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Admiral Rico Botta Channeled by Karl Mollison – A Review and Analysis

According to well-respected channeler, Karl Mollison, US Navy Admiral Rico Botta did indeed run a covert spy ring during World War II. And the admiral, who now dwells in the Divine Spirit Realm, confirmed that a young William Tompkins did work for him in this classified operation. Spirit Botta had a lot to say about the beings who instigated World War II, particularly with regard to the Nordics and their motives in working with American military and defense industry insiders.


In a channeling session conducted by Karl Mollison on March 17, 2017 and facilitated by Denny Hunt’s YouTube channel Why Is This True?, Karl channeled US Navy Admiral Rico Botta. Admiral Botta (born 1890) plays a central role in William Tompkin’s book, Selected By Extraterrestrials, as being the officer in charge of a US Navy spy ring during World War II. From his headquarters at Naval Base San Diego, Admiral Botta oversaw 29 young sailors who were able to successfully infiltrate Nazi research facilities in Germany, bringing back files and information to conduct over 1200 classified briefings throughout the war, according to Tompkins.

Spirit Botta prefaced his responses by saying that as a young man growing up in Australia, human flight and aviation were brand new technologies and he was drawn to go where the action was. In the first part of the twentieth century the cutting edge technology was in the military, specifically the US military. So at age 18, Rico Botta joined the US Navy reserve. Nine years later he became a naturalized citizen of the United States and joined the US Navy Reserve Flying Corps. Very likeable, able, and loyal to his adopted country, Botta rose through the ranks of the US Navy attaining the rank of Rear Admiral by the end of World War II.

Spirit Botta confirmed that his team of Navy spies did bring back blueprints and technical descriptions of the space travel vehicles which the German scientists were covertly developing. Spirit Botta admits, “We did not appreciate at first the extraterrestrial origins” of this technical information. It was of little use to the U.S. Naval aeronautic engineers or to those in the private defense industry who received these technical packages during the war. But it did open their eyes to something that was going on with the Nazis. The American scientists really didn’t have a clue what to do with this information until after the war when German scientists were brought in under Operation Paperclip and the scientists could explain these technical drawings and blueprints. All of this paved the way for a joint Nazi/American space program.

During and after World War II, both the Nazi’s and the Americans believed that they were in control. In fact, the only controlling force were the Nordic and Reptilian beings who employed mind-control and very close oversight upon their human subordinates. These ETs’ only real consideration was in the co-opting of German scientists who had achieved an advanced level of technology for the time, and in the subjugation of American capital and industrial resources through the military industrial complex which controlled these things, in order to further the ETs’ own interests in creating a highly advanced human space program that they could then manipulate.

Spirit Botta confirms that he was deeply involved in the creation of the secret space program. He and his small group of insiders were regarded as the experts due to their initial intelligence gathering and dissemination of the captured Nazi spacecraft blueprints. This program was able to expand with the importing of German scientists after the war. Spirit Botta concedes, however, that “Operation Paperclip was an extraterrestrial delight.” Inserting German scientists into the American secret space program was equivalent to employing counter-spies at the highest level of American technological research. Also, the German scientists never truly relinquished their loyalty to the Third Reich. “The brain trust that we inherited at the end of World War II was already under severe mind control.”

“The entirety of the World War II experience was planned by the Anunnaki who enlisted the Reptilians to be their ‘boots on the ground’. [The Reptilians] did this with relish as they are a warrior race and delight in the opportunity to cause destruction and mayhem and exercise power.”

It was all “an alien-instigated, controlled, and maintained subterfuge to which the United States willingly signed on, not understanding the dark origins but taking these people in… and [due to] the feelings of superiority being the winners of the war, [the Americans] had a certain smugness that they had the moral high ground and could exploit the German technology and scientists now to serve their new masters. This in fact was the opposite. They themselves were being duped and exploited.”

