergate hearings, the Huston Plan was revealed to have called for domestic burglary, illegal electronic surveillance, the opening the mail of domestic “radicals” and the creation of camps in Western states where anti-war protesters would be detained.

As a side note, Saturday Night Live parodied the Huston Plan in a second season episode (1977) hosted by actor Broderick Crawford, who had starred in the movie All the King’s Men as the ambitious and ruthless politician, Willie Stark. The Watergate scandal and exposure eventually became a book and movie called All the President’s Men. Coincidences?

Where were we? Oh, yeah, the time capsule. In what appears to be a startling new twist, Merritt reveals to Liszt that he met three times with President Nixon in a “deep underground location beneath the White House. In the first, Nixon read him a letter stating that U.S. was protecting an extraterrestrial being and that scientists at Los Alamos were able to communicate with it and obtain “advanced technology and science.” Nixon then sealed the letter in a “time capsule” that he hid somewhere in the White House.



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Are You A “Starseed”? Here Are Some Common Characteristics That Might Answer Your Question

by Kalee Brown            February 15, 2018             (

• The universe is vast. The Earth alone holds 8.7 million different species. For every grain of sand on every beach on Earth there are 10,000 stars each carrying its own planetary system. The Milky Way holds billions of Earth-like planets. And there are billions of galaxies. We may even be living in an infinitely-increasing number of universes, or ‘multiverse’.

• We are all souls living in human bodies that come to Earth for a specific reason or to gain experience and knowledge. We’ve reincarnated hundreds of times into different physical bodies. Some of us are native humans, some are extraterrestrials desiring a human experience.

• Starseeds are souls that are not native to planet Earth, but benevolent extraterrestrials who come here to help bring awareness and positive change to humanity. The number of Starseeds born on Earth has been increasing in the 1980’s and 1990’s.

• How do you know if you are a Starseed? Well, you don’t necessarily fit in with the rest of the crowd. You don’t have much in common with other family members. You question authority and reject the economic system and educational system. You can sense other people’s feelings and energies – both good and bad. You tend to express yourself creatively.

• So many issues are now surfacing and challenging humanity. The light of truth is exposing the massive corporate and government corruption that foments perpetual war. It is said that Starseeds have come to planet Earth in order to help shift humanity toward a higher level of consciousness. As a result, more and more people are now increasing their awareness and helping to bring about this massive shift in consciousness.


Planet Earth houses an estimated 8.7 million different species, with approximately 6.5 million living on land and 2.7 million in the oceans. We have an abundance of different animals and fish living all over this big blue sphere, and when you really stop and think about the vastness of this planet, it’s pretty amazing.

Keep in mind, this is only one planet; a tiny spec within this giant thing we call the multiverse. We know that 8.7 million different species live on our planet alone, so how many actually live out there?
It’s a puzzling question, and sobering, too. Even if just one more planet in the universe held the same diversity of life, that would represent a further 8.7 million species to discover. And if one more planet has life, it’s reasonable to assume others would as well.

To boggle your mind even further, let’s review just how small we are in comparison to the universe: For every grain of sand on every beach on Earth there are 10,000 stars, and the Milky Way includes billions of Earth-like, potentially habitable planets. The Milky Way itself is only one of billions of galaxies, and we may be living in an infinitely-increasing number of universes, otherwise known as the multiverse.

Keeping the infinite and incomprehensible size of the multiverse in mind, let’s focus our gaze within for a moment. We are all souls living in these human bodies, and we came here to gain experience and knowledge. Your soul has chosen to incarnate or reincarnate into your human existence right now, but what was it doing beforehand?

Were you living on Earth? Perhaps you’ve lived hundreds of lives, continuously reincarnating again and again onto this planet. Or were you a different species, one that we’d consider extraterrestrial? Or maybe, could this be your first time ever incarnating onto Earth?

Many of us feel there’s more that meets the eye when considering those 8.7 million species living on Earth. What if, within these shells, many of our souls are actually all from different species ourselves?

If you’ve always sort of felt like you’re not really “human,” that you don’t necessarily fit in with the rest of the crowd, then welcome. Take a seat, and know that you’re not alone. Many people who feel this way refer to themselves as Starseeds; they’re simply souls that are not native to planet Earth.
Are You a Starseed?

