The dropping of all charges against Lt Gen Michael Flynn brings to an end a lengthy legal battle stemming from the Russian Collusion investigation of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and his subsequent administration. While there are certain to be powerful legal consequences for the perjury trap launched by senior FBI officials against Flynn, who had just begun his short stint as Trump’s National Security Advisor, what remains to be answered is why was Flynn targeted? Did it have anything to do with Flynn’s knowledge of UFOs, secret space programs and his new position where he could legally gain access to and disclose such information to Trump, who in turn would be able to disclose it to the general public?
It’s important to emphasize that as a former Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) from July 2012 to August 2014, Flynn would have been briefed on an extensive number of Unacknowledged Special Access Programs (USAPs) run by or involving the DIA. Perhaps even more significantly, he would have learned about those USAP’s which the DIA Director and his Deputy had been denied access.
USAPs he would have been briefed about included a secret space program run by the US Air Force and the National Reconnaissance Office with the help of the National Security Agency and the DIA. The collaboration of these different Department of Defense entities in USAP’s involving space is discussed in my USAF Secret Space Program: Shifting Extraterrestrial Alliances & Space Force (2019).
Additional USAPs run by major aerospace companies involving reverse engineering captured extraterrestrial technologies would have been of much interest to the DIA Director, despite lacking formal oversight responsibilities, as I will shortly show.
One of Flynn’s responsibilities as DIA Director was to coordinate the gathering and analysis of intelligence data concerning the space capabilities of potential US military rivals. This included China which Flynn had extensively investigated as part of his intelligence portfolio during his military career.
At the same time, Flynn and his predecessors as DIA Directors were greatly interested in what major aerospace companies were researching, building, and deploying for their confidential “customers”.
A clue into just how much a DIA Director and/or his deputy is briefed on secret space programs and the reverse engineering of captured alien technologies behind them is gained by examining the case of one of Flynn’s predecessors, Vice Admiral Thomas Wilson, and what he knew of such programs.
On April 10, 1997, then Rear Admiral Wilson received an informal UFO briefing by former Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell and Stephen Greer, an emergency room physician from North Carolina who would soon after launch the famed Disclosure Project. After Wilson was given information about an Unacknowledged Special Access Program (USAP) involving the reverse engineering of a recovered alien spacecraft, he looked into it and was denied access by three corporate officials even though he occupied the concurrent positions of Deputy Director of the DIA and Vice Director for Intelligence for the Joint Chiefs of Staff from November 1994 to September 1997.
Wilson was very unhappy with the situation and expressed his frustration to Mitchell and Greer who both publicly revealed elements of what had happened. In 2019, a 15-page document that Mitchell had acquired of a verbatim interview between Admiral Wilson and a prominent physicist, Dr. Eric Davis, surfaced after Mitchell’s death, providing significantly more details of what had happened.
Wilson had appealed to the Special Access Program Oversight Committee to be granted access to a reverse engineering program run by the aerospace company but was denied. Furthermore, Wilson was threatened to stop his inquiries, or his military career would suffer.
Wilson acquiesced, and after a short assignment to the CIA, was subsequently promoted to Vice Admiral and became Director of the DIA from July 1999 to July 2002. Importantly, Wilson was backed by his superior, Lt General Patrick Hughes, who had sat in on the April 1997 “briefing” along with other DIA officials ensuring that the Wilson incident was now part of the institutional memory of the DIA rather than an isolated incident involving one official that would be forgotten.
Shortly after his July 2002 retirement, Wilson met with Davis in October and disclosed details of what had happened in the hope of learning more about the corporate-run program. I covered the October 2002 meeting in a series of three articles (see Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3).
What the Admiral Wilson affair tells us is that there is a tightly controlled secrecy system in place to restrict access to USAP’s conducted by corporations that are actively reverse engineering extraterrestrial technologies. While DIA Directors have oversight of the end products produced for the Air Force and Navy – electromagnetically propelled antigravity spacecraft – they lack the formal power to investigate what’s happening in corporate-run facilities, many of which are situated on military bases according to multiple insiders.
Consequently, it is certain that Lt General Flynn inherited the institutional memory of the Wilson incident when he became DIA Director in 2012. Flynn would not only have been officially briefed about USAPs related to an Air Force and NRO run secret space program, but also learned about which corporations were conducting reverse engineering programs that he and the DIA did NOT have access to.
The Special Access Program Oversight Committee that denied Wilson access to one of these programs would presumably have similarly denied Flynn access if he had made similar inquiries. Consequently, Flynn would have known that a higher institutional authority would have been required to override the Special Access Program Oversight Committee in order to grant the DIA need-to-know access to such USAPs.
Consequently, the danger posed to the Deep State by Flynn being appointed Trump’s National Security Advisor becomes all too clear. Flynn was in the position to advise Trump to grant the DIA Director and the National Security Advisor need-to-know access to corporate-run reverse engineering programs protected by the Special Access Programs Oversight Committee.
Furthermore, Flynn could arrange for an official briefing where Trump would learn about the secret space program that involved the USAF, NRO, NSA, and DIA. After such an official briefing, Trump would have been in a position to publicly disclose such information if he believed it was in the national interest.