This Information was channeled by renowned telepathic channel, Karl Mollison. In the 1980’s and 1990’s, Karl was a hard core scientist working in the medical and pharmaceutical industry. Being in the medical industry, Karl was always looking for insights to new methods of healing. Rather than turning a blind eye to the mounting empirical evidence of psychic and hypnotic healing, Karl decided to explore this himself by taking classes in hypnotherapy. To his surprise, he discovered that he was especially adept at channeling the divine source and higher beings.

By 2006, Karl had made hypnotherapy his vocation. Since then he has conducted hundreds of channeling sessions. He’s developed a trust in certain Spirit Realm sources and has honed his channeling protocols to achieve the most honest and accurate of readings. With each channeling session, Karl will set his intention in genuine love and goodness, without ego, fear or self-interest. Then he will begin by falling into a lucid trance, contacting the highest Divine Source, Creator of All That Is, and working his way down to the particular spiritual being that the interviewer wants to channel, while making sure that no outside negative forces elbow their way into the conversation. During a channeling session, he is able to monitor and recall these channeling conversations as a third party witness.

Spirit Botta lamented that although “good souls” such as he himself became involved for the right reasons, the government and military leadership were misguided. Consequently, these otherwise good souls were damaged at a soul level due to their involvement in the development of technologies that would be used to harm humanity. This is the reason why good souls are so willing to assist in ways such as this channeling in order to help humans to understand the nuances of that period of history.

The way it works is that the Divine Realm will spiritually/energetically nudge along initiatives by humans or other beings that are intended to assist humanity without ulterior motives. On the other hand, the Divine Realm will not interfere in the negative actions of sovereign beings who remain free to do as they choose. Therefore, Spirit Botta insists that the Divine Realm did not assist the US military in any way shape or form. “There is no Divine Realm assistance in Military Matters.”

Benevolent ETs obey a spiritual policy of non-direct engagement. They will give encouragement to those already on a positive path and having a positive spiritual focus. The positive ETs are not there to directly oppose the dark forces, which could happen but is not part of the divine plan at this time. “The plight of humanity is the responsibility of humanity for the time being.” Human beings will receive assistance from the Divine Realm if they ask for it and sincerely believe it will happen. Change will come through those who receive the message and make an effort to play a role to bring forward the truth, supported and encouraged by the Divine Realm.

Therefore, the salvation of humanity on Earth depends on our collective shift in consciousness. “But most people are still ‘asleep’,” says Spirit Botta, “subjugated by mind control” and programmed to not believe in a Divine Realm. So-called religious people often go through the motions but are still not at the level of pure belief in the Divine Realm. The shift in consciousness is meant to break down these spiritual obstacles, reawaken humanity’s spirituality, and allow humans to grow in their spiritual understanding and belief. But it is only possible through humanity’s own spiritual outreach. When there is an outreach to the Spiritual Creator, it will respond by amplifying positive human notions with encouragement and support.

The Nordics and the Reptilians do have a history of conflict, but they are working together at the moment in a loose and unstable alliance, according to Spirit Botta. They are both working with a third greater negative being known as the Anunnaki who have the greatest control. The Anunnaki are ‘tolerating’ the presence of Reptilians, Nordics, and Greys because they are useful to the Anunnaki by directly interfering with human society in subjugating and preventing humans from doing anything useful for themselves, thereby preventing any shift in human consciousness.

But theirs is an unsteady and self-serving alliance that can easily fall apart. The counter-balance is the shift in consciousness in the human population which is increasing at a high rate. “Fact finding exercises” such as this channeling, in order to raise general awareness of the nature of the extraterrestrial presence, are of great service to this positive shift in consciousness.

ETs interfere with humans for their own selfish purposes. None of them are doing so for a higher purpose. “Nordics want control over the planet. Reptilians want physical control of the planet. The Anunnaki want physical control of the planet. All have self-interested agendas. This is why their alliance cannot last. It is only a temporary alliance of convenience. None of these groups can be trusted. They are all working against humanity. They will be in communication with humans as it serves them but for no other purpose than serving themselves.”

