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Author: Michael Salla

Insiders Reveal Secrets of Underground Military & Corporate Bases with Futuristic Technologies

The May 22 episode of Cosmic Disclosure featured a bombshell interview of two insiders, Emery Smith and Corey Goode, who discussed their direct knowledge of classified underground bases and the super advanced technologies used there. They revealed the security protocols, policy oversight, and travel and cloaking technologies secretly used at the bases.

Goode is best known for his first hand experiences inside multiple secret space programs, and also contacts with different extraterrestrial and Inner Earth groups that he began publicly disclosing in late 2014. He says that much of his knowledge of these underground military/corporate bases came through reading briefing documents found in smart glass pads he had access to during his “20 and back” programs, as well as direct personal experience during his covert service.

Goode’s testimony in secret space programs has been extensively covered by David Wilcock in the Cosmic Disclosure series and his book, The Ascension Mysterious; and also in my Secret Space Programs book trilogy. Both Wilcock and I have identified hundreds of sources and documents that corroborate many of Goode’s claims.

Smith publicly emerged as an insider/whistleblower in December 2017 to share his direct experiences in multiple classified programs that began with him being trained as a “Surgical First Assist” by the US Air Force at Kirtland Air Force Base. He has provided a number of documents on his website that substantiate his military training and work as a surgical assistant.

He has two patents granted in 2004 and 2011 featuring innovative medical devices. On his LinkedIn page he refers to two medical papers he has collaborated in writing. I personally spoke with the main author of the first paper written in 2006, Robert J. Mandle, Ph.D., who confirmed Smith’s involvement and his competence as a medical researcher.

Smith has given a number of interviews on Cosmic Disclosure and elsewhere where he has discussed his involvement in corporate/military experiments involving medical examination of approximately 3000 tissues samples from extraterrestrials, hybrids and other exotic life forms. He says that performed autopsies on approximate 250 extraterrestrial bodies at classified underground facilities at Kirtland Air Force Base, and and elsewhere.

In the May 22, Cosmic Disclosure interview, Smith and Goode compared their respective knowledge about security, locations and technologies used at the underground facilities. The interview has been made publicly available for free here. Goode also provides free transcripts of all his Cosmic Disclosure episodes which are available here.

What is remarkable for the listener, is how well Goode’s recollections of what he read in the smart glass pads, matches what Smith described directly experiencing when visiting these underground military/corporate facilities.

Highlights of their discussion was their common knowledge of how hundreds of secret bases in the US alone, while often on military installations, are actually controlled by corporations:

Emery: I’m aware of, in just the U.S. alone, about 300 of these facilities.

Now, when you say government, I want to, like, talk about that, because it’s not always the government that owns these facilities.

They GUARD these facilities – the military does – but they don’t always . . . are in control of the facilities, because they are owned by larger corporations and unknown organizations.

Corey: That have different oversight.

Emery: Exactly.

Corey: Right.

Underground Bases where Emery Smith has worked. Source: Gaia.com

Smith and Goode’s claims here have enormous significance since it reveals how the U.S. military may be kept out of the loop of what is happening on many classified projects which are run on military installations by corporations.

This brings to mind an incident from 1997 involving Rear Admiral Tom Wilson, who was briefed on a classified UFO related project by Dr. Steven Greer and Dr. Edgar Mitchell (Apollo 14 astronaut), but was denied access by corporate attorneys. What made the incident quite remarkable was that Admiral Wilson at the time was the J-2, head of Intelligence for the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Smith and Goode further discussed how the hundreds of bases in the US, others around the planet and even off planet are connected via a highly developed maglev rail system:

Corey: … Some of the bases are . . . you cannot access them from the ground whatsoever. You have to go through the tram system, the secret tram system underground.

Emery: Yeah.

Corey: And the only entrance and exit is through that tram system…. And often, they will be very deep, as I’ve said before. At a certain depth, you’re no longer considered in United States territory…. And so you then have free rein.

Emery: Absolutely, yeah…. And I was getting to that, because once you get down there, you have to take the tram.

And many of them have different types of maglev and lavatube devices to get you there…. And you can actually wear a seat belt in these things, but you don’t need to. You don’t even know you’re going because it’s so fluid, and it gets up to such a high speed.

And I don’t know how fast that is, but I heard some of these can go over 500 miles per hour.

Corey: Yeah, I was hearing over 700.

Emery: Yeah. So once you get there, whether you’re taking the chair, the gondola, or you’re taking these maglev tubes – the egg thing – once you get there, then you have to still go through another security checkpoint.

Corey: Because you could be in another country for all you know.

Emery: Right. Or another planet.

Corey: Right. Exactly. I was actually talking about that recently, about how . . . Recently, when I was brought up to the Lunar Operation Command, I was brought into a room for a briefing, and there was a window.

And I looked out the window, and I saw Mars.

Emery: Ha, ha. Yes.

Corey: And I was told that a lot of times, people will take these trams. And much like I took a tram, and it ended up on another planet . . .

Emery: Yes.

Illustration of a travel pod in the underground rail system. Source: Gaia.com

Both Smith and Goode have provided a lot of additional details about the capabilities of the secret underground shuttle system that was first exposed in 1995 by Phil Schneider in a series of interviews that culminated in his murder/suicide months later in January 1996, and in a book authored by Dr. Richard Sauder, Underground Bases and Tunnels: What is the Government Trying to Hide (1995).

Additionally, Wilcock pointed out some of the others that have come forward since Schneider and Sauder’s ground breaking revelations:

Let me also just say for the record that Bob Dean, Pete Peterson, Jacob and Henry Deacon have all reported on this phenomenon of sub-shuttle systems where you get transported somewhere else, and you don’t even realize it. You’re just riding in the thing, and you go somewhere else.

Wilcock asked Smith and Goode what they knew about the metallic element Thorium in relation to underground bases:

Corey: Well, I know that in the programs, the craft, research vessel, I was assigned to, originally it was nuclear. And then they replaced it with a thorium based.

And then they replaced it with some sort of an electromagnetic engine that had these long tubes that they would put something in that they called “minnow baskets” that would spin.

And if you move it up and down, you get a little bit of play in the electromagnetics.

Emery: Right.

Corey: And I think it’s some sort of electromagnetic friction that’s going around. And these leads are picking up the energy and shooting it wirelessly through the tubes, which then go directly to these huge capacitors.

Emery: Right. Yeah, a lot of capacitors are used in these bases to hold the energy.

I’m not an expert at thorium, but I was recently on a project where a private organization – a private corporation – hired me to . . . They sent out people all over the United States – a scientific team – to find the LARGEST deposit of thorium here in the United States.

And I know exactly where that’s at. And that is also in New Mexico. I’m not going to tell you the city it’s located near, but I’ll tell you it’s in New Mexico.

And there’s an unlimited amount of thorium there that could power all the planets, and all the bases, and, of course, us right here indefinitely – INDEFINITELY – I mean with the amount of energy we already currently use.

Smith and Goode are revealing that Thorium is used in a cold fusion process that provides a virtually unlimited power supply for covert projects and spacecraft.

Smith and Goode go on to discuss the latest hologram technology, and how incredibly advanced it has become to the extent that holograms can physically appear to be hard and even have mass:

Corey: Yeah, lots of that technology – the masking technology with holograms.

Emery: Lots of it.

Corey: They’ve even developed holograms to a point to where they have mass.

Emery: Right.

Corey: Or they call them “hard light”, to where they can . . .

Emery: You can cast a shadow.

Corey: Yeah, you can do a hologram, and you can walk up and “tink, tink, tink,” like a piece of glass.

Or even they can make it even thicker in depth….

Emery: Yeah, I totally can attest to that as well, and I was part of . . . not part of that, but there was compartmentalized projects near me during that that were working on satellites that could do that, or they were putting that technology in satellites in the early ’90s, and I think it was probably before that.

Corey: Yeah. What’s crazy is they’ll have a hard light panel. They remove the source of the power or electricity, and it stays.

Emery: Right.

Project Bluebeam features Holographic technology to simulate an alien false flag event

Smith’s and Goode’s corroboration of their respective experiences and knowledge of technologies used at underground bases is highly significant, given extensive documentation possessed by Smith validating his core claim of having been a trained surgical assistant that participated in covert autopsies of dead extraterrestrials conducted at Kirtland Air Force base and other classified locations.

The conclusion emerging from their first joint “Cosmic Summit” interview is that Smith’s experiences and documentation corroborate key elements of things Goode has been saying since late 2014. This is important supporting evidence for those still undecided about the veracity of Goode’s incredible claims.

Smith and Goode will be appearing together in future Cosmic Disclosure episodes, and will again compare their experiences and knowledge about highly classified programs. This upcoming series of “Cosmic Summit” interviews is essential viewing for all seeking the truth about secret space programs.

Michael Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice 

Further Reading


Hawaii Volcanic Eruption Intentionally Triggered to Generate Massive Tsunami?

An increasing number of earthquakes under Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano preceded the appearance of fissures spewing molten lava in the lower Puna region of the Big Island on May 3. The newly active fissures have led to the destruction of homes, evacuation of residents, closure of roads, and emission of poisonous sulfuric gases that will impact the region for months, if not years, to come.

While most assume that the earthquakes and Kilauea’s eruption are due to natural geological processes stemming from a hot spot deep under the Big Island of Hawaii, there is startling evidence linking human intervention to this recent wave of volatile activity. Examination of the fracking practices at Puna Geothermal Power Station, located in the same Puna region affected by earthquakes and volcanic activity, directly raises the strong possibility that the fracking was a direct factor in unleashing what is currently occurring.  

What makes such a possibility even more disturbing is the background of the company that owns the power station, which is officially called the “Puna Geothermal Venture”. The company is financially connected to the Rothschild family which, according to the military intelligence group QAnon, forms the leadership of a worldwide Satanic cult covertly fomenting planet wide catastrophes and wars to maintain global power.

A partial collapse of Kilauea volcano could trigger massive tsunamis that would not only engulf the Hawaiian Islands, but also devastate the U.S. Pacific Coast, as well as the coastal regions of other Pacific rim nations. The possibility that the Puna Geothermal Venture conducted fracking in a deliberate effort to secretly promote earthquakes to trigger such a collapse and thereby generate massive tsunamis, deserves a critical investigation.

I begin my research with some history of the Puna Geothermal Venture, which began operations on the Big Island in 1993. It’s worth noting that Kilauea volcano has been in a constant state of eruption since 1983, and that its East Rift Zone has been a prominent part of the lava flows that have destroyed local communities.

From its inception, there has been controversy over the wisdom of the Puna Geothermal Venture being built within an active volcanic region with regularly occurring lava flows. However, what most aroused local opposition is direct scientific evidence that the powerplant has been using fracking techniques as a means of generating heat for power generation.

Scientists have established a clear linkage between fracking and earthquake activity in multiple studies:

  • A July 12, 2013 USGS study has confirmed forcing high pressure water into the Earth via Fracking can increase the number of induced earthquakes.
  • July 27, 2013 study by the University of California – Santa Cruz confirmed the correlation between Geothermal Fracking and earthquakes.
  • 2013 study by the Committee on Induced Seismicity Potential in Energy Technologies; Committee on Earth Resources; Committee on Geological and Geotechnical Engineering; Committee on Seismology and Geodynamics; Board on Earth and Sciences and Resources; Division on Earth and Life Studies; and National Research Council  concludes Geothermal drilling causes earthquakes.

While the owners of the Puna Geothermal Venture insist that fracking has not been used, independent studies confirm otherwise. A Duke University study of the eight wells used by the Puna Geothermal Venture (PGV) concluded:

The region of high fracture density is also consistent with the areas of the highest fluid production at PGV…. The production records are proprietary to the PGV parent company, Ormat, so tables and diagrams are not included in the dissertation. However, it is indicted that wells that penetrate the area where we calculate the greatest fracture density have higher fluid flow than elsewhere in the PGV lease. [pp. 55-56]

Essentially, the Duke University study suggested that fracking was occurring at the Puna Geothermal Venture via the injection of pressurized fluids into the wells and surrounding rocks.

Even more alarming is that a study of earthquake activity in the vicinity of Kilauea shows a direct correlation to the fluid injection (fracking) at the geothermal plant, as clearly illustrated by the following graph using scientific data:

Source of earthquake data: Advanced National Siesmic System – ANSS, Source of Injection Data is the EPA

The clear conclusion that emerges is that the liquid injection or fracking practices at Puna Geothermal Venture has been inducing earthquakes in Kilauea’s East Rift Zone for years.

This is where people will demand an answer to the question of whether this induced earthquake  activity was merely accidental or deliberately contrived.

The Puna Geothermal Venture is owned by Ormat Industries, which is an Israeli based company that was founded by Lucien Yehuda Bronicki. A biography of Bronicki states:

Mr. Lucien Yehuda Bronicki, Ph.D., served as the Chief Technology Officer of Ormat Industries Ltd. since July 1, 2004… He served as Chief Technology Officer of ORMAT Technologies Inc. Mr. Bronicki co-founded Ormat Turbines Ltd. in 1965. He served as President and Technical Director of ORMAT Turbines Ltd. from 1965 to 1991 … Mr. Bronicki has received numerous awards, including the Rothschild Prize for Innovation/Export in 1977. [emphasis added]

The award of the Rothschild Prize for Innovation/Export established a clear link between Bronicki’s Ormat Industries/Turbines and the Rothschild family. What sets the Rothschild family apart from other philanthropic organizations is the role it plays in using its funding to manipulate individuals, organizations and nations to do their bidding according to a December 7, 2017 post by QAnon:

It is quite plausible that the Rothschild’s 1977 support and financial backing made Bronicki and Ormat Industries obligated to do the Rothschild’s bidding in some way. This makes it possible that Bronicki was instructed by the Rothschilds to build the geothermal facility in a dangerous volcanic region for a hidden purpose despite the inherent risk in building a facility in such a dangerous area.

This is borne out by the Puna Geothermal Venture being evacuated as a new fissure has opened only a few hundred meters away from it, thereby threatening to destroy the facility as reported by the Washington Post on May 12.

Puna Geothermal Facility with nearby volcanic fissure. Source: Washington Post.

So what could be the hidden purpose behind building the geothermal plant in an active volcanic region; when it was known that induced earthquakes could trigger seismic activity, which would threaten anything that was built there, thereby incurring significant financial loss for Bronicki/Ormat, and/or the Rothschilds?

This  is where we need to consider Kilauea’s Hilina Slump, which is summarized in the following Wikipedia article:

The Hilina Slump is a 5,000 cubic mile (20,000 kilometre³) section of the Big Island of Hawaii on the south flank of the Kilauea volcano. Between 1990 and 1993, Global Positioning System measurements showed a southward displacement of the south flank of Kilauea up to approximately 10 centimeters per year. The slump has the potential of breaking away at a faster pace in the form of an underwater landslide . In Hawaii, landslides of this nature are called debris avalanches. If the entire Hilina Slump were to slide into the ocean at once, it could cause an earthquake in excess of a 9 in magnitude, and a megatsunami. Previous megatsunamis in Hawaii 110,000 years ago caused by similar geological phenomena may have created waves 1,600 feet (500 m) tall.

The following video illustrates the devastating tsunamis that could be caused by a partial or full collapse of the Hilina Slump.

According to veteran investigative journalist, Hal Turner, he has received information that there is a news blackout on the Hilina Slump due to scientific concerns over its impending collapse and generation of giant tsunamis:

Scientists from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) have contacted me regarding a staggering development taking place right now during the eruption of the Kilauea volcano in Hawaii:  An area of land on the south flank of the volcano known as the “Hilina Slump” – about the size of Manhattan – is moving and could BREAK OFF into the ocean, sending a Tsunami toward the west coast with 100+ foot waves moving at 500 miles per hour.  Cities like San Diego, Los Angeles and others could be wiped off the face of the earth. 

So I now come back to the question of what was the hidden purpose behind the Rothschild backed Geothermal Venture in Puna?

As suggested in QAnon’s December 7, 2017 post, the Rothschild family leads a global cult that has been at the forefront of controlling the planet for nearly two centuries. In an earlier November 17, 2017 post, QAnon revealed the connection between Satanism and the Rothschilds:

Support for QAnon’s extraordinary claim comes from the whistleblower testimony of Dr. Bill Deagle, a former U.S. Air Force physician.

He said that in 1992, the head of the Rothschild family, Guy de Rothschild, physically appeared before him late at night in his room. In a a Project Camelot interview, Deagle explained how De Rothchild displayed a range of impressive occult abilities confirming that he was talking with a highly evolved ‘Satanic’ cult leader who believed himself to be the occult ruler of Earth:

I woke up in the middle of the night, bolt upright, and I sat up. And I had all the lights on because I’d have to periodically go to the restroom or whatever. I had all the lights on. And this guy was standing in front of me with what I call a $5,000 tuxedo, not a gray hair in his head, mid-50s, slim and trim.

I said: How did you get in here?

And he says: It’s wonderful to see you, my son.

I said: You’re not my father.

And I looked at this guy, and he looked like French nobility. Right? And I said: Who are you?

He says: I am the Baron Guy de Rothschild, the Pindar.

And I had this really kind of, what I call a check or a kind of a cringe in my spirit. And I knew right away, because I have this gift. Right? Without getting into a big long discussion, I knew right away.

I said: I know who you are. You’re the representative of the Luciferic power that controls Earth.

He says: Yes, I am the CEO of Earth, Inc., and I am the man that sits in the 13th chair of the Druidic Council. I want you to be my understudy, and when I transcend I want you to take over my job.

And I said: No, I’m not going to.

If we accept what QAnon and Deagle have revealed about the Rothschilds, and what we now know about the link between the owner of the Puna Geothermal Venture and the Rothschild family, then this leads to a disturbing scenario. The decision to build the Puna Geothermal Venture in 1993 was ordered by Guy de Rothschild, after he and/or other Rothschild family members had called in a favor owed by Bronicki/Ormat after he was awarded the Rothschild Prize for Innovation/Export in 1977.

Consequently, the hidden purpose of the Puna Geothermal Plant was to trigger earthquakes and seismic activity around Kilauea volcano that would lead to a collapse of the Hilina Slump. This would create a Pacific wide disaster that would cripple the U.S. economically and militarily for years to come, thereby helping the Rothschild family maintain its shadowy global control system, which plans to use China as its new base of operations.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Author Note: My wife (Angelika) and I lived in the lower Puna region from November 1, 2013 to May 1, 2018 in the area of Kaimu/Kalapana. The day of our move back to the Kona side of the Big Island was marked by a succession of earthquakes, and was followed two days later by the outbreak of the lava fissures in Leilani Estates.

We thank Providence for our lucky escape. We send our prayers and best wishes to our former neighbors and friends who were not so fortunate and whose lives have been severely affected by the lava outbreaks.

Note: the Audio Version of the above article is available here or can be viewed below.


Further Reading


QAnon on How Ending Iran Peace Deal Thwarts Deep State Plans for Nuclear False Flag Attack

The military intelligence group that comprises QAnon continues to make extraordinary revelations about behind the scenes efforts to displace and remove U.S. officials that make up or have been compromised by the Deep State. Most recently, QAnon has been focusing on why President Donald Trump’s withdrawal from the July 14, 2015 Iran nuclear deal is a positive development, and how this is connected to Trump helping free North Korea from Deep State control.

On the Iran issue, QAnon has made many posts that suggest the Iran deal was a cover for Iran to secretly develop a nuclear weapons program in northern Syria, with funding being facilitated by the Deep State working through a multilateral international peace framework.

