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Author: Giorgio Piacenza

After a clear UFO sighting with multiple witnesses within 300 feet in the Peruvian coastal town of "Chilca" in 1975, I participated with the Mission Rahma contact group and befriended several contactees from this and other contact efforts. I also researched many aspects of the UFO phenomenon for several decades and feel inclined to contribute in the confluence of philosophical and scientific perspectives.

Contactee Enrique Castillo-Rincón dies



CIO (Centro Investigaciones OVNI) located in the UFO-enclave of Capilla del Monte, Argentina shared this news today through its director Luz Mary Lopez.  CIO was directly in touch with contactee Enrique Castillo-Rincón & family and announced that today in the morning our friend Enrique left his physical body. He was one of the “good ones,” meaning, one of the really good contactees of our times.


Enrique Castillo-Rincón was one of the “classic” contactees that rose to world attention in the 1970’s (like Eduard “Billy” Meir and Sixto Paz Wells).  He was part of a new wave of contacts with human-looking ETs, this time outside of the U.S.  Enrique was a straightforward man that clearly showed that easygoing, positive, mutually respectful,  friendly contacts with ETs are possible. Through his no nonesense and candid style he demystified the contact experience and made it more accessible for the common man or “down to earth.” He also reported his encounters in an objective manner and maintained a consistent narration. Enrique Castillo-Rincón was very courageous and accomplished his work adequately for all of us. He will be missed although we know that his work will be honored and in the years to come will continue awakening people to intelligently join our cosmic community/family in peace, harmony. Enrique led the way to speak courageously and speak up for those willing to listen in spite of his wife asking him for divorce and not being understood by many others close to him.
Enrique Castillo-Rincón was born in San José, COSTA RICA. He was an electrical engineer. Enrique had a UFO sighting in 1963 on Irazu Volcano, Costa Rica and was contacted by human-looking Pleiadians in 1973. Among others he contacted an extraterrestrial named “Krishnamerk” also known as “Cyril Weiss” who was similar to Earth humans and whom he had previously met in Caracas, Venezuela. He also contacted an extraterrestrial named “Orion” and others.
Enrique moved to Bogota, Colombia and was not inclined to mystify or turn contacts into pseudo-religious events. He avoided mysticism leading to fanaticism. He led the Instituto Colombiano de Investigaciones de Fenómenos Extraterrestres (The Colombian Institute of Investigations of Extraterrestrial Phenomena).
His group in Colombia helped him to go to the telepathically arranged physical encounters. Some of the ETs were 6′  – 6’2″ tall. Some were exceedingly blonde. The light that took him up into the air into a space ship was “solid” to the touch. After his first contact he was elated but his wife didn’t understand. His contacts lasted from 1973 to 1976. They told him over the phone that they had come to him to give him specific information and since that had been accomplished the contact period was over (both telepathically and physically). He lost his job for speaking about ETs. To survice he needed to start charging money for conferences.
Fabio Zerpa from Argentina was the first researcher that saw him and then came Andreas Faber-Kaiser. In the begining some researchers didn’t believe him but later on (and after four more physical encounters) they did.
For Enrique Castillo-Rincón and the ETs science and consciousness and spirituality must combine without getting into fanaticisms.
In 1974 he also contacted Nordic looking, human-looking Venusians that were just shorter in height (5’2″) and was taken to a high place in the Andes of Perú and to a magnetic vortex located somewhere between Marcawasi and Macchu Picchu. The Venusians were in the same organization as the Pleadians: The Great Solar Cosmic Brotherhood. Enrique didn’t understand why some of the ETs told him they were “Venusians” since Venus is known to be uninhabitable. However, he thought that perhaps they had originally been from Venus and then moved to another place.
Enrique gave lectures in several UFO congresses including the International UFO Congress. He reported being invited by human agents from the U.S. Embassy and taken to Washington DC where he willingly submitted to an interrogation and a regression under truth serum (sodium pentotal).  He did it to validate his experience. He thought it was a formal event as he probably saw CIA and perhaps FBI agents. Dr.  J. J. Hurtak later told him that two of the physicians that had participated in this procedure died under mysterious circumstances. The fact that he was interrogated was later corroborated by whistleblowers.
The ETs gave Enrique much information of a scientific, spiritual, prophetic, esoteric, technological character. While showing him a space ship they told him that mental energy is converted through “living memory crystals” to a discharge used for instant translation in space-time. They told him that the future and prophecies is malleable and negative events can be modified by humans joining in groups focusing their positive intention. He was given predictions that came to pass and predictions that didn’t but he didn’t like or understood well why. He didn’t like to have been given predictions that didn’t come to pass.
Enrique thought that the ETs contacted a simple non-powerful person like him precisely because they know what they do and are highly intelligent. It wasn’t a casual affair. Enrique understood that the ETs obey a great “plan” and much will become clear soon, without giving a specific date.
Recommended book   Ufos: A Great New Dawn for Humanity (available in Amazon regular and Kindle).

A video translated into English http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xklTTn4A24


This is a news report which I’m translating from contactee Ricardo Gonzalez. Citizen contacts with benevolent beings are indeed happening and increasing in Latin America. Talampaya is a special energy vortex and mystical-spiritual place in Argentina. Information of friendly and BEAUTIFUL contacts like these should also be known to counteract so much negativity and information about aggressive ETs, misguided secret control groups, technological abuses, enslaving Annunakis, dangerous, atrophied, service-to-self ETs (of which – to be fair with a large amount of credible data – there are some) and things of that nature. Positive encounters which are gradually on the rise also are objectively genuine and only irrational predispositions toward paying more attention to sinister aspects of Human-ET contacts will give us an incomplete picture keeping us in a state of fear or a fixated willingness to fight. As much as fear-based events do occur, LOVE-based ones are more substantial, verifiable and promising of freedom, truth and justice in the long run and as a wiser form of Exopolitical development in human-ET relations.  We can truly say that simple, well-intended humanity is also being gradually contacted accross the world in a form of unofficial disclosure as groups of people are verifying good, beautiful and truthful forms of contact happening now.  The ensuing healing associated with these good types of contact (contacts that involve gradual preparation and respect) should be encouraged much further in order to awaken to our best capacities as a unified human species and wiser citizens of the Cosmos. The nature of these contacts is not about depending on ETs or about putting them on a pedestal. It neither is about condemning them or perhaps going to war with them. It is not about being assimilated or destroyed as a civilization. It’s about ending the conflicts and achieving an equally respectful, caring friendship with ourselves and with all of life. It is about waking up to our most wholesome potentials and not allowing abuses while healing and becoming examples that heal ancient conflicts in the Cosmos. It is about allying ourselves with defenders of the original human plan and with its Divine purpose.

Giorgio Piacenza  C.



The encounter suggested by the extraterrestrial Guides has been an extraordinary and unforgettable event. Us, more than 250 persons from 16 countries (arriving from different places of Europe, Canada, the U.S., Mexico, Caribbean and a large part of South America) gathered from 7-9 September in that important sanctuary of the White Brotherhood in order to radiate light to the world.

The dates had been given by the elder brothers of the Cosmos. And so we informed others about it since the moment of receiving this information more than half a year ago in a place called “Sierra de la Ventana.” Later on, they gave us more information telling us about the importance of Talampaya in order to envelop the world with peace.

As we remember, the dates of the encounter “coincided” with the crisis in Syria. The extraterrestrials had anticipated it and, for some reason, they wished that country not to be attacked on those dates. This is a theme that I’ll further develop later on. Moreover, Pope Francisco requested a day of prayer for the tension in the Middle East for September 7th, the same date we had been given. If this weren’t enough, Obama waited the for the approval for the military strike on the 9th. Today we can see that none of this occurred.

It depends on us maintaining the energy and optimism to affect world events. Some of them can be avoided and the intensity of others can be diminished or be postponed in order to secure a better evacuation of the civilian population. Be as it may, the saying that we can create what we believe becomes a fact.

That was the main objective of the international encounter in Talampaya. An encounter that was open, free for every walker in the path that resonated with that task. We gather without names and labels. There, all of us were a single group.

The elder brothers allowed themselves to be seen during different sightings. Some of these apparitions were registered by two professional photographers, Christian Belluco and Matías Zubrzycki, both equipped with cameras which were sensitive to the light. Thanks to them we obtained extraordinary registers in which we can see the trajectory of the luminous UFOs glistening the starry laden sky in Talampaya. The light of these objects was so intense that it stood out over that of the stars. We signaled them out with a powerful laser light in order to have a reference point in the photographs, in the same manner as we had previously done in Sierra de Ventana. The support of the (ET) guides during the three nights was unequivocal.

On the 9th, 60 of us went to Ciudad Perdida (Lost City), an earth energy enclave located at the Talampaya National Park. We had received telepathic instructions to go there and to perform a connecting task at the pyramidal hill in order to connect it with the blue crystal found in the underground city of Erks (in Capilla del Monte, Argentina). This hill is the ancient nucleus of a volcano that protects one of the 13 solar discs. This experience – which was supported by the other participants forming the remaining group at base camp in Talampaya – was extraordinary…

It has allowed us to understand why Talampaya was the first place where the intraterrestrial retreat of Erks functioned; why for some time it was separated from the sanctuary of the Uritorco Mountain (in Capilla del Monte, near ERKS) and why they “joined” now as a single center of power.

The presence of the guardians from Talampaya and Uritorco was remarkable. We could hear their voiced singing mantrams while an aroma of flowers inundated the pyramidal hill. Furthermore, some persons were touched by invisible presences that made them feel a profound level of peace.

The support group that remained at the campground also lived through very important experiences. Not all of us could go because the National Park only provided authorized transportation for 60 persons. Here I must say that a large part of the contact group in Buenos Aires – a group that had been preparing for the encounter since January – gave up their place for brothers from other countries to be able to go to Ciudad Perdida (Lost City). This was an attitude of responsible surrender-commitment which I value and admire very much.

We created the (adequate) conditions to receive communications in a simultaneous manner. The contact took place and in the communications we were announced that in the second half of 2014 there would be an expedition to Belukha, in the Altai Mountain range. This would be a journey which, according to the extraterrestrial Guides would allow us to complete the crucial information about the Cosmic Plan and the human role in the new time.

Furthermore, the received messages – half a dozen receptions – notified about an experience for 9.00 PM. According to the Guides, some persons would receive the Cesium Crystals and other, an ethereal element, a sort of small crystal made of a rhomboidal shaped light which would act as an “amplifier” of the faculties of the Pineal Gland, which – as we know – relate with co-creation and healing. As far as we understood, this element would be temporal and only to show us what we are capable to do if through discipline and a mystical preparation we activate our psychic abilities through our own merits.

And thus it occurred: At 9.00PM, after the presence of the Guides in the skies of Talampaya, persons in sets of tens received this initiation that was coordinated among the extraterrestrial Guides and the guardians of Uritorco and Talampaya which, by the way, during an excursion to the canyon, I could photograph. I’m referring not just about those guardians shown to tourists but the original/previously unknown ones. I had already obtained a partial register of that in 2002 but during this journey I was able to take high resolution pictures of the “prohibited” petroglyphs.

Due to the importance of the experiences we have lived, the information received and the images achieved, I feel that I must write with greater detail about what Talampaya really is for it to be known. Starting tomorrow I’ll write a small book about all of that hoping to publish it in about two weeks. People will be able to download the text – which will be illustrated with images – for free. The message must reach everyone.

The encounter finished with an atmosphere of much peace and also of nostalgia due to the farewells. I got to known extraordinary persons and it was beautiful seeing different spiritual groups, contact groups, UFO research groups (as the friend from the Pedro Romaniuk Foundation) or persons unconnected with these themes but imbued with a strong sentiment of participating by working all of us, united.

After the encounter at Talampaya ended, we got into our vehicles and took the return road. While in the route, our minibus driver pointed toward a violent accident. We could see a wrecked car. Perhaps its driver had lost control and turned over. That route was veru dangerous and had many precedents of cars that came off the road due to speeding, animals crossing, etc.

Later on we found out that four of the participants in the encounter had been in that car… We found out that two of them were well but that the other two had suffered grave blows. They were in a serious condition and had been urgently taken to the Enrique Vera Barros Regional Hospital where they would be operated upon.

After gathering once again at Capilla del Monte, more than 30 persons performed a healing task. We asked help to the guardians of Talampaya and to the extraterrestrial Guides. In this way we could visualize our brothers healing and coming out well in spite of the serious situation.

Later on we received a phone call: Our brothers had recuperated. The doctors could not believe it…They had very serious internal wounds and these had healed. Bewildered, the physicians didn’t carry on with the surgery and they were released from the hospital. We have the previous evidence and all the documents that give credit to this.

Photos by Christian Belluco, Talampaya, 09/2013

<p>Foto: nave surcando el cielo estrellado de Talampaya, señalada con un potente láser como referencia. (Cristian Belluco / 2013).</p><br />
<p>El encuentro sugerido por los Guías extraterrestres ha sido un evento extraordinario e inolvidable. Más de 250 personas de 16 países (que llegaron desde distintos lugares de Europa, Canadá, Estados Unidos, México, Caribe y buena parte de Sudamérica) nos congregamos del 7 al 9 de septiembre en ese importante santuario de la Hermandad Blanca para irradiar luz al mundo.</p><br />
<p>Las fechas habían sido dadas por los hermanos mayores del cosmos. Y así lo informamos desde que lo recibimos hace más de medio año en Sierra de la Ventana. Posteriormente nos dieron más información, señalando la importantcia del encuentro de Talampaya para envolver en paz al mundo.</p><br />
<p>Como recordamos, las fechas del encuentro “coincidieron” con la crisis en Siria. Los extraterrestres lo habían anticipado y por alguna razón deseaban que no se atacara al país árabe en esas fechas. Es un tema que desarrollaré más adelante. Además, el Papa Francisco pediría una jornada de oración por la tensión en Oriente Medio para el 7 de septiembre, la misma fecha que nos habían entregado... Por si ello fuera poco, Obama esperaba la aprobación del ataque militar el día 9. Hoy vemos que nada de esto ocurrió.</p><br />
<p>Depende de nosotros mantener la energía y el optimismo para afectar los acontecimientos mundiales. Algunos de ellos se pueden evitar, otros, disminuir su intensidad, o postergarlos para asegurar la mejor evacuación de población civil. Como fuere, se cumple aquello de que podemos crear lo que creemos.</p><br />
<p>Ese fue el principal objetivo del encuentro internacional en Talampaya. Un encuentro que fue abierto, libre, para cualquier caminante que resonara con esta tarea. Nos reunimos sin nombre y etiquetas. Todos allí fuimos un solo grupo.</p><br />
<p>Los hermanos mayores se dejaron ver en distintos avistamientos. Algunas de esas apariciones fueron registradas por dos fotógrafos profesionales, Cristian Belluco y Matías Zubrzycki, ambos equipados con cámaras sensibles a la luz. Gracias a ellos, obtuvimos registros extraordinarios, en donde se puede ver la trayectoria de los luminosos ovnis surcando el manto de estrellas de Talampaya. La luz de esos objetos era tan fuerte que resalta por encima de las estrellas. Los señalamos con un potente rayo láser para tener una referencia en las fotografías, tal y como lo hicimos anteriormente en Sierra de la Ventana. El apoyo de los Guías, las tres noches, fue contundente.</p><br />
<p>El día 9, un grupo de 60 personas acudimos a Ciudad Perdida, un enclave telúrico que se halla dentro del Parque Nacional Talampaya. Habíamos recibido instruciones telepáticas para ir allí y hacer un trabajo de conexión en el cerro piramidal ⎯el antiguo núcleo de un volcán, que protege uno de los trece discos solares⎯ con el cristal azul de Erks. Esta experiencia, que fue apoyada desde el campamento base de Talampaya por los otros participantes del encuentro, fue extraordinaria…</p><br />
<p>Nos ha permitido comprender por qué Talampaya fue el primer lugar donde funcionó el retiro intraterreno de Erks, por qué estuvo separada un tiempo del santuario del Uritorco, y por qué ahora se “unían” en un solo centro de poder.</p><br />
<p>La presencia de los guardianes de Talampaya y el Uritorco fue impresionante. Se escuchaban sus voces cantar mantras… Mientras un olor a flores inundaba el cerro piramidal. Incluso, algunos fueron tocados por invisibles presencias que les hacían sentir una paz profunda.</p><br />
<p>El grupo de apoyo que quedó en el campamento también vivió experiencias muy importantes. No pudimos ir todos porque el Parque Nacional solo habilitó transporte autorizado para 60 personas. Aquí debo decir que buena parte del grupo de contacto de Buenos Aires, que venía preparándose para este encuentro desde enero, cedió su lugar para que hermanos del extranjero pudiesen ir a Ciudad Perdida. Una actitud de compromiso que valoro mucho y admiro.</p><br />
<p>Creamos las condiciones para recibir mensajes en simultáneo. El contacto se dio, y en las comunicaciones se nos anunció una expedición al Belukha, cordillera del Altai, para la segunda mitad del 2014. Un viaje que, de acuerdo a los Guías extraterrestres, nos permitirá completar gravitante información sobre el Plan Cósmico y el rol humano en el nuevo tiempo.</p><br />
<p>Además, los mensajes recibidos ⎯media docena de recepciones⎯, advertían una experiencia para las 9:00 pm. Según los Guías, algunas personas recibirían los Cristales de Cesio, y otras un elemento etéreo, una suerte de pequeño cristal de luz romboidal, que actuaría como “amplificador” de las facultades de la Glándula Pineal, que involucran, como sabemos, la co-creación y sanación. Este elemento, por lo que entendimos, sería temporal, sólo para mostrarnos de lo que somos capaces si a través de una disciplina de preparación mística activamos nuestras habilidades psíquicas por mérito propio.</p><br />
<p>Y así ocurrió: a las 9:00 pm., luego de la presencia de los Guías en los cielos de Talampaya, decenas de personas recibieron esta iniciación, que fue coordinada entre los Guías extraterrestres y los guardianes del Uritorco y Talampaya. En medio de esa sentida experiencia, me vi proyectado, astralmente, en un “viaje” espontáneo y súper vívido hacia el interior del Belukha. Allí tuve una breve pero valiosa entrevista con Emuriel, el ser que conocí en la expedición al desierto de Gobi, Mongolia, en 2007. Emuriel, quien ya no se encuentra en cuerpo físico en el Altai, me entregó pautas para el viaje al Belukha y me hizo comprender el trabajo que habíamos hecho en Talampaya.</p><br />
<p>Escribiendo estas líneas, una gran cantidad de información surge en mi mente. Ahora entiendo mejor el significado de los desconcertantes petroglifos de Talampaya que, dicho sea de paso, durante una excursión al cañón, pude fotografiar. No sólo los que se muestran al “turista”, sino los inéditos. En 2002 ya había obtenido un registro parcial de ello. Pero en este viaje pude fotografiar en alta resolución los petroglifos “prohibidos”.</p><br />
<p>Debido a la importancia de las experiencias que hemos vivido, la información recibida, y las imágenes que logramos, siento que debo escribir con mayor detalle lo que es realmente Talampaya, y darlo a conocer. A partir de mañana escribiré un pequeño libro sobre todo ello, que espero publicar digitalmente en unas dos semanas. El texto, que será ilustrado con imágenes, podrá ser descargado libremente. El mensaje debe llegar a todos.</p><br />
<p>El encuentro terminó en un ambiente de mucha paz, y también nostalgia por la despedida. Conocí personas extraordinarias. Fue hermoso ver a distintos grupos espirituales, de contacto, de investigación ovni (como los amigos de la Fundación de Pedro Romaniuk), o personas ajenas a estos temas pero con un sentimiento fuerte de participar, trabajando, todos, unidos.</p><br />
<p>Luego de que terminó el encuentro en Talampaya, subimos a nuestros vehículos y emprendimos el viaje de retorno.</p><br />
<p>En la ruta, nuestro chofer del minibus nos advirtió de un violento accidente. Se veía un auto destrozado; al parecer, había perdido el control y volcó. Esa ruta es muy peligrosa y tiene varios antecedentes de autos que se salieron del camino (velocidad, animales que se cruzan, etc).</p><br />
<p>Luego nos enteramos que cuatro participantes del encuentro se hallaban en ese coche…</p><br />
<p>Nos informamos y supimos que dos de ellos estaban bien, pero los otros dos ocupantes del vehículo habían sufrido serios golpes. Estaban en grave estado y por ello fueron traslados de urgencia al hospital regional Enrique Vera Barros, en donde se les iba a operar.</p><br />
<p>Ya reunidos en Capilla del Monte, más de 30 personas hicimos un trabajo de sanación. Les pedimos a los guardianes de Talampaya y a los Guías extraterrestres su ayuda. Así, pudimos visualizar a nuestros hermanos sanándose, saliendo adelante pese a la gravedad de la situación.</p><br />
<p>Más tarde recibimos una llamada: nuestros hermanos se habían recuperado. Los médicos no lo podían creer… Tenían heridas internas muy graves, y éstas se sanaron. Desconcertados, los médicos no hicieron la cirugía y les dieron de alta…<br /><br />
Tenemos las pruebas previas y toda la documentación que acredita esto.</p><br />
<p>Luego supimos que nuestros amigos accidentados trabajaron también consigo mismos, poniendo en práctica todo lo aprendido y recibido; sintieron nuestro apoyo y hasta escucharon nuestras voces. Además, un ser de Talampaya se comunicó con ellos y les apoyó…</p><br />
<p>Todo ha sido extraordinario…</p><br />
<p>El mensaje, una vez más, prevalece: en medio del pesimismo, hay razones para creer y crear. </p><br />
<p>Gracias por el apoyo. El encuentro en Talampaya ha sido un evento extraordinario.</p><br />
<p>Sigamos trabajando por la luz. Aún hay mucho por hacer…</p><br />
<p>Ricardo González en nombre de todos.

Ricardo González
You Tube Channel

News of an Exotheology


Jesus Cósmico

Jesus a Being of Love and Cosmic Dimensions 

Is he serving the Creator within all levels of Creation? Is he recognized by extraterrestrials?

We are just beginning to discover the connections between mind, consciousness, dimensions and physical space-time. We need to step out of the box. A worldwide accumulation of objective evidence amassed in more than 68 years since the beginning of modern ufology merits scientific research and considering not only that “they” are here…but that “they” may have probably been here for eons. Considering what some of the extraterrestrials may have told some bona fide contactees and, as a very brief exotheological summary of information harmoniously received since 1974 by those contactees associated with “Mission Rahma” (a contact mission capable of occasionally providing some collectively verifiable evidence), I’ll offer the following outline which may be considered by many as  important “news” or at least as “newsworthy.”

Three contactees: Sixto Paz Wells, Luis Fernando Mostajo and Ricardo Gonzalez have – to the best of my exopolitical assessment – individually experienced various kinds of contacts that supplement and complement each other’s views of the same coherent “exotheology” in which Jesus plays the important role of a most advanced Master, head of Earth’s White Brotherhood of benign and saintly beings following God’s benevolent will; a role allowed by being a/the spiritual representative in perfect unity with the Universal Christ Intelligence. As the story goes, his human physical body was prepared or modified by advanced extraterrestrials for him to incarnate as a human capable of sustaining a direct connection with the Cosmic Christ or Logos, the first Intelligence expressed from the Absolute or “the Father.” As the extraterrestrial transmissions go, his mission was to rescue (or redeem) humanity from completely falling into satanic-luciferian forces, some of which were made of discarnate negative extraterrestrial entities (in large part from Orion) who had perished on Earth after trying to interfere with human evolution. These forces attempting to influence world affairs have allegedly followed their leader “Satanael” who himself had become a follower of a powerful non-physical being in the Mental Universe known as “Lucifer.”

The information given by conscious will-respecting extraterrestrials working for a “Cosmic Plan” following Jesus Christ’s guidance for intervening on our planet and in connection with a spiritual hierarchy (the White Brotherhood of the Star) connected both to Earth, to the Galaxy and to the evolution of numerous civilizations in our local group of galaxies is that, after millions of years of evolution, many extraterrestrial civilizations became stuck on somewhat advanced high 4 or 5th dimensional levels of consciousness without being able to move beyond that as they became overly dependent on technology by being guided by (mostly benevolent) co-creator beings from the “Mental Universe.” After the Luciferian rebellion of a segment of beings from that Mental Universe they also experienced negative influences and severe conflicts but even earlier than that (by becoming dependent on beings from the Mental Universe guiding them along their evolution across the various planes of the Physical Universe) their capacity for deep spiritual sentiment (a subtlety that could reach into the Creator’s “heart”) became atrophied or underdeveloped missing what was necessary to reach the highest echelons of creation (a structure basically composed of a three-tiered Cosmos and various levels of consciousness occupying 7 physical, 3 mental and 2 spiritual planes). These beings (while not necessarily “negative”) needed to work under their respective levels of physicality using their wills, understandings and love in order to evolve. However they sorely needed to go beyond the excessively mental approach to life which the “ultraterrestrials” (those of the non-physical, angelic kingdoms in the Mental Universe) had taught them.

In these circumstances, the Logos; the Cosmic Christ; the first born which had emanated directly from God, the Absolute; that prism through which God the Father (an otherwise unreachable Absolute) proposed a “Divine Plan” which would entail a “fresh start”: to establish humanities in the Physical Universe gifted with a greater range of free will while living in biologically hyper dynamic planets, seeded by Life’s greatest potentials, even if prone to major survival dangers and to large degrees of uncertainty. These humanities would be able to experience a greater depth of feeling capable of connecting with the Spiritual Universe while eventually managing to live in harmony amidst highly life-challenging, physical conditions thus showing previous extraterrestrial civilizations the way to move forward. In these circumstances a large coalition of extraterrestrial civilizations accepted the Christ’s Plan as it had been transmitted to their most evolved individuals/masters and then intervened to contribute genetic and other characteristics. The net result would be more than the sum of the parts.

First spores of life were brought to specific planets to inseminate oceans with the possibility of actual life forms. Life evolved under natural laws which allowed intelligent patterns from the Creator’s Mind to materialize as the Creator worked through a chain of beings from the Mental and Physical Universes. We could say that these beings co-creating eternally exist like us within the Mind of God and their relative existences are sustained by God, the only real Being. More recent contact messages also mention that essential aspects of life on Earth was also assisted by life generating elements brought from Orion’s Nebulae and when humanoid species began to naturally develop on Earth at times they were combined with the genetic factors of various extraterrestrial lineages.

In other words, we potentially possess the combined capacities of several extraterrestrials that listened to the Christ’s Plan and to the Christ’s interpretation of the Father’s will. However, Lucifer and his followers from the Mental Universe opposed to be surpassed by a new and primitive physical species and thereafter also generated followers among many physical civilizations. Apparently, some of the negatively-oriented extraterrestrials known today are descendants of some of those original lineages and under karmic laws are allowed to intervene with restrictions until we become fully aware of who we are and-or command our rights and decide to stop this.