The Nazis and Reptilians were the ideal types of beings for this Anunnaki agenda. The Reptilians are adept at abducting large numbers of humans for the creation of off-planet slave colonies for example. The Reptilians are also useful at altering the planet’s magnetic grid and carrying out warring activities, posing as Earth humans with their ability to shape-shift.

(As a side note, there has been much debate whether Reptilian shape-shifting is possible. Corey Goode has said that he didn’t believe that any physical being could physically shape-shift. On the other hand, in Cosmic Disclosure S4-E6 (Gaia) Corey described the ability of the AI-infested Reptilians to create a ‘dampening field’ around a Reptilian body so that the body would automatically disintegrate upon death. It seems to this writer that if they can alter the physical body in this way, they could have the technological ability to physically alter their appearance.)

In reality, the intent of the Reptilians and Nordics up to and including the present time has been to completely co-opt the U.S. government. “The Nordics were at the vanguard because they were more human-looking than their Grey compatriots who were their creation,” says Spirit Botta. The majority of post-World War II human abductions have been conducted by the Greys. The Greys are the minions of the Nordics, doing the Nordic’s dirty work. The Greys want desperately to develop their spiritual capability and the ability to reincarnate as other physical beings do. The irony is that while negative ETs use humanity as guinea pigs in order to attain a higher spiritual ability for themselves, they are simultaneously causing humans to repress and abandon their own spirituality and become an increasingly secular-focused species.

Spirit Botta takes the opportunity of this channeling to articulate a greater lesson. “To place great power in the hands of a nation that is subjugated and controlled by extraterrestrials to begin with will not end well. This is one of the greatest challenges for humanity at this point.” Spirit Botta continues, “The extent to which the military is… empowered by the development of alien-assisted technologies for transportation and… weaponry, it can all contribute to over-confidence and empire building, none of which serve the United States of America or the world at large.” To be blunt, “The United States today is the greatest killer of human beings. And while they do so for what they believe is a noble purpose, killing is killing.”

The negative beings have the advantage in technology, knowledge, intelligence and cleverness which humans cannot match this at this point. These ETs have studied humans for thousands of years and are very practiced at mind manipulation. But they only have the upper hand in the tangible, not in the spiritual. “Love is a much more powerful force than hate. The Light always wins in a true contest.” So this world can transform but it will take an effort, beginning with each individual’s transformation.

Human souls have a natural spiritual link to the higher realms of love and goodness, and therefore naturally assume good intentions of others, since this is the human orientation. Nordics have been interacting with humans for thousands of years and know humans well. Humans don’t realize how clever the Nordics can be to gain their trust.

The higher realms “know what is coming” and are there to provide information and insight. But the Divine Realm is constrained in its response to the level of consciousness and understanding of the humans and their ability to comprehend the answer. “A true skeptic will never see a miracle.” They will refuse to believe their eyes and ears, so it will not be brought forth in their presence since it would interfere in their own personal belief system, which the Divine Realm will not do. The Divine Realm will not countermand a person’s choice of non-belief. The process of awakening must happen bit by bit to encourage the individual human’s growth in understanding. So the events of the immediate future depend on the natural growth of human consciousness, not in a divine being’s direct help.

Notwithstanding, collective human outreach – asking spiritual questions – will empower all of humanity. The answers given to one will be available to the many through collective consciousness. Physical changes that come with increased consciousness will come in proportion to the collective heightened awareness. The Divine Realm will always assist in proportion to the individual’s readiness.


Analysis of this spirit communication is made from the perspective of our current understanding of the modern secret space program and its history, as related primarily by Corey Goode and generally accepted by the active disclosure community.

It is apparent from Spirit Botta’s discourse that the Nordics who inserted themselves into the U.S. Navy’s secret space program following World War II did so to further their own self-interested agenda. They are far more clever and devious than we can comprehend. And they could certainly take advantage of a human nature that wants to believe that such a beautiful race of beings who look very human-like would be here to help us. Before we designate these Nordics as the good guys, let’s look more closely at who these Nordics really are and their motives.