The perjury trap set up by corrupt FBI/Deep State officials against General Flynn was not only a travesty of justice orchestrated by the Deep State to sabotage the Trump Presidency, but was also to prevent Flynn advising Trump in ways that would undermine the decades-long secrecy system.
The exoneration of General Flynn makes it now possible for him to be reappointed to a senior position in the Trump administration, and to facilitate the disclosure of a secret space program and corporate-run alien reverse engineering USAPs.
A former US Air Force Intelligence Specialist Mike Turber, has sparked much controversy over his recent claims that Tic Tac shaped UFOs first witnessed and videotaped by Navy pilots back in 2004, were in fact highly classified USAF spacecraft. Turber asserts that this was first revealed to him back in 2005 by a USAF “Audiovisual Specialist” responsible for preparing PowerPoint slides for a classified briefing involving senior officials from the US Navy, Air Force, DARPA, and a major aerospace contractor at a think tank.
A number of individuals have questioned Turber’s authenticity and the accuracy of his information, but a December 2019 response by the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) to a Freedom of Information Act request appears to confirm Turber’s core claim that such a classified briefing took place in 2005, and he was the first to report it.
What was discussed at the meeting and what Turber’s confidential source learned goes a long way in answering questions over the origins of the UFOs witnessed and videotaped by Navy personnel during training exercises held in 2004 (Tic Tac case), and later in 2015 (Go Fast and Gimball cases).
Turber’s information also points to a specific defense contractor, likely either Lockheed Martin or Northrup Grumman, that built the Tic Tacs for the USAF, which tested them against the Navy’s best surveillance and intercept capabilities in 2004. Turber further adds that the Navy later gained its own Tic Tac craft and tested these in the 2015 sightings cases.
I spoke to Turber on March 12, and asked him a series of questions about the 2005 briefing and what he was told about it by his confidential source. The source was a USAF serviceman whose Air Force Speciality Code (AFSC) at the time Turber first met him was AFSC 23030 (Audiovisual Specialist) whom Turber had befriended during his own prior military service with the USAF (1984-1988).
During Turber’s military service, his own AFSC was “Electronic Intelligence Operations Specialist” (20530-50). Turber’s job summary was described as: “Operates electronic monitoring and related equipment, operates electronic analysis equipment, and analyzes, processes, and produces results of monitored electronic emissions.”
This is a vitally important background fact to keep in mind when considering why Turber was later asked by his A/V specialist source to comment on classified intelligence data acquired during the 2004 Tic Tac incident.
Turber’s information is critical for understanding the true origins of the UFOs the Navy pilots began encountering in 2004 and later in 2015 during major Naval training exercises involving different carrier groups with the most advanced radar and electronic monitoring equipment used at the time.
What follows are extracts from my discussion with Turber and the information he shared, which was recorded and transcribed with his permission.
I began by asking Turber when he first met his confidential source who told him about the 2005 briefing. He replied:
Probably in the mid-80s. We’re doing through the Air Force, and so we kept contact, I’ve kept contact with quite a few people that were, you know … good friends or what have you. And I was utilized a lot, you know, I was kind of like the friend that everybody goes to … ask … what do you think about this or that or whatever … in relationship to all kinds of different subject matter. And then that correlated into the think tank program … where we met again because he was part of one of the think tanks that I was at. And he was actually doing the audiovisual for that location.
By 2005, Turber had been recruited from the Air Force with advanced skills in intelligence analysis of electronic communications, and he began working for different defense contractors and intelligence organizations.
Meanwhile, his source/friend continued to work with the Air Force as an A/V Specialist, and contacted him about “briefing slides” he was working on for an upcoming meeting involving Navy communications data about a UFO, which greatly excited him. Turber explains what happened back in 2005:
What he was doing was setting up the, they call them briefing slides, but it’s actually a power point presentation, but they still use old terminology.… The presentation involved the data that was acquired from the [USS] Nimitz and from [USS] Princeton, and also from the [E-2] Hawkeye and a couple of other sources. I can’t remember all of them.… He gave me a call. We talked for a few minutes … I could tell by his voice he was excited, but concerned at the same time.
He thought he was setting up a presentation about a UFO…. So he wasn’t sure how to approach it. But he went ahead and was obviously doing his job and what have you.
Now for him to contact me was obviously way out of norm because that’s just something that, you know, you wouldn’t do if you’re [in] a compartmentalize[d project], and you’re working inside of a certain area. So that’s understandable. So he’s given me permission to say what happened, but not any … specifics…. But the gist of the matter is … he’s listened to some of the comms going back and forth between the pilots and the [USS] Princeton and pilots, and then Hawkeye, and going back forth. But at the time, he didn’t even know what was actually going on. Because that was the first piece of information that he had.
“So well, without listening to them, I can’t really tell you”… and so when he called me back probably an hour or so later, and he played some of the comms over the phone, and I can hear the pilots talking back and forth and some of the other communications that were going on, and you could tell there was something rather odd.
The pilots were being asked what their loadout was, which obviously is a little bit strange. And then, you know, that’s information [that’s] been released, but the other odd thing that occurred was when the pilots of the second group now there’s three, I call them three groups. There was one pilot that was out first that was doing a maintenance check on his plane, and he was going to be part of a Red Team, Blue Team kind of thing.
