Army Officer Saw Live Alien ‘the Size of a 10-Year-Old Child’ in Roswell Crash

Article by Emma Parker                                                        May 14, 2021                                                           (

• 1st Lt. Walter Haut served as the press officer for Roswell Army Air Field at the time of the Roswell New Mexico UFO crash on July 8, 1947. Haut died in 2005. On his death, Haut signed a declaration saying: “I am convinced that what I personally observed was some type of craft and its crew from outer space.”

• At the time, Haut wrote the initial press release that said a “flying disk” had crashed on a ranch near Roswell during a powerful storm. Haut’s statements in the Roswell Daily Record was later redacted, and the story was changed, with the US Army Air Force trying to pass the crash off as a weather balloon. Today, the Roswell crash is generally regarded as a 70 year government cover-up.

• Haut’s friends, Dennis Bathaser and Wendy Connors, filmed a video of Haut in 2000 detailing his extraterrestrial experience. It is reported that in the video, Haut claims there was “one body” in the Roswell crash, a “relatively small body” that could be comparable to a “10 or 11-year-old child.” He said the body was “pretty well beaten up” but could not remember the color of the life form at the time.

• Researcher Anthony Bragalia first published the video to his UFO website (which I could not find – Ed). Bragalia told The Sun: “The video was given to me by a close friend of Walter Haut’s named Dennis Balthaser for distribution. The video had previously only been viewed by a small circle of researchers and Haut family members. Given all the new information on UFOs coming out, they felt the time was right to let everyone see it.” “The confessional video helps to confirm the extraterrestrial nature of the Roswell crash.”


                          Walter Haut

An-ex US Army press officer said he saw the body of a “beat-up alien” the “size of a

      1st Lt. Walter Haut

10-year-old child” after the infamous Roswell UFO crash in 1947.

Walter Haut served as the press officer for Roswell Army Air Field 1st Lt. and kept the secret of the Roswell, New Mexico, up until his death.

His friends, Dennis Bathaser and Wendy Connors, filmed a video of Haut in 2000 detailing his extraterrestrial experiences.

In the video, Haut claims there was “one body” in the Roswell crash, a “relatively small body” that could be comparable to a “10 or 11-year-old child.”

Roswell Museum depicts a ‘child-sized’ alien on a gurney

He said the body was “pretty well beaten up” but could not remember the colour of the life form at the time of the recording.

Researcher Anthony Bragalia first published the video to his UFO site after the Pentagon released documents confirming the existence of UFO’s.

Mr Bragalia told The Sun: “The video was given to me by a close friend of Walter Haut’s named Dennis Balthaser for distribution.

“The video had previously only been viewed by a small circle of researchers and Haut family members.

“Given all the new information on UFOs coming out, they felt the time was right to let everyone see it.

“The confessional video helps to confirm the extraterrestrial nature of the Roswell crash.”



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“flying disk”, Anthony Bragalia, Dennis Bathaser, Lt. Walter Haut, Roswell Army Air Field, Roswell Daily Record, Roswell New Mexico, Wendy Connors

ExoNews Editor

Duke Brickhouse is a former trial lawyer and entertainment attorney who has refocused his life’s work to exposing the truth of our subjugated planet and to help raise humanity’s collective consciousness at this crucial moment in our planet’s history, in order to break out of the dark and negative false reality that is preventing the natural development of our species, to put our planet on a path of love, light and harmony in preparation for our species’ ascension to a fourth density, and to ultimately take our rightful place in the galactic community.

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