Out of 8 “UR” planets suitable for this major “experiment” 7 were destroyed by various sorts of cataclysms and even the Earth was destroyed millions of years before in its original timeline but a unique permission was granted by a council of the most evolved extraterrestrial masters in order to create an artificial timeline in which to relocate Earth before its destruction.  We are allegedly living in this alternative timeline while having recently crossed point of beginning to merge with the original timeline. There’s great expectation in the Universe on how we will unfold becoming aware of who we are in the Cosmic scheme of things. How we solve our human conflicts, learn to live with technology while respecting “Pacha Mama,” forgive the errors (sins) or mistakes committed by many of our extraterrestrial relatives and learn to live in harmony all of life will be a unique example for the cosmic community and becoming the “harvest” which positive extraterrestrial groups will experience. Our unique “voice” or “note” in the Cosmos is just beginning to blossom as a fruit that has never been known before.

According to the benevolent extraterrestrial group (which involves beings from Orion that left their home worlds avoiding falling into negative warrior-based paths and beings from a higher physical vibration in Venus, certain Pleiadians, a planet called Cerpican, Xilox in the Andromeda Galaxy and colonists in Ganymede, the moon of Jupiter), after humanity began to evolve it was partially interfered by various ‘negativized’ extraterrestrial groups. There were also mistakes committed,sometimes in a paternalistic fashion. Besides that also human-ET hybrid colonies were installed on Earth. Under Satanic influences these colonies (like Mu and Atlantis) also experienced misgivings and conflicts and some of the survivors which remained steadfast to the original benevolent ethical precepts of their civilizations moved into underground bases and occasionally influenced the development of human civilizations (as in Egypt in the African continent and Tiwanacu next to Lake Titicaca in South America).

Before Jesus’ birth it was noticed that if humanity continued developing without a deeply felt reverence for a loving God, the sacredness of life and kindness to fellow human beings, the last surviving “UR” experiment would also fail. Under this conditions the Logos/Cosmic Christ originating the new evolutionary “Plan” “felt responsible” for the human plight and sent Master Jesus (the most evolved human), to show the most direct and deepest path to God (the way of love) and to represent with his teachings and living example a supreme act of forgiveness (in this case as a human when – for a moment – the Christ force apparently abandoned him) in the cross.

With Jesus’ presence on Earth, the course of history inevitably leading to self-destruction was changed and a new dispensation/opportunity was obtained. While service to others or benevolent extraterrestrial civilizations (even if sentimentally under developed) guide and recommend and humbly look forward to learn from what we can demonstrate, those still under the influences of Lucifer tend to denigrate our species and often pretend to forcefully extract or “harvest” our capacities obtaining permission from our subconscious premises and state of ignorance. However, the first ones also want us to remember our ancient and complex earthly and cosmic history and why – as souls – we came to Earth in the first place. They want us to become more aware of who we are in order to choose a conscious return to the cosmic family, being able to contact them by intelligently choice with respect and without dependencies.

In this story apparently transmitted to the three contactees previously mentioned (and to others also participating in the Mission Rahma contacts) Jesus’ role must be understood as compatible with in depth, non-Christian, religious perspectives. I believe that the concept of a “master” is key here and can be understood in a way that satisfies Christians and non-Christians alike. We would have to transcend and include some pre-Nicean Council understandings and come up with a Jesus that is compatible with the idea of a prophet as that of a Bodhisattva and of God’s “Logos” expressed as an “avatar” in human form. This would be a Jesus so infused by divine force that he becomes or – in fact -recognizes his ever-present, timeless unity with the Creator’s supreme Intelligence in such a way that (as a soul and as an expression of that Logos before creation) his relative being and understanding becomes indistinguishably fused with that of the Logos or the Absolute’s first expression. In a way he would still be a man expressing the will of God and in a way an identity with God’s “Logos.”

Furthermore, concepts similar to that of the “Logos” or supreme organizing, uncreated intelligence interpreting the will of the “Father” (perhaps equivalent to the “Para Brahm” in Vedic terms, and to the “Ain” in Jewish, mystical terms) may also occur within some understandings of Buddhism and mystical and philosophical Islam (for instance as “Bodhicitta” in the case of Buddhism and in the case of Islam as Fritjoff Schuon elucidated as an aspect of the a trinity expressed by God when understood with a relative sense). Even within the normally considered non-theological and deity non-compatible Buddhism the least known (and formerly suppressed) Maha Madhyamika/Jonangpa school posits an essence (compatible with the concept of the Absolute) to which the emptiness which all relative phenomena are inherently subjected to doesn’t apply.

Definitely I’m not saying that Jesus was an extraterrestrial or that the Creator is an extraterrestrial. The issues are much more deeper and sacred to minimize them like that! However, there’s a spiritual relationship that  transcends the confines of the Earth and possesses a universal reach.  Have the aforementioned contactees from Latin America been told part of a story and-or history that relates to Jesus because of the receptivity of their Catholic/Christian cultural background? What may be learned from similar contactees in the Far East, India, or perhaps Africa, Melanesia, Eastern Europe, Siberia, Indonesia or the Middle East?  How much more of an exotheology will we have to discover and to carefully integrate under deep and “trans theological” patterns to mature as a planetary species?

If the Mission Rahma’s extraterrestrial messages are a valid account of part of our forgotten or unknown history we’ll have to overcome our exclusivist rejections of different superficially understood theologies to get at the crux of their meaning and of human history and destiny in relation to the Cosmos. We need to remember and to contact beings that respect us and may tell us more of our cosmic history. We also need to compare information from other similar contactee sources like George Adamski. On a deeper level of research we may find that that which connects us is more than that which separates us and that, as Thomas Merton showed, we may be climbing different sides of the same mountain even if the terrain looks seriously different on each side.

Interesting comments beyond a limited understanding of Jesus by Fr. Richard Rohr at  http://www.cccrmn.org/v2/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=316:interview-with-richard-rohr-the-eternal-christ-in-the-cosmic-story&catid=86:articles&Itemid=210

Book Review: Galactic Diplomacy – Getting to Yes with ET

Available from Amazon.com on June 16, 2013. Click graphic for link.

Review by Giorgio Piacenza Cabrera

This book is a comprehensive source for individuals who think  that sufficient evidence merits acceptance of the premise that intelligent extraterrestrials are already interacting with humanity and who are already asking what an appropriate, democratic, political response might be (even if an unsupervised “shadow government” maintains negotiations, exchanges and de facto agreements not only detached from common democratic processes but with the extraterrestrial groups it finds more appropriate. “Galactic Diplomacy: Getting to Yes with ET” is a seminal book written to offer a leading edge analysis of the nature of different extraterrestrial groups so that mindful citizens willing to represent their “vital interests” and even those of humanity, the Earth and even of all planetary sentient beings acquire basic, general information to intelligently proceed with a peaceful, “track two,” complementary, citizen’s “Galactic Diplomacy.”

Michael E. Salla has a PhD in Government from the University of Queensland and an M.A. in Philosophy from the University of Melbourne. He was Professor of Politics at American University and at George Washington University, held an academic appointment at the School of International Service and was a researcher in residence at the Center for Global Peace. As a distinguished scholar in conflict resolution and foreign policy Dr. Salla wrote The Hero’s Journey: Toward a Second American Century, substantiating America’s need to remember its national character by conducting a principled foreign policyAfter conducting distinguished fieldwork and research in ethnic conflict resolution in East Timor, Sri, Lanka, Kosovo and Macedonia, Dr. Salla founded (in 2005) Exopolitics Institute and Exopolitics Journal and became an internationally acclaimed promoter of the leading-edge field of Exopolitics.  In 2004, Dr. Salla published Exopolitics: Political Implications of the Extraterrestrial Presence (seminally defining Exopolitics within the framework of the social sciences) and in 2009, he published Exposing U.S. Government Policies on Extraterrestrial Life: The Challenge of Exopolitics carefully describing that the U.S. has secretly implemented a policy of research, technology gathering and exchanges with intelligent extraterrestrial life.

By cross-referencing information from selected notable contact experiencers (typifying a diversity of contacts), credible whistleblowers, selected channelers and leaked government documents Dr. Salla explores what different extraterrestrial civilizations might be up to, not only confirming that a major cover-up is proceeding (possibly nourishing unholy alliances with less convenient or adverse extraterrestrial groups) but also surveying what principled negotiations with extraterrestrial civilizations would entail, including the possibility that numerous denizens of our galactic community may respectfully offer us educational options while gently attempting to awaken  remembrance of our cosmic nature and inmost potentials.

There’s a well-balanced exposition of issues pertaining to exodiplomacy. For instance (besides delving INTO who might adequately represent Earth in exodiplomatic negotiations), issues of how some ET groups might manipulate citizen diplomats or if (from the perspective of ET groups) open citizen’s negotiations will be as binding as covert government ones? Will exodiplomacy be allowed, found complementary to conventional diplomacy or suppressed by Earth-based powers?

1982 British newspaper story on Eisenhower ET meeting
1982 British newspaper story on Eisenhower ET meeting

Some of the surprising  but necessary themes presented in this book (which endeavor to give a wide range of perspectives and information applicable to “Galactic Diplomacy”) include the diplomatic encounters with extraterrestrials that allegedly took place during the Eisenhower Administration, both in relation  to “First Encounters” with human-looking ETs (allegedly including planetary system-based “solarians,” and other extraterrestrials offering a spiritually-based, edification programs for humanity to subsequently/gradually be able to handle advanced technology and to integrate with a vast cosmic society responsibly). It also includes the “Secondary Encounters” typically with non-human or humanoid-looking ETs (which apparently suffer from complex physical and social-hierarchical problems even though offering technology in exchange for some negotiated benefits). I felt that Dr. Salla’s emphasis on circumstantial and testimonial evidence on the alleged Eisenhower encounters (like Bill Kirkling’s and Phil Schneider’s) is important but also left me feeling that some exopolitically significant events transpiring before his term of office (perhaps since the early 1940’s) should have also been mentioned.

Dr. Salla’s inevitably audacious book also offers a preliminary analysis of possible Military Industrial Extraterrestrial Complex (MIEC) ETs and of possible non-Military Industrial Extraterrestrial Complex ETs; evidence for human-looking ETs living among us; evidence of a program (called Galactic COINTELPRO) to discredit or suppress contactees. Furthermore, it deals with the (never implemented) 1978 UN resolution “33/426” to establish an agency for researching and informing about UFOs and related phenomena; presents exopolitical, citizen’s resolutions to deal with the ET presence in constructive ways (including the creation of an expected “code of conduct” for ETs) and even touches upon the possible role of “celestials” (higher entities with less physical limitations which should be studied because they are repeatedly mentioned in contactee literature) might play in the transition to a higher degree of human consciousness.

It may be the first time a book like this has been written. In fact, Dr. Salla’s book isn’t – by necessity –  just  pioneering and mind-expanding on such a unique but politically vital topic like “extraterrestrial contacts” and associated decision-making. Furthermore, it isn’t just sufficiently academic and ‘rational’ but also quite ‘reasonable’ since each chapter substantiates the aforesaid issues in a comprehensive and critical manner using – with an open and inclusive attitude – the varieties of evidence a sufficiently rational, sensible but normal “citizen of the world” (not overly encoded with a haughty academic skepticism) would consider.

Dr. Salla’s book shows us that one can be intellectually proficient even if evincing that sense-of- reality-challenging events indeed occur while a variety of otherworldly beings approach us with different vested interests. It shows us (unlike what other books in the UFO/ET contact phenomenon and its implications have shown) that – besides an exclusivist, disproportionate interest in particular aspects of human-ET relations (like the cover-up, technology and the contact-experiencer phenomenon) an earnestly INCLUSIVE analysis of the complex human-ET interaction (often combining subjective and objective types of evidence) it is not only possible but clearly necessary to understand the situation wholesomely to make informed political decisions soon to affect our collective fate. I think that implied in the book is the need for a critical but inclusive approach to coming to terms with a reality beckoning us to expand our physically limited sense of reality.

Artist depiction of 8 foot extraterrestrial and his dwarf companion walking with three Italian contactees. Amicizia case. Italy.
Artist depiction of 8 foot extraterrestrial and his dwarf companion walking with three Italian contactees. Amicizia case. Italy 1956-1978.

This book covers many areas of inquiry but also elicits additional questions. For instance, I do favor citizen’s diplomacy as it seems that particular benevolent ET species/races (allegedly the ones not predominantly negotiating with the Military Industrial Extraterrestrial Complex) even have indeed chosen to contact individuals attempting to share aspects of their particular “universalist” messages but, judging from how contactees every so often dismiss each other’s cases (or present their cases as central to human-ET contacts are we really able to definitely come together at once as a unified, planetary-wide group or only gradually?

As Dr. Salla also writes in chapter one “…a premium needs to be placed on maintaining a high level of integrity for this form of citizen based diplomacy. This will prevent undue manipulation by ‘unfriendly’ extraterrestrial races…”  Will this ‘integrity’ include thinking in connected, mature ways embracing all compatible contact experiences? Thus far, a main quality sought in contactees seems to have been a principled mind capable of assuming a ‘mission’ to at least attempt to re-transmit parts of an emancipating, educational message. This subjective feature probably entails a degree of post formal ethics for which ETs sufficiently esteem such persons as bona fide Earth representatives. However, perhaps efforts should also be coordinated under a supervising, integrally aware council embracing all vital political (Earth-based and extraterrestrial) needs. Will it be best if citizens’ diplomacy with non-MIEC ETs is coordinated with broad-minded, post-formal, ethical overseers (perhaps connected to the UN) similar to how MJ-12 allegedly oversees MIEC-ET diplomacy?

The book mentions benevolent “first contacts” occurring before the “grays” became popular. Furthermore, it mentions contacts with “intraterrestrials” (entities living in underground bases), with “solarians” (Solar System based ETs) and with other human-friendly, galactic neighbors. While I agree that these types of contacts occur (I have truthful friends who claim to have had such contacts), because of the gravitational pull we experience (requiring sufficient planetary mass), I don’t think they can possibly relate (as suggested) to beings living in an extensively hollow Earth but, rather, those who in enhanced cavities within the Earth’s crust. However, I found the evidence for human-looking “solarians” more compelling, since the presence of extraterrestrials like “Val Thor” and from the “Amicizia” contacts in Italy was supported by several witnesses and photographs.

By agreeing with Dr. Salla’s politically reasonable idea that by incorporating and cross-referencing a broad range of plausible information from contact experiencers, researchers, leaked government documents, whistleblowers (like Stewart Swerdlow, Robert Dean, Philip Corso, Dan Sherman) and more credible channelers (like Lyssa Royal and Norma Milanovich) we may basically recognize the existence of two main types of extraterrestrials (those allegedly cooperating more actively with the MIEC and those that not doing so).

Crucially, I think that one of the main strengths of the book is a reasonable search for overall patterns without excessive efforts to validate any one aspect. While not being scientifically undeniable (even if some details have been amply corroborated, for instance, by serious Ufology), it is politically sufficient and useful. It is a balanced search which can provide an informed assessment appropriate to a social science approach or to an intelligence information gathering suitable to human decision-making. Given the circumstances this is a good example to follow since – in order to advance informed exopolitical responses – whether specific appraisals are correct or not, we must first come to terms with the general patterns.


Final speaker panel from 2006 ET Civilization and World Peace Conference adopting Conference Declaration
Final speaker panel from 2006 ET Civilization and World Peace Conference adopting Hawaii Conference Declaration

Readers interested in this book and in plausible exopolitical responses might be particularly pleased by some chapters alluding to various citizen resolutions in which UFO/ET cognizant/aware people from different countries and Dr. Salla were involved. Thus, we read about the 2006 “Hawaii Declaration on Peaceful Relations with Extraterrestrial Civilizations” which not just affirms “the intent of humanity to join in peaceful and cooperative relations with extraterrestrial civilizations” and “the natural right of all citizens to have open contact with representatives of extraterrestrial civilization in all cases and to engage in non-official diplomacy” but also to declare “the need for Civil Society to develop acceptable protocols (standards of behavior) with extraterrestrial civilizations, that the protocols should be representative of humanity, and that all nations should work in concert to establish peaceful relations.”

In other words, concerned individuals will find in this pioneering book that citizens with principled intentions have already come together attempting to plant the kernels for peaceful and constructive interactions with extraterrestrials. In fact, they’ll find that there have already been at least six citizen (international civilian) diplomatic initiatives and that the concepts of ecological balance and respect for all life have been central. One of them was the 2007 “Earth Transformation Declaration” which focused on taking personal responsibility for the transformative creation of a planetary civilization while recognizing interconnected health and wholeness and affirming the “political sovereignty and self-determination of humanity in relation to extraterrestrial civilizations,” besides the “promotion of new energy technologies to provide solutions to urgent global environmental and resource depletion issues” and  the protection of cetaceans as sentient, intelligent species.  Other important diplomatic initiatives were the 2009 “Declaration for the Creation of a European Agency to Study UFOs and Extraterrestrial Affairs,” the 2008 “Declaration for Citizen Contact Councils” (promoting the use of positive, international contact procedures), and the “Statement of Aspirations and Code of Conduct for Extraterrestrials Interacting with Earth” which outlined “standards (of conduct) extraterrestrials would need to observe” (something I very much agree with).

“Galactic Diplomacy: Getting to Yes with ET” showed me that it was possible to treat the complex and startling exopolitical situation with fairness, academic distinction and a form of reasonableness that includes an objective analysis and qualitative assessment suitable to a useful, normal and moral human standpoint. It succeeds in presenting a necessarily challenging overview of various unique categories that must be inclusively studied to practice exopolitics and to responsibly launch a new stage in real-world human-ET interacting with a vital and extraordinary political situation.

 [Note: Galactic Diplomacy: Getting to Yes with ET will be available in paperback and Kindle versions on June 16, 2013 at Amazon.com . Autographed copies are also available – click here.]


Nicolas Roerich allusion to intraterrestrial masters of wisodm

Nicolas Roerich allusion to intraterrestrial Masters of Wisdom– These masters are also recognized by a FEW knowledgeable persons within ANDEAN and contactee traditions in Perú


By Giorgio Piacenza

The creator of the term “exopolitics” (Alfred Webre) defined it as “”the study of political process and governance in interstellar society.”” In 2004 Dr. Michael Salla, promoting an academic exopolitics defined it as: “The study of the key individuals, institutions and political processes associated with extraterrestrial life.”

In 2009, the Strategy Committee of the Exopolitics Institute defined “exopolitics” as “an interdisciplinary scientific field, with its roots in the political sciences, that focuses on research, education and public policy with regard to the actors, institutions and processes, associated with extraterrestrial life, as well as the wide range of implications this entails through public advocacy and newly emerging paradigms.”


In order to practice exopolitics is it not absolutely necessary to believe that extraterrestrials are currently interacting with planet Earth and/or humanity but (in contrast to exobiology) it is necessary to at least seriously consider the legal, political, scientific, religious and cultural implications of what this presence could mean.

If diplomatic contact were established with other civilizations, who would represent the interests of common people, nations, the Earth and nature as a whole? Would it be the United Nations that until now is formed by nations that represent themselves in a forum to solve their differences in a peaceful way and to promote agreements? Would it be any of the more powerful nations like the U.S., Russia, China, India, Canada, Brazil? The European Union? How would religions be represented? And what about intellectuals, humanitarians, universities, scientific academies?


Most exopoliticians today consider that the accumulated evidence provided by a Ufology of a scientific character in the last six and a half decades has sufficiently demonstrated that we are being visited by a variety of intelligent beings from the Cosmos. That “ufology” would include not only physical evidence but contacteeism and abduction research, both of them now also called “experiencer research.”  The exopoliticians would also consider that specific secret groups from some of the more powerful of the world’s nations have covered-up this fact, perhaps – among other reasons – to study the technology behind the mystery. They also basically agree that, by conducting these investigations without any checks and balances from civil society, the rights of citizens have been in some ways violated. Moreover, they would say that research has been conducted using public funds without submitting to democratic supervision or accountancy.

Is all of this warranted? Has it all been done only having national security inmind or have there been abuses of civil rights, even perhaps unwarranted enrichment? As a species, we need to heal all this. We need to know who we are. Why would ET’s be here? Can we or can’t we handle the truth? While there’s evidence that a fraction of humanity is experiencing genuine contact events with a variety of beings, there is still too much denial, fear and old-style covert militarism handling aspects of this situation, some of it perhaps managed for the sake of power, under a paradigm of disconnection, under a secret association of top aerospace corporations, elites, unacknowledged covert military projects and intelligence teams “in the know.”

Not only our leaders, but the mass of humanity needs to grow up beyond such an unending projection of conflict that also projects a continuity of our Earthly fears, hateful subdivisions,selfishness and conflicts into the Cosmos.


The growing emergence of credible whistleblowers who (in order to defend democratic ideals) reveal that they worked in secret government projects investigating UFOs and different kinds of extraterrestrial information is quite extensive.  It is sufficient to carefully read the declarations recorded by the “Disclosure Project.” However, these and other informants and/or “whistleblowers”/credible concerned citizens have openly decared in venues such as “Project Camelot,” and “The Citizen’s Hearing for Disclosure.” In fact, Exopolitics Institute founder Dr. Michael Salla has also conducted interviews with individuals like William Mills Tompkins (with documents accrediting he worked for aerospace firms and for the U.S. Navy) regarding the existence of a secret space program dating back to the 1940’s.


Important cases indicative of the reasonable possibility that some of the effects were best explained by considereing the activities of technologically-advanced, non-human intelligences were researched and/or assessed by a high-ranking French team of security experts and scientists who produced the so-called “COMETA Report.” Furthermore, testimonies from military and government officials attesting about important (and even nationally recognized) unique UFO cases have been gathered by reporters like Leslie Kean. Also, the number of declassified UFO documents from countries like England and Brazil is significant. All of this and much more points to a physically real phenomenon, sometimes interactive, sometimes exhibiting intelligent behavior; a phenomenon that is already being officially investigated in several countries. Therefore, in a way, the U.S. is becoming an “odd” super power by not unequivocally publicly recognizing an interest in UFO research. Moreover, leaked classified documents (which in some cases have been carefully analyzed verifying their autheticity) exist. For example, see the work of Dr. Robert Wood (former Mc Donald Douglas scientist) on the SOM-1 101 documents for this.

There have also been physical analysis of implants found in persons who claim to have been abducted; implants possessing truly anomalous characteristics (like isotopes not naturally occurring on Earth, a nano technology apparently connected to the nervous system, the lack of an inflammation response, the emission of electromagnetic signals and no sign of entry) all indicates that (unless all can be explained by secret military operations) we are really facing a complex, intelligent presence that can only be irrationally ignored by preserving our own ignorance while other countries with a more open-minded attitude move forward in understanding.

As per further evidence of direct contact, “experiencer” testimony, the Edgar Mitchell Foundation for Research on Extraterrestrial Encounters (F.R.E.E.) has conducted a major international survey for persons that claim conscious memory recall of having experienced contact(s) with non-human intelligent beings inconnection to UFO sightings. Thousands of individuals have already responded in various languages and some unique patterns have arised (often challenging some widely held assumptions about the contact experience and abductions). Whether we consider these reports as sufficient proof that objectively real extraterrestrial contacts are happening or not, it would be ludicrous – from a scientific point of view – to simply dismiss these reports. This is an important type of research that adds more credibility regarding the extent and plausible objective reality of the contact phenomenon and sheds new and/or more precise information about it. A link to F.R.E.E. is www.experiencer.org 

In addition to ancestral myths, stories and knowledge about “star visitors” there is well-researched, modern and old UFO photographs, some taken before the advent of the computer age. All of this points toward the realization that we are infact being “visited” in a semi-covert way.  “They” normally seem to show up briefly and on a limited manner and leave all too soon. There are lies and misperceptions or mistaken identities, but it would be unreasonable to dismiss all of it as such.


Above, first a 1943 photo from Huánuco, Peru researched by Mr. Juan Manuel Llanos (from the Asociación Peruana de Ufología) and then a 1938 photo from Poland researched by Mr. Robert Bernatowicz from the Nautilus Foundation.

Outright dismissal and apathy toward what could be a most significant, worldview-changing situation can be explained by a deep-seated “not wanting to know” expressing itself in multiple ways. However, perhaps under a different exopolitical approach, this can gradually (if not speedily) be reverted. Is it unreasonable to think that the attitudes of ridicule, ultra secrecy, fear, power-seeking, religious condemnation and denial could play a role in extraterrestrials generally not being more open about their presence? 


Since the Exopolitics Institute was created in the U.S., similar institutes and organizations have emerged in Germany, England, Spain, South Africa, Hong Kong and several high quality international conferences have been organized. The movement exists but has not reached a wider audience. One of themes more referred to in some conferences has been that of government secrecy. Another has been that of “Galactic Diplomacy.” Then again, friendly interactions besides forced interventions (abductions) conducted by some varieties of extraterrestrial entities have been mentioned. Also, some of the information brought by some contactees (showing some degree of evidence like photographs, other witnesses and videos) has been analyzed. Moreover, information from different parts of the world has been incipiently cross-referenced. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0o40fjoUNSY 


To simply say that the ET presence is “impossible” according to the laws of physics (such as those we havefound as per classical physics and General Relativity) would be to affirm that we know is where the limits of older civilizations stand. It would be equivalent to ignoring the fact that science often advances with amazing strides and that it continuously overcomes its own limits, finding unexpected ways to build on past successes. It would be equivalent to categorically stating that the non-local findings of quantum mechanics will never be applicable to large, everyday objects.  Perhaps by learning to distort the spatial energy density at the zero-point “quantum vacuum” and by understanding the non-local way inertia operates we would come to understand that the normal physical limits are a valid but also restricted to a local situation and within a range that can be overcome.


Engineers Tom Valone, Eugene Mallove and Thomas Bearden performed very interesting studies about how some of the elements of extraterrestrial technologies might operate. The“emDrive” devised by Roger Shawyer is also quite promising and only seems to violate Newton’s second law. These possiblities have to do with an interactive quantum vacuum. Parts of this technology might serve to generate forms of clean energy and may be released to the public if it is found that they cannot be weaponized.


In April 2013 at the National Press Club in Washington, DC 40 witnesses declared before 6 former U.S. congressmen (and citizens from the U.S. and around the world) in a mock (yet damn serious) public hearing under oath. Peru was well represented by retired Coronel Oscar Santa María Huertas (who intercepted with his jet fighter and shot at an alien space craft during a massive daytime sighting above La Jolla Airforce Base in 1980, Peru) and by the attorney Anthony Choy (researcher of the “Chulucanas Incident” in northern Peru and one of the civilian founding members of OIFAA, the Peruvian Airforce’s Research Office of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena). Their declarations contributed to the “eye-opening” or “discovery environment” co-generated with the shocking declarations of the other witnesses. Former U.S. intelligence officers, veteran researchers with serious degrees of evidence about a cover-up, plus captains, sergeants, majors and coronels (like Richard French) from the U.S. and other countries, also contributed with their very clear and objective declarations that point toward extraterrestrial “visitation.” Retired Coronel Ariel Sánchez from the Republic of Uruguay narrated how in his country “anomalous aerial objects” are studied with greater openness, educating the civilian population without conclusive saying that extraterrestrials are here but (like other official research organizations in LatinAmerica) without discarding the extraterrestrial presence as a reasonable POSSIBILITY.