And then you had Commander Fravor and his … two F-18s that went out for that intercept. And then of course, you had Chad Underwood’s intercept. So on the second flight, which is Commander Fravor’s flight, they were ordered to come back to the ship after the Tic Tac flew past him and went back to the CAP point. But there was more communication than what we’ve heard so far.
The communication that I recall was their request to go after the object and to continue the pursuit and the request to have someone else possibly come up and help them with the loadout problem. So that information has not been revealed. But they were denied that.
Turber went on to describe what happened a few days after he first listened to the radio communications between the different Navy planes and ships discussing the Tic Tac sightings:
About three or four days go by, and he calls back. And at that time, he had gathered a lot more information to say about this stuff we talked about the other day. “I [the AV source] figured it out. This is just Air Force, testing some new technology, blah, blah, blah. And it wasn’t what we thought it was.” Because on our first conversation, he was, we’re both thinking UFO, extraterrestrial origin or whatever. But during the second call, either “A” he was told to clean up the first call if someone knew about it, or “B”, he was actually just telling me what he really found out, which I believe … to be the case…. The information that he gathered in the interim, and with the number of people that were coming to the location for the briefing, he determined that it was US in origin.
Critically, this is where the initial excitement that Turber’s source felt about the UFO sighting, quickly waned since he had learned that it was US built, and not extraterrestrial as he and Turber had first speculated.
Turber went on to describe how the manufacturer of the Tic Tac’s was interested in how the Navy and foreign nations responded to the secret Air Force craft maneuvers:
The name of the manufacturer of the object and the intelligence briefing, and by the people that were coming in, it was quite clear that they were just going over what would be considered existing technology at that time in seeing the response of the Navy, how they would respond to it as it would correlate to how the Russians or how the Chinese would respond to it. Mind that timeframe 2005. The Russians and the Chinese were both of primary concern. Now the Chinese seem to be more of a concern than Russia at the moment.
The critical thing to emphasize here is that Turber is telling us that he first heard in 2005, the data communications recorded on the USS Princeton, on the E-2 Hawkeye and on the USS Nimitz that had been confiscated a year earlier according to several Navy witnesses.
Patrick [PJ] Hughes, a Petty Officer on the USS Nimitz, says that two Air Force personnel confiscated the “data bricks” comprising all the electronic data recorded of the Tic Tacs. Meanwhile, on the USS Princeton, Gary Voorhis said that two unidentified civilians confiscated all the data.
If Turber is accurate in claiming that he listened to radio communications data that had been confiscated a year earlier from two Navy ships, but was now being analyzed for an upcoming briefing by his A/V specialist source, this directly supports the idea that the Tic Tac incidents were part of an Air Force covert operation.
Turber offered the following insight, which strengthens the case that the Tic Tac craft were part of a USAF covert operation.
Now, that, to me, is a very pivotal point in that if you have an object that’s inside military airspace or creating an issue for a training zone, which is where I guess it was whiskey one or whatever they named it, you wouldn’t allow these aircraft to go after an object such as this without some form of ordinance or what have you. But at the time, the question is, why wouldn’t you task someone from Coronado, or from Miramar or from any of these other … locations to go out to this area, which is obviously within minutes of flight time to aid in this in the search, especially if these objects were there for several days.
That’s always been a question of mine and that in some form that leaves proof that this is obviously an Air Force operation. And that the normal military response, if an object is infiltrating our airspace, is obviously send up more assets and to actually continue the pursuit until you figure out what this thing is where it came from, or even if necessary, shoot it down. But it was out in essentially international waters, but it was inside of a military training space.
Turber went on to respond to questions about the 2005 briefing and the defense contractor responsible for building the Tic Tacs that attended, and the role of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in helping develop the technologies. Significantly, Turber makes a connection to recent patents granted to the inventor Salvatore Pais on behalf of the US Navy, which had also attended the 2005 briefing.
The briefing, the way the slides were set up, was obviously as an introduction to the technology that was going to be utilized. The contractor was there … that actually developed the technology that created [the] Tic Tac.… DARPA was there as well. … DARPA’s own presentation, which is basically the history of how that technology was developed…. And that’s where apparently all the patents that come out from [Salvatore Pais] are now gaining some, some traction in the end. As far as the timing and everything, the timing is obviously ultra critical for what the Navy’s doing right now.
I asked Turber whether Lockheed Martin’s Skunkworks was the defense contractor that built the Tic Tac shaped craft, his response pointed out that the Navy was also working closely with the contractor that had originally built the Tic Tacs for the USAF:
I would neither confirm nor deny, okay. I will say that, obviously, there’s very few contractors that work. I’ve already revealed that the objects are built in Plant 42. And there’s very few contractors that are there, but there’s several adjacent contractors that would come in that would work with them, because some of the technology that was developed.
The antigravity technology that the Navy actually paid for, more recently, I guess, was from a company called EMC2. And then they shut off the funding to that organization, and then they ramped up the funding to one of the organizations at Plant 42. So apparently some transfer of information and technology was made and, and they want to keep it all under wraps at Plant 42 …
What supports Turber’s testimony here is that a 2016 article in Geekwire confirms that the Navy gave EMC2 a total of $12 million to study the feasibility of a nuclear fusion reactor using electromagnetic containment principles from 2008 to 2014. It is therefore very plausible that EMC2 received funding from the Navy for a classified antigravity research project at some point.