QAnon has previously described how the Deep State’s puppet masters – Rothschilds, House of Saud, and George Soros – use the enormous funds at their disposal, to manipulate national elites, organizations and even nation states.

The Deep State plan was to secretly assist Iran in building nuclear weapons using uranium that could be linked to Russia, and subsequently used in a false flag attack on U.S. territory.

In brief, QAnon had emphasized how Deep State officials involved in the Uranium One deal with Russia, had arranged for some of the uranium to be secretly shipped to northern Syria. Then, it would end up at an Iranian nuclear facility initially built there with permission by the Assad regime. For a detailed discussion of the above QAnon post see my previous article.

Apparently, Senator John McCain’s visit(s) to Syria were a cover for some of this Russia destined uranium to be secretly handed over to Syrian opposition figures that would supply it to rogue operators linked to the Iranian nuclear program.

QAnon released photos showing McCain with Syrian opposition forces associated with the Islamic State, and suggested that McCain’s visit was a cover for delivering something that would help the Deep State agenda – allegedly uranium from the batch sold to Russia.

QAnon was suggesting that McCain, Syrian opposition groups and the Iranian nuclear program in northern Syria were all controlled or manipulated by the Deep State. The ultimate goal was to use the nuclear weapons produced by the Iranian facility in one or more false flag attacks, which would lead to retaliatory U.S. military strikes against Syria, Iran and/or Russia that would culminate in a Third World War.

What gives this scenario plausibility is that the Deep State has long wanted to fulfill biblical prophecy by laying waste to Damascus in a future apocalyptic showdown between major world powers. The following appears in the Book of Isaiah:

1A prophecy against Damascus: “See, Damascus will no longer be a city
    but will become a heap of ruins. [17:1]

The first reference to this Deep State plan was a series of posts by an alleged “Illuminati” insider using the name “Hidden Hand” back in October 2008.

In posts on the Above Top Secret Forum, he pointed to a secret plan to destroy the cities of Damascus and San Francisco by 2010. Former Forbes Magazine editor, Benjamin Fulford, was told the same thing three years later by his insider contacts in Japan. Fulford did not give a timetable suggesting that the plan was still in development.

This Deep State plan to use the secret Iranian nuclear facility in a false flag attack was thwarted by the Trump administration’s missile attacks on multiple Syrian military facilities on April 14. An alleged chemical weapons attack in the Douma suburb of Damascus was used as the pretext for the Trump Administration authorizing the attack against the secret Iranian nuclear facility.

Russia stood down its advanced anti-missile defenses to allow the U.S. missile attack to achieve its objective, indicating both Russia and the Assad regime were briefed in advance about the real purpose of the strikes.

Consequently, by pulling out of the Iran deal, QAnon is telling us that the covert funding system set up for the secret Iranian nuclear program backed by the Deep State has come to an end.

This is where QAnon claims that Trump’s administration, which is fully backed by the U.S. military, is methodically freeing multiple nations from Deep State control.

Abbreviations: SA – Saudi Arabia, NK – North Korea

Paradoxically, by pulling out of a peace deal with Iran, this makes it possible for Deep State influence to be ended, thereby making a genuine peace with Iran possible. Such a peace deal could only occur after Iran is freed from Deep State manipulation and/or control.

According to QAnon, this was made possible when President Trump ended U.S. participation in the Iran deal on May 8.

What makes the above scenario plausible is the case of North Korea, which is now on the verge of a comprehensive peace deal that will transform the Korean peninsula. QAnon has revealed how North Korea was similarly freed from Deep State influence over a secret nuclear weapons program.

The key elements for this Deep State influence over North Korea was that Deep State officials had facilitated the export of North Korea’s ballistic missile technology to international buyers. QAnon highlighted a video showing how the former speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, had indeed referred to this secret missile export program as means of North Korea funding itself.

She recalled in an interview what she was told when she visited North Korea as part of a previously undisclosed Congressional delegation:

When we went to Pyongyang, and we talked about missiles, we talked about MIAs and POWs, we talked about home, we talked about a number of subjects. But about the missiles, because the development of missiles was a national security issue of concern… They said, ‘Look, we just make these to sell. You want to buy them? We’ll sell them to you.’

QAnon asserted that this video admission was a big error and had enormous significance regarding what the Deep State was really doing in North Korea:

Essentially, North Korea was being manipulated by the Deep State to export ballistic missile technology, which could be equipped with nuclear warheads, to the international arms market. QAnon was revealing that the Deep State was actually assisting them in such an endeavor through slush funds provided by the puppet masters: Rothschilds, Saudis and Soros.

The Deep State had aided North Korea in quickly developing its ballistic missile program despite international sanctions. This helps explain why North Korea’s missile program developed so rapidly despite severe funding limitations – the Puppet masters were secretly funding it all!

What ended the Deep State’s influence over North Korea was the failed ballistic nuclear missile attack against Hawaii on January 13, 2018. The Deep State deployed a ballistic missile capable submarine that is part of a Dark Fleet controlled by the CIA, to launch a nuclear false flag attack against Hawaii.

The ballistic nuclear missile was launched from just off the coast of North Korea in order to frame it as the culprit.

However, the Deep State plan failed when a U.S. Air Force run secret space program intercepted the nuclear missile using its global surveillance network and orbital based weapons platforms. I have discussed this at length in previous articles (see here and here) and explained why the US Air Force has broken away from the Deep State.

Importantly, the Trump administration did not authorize a retaliatory strike against North Korea when initial reports pointed to it as responsible for the attempted nuclear strike, and pressure was exerted on him to immediately retaliate.

When Kim Jung Un realized that he had been betrayed and the Deep State had attempted to make him the fall guy for the failed ballistic missile strike, he abruptly changed his policies and immediately began cooperating with the Trump Administration and South Korea.

QAnon is essentially saying that something similar will happen as Deep State assets in Syria are exoposed and neutralized, thereby ending the secret Iranian nuclear program there, which was always intended to frame Iran/Syria as the culprit for a nuclear false flag attack against the U.S. or its major regional ally, Israel.

In order to fully gauge the significance of QAnon’s claims regarding Trump ending the Iran nuclear agreement, we need to consider recent claims by Alex Jones and Dr. Jerome Corsi that QAnon is Deep State disinformation. Corsi in particular says that while the initial military intelligence group that began posting in late October 2017 was genuine and was linked to President Trump, it had been recently compromised. The evidence provided by Jones and Corsi for this stunning turn-around is very sketchy and dubious at best.

QAnon responded to Jones and Corsi’s criticisms by endorsing a highly detailed critique which raises many troubling questions about how Jones and Corsi have approached the QAnon information from the outset.

My own insider sources affirm that QAnon continues to be the real deal and that there has been no change to his/their status on the 8chan posting boards. This suggests that QAnon’s information continues to be accurate disclosures by military intelligence figures associated with the Trump administration, and QAnon’s coded and cryptic information tells us much about Deep State operations around the world.

In sum, while Donald Trump’s ending of the Iran peace deal is causing many to be anxious about the increased likelihood over a looming nuclear confrontation, it may be that we will witness something similar occurring to what recently happened with North Korea.

Paradoxically, ending a flawed peace deal facilitated by the Deep State secretly planning to use the deal to orchestrate a nuclear false flag attack that would implicate Syria, Iran and Russia, may well create the opportunity for a genuine international peace deal with Iran. More importantly, Trumps action will free Iran of Deep State influence through its covert funding of rogue Iranian operations in Syria and elsewhere.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

QAnon Reveals Effort to Frame Russia in False Flag Nuclear Attack on US – the Fourth Reich Connection

QAnon has repeatedly referred to the movie the Sum of All Fears in posts dating back to November 2017 that suggest the Deep State is involved in an effort to foment a nuclear false flag attack on the United States. In the most recent post QAnon explicitly says that a nuclear weapons facility being secretly assembled in Syria would use uranium that could be linked to Russia.

QAnon revealed that after a false flag nuclear attack on US territory, the uranium would be traced back to Russia, and the stage would be set for forcing the US military to launch a retaliation that would precipitate World War III.

Before examining QAnon’s posts, it’s worth repeating that the consensus of many analyzing his/her posts is that QAnon represents a group of very senior military intelligence officials working with the Trump Administration. According to Dr. Jerome Corsi, it was a group of three military generals that approached Trump to run for President in 2015, in order to help the US break free from Deep State control and prevent covert efforts to orchestrate World War III.

QAnon’s posts reveal the inner thinking of senior military intelligence officials connected to the Trump White House. The posts provide the general public a unique opportunity to fathom what is really happening in the rarefied world of military intelligence and special operations, despite mainstream media efforts to distract the public through fake news reports.

In the movie, The Sum of All Fears, the US and Russia come to the brink of war when a nuclear device is detonated in the city of Baltimore. The nuclear attack is blamed on Russia and the world stands on the brink of World War III until the movie’s main protagonist, a CIA analyst/Ben Affleck, shows the uranium used for the device was in fact a stolen US nuclear device.

Here’s what QAnon wrote on April 30:

There is much detailed intelligence data contained in this April 30 post that needs to be unpacked.

First, QAnon tells us that Iran had secretly built a nuclear facility in northern Syria:

What if Iran created a classified ‘satellite’ Nuclear facility in Northern Syria?

What if the program never ceased?

What other bad actors are possibly involved?

The term “bad actors” is a reference to rogue operators that are linked to the Deep State, who enabled this nuclear facility to be secretly assembled. Presumably, Iran’s and Syria’s leadership was being tricked, manipulated or blackmailed, into building this secret nuclear facility that would be controlled by shadowy individuals linked to the Deep State.

It’s worth pointing out that QAnon has repeatedly said that the Deep State involves a global Satan worshiping group linked to the Rothschild family. This group uses its vast wealth and occult power to compromise politicians and elites around the world, which are subsequently controlled to do the Deep State’s bidding.

QAnon goes on to say that the nuclear material being used in this satellite Nuclear facility in Syria had been arranged by the Deep State:

Where did the U1 material end up?

Is this material traceable?


Define cover.

What if U1 material ended up in Syria?

What would be the primary purpose?


Here QAnon asserts that the Uranium One (U1) deal reached between the Obama administration and Russia back in 2009, when Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State, was designed to supply Russia with uranium that could be traced back to the US. The Deep State plan was to use the U1 uranium at the secret nuclear facility in Norther Syria, to build a nuclear device that would be detonated in the US.

The next part of the April 30 post says:

In the movie, where did the material come from?

What country?

What would happen if Russia or another foreign state supplied Uranium to Iran/Syria?


What does U1 provide?

Define cover.

In the movie the uranium came from a US source. In the secret Iranian nuclear facility in northern Syria, the U1 uranium sold to Russia by the Obama administration, provided a means of incriminating Russia. According to QAnon, this would have led to WAR – a military retaliation by the US covertly planned to escalate to World War III.

QAnon’s next reference is important for understanding the real target of the US, French and British military strikes into Syria on April 14:

Why did we strike Syria?

Why did we really strike Syria?

Define cover.

Patriots n control.


QAnon is telling us that the chemical weapons justification used by President Trump to authorize the strike was a charade, a cover. The US military was really targeting the secret nuclear facilities ostensibly controlled by Iran, but were in fact Deep State assets.

This would help explain why the Russians stood down in the US coalition attack on its ally, Syria. Russia was briefed in advance, and very likely approved the plan to take out the secret Iranian nuclear facility which it could not do itself given its alliance with Iran in the Syrian Civil War.

Furthermore, in the movie, the actors involved in the false flag attack is connected to a secretive neo-Nazi group. In a March 10 post, QAnon also links the effort to frame Russia in a nuclear attack on the US to a secretive Nazi group.

Here QAnon is suggesting that the North Koreans had likewise been helped by a Deep State/Nazi group that had supplied it secret nuclear assistance. After Kim Jong-Un realized that the Deep State had betrayed him by attempting to frame North Korea in a failed nuclear attack on Hawaii, the North Koreans decided to end their cooperation with the Deep State.

The failed false flag attack on Hawaii was therefore the real reason for North Korea’s change of heart and decision to cooperate with President Trump. As discussed in a previous article, the U.S. military shot down the ballistic missile intended to frame North Korea, and stood down its forces rather than retaliate against the North Koreans.

This is the meaning of the stage being set for “FREEDOM” for North Korea. Apparently, the same thing is happening now in Syria and Iran, by the Deep State’s Iranian satellite nuclear facility being destroyed in the US military strike.

The picture that is emerging from QAnon’s April 30, March 10 and other posts is that the repeated references to The Sum of All Fears movie is revealing a secretive effort by the Deep State to contrive a nuclear war through a false flag attack on the US.

QAnon’s information here dovetails well with my own research into a breakaway World War II Nazi group linked to occult secret societies that established underground facilities in South America and Antarctica.

This occult led Nazi group established a Fourth Reich possessing highly advanced weapons and aerospace vehicles that is a key pillar of a global control system established by Deep State Satan worshipers.

If I am interpreting QAnon’s posts correctly, then it is clear that The Sum of All Fears movie was a Deep State initiative to hide the truth in plain sight, which is a well-established occult principle.

QAnon is telling us that there is a global network of Deep State actors who are Satan worshipers that work closely with a secretive Nazi group that survived World War II. This Dark Alliance is intent on fomenting a catastrophic World War. Recent events in Syria and North Korea, firmly point to Presidents Trump and Putin secretly cooperating to put an end to these evil Deep State plans.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

QAnon on the Rothschilds & Satanism – Trump’s Secret Alliance with Putin

In Part 1, I analyzed QAnon posts identifying the puppet masters behind the Deep State – the Rothschild family, House of Saud, and George Soros – and the enormous financial resources at their disposal. To achieve control at a global level, the three puppet masters coordinate their efforts through different functions they respectively exercise.

QAnon referred to a cult led by the Rothschild family which has been a critical part of this global control system. In a November 11, 2017 post, QAnon succinctly described the chief characteristics of the worldwide cult:

QAnon is telling us that the puppet masters, the Rothschilds, Saudis and Soros are Satan worshippers. At the apex of this Satanic cult are the Rothschilds, according to QAnon.

It’s worth repeating from Part 1 that Dr. Deagle told us about Guy De Rothschild being the Pindar, CEO of Earth in 1992, which I discussed in more detail in an earlier article. This corroborates what QAnon revealed about the Rothschilds being the leaders of a cult followed by the puppet masters.

Prior to his death in 2007, Guy De Rothschild arranged for leadership of the Rothschild family to be passed on to his son, David Rene de Rothschild, in 2003. Recently,, David de Rothschild announced on April 17, 2018 that leadership of various Rothschild companies would in turn be passed on to his son, Alexandre de Rothschild.

According to what QAnon and Deagle have revealed, it can be concluded that the role of Pindar (Satanic cult leader) had passed on from Guy to David de Rothschild, and that Alexandre is being groomed to take over the position at some point.

QAnon refers to a temple on Epstein’s island with underground levels that the Satan worshiping Rothschilds, Saudis and Soros, along with their followers and compromised politicians, regularly visit. Compromised politicians include the Clintons, who are deeply involved in events at Epstein’s island as evidenced by Bill Clinton’s frequent visits there – 26 of which have been documented in flight logs.

QAnon refers to how the Clintons were compromised by Soros, and how evil they became through their association with the Rothschilds:

What kind of “EVIL” activities are performed Epstein’s island, the Rothschild’s Black Forrest estate, and other locations like Bohemian Grove, California?

QAnon said that the Saudis are in control of sex and child trafficking. There are multiple witnesses that describe Satanic ceremonies that involve child sacrifice. John DeCamp, a former state senator for Nebraska, wrote The Franklin Coverup: Child Abuse, Satanism and Murder in Nebrask (1992), which provides the most well documented and researched book detailing child abuse and ritual sacrifice at Satanic events all over the United States.

In an article where he summarized multiple interviews with children who survived the abuse and Satanic ceremonies, De Camp wrote:

The essence of the story the children told, was that they were used in a coordinated ring of child abuse. When I say child abuse, I don’t mean the traditional child abuse that social workers yak about, but serious, big league abuse of children. They are used as drug couriers, as sexual objects to compromise this or that politician or businessman. They are used in the most gross fashion possible, including ritual murder and things like that. I am talking about the most unbeliev­able things, which I still have difficulty believing. But having seen enough evidence, I know they exist, in an organized fashion, and not committed by the sleazes in the bars and the guys in the alley. I’m talking about the most prominent of citizens, the most respectable.

De Camp gave an example in his book, of how young children are exploited at Satanic ceremonies held at private locations such as Bohemian Grove:

Paul was taken by Larry King [not the talk show host] and others to a wooded area in California – identified after publication as the Bohemian Grove. There Paul and another boy were forced to do sex acts with and to consume parts of a child whom they had watched being murdered by the cultists. The body was to be disposed of by “the men with the hoods.

I now return to the last comment in QAnon’s November 11, 2017 post:

“Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan”.

Here QAnon is signaling that President Putin is fully aware of the Satanism practiced by the puppet masters – Rothschilds, Saudis, and Soros – and that there is secret coordination between U.S. military intelligence and Putin in responding to the Deep State.

This is why Russia has repeatedly stood down its military forces despite U.S. military provocations in Syria, Ukraine, and elsewhere in Russia’s sphere of influence. Putin knows that the Deep State is intent on fomenting World War III.

Putin is also well aware that the Deep State has been pressuring Trump from the beginning of his administration, and now blackmailing Trump through material acquired from the Cohen raid. Nevertheless, Putin/Russia and Trump/US military intelligence are coordinating to prevent any military clashes that could quickly escalate out of control due to deep state actors embedded within each of their administrations.

This scenario is corroborated by a comment given by Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, who said in an April 20 interview:

Speaking about risks of a military confrontation, I am 100 percent sure that [both the US and Russian] militaries won’t allow this, and of course neither will President [Vladimir] Putin or President [Donald] Trump.

QAnon’s revelations have been very helpful in understanding the puppet masters behind the Deep State, their connection to a Satanic cult that has compromised political systems in the U.S. and around the world, and how Trump and U.S. military intelligence are secretly coordinating with Putin’s Russia to deal with these multifaceted challenges.

Back to Part 1.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

QAnon on the Rothschild, Saudi & Soros Puppet Masters behind the Deep State

There has been a number of important developments within the U.S. that indicate how ferocious the behind the scenes battle has become between President Donald Trump and senior Deep State officials embedded within the Federal bureaucracy. The most telling struggle involves the April 9, 2018 FBI raid on Trump’s long time personal attorney Michael Cohen, and the Federal Judge appointed to hear Cohen’s case.

It’s worth highlighting that after the early morning raid on Cohen, that same evening, Trump was visited by U.S. military leaders in a powerful show of support emphasizing that they had his back despite his immediate concern over what the raid could mean for the Trump business empire. Significantly, they were photographed with 9 assembled on his right and 11 on his left, in a veiled reference to 911 being a false flag attack known by the military to have been orchestrated by the Deep State.

As pointed out in a previous article, QAnon is a group of U.S. military intelligence officials working with the Trump administration to expose the Deep State, and to dismantle its hold over the U.S. political system. In 2015, Trump was recruited by this group of military officials to prevent a coup d’etat , according to best-selling political author Dr Jerome Corsi and others.

It was this group of military intelligence officials that neutralized a number of secret Deep State efforts to stop Trump from being inaugurated after his surprise November 8, 2016 election victory. These efforts have been meticulously detailed in Corsi’s book, Killing the Deep State.

The raid on Trump’s personal attorney marked a dramatic escalation in the Deep State’s efforts to undermine the Trump administration. The raid almost certainly provided the Deep State with damaging material about his business empire that could be used to blackmail Trump despite the support he continues to receive from U.S. military intelligence.

