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Canadian Government UFO Policy Letters – Hidden in Plain Sight

Victor Viggiani, B.A. M.Ed.

A democratically elected government´s mandate to serve those who elect it is never well served when its political leadership believes it has the constitutional right to guard national security secrets by deceiving its people.

In making available 9500 files on its web site entitled Canada´s UFOs – Search for the Unknown, the Canadian government has opened an international controversy on unidentified flying objects.

This controversy is fueled by the clear admission that Canadian officials in the Ministry of National Defense regularly discussed tactics and policies on how to ´play-down´ the UFO phenomenon as far back as 1950. It is even more instructive that Canada, in 2005 and 2007, chose to resurrect these controversial policy letters and hide them among thousands of mundane UFO sighting reports.

By hiding these files in plain sight, did the Canadian government attempt to deceive its citizens by proving it can be a master of misdirection, or was it a simple case of bureaucratic pragmatism? Regardless, these measures and the letters themselves have created a serious credibility problem for the Canadian government.

The first part of the problem: Because the recent release of UFO files were discharged with no notification, consultation or publicity, few have paid any attention to the hidden gems in the avalanche of data at Library and Archives Canada that depict direct government involvement in the UFO matter.

The second part of the problem: There now remains no doubt that Canadian government officials in the Department of National Defense indeed engaged the UFO issue in a serious manner.

It will be shown beyond any doubt that a series of internal memoranda reveals how the government intended to deceive the electorate by hiding, in plain sight, explosive official correspondence in a quagmire of endlessly staid UFO reports and pointless bureaucratic correspondence.

Canada can no longer deny and must now acknowledge it has a deep and long history of involvement in UFOs. As demonstrated by the total absence of media coverage or public consultation – Canadian officials were quite successful in concealing its UFO involvement.

No one, outside of a handful of UFO research experts, was aware that Canada had even set up the archived UFO data base. Released initially in August 2005, then more files in December 2007 – no international, national or local announcement, notification or press coverage accompanied Canada´s mass data-dump of UFO information.

Significant portions of this data clearly implicate Canadian officials in the use of American tactics to minimize and ´play-down´ the UFO matter. Is this why the Canadian government´s release of 9500 UFO files was such a quiet affair? The answer may lie in how the sheer massive size of the release itself appears to have been carefully designed to obscure government involvement in the UFO matter.


Sensitive government letters written by elected and non-elected government officials have been cleverly concealed among thousands and thousands of pages of innocuous UFO sighting reports on a government sponsored web site. The results: explosive security memoranda that, if exposed by mainstream media, could end the UFO truth embargo tomorrow, now go virtually unnoticed.

What possible rationale would precipitate such a decision?

If you were a government bureaucrat who knew that a very large number of UFO files containing sensitive information had to be released, you may perhaps surmise it would be effective if not necessarily wise to camouflage sensitive government documents among thousands of monotonous and tedious UFO sighting reports by citizens.

You might also develop a baffling search engine that would frustrate and otherwise discourage any real examination by even the most patient researcher. You would then have a seemingly transparent mechanism that is actually designed to conceal incriminating letters and memos, in plain sight, rather than openly depict in great detail government complicity in ´playing-down´ UFOs or portray the issue as anything serious or worthy of broad public or political debate.

The psychology of misdirection does not stop there. If the files had to be released what better way would there be than to disguise sensitive letters in the same way a stick-bug sits in plain sight yet remains concealed on a piece of bark or in the midst of rotting leaves – unnoticed by its predators.

The rationale: The next best alternative to invisibility is hiding something where it becomes indistinguishable from its background.

Prosaic, ramblings and often illegible letters about odd lights in the sky submitted by well-meaning but hapless citizens become the facade. A clever and very shrewd formula for a perfect disguise.

One cannot see more clearly by looking harder in the wrong direction.

Unless one is in fierce pursuit of something very, very specific, the average person is quickly discouraged from investigating more deeply, choosing rather to mouse-click away to glance over e-mail, check their personal financial portfolio or seek out who Britney Spears is now dating.