The former U.S. congress persons (Merrill Cook, Darlene Hooley, Carolyn Kilpatrick, Mike, Gravel, Roscoe Bartlett, Lynn Woolsey) had arrived to the hearing with some skepticism knowing little about the wide-ranging UFO subject matter but were quite impressed by the quality of the witnesses assembled. In the end they suggested that some other country or group of countries (perhaps Latin American countries) formally ask the United Nations to produce an international conference on the theme of UFOs/the ET presence. They did recognized that it was an important issue of global scope that concerns everyone.  A former Brazilian senator was present and promised that, upon returning to his country, he would promote this idea. Also UFO researcher Ademar J. Gevaerd announced that the Brazilian Air Force had declared that it would not only declassify thousands of UFO files (besides what they had already declassified) but that it would collaborate more closely with civilian researchers.

The in-depth studies of historian Richard Dolan and of other notable concerned citizens, exopoliticians, academicians and activists like Michael Salla, Stephen Bassett, Daniel Sheehan and Steven Greer seemed to show that the cover-up of the extraterrestrial presence will not be sustained for much too long. Hundreds of DVD’s containing the all the hearing’s declarations and inquiries from the former congressmen were sent to current congressional leaders but years have gone by and little or no interest has been shown. 

However, in society in general,the taboo that implies simply speaking about this likely presence is winding down. The same goes for events deemed “paranormal” which also seem to be “impossible” but which innumerable studies (including meta statistical studies such as those conducted by Dr. Dean Radin) show that they are not.

But what we need a more flexible mindset to create a more inclusive worldview in which science and these events related with subjectivity are compatible. We need to update the mental narratives that define or color our self-identities, doing it with empirically and scientifically proven awareness that we indeed participate in a vaster, psychical, conscious, multi-layered, coherent, non-local, feedback and feed forward, intelligent information matrix dependent of a more essential spiritual reality.

But what role will Peru and Peruvian thinkers play when the reality of this presence is (even if gradually or partially) finally revealed and/or vastly acknowledged? How will a Peruvian (or similar developing country) Government react when information about possible semi-legal agreements with some ultra covert military forces have been discretely made (without democratic supervision) with specific extraterrestrial groups, some of which may not have our best interests at heart? Will an international leadership form to establish contact with other, more pro-human extraterrestrial civilizations?

I surmise that Andean countries like Peru generally possess cultural traditions which are more flexible and adaptive, even to events that escape prosaic physical explanations. Populations have been culturally suppressed but have sincretically adapted. They found attractive commonalities between what they knew and some Western Christian beliefs and practices. While the acceptance of all forms of life is more natural in the original Native American traditions in which connectivity with subtle energies is also easier, the sense of the Sacred as felt and colored in relation to Christian Catholic concepts like the supreme Love, Understanding and Power of Jesus also connect some contactees (and potentially other members of society) with the possibility of interacting with very highly evolved, benevolent extraterrestrial and intra terrestrial beings.    

We strive in the modern, religious and traditional worlds without being excessively defined by any of these.  Its upside is adaptability. Its downside is not having well-defined values. However, unless modernity, decadent institutions, corruption, materialist and consumer values overtake us completely, we may have more possibilities for culturally adapting to new exopolitical realities and even of contributing some original perspectives to the emerging exopolitical movement.


I intuit that some of the ancestral Andean Traditions (in union with current/modern knowledge) can help us to produce our own theoretical models in relation to Exopolitics and in relation to the cultural transformations implied. After extensive reading and participating in a few traditinal ceremonies, I will use my own interpretations of what sone of the Andean concepts might refer to. A particular tradition called “Tinkuy” or “unforced encounter” may be intellectually (and feeling-wise) quite useful to connect with other worlds.


By means of contact “experiencers” in general and researchers like psychiatrist Dr. John Mack from Harvard; by means of information from whistleblowers and a long-standing research (at least since the beginning of the “Modern UFO Era” in the 1940s) which includes the physical and psychical aspects of UFO encounters, we can safely say that we know that contact events with extraterrestrials tend to produce physical space-time anomalies together with pronounced interactions between the minds and consciousnesses involved. As in Native American natural medicine (often erronesously called “shamanism”), what in modern times is  called “subjective” blends in with what is called “objective,” showing that these events correspond to other kinds of more inclusive, reconciling, interactive laws. This calls for a new kind of science integrating physics with classical and “paranormal” experience, consciousness, meaningfulness, rational metaphysics much more.


Perhaps the Andean concept of RECIPROCITY (Ayni) (part of a much more complex wisdom) can guide us. Maybe we can also demonstrate that, just as we have adapted in a syncretic but creative way (at least until postmodernism and excessive commercialism without losing our original identity) to European ideas and mores, to Christianity and Modernity during the processes of cultural crossbreeding and the assimilation of foreign cultural patterns, we could also adapt to the new world which would form under the open recognition of the extraterrestrial presence without undergoing an excessively intense cultural shock. Perhaps we (and humanity everywhere) will demonstrate that the essential esoteric teachings of our religions rather than disappearing would interconnect and broaden, get richer and deepen.


What if besides God’s universal laws and patterns defining what an ideal human being is, varieties of ETs (likewise ultimately dependent upon those and/or other patterns) also contributed to our gene pool? Should we be protected from that knowledge like everalsting children? No, because I think that we can grow up and adapt. But we need to know and not just that ETs are here, that there are kind and unkind ones, that some elements still called “the government” have lied to us or that there is advanced multiple reality shifting technology. I think that we need to know about our origins and who we are or were supposed to be in relation to beings that may have been active on Earth far longer than a few decades.

I think we are much more resilient and that the “Durant Report” conclusion for the “Robertson Panel”about the dangers of contacting a more advanced civilization was not too valid. The possibility of syncretism enriching rather than diminishing human civilization is real as long as the cultural leaders representing the highest wisdom of a civilization are not eliminated or suppressed. The danger would be when a civilization forgets the highest principles that guide it as can happen not only in Perú but also in the U.S. and the Western world which brought liberal democracy and with it, some univeral human rights principles that should extend worldwide but which may be hundered if we continue on a stubborn path of prompting elites, discordant ideologies, abusive exploitationof nature, commoditizing and objectifying people, continuous superficial entertainment and exalting winners over losers and violence.

What if the Ideal Man (the Adam Kadmon) was indeed a Divine creation in a higher (now mythicized) plane of existence and what ETs might have done as per our physical vehicles is but a small part of it all? What if ‘they’ need us to grow up and -due to our ignorance about who we are and lack of political unity – some go about it more aggressively while others more spiritually and respectfully? And among them, who would be more politically convenient to openly establish closer bonds with? Should we prioritize contacts with beings first willing to share metaphysical knowledge rather than contacts with beings willing to share a technology with the potential to mire us into firther cycles of conflict? Should we let any secret government appointees represent humanity and handle the exopolitics?

What we need is to become seriously interested in these issues and to participate by educating ourselves with a breath of vision, information from all sources and a critical but emotionally balanced mind. We need to expand our ethical embrace to all sentience, caring about and including those varieties of ETs that may have committed abuses and mistake in our past and which may still commit them (without necessarily allowing them to act this way with us any more).  We must learn to find out who those entities that respect us the most are and to ally ourselves with them. We must also not jump to conclusions as to who is positive or negative in a xenophobic way. The issue may be more subtle and complex, requiring a more integrative kind of logic.

How can exopolitics really develop in Peru interacting with the world? What are our potentials? There already is a certain flexibility and openness. There’s also a native way of thinking about complementarity between dynamic opposites in the original Andean tradition and it may be philosphically and culturally useful. But in “modernizing Perú” there’s also a growing allegiance to modern entertaiment and commercial, cultural, political, economic forces and a psychology of cynicism due to extensive corruption.

Our Air Force was open to receive reports from citizens and spoke openly about what was being reported or researched. If we – as citizens or even within institutions – were to collaborate with bona fide contactees able to communicate with beings willing to provide evidence this would give us an unusual recognition if we were able to become earnestly/responsibly interested and able to film -with interactive clarity – actual extraterrestrial (transdimensional) vehicles during programmed appointments for those sightings. Thus, can we seek this interaction with ‘them’ to help them be less ‘unusual’ in our presence by accepting them with the same respect they bestow on us? I think so.

As Latin Americans in general and as Peruvians in particular we can perhaps stand out in this type of “connective exopolitics” of…CONTACT; of taking a stance to relate Humanity and the Earth system with more benign, positive beings that respect us more thoroughly in order to learn and educate (they can learn from us as we can learn from them) in an essentially egalitarian exchange, respecting our common essence without generating dependencies. The Qu’ero people of the Andes and other native American compatriots perhaps know there are advanced beings that live underground among us in the planet. The Paco Pacuris”….They also are in the Peruvian territory protecting…Earth.


As a people we are a hope for the planetary future of exopolitical relations if we maintain and respect and enhance these benign relations. Possibly in all Native American traditions there is an easygoing, calmer acceptance of a variety of experiences that connect us with other intelligences, ancestors, nature spirits, even star beings. All of them – like humans (Runas) – simply are conscious beings. Accepting a relationship (Tinkuy) with other types of Runas (other “humans” or intelligent beings with differing inner capacities to connect and  toco-create) would simply extend the range of our “home,” that part of the universal tapestry that we can perceive, interact with and which imposes limits and responsibilities upon us.

What appears to our awareness, especially in a community-sanctioned form, can be incorporated into our reality system. Relationships are the main factors in non-polluted Andean thinking and only through relationships can something really exist. Concepts such as reciprocity, male and female complementarity in everything and parity (the idea that anything that exists comes in pairs), lend themselves to recognizing further relationships among all entities. This thinking tends not to be “essentialist” as in the Western traditions, but everything is considered “alive” and basically originating in what can be understood as a dimensionless center called CHAUPIN. Moreover, levels of reality (often connected with wat could be called “time frames”) are accepted and encounters between beings and realities are said to generate new forms of existence. Thus, a natural or unforced “encounter” (or TINKUY) with beings from other realities can generate creative outcome that enriches the tapestry of life. The distinction between worlviews, the sacred and daily life is less important and there’s an emphasis in responsibility. Feeling (munay), thinking/conceptually understanding (yachay) and acting (llankay) are integrated and equally important. 

The division of reality into three levels and four areas all of which originate from what may be considered an indefinable (maybe “non-dual” Source – the Living Energy or “Force” (Kawsay) – may also be another key concept, compatible with current philosophical advances like Integral Theory.

I think that, as a particular exopolitical expression, we can take the initiative of communicating more actively with protective beings in order to balance the Earth system, the expressions of its Living Energy or “Force” (Kawsay). In the Andean traditions it is understood that there is “heavy” force (or energy, so to speak) and that some beings live under it but benign curandero and priestly practices exist to lighten up this burden and heal.  Thus (as in other native American traditions) the existence of some “service-to-self” extraterrestrial entities could be more naturally accepted and there can be practices to neutralize or restore human and planetary life that has been influenced by them.  

Forgiveness and a fresh openness to a more positive path is possible and lies ahead.

At Teotihuacan, Mexico July 2014 sighting with Sixto Paz 

The first photo on the left is from Teotihuacan, Mexico when UFOs were seen during a meditation led by Peruvian contactee Sixto Paz Wells.  There are several other contactees and telepaths potentially capable of same. It’s important to continue with these pro-active, amicable human-extraterrestrial citizen efforts worldwide.

The second image depicts that when the center of the Andean Cross (Tawa Chakana) is placed over Cuzco a 45 degree angle to its upper-left center tip aligns with important sacred sites (Huacas) along the Capaq Ñan (Inca and pre-Inca road system). An intermediate line between the north-south line and the main 45 degree NW Capaq Ñan line would play an important part in ancient cosmic rituals related with alignment of the Earth and the concept of “tying up the Sun.”

“Chakana” means “bridge” (a bridge for an interwoven, relational, multi-level reality) and the “Tawa Chakana” (the four-sided chakana) also represents an Andean cosmology about how reality is structured and connected. If adequate, it may help understand how universal influences structure the cosmic tapestry that extraterrestrials (capable of modifying spacetime and of utilizing psychic, spiritual and material aspects) also understand. It could be useful to understand the creation, relationships and connectivity among realities born from the unforced encounter (Tinkuy) of distinct realms. 

This symbolIt has an open center (Chaupin) or Source of Life. “Yana” would mean “pure” or “flour” or “clear”. “Yanan” (also meaning dark) would represent dependent reflection, a necessary illusion. “Masintin” would represent a specific influence among equals or a parts-generating influence which can be conflictive or cooperative. “Yanantin” would represent the ideal harmony between two opposites that complement. Yana, Yanan, Masintin, Yanantin would be primordial influences that combine into 4 areas of expression and each would basically express within three “worlds,” including an actual world of already-existing (organizing?) principles (Hanan Pacha) and an interior, emerging, future-oriented, potential and/or chaotic, but psychologically real world (Uku Pacha). The middle level (Kay Pacha) would be a world of perceivable, relational experiences for anyone living in it and would be generated by the natural or unforced encounter (Tinkuy) of the other two worlds. It would maintain the characteristics of the parent worlds but also be born (and relationally sustained) with its own original contribution to the tapestry of Life.

Ritual cosmological representations (“mesas”) made by curanderos (andean priests, ritualists or “paqos”) also often divide these into 4 general “spaces” (or “canchas”) formed by combining “Yana” “Yanan” “Hanan” and “Uku.” It is more speculative but, in a certain sense, “Masintin,” representing indivisible or unique entities in equal relationships with each other would correlate with “Hanan” (as clearly-given principles) and “Yanantin,” representing dual and harmonious, but less defined relationships, would correlate with “Uku.” 

There might be different combinations between the Hanan and Uku pachas giving rise to worlds of experience with different characteristics (perhaps different “densities” if they are physical). From our physical perspective the Hanan Pacha would correspond to what is called the Seed World in Vedanta Cosmology (Causal in Theosophy) and the Uku Pacha would correspond to what is known as the Subtle or Mental World. 

The basic Andean Chakana can also be multiplied as a fractal. The most advanced Andean “priests” (Ruwa Altum Misayoq) would be able to travel across many or all worlds by first going into the center. 

If our paradigms (theoretical models and methods) explaining empirical, interactive episodes with non-human intelligent entities and realities can be enhanced by ancient Andean traditions that can also complement and supplement other ancient wisdom traditions, current thinking on quantum physics (like the Quantum Hologram Theory of Consciousness) and emerging transdisciplinary and integrative philosophies, the stated goals of “Exopolitics” (as expressed in the 2009 Exopolitics Institute’s definition) would be facilitated.


Further information: http://peruexopolitics.blogspot.pe/2013/05/the-inca-tawa-chakana-and-integral.html

Contacting Friendly “Apunians” in the Andes: Vlado Kapetanovic Leading the Way

Vlado Kapetanovic
Vlado Kapetanovic

By Giorgio Piacenza What extraterrestrial civilizations would be most convenient to contact as friends and allies of humanity? Should “Apunians” be high on the list of a citizen’s contact initiative? Individuals currently claim they are contacting these helpful ETs. However, I also conducted the following interview in Lima, Peru in 1994 while  Vlado Kapetanovic Bulatovic was still alive. Mr. Kapetanovic (who was naturalized as a Peruvian citizen) passed away in 2005 and is considered to have been the first contactee in Peru to speak about contacts with beings from planet “Apu.” He was well-known and respected among ET-contact-interested individuals and UFO researchers. He was invited by Wendelle C. Stevens to the First International UFO Conference and – due to his inspiring, straightforward humanitarian message – received a standing ovation. He transmitted the feeling that relatively easy contacts with respectful, human extraterrestrials were possible.


Allegedly, people contacting the “Apunians” didn’t require any special preparation. Mr. Kapetanovic was born in Kolasin, Montenegro in 1918 and after the Second World War came to Peru to work as an hydroelectric engineer. Vlado was a kind, humble, affable and generous man who wrote “170 Horas con Extraterrestres” under the pseudonym of “Vitko Novi.” The book was published in Spanish, German and Italian, but also in English by Wendelle C. Stevens (in the English version 70 Hours were taken away from the title by mistake). Well, Vlado (like the Apunians) basically inspired benevolence. His first book (“170 Horas con Extraterrestres”) is more credible as it basically narrates events. Subsequent books (like “Galaxia X-9”) seem to be based on what he recalls and partially re-interprets about the history of the world, the creation of the universe and other things that were allegedly shown to him through three dimensional “time screens” on board an Apunian space craft. Besides Vlado Kapetanovic there are other contactees in Peru who claim to have had physical contacts with the Apunians. Among them, Sixto Paz Wells from Mision Rahma, Ricardo Gonzalez and Roberto Vargas de la Gala. One of the best known Apunians is called “Godar” and I also know a Uruguayan couple who have allegedly contacted Godar besides those mentioned. These contactees’ information about the Apunians matches Vlado’s but only partially so.  In Vlado’s case, they are more like “kind people” that interact with Andean shepherds in a helpful way and even accept prepared food and eat with them. They are said to come from another more evolved “galaxy” which Vlado calls “X-9.” In the other contactee cases, the Apunians come from “Alpha Centauri” and are sometimes contacted physically and-or holographically through artificially generated, visible space-time connecting, energy bubbles called “Xendras.”  They are human-looking and over 7’ tall but also considered very respectful and protective. Contacting this variety of Apunians normally requires physical, mental and spiritual preparations as if they maintain a higher energy state. Interestingly, the word “Apu” is very important here in Peru and refers to the powerful spirits of the mountains, to a “lord,” to something sublime and to community leaders. Allegedly, Vlado’s first encounter took place in Hydroelectric Plant of Huallanca, in Ancash, Peru and subsequent encounters took place in a small settlement of high altitude (between 11,000-13,000 feet approximately) shepherds above the right margin of the “Quitaraxa River,” near Los Cedros Creek, not far from “Champara” mountain and close to “Milwacocha.” One of the alleged witnesses was a technician whose last name was “Quispe” and another one was called Adrian Perez.  I haven’t located them personally to verify the story but can attest that, during some psychographic communications with alleged “Apunians” (communications in which some family members and friends were involved and which led to clear UFO sightings in the beach of the coastal town of Chilca, south of Lima), alleged “Apunian” ETs held Vlado Kapetanovic in high regard.


Click image to download a pdf copy of book

I haven’t seen photographs or UFO films related with this case. It mostly rests on the authenticity Vlado exuded and perhaps on finding a few living witnesses. Mr. Julio Longo who lived with Vlado in Salamanca de Monterrico, Lima attests in favor of Vlado’s sincerity. Anthony Choy (well-known Peruvian UFO researcher) mentions that he met neighbors who saw UFOs near Vlado’s home. Tobías Sarmiento was Vlado’s replacement engineer at the hydroelectric in Huallanca and might still live. A man named Adrian Perez is mentioned in Vlado’s account but I haven’t met him. Veterinarian José Antonio Torre Ferrara allegedly met some of the witnesses of Vlado’s encounters. He lives in Lima and I’m going to research this.


Vlado Kapetanovic : Interviewed by Giorgio Piacenza  Vlado Kapetanovic (Vitko Novi), born in 1918, is a Yugoslavian electrical engineer who experienced hundreds of physical contact hours with the Apunians in the highlands of Peru. He is highly regarded by some people communicating with ETs in Peru and is a responsible altruistic man living a very simple life. This interview took place in Lima in September of 1994 and speaks about some of his first encounters with a very benevolent and old race of friends to the human race. GP– Who are they Vlado? VK– They are persons that live on a planet they call “Apu,” which is many millions of light years distant from our galaxy. GP– How do they look? VK– They look the same as us, yet they are physically better proportioned (than most on Earth). They can be as tall as they wish to; some are taller than two meters and some are shorter. GP– When did your contacts begin? VK– On March 10, 1960, at the Hydroelectric Plant of Huallanca in Ancash, Peru. One night the light went out… I was an electrical technician in charge of the plant… I went outside to start the D.C. emergency system and met with such a light that it seemed to be daytime. It came from a saucer resting on a piece of land between two nearby rivers. The security guard, Quiroz, told me not to approach because “they are persons that do much good up in the villages… they he-l us, make it rain and every-thing.” I just thought they were from the military because somehow they had passed through the electric cables. Nevertheless, I asked Quiroz where they were from and he said. “They are our friends from planet Apu.” Thinking that he was drunk, I told him to set down. Walking towards the light, I encountered two human persons. They saluted me in my own language (Yugoslavian), but this didn’t surprise me because anyone can learn languages. I asked them why they had caused the interruption and they answered, “Friend, we don’t come to Earth to harm anyone, but to help our terrestrial brothers…everything for others.” then they climbed into the ship and left. GP-How was your second contact? VK– On April 2, 1960, a technician and I went for a hike.1 On a plain we found shepherds with their animals. There was a campfire and suddenly one of the shepherds came to us and aggressively asked, “What do you want here?” I told him that we were hunting pumas. Then he abruptly said, “go over there.” Suddenly, another person approached from the campfire gathering and I recognized him as one of those persons that I had seen at the hydroelectric plant. He gave me his hand and the shepherd allowed me to pass through. We sat around and one of the foreigners stood up and said he would demonstrate a “gymnastic exercise” for our liking. He pressed some buttons on his chest, his pants became wider like balloons then flew around and returned. Thinking that I was being hypnotized, I walked back home. GP– How was your third experience? VK– On May 15, 1960, Quispe the technician and I went for a walk to the hills and we met with shepherds in huts near a campfire. Out of a hut came a crying boy and a crying lady. We asked this lady why she was crying and she responded that a week ago one of her boys had fractured his spine and several ribs. Then we went into the hut to see her boy. He was about ten years old and his body had a deep blue color associated with gangrene. We asked her to allow us to take the boy to the town of Caraz for treatment. She emphatically rejected this proposal because “the g-ds will come to heal him”. I was expecting them to dance naked and invoke the spirits when suddenly a small airplane descended vertically without any noise. Everyone around the campfire stood up when a woman stepped out of this craft, approached and went into the hut. Carrying the little boy in her arms, she took him into the airplane. Everyone around me kneeled down, but I remained standing until my companion told me to kneel. She then approached and said, “Please stand up. We don’t come to Earth to be thanked, paid, or worshipped on your knees because we have the sacred mission of doing everything for others.” We all stood up, She approached and I asked her, “What have you done with the boy?” She responded, “I disintegrated him into minius1 and then reintegrated him with healthy cells.” Again, I asked her, “What does that mean?” She made a gesture with her hands and turned seven sheep into flower vases. I still thought she could make me see anything through hypnosis. She commented that on Earth “We, as a people, usually think what we can see or do selfishly.”


“Then, where are you from,” I asked her, “From Earth or Apu?” “I am from Earth, but have lived in Apu for 100 years.” Then she moved her hand once again and the vases turned into seven doves. Some dogs ran after them and I thought, “Poor dogs, they are as hypnotized as me.” Suddenly, she moved her hand and the seven sheep reappeared. Then, the lady invited us to go into the airplane to see events on the “time screens”. Quispe, a few shepherds and I went into the craft and on the wall we saw a glass screen that began to reproduce everything we thought. We saw the birth and life of Jesus Christ and the way in which a section of Apu was somehow once connected with the Lake Titicaca region. We also saw how a “cellular planet” touched this region and promoted life. This is why there are some strange animals on the lake (such as the giant frogs) that were investigated by a team of French scientists. GP– What is the Apunians’ main message, Vlado? VK– They don’t know how to hate. They just reject the negativity and soften it. This is why they don’t have any wars. They are friends of all intelligent beings in the universe. If someone attacks them they disintegrate them and reintegrate them as a friend. Their main message is expressed by the phrase “everything for others.”3 GP– Do you still have contacts? VK– I have contacts every now and then. One has to concentrate and relax for this. But they are among us every day since they can appear as whites, blacks, Orientals or whatever is necessary.


  1. In “170 Horas con Extraterrestres” the first person to meet the Apunians along with Vlado at a small settlement while hiking above Quitaraxa is Adrian Perez. The second person doing so during a subsequent hike is Mr. Quispe.
  2. According to Vlado, the “minius” is the origin of all life, the smallest particle that exists between nothingness and a material something. Whatever name one chooses for it, this primary element of creation would be used to generate enough psychic force to create matter, alter reality, alter space, alter time, conduct instant healing, materialize, dematerialize, reverse age, etcetera
  3. After Vlado’s example, contactees Juan Acervo, Maruja Soler kindly greet people approaching them to learn more about extraterrestrials with open palms saying the phrase “all for others.” Vlado said that the Apunians specialize in helping living cells and that they were friends of all forms of life. Using the “minius” they could apparently generate “positive ions” that transformed negative situations into positive ones.


Interacting with Extraterrestrials after Citizen’s Hearing on Disclosure

Citizen Hearing and Galactic DiplomacyI agree with Dr. Michael Salla. This is the begining of a new phase in Exopolitics. It’s time to become more active in Galactic Diplomacy. At the Citizen’s Hearing on Disclosure (which took place at the National Press Club in Washington, DC with high professionalism, honor, heroism and quality) the former U.S. congressmen and consgresswomen that heard and questioned the highly credible witnesses and researchers (between April 29 and May 3rd) basically suggested that one or more Latin American countries (already possessing more flexible and open UFO research attitudes than the U.S. oficial position of blank denial and suppression) could -as members of the United Nations- request to the UN: 1) The establishment of a permanent research office to investigate all aspects not only of “UFOs” as a curious, anomalous, statistical phenomenon but also the social, political, cultural, scientific implications of a (varied) intelligent extraterrestrial presence active throughout the globe and affecting every nation in one way or another. 2) An International (UFO Extraterrestrial Presence-Exopolitical) Conference to deal with this matter more  seriously and to establish its credibility and importance among other world political leaders, cultural leaders, scientists, religious leaders, etc. In my view, these proposals will be successfully accomplished only in relation to every demonstration of increased cooperation among countries (leaders and citizens) which have not always had a relationship of complete trust and have tended to see themselves as potential enemies positioning themselves under competing geo-strategic alliances. The ET presence/Exopolitics will  demand greater, step-by-step united world efforts helping us to overcome nationalist differences. It’s a new series of challenges to become a more mature, cosmic civilization.

Attorney Daniel Sheehan also suggested to include the idea that, since technologies have been withheld from countries even if these could diminish the effects of global problems like Global Warming which seriously threatens member states (specially island nations), there would be grounds for the UN to become more active in extraterrestrial issues. I suggested the Maldives as a posible partner for the Latin American countries willing to act alone or in unison in the UN on this matters because one of its democratically elected presidents has been quite active in anti Greenhouse gasses legislation and might be interested in alternative tech. However, I think that some of the ET technology acquired through retro-engineering might be fine to reveal to the whole world but those elements that imply a greater level of maturity to handle with safety and which should not fall into violent or extremist hands should be withheld until humanity starts functioning under more evolved, inclusive or integral worldviews. Nonetheless, this research should be overseen and not allowed to be misused. Thus, education (especially on the nature of reality and derived ethics) is paramount to long term success. People should know that both science and religión don’t have to be destroyed but expanded and deepened. People should know that human life can be improved with knowledge of cosmic principles.