Spirit Botta never identifies the Nordics beyond an ET group working with the Reptilians and the Greys in the furtherance of a higher Anunnaki agenda to control humanity. As we know there are many varieties of human-looking ETs who could be labeled as Nordic. There are the human-looking Venusians such as Valiant Thor who in the 1950’s advocated a positive message but were ultimately turned away by our military leaders. There are the tall blonde Nordics who were conquered by the Reptilians on their home world and were conscripted to serve as crew members in the Draco/Nazi Dark Fleet. There are the malevolent ‘Tall White’ Nordics who resided at Nellis AFB in Nevada as reported by Charles Hall. But none of these types of human-looking ETs fit the bill as well as the Agarthan Nordics.

Corey Goode has said that the Germans initially made contact with the Nordics and the Draco Reptilians in the Himalayan Mountains.1 In the 1920’s Maria Orsic and the women of the Vril Society interacted telepathically with an ET race. By the 1930’s, the Germans traveled to the Himalayas and physically met with the Agarthan Nordics.2 Sources recounted by Len Kasten and others relate that the Japanese Green Dragon Society introduced the Germans to the Draco Reptilians who also inhabited these sub-Himalayan caverns.3 It is clear that the Nordic civilization located adjacent to the Reptilian civilization in the grand caverns beneath the Himalayan Mountains of Tibet is the Agarthan network. As Corey puts it, the Draco and Nordics weren’t exactly allies, but they “had an understanding”. And they were both assisting the Germans in developing their budding space program.4 Corey specifically identifies the Agarthan Nordics as the beings who first brought the Germans to Antarctica.5 Thereafter the Agarthans were instrumental in assisting the Germans in Antarctica who then pressured Presidents Truman and Eisenhower into joining with them lest they would reveal everything to the American public.6 So, along with the Reptilians, the Agarthan Nordics were deeply involved in the German space program as it spread to the Americans after the war.

Corey also provides some insight as to the character of the Agarthan Nordics. In the distant past, the Agarthans presented themselves to Earth humans as gods.7 The Agarthans taught humans agriculture so that the humans could provide them with food as an offering.8 Later they claimed to be ETs from the Pleiades star cluster.9 They continued this ruse until around 1980 when the SSP finally discovered the truth.10 But by 1940 when the Nazis were going to the Moon and beyond, the Reptilians became more involved in space while the Agarthans remained involved in their activities on the Earth.11 Corey says that both the Nazis and later the United States government signed ‘deals’ with the Agarthans as well as the Draco Reptilians.12 Although ostensibly working with the Draco, the Nordics warned the Americans against making deals with the Reptilians.13 So these Nordics are certainly not beyond deception and double-crossing in order to advance their own agenda.

While at this point, some might still view the Agarthans as more of a positive presence serving as a buffer or counter-point to the evil Draco, any positive role is dispelled when we add the Greys to the mix. Spirit Botta calls the Greys the Nordic’s “compatriots who were [the Agarthans] creation” and their “minions”. It appears that these soulless, bio-android Greys were created by the Agarthans specifically to do their dirty work on Earth. It is these Greys that have been widely reported to abduct humans and perform genetic human experiments.

In an article co-authored by Corey and Dr. Michael Salla, Corey describes human-looking ETs running the 22 genetic “grand” experiments. This strongly suggests that it is the Agarthans who are conducting these human genetic experiments, and who created the Greys specifically for this purpose.14 It is interesting to note that when the Vril were channeling the Agarthans in the 1920’s, the Vril women channeled a drawing of the beings with whom they were communicating, and it resulted in a drawing of a being that looked like a Grey.15 These presumably cloned Greys now number over a million and have taken on their own agenda – using humans to engraft within themselves a soul with the capability of reincarnation.