To anyone who may be dedicated to a genuine investigation by researching the material pages of the 9500 so-called UFO files at Library and Archives Canada, the concealed soon becomes revealed. What might a moderately thorough search of approximately six thousand files by a keen investigator over a four month period yield?

Several indisputable realities surface:

Evidential elements of verifiable and calculated government cover-up activities merge seamlessly with endless, repetitive and monotonous UFO reports by citizens. One damaging letter certifies that Canadian officials discussed tactics to play-down the UFO issue in tandem with the United States Air Force.

To the unsuspecting casual observer or a cautiously sceptical journalist, these charming sample-indictments of government duplicity go unnoticed.

After literally plowing through the interminable pages of the Library and Archives Canada web site for weeks on end, the answer obviously does not lie in the actual UFO reports themselves but in how the Canadian government chose to quietly release these files and in how the critical substance of the communications among senior Department of National Defense officials were cleverly buried.

One UFO research observer stated, “After an exhaustive study, our evaluation reveals that official policy memoranda and letters on UFOs actually exist. These letters were written by high level officials within the Canadian Department of National Defense. They not only illustrate how officials attempted to minimize the immense frequency and ubiquitous nature of UFO sightings in Canada but these correspondence also clearly demonstrate how the Department of National Defense orchestrated intra-departmental tactics and policy designed specifically to ´play-down´ the UFO phenomenon. 

By hiding these important files in the way they did – the government made a high-quality mistake – if there is such a thing as a ´first rate´ mistake.”


1. Canadian Officials Develop Policy Similar to The United States Air Force to “Play-Down” Reports of UFOs Canadian Joint Intelligence Committee Memorandum – G.S. Austin, Director of Air Intelligence August 4, 1950.

“The present USAF policy is to play down the subject, investigating only when considered necessary by the area commander without any special arrangements for reporting or investigation. It seems that a similar policy on our part would be wise and that it would be undesirable to produce a special questionnaire or make any arrangements for investigation since this would tend to give publicity to the matter. It is suggested therefore that sighting reports should not be solicited…”

2. A letter from the Minister of National Defense in contrast indicates Ministers of National Defense sent contradictory letters to inquisitive Canadian citizens informing them that no department within the government had instructions or a desire to withhold information about objects that may be of extraterrestrial origin despite the fact the files were designated “restricted” or “secret” since the 1950s and, that Canadian policy was to “play-down” UFO reports.

One ministerial letter states; “I can assure you that there is no department of the government that desires or has instructions to withhold information on objects that might be of extraterrestrial origin.” Minister of National Defense Douglas Harkness March 1962.

Clearly this statement of policy by a Minister of Defense is inconsistent with, and contradicts the practice of suppressing publicity on UFOs as suggested by the Director of Air Intelligence.

3.  Official Plan – In The Event of a UFO Landing. No other letter, yet uncovered, more pointedly indicts the Canadian government as does the suggestion made by a sitting Director of Scientific Intelligence concerning the development of a plan in the event of a UFO landing on Canadian soil. He states to the Director of Air Intelligence, “You might also consider it advisable to add that should the Flying Saucer actually make a landing on Canadian territory, the nearest RCAF Command should be advised immediately by telegram… Maybe we had better talk over this when you have thought it over.” A.J.G. Langley, Defense Research Board Director of Scientific Intelligence – April 19, 1950. 3.


It is important to affirm that when taken in a larger international context, the release of the Canadian files provides an interesting backdrop to the more recent Clinton White House UFO/ET letters uncovered by the relentless Canadian researcher Grant Cameron and renowned Washington-based political activist Stephen G. Bassett, Director of the Paradigm Research Group (PRG).

These letters from within the White House Administration during the William Clinton years as President illustrate the UFO/ET matter was of paramount concern by a sitting President and his staff.

Known commonly as the Rockefeller Initiative, these letters and communications exposed by Bassett and Cameron indicate the UFO issue was pursued vigourously from 1993 to 1996 by Laurance S. Rockefeller in concert with his attorney Henry L. Diamond and a myriad of players within the Clinton Administration including Ms. Hillary Clinton, now Secretary of State.