The raid on Cohen occurred less than 24 hours after the April 8 false flag event was orchestrated in Syria, which pinned the blame for a chemical weapons attack on the Assad regime. It’s highly likely that the Deep State demanded that Trump attack Syria to forestall incriminating material being made public and/or his business empire being scrutinized.

Consequently, the limited missile strike on April 14 was carefully planned by Trump and U.S. military intelligence to satisfy Deep State demands, while avoiding any direct confrontation with Russian forces that could precipitate World War III, either in Syria, or later in Iran. Furthermore, President Putin of Russia was made fully aware of Trump’s quandary and chose not to retaliate against U.S. military forces responsible for the missile strike.

So who is behind the Deep State? Who are the puppet masters? And what role does President Putin play in helping Trump deal with the Deep State’s puppet masters?

According to QAnon, we need to follow the money trail to begin getting answers to these questions. In a November 11, 2017 post, QAnon declared:

It’s worth beginning with the oldest of this list of puppet masters – the Rothschilds whose influence dates back to their successful financing of the British Empire in the Napoleonic wars. Due to the Rothschild family’s astute judgement in loaning funds to the British and other Monarchical opponents of Napoleon, they became fabulously wealthy after Napoleon’s defeat.

The Rothschilds were also rewarded by their grateful monarchical debtors with national honors and aristocratic titles that quickly elevated key family members into public prominence throughout the 19th century.

QAnon’s estimate of the Rothshild family’s cumulative wealth coincides with the upper range of Investopedia’s estimate of between $350 billion to US$2 trillion, as of March 2016. The lower range of many official estimates are false, according to QAnon, the true net wealth of the Rothschilds is closer to $2 trillion.

Similarly, Investopedia estimates that the House of Saud’s wealth is close to $1.4 trillion, but QAnon is telling us that it is closer to $4 trillion. Given the size of the Saudi Royal family; 15,000 members, with 2000 holding the most power and wealth, the cumulative wealth may in fact be much closer to QAnon’s estimate.

When it comes to George Soros wealth, the official estimate of $24 billion, is once again, much lower than what QAnon is telling us.

As a successful hedge fund manager, however, Soros controls far more than his personal worth, placing the total assets he controls closer to the $1 trillion claimed by QAnon.

So how does the Rothschild family, along with the House of Saud and George Soros, use their enormous accumulated wealth of $7 trillion to pull the financial purse strings of politicians and national elites all over the world?

QAnon provided an answer in a December 7, 2017 post describing how the finances of the Rothschilds, Saudis and Soros are used for complementary world-wide control functions:

The reference to the Rothschilds as “cult leaders” and exercising influence over the church is highly significant. In 1832, the Rothschild loaned money to the Vatican, which led to the Rothschilds gaining great influence over the church through its dependence on international financing. A  dependence which has had a corrupting influence on the Church, as pointed out by researchers such as Dr. Paul Williams, author of Operation Gladio: The Unholy Alliance between the Vatican, the CIA, and the Mafia.

In addition, the Rothschild family has a controlling interest in a vast network of central and private banks, which gives them enormous global influence. Predictably, this financial influence can be used to manipulate politicians all over the planet through campaign contributions. This is the foundation for the Rothshild’s worldwide government control, as QAnon tells us.

What gives credence to QAnon’s reference to the cult and financial power of the Rothschilds is Dr. Bill Deagle, a former physician with U.S. Space Command, who was mysteriously approached by Guy De Rothschild, who claimed to be the “Pindar”, the CEO of Earth Inc.

De Rothschild displayed enormous occult powers according to Deagle, corroborating QAnon’s reference to the Rothschilds as cult leaders. What kind of cult then is he referring to? I will return to this question in Part 2, after examining the functions QAnon ascribes to the other two puppet masters, House of Saud and George Soros.

In his December 7, 2017 post, QAnon referred to Saudia Arabia (SA) as being in control of oil technology, sex trafficking of children, US/UK politicians and major technology companies.  

It is not all that surprising that the House of Saud is listed by QAnon as a puppet master, since it has accumulated enormous wealth (officially US$1.4 trillion) due to the oil reserves that it has controlled for decades in Saudi Arabia. Importantly, QAnon is telling us that the House of Saud has used its wealth to secretly control the U.S. and British political systems through campaign contributions and outright bribery.

This is perhaps nowhere better illustrated than in the September 11, 2001 attacks where 16 of the 19 hijackers were Saudi citizens, yet it was Afghanistan rather than Saudi Arabia that was invaded by the U.S. and its NATO allies!

A subsequent 911 Commission Report authorized by the U.S. Congress, which was released in 2002, hid the Saudi involvement by classifying 28 pages. It was only on July 15, 2016 that the Commission’s classified pages were publicly released with details of the Saudi officials involved, which included its then Ambassador to the U.S. Prince Bandar, who funded at least two of the hijackers.  

Arguably, it was this release that led to the extraordinary events in Saudi Arabia in early November 2017, where Crown Prince Muhammed bin Salman jailed prominent members of the Royal Family and senior Saudi officials for corruption. Those arrested included Prince Bandar, the most senior of the Saudi officials implicated in the 911 attacks.

It appears that Prince Salman took preemptive action to clear the way for the truth about 911 eventually being made public by jailing and shaming Saudi officials implicated in the false flag attack. 

Additionally, QAnon tells us that Saudi Arabia has been long linked to child and sex trafficking. What are the children used for? Aside from the obvious sex and labor abuses, this raises the more troubling practice of child sacrifice. I will return to this when the Rothschild cult leadership issue is discussed in Part 2.

This takes us the third of the puppet masters identified by QAnon.

George Soros is best known for having successfully bet against the British Pound in 1992, and making approximately US$2 billion in the process. If Soros’ cumulative wealth, through his hedgefund is close to $1 trillion, along with secret coordination with the Rothschild and Saudi family, then it becomes easy to understand how Soros could have successfully opposed the Bank of England in his currency speculation.

Soros, according to QAnon, is responsible for manipulating public opinion in directions favored by the Deep State. Through his Open Society Foundation, Soros has been involved in secretly funding dissidents and political opponents that have led to mass movements that have toppled many political regimes.

In addition to his prominent role in toppling Eastern European communist states, Soros’ Open Society played a prominent role in the Arab Spring movement, and more recently in catalyzing mass domestic opposition to the election of Donald Trump.

Slush funds have been created and cleverly used to fund “progressive” organizations that serve Deep State agendas in the U.S. This became clear in July 2017, when the Department of Justice under Jeff Sessions began an investigation of slush funds generated from corporate penalties ordered by judges in Federal lawsuits. These funds were being directed to “progressive organizations” opposed to the Trump administration.

Finally, it’s important to point out that the judge appointed to oversee the case involving Michael Cohen is U.S. District Judge Kimba Wood, who officiated at George Soros’ wedding in 2013. Judge Kimba’s close relationship with Soros clearly points to her being a Deep State asset who has been placed in this important position to  directly threaten the Trump business empire.

Now that the enormous financial assets controlled by the Rothchilds, Saudis, and puppet masters, Soros has been examined, now I can return to QAnon’s claim that the Rothschild are the head of a worldwide cult.

Continued in Part 2.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

Was Trump Missile Attack Part of Secret Plan to End Syria Conflict & Prevent War with Iran?

In the early morning hours of April 14, President Trump authorized an attack by a coalition of U.S., French and British military forces against Syria. The attack involved 103 cruise missiles fired upon Syrian facilities previously associated with chemical weapons productions. These facilities were allegedly involved in a chemical weapons attack nearly a week earlier on April 8, on Douma, a suburb of Damascus.

After the limited missile strike, Trump said the attacks had been successful and declared “mission accomplished”. 

Just as Trump had clearly signaled to the world via Twitter that he was about to launch an attack on Syria, he was now clearly transmitting via Twitter that the attack was completed with the mission goals achieved.

Many alternative media analysts accept that the April 8 chemical weapons attack was not orchestrated by the Syrian government, because it did not have any strategic purpose for doing so given recent battle field successes.  In their view, the chemical weapons attack was a false flag event staged by Deep State actors wanting to drag the US and its major allies deeper into the Syrian Civil War, as a prelude to a major attack on Iran.

So was Trump’s attack really a prelude to the U.S. getting drawn more deeply into the Syrian and Iran conflicts via a very transparent false flag event, or was Trump’s real goal to achieve an entirely different strategic purpose, to bring about a speedy end to the Syrian Civil War and prevent a new war with Iran?

In finding an answer we can first take a look at what QAnon, which is a group of US Military Intelligence officials leaking classified information, has to say about the missile strike. QAnon used a coded message to predict back on April 8, the day of the Douma chemical weapons incident, that 2 B-1 bombers would be involved in an upcoming Syria missile attack, and these would launch 19 missiles:

The post suggests that QAnon was aware of advance plans for the Syria attack, and the craft to be used in it. According to another Q Anon post, one that coincided with the April 14 missile attack itself, the U.S. Coalition strike was a limited military operation that would only involve missiles, no ground force or plane overflights of Syrian territory, and that we should trust Trump:

Once again, Q Anon refers to “Sparrow Red” which is likely a reference to an older kind of guided missile, AIM-7 Sparrow, used by many world militaries including Israel and Saudi Arabia.  While the AIM-7 Sparrow is an air-to-air missile not used in the attack itself, was the Sparrow reference signaling an intent to use older missiles launched by the B-1 bombers and surface ships in the U.S. French and British coalition so that many of these missiles could be shot down in a staged event coordinated with the Russians (Sparrow Red – see update)?

This appears to be exactly what happened if consider a statement put out by the Russian Ministry of Defense describing the results of the U.S., French and British missile strikes on Syria. The Russians said:

As evident by the available data, 103 cruise missiles have been launched, including Tomahawk naval-based missiles as well as GBU-38 guided air bombs fired from the B-1B; the F-15 and F-16 aircraft launched air-to-surface missiles.

The Tornado airplanes of the UK RAF launched eight Scalp EG missiles.The Syrian air defence systems, which are primarily the USSR-made AD systems, have successfully countered the air and naval strikes.

In total, 71 cruise missiles have been intercepted. The S-125, S-200, Buk, Kvadrat, and Osa Syrian AD systems were involved in repelling the attack. It proves high efficiency of the Syrian armament and professional skills of the Syrian servicemen trained by the Russian specialists.

Over the last eighteen months, Russia has completely recovered the Syrian air defence systems, and continues its development.

It is to be stressed that several years ago given the strong request by our western partners, Russia opted out of supplying the S-300 AD systems to Syria. Taking into account the recent incident, Russia believes it possible to reconsider this issue not only regarding Syria but other countries as well.

The most telling point in the Russian statement was that almost 70% of the U.S. coalition’s missiles were shot down using old Russian air defense technologies.

These shoot down figures are publicly disputed by Pentagon sources, who instead have highlighted the missiles success in hitting their targets. Chief Pentagon spokesperson, Dana White, said:

This operation was carefully orchestrated and methodically planned to minimize potential collateral damage. I can assure you we took every measure and precaution to strike only what we targeted and we successfully hit every target.

So which is a more the accurate assessment of the missiles success? If we accept the QAnon information suggesting older missile technology was to be used, then it is likely that the Russian statement is more accurate.

Russia has said that given the strike, it now plans to move forward with upgrading the Syrian air defense system using their more modern S-300 technology.

This will significantly increase the defensive capability of the Syrian air defense system, to make it virtually impervious to the kind of limited air attack witnessed on April 14 using cruise missiles and modern aircraft.

The Russian intent to upgrade Syria’s missile defenses will eventually change the strategic balance of power. Having a virtually impenetrable air defense system to limited air strikes will deny most foreign actors the ability to militarily intervene in the Syrian Civil War.

So the real loser from the missile attack may ultimately be Israel, which has launched over a hundred air attacks against Syrian forces and their main allies, Iran and Lebanon’s Hezbollah, during the Syrian Civil War. This is because Russia has now been given a suitable rationale for upgrading the Syrian air defense system with their advanced S-300 system.

This will soon make it very difficult for Israel to intervene in the Syrian Civil War, as it has previously done with virtual impunity up until February 10 when one of its jets was shot down on after an attack on an Iranian site.

This means that Iran and Hezbollah will have a greater capacity to attack the remaining militia groups fighting the Syrian regime in order to end the Civil War, and allow them to move closer to the Israeli border. This will ultimately put pressure on Israel to reach an agreement with the Assad regime on unresolved issues with Syria.

In addition, the interception and destruction of almost 70% of the U.S. coalition’s missiles shows that any state that possesses modern Russian air defenses can withstand the kind of limited missile attack witnessed in the Syrian strike.

This takes me now to what may have been the ultimate goal behind the missile strike – to show how a similar limited strike secretly being planned against Iran would be doomed to failure!

Again, it’s worth taking a look at what QAnon has to say about the Syrian strike setting the stage for resolving the Iran issue as part of a secret plan in an April 14 post:

Iran is perceived as a major threat by Israel and Saudi Arabia. There have been fears since 2013 that they would collaborate in a surprise military campaign against Iran, designed to drag the U.S. into the conflict, despite the 2013 Geneva Agreement reached to limit Iran’s nuclear programs. On November 17, 2013, The Sunday Times reported:

ONCE they were sworn enemies. Now Israel’s Mossad intelligence agency is working with Saudi officials on contingency plans for a possible attack on Iran if its nuclear programme is not significantly curbed … As part of the growing co-operation, Riyadh is understood already to have given the go-ahead for Israeli planes to use its airspace in the event of an attack on Iran. Both sides are now prepared to go much further.

The problem with Israel and Saudi Arabia cooperating in a surprise attack to take out Iran’s nuclear facilities is that Iran has a recently modernized air defense system, supplied by Russia, which protects its facilities.

In June 2016, Russia finally delivered its S-300 air defense system, after a 10 year delay due to U.S. requests.  In March 2018, the Iranians successfully test-fired the system as reported by a number of media outlets showing these were now operational:

Iran has successfully test-fired a sophisticated, Russian-supplied S-300 air defense system, the official IRNA news agency reported on Saturday. The drill took place during a recent military exercise named Damvand, and was attended by senior military commanders and officials according to Tasnim.

IRNA said the test targeted various flying objects including missiles. With a range of up to 200 kilometers (125 miles) the S-300 is capable of simultaneously tracking and striking multiple targets, according to  AP. Iran state TV aired footage of the missiles launching from the back of trucks. It said the test was carried out in Iran’s central desert.

As many puzzle over the real motivations between Trump’s limited missile strike against Syria in response to a widely perceived false flag incident, and his declaration of “Mission Accomplished”, it is very likely that the immediate goal was not to deepen U.S. military involvement.

The purpose was to help promote an end the Syrian Civil War by exposing how sophisticated Syria’s air defense abilities were becoming due to Russian assistance. This was quickly neutralizing Israel’s air superiority in the region, and would pressure it to end its covert support of armed Syrian groups fighting the Assad regime.

The real strategic goal, however, was to pre-empt a surprise military strike against Iran by Israel and Saudi Arabia by revealing how effective Russia’s advanced air defense systems had become. With Iran now deploying sophisticated S-300 air defense systems around its nuclear and military facilities, it would be a futile exercise for Israel and Saudi Arabia to launch a surprise attack given their limited aviation and missile technologies.

Consequently, rather than the Syrian missile strike being evidence of Trump being co-opted by Neocons into yet another Middle East war that is part of a Deep State agenda revealed to General Wesley Clark in 2001, the real purpose seems to be part of a White House/Military Intelligence plan that is aimed at bringing a speedy resolution of the Syrian Civil War, and preventing rogue military actions against Iran.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

[UPDATE 4/17/18 Raytheon’s AIM-7 Sparrow is an air-to-air missile so it could not have been used in the Syrian missile attack on multiple ground targets. The logo of Raytheon, that built the AIM-7 Sparrow is red text, so QAnon’s reference to Sparrow Red may not be a reference to Russia, but may refer to Raytheon missile technologies used in the Syrian attack. Article updated accordingly.]

Further Reading

QAnon is US Military Intelligence that recruited Trump for President to prevent Coup D’etat

According to veteran investigative reporter and best selling author, Dr. Jerome Corsi, he was approached three years ago by a group of generals and told that Donald Trump had been recruited by U.S. military intelligence to run in the 2016 Presidential elections, and subsequently help remove corrupt Deep State officials from positions of power. Corsi claims that QAnon represents the same group of senior military intelligence officials who are exposing the Deep State corruption and officials involved in a history of treasonous actions against the U.S. Republic.

This is what Corsi said at a meeting on April 11, which also featured the founder of InfoWars.com, Alex Jones:

About three years ago a group of Generals came to me, and it was explained to me that they were ready to conduct a coup d’etat. They were ready to move Barack Obama from office with military force. And then a few weeks later I got another call and said they were reconsidering.

You know why they were reconsidering? [audience calls out answers] Because they talked to Donald Trump, and Trump had agreed he would run, and they agreed that if he would run, they would conduct their coup d’etat as a legitimate process, rooting out the traitors within government.  And that pact between the military and Donald Trump has held, as we have been interpreting and watching, and Alex has been following QAnon.

 QAnon is military intelligence and close to Trump, and the intelligence we’ve getting, that we’ve explained on Infowars, really is a lot of the inside script.

While Corsi didn’t name the generals or provide hard evidence for his startling claim, an examination of public comments by President Trump, QAnon and related political events do make Corsi’s extraordinary claim very plausible.

It’s important to note that Corsi’s speech happened only a day after a tweet by President Trump featuring him with 20 senior U.S. military officials who dined with him the previous night:

Only hours after Trump’s tweet, QAnon posted a message commenting about the photo’s significance:

In the photo, the man next to Vice President Pence and Trump is Admiral Michael Rogers, the head of the National Security Agency. It was Rogers who travelled to Trump Tower on November 17, 2016, a week after the Presidential election, without the knowledge of his superiors in the Obama administration.

The next day, the Washington Post ran a story saying that senior Defense and Intelligence officials in the Obama administration were aghast at Roger’s action:

In a move apparently unprecedented for a military officer, Rogers, without notifying superiors, traveled to New York to meet with Trump on Thursday at Trump Tower. That caused consternation at senior levels of the administration, according to the officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal personnel matters.

The Washington Post went on to report that a recommendation had been previously made to President Obama to remove Rogers in October 2016 by James Clapper (Director of National Intelligence) and Ashton Carter (Secretary of Defense). This coincided with a FISA court approving a request made by President Obama for his administration to spy on Trump’s campaign.

Given recent disclosures about FISA court orders approving the Obama administration spying on Trump, the timing suggests that Rogers had travelled to New York to warn Trump that the intelligence community were spying on him under the authority of a FISA court order. This is how one analyst explained the sequence of events:

NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers didn’t want to participate in the spying scheme (Clapper, Brennan, Etc.), which was the baseline for President Obama’s post presidency efforts to undermine Donald Trump and keep Trump from digging into the Obama labyrinth underlying his remaining loyalists.  After the October spying operation went into effect, Rogers unknown loyalty was a risk to the Obama objective.  10 Days after the election Rogers travels to President-Elect Trump without notifying those who were involved in the intel scheme.

It would be fair to conclude that QAnon is acting with the approval or support of Admiral Rogers, and that intelligence data is being anonymously leaked to expose the extent of Deep State corruption.

Another interesting aspect of the photo tweeted by Trump showing him, Pence and Secretary of Defense, James Mattis, flanked by 20 uniformed military officers, is that 9 were on his right, and 11 on his left. Was this symbolism for the 911 event that is regarded by Corsi, Jones and many in the US Patriot community as a false flag event, orchestrated by corrupt Deep State officials that had manipulated both the Bush (43) and Obama administrations?