So, you now know what the concept “Starseed” means: a soul that is not originally from planet Earth. The real question here is, what exactly does that mean to you? Does this concept resonate with you, do you feel like Earth truly is your original home, or do you feel like it’s just some made-up term to justify not fitting in? I encourage you to read the rest of this article, and ask yourself those questions as you read it.



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Ex-Canadian Minister: ‘Small Cabal’ is Running World, Could Avert Climate Change

February 13, 2018          (

• The former Minister of Defence for Canada, Paul Hellyer, has often said that extraterrestrial beings have contacted various people on the Earth, warning them about the consequences of the humanity’s actions for the future of planet’s environment. Moscow-based Sputniknews relates a more specific claim that was made by Mr Hellyer when recently interviewed on the Lazarus Effect podcast.

• Said Mr Hellyer,“…At least a decade ago that the United States, in cooperation with the visitors from other planets, have developed [an] exotic form of energy that would allow us to change over… to green energy. But nothing has been done about it. And you got a small cabal… that managed to keep this technology under wraps until they can cash in… [their] oil assets.” In other words, a small group of people have withheld crucial green technologies in order to maximize their profits from their fossil fuel assets – oil, petroleum, and natural gas.

• Mr Hellyer says that this suppressed new technology was created ten years ago through a collaboration between the United States and extraterrestrials.

• Hellyer reveals that a “small cabal” is literally running our world the way they want. This cabal of elite humans is also known as the Illuminati. Mr Hellyer believes that people can and should resist this group, by joining together to bring the dark actions of this Illuminati cabal into the public consciousness. “It’s not going to change until literally hundreds of thousands of people… band together and say, “you’ve got to come clean,… change your priorities to save the world for further generations,” said Hellyer.


According to Paul Hellyer the US government, in cooperation with extraterrestrial forces, have developed new green sources of energy, but the small elitist group withhold it, trying to suck out the last profits from their fossil fuel assets.

Well, that’s something new. It turns out that climate change could have been averted long ago and fossil fuels are already history. There is one small problem – according to former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer, a small group of people is withholding crucial green technologies in order to gain maximum profit from their fuel assets. But the real cherry on top of this story is that those technologies were created nearly ten years ago in collaboration between the US and extraterrestrials!

“…At least a decade ago that the United States in cooperation with the visitors from the other planet have developed exotic form of energy that would allow us to change over […] to green energy. But nothing has been done about it and you got a small cabal […] that managed to keep this technology under wraps until they can cash in […] oil assets,” said the ex-minister.

In his interview to the Lazarus Effect podcast, Hellyer also claimed that the “small cabal” (who are also often addressed as the Illuminati) is literally running our world the way they want. Well, if they can connect with extraterrestrial life forms and develop such advanced technologies, then they are probably capable of doing that. However, Hellyer believes that people can and should resist this group, by banding together and forcing those pesky Illuminati into the open.


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How Would Humans Really React to ET? Study Reveals Surprising Result

by Katherine Hignett           February 19, 2018             (

• At a press conference on February 19th, during the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Arizona State University psychologist Michael Varnum presented new unpublished data with regard to Americans perception of meeting extraterrestrials. The results suggest, said Varnum, “If we find out we’re not alone, we’ll take the news rather well.” “We would actually be pretty upbeat about it.”

• Varnum analyzed media coverage and public reaction to hypothetical revelations ranging from the discovery of microbial life off planet, or that the interstellar object ‘Oumuamua’, ie: the cigar shaped asteroid that recently traveled through our solar system, was in fact an extraterrestrial spacecraft.

• Varnum’s results suggested that the individuals question believed that humanity as a whole would react more positively than negatively to news of intelligent alien life.


Humans are fascinated by aliens. Whether they’re chest-bursting assassins or cuddly childhood friends, pop culture is awash with extraterrestrials. Science, too, has been looking for little green men for years with the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI) Institute and more recently with Breakthrough Listen.

But what would actually happen if we encountered alien life? Would humans greet the news with pitchforks or embrace our extraterrestrial cousins?