The problem would be 1) Latin American leaders becoming well-informed to be able to seriously recognizing the importance of the situation so as to set aside their local and regional differences and work to understand a global situation. While many leaders are noble in purpose, many still maintain the old tradition of taking advantage of others and of competing against each other by any means. They need vision and realizing that their worldviews do not correspond anymore to the many global problems we are facing. 2) Unity of purpose for a noble cause among these leaders.  It would be easier and more expedited if the presidents of these nations took the initiative at the UN rather than proposing this to their respective congresses and start a slow step by step process. These presidents are mired in many social problems in a (often cut-throat) competitive political environment in which their opponents will try to find any weakness to destroy their public images. Thus they need to be informed by credible witnesses and researchers and educated first into the basics and then into the complex ET presence reality approximately like the former senators at the Citizen’s Hearing on Disclosure were.
Galactic Citizen Diplomacy deserves all levels of engagement as Humanity is represented by everyone: Individual, United Nations, and country by country. The importance of well-intended, psychologically-balanced and objective private citizens having contacts with extraterrestrial intelligences respectful of our conscious choices is increasing.

We have the opportunity to start a new era of contacts and mutually respectful relations first with well-chosen, specific extraterrestrial civilizations. Then we can assist those that currently don’t seem to integrally respect us. A healing, conciliatory approach is needed. Thus next step is to be informed as to who is who among extraterrestrial intelligences; not to proceed in a xenophobic way, but to wisely (and I want to use the word “lovingly”) choose who are more convenient to contact on purpose and in relation to our highest ideals in order to grow in awareness unobtrusively and to gradually develop our humanity’s full potentials in a benign, mutually respectful manner. We need to know what mistakes and abuses were committed by “them” in our past and to forgive and reconcile with all our cosmic relatives. In the same vein, we must learn to forgive and reconcile with overzealous information controllers and enforcers “in the know” who committed abuses acting on our behalf or on behalf of more private interests, or, even on behalf of deceptive extraterrestrial entities. Richard Dolan’s reflections on what Disclosure and After Disclosure may entail can be helpful. A “witch hunt” will probably do more harm tan good.

Objectively analyzing much experiencer’s/witness testimony which can be cross-referenced with other testimonies, verified with released or leaked documents and with whistleblowers shows that there are many different types of intelligent ET life forms functioning with different, histories, attitudes, inclinations, procedures, interests level of technology and even the ability to reach into higher realms in order to generate effects in lower realms and to me it is clear that every reductionist, polarized view about them will be self-deceptive. We need an integral approach to study this complexity. They are neither saviors nor demons but beings which act towards us in ways that are kind and in ways that are less tan kind judging from our own our perspectives. However, we must choose how we want to be treated and, thus, we must become aware of who we are, who they are and what is the real history behind this interaction.  It is not a matter of all or nothing, black or white.

If we have not been “invaded” as in a typical Hollywood movie this doesn’t necessarily prove that some varieties of ET beings wouldn’t do it if they could, were the only ones coming to Earth or were allowed. But exopolitically-speaking, most likely they operate under their own collective engagement rules. Under these (for instance if unconscious acceptance were valid under engagement rules), the “invasions” could be subtler (as we come to accept certain groups instead of others) rather than overt as -in the latter case- the interests which many different groups of ETs have with respect to humanity (genetic, our mental-creational capacity, emotional, spiritual, energetic, etc) would be mutually challenged. Thus, my opinions is that no particular group or Alliance can exceed certain limits and all which are allowed to intervene may have a historical precedence and right to do so (in Galactic Exopolitical terms). According to how us or our representatives choose to engage different extraterrestrial groups (some of which may subtly deceive us if we subconsciously accept their principles) may increase the probabilities of humanity taking certain course of events.

Private citizens can and should engage in strengthening contact in a mature, caring, lofty manner. The more we become aware of this ET Presence reality and of our great potentials (coveted by different ET groups both in aggressive and respectful manners) the less we’ll be used as simple resources by some more aggressive varieties of these beings (some of which may be atrophied). In my view, we should more actively seek out to strengthen political citizen diplomacy (and oficial political diplomacy) with beings like those that were -at least partially- rejected in the 1950’s and 60’s because they did not offer technology in exchange of being allowed to conduct their projects covertly. These “space brother” types offered teachings (the expansión of philosophy and theology which attorney Daniel Sheehan advocated as important to develop a new ethics and more advanced worldviews). These latter civilizations (many of which looked human but which do not necessarily have to be human) offered a profound transformative possibility to improve ourselves (not imposing it on us) through our own efforts by learning about the spiritual and organizational principles of the Universe. There still are some few persons contacting them; some of them are in Latin America, although some in Latin America some persons may also be contacting deceiving ET types. However, I think we should increase our relations or “Galactic Diplomacy” with respectful extraterrestrials, not only to learn deeper principles about Life but to overcome our current cultural levels of nihilism, commercialism, materialism, relativism, cynicism and self-absorption but to be more properly allied with a protective, benevolent group.

While I realize that in the 1940’s there were some good reasons to establish a highly secret policy (for genuine patriotic reasons also to gain some time trying to figure out who’s who and to learn about some of the ET technology), leaving it all in the hands of those “in the loop” managing this knowledge without checks and balances and the participation of well-meaning, capable intellectuals, spiritual leaders and such also leads to a misrepresentation of humanity at large in the politics of the Universe. The rights a President has to generate an Executive Order was given by the People through its representatives in an assembly or “congress”and it is of lower legal priority than the Law-giving of the Congress and the People. We shouldn’t allow a break-away civilization generated after secret investigations and managing culturally differentiating technology to impose a “might makes right” exopolitics on the rest of us. We need to get involved in Galactic Diplomacy.

By Giorgio Piacenza

MSNBC Recognizes the Citizen’s Hearing on Disclosure. Who Will Follow Suit?

By Giorgio Piacenza

image002On April 12, 2013, The Rachel Maddow Show from MSNBC gave us a full segment on the upcoming Citizen’s Hearing on Disclosure to be held in Washington DC between April 29 and May 5, 2013. Her segment was titled “Watch This Space”  and mentioned that, not long ago, the White House was forced to respond (after receiving 12,000 signatures) to a “We the People Petition” to reveal an extraterrestrial presence visiting Earth. While the White House’s Office of  Science & Technology Policy responded in the negative in that “there is no credible evidence” for this.  Could it be that the White House will indefinitely represent the policy of official denial in a world in which Brazil, Mexico, Chile, Belgium, England and other countries are revealing part of the UFO report files? Can a simple denial from an Office (which  probably is neither informed, or has cared to carefully investigate) appease the general citizenry (perhaps for a few more decades) and that’s about it?

Probably, official denial won’t hold too much water this time as a 5-day marathon fake hearing in a room configured at the National Press Club to resemble a Senate hearing with the participation of 5 genuine former members of Congress.  This event invites us all who are convinced that there is serious credible evidence of the extraterrestrial presence to support -as Ed Komarek says-our leaders for them to come out finding the courage to treat this subject seriously. We should be healing, rather than negative about our leaders since we are all part of the same human situation facing an eye-opening reality. It is a big step for our leaders to take as initially worldviews are questioned and “orthodox” science (it wouldn’t be likely for ETs  to get here they say) which is the official “common sense” standard for most institutionally-focused persons would also be questioned.   However as Rachel Maddow showed (taking an honest initiative among the large U.S. networks), it may take a make believe congressional hearing to allow the Government to take notice move on with the issue (as the U.S. is one of the world’s last holdouts of official government denial of a major country’s interest in the UFO phenomenon).

This is news as it may well be a sure-footed beginning…not unlike taking a first step into a new direction that can change the destiny of a major journey; a first long-lasting, political-cultural step towards recognizing the legitimacy and respect for the issue of the many important (legal, scientific, philosophical, spiritual, political) implications of a genuine extraterrestrial presence. More news networks and opinion-guiding institutions should follow (unless told to keep away or to downplay it?) in one way or another even if their spoke persons -by training and habit- may still attempt to throw to us a reaction-provoking, tongue-and-cheek style, either to dismiss or simply to create a form of controversy.  Bryce Zabel and Richard Dolan’s analytically-adequate book A.D. (After Disclosure) might also become newsworthy, at least among the next generation of the daring intelligentsia trying to catch up with the Exopolitical issues that should have been recognized about 65 years ago (and are already being seriously discussed by individuals like Michael E. Salla and Manuel Lamiroy).

Rachel Maddow announced that the five former senators will be paid $ 20,000 each to conduct the hearings. I don’t know about that detail but I know that the witnesses in general are seriously reporting very real -even if incredible- aspects of a worldwide phenomenon that could be admitted in many objective and impartial courts and that has been officially and non-officially recognized since the 1940’s but which, in spite of enormous amounts of adequate evidence (including physically analyzed alien implants ) it has been largely ignored, debunked, laughed at and distorted by most of our cultural, political, scientific and religious leaders.  Let’s study the whole of the Exopolitical phenomena inclusively, both in its objective and in its qualitative aspects.

Other important pro-disclosure events (like Dr. Steven Greer’s Disclosure Project gathering of important witnesses in 2001 at the National Press Club) have taken place and interest has peaked and subsided as the media gave a lukewarm coverage to them. However, Larry King from CNN was valiant enough to interview several key witnesses as well. This time there is a greater opportunity for the issue to cease being in the entertaining fringe boondocks of Fantasia and to gradually (or even sooner) become a cultural “meme” as seriously considered as the national debt or other normal political concerns. The more respectable individuals like former Canadian Minister of Defence Paul Hellyer speak up, the less movers and shakers and regular folk will try to look the other way (so as to look respectable within formal culture). The less the issue elicits smirks, fear, denial or excessive, blinding enthusiasm , the more we’ll be able to collectively deal with its implications, change our selves on purpose as adults and (literally) soar to the Cosmos. My take on this is that dangerous technological secrets (one of the valid reasons for the cover-up/truth embargo) will still be kept for quite some time and -after some degree of official disclosure- we will continue with our lives while gradually opening up to a whole new world in which science, metaphysics and spirituality are seen as a more complete kind of knowledge.  Moreover, the possibility of strengthening positive, mutually-respectful relations with conscious human choice-respecting varieties of ETs could also come to fruition as this option would be in the natural interest of most people on Earth.

Alien Implants in People – Physical Characteristics Found

By Giorgio Piacenza

Supposedly this X-Ray shows an alien implant that was later removed from a mans spine.
This X-Ray shows an alien implant that was allegedly  removed from a man’s spine.

Is this old news or current news? Well it is happening now. And how many people know of the latest findings (PHYSICAL EVIDENCE) of extraterrestrial implants?  From the research of podiatric surgeon Roger Leir , chemist material scientist (and nano tube technological expert) Steve Colbern and physicist Robert Koontz I’ll summarize it for you. A good reference is found here. Grey Alien Implants: A worldwide phenomenon or perhaps localized by zones but in many cases they are physically detectable. Have you noticed a strange object after a strange dream or sleep paralysis?


Prosaic answers will most likely suffice but in some cases…actual advanced alien implants have been detected. What are they made of? Quite often Meteoric Iron (with non-earthly isotopes) with cobalt and significant amounts of iridium. They have isotopic ratios that do not occur naturally on Earth. One was of a class of nickel-iron meteorites called hexahedrites.  Speculatively: Heavier isotopes might have been formed near the galactic core and-or due to supernovas. They are normally irregular and covered with an oily shell+ hard coating that prevents body rejection. Produce no immune response. Biological tissue grows from the metal. This was seen with EDX Electron Microscopy. Some of the implants  emit FM electromagnetic radiation radio signals  before removal in scalar-related frequencies 93 MHz, 15 MHz, even a frequency used in sattelite space communications.  Seem to have a surface coating, sensitive to phonons in order to retransmit soundwaves.


If you break them they reassemble (Bob Koontz). There are carbon nano tube electronics in these devices not found in nature (Steve Colbern). They seem to be single-wall nano tubes. Steve Colbern, chemist material scientist, nano technician finds them far advanced from formal Earth  (and possibly covert Earth) technology.  Roger Leir mentions that they are often found in many places, rather superficially in the body but also near bones.  Nerve cells connect to the devices!! Some of the objects have strong magnetic fields of over 10 milligauss. Some 15% of abductees show significant fluorescent glows on skin area for up to 1 month (detectable with UV-A, but more with UV-B and UV-C). Small metal detectors and X-rays and Gauss meters can detect them in the body. Off course if with X-rays it’s difficult to locate them CAT scans can locate them more precisely. No visible signs of entry/no known portal of entry. If entry signs are detected right after an implant event they close up and leave no mark in a day or two. About 24 implants have been recovered. Some have regular ortho rhombic crystalline structures of sodium chloride that are rectangular and varying in size (Steve Colbern). Perhaps they are used to generate scalar radio frequencies (Bob Koontz). Often when podiatric surgeon Roger Leir tries to remove them with surgical steel they move away from the scalpel. If about 2% of U.S. population with various signs of abduction is really indicative, perhaps the number of implanted people is -relatively speaking- quite large. If this is real. How many individuals are being implanted or monitored in other ways by non-grey ET beings? This is constantly news because it is still happening and new evidence is always coming up. See this evidence directly obtained by Joanne Summerscales from AMMACH at the 2013 IUFOC (see embedded video or click here).


A New Kind of Ufology & Exopolitics Emerging

Steve Snodgrass Integral Ufology
Steve Snodgrass and Integral Ufology
Integral Theory (a highly comprehensive, multi-paradigm-connecting theory created by philosopher Ken Wilber) is slowly transforming how different academic fields are understood and practiced from a narrow, mutually competing sense to a mutually nourishing and transdisciplinary sense. In today’ s complex world in which planetary-wide problems are taking hold, previous partial or reductionist approaches are proving less and less effective every day. Among these planetary-wide problems (like economic collapse, ecological degradation, global security, disappearing cultures and possible pandemics caused by resistant viruses) we have an exopolitical problem. How are we going to deal intelligently with the ever more evident extraterrestrial presence affecting the entire world?  Well, at least in relation to the field of Ufology, a more intelligent way of studying evidence is emerging by making use of concepts such as the “Four Quadrants” of Ken Wilber’s Integral Theory.

While researching for an upcoming article on how Exopolitics might benefit from Integral Theory, I found that social scientist Steve Snodgrass, LCSW (director of the Omaha UFO Study Group) is developing an intelligent extension of Ufology using that theory. In fact, this is a trend that will affect many academic and non-academic fields of knowledge. As Dr. Michael E. Salla, Snodgrass finds that it is necessary to utilize the methods of the social sciences along with those of the hard sciences. He wrote these and other ideas in a work published on October, 2010 titled “Integral UFOlogy: A Rubric for Evaluating Extraterrestrial Contact.” 

My upcoming article will focus on how Ken Wilber’s Integral Theory could be useful to Exopolitics, but Steve Snodgrass' application of this theory to Ufology and to its ongoing search of evidence is commendable. Both Ufology (usually) emphasizing evidence and Exopolitics (usually) emphasizing political processes are increasing their approaches to understanding by including both qualitative and quantitative methods and the resulting complexity (more suitable for today’s complex demands) could be better undertaken with the simplifying and universally applicable organizing pattern offered by Integral Theory. Snodgrass’ work, presented at the 2011 UNO-UFO Symposium at the University of Nebraska-Omaha is a welcome, creative move toward a necessary and inclusive approach suitable for the XXI century and beyond. A good link to his elucidation can be found here.

In relation to Exopolitics (which deals not just primarily with evidence but with Earth-based and alien-based political, social-scientific and paradigmatic implications of the extraterrestrial presence and with itself as a political movement) Integral Theory can also clarify this complex matter as –in order to study exopolitical situations and phenomena- a pattern with universally recurring elements is offered. Some of these elements are: four distinctive and irreducible perspectives, their eight methodological “zones,” several “lines” or evolutionary capacities, multiple stages of development, typologies, states of consciousness and even (a consideration which I give more credence to) the existence of several interacting realms of existence. Thus, Exopolitics (already developing as an inclusive field of research with real-world political applications) can be further supported and nourished by a content-free, wide-ranging model which is already being applied to different academic fields. The book Integral Theory in Action, edited by Sean Esbjörn-Hargens, PhD as well as the work by many professionals at Integral Institute shows that Integral Theory is not only generating a more complete form knowledge that relates disciplines in a transdisciplinary manner but also expanding the applicability of particular fields such as medicine, psychology, politics, business, education and ecology.

Former Presidenty Bill Clinton also gave a statement of support for Integral Theory in the 2006 meeting at Davos. Furthermore, in 2008 the State of the World Forum established by Jim Garrison and Michail Gorbachev adopted Integral Theory as its organizing framework. More is to come as academicians (already dissapointed with postmodernity and perhaps already thinking or sensing life in holistic terms or beyond), other political leaders and people in general catch up with this historical developmental "wave" which not only deals with concepts and “theory” but -evolutionarily speaking- also reflects a larger emerging sense of being with respect to an intelligently organized Cosmos teeming with Life.

By Giorgio Piacenza

Rising UFO Presence? Nearing Disclosure? Competing Interests?

Photo: Antonio Urzi in Guadalupe Mexico January 26 2013
It seems that in this year 2013 the number of good UFO sightings and videos is showing a rising trend. may this stimulate formal governments to take initiatives to begin disclosing some previously kept secrets in their own ways? In spite of so many earthly matters to be solved, how long can they hold on to denial without looking foolish? Some of these craft may even be from the so called "secret space program" as triangular vehicles (sometimes with bumps or strange protruberances) clearly seen and filmed also seem to be on the rise.
Antonio Urzi in Guadalupe Mexico January 26 2013Mr. Antonio Urzi who filmed a craft on December 22, 2012 recently sent me through Facebook photos of UFOs from Guadalupe, Mexico, dated January 25, including people watching them (see above & right).
Even famous abdectee, authorr and researcher Whitley Strieber wrote that there may be an ongoing wave of sightings:
Is this a temporary wave or a trend that will last? Perhaps some otherworldlers want to show up a bit more in a purposeful manner to stimulate awareness and promt government(s) disclosure and yet perhaps others can't help it (due to changing physical-hyperphysical conditions linking ET physical densities with ours?). So far the year has started quite promising: 

If disclosure were to become inevitable due to a greater number of ET craft seen and filmed (for instance click here) let me venture into orienting suppositions: Most ETs may have something in common: An interest in our manifesting-creative potentials as a species. Perhaps these potentials are of such magnitude that they could even change our "visitors" realities right now. Perhaps only by being ignorant of our inherent power "they" are able to manipulate us. Thus we would definitely need to be educated about who we are as the "space brother" types allegedly suggested to Truman and Eisenhower in the 1950's also allegedly before certain varieties of reptilians and grays (and other less ethically lofty species) were semi-officially engaged into aliances with greater acceptance. Perhaps many patriots were trying to but time and to acquire technology. But perhaps this is now out of hand. If we recognize our spiritual and creative potentials and also essential spiritual and physical birthright (the highest reasons why we were seeded in the first place, even if we were interfered with afterwards), we won't feel the need to rely so much on technological advantage and manipulation out of false pride or fear and we will learn to act in accordance with our sovereignty.
As contactee material suggests some ET beings may be respectfully waiting to inform and educate us so we can realize what our greatest potential is all about and this may include eventually reaching spiritual levels of manifestation beyond our ET forefathers. Some other ET groups may care less and want to harvest us sooner than later being after our genetic, psychic and spiritual potentials in intrusive and -sometimes- subtly deceiving ways since we implicitly allow their interventions or "exopolitical intervention" consciously or unconsciously, by our secret craving for externally manipulating technologies (transdimensional or not), by holding on power intererests or by secret alliances (sometimes motivated by patriotic self-defense and sometimes by selfish power interests). Perhaps primarily self-serving ETs or desperate ETs with atrophies and other problems consider the fact that we don't display our rights as sovereign beings an exopolitical permission to come after us..after all, perhaps they or their ancestors donated and invested into our gene pool. . Perhaps our destroying ecosystems emboldens them to proceed even more. They seem to need our complex, multi-species potentials to reach a higher level of reality manipulation than what is available through their technology?
Are the main ET groups (perhaps 12 main genetic lines?) that allegedly seeded us claiming a right to intervene each in their own ways in their own ways for their own benefits. Their descendants or subgroups would also claim to have a right on this "harvest." However, actualizing that "right" would depend on how much awareness about our spiritual condition selves we have, want to have and-or how much awareness was suppressed by abusive interventions. There may be many factors to consider in "cosmic law" order to allow or not to allow different forms of intervention on our species. Our collective disrespect for the planet and our holding on to a state of ignorance (perhaps supported by a dumbing down negative educational programming) may even give them more rights under certain rules of intervention.If genuine ET crafts appearing in greater numbers are increasingly making some kind of disclosure inevitable may our governments and us choose a path that restores our sovereign rights and principled ideals.
Perhaps our greatest safety rests in discovering who we are and why there's so much cosmic interest around us. Let's not surrender hearts and souls to despair and cynicism but start educating ourselves with awareness, respect, love.
By Giorgio Piacenza

The 2013 World Economic Forum Considers ET a Possibility

WEF-SloganThe 2013 World Economic Forum's Global Risks Report Considers the Implications of Discovering Extraterrestrial Life

In Section 5 of the GLOBAL RISKS 2013 “Executive Summary” for the 2013 World Economic Forum one of the five "X” Factors (thought in conjunction with Nature Magazine) and being presented this year is the “Discovery of Alien Life: Proof of life elsewhere in the universe could have profound psychological implications for human belief systems.”  

As one of the “X Factors from Nature” the discovery of alien life is considered one of “five emerging game-changers” beyond the (more typical) landscape of 50 global risks. It is also considered as a way to “alert decision-makers.”

The other “X factors from Nature” considered for 2013 are:

Runaway Climate Change

Significant Cognitive Enhancement (through artificial means)

Rogue Deployment of Geoengineering (technology to manipulate climate)

Costs of Living Longer (old age costs of living longer due to medical advances).

Commentary: "Climate Change" is connected with alleged extraterrestrial messages. "Cognitive Enhancement" makes you think of higher intelligence through technology, an issue that already sounds quite sci-fy and ET-related. "Rogue Deployment of Geoengineering" could at least in part be associated with scalar interferometry, HAARP and other such exotic (perhaps ET-related) ideas and technologies. Only "Costs of Living Longer" seems to be a more normal economic concern.

Questions: 1) Does someone "in the know" (and pulling the strings) know that there may be an impending disclosure perhaps to be initiated by an ET alliance or (while attempting to give it a spin before it gets out of hand) to be initiated by one or more governments? Russia comes to mind after Prime Minister Medvedev unique declarations a few weeks ago.

2) Are we simply talking about a bolder, creative and imaginative approach this year or is someone trying to induce "la creme de la creme" world leaders to start thinking with more awareness about the extraterrestrial presence?

3) Will exopoliticians be called into action and exopolitics itself take off a serious discipline if ET presence disclosures actually "come to the fore?"

“Xendra” Domes of Light: Mission Rahma’s Dimensional Portals

Toward Convenient & Constructive Exopolitical Contacts

By Giorgio Piacenza Cabrera

A Mission Rahma Extraterrestrial Guide

Conscious contacts after invitations are happening right now. Many Mision Rahma (for the most part, Hispanic) contactees have discovered other worlds physically, mentally, astrally, telepathically, and through holographic projections. They have befriended respectful extraterrestrials that in my view- exist in a higher physical level, a reason why the contactees’ bodies, minds and energy fields had to be prepared to achieve healthy encounters. Elements of a once lost complex history of humanity have been recuperated which unfortunately,  includes various forms of abusive and mistaken extraterrestrial interventions. However besides indigenous Earth genetics- we may have been genetically combined with at least 12 major extraterrestrial species relates us to “them,” to their tendencies, their abilities, their genetically associated descendants and offshoots and to their spiritual and psychic potentials. Thus, there is a great expectation among many ET groups and subgroups because they want to learn from us how to move ahead in evolution. While most adhere to strict ethical norms and principles and are aligned in respect to Earth’s representative the universal sovereign Master Jesus the Christ– with what we could term a large Confederation also under the spiritual guidance of 24 Elders in our Galaxy and 9 Elders in the Andromeda Council there are some (human, reptile and grey looking) who may follow their own independent, non-aligned paths. Some are Orions under a Luciferian influence. Although some of these ET varieties may have some rights to intervene in a limited way on planet Earth (also called Merla by other civilizations) all are monitored and supervised. Moreover, since Earth is in a type of ‘cosmic quarantine’, some rogue ET types having nothing to do with our special human history are not allowed to interfere and there are overseers that stop them. Those (both positively and negatively inclined) already participating are allowed specific kinds of intervention according to need but must follow specific protocols because the interests of many ET groups as a whole are at stake. This is why not one group has simply and crudely invaded us. There’s a general agreement and supervised control mechanisms so that not one group excedes itself as it may have happened in the past.

The overall situation involving the many extraterrestrial civilizations, groups and subgroups intervening on Earth is much more complex, unified and interrelated than normally expected and cannot be reduced to a simple explanation. However, there are underlying patterns that can be elucidated and the word complex should not be a turn off against learning. Additionally, in my own view, a shared degree of transdimensional technologies force all extraterrestrial coming into our shared reality to abide by mutual respect rules because the waywardness of one could also be adverse to the needs and projects of others.

A Positive Orion & Apunian Mission Rahma Guides

As part of the process signaled by the end of the more known long count Mayan calendar humans are supposed to gradually reconnect with (and to become aware of) a timeline that involves most extraterrestrial groups involved in humanity’s seeding. Allegedly, from the ETs perspective their timeline will be affected sooner and in my understanding- we will affect them as if we had an “internal” locus of control with respect to to them. However, from our terrestrial perspective, we will gradually connect with their timeline. Furthermore, a third timeline (resulting from the fusion) is emerging.

Now, besides becoming more aware of our history; besides remembering who we are, understanding cosmic principles and gradually joining or participating in the multidimensional Cosmos; besides becoming aware of our full manifestation potential as highly unique beings (according to God’s Plan), capable of connecting the three main realms of God’s Creation(without technology), many extraterrestrials of our forgotten history hope that once we find out- we’ll find the inner strength and fortitude to forgive them from the terrible mistakes committed against us. They want to become more wisely emotional and to recuperate some atrophied chakra functions. They want to learn from our emotions which can also connect us with the greatest power: God’s Love, something which they forgot or inhibited by incorporating too much mental wisdom and technology due to a history of excessive dependence on powerful non-physical beings. They want to understand how with our high degree of free will we might overcome our highly polarized state within a dense, effervescent physicality as it gradually shifts to subtler influences.

A Xendra Dome

There have been many levels of contacts in Mision Rahma and one of the more important ones have been through the dimensional portals called xendras. Over the years perhaps a couple of dozen Mision Rahma participants have been allowed to travel to a colony in the moon of Jupiter we call Ganymede and which the confederated ETs call Morlen. Morlen was founded by individuals from a region in Orion and by others who didn’t adhere to a Luciferian-influenced rebellion stemming from a non-physical realm. It is a colony made of several kinds of colonists and, in the 1970’s, some Mission Rahma participants were taken as a group through a Xendra portal to experience a direct encounter with their wise governing elders: The Minors of Morlen. There, peaceful life is sustained in semi underground dwelling complexes through advanced technology and I think that their living physical frequency is not as dense as on physical Earth. However, through what could be called an ‘energy cloak’ surrounding contactees when taken there after some preparation (involving discipline but not an insurmountable rigor), current Earth humans can for special purpose occasions travel there. Some of these occasions have served to receive information as when they were showed a book preserving a complex but meaningful cosmic history, or when Master Jesus (who apparently possesses a resurrected body capable of traversing all seven levels of the Physical Universe or Realm and of perfectly connecting the Mental and Spiritual (Causal) universes or realms) wanted to inspire workin on Earth through a direct message.