It’s worth examining Corsi’s claim that a group of generals were prepared to launch a military coup given the level of Deep State corruption and control prior to Trump choosing to run. Could this have been possible?

According to a November 2, 2017 post by QAnon, if Hillary Clinton had won the election or results were overturned in her favor, a military coup would indeed have occurred given her level of corruption:

As mentioned in my previous article, the Clintons’ corruption began with Bill’s term as Governor of the State of Arkansas, where he supported CIA drug running operations out of Mena, Arkansas. As investigative reporter Roger Morris discovered, there were many documents showing how the Clintons financially benefited, and even photos showing Bill using cocaine. This made it easy for the Deep State to manipulate Bill Clinton throughout his Presidency.

As Bill’s Presidency was coming to an end, Hillary’s rise to high political office was made possible, according to QAnon, by the CIA assassinating John F. Kennedy’s Jr., who was a threat to her plan to run for New York’s open US Senate seat in the November 2000 election.

If Clinton had indeed been helped in this sinister way by the Deep State, it is easy to understand how important she was to their future plans, and how deeply compromised she was.

These are only some of the “corrupt and dirty” events mentioned by QAnon, which the Clintons were deeply involved in, all of which facilitated Deep State power.

As to Corsi’s claim that military intelligence had recruited Trump to run and thereby prevent a Clinton victory through a rigged election, here is what QAnon had to say on the topic back on October 31, 2017:

Corsi did not elaborate on the three generals that approached him in 2015, but it would be a fair to guess that Lt. General Michael Flynn was involved. As a former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, Flynn would have been aware of the deep corruption underscoring the Clintons and the dirty tricks played by the CIA in support of the Deep State.

Flynn famously led chants of “lock her up” at the 2016 Republican convention when discussing Hillary Clinton.

Flynn’s appointment as Trump’s National Security Advisor, and quick departure less than a month later, appears to have been a major setback for the Military Intelligence community secretly backing the Trump administration. On October 28, 2017, QAnon first began releasing information on message boards. Presumably, this was done to enlist public support in exposing and taking action against corrupt public officials impeding Trump’s policies and the Military Intelligence community’s plans.

The level of information on Deep State control and corruption released by QAnon in over 1100 posts to date is astounding in its scope and impact.   A number of false flag events have been revealed, the most significant being a January 13, 2018 nuclear ballistic missile attack against Hawaii, which was intended to start a major regional war.

The knowledge that these revelations are coming from senior military intelligence officials working closely with the Trump Administration to overcome the corrupting power and influence of the Deep State is highly significant.

One can only guess what will happen if the military intelligence community succeeds in its plans to overcome the corruption and dirty tricks of the Deep State. While I don’t personally support many of Trump’s policies that have a right wing, pro-business, conservative agenda that guts many necessary welfare programs, I nevertheless recognize many positive benefits from dismantling the Deep State.

Exposing and removing corrupt Deep State officials will open the door to many life changing technologies that have been suppressed for decades, to finally be released to the public. It appears that this is what Trump was referring to during his Inauguration speech on January 20, 2017:

We stand at the birth of a new millennium, ready to unlock the mysteries of space, to free the earth from the miseries of disease, and to harness the energies, industries and technologies of tomorrow.

These technologies are so advanced that a Star Trek-like future is well within the reach of all of us. This merits keeping, at the very least, an open mind about the Trump administration, what Corsi was told about a possible coup d’etat and the 2016 election, and what QAnon is revealing to us.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

Bombshell QAnon Posts Link Clintons & CIA to JFK Jr Plane Crash

On April 8, QAnon posted two messages linking the Clintons and the CIA to the plane crash of John F. Kennedy Jr and how his death cleared the path for Hillary Clinton to start her political career by running unopposed by any major Democratic rival for the newly available US Senate seat for New York.

If the Clintons were involved in the death of JFK Jr it would be ironic since Bill Clinton sought to find out who killed President Kennedy just before his inauguration in January 1993, presumably to avoid a similar fate. The answers he received later helped Hillary Clinton launch her political career.

It’s worth repeating that QAnon represents several figures associated with U.S. military intelligence that are working through the Trump White House to release sensitive information to help expose and overcome the power of the Deep State through covert operations. Hence QAnon’s posts opens the reader to the rarefied world of actionable U.S. military intelligence.

Furthermore, QAnon’s posts reveal the thinking of military intelligence officials about leading political figures such as the Clintons and agencies such as the CIA. We are now ready to closely examine what QAnon had to say about JFK Jr:

The first two lines of the post reveal that Donald Trump had a relationship with JFK Jr. This is not that surprising since there are photos showing Trump and Kennedy together at his exclusive Mar-a-Lago club on Feb 29, 1996.

The fact that they were probably friends is significant in that Trump would likely be highly motivated to have the truth come out about what really happened.

The next line in the post refers to the Kennedy’s plane crash on July 16, 1999, which killed him, his wife and sister-in-law. The crash happened soon after JFK Jr had told two friends that he was planning to run for the U.S. Senate seat that had become available after the retirement of Daniel Patrick Moynihan.

Only months before the crash, Hillary Clinton had declared her candidacy for the Senate seat, but was running into criticism for being a carpetbagger since she and Bill Clinton were not New York residents.

According to a New York Daily News story published on July 20, 1999, JFK, Jr., was secretly planning to run for the Senate seat despite Hillary having already declared her candidacy. Given a 1997 private poll showing that “John F. Kennedy Jr. was by far the state’s most popular Democrat.”, it’s highly likely that he would have succeeded.

Kennedy’s entry into the Senate seat race would have denied Hillary the start she was seeking to her political career just before Bill’s impending Presidential retirement.

QAnon was clearly linking the plane crash to the start of Hillary’s political career. While some may consider this to be mere coincidence, QAnon’s next post suggested something sinister had in fact happened.

The link was to a January 1956 document in the CIA’s reading room that discussed an Earth Satellite Program that was linked to Guided Missiles and CIA operations. CIA Director Allen Dulles was mentioned as a part of the program.

QAnon was implying that that JFK Jr’s plane crash was linked in some way to this or a similar advanced aerospace program, the CIA and Dulles. The Dulles connection is highly significant since there is much documentation linking him directly to the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

More specifically, there is a Memorandum containing  a set of eight policy directives drafted by Dulles on behalf of a mysterious committee called Majestic 12 (MJ-12) in charge of advanced aerospace programs. One of the eight directives, Project Environment, gave cryptic authorization for the assassination of any public official that threatened Majestic 12 operations.

The text of the above Directive reads:

Draft – Directive Regarding Project Environment – When conditions become non-conducive for growth in our environment and Washington cannot be influenced any further, the weather is lacking any precipitation … it should be wet.

Dr Robert Wood, who is the foremost expert in analyzing MJ-12 documents using forensic methods, has concluded that the partially burned document is an assassination directive. In an interview discussing the burned document, he pointed out that the cryptic phrase “it should be wet” originates from Russia, where the phrase ‘wet works’ or “wet affairs” denotes someone who had been killed and is drenched with blood.

In the book, Kennedy’s Last Stand, I analyzed the testimonies, circumstances and documents supporting the conclusion that Dulles had arranged for the MJ-12 directives to be applied to the Kennedy administration in general, and to President Kennedy in particular.

The CIA’s Counter Intelligence chief, James Jesus Angleton, was given the authority to carry out the MJ-12 directives, as documented in a leaked November 12, 1963 Memorandum released only 10 days before Kennedy’s assassination.

The Top Secret Memorandum instructed the then Director of the CIA, John McCone, to share all classified UFO information with NASA, in order to fulfill its requirement as outlined in National Security Action Memorandum (NSAM) 271.

In short, the two memoranda Kennedy issued on November 12, 1963 would ensure that access to classified UFO files would be extended to more government agencies, ultimately resulting in direct Presidential access.

Such direct access had been denied to President Kennedy by McCone’s predecessor, Allen Dulles, who retired as CIA Director in November 1961, but likely continued on in his other position as head of the MJ-12 Committee as suggested in the eight MJ-12 Policy Directives.

It’s feasible that the MJ-12 Directives drafted by Dulles and approved by the MJ-12 Committee were used not only for the 1963 assassination of President Kennedy, but also for the removal of his son, 36 years later.

There have been many questions raised about Kennedy’s plane crash and whether or not it was simply due to his inexperience as a pilot, compounded by marital and financial problems, as suggested in an official report by the National Transportation Safety Board. Was the report a cover up for the plane being shot down or sabotaged in a targeted assassination conducted by the CIA? This is exactly what QAnon appears to be suggesting.

So why would the CIA want to help Hillary Clinton attain public office, and was this related in any way to Dulles’ mysterious MJ-12 Directives?

To get an answer, we can begin with the Clintons involvement in a CIA run drug operation out of Mena, Arkansas during Bill’s governorship. There have been multiple witnesses and documents showing how then Governor Clinton was protecting and facilitating the Mena CIA operation.

In late 2017, a movie based on real events was released showing how a former TWA airline pilot, Barry Seal, was recruited by the CIA to a covert operation out of Mena, Arkansas, which involved illegal arms and drug running, and how Governor Clinton protected the entire operation.

More damning is the testimony and documents supplied by Roger Morris, an investigative journalist, who exposed the full extent of Clinton’s involvement in the CIA drug running program, and Seal’s involvement.

In a book, interviews and documentary, Morris revealed how the thousands of documents and many witnesses in his investigation were never published by the mainstream media, or investigated by the FBI or the U.S. Congress.

The reason why Morris’ investigative efforts got nowhere is that the drug money was used by the CIA to finance MJ-12 operations secretly conducted throughout the US in the development of advanced aerospace programs. Many UFO sightings were in fact advanced aerospace vehicles that were part of secret space programs under development by the US Air Force and Navy, with the help of major aerospace corporations.

Having shown his usefulness in the CIA drug running operation at a state level, the MJ-12 group cleared the path for Clinton to become President so he could do the same at a national level.

Just before beginning his first term on January 20, 1993, President-Elect Clinton made a very strange request to close family friend and lawyer Webster Hubbell: “If I put you over there in justice I want you to find the answer to two questions for me: One, who killed JFK. And two, are there UFOs.” According to Hubbell, who described the incident in his memoirs, Friends in High Places, “Clinton was dead serious.”

Hubble said that he was unsuccessful in finding satisfactory answers. He was eventually forced to resign as Associate Attorney General due to the Whitewater political scandal and was jailed in July 1995 for 18 months.

The Clintons quickly learned, because of what had happened to Hubble, that the Deep State, through the CIA and mysterious policy groups like Majestic 12, had great power. Despite all his power as President, Clinton could not thwart the Deep State’s plans.

The Clintons decided to end their efforts to get answers to questions concerning JFK’s assassination and what lay behind the UFO phenomenon. This was despite them knowing that the CIA drug running operations was secretly funding highly classified aerospace programs.

By the end of Bill’s Presidency, the CIA’s “unofficial” black budget was estimated to be as much as one trillion dollars annually, which was more than double the Pentagon’s budget at the time.

The Clintons had become a critical part of the CIA/MJ-12 operations at both state and national levels during Bill’s political career. As Bill’s Presidency wound down, Hillary’s political career offered another opportunity for a compliant and heavily compromised political leader that would support the CIA’s illicit fund raising for secret MJ-12 operations. 

Secret deals were subsequently struck and the CIA/MJ-12 (aka Deep State) supported Hillary’s rise to political power, and the New York Senate Seat was planned to be her launching pad for high political office.

Consequently, when JFK Jr was on the verge of publicly declaring that he was going to run for the Senate seat, not only did he threaten Hillary’s nascent political career, but he also threatened the carefully crafted plans for future CIA funding of MJ-12 operations. Consequently, the same or a similar policy directive to Project Environment, which had been used to assassinate President Kennedy, could now be used against JFK Jr for his threat to MJ-12 operations.  

QAnon’s posts linking JFK Jr’s 1999 plane crash with Hillary Clinton and the CIA are certainly a bombshell. Close examination of the history of the Clintons and CIA secret Deep State actors such as MJ-12 provides a powerful rationale for why JFK Jr was perceived as a threat, and assassinated in a plane crash made to look like an accident.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

Secret Diplomatic Meeting near Saturn Discussed Humanity’s Future

In the three years that Corey Goode has been revealing his stunning information about secret space programs, extraterrestrial civilizations, and diplomatic meetings, there has been a steady build up to some major revelations about humanity’s future. It appears that a critical threshold was reached in a December 2017 meeting near the planet Saturn where multiple delegations met to discuss humanity’s future in light of the ending of 22 genetic experiments run by multiple human-looking extraterrestrial civilizations.

In a prior article, I discussed Goode’s report about an earlier December 16  “Super Federation” meeting he attended near the planet Jupiter involving over 60 human-looking extraterrestrial delegations, where he played the role of spokesperson for the Sphere Being Alliance. This is a group of higher density beings (6th to 9th density consciousness) who have been acting as a kind of Galactic umpire over the last few years to encourage diplomatic solutions to Earth’s multiple conflicts involving dozens of competing extraterrestrial groups, Inner Earth civilizations, global elites and secret space programs.

At the Super Federation meeting, Goode said he was told to relay to the assembled extraterrestrial delegations that their long term genetic experiments involving humanity needed to come to an end, and that humanity would be left alone to determine its own future. Despite some initial protests, Goode revealed that this decision was accepted by the Super Federation, making it possible for another diplomatic meeting a few days later (December 19-21, 2017) where the process for creating a new Super Federation governing human affairs would begin.

To some, what has been written so far may sound delusional and many will demand evidence to prove at least part of it before even considering it possible. At the moment, however, there is no hard evidence to substantiate Goode’s claims. On the other hand, there is no hard evidence to disprove any of them either, despite determined attempts by some critics to discredit his testimony and credibilty.

In the three years that I have been researching and writing about Goode’s incredible assertions, I have found no evidence of deception. Instead, I have found multiple sources corroborating his information from many different perspectives, e.g., whistleblowers/insiders, documents, and contemporary events.

My research has been documented in three books so far, which detail, compare, and analyze his amazing claims. Comprising over 1200 written pages and 1500 references, the clear conclusion reached in the Secret Space Program Series is that Goode is very credible, honest and truthful about the events he has witnessed, and taken part in.

In addition, I have met and communicated with senior military intelligence officials who have likewise accepted Goode’s information as accurate, and have quietly assisted him with some very high level national security information. If Goode was perpetuating a hoax, as some of his critics contend, I doubt such high level officials would be helping him.

For those drawn to the Corey Goode information, keeping an open and discerning mind is required to fully understand what he is telling us, and how it is relevant to our lives. Goode’s revelations not only inform us about key historical events and political processes that have not been publicly disclosed, but also what the future holds for us.

It’s quite clear that Goode has been chosen to play a unique and special role as a witness to extraordinary galactic events and meetings occurring today. He has no other formal role except occasionally acting as a spokesperson for the Sphere Being Alliance when they choose to appear at off-world diplomatic meetings. Where Goode is used to relay information to participants even when the Sphere Being Alliance members are physically present.

This was spectacularly demonstrated at a meeting in March 2015, where afterward Goode described how he appeared on stage along with two members of the Sphere Being Alliance before roughly 120 VIPs and delegates drawn from multiple secret space programs, global elites and private civilian groups at a secret facility on the Moon called Lunar Operations Command. It was this March 2015 meeting that launched Goode into a series of meetings, abductions, and encounters, which subsequently led to the December 2017 meetings that have become the most significant to have occurred so far.

Corey Goode on Stage at Lunar Operations Command with Blue Avian and Golden Triangle Headed Being. Source: Gaia.com/Credit: Steve Cefalo

It is Goode’s role as delegate for the Sphere Being Alliance, and the status this accords him from the perspective of other groups and forces both on and off-planet, that requires us to keep an open and discerning mind to what he is telling us. Goode is giving us all vital information about events that lie ahead, and we should not be distracted by the noise of competing voices wanting to distract us, intentionally or not, from important galactic developments.

This takes me to the most recent galactic meeting that Goode attended, only a few days after the December 16 Super Federation meeting near Jupiter. He discussed both of these meetings in a January 13 article and his March 27 Cosmic Disclosure interview.

Goode described being taken to a nearly identical temporal anomaly near Saturn by representatives of seven Inner Earth civilizations. The craft that transported him had a total of 40 Inner Earth participants comprising the seven groups.

Inner Earth Representatives boarding flying saucer taking them and Corey Goode to Saturn anomaly meeting. Source: Gaia.com/Credit: Daniel Gish

Intriguingly, Goode says that these Inner Earth beings are descendants of humanity’s future selves, a small group of whom time traveled into the distant past to maintain an optimal timeline. They did this to ensure that Draconian Reptilians would not overtly take over the planet, thereby establishing a global tyranny.

Goode says that when he arrived at the Saturn facility, he was met with representatives of 52 civilized worlds from the local cluster of stars in our region of the Milky Way. In his March 27 interview, Goode described the physical appearance of these representatives:

They were all humans of different types, and most of them were not Caucasian. They were different types of olive skin, brown skin, and even a kind of a tan skin. But they were representatives of each of the local 52 stars. And they are all basically our cosmic cousins. They are human beings, just different types.

He pointed out that one of these groups, the famed Olmecs who had mysteriously helped develop human civilization, were in fact extraterrestrial refugees relocated to Earth due to the Draconian control of their home world.

Goode elaborated about this in his March 27 interview:

Many, many, many times on Earth in our history, refugees have been brought from other planetary systems to stay here and live here. And they’ve lived here for many generations at times. That was the Mayans. But the Olmecs, when there was a major issue going on in their star system, many of them were brought here as refugees to survive here and wait out the issues there. Then they were brought back.

In past interviews, Goode has described his interactions with “Mica”, the representative of the Olmec group, who had previously played Goode’s role as the Sphere Being Alliance representative for his civilization.

According to Goode, neighboring star systems have experienced similar histories to our own in terms of corrupt global elites secretly allied with a group of extraterrestrials described as Draconian Reptilians. In these adjacent star systems, the Sphere Being Alliance appeared and choose a single individual to be their delegate/spokesperson in the subsequent negotiations and struggle to rid the planet of the corrupt elite control systems that plagued these worlds.

In this regard, Goode said:

Each of them have either been in contact with the Blue Avians or the Triangle-Head being and gone through a similar thing that I have in their planetary system.

Apparently, in all these worlds, the function of the Sphere Being Alliance delegate/witness was to relay what was being observed to the rest of the population. This was a critical aspect in the awakening of each planetary population, and gaining freedom from their corrupt elites and Reptilian overlords.

Goode explained:

Well, we were told that we were witnesses, that we were the conduits for each of our collective consciousnesses, that each of our groups was a collective consciousness on our planetary systems that we were on, like here on Earth. The information I was receiving, what I was witnessing, was on behalf of the collective consciousness here in this Solar System.

At this Saturn meeting, Goode says he was chosen once again to play the spokesperson for the Sphere Being Alliance members before the assembled delegates. The three Blue Avians and Golden Triangle beings that were present said they would be leaving our physical reality and would be replaced by another two members of the Sphere Being Alliance, as Goode had previously announced in 2017.

All present at the Saturn meeting were subsequently introduced by Goode to the new Sphere Being Alliance members who “began to give us some cosmic ground rules for going forward.”

They would be responsible for assisting humanity in an unprecedented era where it would not be dominated by competing extraterrestrial groups. Essentially, humanity would be fully informed about the truth of their global situation, and would then be able to determine its future free of corrupt elites and extraterrestrial interference.