The Rockefeller Initiative letters which number between 50 and 55, trace a most remarkable trail of exhortations and recommendations by respected international philanthropist Laurance S. Rockefeller that the UFO – Extraterrestrial issue be removed from the vaults of government secrecy and dealt with in the open court of public discourse.

Involved in this dialogue to have President Clinton publicly examine the UFO/ET issue were high-level dignitaries Jack Gibbons Science Advisor to the President, Senator Pell Claiborne, and Representative Stephen Schiff to name but a few.

These provocative letters are matched only by the brazen assertion by former Clinton White House Chief of Staff John Podesta in October 2002 at the National Press Club in Washington DC. There, Podesta stated about the UFO issue, “It is time for the government to declassify records that are more than 25 years old and to provide scientists with data that will assist in determining the real nature of this phenomenon.”

Is it less than coincidence that John Podesta was appointed Co-Chair of the White House post-election Transition Team by none other than President Barack Obama?

To this observer such levels of evidence proves – unequivocally – that anyone with even a minor  ‘need to know’ security status, knew the reality of UFOs was a given. Who knows more and why do they not come forward?


The complex and demanding nuances of this issue´s authenticity continue to perplex and be ignored by the world-wide media.

Media gravitation to North Korea´s insane nuclear muscle flexing or the constant drama surrounding the straight-jacket of the global economic crisis appear to render impotent the acuity of mainstream media to grasp or much less engage the larger issue of inter-stellar visitation by off-world civilizations millions of years in advance of the ant hill Earth.

Despite the less than fluid undertow of the media´s obsession with militarism and its incessant fixation on the global economic down-turn, the movement towards Disclosure of the UFO/ET reality will steadily accelerate.

The recognition that governments have concealed and repressed open discourse on this matter is now a matter of record and is receiving unprecedented acknowledgement by more and more mainstream press.

The acknowledged prospect of newly established relationships with or diplomatic overtures to off-world civilizations willing to positively engage the human race would re-focus humanity´s gaze. To reject or suppress the portent of such a possibility is the height of human hubris that denies the expansive capacity of our species to look beyond who we are, towards what we can become.

Those in Exopolitics advancing the notion of openness with interstellar visitors who are obviously making their presence known will soon no longer be the voice of a minority but a powerful geo-political force of serious reckoning.

Exopolitics asks the hard questions: who are these entities, where are they from, why are they here, shall we look at the evidence? Or, more importantly, can dreadfully powerful and treacherously dominant geo-political forces be exposed so they can no longer dictate the precondition that the existence of off-world civilizations shall be denied and repressed?

If these kinds of questions are never addressed or their potential ever pondered, no solutions to our cloistered existence or imminent environmental demise are forth-coming. The avoidance of these very fundamental questions acutely restrains humanity´s evolution and its capacity to recognize we are being visited at a time of immense social, scientific, environmental, cultural, religious, economic and political turmoil globally.

If it is not hyperbole to assert that every component of our civilization´s matrix of existence is under relentless if not hysterical stress, then why is it considered an exaggeration or folly to acknowledge that we are indeed being visited by off-world civilizations that just may have overcome their own primitive extinction behaviours and who may be able to offer humanity some solutions?

Solutions of our own often seem to appear on the horizon but are soon summarily undermined by powerful geo-political forces seeking to maintain the power structures of a permanent war economy, endless cycles of ethnic violence, a monetary system that serves corporate interests and energy industrialists who cram oil down the throats of everything that moves.

Consider for a moment the simplest yet obvious solution to Earth´s fossil fuel addiction. The energy and propulsion systems used by these off-world civilizations to power their craft over light-years in space, could in very short order, eliminate our oil-based dependency.

Engagement with these off-world civilizations could well be the quantum knowledge-leap needed so desperately by our shackled humanity. Again John Podesta Former Clinton White House Chief of Staff – “I think it’s time to open the books on questions that have remained in the dark on the question of government investigations of UFOs. We ought to do it because the American people quite frankly can handle the truth, and we ought to do it because it’s the law.”

Sceptics and investigative journalists need no longer demand scientific proof of an Extraterrestrial presence. They need only look at released government files to know their democratic juggernauts in politics and military and intell-agencies have been playing a manipulative and clever shell game of hide and seek with the UFO/ET issue for 60 years.