Quite often the preparation takes the form of a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet, regular daybreak solar and nighttime Moon energy incorporation meditations, meditations on our (telepathically received) cosmic name, psychophysical (tai chi and moving, yoga-like) exercises, intuition and psychic development exercises, self-control practices (such as being alone and in silence in a dark place in the countryside), regular camping excursions to get close to nature and the development of a healthy, socially responsible and emotionally balanced life. An aid to preparation has also been the energetic implantation in the chest area of a pair of semi materialized cesium crystals which are then absorbed into the astral body and help to assimilate a shift of programming energies coming from the center of the galaxy (decades before the end of the known long count Mayan Calendar in 2012).

When some participants develop telepathic and-or automatic writing abilities, dates, times and places are often given to verify the communications through spacecraft sightings. Sightings should preferably be unequivocal and not to be confused with satellites, airplanes, etc. and the communications should not promote a single person or an ego but be non-forcing, respectful and constructive with coherence and specificity as need be while the spiritual guiding aspect should trans temporally build upon previous and subsequent communications. Sometimes, these communications are received in different places by different â’antennas’ (rather than channelers) simultaneously or consecutively but complementing each other. In time, an easygoing rapport of trust and friendship with friendly extraterrestrial beings needs to develop without lies or manipulations.

Antarel a Mission Rahma Extraterrestrial Guide

It would behoove wise exopoliticians to (through genuine, approachable, well-intended contactees)try to relate with the benevolent and respectful, positively spiritually-based kinds of extraterrestrials who are not willing to give us right away the technologies we can’t ethically handle. The path of assuming the general role expected for humanity in the Cosmos must start with spiritual principles, forgiveness, love, truth and wisdom. Connecting with more communicative extraterrestrials working under an organization aligned with Christ Jesus and positively-oriented galactic and inter galactic elders (also assisting Earth’s White Brotherhood) would be more convenient in the long run for humanity than focusing most of our attention on power feuds, cover-ups and technologies.

Perhaps cultural differences preclude segments of humanity from these kind of contacts. Perhaps they require simple, dedicated sensibilities like those of the many well-intended Hispanics participating in Mission Rahma’s contacts. However, it would behoove exopoliticians and other principled, idealistic persons of good will to prepare themselves for greater degrees of contact with these benebolent extraterrestrial beings (why not also call them “friends” and “older space brothers”?) either directly or through well-intended, genuine contactees. It would be a great way to begin learning the ABCs of the exopolitical situation outside our planet.

Regarding Xendras, contactee Sixto Paz Wells from Peru tells us that:

Among the least known contact experiences which nonetheless is one of the most extraordinary and incredible are the Xendra Interdimensional Doors. A ‘xendra’ is a dimensional door or space-time threshold. As they (ETs) told me, they have been able to concentrate energy in such a way that they can dematerialize a person, canceling his molecular cohesion and atomic weight and they can project or send him to another place.

The xendra is the projection of concentrated light that accelerates the person’s vibration and acts as a dimensional transference vehicle and threshold in space-time. (Again) the person going through a xendra depending on its intensity- can even be dematerialized to be tele-transported to another place, canceling his molecular cohesion and atomic weight. This experience can occur many times during the personal and collective preparation process. This means that one can re-live it many times in which case there are many kinds of xendra that allow from a physical experience to a mental projection or also a bilocation or also a conscious astral experience.

The types of xendras are:

a)  Xendra I: A kind of dimensional door designed for a single person in the company of an extraterrestrial being or guide. This xendra usually has the shape of a half Moon, about 10 meters (33 feet) in diameter and allows a physical experience of dematerialization with the local disappearance of the person and his projection to another place which could be the interior of a spaceship, an intraterrestrial or sub aquatic base or even another planet.

b) Xendra II: is that xendra in which up to seven persons can go inside while coordinated or accompanied by two extraterrestrial beings. This experience can also be physical or of a mental projection or bilocation and the shape can be that of a golden half Moon, oval-shaped, like an arch or different.

c) Xendra III-IV ‘Gimbra’: This is the kind of xendra that allows up to 12 persons to go at once inside and it is usually coordinated by the Confederation’s Council. This xendra varies its form from something like a greyish silver dome to a whitish or glistening blue cloud or a dome where sparks float above the ground having a whitish surface. It can measure a diameter greater than 10 meters (33 feet). Unlike the other types of dimensional passages this kind of xendra facilitates a profoundly spiritual experience of cosmic integration. The other xendras can provide physical mental or astral experiences but many persons go through the threshold and don’t manage to remember what they experienced inside and this is why they might have to work during their meditations and conscious regressions in order to remember it.

When one goes inside one of the (physical teleportation) xendras one feels dizziness, nausea, a sensation of losing weight. One feels as if the entire body is burning, a very strange sensation. In some cases one feels being like an inside-out sweater or jersey, as if one has been turned inside-out completely, somewhat similar to the story of Alice in Wonderland, meaning that they place you on the other side of the mirror. It really is an extraordinary experience, above all because when I first went into it I estimate I was between 4-5 days (in Ganymede) but upon my return found out that only 15 minutes had passed.

Jesus and Extraterrestrials according to Contactee Sixto Paz Wells

(As Interviewed in 2011 by Mexican journalist and UFO Investigator Johanan Díaz Vargas)

Translated by: Giorgio Piacenza Cabrera

Two UFOs appear during Jesus’ Crucifixation. Painting at Visoki Decani Monastery in Kosovo.

SPW- I am part of a contact group which for 37 years has been receiving psychographic messages that have been corroborated through UFO sightings once appointments were made. There have been witnesses, like Spanish reporter Juan José Benitez and Judge Dr. Ana María Polo from “Caso Cerrado” (a TV program) in Miami. Throughout these years we haven’t just seen appearing and landed spacecraft but we have seen the crew members and also some related experiences have taken place such as when a spacecraft appears and projects a beam of light forming a luminous dome or “Xendra” which is a dimensional portal through which a person physically enters, is dematerialized, teleported and then undergoes an experience in another reality.

Exactly in 1974 we began living these Xendra experiences of dimensional portals, going into these portals and of being perhaps 4-5 days in Ganymede [a moon of Jupiter] 600 million kilometers from Earth but upon returning as few as 15 minutes had transpired. These experiences came out published at the end of 1974 in Juan José Benitez first book: “OVNIS: S.O.S. a la Humanidad” and 3 years later a Corporal from the Chilean Army underwent a similar experience. He was Corporal Armando Valdez. Later on, in 1996, Carl Sagan writes a novel  and the following year a movie with Jodie Foster came out in which she loses contact (with the control base) and when she recuperates it is discovered that there are 18 hours recording time of static which leads to think that the possibility of traveling through time and space really exists. Not long ago at CERN the particle accelerator located between France and Switzerland informed – after 3 years of an exhaustive investigation – that neutrinos are capable of traveling at speeds faster than the speed of light arriving (to Italy) by 60 nanoseconds before departing so that theoretically and now practically it is possible – according to these findings – to travel across time and space.

In one of these Xendra experiences of dimensional portals which took place in “Quintero” or in Chile’s Fifth region, a few years ago, I had the opportunity to be with 120 persons for one week and we had very intense sightings; we saw the ships appearing and flying above a hill bombarding it with an extraordinary energy; the luminous dome formed and after traversing it with some of our companions we had the opportunity to live the experience of traveling to “Morlen” or Ganymede. And, after being there, we were taken to a site, to a dome-shaped building where we met with this master, with this great being of light as Jesus is and who – as you may remember – after 40 days of resurrecting ascended into heaven in a cloud or a ship which is something that doesn’t change things: Jesus was not an “extraterrestrial” but a terrestrial with an “extra” aspect.

JDV- Alright, but did you meet him personally?

SPW- Yes, indeed. I had the opportunity to have that close encounter with him and one of the 16 books I published which is titled: “Una Insólita Invitación” is the narration of what I really perceived or grasped that he transmitted to me. I cannot tell you that he spoke to me in Aramaic because I would not have understood anything but really the fact was that I could understand him clearly as if he were speaking to me in Spanish. Perhaps he was speaking to me mentally, formally, telepathically, I don’t know but quite simply if I was before a 6 ft tall person…the skin color was not completely white but tanned, with dark hair, aquiline nose. He really had some impressions or scars on the wrists and his presence really was astounding. One could really feel an extraordinary and magnificent vibration and energy.

JDV- Sixto, at this point, what is the relation between Jesus – as the mythical character we know and who transformed the whole world – and the extraterrestrials?

SPW- Well, let’s first remember that the Jews are a contacted people. The “angels” of old would be the “extraterrestrials” of today as Mons. Corrado Balducci, that theologian of the Catholic Church, used to say around 1999. Well, throughout the entire history of the people of Israel also beginning from the sacred Bible, there are continuous references to space craft and extraterrestrial beings under the appearance of “angels” or under the designation of “angels.” For instance, we have Elijah taken by a chariot of fire as witnessed by his disciple Elisha; we have the “Glory of God” that descends before Ezekiel; the luminous cloud that hid a metallic objects with windows as seen by Moses on top of Mt. Horeb in oreb in SiSinaiSinai. Also, in Chpt 2 v.9 St, Mathew’s Gospel says that the Star of Bethlehem guided the three Kings of the Orient by day and night and stopped above the place where the child had been born.  Now, let’s be clear that none of this tells us that Jesus was an extraterrestrial but that beings from other worlds really recognize the high level of evolution which Jesus has and, being at the service of a cosmic plan prepared to create the conditions suitable for Jesus’ arrival and for accomplishing his mission and undertaking.  Due to their greater degree of evolution, the extraterrestrials recognize the existence of superior hierarchies and at certain times they also operate in service to those hierarchies.

JDV- Do ETs tell Jesus what to do or is Jesus above them in an evolutionary scale?

SPW- We would first have to remember what humanity’s prominent cosmic role is according to the extraterrestrials. The ETs say that our planet died 1200 million years ago as a result from meteor impacts that extinguished life in our planet and terminated with the Earth in such a way that it disappeared. But for the extraterrestrials, time is like an ascending spiral. In one of the spiral curves, the Earth died but the Universe continued. Thus, a group of civilization travels through time and space under the authorization of a galactic government formed by the 24 Elders of the Galaxy and comes to Earth before it dies creating an alternative and paradoxical time which has been intertwining with the real time of the Universe.

What is going to take place on December 21st, 2012 is that this alternative paradoxical time is going to finish reconnecting with the real time and from this a third time will ensue. This is why the prophecies don’t speak of an “end of the world,” they speak of the “end of times” and for there to be an “end of times” there has to be more than one time. This reminds us of that Nahuatl myth about the two-headed serpent, in which at the end of times one head will end up eating the other, something represented in one of the agrogliphs that appeared in England, and resembling the spiral that appeared over Norway in 2009. The point is that, since we live in an alternative, paradoxical time, we are for the ETs a sociological, anthropological, metaphysical, spiritual experiment. They created this alternative time and as scientists in a laboratory they try to maintain themselves the most aseptically as possible as they conduct experiments here since they come from civilizations that have advanced much both technologically and mentally. They have achieved control of their genome so that there’s no more space for uncertainty and most everything is under control. Therefore, this has led them to lose touch with the very spirit of nature and are therefore trying to recuperate that connection with nature, including feelings and emotions because they are way too mental. And this is why they created this experiment on a planet which had no future, creating an alternative future so that a civilization with a greater psychic and spiritual potential capable of achieving evolutionary levels beyond what they achieved, emerges. This civilization would allow them to understand and remember things which they neglected or forgot.

Jesus represents Earth’s humanity. The idea is that the extraterrestrials come to learn how to love through us, not because they don’t love but what happens is that for them love is the common good and if the common good requires that you disappear they’ll have no qualms getting rid of you. Here on Earth we even fight for the rights of assassins and of child rapists not to be killed. Thus, we are capable of the greatest acts of inhumanity but also of the most sublime acts of love and generosity. When Jesus was on the cross after preaching for three years the doctrine of love he had the opportunity of taking his message to its greatest consequences when being nailed and abandoned by everyone says “Father, forgive them because they don’t know what they do.” He never said “they are going to pay for this when I get down from here.” Thus, in the name of humanity, Jesus ends up becoming master of our own masters, truly reminding them what is the Way, the Truth and the Life: Love in forgiveness.

In fact, one day humanity will know that we have been victims of a cosmic plot in which extraterrestrial and ultraterrestrial forces have conspired against us; have experimented with us and have even tried to make us disappear. However, as in Joseph’s story in the Old Testament recounting that he was sold by his brothers to avoid the fulfillment of his destiny, the more they tried to impede it, the more they got him close to it coming to pass. So perhaps today more than ever we have the opportunity to join as human beings and to make the future as less traumatic as possible so that we may be able to survive these growing crises and these solar mutations and arriving energies because all of what was prophesied was a warning of what could take place if we do nothing to avoid it. And I think that there are many more persons in the world working to revert the planetary future, for the future to be less traumatic, less negative. And what is going to take place in the following weeks and months is a great liberation of information.

One day humanity will experience its own christification. We must become aware of our important role in the concert of worlds by learning to love and by teaching how to love, thus ensuring this humanity’s survival and the survival of this planet.

JDV- Sixto Paz Wells what did he (Jesus) tell you then? What did you understand from him?

Shround of Turin

SPW- I asked him about all kinds of things, like why he permitted things to be in this way in the world and why he didn’t return ahead of time and he told me that we had to wait for humanity to undergo the process that would allow us to leave our precocious adolescence and to reach a responsible young stage albeit through our own efforts. In other words, he and other persons that have evolved like a Gandhi or a Luther King demonstrated that it is indeed possible to live for love and to die for love and to really achieve a level of transcendence. All these persons really preached non-violence and love but died in acts of violence because universal laws say that to every force a contrary one opposes with the same intensity. Jesus’ case is more extraordinary because there is evidence that demonstrates his resurrection – the Holy Shroud of Turin of which it’s false to say that it is false. According to the Brooks Institute, ENEA and NASA which have analyzed the shroud, it has been determined that (the figure) is an impression formed by a luminous energy. Jesus’ resurrection thus demonstrated something that he taught: That love is the strongest force in the Universe, even capable of overcoming death.



Growing ET Awareness to Awaken Religious & Cultural Leaders

Theological Implications Regarding the Impending Discovery of Extraterrestrial Humanities

By Giorgio Piacenza

(This is an updated version of an article previously published in 2012)

The term “Catholic” means “universal” but is the official Roman Apostolic Catholic Church doctrine truly universal in relation to what we are gradually discovering about the Cosmos? If we consider that at least some of the most important elements of Roman Catholic doctrine and (and of other religions) are ESSENTIALLY and principially universal, there will be room for an interpretive development suitable to the current growing awareness that we are being “visited.”

What is happening right now? Perhaps the unofficial (yet-semi-official because of being high-level in the hierarchy and not being formally suppressed) declarations of Mons. Corrado Balducci and Fr. Gabriel Funes S.J. (director of the Vatican Observatory) are the first intended and un-intended stage of promoting a revolutionary conceptual move in the direction of a truly more “universal” (catholic) and cosmically appropriate kind of interpretation. This entails not just making faith more agreeable with modern science but  also developing or extending/amplifying more adequate theological interpretations that attend to the increasing factual evidence connecting Earth humans with the extraterrestrial presence. The growing awareness is happening now and the role of “God” (also understood not just as “creator” but as “sustainer of being” in some alleged and real ET contact experiences) should increasingly become a matter of discussion and study.

I bet that in trying to find fresh explanations matching settled theologies with current ET-related surprising facts theoretical leaders of many religions will come to recognize how much they share in common. A transdisciplinary-theological, trans-religious approach (if that is a correct term) based in deeply shared commonalities may be born. It is not just that the nations of the world will set aside their differences in case of an “alien threat” as president Reagan once suggested at the UN, the news will be that religious and fundamental metaphysical commonalities should also be gradually realized. Many of the faithful will come to realize that ETs can be welcome in the classical versions of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism. While some ETs may be kind and respectful to us and not all ETs may be benevolent or ideal in our terms, we’ll still be brethren in the Cosmos.

The ET presence will inspire the finding of inter-faith ecumenical connections and -perhaps- more sophisticated concepts about God’s nature and notions such as “PANENTHEISM” will form a basis to supersede excessive, strict, intolerant “us vs. them” or “this vs. that” more superficial doctrinal disagreements. Furthermore, these enhanced interpretations should inspire many of the faithful to update their cultural perspectives. A well-guided religion can assist many persons to evolve their understandings in a healthy, positive way. In relation to Christianity, how are we to understand the redemptive role of Jesus when the extraterrestrial presence becomes widely known?

Is “original sin” and Jesus redemptive intervention on Earth applicable to extraterrestrial beings in the Cosmos? This is a crucial issue here. This was mentioned and discussed in the Vatican sponsored conference (in Vatican grounds) regarding the plausibility of extraterrestrial life in the universe in 2009. However, we should probably not assume that there’s ample awareness about intelligent ET life visiting Earth at the Vatican. As in most cases within large, conventional social institutions, most people either avoid the subject not to imperil their credibility or lack sufficient information about it.

I believe that, after periods of being on the wrong side of the rational debate by rejecting scientific advancements which routinely and quantitatively displace Earth’s Man as the center of all creation, the Vatican curia’s attitude is now becoming quite auspiciously agreeable with the findings and extrapolations of biological-cosmological-material-astrobiological science. This is becoming obvious in articles like those of investigative journalists Paola Harris and Marc Kauffman in which public opinion-relevant, researcher-priests (like Fr. Funes and Mons. Balducci) were consistently allowed the freedom to declare that God may have created intelligent extraterrestrial beings. While both Funes and Balducci suggested that extraterrestrials would be like cosmic brothers to us, the latter was allowed to speculate (beyond a scientifically safe orthodox view) that extraterrestrials may have already visited Earth. There is a time when excessive doubt against so much human testimony about an ET presence is not prudent or wise, he basically said.

Whether most conventional academic scientists look at the best objective evidence today or do it later on, the fact that serious persons are reporting ET encounters and even some air forces in the world are not excluding seriously considering the possibility that some UFOs can be of extraterrestrial origin (besides serious whistle blower testimony, photographs, analyzed photos, videos, archaeological signs, scientifically analyzed, alleged ET implants  and more) should be taken into consideration by objective, open-minded, critical thinking individuals able to think and to express themselves with freedom. On the aggregate, the more serious types of evidence overcome often criticized, flimsier types of evidence also provided in less rigorous form by individuals with less critical thinking skills. One piece of evidence being genuine would be enough to warrant a serious, responsible interest. Not wanting to see this evidence as a whole is a serious and sad oversight which – nonetheless – can and should be remedied for the good of humanity.

Personal dislike for the ET presence theme or for it not conforming to established theory, regular methods and procedures and known facts (as implicit grounds for not looking into this) already smells incredibly out of touch and in itself less credible. Evidence (however unique) and experience (however different from stable reality patterns) should dictate the scientific course to follow.

In my view, the Funes and Balducci declarations are part of a tardy but, nonetheless, healthy move towards the really valid idea of complementing faith with reason, even if it was in principle done in order to remain culturally relevant in the modern world. However, I think that complementing faith with classical “and intuitively-obvious” physical science is simpler than what may be in store for upcoming theologians. All cultural leaders will have to stop sustaining extremely conservative stances as per the ever-more-evident extraterrestrial presence not necessarily manifesting in a classical material ‘realistic’ or classical- intuitive way. The space-time altering phenomenon seems to interact more with subjectivity, meaning and qualitative factors than classical phenomena.

Issues for an Upcoming Theology After rather simple generalizations about possible intelligent extraterrestrial biological existing only in our physical universe are superseded by a realization of the multilevel-multidimensional diversity of actual contacts with extraterrestrials already ocurring semi-discretely, a conceptual challenge will arise. I think this will occur when science and gradual ET disclosures advance to the point of exposing extraterrestrial diversity and complexity in relation to the dependence of multiple physical realms on non-physical realms. This sophistication about the multi dimensionality of creation will call for a more sophisticated theology.

According to some believable contactee friends, this gradual reconnection with -a long forgotten- ET life will increase after December 21st, 2012 which will mark a “point of no return” towards ending our relative and conceptual isolation from the rest of the intelligent Cosmos. What may ensue is an awareness of additional theological implications in relation to how different extraterrestrial beings may have been affected by a more universal type of Fall into sin (defined as an interpretive mistake or deviation from an adequate relation with God through the Logos).

The “Fall” would also have included non-physical (non-ET) angelical creation-helpers established in a higher, non-physical realm and capable of negatively influencing and-or challenging a variety of physical civilizations some of which may have also “fallen” for it and some of whom may have resisted. Many civilizations may have suffered a form of Fall. Perhaps all of creation was somehow implicated. This is also part of contactee lore. Considering that human witnessing is decisive for faith and for validating human experience in general (as Monsignor Balducci proposed), I would say that in-depth ET contact research also suggests that there is credible witness evidence that some extraterrestrials some some the many mansions in the “Physical Multiverse” may have also been swayed more than others by this Fall originating in beings from yet other higher ontological mansions in a higher ontological non physical realm. Accordingly, different context-dependent ways to reconcile with the Creator (the Profound LOVE of Cosmic Consciousness) by positing different kinds of interventions by the LOGOS, perhaps other incarnations of the Christ-Logos Principle may become necessary as we gradually learn how complex the history of the entire Cosmos may really be and grow out of our cosmic parochialism.

Again, we must collectively find how in relation to extraterrestrials- the partially understood essential truths expressed by today’s religious leaders (of all sincerely-inspired world faiths and denominations) may harmonize much better with each other. To advance the cause of reasonable faith in this global-planetary (and perhaps soon-to-be) new cosmically aware age we need to converge the most plausible truths under a truly spiritual, non-reductionist, integral attitude. In our untapped potentials must be ways to overcome excessively dividing fractional thinking.

Integral metaphysicians like Fritjoff Schuon which profoundly and reasonably explored the mystical (but also simultaneously rational) “PRINCIPIAL” shared core of WORLD RELIGIONS discovering common truths could function as guides for the mind-expanding and sentiment-expanding stages leading to a more mature world civilization to come. We need that. We need more world unity andf to beging perceiving that religions have a deep shared core.

Protestant minister Gary Bates (2009) of Creation Ministries International stated that the entire focus of creation is mankind on this Earth. He may be correct in that the entire focus of creation is mankind but he may be clinging to a false interpretation if we limit mankind or human kind to Earth. He may be rightfully defending his understanding of a pure version of Christianity against excessive flights of fancy and I applaud him for that. However, the expansion of concepts is slowly but surely coming for the good.

Perhaps, if we think about mankind not as quantitatively limited to this Earth, but as defined by an essential quality of consciousness and mode of being capable of personally relating with God in a uniquely profound way, a being created by God’s infinite power in innumerable, beautiful, varied forms and measures in His Cosmos, an intelligent, self-aware being equally capable of saintliness as of paying homage to temptation into sin (or error), we may approach a more useful understanding.

The outer appearance of this essential being “created in His image and likeness” may be similar or vary but the essence -qualifying as human- may not. The role of God personally creating Man in each habitable planet or as a universal template (the Adam Kadmon of Jewish mysticism?) after which particular beings representing God and His template molded particular human-suitable forms will need to be carefully addressed. We may also need to further inquire and discover which created physical beings (of different physical forms and physical “densities”) do not correspond to the category of “Man” but must, nevertheless, be essentially loved and respected as they would still be part of God’s Creation.

Some beings may have instincts and a biology that enslave them more reducing their free will and some may be quite benevolent and protective of our highest potentials but nonetheless more mental and lacking a degree of sentiment necessary to approach the higher creative echelons of reality and God. We will also need to essentially understand those (human or humanoid in appearance or not) who do not respect us because we have been unconscious and a peril to the planet, becoming more aware, not necessarily allowing them to hurt us or to replace us as a species but assisting them with compassion to align themselves with God’s will. It is us who need to awaken first and be an example without co-dependencies on extraterrestrials or traditional xenophobic enmity responses.


Bates, Gary (2009). Did God create life on other planets? Retrieved from http://creation.com/did-god-create-life-on-other-planets Harris, Paola (2008).

The Vatican Officially Proclaims that Extraterrestrial Life most Probably Exists, retrieved from http://exopolitics.blogs.com/exopolitics/2008/07/exopoliticsco-1.html Kauffman, Marc (2009).

The Religious Questions Raised by Aliens retrieved from http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/11/06/AR2009110601899.html

Dr. Leir interview analysis of alleged ET implants http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jijBJEXSmAE

Whistleblower evidence from the Disclosure Project and CSETI http://www.youtube.com/user/csetiweb

A Mayan Long Count Calendar ends in 2012

Perhaps the Mission Rahma Contact Experience Offers Snippets of What Might be Going On

By Giorgio Piacenza

Many interesting themes were covered in an interview made to Richard Hoagland by the dedicated, independent exopolitical research journalist Paola Leopizzi Harris (click here for list of interviews) go to: However, most people (and Richard seems to be one of them) still hold on to the notion that there’s an end to ‘THE’ (one and only) Long Count Mayan Calendar, an event expected to occur (if calculations are true and accurate as most scholars think they are) in Dec 21st 2012. This prompts me to the following commentary. Not long ago, another “long count” version (extending perhaps another 7000 years into the future) was found in Xultún, Guatemala, by a bona fide archeological team from Boston University led by William A. Saturno.

We have to know that when we speak of “December 21st 2012,” we refer to what was found in the Dresden Codex’s version of the Mayan Long Count but it is likely that other calendar lengths were devised and interpreted in different Mayan cities like as the XULTÚN finding suggests. This has to be taken into account in any serious reckoning of what may be going on and in any future concomitant research.

If the (however “advanced,” also warrior-like and quite bloody) Mayans were indeed advanced seers into aspects of nature more fundamental than those normally explored by modern science, one or more “longer counts” may have other such fundamental meanings not currently explored by UFO-New Age-Exopolitics receptive communities. I wonder what would have happened if news of the lengthier long count found in Xultún had reached the intellectual leaders (like Terence McKenna and John Major Jenkins) of those open-minded, alternative communities twenty years ago. Regardless, it might still be that those authors may at least be partially right and that the 2012 particular alignment: Including the Earth-Sun-Dark Rift-and (from an angle above the level of the plane of the galaxy) somewhere towards the Center of the Milky Way Galaxy (considered its center of rotation) may be quite important after all (even if the 1998 alignment is considered to have been astronomically more precise). However, I think that any normal physical forces (like gravity from the galaxy’s main black hole) or gamma and x-ray radiation are not likely to affect us because of their weakness due to (an approximate 26,000 light year) distance.