Of particular interest was the appearance of a group of entities called the “Sentinels” at the Saturn meeting, who are custodians of still functional Ancient Builder Race technologies that are up to two billion years old. Up to approximately 500,000 years ago, according to Goode. Builder Race technologies were used to establish a very powerful protective grid around our local cluster of 53 solar systems (52 + Sol), to keep out aggressive extraterrestrial races until it was destroyed in an internal Solar System wide war.

The Sentinels communicated with the Sphere Being Alliance in a spectacular light show that all participants witnessed. This was very significant since it suggested that the Sentinels would continue their present role, thereby ensuring that Builder Race technologies that continue to operate would only be accessed by individuals whose ethical standards and behavior meet with the high expectations set by the Sphere Being Alliance.

Blue Avians, Golden Triangle Being, Sentinels, Inner Earth representatives and 52 local stellar representatives at Saturn meeting. Source: Gaia.com/Credit: Daniel Gish

Goode has previously described how “Gonzales”, a U.S. Navy Lt Commander, had been turned away by the Sentinels when he approached one of the functional Builder Race installations. The Sentinel told Gonzales that he lacked humility, and a request was subsequently made for Goode to make the same trip later to learn about the installation.

Builder Race technology is particularly relevant to nations with military run secret space programs, such as the U.S. Navy’s  Solar Warden, wishing to extend contemporary military concepts such as “full spectrum dominance” into outer space battlefields. It is doubtful that the Sentinels would allow Builder Race technologies to be used in this way for the military benefit of a single nation or planet.

Goode was told that a new, and  more representative, Super Federation would be assembled. Then the newly liberated and now awakened humanity would interact on a more equal basis with the different extraterrestrial groups, and would be joined by representatives from the nearby 52 star systems.

Goode also said that at the December 16 Super Federation meeting had a representative from the “Council of 200” (a corrupt elite control group) seated as the head of the Earth delegation. Presumably, our newly awakened humanity will at some point choose a more representative individual as humanity’s spokesperson for Galactic affairs.

It will be very interesting to see what process is adopted by our planet’s seven billion inhabitants and/or their political representatives to choose one or more delegates to a newly reconstituted Super Federation. I highly doubt the global populace will accept major nations simply choosing a representative similar to how the United Nations Secretary General is appointed without any kind of grass roots participation.

In addition, the Inner Earth beings will be represented in this expanded Super Federation, presumably opening the door for them to further interact with surface humanity, and publicly reveal themselves in the near future.

As to when all these stunning changes are going to be publicly revealed, Goode has discussed an upcoming series of solar flash events that will act as the trigger for full disclosure and humanity’s awakening.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice 

[Continued in Part 3. See Further Reading for Part 1].

Further Reading

More flying triangles photographed near Orlando, Florida

The five photos in the video below show a flying triangle craft near Orlando, Florida that could both hover and rapidly fly in any direction. The craft could change its color from white as it emerged from clouds, into darker colors as the photos illustrate, suggesting a stealth feature.

The photos were sent to me by JP, an anonymous source I have known since 2008. He gave the approximate size of the craft as roughly the size of two jumbo jets. The craft is identical to a March 16 sighting by JP in the Orlando area that was again captured by photos.

For an article analyzing his March 16 photos and a comparison to a flying triangle patent believed to be based on an actual TR-3B classified craft, click here.

What follows are the originals of the first and fifth photos used in my video analysis of the March 23 photos for those wishing to conduct further photographic analysis.

Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

Feel free to share this article with original links. For those planning to incorporate the above video and/or original photos in their own YouTube videos/articles, you have permission to do so provided you link to the original source.


Photos of Triangle Shaped Antigravity Craft over Orlando, Florida

The following video analyses a series of five photos taken in a remote area of Orlando, Florida by my anonymous source, JP, on March 16, 2018. The photos show a craft estimated by JP to be flying/hovering at an altitude 2000-5000 feet high, and the size of two jumbo jets.

JP says that he had a missing time experience of approximately 30 minutes before taking the photo. On previous occasions where he has had missing time, he has been able to subsequently recall being taken on board the craft of a U.S. Air Force run secret space program, or cylindrical craft of alleged Nordic extraterrestrials. 

He has also been prompted on several occasions by covert personnel to take photos of the craft he has subsequently witnessed. JP has identified some of the personnel on board these craft wearing the patch U.S. Air Force Special Operations.

The video shows close ups of the craft in the photos and how similar it is to a 2004 patent design for a triangle shaped spacecraft.

The symmetrical geometry of the craft in JP’s photos, the smooth edges, the apparent width of the craft, and some kind of large hemisphere generator in the center, is all very similar to the 2004 patent design for a Triangle Spacecraft as the following side by side comparison shows.

Coincidentally, the photos in the video were taken only three days after President Donald Trump gave a speech calling for the creation of a Space Force, which I discussed in my previous article as a step towards disclosure of the US Air Force run secret space program. This raises the possibility that JP’s sightings are part of a USAF backed disclosure initiative that is being supported by the Trump administration.

I have known JP since 2008 and believe him to be a credible source who has had numerous experiences with both craft belonging to a US Air Force run secret space, and alleged Nordic extraterrestrials. Please review the further reading section for some of these articles that include his photos of craft he has witnessed, and/or been taken aboard, which help corroborate his experiences. 

What follows are the originals of the first and fourth photos used in my video analysis of the March 16 photos for those wishing to conduct further photographic analysis.



Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Feel free to share this article with original links.


Trump call for Space Force a Step towards Disclosure of USAF Secret Space Program

On March 13, President Donald Trump gave a speech where he said the creation of a U.S. space force was a good idea. This gave new life to a recently defeated Congressional bill to create a space force out of the United States Air Force (USAF) despite strong Pentagon opposition. Why has the Pentagon and the USAF been so firmly opposed to the creation of a separate space force?

The conventional explanation is that it would add an unnecessary and expensive layer of bureaucracy at a time when the Pentagon and USAF budgets are stretched thin to meet global military needs. The real reason, however, is one that takes us a big step closer to disclosure of a USAF run secret space program.

Here is what Trump had to say about the creation of a space force in a speech at the U.S. Marines Corps Air Station Miramar, in San Diego:

In space, the United States is going to do Colonel [John] Glenn [the former astronaut] proud. We are finally going to lead again. … Very soon we are going to Mars… My new national strategy for space recognizes that space is a war-fighting domain, just like the land, air, and sea. We may even have a Space Force. We have the Air Force. We’ll have the Space Force. We have the Army, the Navy. 

Trump did not appear aware of an attempt by a subcommittee of the House Armed Services Committee to create such a force in the 2018 National Defense Authorization Act. The proposal passed in the House of Representative on July 14, 2017, but failed to get the necessary votes in the Senate due to fierce opposition by the Air Force and the Pentagon. Even the White House was opposed saying: “the creation of a separate Space Corps, however, is premature at this time.”

According to House members proposing the creation of the space force, the USAF has been negligent in its responsibilities for “short-changing space programs.”

What the House members did not realize is that the USAF already has established a highly capable space force that has been operating secretly for at least two decades.

One might assume that such a space force would be located within the Air Force’s Space Command, which is  among the USAF’s ten major commands. USAF Space Command has as its primary mission the “development and operation of military space and cyberspace technologies”.

However, while Space Command provides the advanced technologies for space operations, it is from another of the Air Force’s ten major commands that personnel for a secret space force is trained and deployed.

According to eyewitness testimonies it is Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC) that provides personnel for a USAF run secret space program. Before examining these testimonies, it’s worth pointing out that AFSOC has been active since May 22, 1990.

It is headed by a three star USAF General (currently Lt. Gen. Marshall B. Webb) and its headquarters is Hurlburt Field, Florida. Currently almost 16,000 airmen are deployed with AFSOC, their nickname is “Air Commandos” and their motto is “Any place. Any time. Anywhere”.

In short, Air Force Special Operations provides the trained combat personnel for special operations using advanced aerospace technologies and infrastructure developed by the USAF generally, and Space Command in particular. This is analogous to how the US Navy provides the ships and technologies, which deploy Marines as a specialized combat force anywhere around the world.

The primary mission of Air Force Special Operations Command is to provide Air Force units for U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), which is one of the Pentagon’s nine unified combatant commands. These combatant commands are organized into six regions covering the entire planet, and three functional areas of responsibility such as Special Operations and strategic nuclear weapons.

USSOCOM is headed by a Four Star General or Admiral, and integrates special operations forces from all four U.S. military services: US Army, US Navy, USMC and USAF.  

It is the only one of the Pentagon’s unified combatant commands that was legislated into existence by the U.S. Congress. The National Defense Authorization Act of 1987 led to the Pentagon establishing USSOCOM on April 16, 1987.

What all this means is that while USAF Space Command provides the necessary aerospace technology and information for AF Special Operations personnel to pilot space fighters, other military services provide their own special operations forces that augment and serve alongside the Air Force’s space commandos.

MacDill Air Force Base, Tampa, Florida. MacDill is the headquarters of U.S. Special Operations Command, and where AF Special Operations personnel have a primary base of operations for joint programs.  This takes me to eyewitness testimony that Air Force Special Operations deploys one or more of its secret space squadrons from MacDill Air Force base.

In the months of September and October 2017, an anonymous whistleblower JP I have known since 2008, took photos of both triangle and rectangle shaped antigravity craft flying in the vicinity of MacDill Air Force base. JP says that on several occasions he was prompted by covert personnel to look up into the sky to take the photos, but warned against taking video of the craft he witnessed.

More importantly, JP says that he was physically taken on board both the triangle and rectangle shaped craft which he later photographed. It was on the rectangle shaped craft that he witnessed personnel wearing a military patch which he did not at first recognize.

Later he was able to confirm that the patch belonged to Air Force Special Operations Command. In a skype communication on March 14, he said that the patch was located in a similar place as on the airman in this photo.

Corey Goode, who says he served for 20 years in a navy run secret space program called Solar Warden, also asserts that he was abducted by airmen belonging to a USAF run secret space program. He says that in early 2016 he was taken on board a triangle shaped antigravity craft by two airmen, where they and their superior interrogated Goode about his knowledge of their highly classified program.

Goode has provided artistic sketches of the triangle shaped spacecraft that was used to abduct him on several occasions. On March 14, in response to a skype question, he says that he witnessed a variation of the Special Operations Command patch during his interactions with AF personnel in space.

Courtesy Gaia.com

Based on the testimony and photos provided by JP, and Goode’s testimony and artistic depictions, it can be concluded that the USAF does operate a secret space program, and it uses personnel from Air Force Special Operations Command to operate space craft developed, supplied and monitored by Air Force Space Command.

All this takes us back to Trump’s speech that the creation of a space force is a good idea. There are three possible explanations which need to be considered for why he did so.

First, Trump has been officially briefed that such a force already exists, and his proposal is part of an official disclosure process for revealing the existence of the USAF run secret space program. A powerful motivation for doing so may be to gain public support and additional funding for the program.

Second, Trump has not been officially briefed about the existence of such a space force but has acquired knowledge of it through unofficial channels. Goode claims that he has been told through his own sources that Trump has indeed been informally told about multiple secret space programs.

Trump’s speech was therefore intended to pressure Air Force officials to officially brief him about the existence of its space force, in order to prevent the creation of a duplicate space program authorized by Congress, which would take funding away from existing USAF programs. This explanation effectively lays the foundation for the Air Force secret space program being publicly revealed via Trump after he is officially briefed about its existence.

Third, Trump has neither official nor unofficial knowledge of a secret space force and simply believes that the creation of such a force is a good idea worth pursuing. This explanation appears least likely of the three given what he said in his inaugural speech on January 20, 2017, which indicated he had already received some information about secret space programs:

We stand at the birth of a new millennium, ready to unlock the mysteries of space, to free the earth from the miseries of disease, and to harness the energies, industries and technologies of tomorrow.

Consequently, there is grounds for optimism that President Trump’s speech will result in him eventually disclosing the existence of an Air Force run space force in order to gain public support for its expansion and additional funding.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice


Hate Speech Initiative a Trojan Horse for AI Takeover of Humanity

A February 8 video by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) promotes a new Artificial Intelligence (AI) based algorithm it calls the “Online Hate Index” which is aimed at identifying hate speech. The ADL believes that the AI algorithm can be used by social media platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter to identify and quickly remove hate speech.

In the video, Brittan Heller, the Director of the ADL Center for Technology & Society says the goal of the index is to:

Help tech platforms better understand the growing amount of hate on social media, and to use that information to address the problem. By combining Artificial Intelligence and machine learning and social science, the Online Hate Index will ultimately uncover and identify trends and patterns in hate speech across different platforms.

In its “Phase I Innovation Brief” published January 2018 on its website, the ADL further explains how “machine learning”, a form of Artificial Intelligence based on algorithms, can be used to identify and remove hate speech from social media platforms:

The Online Hate Index (OHI), a joint initiative of ADL’s Center for Technology and Society and UC Berkeley’s D-Lab, is designed to transform human understanding of hate speech via machine learning into a scalable tool that can be deployed on internet content to discover the scope and spread of online hate speech. Through a constantly-evolving process of machine learning, based on a protocol developed by a team of human coders as to what does and does not constitute hate speech, this tool will uncover and identify trends and patterns in hate speech across different online platforms, allowing us to push for the changes necessary to ensure that online communities are safe and inclusive spaces.

The ADL’s Online Hate Index is described as “a sentiment-based analysis that runs off of machine learning.” The ADL Brief goes on to say:

All the decisions that went into each step of creating the OHI were done with the aim of building a machine learning-enabled model that can be used to identify and help us understand hate speech online.

What the ADL and other promoters of AI based algorithms fail to grasp is the potential of AI to evolve through its programmed capacity for “machine learning” into the kind of fearsome interconnected sentient intelligence featured in movies such as the Terminator and Battlestar Galactica.

It is well known that scientists/inventors such as Stephen Hawkins and Elon Musk have been loudly warning about the long term threat posed by AI. They and others believe that AI poses an existential threat to humanity, and needs to be closely controlled and monitored. In a 2014 speech Musk said:

I think we should be very careful about artificial intelligence. If I had to guess at what our biggest existential threat is, it’s probably that. So we need to be very careful with artificial intelligence…. ‘I’m increasingly inclined to think that there should be some regulatory oversight, maybe at the national and international level, just to make sure that we don’t do something very foolish… With artificial intelligence we’re summoning the demon. You know those stories where there’s the guy with the pentagram, and the holy water, and … he’s sure he can control the demon? Doesn’t work out.

Musk’s view was echoed by Stephen Hawking who warned against the danger of AI in an interview with the BBC in December 2014:

The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race…. It would take off on its own, and re-design itself at an ever increasing rate.… Humans, who are limited by slow biological evolution, couldn’t compete, and would be superseded.

Similarly, Corey Goode, an alleged insider revealing the existence of multiple secret space programs, claims that AI is already a threat in deep space operations. When he first emerged in early 2015, Goode focused a great deal of attention on the AI threat, and continues to warn about it today.

He says that these programs, along with extraterrestrial civilizations, take strict security precautions to identify and remove any kind of AI signature:

There are a few ET “AI” Groups (ALL Malevolent to Humanity, from our perspective) that the SSP(s) (There are several Secret Space Programs) have been dealing with for decades.

If an “Asset” is “Scanned” and has a “Bio Neuro AI Signature”, “AI Nano Tech” or “Overlapping AI related EMG type Brian Wave Signature” (Or any other sign of AI exposure) those persons are immediately placed in isolation and are not allowed anywhere near the current era SSP(s) Technology (Which is “Mostly” Bio-Neurological and Consciousness Interactive) until they have been “Cleared” of all AI influences.

Now, let’s analyze all this in terms of what the ADL is proposing for social media platforms to use AI based algorithms to identify hate speech.

At first look, there is great appeal in the idea of monitoring speech and regulating people promoting fear, hate or violence against others whether on social, religious or economic grounds. After all, we all want to live in a peaceful and tolerant world, which includes cyberspace, so why not exclude intolerant and hateful individuals and groups from our social media platforms?

The big problem here of course is that there is a real danger that social media can be surreptitiously used to exclude dissenting political viewpoints under the guise of regulating hate speech. We see this already occurring with Youtube using an army of 10,000 volunteers from groups such as the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Many popular YouTube channels are being increasingly targeted by strikes and removals for behavior characterized as bullying or hate speech. Yet, this YouTube crackdown appears to be a cleverly disguised politically driven campaign to remove alternative voices questioning the official media narrative on a great number of social issues, rather than really cracking down on hate speech. I’ve written about the problem here.

What ADL is proposing, however, goes well beyond what YouTube is currently doing. The ADL is openly promoting a censorship system where it won’t be humans doing the actual monitoring and removal of hate speech but an AI algorithm. What might be the result of this if allowed to occur given the warnings of AI posed by Hawking, Musk and Goode?

It doesn’t take an Einstein to realize that if social media platforms did allow AI algorithms to monitor and censor content, that warnings about a future AI threat would themselves eventually be deemed to be a form of hate speech. After all, if corporations can be recognized to have the same rights as individuals according to the infamous Citizens United ruling by the Supreme Court in 2010, won’t AI sentience eventually also be recognized to have similar human rights in the U.S.?

We could very easily end up in a dystopian future where different forms of AI are used to monitor and regulate human behavior in egregious ways, and any humans protesting or warning what the AI system is doing would be censored for hate speech.

Given the existential threat posed by AI, if we accept what Hawking, Musk and Goode are telling us, let alone the inappropriateness of censoring alternative news perspectives in the first place, then free speech needs to be protected on social media at all costs.

In the U.S. this should not present too great challenge given the First Amendment Constitutional right to free speech, and legal remedies available in the Federal court system. Those individuals who threatened legal remedies to YouTube cracking down on their channels appear to have been the most successful in restoring their channels. YouTube apologized to such users for the overzealous behavior of its new army of 10,000 moderators. 

However, the U.S. is an island in a vast ocean where other countries do actively punish individuals and groups for hate speech. This is where the future appears ominous given the temptation for national regulators to eventually punish social media platforms that don’t regulate hate speech. This would force Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and other platforms to adopt the AI based algorithms recommended by the ADL or other organizations for widespread usage.

This is likely to lead to a situation where major nations such as China, or supranational entities such as the European Union, might embrace AI algorithms to monitor and regular hate speech. China is already closely monitoring and removing dissident political thought from media platforms through firewalls, and may well be contemplating incorporating AI algorithms to do so more effectively.

While national regulators across the world may be tempted for different reasons to adopt the ADL’s proposal for AI algorithms to identify and remove hate speech, we need to firmly keep in mind that this would create a Trojan horse for eventual AI control of humanity.

Despite the genuine problems posed by hate speech, national regulators need to ensure that social media platforms are never regulated by AI algorithms given the potential for global security to be undermined, and humanity being genuinely imperiled by an AI takeover.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice


YouTube Purge of Social Media Threatens Full Disclosure

YouTube has begun purging its popular video hosting platform of channels that challenge the narrative coming out of the mainstream news media across a wide spectrum of topics. This has led to outright terminations and strikes against some of the more popular channels, which have been exhorting viewers to question the conventional news narrative.

These channels have been accused to be participating in hate speech or bullying due to them vigorously addressing controversial topics, transgressing norms of political correctness, or exploring evidence that some national tragedies may have been false flag attacks. Among the topics that appear to have attracted the attention of YouTube censors are disclosures by QAnon, which allegedly involves information released by covert U.S. Army Intelligence operatives.

The YouTube video purge not only has grave implications for free speech, but can also seriously impact on the prospects for full disclosure of secret space programs, UFO’s, and the advanced technologies and hidden intelligence behind these.

