50th Anniversary of Eisenhower Military Industrial Complex Warning – the UFO connection

Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

President Eisenhower Farewell Adress - Jan 17, 1961

Today is the 50th anniversary of Eisenhower’s warning about the dangers posed by the military-industrial complex in his farewell speech televised on January 17, 1961. It was the most unusual of farewell addresses for a U.S. President, especially so for a retired five star general. What exactly did Eisenhower have in mind with his farewell address? More importantly, what did Eisenhower tell President-Elect Kennedy about the military-industrial complex in his confidential meetings with him away from their staffers during the Presidential transition period? After all, the issues that so concerned Eisenhower would be passed on to Kennedy. It would be only natural that Eisenhower would confidentially brief Kennedy about critical policy issues that he could only vaguely allude to in a public speech. This leads to the critical question. Did these confidential discussions away from presidential staffers, play any role in what subsequently happened to Kennedy less than three years later? Most Kennedy assassination theorists ignore any direct link between Eisenhower’s farewell speech and the Kennedy assassination. The reality is that there is a direct link between Eisenhower’s warning of the military-industrial complex and the actors that conspired to physically eliminate Kennedy in 1963. The link in question was executive Presidential control over advanced technologies associated with the UFO phenomenon.

First, let’s begin with Eisenhower’s farewell speech itself and the warning he gave exactly fifty years ago:

In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.

Eisenhower emphasized the importance of “an alert and knowledgeable citizenry” in ensuring a proper balance of national security interests and personal liberties. Clearly, what Eisenhower had in mind was that the citizenry would be sufficiently informed about national security issues so that a balance could be reached in the policy making process. When the private citizenry, along with elected political representatives and the mass media were not informed, the potential for disastrous misuse of power under the guise of national security existed. Eisenhower desired transparency when it came to the national security process, and saw this as the means of maintaining a proper balance between security and liberty. Given Eisenhower’s military background and long familiarity with the need for secrecy on vital national security issues, it is an extraordinary statement from him. So what was it precisely that so concerned Eisenhower that he would take such an extraordinary position in his farewell address?

Most assume that the military-industrial complex referred to the enormous armaments industry developed in the U.S. to feed the growing appetite of the U.S. military in policing the world. Enforcing Pax America would require long range bombers, aircraft carriers, nuclear missiles and a whole array of armaments that would be built by private contractors and spawn a vast military-industrial complex. Herein lay the danger according to the conventional view where highly paid corporate lobbyists would exercise undue influence over legislators and the mass media to justify expenditure on more powerful armaments. There was, however, a deeper aspect to the military-industrial complex that concerned Eisenhower above all else. Something so veiled in secrecy that the citizenry, elected political representatives, and even the President himself was out of the loop of the policy making process. The issue concerned advanced technologies associated with UFOs.

Insight into the thinking of President Eisenhower in referring to the danger of the military-industrial complex was given by Steven Lovekin who worked during the Eisenhower and Kennedy administrations in the White House Army Signal Agency, and later retired as an Army JAG officer with the rank of Lt Colonel. From 1959-1961, Lovekin was in an elite group of military servicemen whose job it was to maintain the integrity of Eisenhower’s communications channels. This brought him into close proximity with Eisenhower who confided to this elite military group some of his private concerns. This is how Lovekin describes Eisenhower’s concerns over the power of the military-industrial complex, and its handling of the UFO phenomenon:

We would sit around with him when we were at Camp David, and he knew who each and every one of us by name. That was the great thing about being under him. I was just a sergeant at the time. I was still privy to some stuff that some people wouldn’t be privy to…. When he said the main thing we have to fear is the military industrial complex, he wasn’t kidding, and he had the subject matter we are talking about [UFOs] in mind. He was quite explicit about that.

Lovekin’s testimony is an eyewitness account that Eisenhower believed that the danger posed by the military-industrial complex was directly related to management of the UFO phenomenon. In another interview, Lovekin described Eisenhower’s growing frustration with the way the UFO issue was being managed:

This frustration, from what I can remember, went on for months. He realized that he was losing control of the UFO subject. He realized that the phenomenon or whatever it was that we were faced with was not going to be in the best hands. As far as I can remember, that was the expression that was used, “It is not going to be in the best hands.” That was a real concern. And so it has turned out to be…

So if Eisenhower did privately warn Kennedy about the threat posed by the military-industrial complex in managing the UFO issue, how might this be related to the Kennedy assassination?