Again, we have to be clear that neither our planet nor our Sun will be going through the Galactic Plane (sometimes also called the “Galactic Equator” for convenience). We are currently located several degrees to the north or “above” this “Galactic Plane” and about 27 parsecs distant from it. As we are currently cycling up and away from this plane, it will take millions of years to pass once again through it. In fact what we should be talking about is of an approximate alignment with some important place in the actual center of the galaxy or somewhere in the vicinity of the center of the galaxy.

Not only is this alignment from an angle “above” but the same overall positioning (with moderate differences) occurs every 21st of December (with the Sun between the approximate center of the galaxy and the Earth). In fact the same alignment (but with the Earth opposite to the Sun in relation to it) occurs during June 20th. In both cases we experience a “SOLSTICE” which in Latin basically means “stationary Sun” since during those days there’s a moment in which the Sun seems to stop before reversing the horizontal component of its sunrise-sunset path across the sky. This moment in which the Sun STOPS was perhaps regarded by several ancient cultures as a special moment in which an important aspect of the sense of movement or “TIME” also “froze.” In a sense, it might also be considered a “moment out of time” and this will also be a factor to consider on December 21st, 2012.

In all these observations I think that we must consider that the “alignment” with the estimated rotational center of the Milky Way Galaxy on the December 21st, 2012 date will not be exact but off by about 6 degrees, 38 minutes.

We may also have to distinguish whether we expect any signal, radiation, force, information pulse or an anomaly to stem from the approximate rotational center of the galaxy, from where the great black hole near the galactic center looms or perhaps from the so-called “Great Central Sun of the Galaxy” which is recognized by some esoteric traditions following guidance from Alice Bailey’s neo theosophical tradition. In fact, I don’t discard the possibility that an alignment with a source of internally codifying information akin to the alleged (and apparently still undiscovered) “Great Central Sun of the Galaxy” might be where our Earth could align with in December 21st, 2012.

Regardless, the year 2012 might be different. Some contactee friends of mine (Ricardo Gonzalez from Perú and Luis Fernando Mostajo from Bolivia, friends whom I consider responsible, level-headed and genuine) seem to have been basically told that this year’s alignment signals the POINT OF NO RETURN TOWARD A GRADUAL BUT FUNDAMENTAL SHIFT. According to them, our “reality” may begin reconnecting with the time frequency of another and more original physical universe from which our known physical universe derives. I think that, if there’s any truth to any of this (something which I think is quite possible, even while trying not to fall into a fanatical, absolutist or “true believer” mindset) in any one particular interpretation of a contact experience), there might be a subquantum, re-codifying, information signal stemming from the center of the galaxy, a signal connecting with our sun, the Earth-Moon system and us non-locally. The work of Nicolai A. Kozyrev in “torsion physics,” of physicist Claude Swanson, PhD and his hypothetical sub-quantum “phitons” and that of Basil Hiley on David Bohm’s “Quantum Potential” being like an “active information potential” in “pre space” comes to mind. There may be geometric cycles in “pre-space” through which other forms of subtler physical energy-information patterns could flow. In fact, this “pre-space” may be more like a reciprocal “time-frequency domain” as proposed by Professor William A. Tiller, PhD or like what could be called (according to David Wilcock in The Source Field Investigations) a “reciprocal Time-Space” as proposed Dewey Larson’s “Reciprocal System Theory.” In my view, greater evidence for this complementary/reciprocal level of physical reality will accrue and scientists may also soon discover that this level constitutes a link with a non-physical, information-cohering Subtle-Mental Realm from which physical universes derive.

At any rate, there’s no need for a straightforward “end of the world” and there’s no clearly distinguishable “end of the world” Mayan prophecy as in the apocalyptic Christian sense which is culturally projected as a stable expectation by some people exploring alternative visions of reality. I also think most Mayans nowadays are not excessively worried about the “crucial date.” Many expectations of fast, radical shifts within UFO-ET receptive communities have normally ended up in disappointment, hiding failure “under the rug” and-or in re-directing the expectations. Books like When Prophecy Fails (by L. Festinger) and When Prophecy Never Fails (by D. Tumminia) illustrate some of this recurring situation. There either are social pressures for creating self-deceit and for holding on to a mythic story line structure (on which the sense of personal identity in an emotionally bound group depends) or, perhaps, the interactive nature of contact with different Time frequencies (and perhaps more intense) physical energies cannot be easily interpreted from our regular embodied experience in our particular Time frame and extra interpretive efforts must arise in the personal and the collective unconscious. Perhaps both factors are inextricably linked if contact with higher/subtler physical universes not directly (but perhaps subconsciously) correlated with our subjective experiences force us to experience a mismatch.

Nevertheless, according to both of my friend’s accounts (their contact experiences occurred in separate physical locations), this Dec 21, 2012 event might actually be the beginning of the end of a way to live in “Time” and-or to experience “Time.” How this may arise could be gradual but unexpected and it might include new scientific discoveries on the importance of underlying “coherent information” as the basis sustaining our universe. It might also include an increase interactive awareness with other realms and universes. I speculate like this because of being acquainted with the -by and large- emotionally calm and socially healthy participants in the Mission Rahma, predominantly Latin American contact groups supporting the more intense contact experiences of these and other friends since 1973-74. Such groups are probably part of a more effective interpretive support system promoting more level-headed and interpretively clearer contacts with beings whom –even if friendly and proven as thoroughly respectful over time- may be easily misunderstood because of primarily moving in other Time frequencies under differently cohering and –quite likely- more intense energies.

Interestingly, when in the 1970’s the interactive contact events were more intense and felt like “recent news” the various Mission Rahma contact-experiencing individuals and support groups also tended to interpret ET messages more dramatically and with a greater sense of urgency. Their counter balancing group support (along with well-established, culturally-cohesive patterns) was small and the charismatic leadership of the main contactees (mostly the Paz Wells brothers) was much more influential. Enthusiasm reigned and they also experienced a greater degree of radicalism as might be expected from other contact groups in similar situations. In this stage dominated by strong personalities manifesting “party lines” and followership many mistakes were committed. Nevertheless, intense (physical and otherwise) contact experiences were not (purposefully or otherwise) limited to the main group leaders and, in time, other important contactees came to the fore. In spite of the non-intellectual/non-skeptically analytical but, instead, rather idealistic nature of most (even if well-intended) participants throughout the years, other forms of decency and reasonableness apparently elicited through harmonizing group processes served to gradually hone or perfect interpretive skills and capacities with a tendency towards moderation. This may be why the contacts have (according to my participant-observer’s assessment) continued being evidential as much as life-enhancing (or health promoting), informing, mostly coherent and productive over the years and why the particular messages received pertaining to December 21st, 2012 may be worth considering.

There’s no doubt that these contacts will continue and that new information will be gradually forthcoming and added to a growing and maturing corpus. For instance, the somewhat naïve, over-idealized and exclusivist attitude of considering that abduction events were “not genuine ET contact events” was gradually outgrown. New contactees (in personal or group contacts) do regularly arise in this long-lasting, friendly experience which transcends the multifaceted but power-driven contact styles harbored in larger, more individualistic, impersonal, competitive and developed cultures functioning under rigid social systems geared to impose order. This contact information should be studied, compared and analyzed along with that also apparently given to other contactees that have shown evidence of objective and evidential physical contacts preferably within a support group which is integrally respected and –also preferably- which was also given ample opportunities to elicit their own verifying experiences.

While Mission Rahma’s received corpus of information (sometimes identical or complementary information was simultaneously received by separate individuals) may also suffer from an unknown degree of distortion and misinterpretation it certainly is a work in progress. In contrast with individualized contact experiences, with sporadic apparently unintended contacts and with many different kinds of abduction-related experiences, the predominantly cohesive, friendly, healthy, easygoing but hardworking and altruistically dedicated processes these contact groups undertook through the years could be taken as models for healthy contact procedures.


Further Reading

A complete “Physical Contact Report” written by Ricardo Gonzalez about the most recent contact event and translated into English is forthcoming. Nevertheless, some Facebook posted images can now be seen here.

There’s an informative skeptics blog regarding misconceptions about the 2012 alignment here.

The outstanding researcher William Hamilton III also gives us an interesting perspective here.





The “Imaginal” & Sergeant Clifford Stone’s ET Friends

By Giorgio Piacenza

New book by Clifford Stone available at Amazon.com – click image

The “visitors” whom retired U.S. Army Sergeant Clifford Stone describes are “three dimensional” in the sense of being more alive and humanly genuine than the rote expectations with which they are frequently portrayed. These “visitors” for him are real persons, not robotic-like conscious minds that have no similarities with human understandings. Nevertheless, he also describes a variety of these entities including his early life friend “Corona”. They can be greenish (and less believable if described due to the “little green men” cliché phrase); they can be indistinguishable from “us” (“us” referring to who? white Nordic humans because if they had been like the “Negritos” from the Philippines or like the pigmies from Congo would they have still been considered “like us”?). Apparently, according to Stone, some are types of “greys” and some are not but, interestingly, he says that all of them have what could be termed an “alter dimensional” aspect. This is particularly valid for me who after years of considering how might ET “visitors” generally operate think that a key lies in being able to interact with what in simple, colloquial terms could be called the “Astral World.” I think that “they” can come from different universes or “coherent molecular spaces” (as mentioned in Sergeant Stone’s interviews) which have different degrees of interaction with the Astral (or Subtle) World whose objective exteriors causally respond to subjective input. The more fused or actively related with the Astral World a physical universe might be, the more flexible and “unphysical” and the more subjectively responsive it might also be.

Since this essay recognizes Sergeant Stone’s emphasis upon friendship I’m going to join the ranks calling him a “friend” (a friend of humanity and by extension of mine) and refer to him as “Clifford.” Clifford’s friend Mr. Joseph Zeromski states that some of the “visitors” are “mischievous” and at the same time he also expresses that they are more spiritually evolved. Perhaps understanding the inner workings of the living Kosmos and being able to apply this understanding in their lifestyles and technologies may in some sense for some be equivalent to thinking about all of these beings as more “spiritually evolved.” Perhaps even an evil entity could be understood like this from a limited human perspective focused upon denser physical matter. However, entities with a practical reach into the Astral World might not necessarily have the same intentions of the kindest persons on Earth. It might mean that they understand more and operate more under some shared rules whether under their own enthusiasm or by a forced need to do so.

Both Clifford and Joseph Zeromski mention or imply that friendship is not only possible with extraterrestrial entities but desirable. They also say that people normally tend to ask the wrong questions in relation to ETS, for instance mostly thinking in terms of technologies that can be turned into weapons and not thinking in terms of the personal, cultural and social lives of the “visitors.” I agree as understanding the cultural, social, psychological and spiritual dimensions of the “visitors” should be of paramount importance to establish a solid, long-term relation with them and to better understand our own history and role in the living Kosmos. Clifford speaks of variety and complexity in relation to extraterrestrials and that, typically, persons involved in UFO research may only be dealing with the “tip of the iceberg.”

Clifford also tells us that, after his son died under strange coincidences/circumstances (not likely related to a military operation) and after he was taken out of his physical body by his ET friend Corona to visit his departed son (he would only remember the encounter with his son before the definitive threshold separating the low-physical Astral World from what could be called “Heaven” or a full-fledged, more enlightened level in that Astral World), he heard and saw an evil shadow “face” who told him that they could kill him if they wanted to. This was followed by another voice that said that he was not to be killed. Were these entities “extraterrestrials” or were they some of the spiritual entities behind the main “good vs. evil” dramas played on Planet Earth? Are they attempting to pull the strings in disfavor of the highest potentials of the human world? I have a feeling that they are of the latter category and remember that in the Bible is the admonition that our real enemies are not of this world.

The SOM-101 Manual referred to by Clifford and other alleged official instructions to deal with the “visitors” mention guidelines such as “official denial,” “discredit witnesses,” “deceptive statements,” “securing an evidence area out of those without a need to know” and managing a “press blackout.” Well, this probably means that persons with the same level of consciousness as the average “out of the loop” citizen are following the basic reaction to a threat. Acting as society’s “superego” under the systems permission the denial of those “in the loop” is imposed upon the non-military, or upon the “out of the loop” collective majority which, after all, for the most part at this stage of the game seems to prefer not to know or to deny the facts by turning UFO ET issues into jokes. With this attitude, the personal (First Person Subjective), cultural (Second Person Relational) and the social (Third Person Systemic) “dimensions” of any real, living being are relegated to non-issues and the typical perspective on extraterrestrial entities (whether from those in the know and those not in the know) becomes easily trivialized and “mono dimensional.”

In this fashion the “visitors” are normally experienced as OBJECTS and not as conscious, feeling, experiencing entities as alive as we are. Then, since the human mind can theorize and remain distant or uninvolved from a Third Person perspective it becomes easier to handle or manage the “visitors” without commitment and essential subjectively felt respect much as civilians of an enemy country are easily bombed from an airplane when soldiers are given a theoretical reason by authorities.

Interestingly, Clifford’s preparation for the job he experienced with the “visitors” started in childhood and apparently an Air force Captain “in the know” coincided with him and this led to his eventual recruitment into a secret ET research program. Could it be that Clifford had a life as an ET and that he made the agreement to assist in the human-ET relation during our era? However it was, Clifford’s “preparation” seems to have involved personal and immediate family members and social relations in which some of the ETS participated since his early childhood. In other words, it involved more aspects of a real self-conscious, intelligent, feeling being’s “dimensions” of reality and not just the distant, Third Person, theoretical style. This is probably why he was utilized by the military to communicate with the ETS and why he was tolerated when infringing some otherwise strict rules as when he liberated a “visitor” guest who felt more like a prisoner.

I would say that Clifford’s preparation was not only personal and social but also “integral” as it involved all of his being. I would also say that some of this preparation involved the “visitors’ using collective unconscious symbols such as when allegedly an ET impersonates someone else during Christmas and asks him if he wants to go to see the “boogey man” (this reminds me of Whitley Strieber’s experiences that also seem to relate with eliciting universal fears). When Clifford allegedly saw and heard a grey type of alien laughing with a “hellish laugh” and making a “crackling sound” he seems to have been not just connecting with the ET “visitor” but with this entity eliciting a direct experience with something in a collective unconscious “imaginal” realm, (a realm that might materialize or become experientially available in a physical sense under certain circumstances as Carl Jung hinted). For some reasons the reality of humans interacting with many ET visitors often takes on dreamlike-but-physical emotionally charged, symbolic characteristics. Are they interested in peeking unto some of Man’s raw creative powers?

As part of his “preparation” from childhood, Clifford also inevitably saw things against his conscious will and found that no one would listen or taken him seriously with few exceptions (his childhood friend Delbert Hudson apparently got to see some entities as well). Also, as part of his preparation to be a liaison between ETS varieties and humans he joined the Army and prepared as a military man and a patriot. He was trained in special operations to recover devices that fell on the ground and which could be potentially dangerous but had to be transported to a secure place. Nonetheless, in addition to this he must have also been trained to work on a regular job (as he states) because not every day important technological devices fall from the sky.

Clifford then, much later in life and, apparently only after the tragedy of his son’s early demise gained enough wisdom to decide to speak out in public (even perhaps against his sense of loyalty and conditioning to the military) so that other citizens would learn more of the truth. His son’s death could be considered as a “preparation” for his public role in disclosure events that followed extending his reach to a much wider group (perhaps from all potential U.S. citizens to all humans).

There’s a moment in Clifford’s 2001 Disclosure Project declaration in which he simply states that “visitors from other planets are coming here to this planet” but after reading into this straightforward and simple statement, I would say that they might be doing so not just physically (or interactive with our particular “space-time”) but also “internally” through dimensions of existence that respond or obey to our wills. In fact, how our minds affect what C. Jung and physicist W. Pauli understood as called the “imaginal” worlds may be important not just to us (when sometimes these “imaginal “worlds materialize in an objective and-or experiential way) but particularly important to the visitors whose “molecular spaces” or physical universes may be more integrated with the Astral or Subtle Realm than ours. In other words, our “astral” creative capacities may also be of great importance to them.

William F. Hamilton III (whom I consider a very good, intelligent researcher with an ample understanding on many UFO matters) brought up the issue of pre-physical “potentials.” In chapter four of his “Alien Magic,” a chapter dealing with “UFO Crashes in the Desert” William Steinman is said to have discovered that a Dr. R.I. Sarbacher suggests (in relation of a crashed or recovered ET craft) that “The activation of an electrical potential is believed to be the primary power to the reactor, though it is only a theory at present.” Well, in my view, if this “electric potential” refers to a more primary energy-as-information potential, a kind of “field” which is non vectorial, he may referring to a pre-physical element that co-exists with the Astral World or Subtle Realm as a structured information subset derived from it. I think that as exopoliticians we must reach out into this “Astral World” in order to understand many of the scientific and personal interests of our ET “visitors” and-or “friends.”

Clifford mentions that knowledge of humans surviving bodily death is important, implying that it also is scientifically and experientially important and useful for the “visitors.” This is an issue that should also be significant to exopoliticians and UFO researchers, not just because of its relation with ET technology, but because to understand the ET mindset and who we are in relation to them and to the Kosmos (in fact, in order to “enlighten up” our emerging world culture) we need to understand our implicit and explicit roles in “otherworldly” matters at large. In fact, survival research in general as much as hyper physics, free energy and the like should be more than fitting for well-rounded exopoliticians.


Paola Leopizzi Harris (2008). “Interview with Clifford Stone about Crash Retrievals and Aliens (with the help of his collaborator Joseph Zeromski).”


"This UFO-shaped Adinkra drawn by Landweber is a graphic representation of a binary error-correcting program found in the laws of physics in relation to Superstring Theory. Physicist James Gates discovered this pattern and may show that our universe is programed and even possessing error-correcting codes

Ethics of Transdimensional Extraterrestrials

By Giorgio Piacenza Cabrera

 "This UFO-shaped Adinkra drawn by Landweber is a graphic representation of a binary error-correcting program found in the laws of physics in relation to Superstring Theory. Physicist James Gates discovered this pattern and may show that our universe is programed and even possessing error-correcting codes
Is this a sign that transdimensional information controls reality? This UFO-shaped “Adinkra” (drawn by Landweber) represents a binary, error-correcting program discovered by Superstring & Supersymmetry physicist Sylvester James Gates.

I think that -upon coming in contact with our particular physical reality- extraterrestrials equally acquire internal limitations in relation to each other and to us and must therefore follow a careful kind of engagement with Humanity and this would impinge upon what we would consider their ethics. Many of us have asked are extraterrestrials benevolent or malevolent? Are some benevolent and some malevolent or are we only imposing our human standards onto them? Opinions are heated and there might be good reasons for any of those evaluations while -typically- we might be emotionally attached to any of these. However, I think that the issue needs to be more intelligently considered and we might make progress. The simple answer might be both and neither but let me start from the beginning.

“False Flag,” human-created, ET invasions would be events that cater to a primitive – or rather naive- way of experiencing the world, one dependent upon external, physical manipulation. If the “container” or “conveyor” of physical experiences itself (what we currently call space-time) can be modified, the relational situation among ETS with this capability would not be what we normally expect. An “either-or” issue is normally more limited to mechanistic, classical science. According to my ongoing research on the origins of physical reality, modifying physical space-time first requires connecting more intensely with specific patterns in the metaphysically prior “Astral” Subtle or Mental” Realm…a realm (unlike the physical universe we are more consciously aware of) of immediate, interior, subjective expression; a realm in which mental objects manifest in the exterior or shared experiential space after the primacy of interior, subjective insights. While time in a physical universe can be primarily understood as allowing distinct, sequential, experiences or intuitive apprehensions (in Whitehead’s sense), time in the Astral-Subtle-Mental Realm can be understood as allowing exterior experiential objects to coincide with interior-subjective insights in any order suitable to that interiority. In both cases “time” allows distinctions to be made as perfect experiential unity is neither of the Physical nor of the Astral-Subtle-Mental realms. While in the Physical Realm (composed of conceivable and possible physical universes) exterior objects limit experiential insights within an exterior order in the Astral-Subtle-Mental Realm exterior objects would accommodate or directly respond to insights. The degree of denial of the latter would determine how physical a universe is.

If there’s any truth in relation to any fundamental shift being introduced by a pre-quantum realm “code” or “signal” stemming from the center of our galaxy on December 21st, 2012, it may have to do with an Astral-Subtle-Mental reprogramming of patterns that affect what is possible in our experience of the physical universe. For us, the change might occur gradually rather than in a quantum leap kind of way and it might just manifest as an increased way in which our physical reality might be able to interact with the Astral-Subtle-Mental Realm and with subtler physical universes. Connections will probably naturally open with physical universes whose systemic components resonate with precisely defined greater or more inclusive degrees of interaction with the Astral-Subtle-Mental Realm. According to some contactees from the Mission Rahma group, this re-coding of fundamental Subtle Realm patterns affecting our physical universe might affect extraterrestrials more immediately and intensely than what we’ll experience.

I think that physical universes are specifically regulated and depend (for their specific fundamental values and degree of macro-experiential separation from their own negentropy (or degree of synergistic causality obtained from combining with its own negentropic states) upon specific limitations imposed upon the more fundamental Astral-Subtle-Mental Realm whose shared experiential spaces or exteriors respond to the mind without the experiential limitations or dimensions which we call duration or distance. The amount of asymmetry introduced to that Astral-Subtle-Mental Realm is concomitant to how physical and limited to inertia, entropy, experiential delay, and separate objective cause-effect relations a particular physical universe is. This asymmetry would also separate the macro-scale, entropic, time-forward causality we are ordinarily conscious of, from the micro-scale, negentropic, probably associated retrocausality we are ordinarily unaware of or tend to occasionally perceive in a subconscious, dream-like, precognitive, or altered state. Nevertheless, both causalities seem to remain symmetrical at the quantum relativistically-invariant level of unobserved events as suggested by the Klein-Gordon Equation. That our universe might be designed, specified, and programmed might be reflected in the Adinkras drawn by Gregory D. Landweber which (according to superstring physicist Silvester James Gates) apparently represent error-correcting, binary programs accompanying the physical laws of our physical universe.

Being able to reconnect both complementary causal and retrocausal, time-forward and time-backward probably but (in so far as they coincide, actual or real physical spaces would increase the gauge symmetry (as Dr. William A. Tiller might say) and would require (as Dr. William A. Tiller might also say) intervention from the subjacent Astral-Subtle-Mental Realm common to both and whose intervention capability or what would correspond to Astral-Subtle-Mental Realm quanta of action might operate both at speeds below C and above C (the speed of light in the vacuum). In fact, particular subsets of that metaphysically prior realm of physical consequence may be stably interactive with the akashic vacuum plenum that may sustain all realm levels and qualitatively different kinds of realities thus also sustaining our specific physical universe.

I think that would matter most to advanced ET beings would be the ability to experience while structuring information knowing quite well that all levels of the Cosmos are defined but interactive, pliable and ultimately not “Real.” Being able to manipulate the possibilities of EXPERIENCE and the INFORMATION which structures experiential objects by manipulating what we call “dimensions, space, and time impinges upon the “rules of collective engagement” among different transdimensional ET species. This makes these rules more sophisticated than what we normally think as most of us in this physical Earth are still limited to a parochial, animalistic (predator-prey effective) sense of macro-level, material reality. In this way of experiencing reality, exterior physical actions dominate, and we are instinctively used to dangers coming from the outside. Nevertheless, trying to impose one’s will or to satisfy one’s species needs primarily through physically external actions and technologies would make no sense if the manipulation of EXPERIENCE and of object-structuring INFORMATION depends upon the sensitive issue of shared inner spaces. These are relational “spaces” and relational spaces cannot be ignored to sustain a subjective sense of being and technological advancement would force a deeper kind of relational space. Upon entering our physical world the extraterrestrial inner relational spaces would be compromised. Thus, agreements among transdimensional ET species would have to take this into account as shared inner spaces have to be respected. Another way to say it is that, in order to interact with our physical reality, the ETS imaginal worlds (in the Jungian sense) would be compromised. These worlds are Astral-Subtle-Mental but do generate physical effects and would generate physical effects in the particular physical universe they come from. Thus, having to share aspects of their “imaginal worlds in order to interact with our particular physical reality would imperil the realm where their subjective experiences (most intimately linked to their sense of being) unfold. Their first-person, subjective experiences inevitably linked to a shared, second person we-generating relational Astral-Subtle-Mental space in turn linked to the production of the particular physical reality they want to interact with would be affected if they intervened too aggressively or distorted how we perceive and experience our physical reality.

It is not a simple as saying that we are imposing our “good and evil” prejudices and dichotomies upon them or as saying that all of them have a benevolent intention because they have overcome dichotomous thinking. Generally speaking, they may have different histories, inclinations, needs motivations, and agendas but their interaction with our physical reality would open them to certain perils. Through acquiring Earth human Astral-Subtle-Mental patterns, the way they experience their agentic or volitional selves in their stable physical universe might acquire characteristics related to a distortion imposed on us. Expression vehicles internal to their agentic or volitional selves could be altered. The different sets of engagement ethics with physical Earth humans could be primarily contrived and rationally-objectively accepted or primarily adopted from a willing and subjective initiative. The former would be like a rational, objective, third-person, practical gentlemen’s agreement so as not to imperil Astral-Subtle-Mental Realm experiential vehicles mutually internal to all ET species involved (when interacting with the particular physical universe in which our Earth humanity manifests. The latter would be like a more synergistic, spontaneous, first-person subjectively-initiated desire to enhance the lives of all entities involved in these multiple reality interphases. In either case, we would not see external, overt invasion tactics as most False Flag ET invasion scenarios would apparently simulate. The demands of a higher realm subtlety, so to speak, would impose similar complications on all extraterrestrial participants.

Being able to manipulate the same space-time while sharing the same Astral-Subtle-Mental  experiential “space” would change the “ball game” as few ET civilizations would risk disarraying their internal Astral-Subtle-Mental Realm order with which their people experience their unique interpretive sense of reality. Thus, there would be a mechanism in place to deter or intercept the few rogues, transdimensionally-capable ETS not playing by the rules. The same mechanism would force ET entities with different needs, motivations, and agendas to respect each other and not to intervene beyond what is minimally required. Those not willing to maintain the general agreed-upon safety of all ET civilizations with a stake in humanity and physical Earth would be sifted out.

The degree of reconnection (or of mutually canceling) of the causal and retrocausal or of the primarily entropic and negentropic complementary physical aspects that originally spring from the (duration cero and distance cero) mental object-manifesting objective exteriors corresponding to the Astral-Subtle-Mental Realm would generate various degrees of more or less ethereal and more or less dense physical universes. Some of these universes would allegedly be the ones from which many ET species originate. They would still be physical as their intuitive experiential grasp would follow from exterior objects (however syntropic and synchronistic that experience might be). When the mutual cancellation of the causal and retrocausal split is complete, we would not be speaking of physical universes any longer as experience would not manifest through the use of exterior objects interacting under the dimensions of distance and delay.