What is highly significant for Turber’s remarkable testimony about the true origins of the Tic Tac craft revealed at a classified 2005 briefing, is a recent Freedom of Information Act response by the Navy that appears to confirm that such a meeting had indeed taken place, and that highly classified “briefing slides” had been prepared for the meeting.
The Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) had responded to an FOIA request sent on October 28, by UFO researcher, Christian Lambright. Specifically, Lambright asked:
This request is to include all releasable portions of records and reports related to investigation of the detection of and encounter(s) with Anomalous Aerial Vehicles (AAVs) by personnel involved with the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group (CSG) operations off the western coast of the United States during the period of approximately 10-16 November, 2004. The designation ‘AAVs’ is used here because it appeared in a summary of these events, so there may also be other terms used in the material I am requesting.
On December 9 … the ONI responded to Lambright’s FOIA request, and referred to “briefing slides” concerning the 2004 Tic Tac incident.
Our review of our records and systems reveal that ONI has no releasable records related to your request. ONI has searched our records for responsive documents. We have discovered certain briefing slides that are classified TOP SECRET. A review of these materials indicates that are currently and appropriately Marked and Classified TOP SECRET under Executive Order 13526, and the Original Classification Authority has determined that the release of these materials would cause exceptionally grave damage to the National Security of the United States.
The ONI FOIA response confirms that a trained military serviceman with skills as an “AV Specialist” would have been required to prepare the briefing slides for the Navy, and other military personnel and contractors in attendance at such a briefing. This makes Turber’s claim that his source was the AV Specialist who prepared the briefing slides based on classified intelligence data from the Navy ships acquired by the USAF, which he subsequently shared with Turber, quite plausible.
It’s also vitally important to emphasize here that Turber was the first person to discuss “briefing slides” concerning the 2004 Tic Tac sightings when he came forward on November 4, 2019, in an interview with Jim Breslo. Turber announced what his A/V source had confided to him about the briefing slides the source was working on for a classified 2005 meeting.
Turber’s own background as an “Electronic Intelligence Operations Specialist”, with a Top Secret security clearance, which he maintained after he was recruited into covert operations after 1988, makes it very plausible that his AV source shared the intelligence data from the 2004 Tic Tac sightings with him. It is understandable why Turber was being consulted by his AV source, who needed some expert advice in preparing his briefing slides by someone with the necessary clearances to advise him.
I asked Turber for his thoughts on the ONI FOIA response and whether it was referring to the 2005 briefing, or more recent classified briefings involving Navy personnel and members of the US Congress that took place from December 2018 to May 2019:
I believe because the FOIA requests that … Christian Lambright … put out … was trying to reference the Tic Tac event. And if you don’t, if you don’t reference, I know it was they wouldn’t bring up the Congress briefings if the FOI request didn’t mention them. I think he was … as it relates to the Tic Tac event. So I believe that the briefing that he’s referring to … obviously was geared towards the Tic Tac event. So I believe that the briefing that they’re speaking about would be the briefing back in 2005.
And there may have been more than one briefing but the briefing that I’m aware of is the one where the data bricks and all the data from Nimitz and the Hornet and the Hawkeye and the Princeton were all taken to a specific location … be to be analyzed. And they did analyze them individually. And then once that data was analyzed, there was there was a group that that analyzed the data.
Now the that group included DARPA, and included the contractor included Air Force, and it included Navy. So all of those people were there analyzing that same data. Then after the data was analyzed, then it was fed into this group that was going to make it into some form of presentation that the top brass could basically digest, and that’s where he came in. Now, that was done in early 2005. So that would be as much of that as I think I can discuss without getting in anyone in trouble.
I agree with Turber’s analysis that the FOIA response that Lambert got is referring to “briefing slides” that were prepared by his confidential A/V Specialist source concerning the original Tic Tac sightings back in 2004. The FOIA response by ONI is specific to the 2004 sightings, rather than recent briefings of members of Congress that have occurred.
Consequently, the ONI FOIA response is important corroboration for Turber’s account of what he learned about a classified 2005 briefing concerning the origins of the Tic Tac craft, and them being prototype aerospace vehicles built at Plant 42 first on behalf of the USAF, and later for the Navy, by a major aerospace contractor.
Turber’s recollections and analysis have important implications given recent efforts to depict the 2004 Tic Tac and subsequent Gimball and GoFast UFO sightings in 2015 as national security threats posed by possible extraterrestrial visitors. Indeed, Turber’s testimony helps counter a growing narrative over the Tic Tac sightings that may be used to implement a false flag alien invasion plan that has long been rumored to exist.
The famed Tic Tac shaped craft captured on video and sighted by multiple US Navy pilots beginning in 2004 are advanced US Air Force spacecraft capable of traveling at 500 mph underwater and 24,000 mph into space according to a former intelligence specialist in electronic communications.
Mike Turber claims that he served with the USAF as an intelligence specialist and later with various defense contractors where he had Top Secret security clearance and access to various Special Access Programs (SAP’s) and Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) projects.