A group of recent studies have suggested the latter. If news broke of alien life, it seems humans would be cool with it.

Arizona State University psychologist Michael Varnum presented new unpublished data at a press conference Friday during the AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science) annual meeting.

“If we came face to face with life outside of Earth, we would actually be pretty upbeat about it,” said Varnum at the press conference. “So far, there’s been a lot of speculation about how we might respond to this kind of news, but until now, almost no systematic empirical research.”

Interstellar Objects, Martian Microbes and Earth-Like Exoplanets

Varnum analyzed recent media coverage of the interstellar object ‘Oumuamua—first spotted flying through our solar system in late 2017—for positive and negative emotions. Specifically, Varnum was interested in the public’s response to reports that the visiting asteroid might actually be an alien spaceship. His results suggested humans would react more positively than negatively to news of intelligent alien life.

These unpublished data build on recent evidence from Varnum and colleagues suggesting humans would be happy about the discovery of alien microbes. The results from three studies were recently published in Frontiers in Psychology.



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Poll: A Majority of Americans Are Preparing For an Extraterrestrial Invasion

by Jazz Shaw              February 12, 2018           (

• A Marist Poll released February 12th (Marist Institute for Public Opinion, Marist College, Poughkeepsie, NY) shows a major trend in American’s belief in UFOs.

• According to the poll, 68% of Americans think there is intelligent life on other planets (up from 52% in 2005). 74% of those believers think that ETs are at least as intelligent as humans, and 46% believe that ET intelligence exceeds that of humankind.

• Young Americans (under 45) and men are most likely to believe in intelligent ETs, although every demographic group rank believers at least in the low 60 percentile. Therefore, across the board, belief in intelligent extraterrestrials is now the majority opinion in America.

• The question remains, do more people believe in ETs, or are more people just willing to admit it?


The aliens are coming, and this time I don’t mean the ones from El Salvador looking to join the local chapter of MS-13.

There’s a new Marist poll out this week which shows a surprising shift in public opinion. An increasing number of Americans, adding up to a significant majority at this point, believe that the truth is out there. Perhaps not in the sense that Fox Mulder would have it, but they do believe that there’s other intelligent life in the universe. Not only that, but the extraterrestrials are probably at least as smart as us, if not smarter, and they’re probably going to find us before we find them. Unless, of course, they already have.

Many Americans (68%) think there is intelligent life on other planets, up from 52% in 2005. Nearly three in four residents with that belief (74%) say those extraterrestrials are at least as intelligent as human beings. In fact, this includes a plurality (46%) who think the intelligence of extraterrestrials exceeds that of the human race. These results have changed little in more than a decade. But, are these otherworldly beings coming to get us? A majority (55%) say they will find us before we find them.

Younger Americans (under 45) and men are the most likely to believe that ET is out there, but even older citizens and women are believers. All groups are ringing up numbers at least in the low sixties. A majority of the younger respondents said the aliens will find us before we discover them, while 45% of older Americans thought so.



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What Christianity Islam Buddhism Say About Alien Life and Extraterrestrial Contact

by Arjun Walia           February 7, 2018           (

• UFOs were once a conspiracy theory. Now they’re not. The idea that we have been visited and are currently being visited by extraterrestrial beings is becoming more of a reality. The implications are far reaching – from science and technology, to human history, to religion. How will our world religions view extraterrestrial visitation?

• Prior to the Roman Empire, the world’s ancient cultures were predominantly “spiritual,” with the same core message and the same guidelines for living life. The predominant theme in ancient spirituality was that a large portion of our world is non-material, but rather spiritual in nature. There was no fear of hell, and no ‘wrath of God’. There was a general recognition that we are more than just our physical body, and that non-material ‘spiritual’ forces play an important role in what we call our physical world.

• Ancient “spiritual” cultures, such as Atlantis, ancient Egypt, Sumer and Babylon, all took for granted mysterious flying objects and people from other planets. Native American cultures always maintained the existence of the ‘Star People’.

• When religion was born it seemed to be a man-made force that set out to conquer the world, killed and forced it’s own beliefs onto others, and eventually wiped out the last traces of spirituality. Religion has now turned into a business, a place of brain-washing, a tool used to explain and justify war, which is completely contradictory to spirituality.