The subsets of the Astral-Subtle-Mental Realm components of visiting extraterrestrials (subsets impinging upon their own physical realities and timelines) become shared internal components with us when they shift their vibratory states in order to resonate and relate with our physical universe. This means that the Astral-Subtle-Mental a previous potential agentic or volitionally active aspect of their selves becomes actual or active and coincidental with ours. Again, these subsets (required to relate with our physical universe) would become actual from a previous (non-interactive) potential state and, as being components that manifest our physical universe now coincide with their own actual and agentic interior experiences. These Astral-Subtle-Mental subsets of extraterrestrial physical universes that would now coincide with the same Astral-Subtle-Mental subsets that generate our particular physical universe and kind of experiences would also become common to all the ET species physically interacting with us. In other words, the patterns would be incorporated and would become internal or free-will responding to their own agency, to our agency, and to the agency of any being interacting with our physical universe and timeline. This would not just impose responsibilities but also restrictions and inherent safeguards.

The BREDAM: An Extraterrestrial Ethical Understanding

By Giorgio Piacenza Cabrera

An alleged multidimensional doorway “Xendra” photographed in Uruguay

Harmonious universal values and principles become personally binding and not just “lofty words” disconnected from “reality” and soon to be forgotten if our sense of belonging, our self-identity expands beyond irrational, pre-integral exclusivisms. After years of reviewing contactee literature I’d say that many alleged extraterrestrials seem to have an expanded sense of belonging, not only in a cognitive sense and in ways of dealing with complexity and multidimensionality but also in heart-felt, spiritual and instinctive a-rational (not irrational) terms. These types of ETS seem to be more human-compatible and to offer the most human-enhancing and whole free will-respecting contacts. Can we rise to the challenge and get a grip of their ethics as exopolitical ambassadors and as humans in general?

There’s an ethical understanding called the “Bredam.” “The ‘Bredam’ or ‘Cosmic Song of the Universe’ is not found in any particular place but is everywhere at once. It is not written in any language, books, manuscripts or codes. Its place and expectation is from always. There is no secret to find it because as it is it is without you. It is a perennial energy and all have access to it when the time arrives (an alleged ET transmission to a contactee within Mission Rahma).”

Within the (international but mostly Latin American) ET contact group called “Mission Rahma” (originated in 1973-74 by Sixto Paz Wells, his family and friends inside the Peruvian Institute of Interplanetary Relations “IPRI” founded by his father Carlos Paz García in 1955), the “Bredam” is alleged to be a moral understanding and a set of “laws” adhered to in every planetary civilization that functions under the spiritual authority of the 24 Elders of the (Milky Way) Galaxy. The following extract is a conceptual transmission which allegedly took place during a contact experience in which a physical and inter-dimensional transference to “Morlen” (Ganymede) was achieved through an artificially generated dimensional gateway called “Xendra.” I translated the following passage inspired on the “Bredam” from http://contactorahma.blogspot.com/.

“One can only see well with the heart

One can only identify correctly with intuition

One can only understand well with respect to reasons

One can only judge well with an understanding of motivations

One can only dialogue adequately with tolerance to diverse opinions but,

above all, one can only teach well through example.”

“Mission Rahma” is one of several contact missions with specific varieties of our extraterrestrial forefathers. These particular “forefathers” admit that in the past they committed several mistakes that hurt humanity. Nonetheless, they currently seem to be aligned with the love-based esoteric teachings of the world religions and to be very respectful of Master Jesus the Christ in particular because this being is one with the “Cosmic Christ” or Logos. The latter element seems to be a reason why they found a more receptive human community among Spanish-speaking spiritual seekers. In the word “Rahma” “Ra” symbolizes the “Sun” and “divine light.” “Ma” symbolizes “the Earth” and the letter “h” symbolizes our “humanity” capable of bringing light and wisdom to Earth but also to the Cosmos and, furthermore, of acting as a “bridge” to the highest dimensions of existence which extraterrestrials themselves do not reach. Even if the group is numerically small (perhaps in the thousands over the years in more than 20 countries), the unity of altruistic purpose and collective spiritual “work” is deemed an effective representation in the name of humanity.

Allegedly, according to physical contactees from this group, Ganymede (the moon of Jupiter) harbors a technologically-sustained intentional community (a multi-faceted colony of colonists from many civilizations which did not adhere to the Orion rebellion). The colony (called “Morlen”) is thought to be located in another time frame and vibratory level of physical reality. It is also considered to be the local seat of the “Council of the 24 Elders of the (Milky Way) Galaxy.”

While I’m quoting ideas expressive of the “Bredam,” this “code” is more like the “spirit of the law” thought to be felt and understood by the spiritual heart and through common sense. Some of the sayings that follow (allegedly communicated by extraterrestrial “guides” and by some of their spiritual “masters” during telepathic transmissions) may give us a better sense of this unwritten “code”:

Close your eyes to see; Open your heart to understand; Seal your lips to vibrate; Feel the Christ presence to shine.

The beginning of reason is logic and the logic of its beginning is its end. Reason doesn’t rest in knowledge but in wisdom.

The goal of a wise master is not that his disciple equals him but to be surpassed by him; in this way he will have an opportunity to become a disciple once again.

What you understand with the heart is integrated with the mind and is communicated with the sublime act of love.


These guidelies were extensively used within the Mission Rahma contacty groups. Ideally, the guidelines which serve to judge the truthfulness and positive contributions of an extraterrestrial message could also give us some hints on the “Bredam” that inspires whom we would call “benign” or “life-enhancing,” “freedom-respectful” extraterrestrials: 1) A genuine life-enhancing message is coherent and logical. 2) It possesses a simple and profound wisdom. 3) It is positive and provides options, never falling prey to catastrophism. 4) It always provides something new and isn’t simply the repetition of previous messages, nor does it contradict them but it expands and deepens upon them. 5) It is outside of time: Its knowledge transcends time. 6) It brings an intuitively perceived subtle contribution which quite often reason cannot understand. It is a sense of light and spirituality which is felt upon relating with the message. 7) A genuine message is universal and not personal or exclusive. It doesn’t over-differentiate. 8) It can propose specific spiritual tasks or a change for the good but never impose them on others.

Reflections: Is a Cosmic/Universal Ethics Humanly Possible?

Reflecting on what causes self-reflective, intelligent beings to behave for the benefit of others I realize that a most crucial ingredient is the shared values of the group we participate with in a vital or personally important way. If our self-identity depends on valuing being men and our group implicitly says “men are tough” we’ll try to show toughness. If we are Americans and our self-identity depends on groups that implicitly say that “Americans are predestined by God” we’ll support that. Every value we support, if it is partially true will not just negate its opposite. It will support our core sense of self identifications and also leave out other partially true values. Nevertheless, the more UNIVERSAL and INCLUSIVE our sense of self and group-related values are the more these values will partially coincide with other people’s. It may be a matter of gradually expanding one’s inclusivity along with what values can our sense of identity coexist with.

Can we expect ETS to risk openly contacting us in our own terms any time soon? Can we live by a universal and unspecified ethics like the “Bredam?” Can we listen and resonate with the “Song of the Universe?” I think that we already do it to a greater or lesser extent in so far as we value others besides ourselves to whichever degree. Nonetheless, I also think that that to do so in a similar way as the alleged extraterrestrials mentioned in this essay more importantly requires an expansion or leap in the spiritually (Monad presence) “heart-felt” and constitutionally (gross and subtle bodies integration) “instinctively-felt” self-identity. These are the spiritual and the fundamental sides of our conscious capacity to include. Secondarily it requires a cognitive expansion into a trans-systemic, integral-level understanding. In other words, cognition and mental understanding may be necessary and useful but not as fundamentally important as spiritually-inspired feeling and struturally-inspired instinct. This may be why benign extraterrestrials often choose not just people who don’t have a personal stake in institutions but also who are not very intellectually inclined. Their good feelings and good instincts about their contacts is in these cases what matters most.

While cognitive expansion of our conscious “space” would deal with extraterrestrials (and any other form of life) in depersonalized, Third Person-objective, inter-systemic ways (like a “Vulcan” from the TV series “Star Trek” would) spiritual and instinctive conscious expansion would deal with extraterrestrials in personal, First Person-subjective ways. Both ways could be necessary but the latter would be more fundamental since even subjectivity may be ultimately linked to the Universal Conscious Presence that gives rise to everything, including objects and the intelligence needed to understand them.

Perhaps a basic “gentlemen’s agreement” kind or respect in our relations with ETS may require our self-identities to embrace a healthy cognitive respect for the vital integration of all systems (terrestrial and extraterrestrial) but a kind and superior alignment with the highest good for everyone in the long run may require a self-identity extended by an opening of the heart.

Contactees within Mission Rahma (as well as contactees from other groups, theosophists, new agers and channelers) have generally privileged the former kind of leap and within Mission Rahma it has been called a leap into the “Fourth Dimension of Consciousness.” Nonetheless, this expansion or “leap in consciousness” might also correlate with the research and theories put forth in the work of several coinciding developmental psychologists like Dr. Clare W. Graves’ and his “Levels of Existence” (http://www.clarewgraves.com/), Dr. Elizabeth Cook-Greuter and her “Action Logics,” Dr. Jane Loevinger’s and her “Stages of Ego Development” (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loevinger%27s_stages_of_ego_development) and Harvard Professor in Adult Learning and Professional Behavior Dr. Robert Kegan’s and his “Orders of Consciousness” (http://www.gse.harvard.edu/directory/faculty/faculty-detail/?fc=318&flt=k&sub=all). In relation to a cognitive and self-identity level of awareness capable of dealing with the world as a whole (and in my view even perhaps) with extraterrestrial contact Professor Kegan refers to the possibility of an emerging “Inter-Individual Order of Consciousness.” At least all of these researchers using different kinds of structuralist methods through psychological tests and other objective ways of quantifying human psychological development coincide with one of the fathers of Humanistic psychology, Dr. Abraham Maslow (http://www.abrahammaslow.com/) who thought that higher stages of human development were indeed possible.

I think that each particular group of self-aware and self-reflective beings on Earth (and elsewhere) admit values which are degrees of understandings which ultimately derive from the original explicated Source, the sound and light of all creation, universes, densities and materiality. As that which provides essential meaning, coherence and order it has been variously recognized in different religions as: All inclusive love, the Logos/Christ, the Word, AUM, the compassionate Buddha Mind, and even as by esoteric mystics as a vibratory essence of MIND behind the seven Hermetic principles given in “The Kybalion.” The human sense of order, of right and wrong, of better and worse, of more or less harmonious, of what to include or to exclude so as to choose and evolve would emerge from this original vibration at the Heart of all that manifests. The ability to recognize it would always be with us (however we may have been genetically modified for the worse) because without it living systems would not flourish. It would be naturally encoded within our bodies and our DNA blueprint. If we feel it as a single thread connecting our body, mind and spirit essences and their corresponding “bodies” we are potentially capable of acting more inclusively and kindly to all of life, extending our vital (and absolutely necessary) sense of belonging and participation to the entire Cosmos.


Atkinson, William W. & Philip Deslippe (edit) (1908/2011). The Kybalion. Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin: Los Angeles.

Contacto Rahma Blogspot http://contactorahma.blogspot.com/

El Bredam: Código Moral Cósmico http://www.misionrahma.de/docs/El_Bredam.html

González, Ricardo. (2007). El Decadrón. Proyecto ECIS Publicaciones: Buenos Aires.

Kegan, Robert (1994). In over our heads: The mental demands of modern life. Harvard University Press: Cambridge.

Misión Rahma New York Blogspot http://misionrahmanewyork.blogspot.com/2011/05/el-bredam-es-un-codigo-moral-y-sistema.html

Paz Wells, Sixto. (2000). The Invitation. 1st World Library: Fairfield.

Unidos en el Contacto http://www.unidosenelcontacto.com/camping.php

How to Think about UFO-ET Contacts: Complexity is Here to Stay

By Giorgio Piacenza Cabrera

Image Source: The Daily Galaxy blog

HELLO EXOPOLITICIANS! I agree with our great colleague Paola L. Harris that, unless more valiant politicians and exopoliticians (like the Honorable Hellyer) with evidence about the UFO/visitors reality are willing to come “out of the closet”, the “silence of the unwilling” will drown once again the valiant voices. I also concur that bringing up contactee experiences tends to make disclosure efforts less credible but, for me, the main issue is that the main blockage appears to arise from limiting human attitudes.  It is in us and awareness could perhaps liberate us as well. I think that there still are great opportunities through contactees (in spite of uncritical, non-analytical, “true believer” tendencies perhaps in most who also tend not to be in positions of respectable public power).

Contactees are also important, not just because of their candidness which can give us a gentler sense of the reality behind some of the contacts but because they can help us to re-connect with aspects of ourselves based on inherent goodness. Just as we may think that some of the “visitors” have “good reasons” why they are conducting abduction procedures (for our own good) (always?) we can think that they have “good reasons” why other prefer to contact nonacademic, non-powerful, non-analytical people that will often develop a “true believer,” missionary attitude. Perhaps this is a way to gently reach an average level of awareness in humanity allowing room to accept or not to accept that contacts are taking place.

We must understand that contactee, abductee, integrated contactee-abductee, accidental, channeling, historical and research ufological literature shows ever-increasing evidence there are varieties of ETS (not just Annunakis; not just lizards attempting to control us or greys with a variety of agendas, needs, agreements, timeline degrees of evolution; not just human-like benevolent space brothers and human-like and non-human-like negative Orions; not just future Essasani, art-loving Pleiadians, trans-dimensional Venusians, matter-of-fact scientists, inhabitants of Ganymede, semi-angelic beings and giants from Lyra ). The range is HUGE and we should neither fall in fear and disrepair nor ignore that -during some contacts- warnings about deceiving entities were also received. We are the ones that place limits.

Moreover, to understand how to think of “them” as “good or evil” and, simultaneously, not as “good or evil” we need to complexify our thinking. For instance, it’s not just that “if they were violent they would have conquered or wiped us out a long time ago.” If there are many groups of ETS with different agendas, needs and levels of development, there may be a control mechanism as to who is allowed to interact with us or not. There might be hierarchies between those that have transcended certain needs and those that have not. These hierarchies might not even be understood as between those ETS that are older or from particular far-flung futures (and thus more evolved) and those newer or closer to our present in terms of experience. We need to complexify our thinking in order to reach beyond the “adolescent stage” some of us may be in right now. We need to think in terms of Meta patterns reflecting a cosmic-level culture.

As researchers (and as non-integral humans in general) we tend to choose the aspect of Ufology that resonates more with us. This is a big problem. This is THE problem when facing a complex issue such as learning how to live in today’s world or learning how to relate with the ET presence. If we cannot handle a radical shift in our sense of reality and self-identity we (humans in general and not just researchers) will debunk even bona fide cases without learning from them or taking our time to carefully…research. Col. Corso’s case is a “case in point” as some researchers that contribute with other findings also invalidate this case…perhaps “unfairly.” This self-limiting attitude not only applies to government witnesses but to abductees, contactees, free energy researchers, and even amongst members of the UFO/ET research community. In fact, it applies to humanity in general as it stands now. As I’ll soon explain, we tend to invalidate each other too much, jumping onto the dissimilarities first rather than onto the similarities because our self-identities are limited because our three-vehicle instincts are disconnected.

There’s always someone with a great “piece of the puzzle” whose information we don’t FEEL as complementary but as dangerous to us. It is an irrational but effective attitude that which controls us in everything political we do. I think that we have three main types of instincts giving us a sense of exterior danger or of interior safety and that these instincts originate in our three main spiritual vehicles: The Physical, the Subtle and the Causal.  Each instinct is an adaptation to a primary cosmic environment reflecting the Body, Mind and Spirit aspects of being. This three-tiered partition of the Cosmos is present in many mystical-experiential disclosures such as in the philosophy of Vedanta. It behooves researchers to discover this.

If the instinct that controls us the most is physical we may always sense that what is most “real” is external stuff and think that the crux of ET interaction is in terms of technology, winning-losing, genetics and object manipulation and control. For this matter, benevolent contactee stories transmitting platitudes instead of technologies, or stories representing philosophical-humane understandings rather than, for instance, no-nonsense, physically manipulative genetic abductions, would also typically (and irrationally) feel to be much more “ludicrous” to most who think of themselves as “serious, objective researchers.” Then again, those that naturally sense a preponderance of instincts associated with the Subtle or the Causal spiritual vehicles may over-value inspiring platitudes. Enslaved by their preferred, non-integrated “instinct” researchers (and people in general attracted to the UFO-ET field) would focus on the mistakes of people whose main message represents other non-personally integrated instincts thus selecting out and dismissing parts of the genuine. Contactee reports and evidence (and along with that the invitations of ET groups willing to communicate more openly) are often summarily dismissed as genuine witnesses (however “credible,” “accredited” or not) they may be. They are simply non-instinctively detected. This happens irrationally if our “core sense of identity” and the “pieces of the puzzle” we hold on to EXCLUSIVISTICALLY (our personal “facts”) are challenged. The big problem we may not even be aware of is the non-integration of our three main instincts. When ideas and personal sense-making realizations reflect an imbalance between our three main instincts we violently sustain an incomplete self-sense boundary even to the point of endangering ourselves to sustain that boundary.

If we feel that (simplifying the situation) physically intervening ETS are more “real” that counsel-giving ETS we may ultimately prefer to contact the former than the latter. Still, I’d say that, between having a voluntary contact with more apparently communicative beings after a respectful invitation and exposing ourselves (however open-mindedly influenced by our current, cultural stage of post-modern relativism we may be) to anyone that comes along or to potentially abducting beings who (reasonably speaking, may or may not do it for ‘our own good’) and who may or may not be associated with “evil” controllers (we don’t really know if the word “evil” should be thrown out of our lexicon according to a universal ethics or to our religious ethics/biases normally decried as mistaken, limited and intolerant), it’s for me a ‘hands down’ choice for the first option. I think we can still gain much understanding and growth from ETS who are giving us opportunities to interact in a mutually respectful, friendly and kind way. By God, if there are opportunities to make an appointment for communicative contact with apparently kinder ETS why are we broadly preferring to hold on to a chance for contact through abducting ETS? Why do we hold on to a third person (often mutually undermining) research approach “after the facts” instead of finding out directly for ourselves? Why don’t we see past their pseudo-religious mistakes and attempt direct contact right away?

I think that, just as there was inhumane abusive intolerance in socially organized expressions of religious dogmatism in pre-modern religious and in biased-rational-modern (Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, right wing or left wing) absolutistic eras, we can also be blinded by the “relativism” of the current, more culturally advanced, post-modern era and ethos. BOTH the pre post-modern and the post-modern ideological positions are exclusivist and reductionist. The latter one is more difficult to detect but is radically flattening of differences and of a positive sense of hierarchy which, (according to integral and complexity thinkers) are natural facts of all forms of organization, regardless of level of development.

I think that, to start relating more intelligently with cosmic ‘cultures’ (culturally situated at least a couple of ‘notches’ beyond us) we need to develop our identities, ways of thinking, not just past the bigotry of pre-modern and modern but also past the post-modern ethos. Those of us willing to promote or lead toward a form of disclosure or to personally establish direct contact with ETS should conceptually and identitarily grow past post-modern (even if the self-identity of most people in the world seems still attached to pre-modern and modern ethos!): We must perceive more than equally valid, “horizontal” patterns; we must get a sense of the pattern that relates patterns. We must learn to think and to feel not only “systemically” (as in postmodernity) but “trans-systemically” the pattern behind patterned levels of complexity. Moving forward in “exopolitics” is not just about having pre-modern, clear-cut values; about modern-rational, effective pragmatism; about infinite egalitarian tolerance or about holistically including the best of all previous characteristics. It is about acquiring a non-monological initial degree of “cosmic understanding” (cosmic understanding “101”), the ABC’s of a common cosmic language (of the whole and the part) allowing us to share understandings to communicate with all varieties of “cosmic-faring” ETS more intelligently. Perhaps these ETS (regardless of their particular distinctions and inclinations are capable of simultaneously integrating exclusivist, relational and transcendental logics simultaneously.


Complexity of Contacts

By Giorgio Piacenza Cabrera

Artist depiction of Billy Meier meeting Semjase from the Pleiades/Plejares and Beamship

Recognizing the contribution of voluntary, conscious, willing contactees and how well they represented how we as Earth-humans are capable of interacting with cosmic-faring beings is still of paramount importance. I do truly agree that most ETS and -especially- the ones from the 1950’s early-phase of contacteeism did provide a great opportunity for humanity to embark upon an easier path of change. Then, what could be called the “intercontinental contactee wave” of the 1970’s (Eduard Meir, Castillo Rincón, Sixto Paz, etc) probably represented a second phase of possible contacts with another sub-group (of the originally overtly friendly “space brother” group). It materialized in other countries while, yes, debunking, was occurring in the U.S. and extended news about abduction kinds of contacts was about to increase mostly focused in that country. This 1970’s wave of friendly and information-volunteering contacts could probably be called the “second part of Plan A” or the “second part of the original contactee phase.”  I must admit that the 1980’s and 1990’s also saw new contactee cases (for instance with the cases Pablo E. Hawnser from Mexico and of Ricardo Gonzalez from Peru) which could belong to these friendlier, “Plan A.” Then (focused mostly in the U.S., in Puerto Rico, and perhaps similarly, but less intensely, in a few other places in the globe, like, perhaps, Brazil and Mexico) the increase in grey-related abductions was probably like a “Plan B” or second tier phase: A protocol of contacts that are more free will-limiting but also (broadly-speaking) consciousness-motivating in another karmically-allowed way to assist humanity to grow beyond its island-Earth parochialism and become more aware and participatory in cosmic functioning. In other words, if the first kind of contacts didn’t flourish, the second kind was allowed along with the possibility of the human adventure partially continuing in a hybridized form.

These other kinds of ET beings from “Plan B” probably had other kinds of karmic ties and needs that humans could complement with and satisfy so that a shared interactive and creative ‘space’ (a ‘Tinkuy’) was also possible. In a way is as Virgil Armstrong says: “They need us; we don’t need them” but in, another sense, we both come from a position of “need” and complement each other. So, instead of the greater hierarchy allowing for the wanton destruction of the human project and the Earth’s ecological systems and biota, due to our stubbornness, another kind of (not normally voluntary and conscious) contacts are allowed.  Nevertheless, I think that these other kinds of beings also have to follow some strict general “rules of engagement” or interaction. I think that they are allowed to act but that they are also supervised. Some of them were probably on Earth before what has been called the “Quarantine” was placed in effect. Some of them apparently crashed in Rowell (perhaps due to high intensity radars in conjunction with the forced linking of timelines), offered technological assistance and semi-official, semi-legal agreements were made. The original military purpose would have been to have means to defend the nation and Earth against the ET unknowns, not really trusting the alien presences, regardless of origin. Other purposes would have been to gain secret military advantages during the Cold War and not to destabilize society (thus acting as a social “Super Ego” in the Freudian sense). The agreements may not have been well honored on the Earth side as psychological attachment to effective ways to wield power would continue in a military society closed to outside civilian supervision.

I seriously doubt that humanity is seriously in danger to be under attack or to be conquered. The human experiment has to be respected and degrees of engagement have to follow a strict protocol. Moreover, if there were any groups willing to attack en force, they would have been contained by the great majority respecting the rules. “They” are not one entity that would have acted unanimously and would have already invaded us if had been its intent. According to some contactees like Ricardo Gonzalez we are being protected from the few rogues. I’d say that these rogues would lie outside of the First and Second Phase of contacts. Nevertheless, there may be others “behind the lines” of the Second Phase waiting for a right to intervene. Some varieties of reptiles and reptile hybrids and perhaps a subgroup of beings from an area in Orion may be part of these. I don’t know but, then again, there may still be others of a much higher physical-extra dimensional frequency holding
on to a self-serving polarization as suggested in the Ra Material. If we went to a large behind-the-Moon, orbiting space base as some contactees claimed to have been taken, we would probably observe a variety of human-looking and non-human-looking ETS, including varieties of greys.

Even today, after all the hoopla and credibility given to greys and reptiles, I am a proponent of seeking to work with bona fide contactees of the Daniel Fry, Truman Bethurum, George Adamski kind in order to strengthen voluntary, direct physical contacts with “First Phase” ETS of a more friendly, conscious will-respecting nature. This doesn’t mean that I think that grey abductions are for the most part just “negative.” They may be the second choice if we are not willing to grow up consciously from spiritual principle, from the heart. Once again, I insist that I’m trying not to think too biasedly and simplistically because, with very few exceptions, this not a black and white situation. The issue requires more complex definitions.

Apparently (according to many researcher, contactee and abductee reports), there are many varieties of greys and ET-Earth-human interaction is allowed by a higher cosmic hierarchy that possesses deeper ways of assessing what is adequate or not (for instance, according to karma, mutual needs, historical-genetic connections, cultural connections, past interventions, future concordances and free will).  There may even be varieties of supervisors of greys from different timelines and some types of greys may be independent and some under the hierarchical control of more powerful beings. The problem to understand more of the whole picture seems to be exclusivism in preference, choice and thinking.

Different outcomes may materialize as different possibilities related with soul choice allow different Earth-humans to interact with different ET beings pursuing the resolution of different needs and possible outcomes. The 1950’s and 1970’s “space people” needs seemed to be more spiritual. They wanted to serve us (their partial genetic descendants) to evolve: Eventually learning from Earth-humans to go beyond their own high level of development in which they were apparently stuck. Nevertheless, we could say that both, First Tier, ‘space brother’-type ET beings and Second Tier (technically speaking also ‘space brothers’), more “technically–intrusive” beings (so to speak) broadly want humankind to grow up and to become more interactive and aware of what could be called the “Cosmic Mind” and its principles. Some may even submit the principle of a “Cosmic Mind” to that of a “Cosmic Heart” and seek to serve more than to be served by the awakening and participation of humanity.

I think that externally forced hybridization is allowed for those beings that may benefit from it in case Earth-humans do not voluntarily choose to evolve beyond current conflict-generating mindsets. It is a dispassionate “Plan B” developing right now (and including, for instance, the abduction-hybridization programs) after the “Plan A” voluntary growth offers of open contact and collaboration were officially rejected.  Nevertheless, “Plan A” events implemented by beings with other tendencies more respectful of CONSCIOUS human choice didn’t just continue in the 1970’s inter-continental contactee wave but are quietly ongoing now as well.  While the abductions in general are mostly not as respectful of the Earth-human species as the contacts within “Plan A,” we must also carefully recognize that they are neither as grotesque and as clearly evil as usually depicted. Those abduction reports that are not the result of negative propaganda to scare people against all contact and those reports that originate in secret Earth-military-personnel-only operations I consider them genuine and part of a “second phase of contacts” or attempt to “approach” humanity, an attempt in which there are karmic bonds that also allow to resolve common needs (genetic interbreeding is part of this). In my view, all ETS (for instance, space brother types and greys) as nice as an Aura Rhanes or Titinac a woman from “Siris” or Venus (from a case in Bolivia) or (pushing it a little) greys that operate children without anesthesia are allowed to interact to some degree on Earth and are expected to respect the same rules of engagement. Those most aggressive or least developed (like perhaps some varieties of greys from a timeline-relative, more primitive past amongst their species) are sometimes closely supervised. Those very few not abiding by the “rules of engagement” are filtered out.  Some contactee friends in Latin America do speak of a filtering out protection mechanism even though in the beginning they didn’t want to know or to admit that a few (just a few) ET beings were not of the same ‘intentional altitude’ (so to speak) than the highly respectful and love inspiring ETS they had contacted.