Turber came forward in two interviews he gave on November 4 and December 2, 2019, where he presented information he has received from “official government” sources that the Tic Tac sightings are USAF hybrid aerospace craft capable of traveling underwater, in the air and into outer space.
He says that the incredible speeds the USAF craft can achieve both in the atmosphere and underwater is due to its ability to utilize the principle of supercavitation [timestamp 39:40], where a cavitation bubble is created around a craft moving water molecules out of the craft’s flight path and eliminating friction as explained by Wikipedia:
A supercavitating object is a high-speed submerged object that is designed to initiate a cavitation bubble at its nose. The bubble extends (either naturally or augmented with internally generated gas) past the aft end of the object and prevents contact between the sides of the object and the liquid. This separation substantially reduces the skin friction drag on the supercavitating object.
According to Turber, the Tic Tac craft were assembled in Palmdale, California at a highly classified Air Force facility called “Plant 42”. According to Global Security, a number of major aerospace companies operate out of this enormous facility:
Air Force Plant 42 is at Palmdale, CA, north of Pasadena in Los Angeles County. It is operated by Lockheed, Rockwell International, Northrop, and Nero. AFP 42 is located in the northeastern portion of Los Angeles County, California, within the Antelope Valley of the Mojave Desert, approximately 80 miles north of Los Angeles. It has over 6,600 acres (the government owns 85%) and includes approximately 4.2 million square feet of floor space (the government owns 45%). The site includes multiple high bay buildings and airfield access with flyaway capability. The facility also has one of the heaviest load-bearing runways in the world.
The most well-known corporation is Lockheed Martin’s famed Skunk Works which moved to Plant 42 from Burbank, California, in 1989.
According to Turber, he worked at Plant 42 after his Air Force career and realized that some of the craft being secretly constructed there were related to the Tic Tac sightings which he first learned about in 2005. He says that at the time he worked with the Air Force and was analyzing radio communications from Navy pilots discussing their sightings of UFOs that could maneuver both in the air and sea.
Turber says that he knows of at least three models of hybrid air, sea and space vehicles that have been built at Plant 42. He asserts that at least 20 of these had been built and deployed during the time he worked at Plant 42. The largest is 46 feet long which allows it to be easily loaded onto trucks for easy transportation along California’s highway system.
He asserts that the USAF Tic Tac craft use advanced stealth and invisibility technology, and that the USAF deployed them near Navy ships to test pilot reactions, and to essentially “mess with the Navy”.
Turber says that the Navy has now developed similar craft, and that major nations such as China and Russia have developed the exact same craft [timestamp 17:50]. China’s hybrid spacecraft are more evolved than Russia’s and quickly catching up to the USAF craft.
The Tic Tac craft are not reverse engineered from extraterrestrial spacecraft, according to Turber. Instead they were first developed in the 1950s from civilian sources such as Dundee University, before finding their way to institutions such as the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (timestamp 32:25). In contrast, multiple insiders claim that advanced aerospace technologies were reverse engineered from captured extraterrestrial spacecraft.
Turber says that several of the Tic Tac shaped hybrid craft were deployed over North Korea in November 2017, to intimidate its paramount leader, Kim Jung-Un, and President Donald Trump was informed of the craft’s deployment and purpose.
Turber’s testimony is important since it explains the origins and performance of the Tic Tac UFOs that major media outlets began to report in detail back on December 16, 2017, after the New York Times and Politico covered the issue in major stories.
According to Turber, the media’s tepid response to the revelation was a major factor in him coming forward. He insists that rather than being a whistleblower, he has been encouraged to come forward by official sources to reveal his testimony and prepare the public for the major revelations that lie ahead.
Unfortunately, Turber has not shared any official documents confirming his Air Force career and work with different military contractors. This is puzzling since other former USAF personnel and corporate employees, such as Edgar Fouche, have publicly released such documentation when they have come forward to reveal their insider knowledge of the TR-3B and Aurora Project without suffering any repercussions.
What Turber did share with his interviewer, Jim Breslo, was data from the Google Maps timeline feature that showed that on November 18, 2017, his phone recorded a flight from Ontario, California to the US East Coast that lasted one hour and 24 minutes [timestamp 1:17:40]. Turber alluded to the incident as objective evidence that he was involved in a highly classified aerospace project at the time but was not able to reveal more details.
The phone data timeline indeed does corroborate his core claim of having worked on classified aerospace projects since it is difficult to explain how anyone using a conventional aviation transport can travel from the West to East coast in 84 minutes. Nevertheless, the Google Maps travel timeline isn’t sufficient to corroborate what his “official” sources told him, so hopefully Turber will share some of his documentation to substantiate his military and aerospace career.
Breslo brought up the remarkable similarity between the flight performance of the Tic Tac craft and a Navy patent for a Hybrid Aerospace Underwater Craft (HAUC) which I have previously discussed, and which Brett Tingley and Tyler Rogoway, writing for The Drive, have connected to the Tic Tac incidents.