• Jon Shelby Spong, a retired American Catholic Bishop, said that, “religion is … in the guilt-producing, control business.” Modern day religion seems to disguise itself publicly with an image of good-will while practicing deceit behind closed doors. Religion, for the most part, represents not God but greedy interests that capitalize on the innocence of the human soul.

• A 2002 Roper Poll asked, “Would an announcement of extraterrestrial Intelligence precipitate a religious crisis?” The answer was a resounding “no.” The survey concluded that most religious people would not have a breakdown in faith, or even fear any type of extraterrestrial contact.

• The Vatican has actually been quite open about extraterrestrial contact over the past few years, which means it’s followers will be the same way. Vatican astronomer Guy Consolmagno said that humankind is facing a future discovery of extraterrestrial intelligence. Monsignor Corrado Balducci has stated that contact between humans and extraterrestrials has already happened.

• Chapter One of the Mormon Book of Moses finds God saying, “worlds without number have I created …and the first man of all men, which is many, have I called Adam.” God is telling Moses that there are other worlds and other people on those worlds.

• Judaism references at least 18,000 other worlds, according to the Talmud. There is mention in one Kabbalistic book of a planet called Meroz, where extraterrestrial creatures exist.

• While Islam (Muslim) takes no firm stance on extraterrestrial contact, the Koran does imply that God is “Lord of all the worlds.” In the 1930’s, Islamic Scholar Abdullah Yusuf Ali commented, “…it is reasonable to the millions of heavenly bodies scattered throughout space.” Islam does have the concept of the ‘jinn’. According to the Koran, the jinn occupy other dimensions and parallel worlds, along with humans and angels. They are one of the three sentient creations of God.

• Buddhism has long understood that life is present throughout our reality, and it has no problem with extraterrestrial contact. Buddhist scriptures depict Buddhas and bodhisattvas from many different world systems throughout the universe. Hinduism and Sikhism closely correlate with Buddhism with regard to extraterrestrials.

• For the most part, we should take comfort in knowing that we’ve probably been visited by extraterrestrials for longer than we know. If there were to be some sort of physically destructive ‘attack,’ it would have already happened by now. Ironically, ETs may be reluctant to make their presence known to humans on Earth. The human race has a tendency to reject that which is different, instantly categorizing them as demons.


UFOs (doesn’t always mean extraterrestrials), extraterrestrials, and life on other planets have been a hot topic for decades. These are the topics that receive some of the highest search engine results every single year on the internet, which is no surprise, as we’re naturally inclined to ponder about the unknown, or, as more people are starting to find out, the known.

At the end of 2017, the United States government officially admitted to the existence of UFOs with the release of previously classified footage of two navy pilots scrambling to intercept one (a UFO), with more footage on the way. Luis Elizondo, a former high ranking military intelligence officer who was in-charge of the Pentagon’s recently disclosed UFO program, made an appearance on mainstream national news to discuss the topic.

The video released showed an object travelling at a high rate of speed, and performing maneuvers that should be impossible based on our known laws of aerodynamics. The Pentagon released two videos of separate objects, and both of them were displaying maneuvers that no known man-made air-craft can perform. In one of the videos, a smaller object was seen coming out of another, making three objects. When the pilots began approaching the object at a close range, both of them accelerated instantaneously (from an already high speed), and disappeared within seconds.

Luis made it a point to emphasize that this is something that’s been happening for a long time, and something that happens a lot. This has been made clear by hundreds of other high ranking personnel from within the military, several other fields, and the release of millions of pages of UFO documents from dozens of governments.

These documents are full of radar returns, visual confirmations and electrooptical data. The next question to ask is, who is the intelligence behind the wheel?

When asked if he believed these objects are extraterrestrial, Luis stated that there is “compelling” evidence to suggest that we “may not be alone, whatever that means.”

“I will tell you unequivocally that through the observations, scientific methodologies that were applied to look at this phenomena, that these aircraft are displaying characteristics that are not currently within the US inventory, nor in any foreign inventory that we are aware of.”