Peculiarly – mainstream investigative journalism still appears reluctant to take on the big boys or to take notice of the obvious – all hidden in plain sight.

Victor Viggiani B.A. M.Ed.

Director of Media Relations Exopolitics Canada

http://www.exopoliticscanada.ca/index.html Toronto Ontario 4.References:

Library and Archives Canada – Web Site Review all 9500 UFO Files at: http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/databases/ufo/001057-100.01-e.php?PHPSESSID=7ltq0e4eolfpliucale9jbecv7

Rockefeller Initiative – http://www.paradigmresearchgroup.org/Rockefeller%20Documents/Rockefeller_Initiative_Documents.htm

Copyright June 2009

Carl Sagan knew UFOs are real – confidant reveals

ZNN – Renowned astronomer and astrophysicist Dr. Carl Sagan revealed to Dr. J. Allen Hynek that he believed UFOs were real but avoided any public statements to prevent the loss of academic research funding. Sagan’s once powerful influence on mainstream science to play-down the reality of UFOs is now in question.

In an interview with research journalist and author Paola Leopizzi-Harris she told ZlandCommunications:

“My recollection is that Hynek said it was backstage of one of the many Johnny Carson Tonight shows Sagan did. He basically said [to Hynek] in 1984, “I know UFOs are real, but I would not risk my research [College] funding, as you do, to talk openly about them in public.”

This startling revelation about Carl Sagan, one of this century’s most esteemed scientists and writers, has now been made public by Paola Leopizzi-Harris, a former associate of Dr. Allen J. Hynek who worked with him from 1980 to 1985.

Dr. J. Allen Hynek served as a civilian scientific consultant to the U.S. Air Force Project Blue Book from 1952 to1969, initially taking a very critical and skeptical position on anything related to the reality of UFOs. In one of his own reports he stated:

“I had started out as an outright ‘debunker,’ taking great joy in cracking what seemed at first to be puzzling cases. I was the arch-enemy of those ‘flying saucer groups and enthusiasts’ who very dearly wanted UFOs to be interplanetary.” Hynek, J. Allen. “The Hynek UFO Report”. Dell Publishing Co. 1977

After leaving Project Blue Book – the U.S. Air Force’s pseudo-investigatory public relations scheme on UFOs, Hynek later wrote:

“Now, however, documentation which puts the UFO- U.S. government controversy in quite a new light has become available. The [UFO] authors have made revealing use of documents released through the mechanism of the Freedom of Information Act and other data which have been made available to them” which show that the CIA and NSA protestations of innocence and lack of interest in UFOs are nothing short of prevarication.”

Hynek went on to say: “For the government to continue to maintain that UFOs are nonexistent in the face of the documents already released and of other cogent evidence presented in this book is puerile and in a sense an insult to the American people.”  “The UFO Cover-Up.” (Fireside books, Simon & Schuster 1984)

Hynek’s credentials are indeed impressive, having consulted on the Stephen Spielberg movie Close Encounters. As well he presented a paper on UFOs at the UN in 1978. (All Experts)

Sagan’s link to UFOs and possibly to Dr. Hynek occurred in 1966 when Sagan was a member of the Ad Hoc Committee to Review Project Blue Book. This committee concluded that the U.S. Air Force’s Project Blue Book had been lacking as a scientific study, and recommended a university-based project to give the UFO phenomenon closer scientific scrutiny.

In scientific circles much of Sagan’s notoriety came from debates conducted under the auspices of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). In 1969 he challenged J. Allen Hynek on whether investigations of unidentified flying objects should be considered serious. Hynek argued yes Sagan no. (NNDB)

Sagan was a prolific writer of some 20 books including “Contact“ eventually made into a movie staring Jodie Foster. Sagan also hosted the brilliantly crafted and highly popular series COSMOS: A Personal Voyage. In Episode 12: “Encyclopedia Galactica”, Sagan explored UFOs and alien abductions while also including “refutations” on UFOs.