The Navy patent explains how the craft is able to travel without friction under water and through the air by creating a quantum vacuum bubble around it: as explained by Tingley:
In the Navy’s patent application for the HAUC, it’s claimed that the radical abilities of propulsion and maneuverability are made possible thanks to an incredibly powerful electromagnetic field that essentially creates a quantum vacuum around itself that allows it to ignore aerodynamic or hydrodynamic forces and remove its own inertial mass from the equation. Thus, the ability to generate such high-frequency electromagnetic waves is key to the alleged abilities of this theoretical hybrid craft that can soar near effortlessly through air and water at incredible speeds with little to no resistance or inertia.
Turber dismissed the Navy patent as bogus [timestamp 36:18], yet the principle of a quantum vacuum around the craft being generated by electromagnetic energy makes for a compelling explanation for how such craft could achieve supercavitation when traveling through different mediums such as water, air, and space.
Turber’s testimony is very helpful since it directly points to the Tic Tac craft being part of a USAF secret space program, and that these assets are now in the process of being handed over to the new Space Force, just as predicted in the US Air Secret Space Program: Shifting Extraterrestrial Alliances and Space Force. That means exciting times lie ahead as Space Force unveils the secret space program it has inherited from the USAF.
[Special Note: I will be presenting the revolutionary Navy patents and their relevance to Secret Space Program disclosure at my upcoming Webinar with Portal to Ascension on March 21, 2020. You can register here.]
The United States Space Force has just recruited and promoted the Commander of the Air Force’s 1st Special Operations Wing who had led covert operations around the world and in space. This clears the way for antigravity vehicles that were secretly deployed out of select Air Force bases to be transferred over to Space Force and for many “Air Commandos” to be renamed as “Space Commandos”.
Brig General Michael Conley
Colonel Michael Conley who headed the Air Force’s 1st Special Operations Wing was promoted to Brigadier General in his new assignment as second in charge of Space Operations Command that currently makes up the bulk of the newly created Space Force with nearly 16,000 personnel.
The personnel are distributed over five Air Force bases – Vandenberg, Peterson, Patrick, Schriever, and Buckley – which according to the head of Space Force, General Jay Raymond, are soon to be renamed space bases.
We are America’s Air Commandos
We are Air Commandos, quiet professionals, Airmen personally committed to our craft. As the air component of U.S. Special Operations Command, we are capable and ready to conduct special operations anytime, anyplace. We are disciplined professionals dedicated to continuous improvement. Innovative and adaptable, our rigorous and realistic training helps us manage uncertainty and mitigate risk. By training smarter and harder than others, we define our limits, and learn when and where to push them. Inherently joint, we build credibility through habitual relationships that sustain us in the fight. We believe that one person makes a difference. And as our Air Commando heritage demands, we remain culturally bound to get the mission done, or find a way where none exists.
Conley led the 1st Special Operations Wing, from 2018 to 2020 at Hurlburt Field, in Florida. It was during his leadership that a number of triangle and rectangle-shaped antigravity vehicles were photographed near MacDill Air Force Base, home of Pentagon’s Special Operations Command.
The photographer, who uses the pseudonym JP and currently serves with the US Army, says that he was taken aboard several of these vehicles, which he photographed on several occasions with the active encouragement of covert Air Force personnel.
JP witnessed personnel on a rectangle-shaped antigravity vehicle who wore patches of Air Force Special Operations. The same patches are worn by the special operations wing that was led by Conley at Hurlburt Field, which worked closely with MacDill’s Special Operations Command in covert operations around the world and in space.
This raises the distinct possibility that Conley was involved in the decision to allow antigravity vehicles manned by Air Force Commandos flying near MacDill AFB to be photographed by JP.
If so, then Conley was actively part of the covert disclosure initiative by the USAF to reveal its arsenal of antigravity vehicles to the general public, which I described in detail in the book, US Air Force Secret Space Program (2019).
This possibility gives added significance to Conley’s appointment and promotion to Space Force, and strengthens claims that the Space Force was created with the intent of revealing the Air Force’s secret space program (SSP).
Regardless of the question of whether Conley was part of an Air Force initiative to publicly begin acclimating the public to its secret space program in 2018, his new position as deputy commander of Space Force’s “Space Operations Command” means that he is in charge of transferring relevant Air Force covert aerospace operations over to Space Force.
General Conley will now oversee the reassignment of “Air Commandos” to “Space Commandos”, and transfer covert space assets used by the Air Force’s “1st Special Operations Wing” – some of which were photographed in 2017-2018 near MacDill AFB – to Space Force.
As Space Force continues to develop with the acquisition of personnel and resources, it is expected that more of the bureaucratic structures that supported the Air Force’s SSP, will be increasingly made transparent as it is transferred over to Space Force.
General Conley and the transition of “air commandos” to “space commandos” is merely one step in a transition process, which ultimately aims to have decades-old technologies deployed by the USAF SSP to be declassified as recent acquisitions by the new Space Force. This process will simultaneously inspire the American public with the impressive technologies deployed by Space Force, boost recruitment interest in the new military service, while deflecting away from troubling questions of why such technologies were not declassified decades earlier.
On January 17, 2019, newly retired US Air Force Lieutenant General Steven Kwast wrote an article in Politico about the need for Space Force to quickly break free of USAF strategic doctrine to create a “Pax Americana” in space otherwise China will quickly step into that role and take the strategic high ground. He explains that China is building a space navy with the equivalent of destroyers and cruisers, and that America must do the same. Is Kwast unaware that the USAF has already built a secret space program or is he laying the foundations for its future disclosure to the public?