These subjects have been successfully kept secret for decades due to mainstream media either ignoring or ridiculing their seriousness, or by removing journalists from their positions for covering them. I found this out first hand as a “citizen journalist” for the Examiner.com online newspaper where I had over 50 million pages views for over 300 articles written from 2009 to 2015.

All my content was summarily removed when a new editorial policy was adopted where “exopolitics” and many other alternative news topics were no longer considered legitimate news. Hundreds of citizen journalists writing highly popular blog articles were dismissed without any appeal process. All this badly backfired on the Examiner which by July 2016 was forced to shut down.

It’s no surprise then that the CIA has been found to have compromised media organizations in order to shape the mainstream media narrative. I would not be surprised that the Examiner had been similarly compromised. Therefore, any attempt to suppress alternative media sources that challenge mainstream news is a threat to full disclosure.

YouTube, owned by Google, has very recently begun using an army of 10,000 moderators to police the thousands of videos uploaded to its platform on a daily basis.   In addition, progressive liberal organizations such as the Southern Poverty Law Center are being used as “Trusted Flaggers” which target YouTube users that vigorously challenge the mainstream news narrative.

Strikes are issued by the moderators and/or flaggers with only a very brief reference to the category of the YouTube community guidelines that has been allegedly transgressed. s No detailed explanation is given for the strike nor is the individual moderator(s) or organization behind the strike identified.

Among the first YouTube channels to be terminated under their three strikes policy was the Richie Allen Show on February 22, which had over 76,000 subscribers and 1,400 videos. Jordan Sather’s Destroying the Illusion channel was terminated on February 26 (120,000 subscribers), as was Jerome Corsi’s channel (34,000 subscribers) on March 1. Strikes were also given to Alex Jones/Infowars (2.3 million subscribers and 33,000 videos), Mark Dice (1.2 million subscribers) and a growing list of others.

[Update 3/4/18] On late Saturday night, Alex Jones reported that YouTube was poised to delete his channel:

When challenged, some of the strikes have been reversed, and channels restored as occurred with Corsi, who received White House support from back channel discussions. Interestingly, both Corsi and Sather were giving a lot of coverage to the QAnon disclosures.

Officials linked to QAnon may have even stepped in to save Corsi’s channel. Sather instead has created a replacement YouTube channel called Destroying the Illusion 2.0., where he plans to continue examining the QAnon material, secret space programs and many other topics.

The long-term prospects for YouTube channels and news sites challenging mainstream media narratives does not look good due to the moderators and flaggers actively posting strikes against many channels challenging mainstream news narratives.

YouTube, Twitter and Facebook are at different stages in downgrading, hiding and/or terminating alternative media sites in a transparent and foolhardy effort to get people to buy back into the mainstream media narrative on topical issues.

YouTube, along with Twitter and Facebook, are destined to fail since there is a growing social movement that simply doesn’t trust the mainstream news narrative, which many believe is hopelessly compromised by Deep State actors such as the CIA.

This is a phenomenon that is not going to be reversed during the Trump administration given the highly partisan nature of American politics, and the rapid growth in the popularity of the QAnon revelations which are being followed by as many as 20 million people (Q post 809).

What YouTube, Twitter and Facebook are doing is only highlighting how they have been compromised by individuals and groups that have a vested interest in hiding the machinations of the Deep State, and covering up the truth on an extensive number of topics.

In the meantime, it would be wise for individuals to support alternative media by directly visiting the websites of content providers, which are not controlled by YouTube, Twitter and Facebook. Subscribe to RSS feeds, email lists, etc., of your favorite sites, and don’t become too dependent on social media platforms such as YouTube, Twitter and Facebook, which are only going to continue to terminate accounts of those not supporting the mainstream media narrative. Here is a list of alternative social media platforms that don’t censor posters.

In the case of information concerning secret space programs and “exopolitics” I recommend subscribing to the RSS and email feeds of exopolitics.org which is my personal site, or exonews.org which hosts a diverse collection of exopolitics authors, and stories from around the internet.

As far as the YouTube purge of channels promoting the QAnon information, the quick reinstatement of the Corsi channel after possible White House intervention raises hopes that this new policy direction may similarly backfire on YouTube and Google, as it did for Examiner.com back in 2016.

The threat posed by the YouTube purge is very real and preemptive steps need to be taken by all who value alternative news perspectives, and desire social media to be an effective means of promoting full disclosure.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

Human Cloning about to be Unleashed upon the World

A February 28 report by the New York Times describes how Barbara Streisand paid $50,000 to have two clones made of her favorite pet dog that passed away last year. The story reveals how open source cloning has been quietly developed in scientific laboratories over the last 20 years, and is opening the door to human cloning becoming a reality in the near future. This is not a surprise given multiple whistleblower claims that human cloning was developed by the 1970’s in highly classified military projects.

The New York Times describes how cloning has evolved since “Dolly the Sheep” who was born in 1996. The New York Times tracks how research shifted over years to clone “about two dozen other mammal species, including cattle, deer, horses, rabbits, cats, rats — and yes, dogs.”

The first dog was cloned in 2005 by South Korean researchers at Sooam Biotech. This was followed in 2008 by a California company partnering with the South Koreans which successfully cloned three puppies from a group of five dogs. By 2015, Sooam Biotech, had cloned over 600 dogs according to reports from Business Insider and NPR.  

The lead Korean scientist behind the cloning is Hwang Woo Suk, who became infamous for fraudulently claiming he had cloned human embryos in 2004. Despite his fall from scientific grace, no one is doubting that he is successfully cloning dogs.

NPR reports that the cloning process is successful in about one in three attempts, and raises many ethical concerns about the number of miscarriages and the sickly pups that are eventually born.

This did not deter Streisand who used either Sooam Biotech or another Texas based company, her publicist did not reply to the New York Times about which one cloned her dog.

The New York Times summarized an interview Streisand gave with Variety Magazine about her two cloned puppies, which suggested she was satisfied with the results:

In her interview with Variety, Ms. Streisand revealed that two of her three Coton de Tulear dogs were clones. Specifically, the magazine reported that the dogs — Miss Violet and Miss Scarlett — had been cloned from cells taken from the mouth and stomach of Ms. Streisand’s late dog Samantha, who was 14 when she died last year.

Miss Violet and Miss Scarlett “have different personalities,” Ms. Streisand told Variety. “I’m waiting for them to get older so I can see if they have her brown eyes and her seriousness.”

The fact that over 600 dogs have been cloned so far by a Korean researcher made infamous for claims about cloning humans, suggests it is only a matter of time before human cloning becomes a reality.

However, according to a number of whistleblowers, cloning has been occurring since at least the 1970’s. Dr Peter Beter was appointed by President John F. Kennedy to serve as General Counsel for the Export-Import Bank of the United States, a position he held from 1961 to 1967. In an audioletter dated May 28, 1979, Dr. Beter said:

Clones of all kinds of animals have been produced successfully in the laboratory, but that is not what bothers people. In the recent past it has been claimed that human clones are also possible and that some may already be in existence. These last claims about human clones have been ridiculed, denied, and suppressed by all kinds of officials–the reason is that the idea of duplicate human beings impinges upon a super-secret realm of Intelligence activities by both Russia and the United States.

It’s noteworthy to point out that animal cloning according to Dr. Beter was occurring at least 20 years before Dolly the Sheep in highly classified research projects.

It is the claims of Michael Wolf that are next worth considering since he says he was involved in the creation of the first human clone in a classified research facility. Chris Stonor wrote an article summarizing an interview with Wolf in October 2000:

He was involved in various genetic experiments – one being the Sentinel Project. After perfecting cloning techniques on animals Dr Wolf and his associates successfully created an artificially-intelligent human named ‘J-Type Omega’ – their superiors wanted a superbright, superpowerful soldier who would follow orders without fear or question. But Dr Wolf surreptitiously programmed ethics into its intelligence after realizing that ‘J Type’ had a soul.…

The Sentinel Project involved a close association with the ‘Greys’. The ETs vast knowledge on genetics being essential for its success. ‘J Omega’ was grown in a water tank from an embryo. Part of the DNA used came from Dr Wolf. It took exactly one year before he was ready to be ‘awoken’.

In Wolf’s 1993 book, The Catchers of Heaven: A Trilogy, he explained how he was instructed to terminate the clone since it refused to follow an order by his military superiors to kill a dog:

Of course, man has always wanted to create a being in his own image… We can do it now. We have done it! He was terminated, however, because he couldn’t follow orders; he couldn’t shoot an animal. This being told the big brass that I said: “People do not do things unless there’s a good reason to do it. I see no good reason to kill this harmless dog. (The Catchers of Heaven, p. 9)

Wolf asserted that from 1972 to 1977 he worked on highly classified at the S-4 facility at Papoose lake, and Area 51 more generally. It was during this period that the J Omega human clone was allegedly created.

Other more recent whistleblowers who have come forward to claim that human cloning has been around for decades in classified projects include William Tompkins, Corey Goode  and Emery Smith.

It is generally accepted that classified research projects are typically two or three decades ahead of their open sources equivalents. Therefore, the revelations of Beter, Wolf, Tompkins, Goode and Smith concerning the existence of human cloning experiments going as far back as the 1970’s, if not earlier, have just been scientifically vindicated by the New York Times story.

The fact that animal cloning is now available for those willing to pay $50,000 for former pets, raises the likelihood than in the very near future, people will be asked to pay similar or higher fees for clones of former relatives, persons of interest, or even themselves. It’s very likely that the New York Times story on Streisand is preparing the general public for human cloning as a future commercial enterprise, despite the many ethical issues it raises.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice 

Further Reading

President Trump Validates QAnon – How Will UFO SSP Disclosure Happen?

On February 21, President Donald Trump hosted a gathering of students, teachers and parents from the Majory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting tragedy. Just before the meeting began at 4:21 pm, President Trump was photographed showing some handheld notes on White House stationary with a list of five talking points he planned to use during the meeting.

Unusually, Trump had the notes facing outward toward the cameras, rather than facing towards him which would be normal for any public speaker. This made it easy for the notes to be photographed leading to immediate media speculation about the appropriateness of Trump’s talking points.

Only a few hours after the meeting, at 7:34 pm, EST, QAnon released a coded post referring to five security tests.

The next day, QAnon posted an image showing Trump holding the note, alongside the later coded message. Trump’s hand placement, the five note’s points, appeared to have a connection to QAnon’s coded post.

The message QAnon was transmitting was that Trump had deliberately turned his notes outward facing the camera in order to pass on a coded message.

QAnon was telling his audience that Trump was hearing the voices of the many estimated to number as much as twenty million (Q post 809), who have been following the QAnon material – “I hear you”.

During the meeting itself, available on video, the notes are nowhere to be seen. Trump, only held the notes prior to the meeting’s start. This tells us that these were just talking points for Trump to memorize before the meeting began and were then discarded.

It’s possible that he accidently had the list of five points facing out prior to the start of the meeting, but its highly unusual for an experienced public speaker like Trump to do so. The more plausible explanation is that his action was deliberate.

Given the connection QAnon found in Trump’s odd hand placement around the notes, and the coded message released only three hours later, this makes it clearer that Trump’s action was deliberate and not accidental.

Consequently, it does appear that Trump was sending a coded message that corroborated the QAnon material, as investigative reporters such as Dr. Jerome Corsi contend.

If Trump was indeed passing on a coded message that both corroborated the February 21 security test, and that he was listening to people following the QAnon material, then some important conclusions can be drawn.

First, Donald Trump is aware of and endorsing the QAnon disclosures of classified information occurring on anonymous message boards. This conclusion supports the contention of Dr. Corsi that QAnon is a group of U.S. Army Military Intelligence officials that are disclosing classified information about real life events involving the White House.

Second, Donald Trump is actively participating in sending coded messages designed to legitimate the QAnon material, which confirms that his administration is directly connected with and supporting QAnon.

Third, President Trump is sanctioning the disclosure of classified information through QAnon’s posts, which opens the door to read-in insiders to anonymously disclose classified information on a range of topics. This is significant since many insiders possessing classified information would not normally release it, unless authorized by a higher authority, such as Trump.

Finally, the Trump Administration is locked into a no holds barred struggle against Deep State actors and forces as explained in over 800 posts to date by QAnon.  These cover a multitude of issues concerning secret indictments, arrests of Deep State officials involved in pedophile networks, treasonous actions by Obama administration officials, and the January 13 false flag ballistic missile attack on Hawaii.

In addition, Corsi has claimed that Trump is very familiar with the cover-up of information concerning UFO’s and Secret Space Programs. It’s therefore very possible that QAnon will be the means by which advanced technologies secretly developed in Unacknowledged Special Access Programs will be disclosed to the world.

This leads us to a comment Trump made in his inauguration speech:  

We stand at the birth of a new millennium, ready to unlock the mysteries of space, to free the earth from the miseries of disease, and to harness the energies, industries and technologies of tomorrow.

It’s therefore well worth closely monitoring QAnon’s posts and President Trump’s actions in supporting the release of classified information through anonymous whistleblowers, and what this is about to disclose about UFO’s and secret space programs.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

QAnon Corroborates Hawaii Missile Attack & Hunt for Rogue CIA Submarine

On February 11, the anonymous whistleblower “QAnon” posted information that corroborates claims that a false flag ballistic missile attack was launched against Hawaii on January 13, and that a submarine linked to the CIA is currently being hunted by the U.S. and other regional military forces.

QAnon has quickly grown in popularity since first appearing in late October, 2017 discussing the “coming storm” of revelations, document dumps, trials, events, etc., linked to Trump White House pledges to “Drain the Swamp”.

Today QAnon has an estimated audience of millions who closely follow his/her posts. Major media sources such as Newsweek have published highly critical stories in an attempt to dismiss QAnon as just the latest incarnation of unsubstantiated right wing conspiracy theories.

QAnon’s cryptic style of communication involves questions, links, photos, acronyms and codes, which are used as breadcrumbs for the reader to learn about highly classified efforts underway by White Hats in the government/military opposed to Deep State corruption and human rights abuses in the U.S. and around the world.

The most telling official document that substantiates QAnon’s claims to date is an extraordinary Executive Order passed by President Trump on December 21, 2017 declaring a national emergency and freezing the financial assets of anyone involved in human rights abuses and corruption anywhere around the world.

The mainstream media has strangely ignored Trump’s “Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Abuse or Corruption”, and its deep significance, especially given what QAnon has previously stated. If Trump’s Executive Order was indeed targeting the Deep State, it’s not surprising that it would provoke a strong reaction by powerful groups suddenly cut off from their financial assets.

That’s where the ballistic missile alert on the morning of January 13 in Hawaii becomes relevant. As discussed in three previous articles (see here, here and here), there have been a number of whistleblowers, witnesses and analysts who have all said the missile alert was genuine, and not a false alarm at all, as public officials contend.

QAnon followed the Hawaii missile alert the next day warning about an upcoming week of false flag attacks by the Deep State. This implied that the Hawaii incident was part of a series of false flag attacks, and not a false alarm.

Source: https://qcodefag.github.io/

Since January 14, however, QAnon has not said much to cast light on the Hawaii ballistic missile alert. That is until February 11 when QAnon provided a long post referring to a recent false flag missile attack intended to start a war. The relevant post appears below and the section of comments relevant to the Hawaii missile alert is highlighted in red.

Source: https://qcodefag.github.io/

It is worth examining QAnon’s questions in light of what has been previously learned about the Hawaii missile alert and Trump’s December 21 Executive Order. QAnon wrote:  

Ask yourself, who is trying to start a war?

The most obvious answer is those targeted by Trump’s Executive Order. Individuals and groups responsible for human rights abuses and corruption in the U.S. and globally, have the most to lose if their financial assets are frozen.

QAnon then wrote:

Ask yourself, if a missile was launched by rogue actors, what would be the purpose?

The purpose would be to create a false flag attack where blame would be pinned on a credible state actor capable of launching a ballistic missile that could hit Hawaii: North Korea. The “rogue actors” really responsible for the attack, would thereby have created a scenario where the U.S. military would have been forced to respond.

QAnon next pointedly asks:

Ask yourself, what would/should immediately start a WAR?

We know from World War II history that the December 7, 1941, surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, home of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, was the catalyst for America entering the war. The next day, the U.S. Congress overwhelmingly voted to declare war on the Empire of Japan.

QAnon is here telling us that a successful nuclear missile attack on Pearl Harbor would have triggered a similar War Declaration by the U.S. Congress against the alleged perpetrator. North Korea.

Were the “rogue actors” behind the attack, also hoping that an unsuccessful nuclear missile attack, in the event the missile was shot down, would also trigger war?

This possibility arises from what an anonymous Hickham Air Force Base fusion analyst says he overheard after the missile was shot down. In a post to a website protecting the anonymity of posters, s/he said:

Most significant here is what the analyst says he overheard a Federal Investigator and a Hawaii state official say about Trump’s refusal to order a retaliation, that this “demonstrated weakness in the Trump admin and a refusal to protect the people”.

QAnon’s next question is very important for identifying who was behind the missile Hawaii attack:

Ask yourself “would the PUBLIC understand the following statement: Rogue actors (Clowns/US former heads of State) initiated a missile launch in order to ‘force’ the US into a WAR/conflict against X?”

QAnon has previously referred to the CIA as “Clowns in Action”, and has described former Presidents Bush (Snr), Clinton and Obama as Deep State/CIA assets. In short, “Clowns” is QAnon’s codeword for the CIA.

In a previous article, I provided documentary evidence supporting insider claims that the CIA’s clandestine services division created a shadowy navy with its own aircraft, ballistic missile carrying submarines, and even an aircraft carrier battle group that all together comprises a “Dark Fleet”.

This is where QAnon’s cryptic references in other February 11 posts to “Red October” become pertinent. 

Source: https://qcodefag.github.io/

In response to a question seeking clarification on what he means by “Red October”, QAnon wrote:

Source: https://qcodefag.github.io/

QAnon is quite clear that s/he is referring to the famed 1990 movie, “The Hunt for Red October”. The plot of the movie described how the major powers were all hunting for a rogue Soviet submarine equipped with ballistic nuclear weapons whose captain and officers wished to defect with their new stealth technology.

QAnon’s repeated references to Red October is telling us that a similar scenario is currently occurring with the U.S. and other major world powers all seeking a rogue CIA submarine equipped with ballistic nuclear missiles and advanced stealth technology. Rather than the captain and crew wishing to defect however, the CIA submarine may be seeking a new opportunity to launch a false flag attack designed to precipitate a major regional war.

While QAnon remains controversial in the major media, multiple sources have claimed s/he is the real deal and deserves serious consideration. Many alternative media sites closely follow QAnon’s information including Dr. Jerome Corsi who has become the resident Infowars.com expert on QAnon.

QAnon’s references to a recent missile attack by rogue actors wishing to start a major war needs to be considered with what we know about the January 13 Hawaii missile alert.

QAnon is telling us that it was not a false alarm, and that it was a genuine attempt to start a major war by pinning the blame for a contrived nuclear attack, successful or not, on North Korea. The CIA linked submarine involved is apparently still at large, and capable of attempting further false flag attacks using ballistic nuclear missiles.  

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

Overcoming the Saturn Moon Extraterrestrial Control System – Pt 2

In part two of this Exonews TV interview conducted in Australia’s Gold Coast, George Kavassilas explains the key components of a Saturn Moon Extraterrestrial control matrix used to limit human potential and growth.

In particular, he identifies the roles of the chakra system and the pineal gland in creating false synthetic light experiences that entrap many individuals. He asserts the creation of synthetic light experiences is the favored manipulation technique used by unscrupulous extraterrestrials and higher dimensionals.