In a statement at the 1968 Congressional Hearings before the House Committee on Science and Astronautics – U.S. House of Representatives Carl Sagan stated:

“As I understand what the committee would like from me, is a discussion of the likelihood of intelligent extraterrestrial life… clearly it is the hypothesis that unidentified objects are of extraterrestrial origin which the committee must have in mind. I’m delighted to tell about contemporary scientific thinking along these lines, but let me begin by saying that I do not think the evidence is at all persuasive, that UFO’s are of intelligent extraterrestrial origin…”

Sagan’s confidential conversation with Dr. Hynek in 1984 appears to not only contradict this statement to the House Committee in 1968, Sagan’s new found view – that UFOs were real – clearly did not play any role in Sagan’s later highly successful public work.

This revelation by Paola Leopizzi-Harris appears to raise serious scientific discrepancies concerning Sagan’s public verses private beliefs about the nature of UFOs and Extraterrestrial life.

It appears, therefore that Carl Sagan presumably embarked upon his many television appearances, consulting on major television and Hollywood feature productions as well as his own academic writing while professing one public scientific point of view, yet maintaining a significantly contradictory personal belie: “I know UFOs are real” – as told to Dr. J. Allen Hynek in 1984 according to Paola Leopizzi-Harris.

In later years Sagan also heavily promoted SETI – the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, which discounts UFOs as an ET reality – advancing the theory that listening for signals from deep space may help locate intelligent ET civilizations. [Ed.note – SETI officials were contacted by ZlandCommunications for a comment on this matter – however at the time of publication no response had yet been received.]

It is unknown how long Sagan held this personal view or when and what changed his mind – future disclosures may reveal this. That Sagan presented much of his finest and most popular work outside the context of his personal belief that UFOs were real remains a salient incongruity for a man of Sagan’s stature, obvious integrity and celebratory contributions to humanity and science.

One can only speculate upon why, during the period between Sagan’s initial statement in 1968 and all during his now legendary writings and media productions, Sagan continued to espouse critical views on the reality of UFOs. Why did his views change so dramatically? Did funding issues alone motivate him not to come forward publicly to declare his change-of-mind?

This revelation made to Paola Leopizzi-Harris by a well-respected scientific figure like Dr. J. Allen Hynek alters if not the magnificent quality of Sagan’s work but re-constructs his considerable scientific influence on the mainstream scientific theories about the universe, the intelligent nature of UFOs and Extraterrestrial life.

How will mainstream science respond knowing now that a corner stone of modern science and one of its most revered members is now recognized as to have conceded – UFOs are real?

Two conclusions emerge –

  • One of the 20th Century’s most renowned space gurus and scientific leaders, appears to have inadvertently shattered the prevailing notion among the scientific community and the so-called experts, that UFOs are fictitious and that issue is does not merit further study.
  • The second conclusion – short of full disclosure by government of the UFO/ET reality, this revelation most assuredly represents the most serious damage yet to the wall of secrecy and the truth embargo surrounding the Extraterrestrial presence so ardently maintained by government officials and bolstered by mainstream science.

Notably this information also comes at a time when Paul Hellyer, former Canadian Minister of National Defence has publicly admonished another pillar of mainstream science, Professor Stephen Hawking, for contributing to misinformation about advanced Extraterrestrial civilizations. Hellyer’s admonishment is timely. It puts all scientists on notice that ponderous changes to their entrenched belief about the universe and Extraterrestrial life are about to occur.

The Sagan story also arrives on the eve of the X-Conference 2010, the largest annual American UFO/ET Disclosure event coordinated by Stephen G. Bassett Director of PRG – the Paradigm Research Group at the National Press Club in Washington DC, just down the street from the White House and a President that recognizes the need for grave global change.

When asked to comment PRG Director Stephen G. Bassett said, “Carl Sagan and J. Allen Hynek perfectly represent the intellectual and political dilemma faced by the human race during the second half of the 20th century. Both helped to radically change our view of the world. Yet one must be profoundly wrong on the most important historical event in human history.”

Ironically, a cloistered conversation between two academicians behind the curtain – backstage on the set of the Johnny Carson Show in 1984 – seems to have changed science and with it, the paradigm beliefs of an entire planet.  We are not alone.


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