Kwast retired from the USAF in September 2019 and gave a lecture two months later at Hillsdale College where he first presented his thinking about Space Force. In his Politico article, Kwast elaborates on many of the ideas he presented in his Hillsdale lecture.
Kwast begins his article by focusing on the future economy of space:
Space is so powerful and so full of resources that it will change the way humanity consumes energy, information, goods and services. It will also transform the way we travel more profoundly than the invention of the automobile and airplane combined. The newly established Space Force is imperative if we want to avoid war and manage this journey into the future of a new trillion-dollar space economy with the power to peacefully protect our people and values.
He warns that the USAF does not appreciate the strategic importance of protecting the future “trillion-dollar space economy”, but China is:
The problem is that the Air Force is proposing a Space Force that will not protect the marketplace of space beyond earth’s orbit. But China is.
Kwast is very critical of the Air Force approach to space and asserts that it doesn’t have the right mindset for utilizing the full potential of space:
First, the Air Force is trapped in an industrial-age mindset. It is projecting power through air, space, and cyber yet does not properly consider the space geography beyond earth’s orbit… In short, the current Air Force plan for the Space Force will lose the race to dominant the strategic high ground.
Kwast goes on to warn about the danger posed by China which is building a “guardian force” to protect its interests in the future “marketplace of space”:
If America wants peace in space, it must supply some form of guardian force with the power to hold participants accountable to international law and American values. China is already building its guardian force. China is building a navy in space, with the equivalent of battleships and destroyers that can move fast and kill. America’s satellites will be helpless to win against the superior speed and firepower in China’s force.
He describes China’s ability to destroy America’s satellite communications system and the superior strategy it has developed for space:
China is winning the space race not because it builds better space equipment but because it has a superior strategy. For example, if China stays on its current path, it will deploy nuclear propulsion and solar power stations in space within 10 years. While China will claim that power stations in space can beam clean energy to anyone on Earth, the alarming fact is that the same capability can be used to turn off any portion of the American power grid, and has the ability to paralyze our military might anywhere on the planet.
Kwast concludes his article by asserting that Space Force needs to become independent of the Air Force thinking:
There is one simple action that can propel America to win. Congress must take steps to make the Space Force independent of the Air Force and give it the mission to defend the economy of space. If not it will evolve too slowly and lose this strategic high ground. There may not be time to recover.
Kwast’s proposal that the US Space Force takes on the role of establishing a Pax Americana in space where US interests in the future “trillion-dollar space economy” has much support within the Trump administration.
After the passage of the 2020 National Defense Authorization Act establishing the creation of Space Force, its newly created Chief of Space Operations, General Jay Raymond, has transferred 16,000 USAF personnel into Space Force, is converting USAF bases to “space bases”, and approved a seal for the new service.
While Kwast lays out the need for a strategic doctrine of a Pax Americana in space involving the development of space cruisers and battleships, he does not appear aware that such a military force already exists. Is Kwast simply out of the loop about the antigravity vehicles of the USAF’s secret space program or is he laying the foundation for the Air Force to disclose its existence?
In the US Air Force Secret Space Program, I lay out the historical documents and insider testimonies showing how the Air Force began deploying spacecraft using exotic antigravity propulsion systems in the 1970s. Since that time, the USAF’s space arsenal has steadily grown into fleets of triangle, rectangle and saucer shaped space vehicles that dominate near-earth operations.
In short, the Pax Americana that Kwast forcefully argues needs to be established has existed for over four decades and China does not lead the way in establishing a “guardian force”, but is instead quickly catching up to what the USAF did decades earlier. In fact, China is so quickly bridging the technology gap thanks to its huge economy and industrial espionage, that its military strategists are planning for China to become the new global and space hegemon by 2030, thanks to the unrestricted embrace of Artificial Intelligence.
Coming Soon!!!
A case can be made that Kwast was simply out of the loop of the existence of a USAF secret space program since his career assignments did not involve positions where he had a “need to know” of such a highly classified program. His last assignment was Commander of Air Education and Training Command in San Antonio, Texas.
It’s also very possible that his justification of Space Force is designed to have the American public give uncritical support for the creation of a Pax Americana in space while covering up the fact that it was established decades ago, without the American public being informed. An inconvenient fact that is sure to make many angry over the decades-long delay in sharing the revolutionary advances in electromagnetic propulsion technologies, new energy systems and healing modalities that have been kept hidden from the general public.
In this Mind Blowing Interview with Dr. Michael Salla, we discuss his new book US Air Force Secret Space Program – Shifting ET Alliances & Space Force. We talked about many thought provoking and serious topics that are desperately important in the human race moving forward as a civilization in these mysterious times we are facing. We talked about the Reptilian and Nordic Alien Alliances and there role in the cosmic scale of things. He also mentioned how these alliances are utilizing highly advanced technologies including the black triangles (TR3B) to help achieve some of their agendas. He discussed some of the Global Players agendas and their alliances with these extraterrestrials. He also talked about the Secret agreements with a breakaway German colony in Antarctica (the Fourth Reich) & different extraterrestrial groups in the 1950’s.