Luis also made another strong point, “We have deliberately stayed away from going down the rabbit hole of, who’s behind the wheel and what are their intentions, because a lot of people have a lot of feelings towards that, and are very emotional about that.”

The pilot, David Fravor, as with hundreds of others who have had the same type of experience, stated his belief that these objects are “not from our world”.

This is precisely why, when bringing up the topic to friends or family, you may receive a bizarre look, or instantaneously receive “conspiracy theorist” allegations. The truth is, people still ridicule the subject, despite the fact that it’s a very serious issue. Perhaps the quote below from the first CIA director sheds some light as to why.

“Behind the scenes, high ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense.” Former head of CIA, Roscoe Hillenkoetter, 1960

Apart from secrecy and ridicule campaigns, the idea that we may have been visited, and are currently being visited is becoming more of a reality, and the implications are far reaching. From science and technology, to human history, the nature of our reality, and more, this realization, if made, will change humanity forever and really open us up to a much broader view of reality, and touch upon all aspects of life.

It also conflicts with the belief systems of many. When a human being has a certain picture of the human experience in their head, and the way things are, when confronted with information and evidence that completely counters it is something hard to do. As a result, our mind hangs on to our current belief system, not willing to let go or even entertain the idea that what they previously thought, might not actually be true.

Information like this can cause a global mental paradigm shift for many people.

So, let’s take a look at one aspect of life that might be affected, or not? Religion.

Comments on Religion

Religion is fascinating to say the least. This is because, on one hand, we have multiple religions preaching the same message at their core, one of peace, love, trust, good-will, non-violence , and the “Golden Rule.” On the other, it’s not uncommon to come across several contradictions between them all, and various interpretations of the same religion, which has created even more division within religious movements.

It’s quite obvious that many of the core messages shared from religions resonate with billions of people, as they should, there are some golden messages and guidelines in there, which is why so many souls gravitate towards it.

What I also find very interesting is that, prior to the Roman Empire, the ancient cultures from around the world were predominantly “spiritual,” with the same core message, and the same guidelines for one to live their life. We also see similar ways of life prior to religion, a great example would be the construction of pyramids by ancient cultures around the world that had absolutely no contact with one another. The predominant theme in ancient spirituality is the fact that a large portion of our world is non-material, spiritual in nature, and it did not use fear as part of its preaching.

There was no fear of hell, or no ‘wrath of God’ waiting to come down on an individual for their wrongdoings, but rather a spiritual, non-material perspective, opportunities for growth, and a recognition that we are more than just our physical body, and that non-material ‘spiritual’ forces play an important role in what we call our physical material world.

It is yet another “faith” that preaches the good-will of Earth and our planet.

When religion was born, it seemed to be made by man, originating within the Roman Empire, a force that began conquering the world and eventually wiped out the last trace of spirituality that pre-dated religion, which was the indigenous wisdom of North America, something that was not contradictory to the teachings of global indigenous culture.

This type of religion killed, and forced it’s own beliefs onto others, and it’s something that seems to have been happening globally for a very long time.

Religion has now turned into a business, a place of brain-washing, a tool used to explain and justify war, which makes no sense at all and is completely contradictory.

A great modern day example would be the “Islamic State.” Today, it’s not a perspective that’s commonly expressed by mainstream media, but despite that, multiple professors, politicians and more have emphasized that the Islamic Sate, the group the United States and their allies claim to be fighting against, is actually a creation of the United States (and their allies) themselves.

Terrorism is not representative of Islam…Islam is just being used by those who wish to manipulate us.
This narrative has been emphasized by multiple people from within the field. Jon Shelby Spong, a retired American Bishop, for example, told the world that that “religion is always in the control business, and that’s something people don’t really understand. It’s in the guilt producing control business.”

On a personal level, I believe religion is filled with much truth, real events and real historical figures. I also believe much of it is made by man, some of which has been changed to support the greedy interests of the powerful who wish to impose their way on others. Many aspects of religion are simply used as a means to an end, but not to really meditate, and inquire upon the mysteries of the universe, the origins of the human species, the meaning of life and the good-will of humanity. It claims to work for the good-will of all people, but seems to disguise itself publicly with the image of good-will while practicing deceit behind closed doors.