He outlines his Heart -Centric/Core-Self method of how to overcome the global control system that creates a Matrix-like illusory reality that continues to manipulate most of humanity. He insists that overcoming the Saturn Moon Extraterrestrial control system is the necessary step we all have to take in attaining human freedom and achieving our highest potential as universal beings having a physical experience.

For Part 1 go to: https://youtu.be/Xli8K0jhDbg

To learn more about George Kavassilas, visit his website at: https://www.weareinfinite.love/

Will Antarctic German Space Program Reveal Itself & Release Advanced Technologies?

There has been much controversy over a February 5 blog post by former Forbes Magazine editor, Benjamin Fulford that a German Space Program based in Antarctica has secretly reached a deal with U.S. and global authorities, and is ready to reveal itself. Such a disclosure will lead to life changing antigravity and other suppressed technologies being released, according to Fulford.

Fulford does not name his sources or offer any direct evidence supporting his controversial claim, but recent visits to southern Argentina by U.S. Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson and Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, does offer important circumstantial support. Fulford’s claim therefore merits close examination in light of what Tillerson and Bezos were really doing in Argentina.

Fulford cites unnamed Pentagon sources for his controversial assertion.  On Monday, February 5, he wrote:

A major peace deal was reached last week in negotiations that took place literally under the light of the blue-blood super moon in a certain Asian country last week, according to sources who were present. As are result of this, the Nazi faction of the world military-industrial complex has agreed to align itself with the light side of the force. Thus in the near future, Nazi technology, notably anti-gravity and hypersonic (Mach 20+) air travel, will be made available to the “surface population,” of the planet, the sources say… We will have more details toward the end of this report.

Towards the end of his blog post, Fulford gives the promised additional details:

In any case, now that the Nazis have agreed to come out of hiding and rejoin the human family, there is simply no military power left that will support any more Khazarian genocidal projects. The Nazis are now run by a generation that is in their 30’s and who have no experience with or involvement in the horrors of World War II. For that reason, they have no reason to hide.

In any case, according to the source mentioned above, the Nazis have not really been hiding at all. In the real world, most Nazi leaders who were not arrested at the end of World War 2 did not go to Antarctica or even South America. Instead, they went to Spain, which was still run by a Fascist government after the war ended. Many stayed in Spain, but others moved on to Cuba and Nevada, among other places. The infamous Area 51 and other bases in Nevada are mainly bases for testing advanced Nazi aerospace technology, according to this source. This technology will now be shared with the general population, the source says.

The Nazi bases in Antarctica, this source says, are far smaller and less significant than many believe. He says disinformation about giant Nazi bases in Antarctica was deliberately put out by the Nazis in order to keep Nazi hunters off their trail. The reality is that they did find warm hollows under the ice created by volcanic hot springs, but that that the water was undrinkable.


In answer to a reader’s question about the intentions of the present German leadership in Antarctica, Fulford added:

The new generation of Nazi leaders renounces the genocidal plans of their fathers and grandfathers and wishes to share their wonderful technology with humanity. As such, we should welcome them, and hopefully their secret space program will not have to be secret any more.

There has been extensive eyewitness testimony given by insiders such as William Tompkins (a former US Navy operative and aerospace engineer), Clark McClelland (a former NASA employee), and Corey Goode (former secret space program participant) about a fully functional German secret space program in Antarctica that covertly established agreements with the U.S. military industrial complex in the 1950’s.

Some of this eyewitness testimony was covered in Books One and Two of my Secret Space Program Series, and a more detailed examination along with supporting evidence is forthcoming in Book Three: Antarctica’s Hidden History: Corporate Foundations of Secret Space Programs (March 2018).

In short, there is much evidence that a German space program was secretly created in Antarctica, and that agreements reached with the U.S. Military Industrial Complex led to its expansion, and the establishment of what Jim Marrs and others refer to as the Fourth Reich.

This is where the Argentinian city of San Carlos de Bariloche, (aka Barilcoche)  becomes important. According to credible sources, Adolf Hitler escaped the war to establish his primary residence in Bariloche, which is located in Patagonia, the southern-most region of Argentina. World War II historians such as Harry Cooper and Dr. Jerome Corsi have cited extensive documents and eyewitness testimonies supporting such rumors.

In addition, Martin Bormann escaped to Argentina and made it a hub for a postwar Nazi capital flight program called Operation Eagle Flight. Bormann’s capital flight program not only financed a covert global attempt to establish a Fourth Reich, but also funded a German secret space program in Antarctica.

With the confluence of international finance and exiled Nazi leaders, Bariloche became the de facto capital of the Fourth Reich, and the place U.S. leaders would regularly visit to reach agreements with the Antarctic based German space program.

This is evidenced by visits to Bariloche by U.S. Presidents such as Dwight D. Eisenhower (February 28, 1960), William Clinton (October 18, 1997), and Barack Obama (March 24, 2016) all visited Bariloche ostensibly for economic development and/or environmental protection. The real reason may well have involved covert negotiations with leaders of the German SSP out of Antarctica.

President Dwight Eisenhower arrives in Bariloche, Argentina where he signed a Joint Declaration for economic development and environmental protection.

This why the February 3 trip to Bariloche by Secretary Rex Tillerson becomes important. Was he there simply to discuss “ecological exchanges” as State Department Undersecretary Steve Goldstein stated to the press? Or was Tillerson there to conduct secret negotiations with a new generation of leaders from the German Antarctic Space Program, as Pentagon sources allegedly told Fulford?

What lends further plausibility to Fulford’s claim of secret negotiations is Amazon founder and world’s richest man, Jeff Bezos, simultaneous visit to Argentina. On February 3, an Argentinian newspaper released a story about Bezos unannounced visit to the Perito Moreno glacier in Patagonia to “save the earth”:

The American businessman Jeff Bezos, founder and director of Amazon, owner of the legendary newspaper The Washington Post and founder of Blue Origin, a company that aims to make suborbital and commercial orbital trips, is located in the Argentine Patagonia.

The billionaire today tweeted a photo in front of the Perito Moreno glacier. “This is the impressive Perito Moreno glacier in Patagonia, we send robotic probes to all the planets of the solar system, and the Earth is far the best, we go to space, but to save the Earth,” said Bezos. [Google Translation]

It’s worth emphasizing that Bariloche is the fourth largest city in the region of Patagonia, with a sufficiently large airport to accommodate their aircraft. Tillerson and Bezos could have very easily attended secret negotiations respectively representing the highest levels of U.S. government and industry.

Indeed, this is what Dr. Joseph Farrell, who was the first to report on the Tillerson and Bezos visits, contends is what happened:

Mr. Bezos’ comments seem to imply that the purpose of his Patagonian glacierology expedition is related to space matters… which, again, conjures that image of Mr. Obama in Bariloche with NASA folks in tow. (And let’s not forget the Chinese presence in the region, again for ostensible “space related” purposes.) So, yes, my high octane speculation is that Mr. Bezos’ visit to the region is related to Mr. Tillerson’s, and that the purpose is not glaciers or Fullbright scholarships or talks to nature preserves, though it should be noted that the “nature” angle figures as a covering story both for Mr. Tillerson and Mr. Bezos! That alone suggests to me coordination, and that the trips are, indeed, related somehow. It’s that other influence in the region that raises the questions: Nazis. Bariloche was, after all, home and headquarters, more or less, to Dr. Ronald Richter’s very strange postwar plasma experiments for Juan Peron. The so-called Nazi Estancia, the “Ranch,” a vast cordoned-off area of some 10,000 square miles, is in the region.

The important point here is that Mr. Bezos may have given a clue about the real nature of the ongoing interest of “big names” and “big money” in the region: space, and advanced technologies, and that the real purpose of these strange visits is related directly to these.

Farrell’s observations here are very insightful. The Tillerson and Bezos visits were very likely connected to secret negotiations with a new generation of Nazi leaders willing to publicly release advanced space technologies.

Lending further credence to such an observation is the role of the Chinese military in running a joint space program facility with the Argentinian government that came into operation in 2016 in the Patagonia region, around the time of President Obama’s Bariloche visit.

This brings us back to Fulford’s unnamed Pentagon sources that told him about negotiations taking place at an Asian country around the time of the January 31 Super Blue Blood full moon. These negotiations involving global elites (aka Deep State/Cabal/Illuminati, etc.) apparently paved the way for the German space program to be revealed.

Four days later, Tillerson and Bezos show up at Bariloche, arguably with Chinese space  program representatives already operating in the Patagonia area, to strike a deal with the new generation of German Antarctic leaders.

While many of Fulford’s claims remain controversial and unsubstantiated, his most recent claim of a secret agreement being reached with a new generation of leaders of the Fourth Reich willing to publicly reveal themselves and release fantastic life changing space technologies, is backed by significant circumstantial evidence, and deserves serious investigation.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

Discovering the Saturn Moon Extraterrestrial Control System

Australian contactee George Kavassilas is interviewed about his lifelong experiences with different extraterrestrial civilizations and shadow government operatives.

In this first installment of a two part Exonews TV interview conducted in Australia’s Gold Coast, George explains how his contacts began, how these evolved over the years involving several different groups, and the torture he received at the hands of shadow government authorities attempting to suppress his experiences and silence him.

Finally, he describes a global control system comprising the planet Saturn, the Moon and extraterrestrials that has resulted in a Matrix-like illusory reality that manipulates humanity. George asserts that discovery of the Saturn Moon Extraterrestrial control system is the first step to human freedom.


To learn more about George Kavassilas, visit his website at: https://www.weareinfinite.love/

Was a Space Based Weapons Platform Used Against Hawaii bound Ballistic Missile?

On January 30, the Governor of Hawaii, David Ige, gave a press conference about the result of an official investigation into the January 13 ballistic missile alert that was an alleged false alarm. In the press conference Ige and other state officials gave a detailed account of the scenario that led to the false alarm.

While the official investigation concluded the emergency alert was a false alarm due to human error and a poorly designed reporting process, eyewitnesses continue to emerge saying they saw a meteorite, or something like it, exploding high in the sky over the Hawaii islands only minutes before the alert. Furthermore, eyewitnesses claim to have seen a television story about the exploding meteorite or object, before the news story was pulled.

In a video published on January 14, Marfoogle Watutu [a pseudonym] claims he was told by his sister, a Maui resident, about a tourist boat which carried multiple eyewitnesses to the exploding meteorite:

My sister has lived in Maui for eight years and what she is finding out is that a group of boaters that actually run a tour company say now that they saw something get blown out of the sky

So, they said it looked like a meteor and then all of a sudden there was a big boom and it lit up the entire sky.  It was 8 o’clock in the morning. . .

Maybe this was not a drill after all.  Maybe our Boys in Blue and Boys in Green shot it down. And I would think that the U.S. would not want to cause more panic if they did try to launch something at Hawaii.  Then, of course, they would say it was a mistake.  They took responsibility very quickly that it was a mistake. . . This could be bullshit but I just had to relay that. . . [Transcription Source]

Apparently, some of the tourists were interviewed by a local news channel that aired these before the story was pulled.

Marfoogle has to date not released the names of any of the eyewitnesses or the tour boat company involved, making it difficult to confirm his story.  He claims that Joe Rogan, a former comedian who now hosts The Joe Rogan Experience, has contacted him and is contemplating doing a report on the incident, and that some of the names have been released to him.

However, in the 500+ comments to Marfoogle’s video (80,000+ views), several purport to be eyewitnesses to the exploding meteorite and/or the television news story. What follows are the relevant comments as they appeared on January 30, which cast light on what really happened 

Source: https://youtu.be/Bhto4f-NiQs

The following comments focus on an alleged KHON2 news story about the incident, the first of which refers to a tourist boat that was covered in the story and an exploding object.

Source: https://youtu.be/Bhto4f-NiQs
Source: https://youtu.be/Bhto4f-NiQs

The above witnesses together, with anonymous sources cited in two previous articles, continue to raise the scenario of an intercepted ballistic missile attack, which is being officially covered up.

Multiple sources claiming that a ballistic nuclear missile had indeed been intercepted, and a cover up is underway were analyzed in my first article on the incident. My second article pointed to a rogue Deep State/CIA faction that may have used a boomer submarine to create a false flag attack, which was intended start a war with North Korea.  

As to who was responsible for intercepting the ballistic missile, initial speculation focused on an anti-ballistic missile defense system run by the U.S. Navy.

On January 31, however, the U.S. Navy announced that it had conducted another exercise to intercept a ballistic missile using its Aegis class anti-ballistic missile defense technology.  The exercise was the second failure by the Navy to intercept a ballistic missile attack in the past year.

Given that the exercise was conducted less than three weeks since the January 13 incident, it is clear that the U.S. Navy currently does not currently have the capacity for reliably intercepting ballistic missiles.

The US Navy’s sea-based Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense System is similar to the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system developed by the U.S. Army/Missile Defense Agency.

The announcement of the failed exercise raises an intriguing question. Were U.S. Navy leaders signaling they were not responsible for shooting down the January 13 missile? So then, who did shoot down the ballistic missile?

My initial article focused on the likelihood of a secret space program run by the U.S. Air Force that used space based weapons technologies to shoot down the ballistic missile. Photos taken on October 23, 2017, showed a rectangular shaped UFO in the vicinity of MacDill Air Force Base, Tampa, Florida.

The photographer, JP (who I have known since 2008), claims he had been earlier taken inside the rectangle UFO, and had been informed that was a weapons platform. He says that he witnessed uniformed military personnel wearing the insignia of U.S. Air Force Special Operations who could operate the weapons system.

A Directed Energy Weapons system on a space based weapons platform could have the capacity to reliably shoot down a ballistic missile intended to simulate an attack from North Korea. Unlike anti-missile missiles used in the Navy’s Aegis defense system which have failed twice in two tests against simulated ballistic missile attacks, a Directed Energy Weapon could send a pulse of laser energy at the speed of light.

A Directed Energy Weapons could therefore easily intercept a ballistic missile in the terminal stage of its flight trajectory where it travels at hypersonic speeds (5x speed of sound).

What gives further credence to the possibility that Maui residents and tourists witnessed a missile being shot down by a Space Based Directed Energy Weapon is the U.S. Air Force surveillance installation on the summit of Haleakala, Maui.

The capabilities of the Maui Space Surveillance Site (MSSS) is described by GlobalSecurity.org as follows:

The Maui Space Surveillance Site (MSSS) includes the Air Force Maui Optical Station (AMOS) is an asset of the US Air Force Materiel Command’s Phillips Laboratory. the Maui Optical Tracking and Identification Facility (MOTIF), and a Ground-based Electro-Optical Deep Space Surveillance (GEODSS) site operated by US Air Force Space Command.

… The site is the only one of its kind in the world, combining operational satellite tracking facilities (MOTIF and GEODSS) with a research and development facility (AMOS). The MSSS operates primarily at night, but performs many of its SOI missions 24 hours a day.

It is very likely that the Maui Space Surveillance Site was used in the tracking and/or shooting down of the ballistic missile. If so, this would help explain why many Maui residents saw the explosion. It was only during the final stage in the trajectory of the missile attack that a directed energy weapon system could have been used as the Maui facility could help accurately triangulate the missile’s position.

Further insight into what happened on the morning of January 13, comes from an anonymous Hickham Air Force Base source on duty at the time of the alert. S/he pointed out the great amount of confusion over the alert which was at different points considered a drill and then a genuine attack by U.S. Pacific Command personnel.

Significantly, s/he points out it was only after a request for a military response to the presumed attacker, North Korea, was declined by the White House that Hawaii local authorities were instructed to say it was all a false alarm.

The confusion over the missile alert being a drill or genuine has the tell-tale characteristics of a false flag attack. Similar confusion has occurred in past false flag events on September 11, 2001 (New York) and July 7, 2005 (London), etc. In these alleged terrorist attacks, military and government authorities were first told about a drill where security forces were instructed to stand down, and then informed that a real attack was occurring by which time it was too late to prevent.

Analysis of this pattern in past alleged false flag attacks has led to the following observation:

The exercise or drill – at the same time, at the same place – has became the sine non qua or indispensable element of the recent false flag operation.

In the Hawaii situation, it appears that cool heads at the White House did not order military retaliation against North Korea after the missile was shot down. President Trump and/or his national security advisors likely suspected that a false flag attack had been attempted.

According to my own efforts to find Hawaii residents willing to testify about witnessing a high altitude object being destroyed, I have been told that police and other authorities are intimidating witnesses into silence.

Consequently, in contrast to the official State of Hawaii report that the January 13 event was a false alarm due to human error, the following conclusions can be offered.

First, a ballistic missile likely carrying a nuclear warhead was destroyed during the final stage of its trajectory by a USAF Secret Space Program using space based Directed Energy Weapons deployed on rectangular shaped weapons platforms.

Second, the Maui Space Surveillance Site helped in the tracking and destruction of the ballistic missile as it neared the Hawaiian Islands, the most likely target being Pearl Harbor, Honolulu.

Third, a drill was scheduled for the morning of January 13, which was intended to create confusion so that a ballistic missile attack could succeed, and the missile’s trajectory would point to North Korea as the culprit.

Fourth, the party responsible for the false flag attack is a rogue Deep State/CIA group with its own ballistic nuclear submarines, which are part of a secret Navy apparently called the Dark Fleet.

Fifth, the US Navy’s January 31 test was intended to let the general public know that it does not yet have the capability of intercepting ballistic missiles, and that the real heroes in tracking and intercepting the nuclear attack on Hawaii was USAF Special Operations.

Further information is needed to determine the accuracy of these conclusions. One thing is pretty clear at this point given the number of insider sources and witnesses that have come forward so far. The official State of Hawaii investigation is a cover-up for a ballistic missile attack, which evidence suggests was a false flag attack using one or more nuclear weapons by a mysterious naval force desiring to start a regional nuclear war.

Thankfully, a classified space based weapons system was most likely used by the USAF Special Operations, thereby giving the U.S. national security planners time to develop an appropriate response to those behind the false flag attack.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

The Secret Navy behind the Ballistic Missile Attack on Hawaii

As information continues to emerge confirming that there was a ballistic missile attack against Hawaii that was intercepted on January 13, the investigation begins to shift from what happened, to who was responsible. In this article, I analyze various sources describing the attack, and identify the mysterious naval force that was most likely responsible for launching the ballistic missile, which presumably was nuclear armed.

In my January 17 article, I listed three alternative news sites referring to sources that all said that a ballistic missile was launched against Hawaii by a stealth submarine. The alternative news sources were radio host Dr. Dave Janda, Operation Disclosure (RV/Intelligence Alert), and the Public Intelligence Blog. The Operation Disclosure and Public Intelligence blog sites point to an Israeli submarine as responsible, while Dr. Janda said it was a submarine belonging to a rogue Chinese Navy faction.

Further corroboration for the ballistic missile attack explanation comes from former Forbes Magazine writer, Benjamin Fulford, who says that according to his insider sources, there was a submarine based attack:

One sign of this extreme tension came last week when “a missile from a cabal submarine was stopped from hitting Hawaii and the submarine was sunk,” Pentagon sources say.  Media outlets around the world have reported that Hawaiian residents all received the following warning on their mobile phones:  “BALLISTIC MISSILE THREAT INBOUND TO HAWAII, SEEK IMMEDIATE SHELTER, THIS IS NOT A DRILL,” but later this was reported to be a false alarm.  It was not—it was an attempt by “the cabal” to blame the attack on North Korea and use it as a trigger for their long-desired World War III, CIA sources say.