Corey also mentions another Nordic-looking race, taller with a protruding forehead. This Nordic race holds a seat on Super Federation Council. It is interesting to note, however, that the Agarthan Nordics do not have such a seat on this council.16 Corey has said that there are seven Inner Earth civilizations, and that some of them are working with the cabal and have chosen not to join the disclosure alliance.17 It would appear that, along with the Draco and the skittish Reptoids, the Agarthans are among the Inner Earth civilizations that do not favor the move toward disclosure and open interaction with surface humans, and are actually in league with the Illuminati cabal.

The evidence seems to point to the Agarthans as the particular Nordic race that inserted itself into the German space program during the 1930’s. The Agarthans then handed the Nazi space program off to the Draco Reptilians in the 1940’s, turning their attention to bringing the United States military industrial complex into the fold by the 1950’s. Apparently, the objective that the Agarthans have in common with the Draco is to exploit the Earth’s resources, especially the industrial resources of the United States, in order to create a self-sufficient secret space program that they both can manipulate.

The Agarthans may have been periodically assisting humans, posing as gods throughout history, just so the humans could develop technologically to a point where they would be worth manipulating. The bottom line is that to date, no one, including these pretty Agarthan Nordics, have bothered to help those of us who remain here on the surface of the planet, enslaved and oblivious to the reality around us.

Next we distinguish the Agarthan Nordics from the Anshar Inner Earth Nordics who appear to be a much more positive and benevolent race of beings. Corey describes the Anshar as a pure human bloodline who considered the big-headed Pre-Adamites to be sociopaths. Corey describes the ‘Anunnaki’ as a generic term for all of these groups who intervened in human development after the Atlantis cataclysm. They include the Reptilians, the Ebens, the Nordics, and the Anshar. While it is disconcerting to learn that the seemingly positive Anshar were part of the Anunnaki, it also distinguishes the Anshar from the ‘Nordics’. Most likely, these Nordics are the Agarthans. But it leaves open the issue of exactly who the Anunnaki are, as Spirit Botta explicitly identifies the Anunnaki as a higher being controlling the other negative ETs. Perhaps the Pre-Adamites are the Anunnaki.

So it is most likely that the particular “Nordics” who steered the development of pre-Second World War spacecraft technology, and who thereafter inserted their sexy Nordic females into the engineering offices of the American military defense companies, were in fact the Agarthans. At first glance, they would appear to be a counter-point to the Draco/Nazi space program by helping the U.S. Navy build the Solar Warden space fleet as a counter-balance to the Draco/Nazi/cabal alliance. But might the Agarthans have assisted the Americans only to bring them into a higher level of technology in order to give themselves something worth exploiting?

A clue to the question of whether the Agarthan Nordics were and are a positive and helpful partner to the American secret space program can be found in the simple fact that after 70 years since the Agarthan Nordics began ‘assisting’ the Americans, the cabal’s secret space program and breakaway civilization has grown to an enormous size.  Yet humanity remains mind-controlled and manipulated on this planet as our industrial and economic resources are relentlessly pillaged. Even though the Navy’s Solar Warden fleet seemed to have gotten fed up with it in the 1990’s and formed the rebel SSP Alliance as a counter-measure, that was 25 years ago. Whatever these Agarthan Nordics’ agenda, it was apparently satisfied by creating a parallel American space program and had nothing to do with assisting humanity on the Earth.

In a separate telephone conversation, Karl Mollison explained to me the rigid perspective of the Divine Realm. He told me that the galactic rule of non-interference with lower beings was sacrosanct in the higher realm. This would apply to the actions of negative beings as well. Karl will begin his channeling connection at the highest possible level of the Source Creator and then carefully work his way down to the entity with whom he wants to communicate. He said that he must do it this way because if he leaves any room for a negative or trickster being to elbow his way into the conversation, the Divine Realm will back away and allow it to happen because they will not interfere with a negative beings’ actions or agenda.