That being said, there are many different religions, and all are different. Some may be filled with lies, deceit and corruption, and others not. Again, this is why we may get so many different contradictions, they can’t all be true? Can they?

Then we have weird, strange type of phenomena that seems to be taking place under the name of God, one of many examples could Satanism within the Vatican.

This is why when it comes to the Religious interpretation of extraterrestrials, it’s important to take with a grain of salt. Instead of looking outside of yourself for answers, perhaps try looking within and seeing what your intuition tells you after examining a variety of sources, before and after religion.

How can a group of powerful religious Royals, from the time of Ancient Rome, completely take over the world and impose their views of reality on others? In ancient times, figures like Plato, and scientists who opposed the church later decades after the Roman Empire took rule were put to death.

Religion wiped out spirituality, ritualistic practices, our understand of the nature of the universe and even our ability to inquire or entertain alternate views of reality.

If you asked God about religion, I’m sure God would have no idea what it even is. I feel that religion, for the most part, does not represent God, but powerful mens greedy interests that capitalize on the tenderness and innocence of the human soul.

God and religion, in my opinion, do not fit in the same discussion, as I feel religion is simply man made, much of which comes from good intentions, and much of which does not.

Religion & Extraterrestrials

So, when it comes to religion, where does life on other planets fit in? “Spiritual” type of cultures, those that pre-dated modern religion like Atlantis, ancient Egypt, Summer and Babylon (to name a few) all make pretty good cases for being in direct contact with people from other planets. It’s even a common theme, and has been, throughout many indigenous culture traditions. Mysterious flying objects in antiquity are filled with many examples.

For example, Richard Wagamese, One of Canada’s foremost authors and storytellers from the Wabaseemoong First Nation in Northwestern Ontario writes how: “My people tell of Star People who came to us many generations ago. The Star people brought spiritual teachings and stories and maps of the cosmos and they offered these freely. They were kind, loving and set a great example. When they left us, my people say there was a loneliness like no other.”

If we look at modern day religion, the top three are no doubt Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism, although Buddhism is not considered a religion by many, given the fact that its origins alone predate modern day religion, similar to ancient Vedic scriptures, Greek Scriptures, Sumerian texts and more.
Buddhism has more of a spiritual undertone to it. And no, I personally do not believe spirituality is just another religion. That’s a discussion for another article that could also be quite lengthy.

Dr. Jacques Vallee’s 2010 book, Wonders of the Sky, includes an analysis of 500 UFO cases from biblical antiquity to 1879 before the development of the modern day industry. Vallée co-developed the very first computerized mapping of Mars for NASA. He is also noted for his work at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI), where he helped create ARPANET.

Would Religion Collapse?

Would modern day religions collapse with the realization of extraterrestrial intelligence? That’s the common belief, but there is really no evidence to support that belief, which makes one wonder, where did it come from?

For example, in early 2010 a survey designed by Ted Peters, a professor at the Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary in Berkeley, California, was put out titled The Peters ETI Religious Crisis Survey. He and his colleagues interviewed 1300 people, which included believers from Roman Catholicism, mainline Protestantism, evangelical Protestantism, Orthodox Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism. They hypothesis of the survey was that, “upon confirmation of contact between Earth and an extraterrestrial civilization of intelligent beings, the long established religious traditions of Earth would confront a crisis of belief and perhaps even collapase.

Here are some of the responses the survey received: “Finding extraterrestrial intelligence (ETI), I believe, would be a profound and wonderful event.”

“Extraterrestrial religious beliefs and traditions will differ, perhaps greatly in some ways. However, they live in the same universe with the same God, and a similar array of religious responses and developments would likely have developed on their world.”

“Nothing would make me lose my faith, God can reach them if they exist.”

I believe that Christ became incarnate (human) in order to redeem humanity and atone for the original sin of Adam and Eve. Could there be a world of extraterrestrials? Maybe. It doesn’t change what Christ did.”

8 years prior, a Roper Poll asked, “Would an announcement of extraterrestrial Intelligence precipitate a religious crisis?” The answer was a big “no.”

The survey concluded that most religious people would not have a breakdown in faith, or even fear any type of extraterrestrial contact.



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