Both Fulford and the Public Intelligence claim that the ballistic missile was intended to simulate a North Korean attack suggesting the responsible submarine was in the vicinity of North Korea, either in the Sea of Japan or off the Japanese coastline.

In determining the type of missile attack against Hawaii, yet another source refers to a Hawaii tourist boat about 100 miles out at sea that saw what appeared to be a meteorite exploding in the air shortly before the Hawaii Emergency alert went out Saturday morning, January 13. The additional source appeared as an update to the original Public Intelligence blogsite article about the Hawaii missile attack:

Word here in Hawaii is that a group of tourists and tour guides were on a boat 100 miles off shore Saturday morning around 8 AM when they witnessed what they thought to be a meteor blowing up over the ocean. It was reported on Hawaiian channel 2 but then removed from their website. Rumor is the launch came from an Israel Dolphin 2 submarine. Some college basketball games had a red alert across the screen from US Pacific Command declaring a missile launch in the Pacific near Hawaii.

This additional Hawaii source is vital in understanding what happened since it reveals that the missile was coming down from the upper atmosphere following a ballistic trajectory similar to a meteor. This helps confirm that a ballistic missile was involved rather than another type of nuclear delivery system such as a cruise missile which fly much closer to ground and have a far more limited range.

Of the sources cited so far, aside from Dr. Janda, all believe a faction of the Israeli Navy was behind the attack using a dolphin class submarine supplied by Germany. The USS Liberty attack during the 1967 Arab Israeli war is often cited as an example of Israel launching a false flag attack against the U.S. to embroil it in wars against Israel’s regional enemies.

In a private email received on January 19, former CIA covert operative and Marine Intelligence Officer, Robert David Steele, says that the attack was a “Zionist submarine doing a USS Liberty on Hawaii”.

In considering the possibility of a rogue Israeli submarine being responsible, it’s important to review the armaments possessed by the class of submarines belonging to the Israeli Navy. In a news story describing Israel’s possession of Dolphin class submarines purchased from Germany, its armaments are described as follows:

The Dolphin boats are equipped with six 533mm standard torpedo tubes and four 650mm jumbo tubes and can carry 16 weapons. The smaller tubes can fire torpedoes and Harpoon anti-ship missiles as well as other conventional weaponry, but its larger tubes are what makes the Dolphin class so special. From them, frogmen, remotely operated vehicles and especially large cruise missiles capable of carrying nuclear payloads can be deployed.

Israel’s Dolphin Class submarines can carry cruise missiles which are well suited for Middle East operations, rather than ballistic missiles which are better suited for long distance targets thousands of miles away. Ballistic missiles require much larger “boomer submarines” to launch them, rather than the smaller Dolphin class submarines possessed by Israel.

The Dolphin 2 submarine is 69 meters (225 feet) in length, which is less than half the size of the Ohio class boomer submarines (170 meters/560 feet long) used by the US Navy to carry Trident ballistic nuclear missiles. Sea Launched Ballistic Missiles need vertical missile tubes as opposed to the more traditional horizontal torpedo tubes used for Sea Launched Cruise Missiles located at the front of the smaller Dolphin class submarine.

Consequently, it’s unlikely that a renegade faction of the Israeli Navy launched the ballistic missile attack since their Dolphin class submarines simply don’t have the capacity.

Furthermore, it’s hard to imagine how a U.S. war against North Korea and/or China would advance Israel’s national security interests, which are far more concerned about threats posed by major regional rivals such as Iran.

Dr. Janda describes a rogue faction of the Chinese Navy being responsible, and that after the missile had been intercepted and destroyed by the US. Missile defense system, the regular Chinese Navy destroyed the submarine.

This explanation is perhaps the scariest to consider since the US national security apparatus would almost certainly hold China responsible for such an attack despite any genuine factional divisions within the Chinese Navy.

The immediate U.S. response would have been, at the very least, a direct retaliatory nuclear attack against China’s main regional ally North Korea, which would have been scapegoated for a Hawaii attack. After destroying North Korea’s military infrastructure, the country would have then been subsequently overrun and occupied by the U.S. Military and its South Korean ally in an analogous way to Afghanistan after the 9/11 attack. 

China’s strategic interests would have been severely setback in such a scenario. It’s hard to imagine any Chinese military commander, rogue Navy faction or not, would risk a nuclear retaliatory strike by the U.S. that would set back China’s steady emergence into a global superpower over the next decade or so. Patience is a characteristic that China’s political leaders possess in abundance.

Consequently, I find it unlikely that a rogue faction of the Chinese Navy was behind the ballistic missile attack.

So who then launched the attack against Hawaii?

For an answer we need to consider legendary Hawaii Senator Daniel Inouye who in 1987 described the existence of a shadowy government within the U.S. with its own separate military assets.

There exists a shadowy Government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of the national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself.

Inouye was clearly convinced of a very highly classified U.S. agency that had the independent funding and wherewithal to develop its own Air Force and Navy outside the regular chain of military command.

In contrast to the assets of the regular U.S. Air Force and Navy, this covert fleet of ships and aircraft would be “dark”, in terms of its security classification. It would therefore be appropriate to call it the “Dark Fleet” which is what secret space program insider Corey Goode says it is called by the U.S. military according to his confidential sources [Skype Communication Jan 18). He says that it is separate to another “Dark Fleet” which is a Secret Space Program that operates in Deep Space.

I need to point out that in 2017, I personally met some of Goode’s confidential Earth Alliance sources. They provided many documents to prove they are deeply connected to NATO security operations and the European intelligence community. They have continued to provide Goode intelligence information since they consider him to be a genuine extraterrestrial contactee, and asset of a Secret Space Program Alliance known to exist by NATO officials.

What U.S. Government agency would have the ability to raise its own “Dark Fleet” outside the regular chain of military command and Presidential executive authority? The only U.S. agency capable of doing so is the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). More specifically, we are talking about the CIA’s Directorate of Operations (formally Clandestine Service) which runs all its global covert operations, where a Dark Fleet would have been developed to meet operational requirements.

The 1949 CIA Act comprised additions to those sections of the 1947 National Security Act that dealt with the creation of CIA. The 1949 CIA Act gave a Congressional stamp of approval to the creation of a ‘black budget’ it could spend without recourse to U.S. law as the following section make clear:

… any other Government agency is authorized to transfer to or receive from the Agency such sums without regard to any provisions of law limiting or prohibiting transfers between appropriations [emphasis added]. Sums transferred to the Agency in accordance with this paragraph may be expended for the purposes and under the authority of sections 403a to 403s of this title without regard to limitations of appropriations from which transferred. [50 U.S.C. 403f(a)]

Essentially, this gave the CIA the power to generate large amounts of money through covert means and launder it however it wished through the Pentagon and the U.S. bureaucracy. The funding was used for an unofficial “black budget” that by 2001 was estimated to be as high as $1.7 trillion annually.

In addition to having the financial means, the CIA has long been developing its own covert Air Force. This began in the mid-1950’s when the CIA established Area 51, as the location to develop future fleets of spy planes with the aid of companies such as Lockheed, which today is the world’s largest defense contractor.

In the 1960’s the CIA began training personnel to develop skills necessary to operate its spy planes on U.S. aircraft carriers. CIA documents confirm that the U.S. Navy was training the CIA on how to operate spy planes on their carriers:

Source: Central Intelligence Agency Online Library

The above document went on to discuss how Kelly Johnson, Director of Lockheed’s Skunkworks, helped the CIA launch its U-2 spyplane from the USS Kitty Hawk

Another CIA document shows the Navy’s reluctance to allow the CIA to use its aircraft carriers to carry spy planes in trouble spots like the Mediterranean, thereby creating the operational necessity for the CIA to eventually acquire its own aircraft carrier to carry fleets of spy planes around the world.

Source: Central Intelligence Agency Online Library

These official CIA documents support the conclusion that by the 1970’s the CIA’s Directorate of Operations had its own squadrons of spy planes, and would have acquired its own aircraft carrier out of operational necessity that it could operate anywhere around the world without any kind of government oversight.

As far as the CIA having its own submarines, a Washington Times article from January 3, 1985 shows that two ballistic missile submarines, USS John Marshall and Sam Houston were handed over to a 2000 man Special Operations Force.

Source: Central Intelligence Agency Online Library

It can be guaranteed that the CIA’s Directorate of Operations would have similarly justified the acquisition of ballistic missile capable submarines for its own covert operations around the world.

With the CIA’s role in generating multiple black budgets, it could easily have diverted some of these funds to defense contractors for building ballistic missile capable submarines for exclusive use in clandestine operations. It’s worth noting that Lockheed Martin builds the Trident II ballistic missiles for the Ohio class submarines currently possessed for by U.S. Navy.

As noted earlier, the CIA and Lockheed have developed a long and close relationship since their joint efforts to develop Area 51 for spy planes and other advanced technologies in the 1950’s. Therefore it is very possible that the CIA’s Dark Fleet possesses Trident II ballistic nuclear missiles developed by Lockheed Martin.

Consequently, Inouye’s claims of a shadowy government possessing its own Air Force and Navy is very feasible given what we know about the CIA’s history, and official documents showing its military assets, training and close relationship with defense contractors such as Lockheed Martin.

The CIA had the independent funding to create squadrons of spy planes that could operate from an aircraft carrier with the necessary support craft that altogether constituted a CIA controlled aircraft carrier battle group that included nuclear submarines.

So was the CIA’s Dark Fleet behind the ballistic missile attack on Hawaii? I put this question to Corey Goode and he responded:

Yes, They DO have an Air Craft Carrier and destroyers and support vessels, a whole fleet….This stuff has been a part of recent briefings in the form of informed speculation as to what occurred in Hawaii/Japan. All are pretty convinced that a rogue CIA sub fired missiles and MIC SSP [USAF/NRO/DIA Secret Space Program] took the missiles out. We are all waiting for specifics and confirmation but these are “read in” General/Colonel types doing the speculating.[Skype Communication 1/19/18)

The CIA’s Directorate of Operations has long been the primary asset of what Inouye called the Shadow Government, but today is referred to as the “Deep State”. Due to President Trump’s December 21, 2017, Executive Order freezing the financial assets of all involved in human rights abuses and corruption,  Trump was not only declaring war against U.S. global elites involved, but also against the funding sources for the CIA’s covert operations.

The CIA’s black budget is made possible by human rights abuses and corruption around the planet that provides almost unlimited funds for its covert operations, including its Dark Fleet. Consequently, the CIA’s Dark Fleet had the means, motive and opportunity to attack Hawaii with a ballistic nuclear missile  that would embroil the Trump administration in a major regional war with North Korea and possibly China.

Significantly, on January 16, Japan’s major public broadcaster also warned the public about an incoming ballistic missile attack. Once again, a false alarm was issued shortly after by government authorities.

It’s quite possible that the same submarine responsible for the Hawaii attack, launched another missile attack, this time against Japan, presumably Tokyo. It was also brought down, probably by the same defense forces that tracked and destroyed the Hawaii bound missile. Again, the purpose would have been to simulate a North Korean attack thereby triggering a major regional war.

Such a war would distract the Trump administration and U.S. military from going after Deep State assets, and tie down the U.S. in a serious regional confrontation. Thankfully, the U.S. Navy and Air Force, along with the USAF run secret space program, were able to neutralize the attacks on Hawaii and Japan.

The multiple sources and documents cited above lead to a remarkable conclusion. A CIA created secret Navy launched ballistic missile attacks against Hawaii and Japan using a Dark Fleet created in the 1970’s to support covert operations around the world.

Consequently, neutralizing the “Dark Fleet” and reigning in the CIA’s Directorate of Operations must become a high priority goal for the Trump Administration and the Pentagon. A major step in doing so is for the truth to be officially released about ballistic missile attacks against Hawaii and Japan.


© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

[Note: My thanks to Corey Goode for reading an earlier draft of this article and his helpful suggestions.]

Further Reading

Was a Nuclear Missile Attack on Hawaii Thwarted by a Secret Space Program?

On Saturday morning January 13, residents of the Hawaiian Islands received an emergency alert that warned of an incoming ballistic missile and instructed everyone to take cover. Residents near Honolulu, the expected ground zero of any nuclear attack, fled for their lives to more remote areas of Oahu expecting the worst.

This is what appeared on peoples’ cell phones at 8:07 am local Hawaii time:

Then after 38 minutes of sheer terror for many all over the Hawaiian islands, residents were notified by the emergency alert system that it was all a false alarm.

Someone had pressed the wrong button according to local State authorities.   Residents were supposed to be reassured that the responsible individual would be reassigned. An inquiry has been launched by the Hawaii Governor David Ige.

Mainstream media coverage has exclusively focused on Hawaii State authorities explaining that the problem was one person pressing the wrong button. According to an official timeline of events, U.S. Pacific Command notified Hawaii State authorities that there was no missile launch at 8:10 am.

Local authorities subsequently attempted to inform the public via a number of means that the ballistic missile alert was a false alarm. But it was only at 8:45 am, 38 minutes after the initial alert, that a second emergency alert was sent over the Public Alert and Warning System announcing the mistake.  

Was the long delay between warning and the warning retraction received by Hawaii residents simply the unprecedented foul up of an emergency alert sent by State authorities, or was something else happening?

My wife and I have lived on the Big Island of Hawaii since 2004, and during our time here there have been a steady number of emergency alerts issued for hurricanes, tsunamis, flash flooding, and lava flows. Sirens regularly wail at the start of the month to test the emergency alert system for these kinds of events, and more recently for a possible nuclear missile attack from North Korea.

The regular occurrence of destructive events and their consequences in the region have led to an emergency alert system that is second to none when it comes to providing timely and accurate information to Hawaii residents in potentially life threatening circumstances.

We regularly receive emergency alert updates after the initial event described in an emergency alert. So the explanation that it took 38 minutes to issue an update to the initial false alarm is very hard to believe.

The chances that the ballistic missile alert was a simple mistake by one person even further strains credulity. One writer points out how the system is designed to prevent this precise mistake:

There is no “button” that could be accidentally hit. There are five fail safe procedures in the Hawaiian Emergency Alert Management System, the last being a two key system such as are present in US missile silos and on US nuclear missile submarines.  Two keys, eight feet apart, requiring two different individuals to simultaneously and positively trigger the alert.

This is why alternative media reports of an intercepted nuclear missile attack needs to be considered, since it raises another scenario that better fits the sequence of events on that Saturday morning.

The first alternative news report appeared on the Operation Disclosure blogsite on January 13. It was headed RV/Intelligence Report and said:

Missile launches were detected in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Hawaii.
The launches originated from the same anomaly detected yesterday, Jan. 12.
The missiles were immediately intercepted and destroyed.
The anomaly was revealed to be a nuclear stealth submarine.
The nuclear stealth submarine was located and destroyed shortly after the attempted attack.

On January 16, another author came out saying that the Hawaii event was an intercepted nuclear missile attack. After explaining how the emergency alert system is designed to prevent the kind of human error claimed by state authorities, s/he wrote:

There was a missile. Probably fired from a submarine under the control of individuals loyal to the Deep State, possibly Israeli or German. The missile was not fired from North Korea or by North Korean forces. The missile was intercepted. Then the coverup began.

[Update 1/17/18] An additional alternative news media source corroborating key aspects of the thwarted missile attack against Hawaii is veteran journalist and orthopedic surgeon, Dr Dave Janda. He commented in a radio interview about what a “Deep Level source”, who has never been wrong over the years he has known him, had told him about the Hawaii missile incident:

What this source told me was that , and again I’ve never found this source to be wrong, was that there was actually a missile fired. The missile was brought down by the United States … antimissile program…. It was a submarine based missile and … it was from a Chinese sub…. This was a renegade faction within the Chinese military that was in charge of this sub that fired this missile, and in fact the Chinese Navy, supportive Xi Jinping [Current President of China] was the ship that then took out that submarine.

If the above scenario actually happened then it makes sense that an alert was generated after the initial missile launch. Then, once the missile had been intercepted, local and federal authorities were informed immediately, only three minutes later.

The additional 35 minutes was probably due to the “short time” it took to find and take out the missile launch system, likely a submarine, to prevent another missile launch. The all clear was then given to issue the additional emergency alert to Hawaii residents while covering up the nuclear attack and take down.

What adds credibility to this alternative scenario are photos of a number of UFO’s seen over Hawaii 31 minutes after the second emergency alert. The photos show UFOs that display an advanced technology that may be craft belonging to a USAF run Secret Space Program that has broken away from Deep State control.

Another explanation is that the craft were extraterrestrial in origin and following a decades-long policy of secretly intervening to forestall nuclear weapons incidents, as contended by the author, Solaris Modalis, who provided the photos’ genesis.

While extraterrestrial intervention is possible, it is more likely that the highly advanced state of a USAF-run Secret Space Program was all that was needed to intervene to thwart the intended false flag attack. In either case, the photos may explain how the incoming ballistic missile was shot down.

If our alternative scenario is correct, this raises a number of critical ‘who’, ‘why’ and ‘where’ questions. As to the ‘who question’, both alternative news sources refer to a stealth submarine with ballistic nuclear weapons technology.

Clearly this could only have been achieved by a nation or entity in control of submarines equipped with nuclear ballistic weapons. The Deep State is referred to in the reports as the most likely culprit, possibly using a nation state proxy to be able to pin the blame on North Korea in a false flag event.

As to the ‘why question’, a possible answer lies in the December 21 Executive Order passed by President Trump to freeze the financial assets of all involved in human rights abuses and corruption in the US and around the world. By cutting off the life blood of major Deep State actors and proxy groups, the U.S. Military that is the real power behind the Trump Presidency, has declared financial war against the Deep State.

Furthermore, alternative news reports of Guantanamo military prison being expanded in late December 2017, to host Deep State VIP’s detained by U.S. Special Forces, may have also been a catalyst for the Deep State to react.

It’s very possible that the Deep State responded to these recent developments by launching a nuclear weapons attack against Hawaii, which hosts the largest concentration of U.S. military assets anywhere in the world. If so, it is fortunate that the attack was thwarted and the culprits taken out, most likely by antigravity spacecraft belonging to a Secret Space Program.

This raises the question of whether there might be future “false flag” attacks by Deep State assets to initiate major regional conflagration and a possible World War III. Such a possibility was alluded to by the anonymous whistleblower, Q Anon, who posted a cryptic warning on January 14 that implied the Hawaii event was one of a major false flag events this coming week.

On January 16, a New York Times report referred to another false alarm, this time in Japan where residents were warned by a major TV broadcaster to take shelter from an incoming ballistic missile:

Japan’s public broadcaster on Tuesday accidentally sent news alerts that North Korea had launched a missile and that citizens should take shelter — just days after the government of Hawaii had sent a similar warning to its citizens.

Could the Hawaii and Japan false alarms be the first two attempts at major false flag events orchestrated by the Deep State that have been thwarted by the U.S. military and its “off-world” allies?

It’s also possible that what really happened on January 13 (and Jan 16 in Japan), including the mainstream media explanation of human error, may have been intended as a threat to the U.S. military and Trump Administration to step back from the financial war and the extraction of Deep State VIPs taken to Gitmo.  

It’s hard to imagine the U.S. military and Trump backing down after their initiatives in late December 2017, especially if there really was a missile attack against Hawaii. The possibility of potential false flag military attacks orchestrated by the Deep State gives powerful incentive to government authorities to cover up what really happened on the morning of January 13, and possibly also to Japan on January 16.

The possible involvement of a Secret Space Program, most likely acting alone or with extraterrestrial assistance, in thwarting false flag attacks on Hawaii and/or Japan provides confidence that future false flag attacks using conventional military technologies are unlikely to succeed.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

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