As with allowing free will for all human activities, good or bad, the Divine Realm will allow these self-interested beings a free hand to do whatever they like to keep the human population under mind control in the pursuit of continuous wars and obscure religions. Yet it teaches us that humanity can pull itself out of this oblivion solely by raising our collective consciousness through increased spiritual awareness of our cosmic reality and choosing to partner with the Divine Realm. Karl Mollison has cultivated such a partnership, and offers his clients detailed, comprehensive healing sessions with a divinely inspired protocol that addresses not only the removal of all sources of intruding consciousness, but also energetic adjustments, karmic repair, and divine healing, including removal of extraterrestrial implants, mind-control devices and alterations. Special attention is given to reopening the client’s gateway to higher consciousness that the interlopers close off to create a range of dysfunction ranging from selfishness, to narcissism, to psychopathy at the extreme.

Spirit Botta points out that due to their strict non-intervention policy, the higher beings could step in but will not do so at this time. Thus, Corey’s accounts of the Blue Sphere Beings’ quarantine of the solar system, their retaliation against the cabal attack from Pine Gap Australia in December 2014, and the Blue Avians’ direct communication with Corey himself could be construed as a contradiction. Perhaps this non-intervention policy only pertains to intervention that would directly affect human consciousness. These types of intervention by higher, presumably positive beings may be tolerated as they serve to ‘set the stage’ for our own shift in consciousness.

We in the pro-disclosure community find ourselves faced with a seemingly impossible dilemma. Spirit Botta indicates that our collective shift in consciousness is taking place at an increasingly high rate. But from our perspective here on Terra firma it is agonizingly slow. We look for something to trigger a measurable leap in mass awareness, such as mainstream media coverage of extraterrestrial artifacts discovered underneath the ice in Antarctica, or an internet press conference to introduce actual Inner Earth Anshar beings, or a coordinated mass demonstration of uncloaked UFO’s across our skies. Have we now become conditioned to passively sit back and wait for the next round of Cosmic Disclosure taping at Gaia to see what Corey has been doing for the past couple of months, as we have done for the past two years? This may serve Gaia and the SSP Alliance, but it is hardly moving humanity along at an acceptable pace.

The best advice that the Divine Realm has to give is for each of us to ask for divine guidance to find ways to become involved on a personal level and ‘get some skin in the game’, and to keep spreading the truth in order to continue increasing the rate of expansion of our collective consciousness. Short of a cosmic solar energy burst doing it for us, this appears to be the only way that humanity will free itself from spiritual bondage so we can take our place among the interactive galactic civilizations which is our destiny at this moment in history.


  1. Cosmic Disclosure (Gaia), S1-E1
  2. Cosmic Disclosure (Gaia), S1-E1
  3. Open Minds with Regina Meredith (Gaia), S5-E3
  4. Cosmic Disclosure, Gaia, S1-E1
  5. Cosmic Disclosure (Gaia), S2-E2
  6. Cosmic Disclosure (Gaia), S2-E4
  7. Cosmic Disclosure (Gaia), S2-E2
  8. Cosmic Disclosure (Gaia), S2-E6
  9. Cosmic Disclosure (Gaia), S2-E1
  10. Cosmic Disclosure (Gaia), S2-E2
  11. Cosmic Disclosure (Gaia), S2-E6
  12. Cosmic Disclosure (Gaia), S2-E6
  13. Fade to Black (internet radio) “The SSP and Interstellar War”, 11-29-16
  14. Exopolitics.org Article: Antarctic Ice Shelf Destabilized as Race for Ancient Alien Artifacts & New Weapons Heats Up, March 23, 2017, by Dr Michael Salla and Corey Goode
  15. Cosmic Disclosure (Gaia), S2-E4
  16. Cosmic Disclosure (Gaia), S2-E2
  17. Cosmic Disclosure (Gaia), S4-E8
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Karl Mollison, Nazi Germany, Reptilians, Rico Botta, US Navy

Duke Brickhouse

I am thrilled to be part of Dr Michael Salla's Exopolitics family, and to assist in any way that I can to bring the truth to the mass consciousness and help push humanity toward our scheduled spiritual ascension. I'm a former trial lawyer and entertainment attorney, now focused on collective spirituality and breaking out of the false matrix that controls the Earth. Nothing is more important in my opinion.

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