There have been a number of whistleblowers who have come forward to reveal that President Kennedy actively sought to be briefed about UFOs, but was denied access by senior policy officials. Kennedy tried to do an end run against those denying him access and visited military bases to learn directly about classified projects conducted there. Kennedy also sought to be briefed by military intelligence officers who knew about the UFO issue and how it was being managed by an elite control group. This is confirmed retired Lt Col Philip Corso who worked in the Eisenhower administration, and during the Kennedy administration, claims to have worked in a Top Secret Army project to seed civilian industries with recovered UFO technology. In an interview, Corso revealed that he personally briefed Bobby Kennedy about UFOs, who relayed what he had learned to his brother, the President.

I have written elsewhere about evidence suggesting that President Kennedy from the beginning of his administration, did indeed attempt to re-establish direct Presidential authority over management of the UFO issue. Kennedy was thwarted again and again. His assassination was a direct consequence of his final, and most audacious effort to regain control of the UFO issue. In September, 1963, Kennedy proposed joint space and lunar missions with the Soviet Union. This would have required an extensive information sharing program including data about UFOs. On November 12, 1963, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev finally accepted Kennedy’s offer. Ten days later Kennedy was dead.

Kennedy’s efforts to re-establish Presidential control of the UFO phenomenon can be directly traced back to President Eisenhower’s warning about the dangers of the military-industrial complex; and what Eisenhower had, almost certainly, privately confided to him about the secret management system for UFO technology. 50 years ago the world was warned about the dangers of the military-industrial complex. Few are aware of the extent to which President Kennedy tried to secretly deal with the danger that Eisenhower had only vaguely described in his farewell address; and how Kennedy’s efforts to decisively act on Eisenhower’s warning was directly related to his assassination.

Further Reading:

© Copyright 2011. Michael E. Salla. Exopolitics.org

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Comments (2)

  • Kennedy tried to reverse a Rockefeller-family led coup that removed presidents from directly controlling alien-related programs in 1953. Eisenhower was too trusting and probably didn’t even imagine what Rockefellers would do against him after stealing control of such programs. Gen. Douglas MacArthur also alluded directly to the challenges posed by the alien situation when he said the next war with be with some other “galactic power” (MacArthur’s actual farewell address at West Point).

    We now know exactly what he was talking about. So, Eisenhower alluded to the silent coup, and Corso filled us in on details. In short, we’ve already achieved a kind of disclosure. The remaining obstacle is obvious. The Rockefeller cabal tries to shut people up by saying that if humans learn about aliens, the next step is investigation of alien science, then scalar energy weapons proliferation.

    But the US and NATO and probably China, India, Russia, Brazil and more already have scalar energy detection systems. A researcher tells me you can probably use a simple “double Helmholz coil,” which is just two concentric conducting wire circles, to detect scalar energy usage. The shape of a double Helmholz coil shows how scalar energy expands and contracts: in spheriod shaped, orb-like configurations. When one coil detects a deviation from what an inner or outer concentric coil detects, it can locate a scalar phenomenon, and, by simply triangulating can put it on a computer map.

    In short, now that the Cold War is over, we have global systems to detect and prevent abuses of scalar systems. Rockefeller cabal types will say, but “they” can freeze the electronics on any jet with a scalar device, and bring it down. But doesn’t that look like what happened to Minn. Senator Paul Wellstone’s jet, possibly, or to any number of inexplicable downings of star investigator’s aircraft? The culprits in such cases were the Bush-Cheney mafia, in large part, who are allowed to get away with murder as long as people aren’t informed about such science.

    In other words, disclosure would expose such abuses, rather than encourage them, given the pre-existing system of detectors. Tom Bearden and physicist Mark Comings also point to a system of detectors. So the obstacles to disclosure are mostly faked propaganda and the Rockefeller cabal’s criminal liabilities, rather than scientific problems.

  • Aloha Michael! I simply cannot find the words to encompass the significance of the work you are doing!! My internal “radar” tells me that we are indeed on the cusp of an evolutionary change, not the least of which would be the irrefutable evidence that… guess what, WE REALLY ARE NOT THE ONLY BEINGS IN THIS VAST UNIVERSE! HELLO! Thank you for all that you and Angelica do for the… HUMAN(sic)(not to be confused with “sick”)race!! Donantonio Fucci

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