People having traumatic abductions tend to have a hard time letting go of their negative assessment and those having highly kind and respectful, voluntary contacts after invitations also tend not to believe in other kinds of -at first- traumatic contacts or contacts which could be assessed as “negative.”  Sometimes just mentioning one explanation that SEEMS to oppose a personally preferred one generates an “either-or” discomfort leading to a rejection not allowing us to consider all possible angles to a complex situation. And the whole UFO-ET situation is complex; for the most part definitely not an “either-or” scenario suitable to personal preferences. Moreover, (for exopolitical purposes) all of it -if sufficiently verified as genuine- needs to be considered and validated for an integral, mature and useful exopolitical working assessment. Just like there are good internationalists capable of a multi-faceted, broad view of factors in the international political scene we need to develop more extensive analytical skills in exopolitics.

Once again (without condemning most “Plan B” interventions), I still think that we would greatly benefit if more of us re-connected more directly with ET representatives of “Plan A” (still here on Earth well), representatives that (whether they look human or not) allow more “space” for human choice, voluntary evolution and –more likely than not- greater ultimate freedom. Increasing the dynamism of “Plan A” would be my first choice. These beings coordinate more closely with very kind and wise, Earth-based spiritual teachers but…that’s information for another essay.

Statement: In this general overview I focused upon two well-known (yet broad) categories of aliens, not on the whole range of
witnessed entities which, for instance, may include momentary observers or passers-by, briefly intervening scientific types, those that are neither-human nor grey or reptilian looking, the amorphous, the very animal-like, the robotic, some insectoid varieties, the extremely exotic, etc.

(The video allegedly depicts a peaceful, simple, voluntary participation with “Plan A” human allies near a dimensional door of light or “Xendra” in Uruguay).

MARDORX, an ET “guide” from Xilox. Photo taken in Marcahuasi, Peru in 1982.


According to information from Mision Rahma, “Xilox” is a planet associated in a large Confederation under the guidance of the 24 elders of the (Milky Way) Galaxy. These 24 elders participate in “The Council of Nine” located in the Andromeda Galaxy, thus forming a total of 33 members who represent “The Great White Brotherhood of the Star.” These beings are spiritual masters that represent evolution itself and Earth’s Great White Brotherhood is associated to them. The Council of Nine, is the governing body of our Local Group of 9 galaxies.  The “Elohim” are genetic engineers and seeders of life conditions. Intervening evolving hominid primates humans were genetically seeded from many cosmic sources and posses the enormous combined potential of all of them.  There’s great expectation for humanity to give an example that will inspire the seeding civilizations giving them a way to move beyond their own stages of development. Humans were seeded in a very active and risky planetary environment. Other similar experiments in the local cosmos suffered self-destruction or a catastrophic environmental end. The “Guardians” and “Watchers” are the “right arm” of  the “Confederation” directly linked to the White Brotherhood of the Star and are in charge to protect worlds in evolution such as Earth. They prevent the intromission of extraterrestrial civilizations with warlike or colonizing intentions or with the intention to conduct scientific studies without authorization from the “Confederation.” The Guardians and Watchers possess orbital bases close to planets under observation and-or under “quarantine.” For Earth there is a space station called “Celea” which is located  behind the Moon. It is inhabited by beings from different origins and different aspects.



How Far Advanced are ‘They’ and ‘Where’ can we Meet?

How Far Advanced are “They”?
“Where” can we Meet?




Giorgio Piacenza Cabrera

I think that thinking that many ETs are “millions of years”
ahead of us, is a relative concept. I think that this can be conceivably true,
perhaps even in an Einstenian, General Relativistic “spacetime.” Nevertheless,
I also think that as far as “they” (various ET groups) have a need to interact
with us (however distinct from human perspective ‘needs’), we already have a shared meeting point, “level,” “area of encounter” or “potentially shared experiential space.” This means that we may also have a shared ‘level’ of evolution in at least one, but probably many more aspects. I think that this potentially allows for us to meet both complementing each other in harmony (as in the Inca principle of “YANANTIN“) and also as equal companions sharing common levels (as in the Inca principle of “MASINTIN“).

“Evolution” (which also involves change and adaptation) doesn’t always mean “steady progress.” That is one aspect that doesn’t always manifest. It may also take the form of an overall increase in complexity (even while previous stages remain stable and frequently sustaining subsequent levels of complexity) but it may not always be as ‘steady’ and forward marching as our technological, political, cultural development has been through the West’s historical influence in the last 500 years or so. Stagnation and even “involution” are also part of “evolution” which, in a general, more complete sense, mostly means “change”. In other words, I think that ETs can also stagnate and linear time difference (even if we shared the same space) may be quite a relative thing. I think that the simple fact that we are already sustaining some degree of interaction means that our “experiential spaces” are allowed to meet because of degrees of awareness, experience and information qualities sharing similar characteristics. Moreover, I think that what we sometimes consider as “less evolved” may not always be so. Case in point, it seems that sometimes it’s easier for some ETs to communicate with traditional Native Americans than with hyper modern or post-modern, biased New Yorkers. Just as sometimes we may hear friendly stories of ETs intersecting their realities more openly with Native North Americans (for instance in the Star Knowledge gatherings held by chief White Eagle-Standing Elk) I’ve also hear similar accounts taking place in remote rural areas in the mountains of Peru.

I think that, in some important ways already recognized by ET as understandable
within their “philosophy,” Native Americans can be more ‘advanced’ than modern and postmodern academicians and otherwise sophisticated “social-lites.” The fact that there also are degrees of contact with non-Native Americans might mean that those other people sustaining them are also capable of co-creating or co-holding a contact “space.” In other words, even if ETs coming to Earth are more technologically advanced, for instance in terms of consciousness-activated trans-dimensional effectiveness and in several other ways, they may also share with us some ‘levels’ of “evolution” and common or also complementary ‘needs’. Through these common ‘levels’ or ‘potentially concurring spaces’, perhaps even allowing for the meeting of TIMELINES (which expanding on a concept from physicists A. Sorli and D. Fiscaletti)1 may be defined by the mathematical programming of
the rate of change in space) we may be able not just to ‘converse’ and to
briefly meet ‘here and there’ in our experiential space with little collective
consequence, but also to build a new creative, experiential and more
communicative convergence.

What kind of wisdom can we discover in Native Americans to enhance our probabilities of open contacts? Let me build up upon some very specific ideas still in Inca-Andean-Quechua spiritual
thinking2: If we share some need levels with theirs we can also interact
and create a new world by exchanging our energies and identities with theirs. This can be cooperative or competitive. We would simply less “alien” to each other becoming more than the give and take of the exchange. Our partly matching evolutionary ‘levels’ would also complement each other actualizing a new and creatively-interesting
space enhancing our mutual experience. From the perspective of an Andean “Cosmovision,” we would perhaps call this event a “TINKUY with YANANTIN preeminence” and, in
the “relation” (a paramount concept in Andean thinking) we would also learn to recognize each other as co-equal parts of a larger, living whole continuously sustained by “KAWSAY” or “Camakin,” the universal, living energy.

In the Inka and pre-Inka “Tawa Chakana” (four-sided stair-bridge) we find that a world of experience is given living energy and actualized through the central opening of awareness when a rational and an instinctive principle meet. This new actual world is the middle step in each of the four sides of this “Andean Cross.”  The main vertical
principles are called “Jawa” or “Hanan” and “Uku” or “Urin” and, in relation to the actual (or ‘present’) world of “Kay Pacha,” represent infinite potential
worlds. The upper world of “Jawa”or “Hanan” is considered like that which is already given and the lower world of “Uku” or “Urin” is considered like that which hides and gestates the future. In a sense, the upper world is order and the lower is chaos and instinct.

The three zigzagging steps in a Tawa Chakana (see figure above and-or go to http://www.google.com.pe/search?q=Tawa+Chakana&hl=es-419&prmd=imvns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=MQrUT9KhKKz26gGD2v2AAw&ved=0CGMQsAQ&biw=786&bih=330)

form a stair or crossing bridge (chakana) and circulate like a snake up and down and all around the whole figure. Can we also consider it a “star-crossing” bridge? Besides the central empty hole, there’s a square enclosing an inner circle (representing “Uku”) and, in turn, this square is circumscribed by an outer circle (representing “Jawa” or “Hanan”). All three figures are surrounded by the stairs going around the entire figure. Every “Tinkuy” or tensional encounter between two different entities in a necessarily ‘tense’ relation with each other generates a shared and a new experiential space. Entire universes can be created through this process. When the encounter between the higher and the lower principles is based on loving, mutual need the, so called, “Yanantin” principle manifests and the relation can be horizontal and based upon equality, connecting the left and right sides of the “Tawa Chakana.” When this “Yanantin” predominates, the Non Dual Mystery that permits relations to occur between dissimilar pairs of things manifests. Then the “Tawa Chakana” along with its fifth, central direction can be considered a model of Totality.


1.  http://www.spacelife.si/

2.  Giorgio Piacenza C. (2012). “A Brief Inca Andean Quechua Cosmovision Glossary.” http://incaandeanquechua.blogspot.com/2012/06/inca-cosmovision-glossary.html




Retrocausal Human Power and Hidden Extraterrestrial Interests: A Search for Integral, Scientific and Metaphysical Answers

Are the concepts of retrocausality, Philippe Guillemant’s “Theory of Double Causality,” Ken Wilber’s “Integral Theory” and Oleg Linetsky’s coherent propositions on fundamental “Boundaries” keys to understand crucial aspects of an assortment of extraterrestrial and otherworldly Interactions?

What kind of basic science emerging in the XXI Century we need to be aware of in order to relate more intelligently with the solid emerging evidence for extraterrestrial contacts and abductee interactions?  Issues about “Time” (changing the past, modifying the future, time-travel, choice and free will, visitors from the future, timelines, etc) has always been part the history of UFO research and the ET contact movement. Sometimes cryptic messages about the purpose of ET interactions have been transmitted to experiencers. What does this all mean?

Well-known, “no-nonsense” meticulous UFO-ET scientific researcher Jacques Vallée recently mentioned in a TED talk conference (held in 2011 at Brussels) chief issues in relation to retrocausality. A  U tube link is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9pR0gfil_0

When in the XX Century chief quantum physicists like Dirac, Klein, Gordon, Wheeler, Feynman, Cramer, Aharonov and other creative mavericks provided evidence for the possibility that retrocausality may be a fact of nature, most scientists were slow to consider this plausible because of their fixation with subluminal, time-forward, entropic, cause and effect, macro physicalist, intuitive perceptions adapted to the regular world consciously experienced through the physical senses.  Nevertheless, considering that “advanced waves” from the future may be physically real is a perfectly plausible way to understand some relativistic-invariant solutions that modify a purely probabilistic interpretation of quantum mechanics’ critical “Schrödinger’s Equation.” In fact, probabilistic and realistic interpretations may coexist under a more inclusive view, being an upcoming agreement more like a “both-and” issue.

Nowadays, with the influence of carefully conducted  psi retrocausal studies (as the experiments conducted by Dick Bierman of the University of Amsterdam http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9pR0gfil_0  , Dean Radin’s work with IONS http://noetic.org/  and Daryl Bem’s Meta analysis of “presentiment” experiments http://dbem.ws/ ) , attitudes are slowly changing.  Likewise, the long-standing implications of the “Quantum Eraser Effect,” (explored along with other “entanglement” issues by MIT’s Seth Lloyd, who posits that the Universe may be like a quantum computer), University of Vienna’s Anton Zeilinger’s   experimental production of a posteriori quantum entanglement (apparently after particles have ceased to exist) http://www.nature.com/nphys/journal/vaop/ncurrent/abs/nphys2294.html and other important discoveries are opening scientific minds to an understanding that retrocausal influences are dynamically real influences is gradually being recognized.

Into this discussion now enters French scientist Philippe Guillemant (http://www.doublecause.net/) who has structured an interesting model called “The Theory of Double Causality.” This model is not only praised by our esteemed colleague Jacques Vallée but –in my estimation- its main tenets seem to entail some of the reasons why ETs (apparently not just from ‘our’ physical realm but from alternative physical sub-realms more connected with “supraphysical,” Subtle Realm functioning) proceed as they do. In a universe (or Multiverse) in which the “common currency” seems to be “information structuring reality,” an issue of “their” interest or need seems to be the “management of experience” (their experience). It seems to me that we humans have a potential to connect with or to access already established timelines in a manner which “they” cannot.  This possibility becomes evident either in the interest varieties of “greys” and others seem to have upon the nature of our feelings (perhaps linked with our deep and soul-secluded, creative ways to connect with and-or ‘manifest’ realities) or in what allegedly benign ET “older brothers” and ET “guides” have directly told some contactees as, for instance, within the long-standing (since the 1970’s) “Mission Rahma” contact movement: http://www.rahmaesamar.com/portal/ .  To be more precise, in this multiple contactee case focused upon altruism and often upon young, enthusiastic Latin Americans (in spite of some misinterpretations of the ET messages and human errors also among some of the alleged contactees) the human power to compassionately modify destructive prophecies (through a conscious alignment of body, mind, will, action, feeling and spirit) has constantly been reiterated along with broad, inspiring messages that recognize that our human power is ultimately much greater than “theirs.” In fact, “they” appear to have repeatedly said that, while “they” have to use technology to enhance “their” reality-modification activities (limited by their focus upon mental capacities and their tepid feelings), we can effect a wider multi universe-modifying connection among what they called the three main “universes” (the Physical, Mental and Spiritual universes).  This is due to the fact that we possess deeper feelings which can connect with the higher planes of existence and because we are a product of the combination of multiple ET races and their capacities with indigenous, hominid evolution on Earth. “They” also have said that we have the potential to modify the history of a large portion of the Cosmos while simultaneously affecting “their” and our timelines.  “They” still say that, the choice for the highest (unbeknownst to them) outcome must be creatively and uniquely ours, that “they” cannot openly interfere with our progress in becoming self aware and in making our collective decisions. “They” say that not all ETs coming to Earth are of the same benign, general intentions and that, although “they” are protecting us from unwarranted incursions, some rogue ET entities have gained the right to interact in a limited way with us. “They” say that “we” were placed on Earth with genetic contributions from many (mostly human-like and sometimes warrior-like) ET species because we could eventually help them to get collectively unstuck from the (high but currently immobile) degree of evolution “they” have already reached, one excessively dependent on their logical minds and technology. A link to a consensus of messages received within Mission Rahma can be found at: http://www.exopolitics.org.uk/index2.php?option=com_content&do_pdf=1&id=478

So, after all, how could we get closer to the “cosmic guild” of those who know how to change their lives by changing timelines? Maybe we should pay attention to Philippe Guillemant’s “Theory of Double Causality” Seven Key Points:

  1. Our destiny is already realized in the form of a temporal line.
  2. Our temporal line is not fixed: It can be replaced by another line parallel with the present (in the Multiverse’s network). 
  3. All that which is not determined by the past is determined by the future.
  4. The function of present time is not to create reality (it already is created) but to choose our common future by the cumulative effect of all our consciousnesses.
  5. Election is difficult because our free will generally is illusory: Authentic freedom requires a mental unconditioning and a spiritual awakening.
  6. Every change in the temporal line is made by gliding, sliding or displacement along the supplementary interior dimensions of the Universe.
  7. Love is the essence of this gliding or sliding toward interior space (7D?), like gravitation is for exterior space (3D): We attract and are attracted by that which we love.

Besides the work of Philippe Guillemant (which today is mostly found in French) I (often) recommend the profuse and highly informative compendium on retrocausality (including the human intuitive perception of retrocausal influences) by Antonella Vannini’s works on “Syntropy.” An available link is:  http://www.sintropia.it/thesis.pdf

 In Frank Visser’s “Integral World,” a web site which explores “theories of everything” and in which Ken Wilber’s “Integral Theory” (which I think has elements of a trans-parochial universal theory ETs might relate with) is creatively criticized and reviewed, Oleg Linetsky presents us far-reaching ideas compatible with how “reality” is manifested and with this essay’s theme. In Linetsky’s ideas, the importance of FEELING is emphasized. If I’m correct, feelings are understood as ways to bring coherence into our experiential worlds; as responses of our embodied consciousness in relation to inevitable, primordial, pre-cognitive (and –in my view- retrocausally pre-conscious) experiential “energy tensions” or “conflicts” appearing due to the fundamental existence of “boundaries” created by the (conceptually) paradoxical coexistence between consciousness in its absolute character and consciousness as an entity experientially embedded in its own relative Kosmos.

 If my reading of Linetsky is correct, these “conflicts” (of which five main essential kinds are posited and which, I assume, should affect every kind embodied consciousness, including ETs, however advanced) would be caused by four fundamental and unequal ways in which all embodied consciousnesses are required to interpret and harmonize how their experience of “reality” or of the Kosmos comes into actual being.  The first two essential “conflicts” would relate to Ken Wilber’s discovery that all which arises in the Kosmos expresses in four distinct ways. The three other essential “conflicts” would be caused by how we interiorly experience the influence of the Kosmos’ three main realms of existence (also in relation to the four main ways anything in the Kosmos is expressed).

Retrocausality-related conflicts would correspond to attempts to bring more personal experiential coherence and resolution to at least one of the five main “energy tensions” or “conflicts” posited by Linetsky (the conflict arising from the dichotomy between a Gross, stably patterned experience and a Subtle, more fluid, varied and experimental one).  These “tensions” affecting every sentient being are generated by how our embodied consciousnesses respond to the simultaneously tensional arising of Interior vs. Exterior aspects, Individual vs. Collective aspects (summing up Wilber’s four quadrants of the Kosmos), Gross (physical) vs. Subtle aspects, Subtle vs. Causal aspects and Causal vs. Natural Non-Dual aspects.  Please also note that the recognition of non-physical realms (the Subtle and Causal) in embodied experiential influence is utilized to attempt to understand the predicament all embodied beings have to face. In my view, the recognition of non-physical realms with which our consciousnesses may be experientially connected and with which our particular physical universe may interact and depend upon is of great scientific and philosophical importance. In a metaphysical sense, non-physical realms may be understood as potentially real for us experientially focused in ‘our’ particular physical universe. In a metaphysical sense, we could say that Subtle and Causal realities are time-shifted into our probable futures. Our actual experiences may be potentially conditioned in a modifiable way by how we align our experiences with these non-physical realms, not unlike to how Guillemant posits that we can change our timelines by choosing in relation to already existing futures (which even if existing in their own right can also be considered as “potential” until connected with).

 These issues may be hard to understand at first but please let us hone our interpretive skills to get a better grip on what is going on. Let’s try to boost our understanding of the nature of reality to share a common language with beings which may come from “supraphysical” universes. Searching for a scientific and metaphysical understanding of the interactive nature of our Physical Realm with non-physical realms has been a common theme in my other writings. Please, as more inclusive-integral persons, as exopoliticians, as philosophers, as scientists, as UFO researchers and as responsible, concerned, thinking beings, let’s try to develop an updated scientific and philosophical foundation which may be useful in our attempts to make sense of the complex world(s) of Exopolitics, ETs, UFOs, Disclosure and even the related subject of human survival after bodily death. This, along with our healthy, integrative intentions is part of our preparation to establish a closer, mutually beneficial exchange with our selves and with other cosmic civilizations. Along these lines, let’s make an attempt to delve into more encompassing, coherent models such as Ken Wilber’s (still incomplete but evolving) “Integral Theory.” Let’s attempt to develop a careful understanding of what kind of a Multiverse or living Kosmos we might be in if retrocausality is a fact and if deep existential propositions like those found in Linetsky’s “Open Letter to Ken Wilber and Integral Teachers” are valid. A link to Linetsky’s work is found at: http://www.integralworld.net/linetsky4.html

By Giorgio Piacenza

Why “They” Don’t Contact Us

What is the deepest problem with humanity? Besides the mechanistic, scarcity “paradigm(s)” with which we are collectively operating from and, besides the political self interest, cover-ups, etc, I think that the main reason why even most of the ET beings (among an apparent substantial variety) don’t seem too interested in unequivocal disclosure is that our human minds inevitably generate conflict due to more psychic attention given to physical-biologically defined primordial instincts. This doesn’t mean that there’s no solution besides genetic engineering or, perhaps, a higher dimension ascension-promoting vibration taking over the planet (as some channelers have allegedly transmitted from higher sources), for example. This situation doesn’t mean that we can’t rely up to a point on our own souls, our wills and The Universal Spiritual force to change ourselves. It means that the problem is really DEEP and usually unrecognized, even by most pro-disclosure activists and UFO researchers. It is our own human innate reactions (that may, for instance, manifest as not wanting to know about higher worlds, possibilities and “spiritual evolution” or as becoming simplistically over-enthusiastic if we are open to believe). BOTH are problems of the human mind and naturally arising sentiment attached to a physical-biologically programmed instinct. The physical world tells us that that most anything is not to be trusted and this generates a sense of fear and a need to be selfish or to defend from other genuinely selfish humans or those also acting from a self-defensive attitude.

I’ll say that mentally and technologically advanced (perhaps even Multiverse-shifting inter-dimensional) ETs won’t risk altering us even further. They won’t risk further stranging us from a possibility to reconnect with higher aspects of our natures. I think that “they” have observed us way past beyond our paradigms and those power groups concealing “the truth” from us. They know that the main issue is deeper than these secondary factors and than even what disclosure activists and most advanced integral and-or holistic thinkers normally muster about or suspect. We unavoidably create and re-create unnecessary divisions in many, many painful, life-limiting ways, at personal, local, nationwide, international and inter-species levels and, unless we know why, we’ll continue to do so. We do it primarily because, upon being born, we greatly disconnect from a natural knowledge of higher worlds and of the ways they function.

Power and control groups restricting freedom and information out of selfishness, or fear or patriotism are an important effective factor but, ultimately, they also are products of the main problem. These groups are a natural outcome of our innate, earthly human nature, a nature stubbornly more influenced by a pre-verbal, instinctive sense of limitation than of abundance. This may be why during abductions, some varieties of ET elicit our more atavistic emotions and observe us ‘eye to eye’ closely. They may not only be trying to see or understand our crudest “human emotions” (due to their lack in this area). They may be trying to connect with our hidden, non-physical, higher instincts which still show through in spite of our blockages. This may be why even the apparently spiritual and respectful “space brother” types mostly give us advice, platitudes, warnings and generalities. Probable associations of ET groups and independent groups (either benevolent, needy, atrophied, curious, rogue, too exotic for us to understand and even –perhaps- unkind) may all know that without our pre-verbal connection with instincts related with non physical realities, they’ll not be able to relate.

I think that we may need to learn how to connect with non-physical, non-biological, “higher” Subtle body-related instincts to supersede, include and transcend the mindsets and paradigms associated to the more elemental physical-biological instincts. We need to understand our lives in higher bodies and higher worlds. Who we are in relation to non-physical worlds should not be boring, uninteristing or fear-laden.

Without a pre-verbal and deeply felt connection with our higher body instincts we won’t be able to take spiritual ethical teachings or the  rational (nowadays “ecological”) need to respect the natural world and all living beings seriously. We won’t be able to “love” or respect our “neighbors” and we won’t be able to know ourselves in them, as them.

Thinking other more inclusive, non-mechanistic paradigms may be useful but insufficient. Continuing to develop technological gadgets (however they will change how we physical and social patterns) is insufficient. We need to understand that the origin of the physical worlds and their value is in non-physical worlds and, eventually, in spiritual ones. We need to understand the “cosmic rules” already living in us. We also need to make otherworldly phenomena scientifically understandable to realize that we are part of a much grander Multi Realm Multiverse with multiple Physical and Subtle Realm worlds and interacting sub-worlds. This theoretical “making sense” may help us to become more comfortable with who we are as, up to a point, it would be associated with knowing ourselves and (as Socrates and Plato may have agreed) this is a liberating knowledge which leads to the Good and to genuine happiness.

Advice and holistic or integral paradigms are useful but, in themselves, are not enough without including in a deep, kind feeling (in a deep sense of reality) a recognition that the other worldly already exists in us. It must be a set of realities with which (at this stage in our collective development) we should no more feel distant and therefore in adoration or in rejection by also being so uncomfortable. Being comfortable with the other worldly is crucial; it is key to accepting ourselves, animals, plants, all sentients and, therefore, also thinking-feeling beings from other civilizations…accepting them as equals in spite of their degrees of advancement and intentions. Then respect will promote a sense of natural reciprocity (like in the Inca-Andean “Yanantin” practices) and of equality or brotherhood (like it should be in the Inca-Andean “Masintin” practices). Without accepting that our roots rest in higher worlds (from which even “advanced “ETs equally depend) we’ll generate conflict with “them” as we already inescapably do on Planet Earth among us.

Once again, the issue of preparing for contact is deeper than normally thought (even by most forward thinking contactees, researchers and activists). This is so because it includes re-acquiring or, rather, reconnecting with other instincts that inform our minds and sentiments differently. These instincts tell us that reality at its core is quite different. It is not simply a matter of demanding justice to our authorities or of creating a better paradigm as both of these actions may motivate some progress but still generate more conflict. It is not simply a matter of re-acquiring a sense of spiritual sovereignty and that “we can create our own reality.” It is not a matter of being a good Christian or Buddhist or Muslim or Indian or of surrendering to a “Higher Power”,  if we block out a natural sense of how this “Higher Power” has manifested higher worlds wihin a creative order calling upon us. Without deeply feeling the influence of other more inclusive, spiritually favorable instincts connected to higher non-physical realms, we won’t be able to live up to the expectations and standards set by the most reasonable philosophy, however true it may be; we can’t be sufficiently peaceful and kind to all sentients even if possessign a deeply religious, pious and, even, broadly compassionate sense; we can’t genuinely live in a  “Heaven on Earth” if we are sincere new agers. We won’t be able to do it without unendingly finding or creating good or bogus reasons to have more conflicts in relation with each other.

The only solution I see is connecting with the normally unrecognized instincts associated with the subtler bodies, bodies which we already inhabit and which operate under different laws closer to the expression of universal principles. Otherwise, we’ll just generate and regenerate all kinds of enmity, dichotomic divisions, conflict, pain, further cycles of cruelty and abuse and unfulfilled, unrealistic expectations. The instincts giving us our sense of what is real and what is not, of what matters and what doesn’t, are more crucial. “They” won’t contact us thoroughly, openly, unequivocally even if technology (like quantum computers and what not) blooms on Earth; “they” will contact us thoroughly when our minds, feelings and tendencies are “rewired” and re-informed by connecting to instincts that reflect the greater safety and less scarcity of higher worlds which are not subject to macro inertial, entropic physical laws. Then we’ll know not just theoretically but in a deep, personal sense that the Physical Realm depends upon the higher Subtle, mental Realm and that physical laws are good but not absolutely binding. Then we’ll know that there are in fact other genuinely applicable possibilities and we might be able to use emerging technologies connected with these higher realms without almost inevitably destroying ourselves, our planet or finding reasons to attack intelligent sentients from other worlds.

By Giorgio Piacenza C.

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