Dr. Salla stated how the United States has been ran by the Fourth Reich especially NAZI ideologies since World War 2. He also went on to talk about how the US Airforce was decieved by the Deep State and the Sinister Fourth Reich which eventually led to the switching of alliances to Human Looking Extraterrestrials (The Nordics). Later on in the interview we talked about the coming Moon missions and how that correlates with the Alien Alliances agendas that are at play on this global stage.
A FEW TOPICS DISCUSSED IN THIS INTERVIEW: – Reptilian and the Grey Alien Alliances – The German Breakaway Civilization to Antarctica – The Sinister and Dark Agendas that are at play – Differences of the Navy and Air Force Secret Space Programs – The Ramifications of Privatized Space Programs in Space – The Coming Moon and Mars Missions – How the Fourth Reich has secretly been running the United States – President Trumps knowledge of the Secret Space Program and the Extraterrestrial Alliances.
On February 18, four stunning photographs of a flying triangle shaped craft was taken in Orlando, Florida at around 1:20 am. The photographer, my confidential source JP, was then approached by two men in black who threatened him to remain silent about what he had seen and photographed. The craft appeared with three lights shining, one at each corner, and hovered about 45 feet (13.7 meters) away from him over a secluded field near his home.
In a Skype message, JP told me about what had happened. He recalled going to bed around 10 pm on Sunday night, and then waking up at 2:30 am with a sore throat. He says that when he checked his phone, he saw four pictures of a flying triangle. He then remembered that he had been standing out in the field and taking the photos and video of the craft. He says that he felt an electromagnetic field around the craft which was the size of a school bus.
After taking the photos and videos he remembered starting to walk back home. After 10 minutes, JP says that two men in black approached him and threatened him not to tell me about it in particular. He says that one of the men pulled out something like a gun and threatened him. He next remembered waking up in bed. The video of the craft was gone, but the photos remained. What follows is a short video of the original four photos and enhancements to better clarify what JP photographed.
In previous encounters with antigravity craft, both in Tampa (next to McDill Air Force Base) and Orlando, JP recalls being taken inside the craft where he has had multiple experiences with personnel belonging to USAF Special Operations. These earlier incidents have been described in articles where I have analyzed the photos he has taken, and the circumstances of each encounter.
In the earlier incidents, JP recalls being encouraged to take photos of the different shaped craft by covert personnel associated with Air Force Special Operations, but then being threatened by personnel associated with the CIA not to take any videos of the incidents. Indeed, he says that other videos prior to the February 18 incident had also been mysteriously deleted from his phone.
In the February 18 incident, JP believes that he was followed from his home to the field by CIA personnel who have him under constant surveillance due to the regular contacts he has been having with both Air Force secret space program personnel and extraterrestrials, which I have described in previous articles.
JP supplied a screenshot of the information from the last of the four photos he took, which gives the timestamp of when it was taken, confirming his recollection of the events that transpired early in the morning of February 18. The following images are of image 4 in the sequence (original with no enhancements) and the screenshot of his camera phone of the time when it was taken.
JP’s stunning photos are powerful evidence of a Secret Space Program run by USAF Special Operations, which is encouraging him to take photos and videos of their antigravity spacecraft. Other government entities, such as the CIA, are not happy with this arrangement, and are intimidating and harassing JP [see note below], and deleting video evidence of what he is witnessing.
Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.
Feel free to share this article with original links. For those planning to incorporate the above video and/or original photos in their own YouTube videos/articles, you have permission to do so provided you link to the original source.
[Special Note: JP recently lost his job after he began sharing his photos with more members of the general public, after repeated warnings of not to do so by personnel associated with the CIA. He has been pressured to join the U.S. military in order to resolve his financial problems, but has resisted since it would impact his ability to share his startling experiences with the public. If you would like to support JP in his efforts to continue disseminating his photos and information, you can do so through a donation via the Exopolitics Institute. Please use the following Paypal link for your donation and mark it, “JP Donation” .]
Emery Smith, a former U.S. Air Force Surgical Assistant has confirmed that NASA has a manned secret space program in addition to its widely known civilian program, which uses an astronaut corps drawn from USAF personnel. In addition, Smith corroborated other insider testimony about secret space stations approximately 10 times larger than the International Space Station, which are serviced by TR-3B antigravity spacecraft flying out of MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida and other classified locations.
In the August 21 episode of Cosmic Disclosure with host David Wilcock and another Secret Space Program insider, Corey Goode, Smith discussed his knowledge of the secret NASA program, which is entirely separate to a USAF run program that is supported by the Defense Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency and the National Reconnaissance Office. Smith explained:
There are two sections to NASA. One is what the public sees and another underground Cabal type one, that does really mediocre stuff, as far as getting things into space for these other classified places. So their mission honestly is more on a supply type thing for them because they are kind of like the lower echelon compared to these other ones that Corey is talking about [USAF dominated secret space program]
Goode said that he was aware of USAF personnel trained to be astronauts with the secret NASA program, and encountered NASA personnel on one of the Moon’s secret bases called Lunar Operations Command.
Subterranean portion of Lunar Operations Command where NASA personnel were sighted by Corey Goode. Credit: Sphere Being Alliance/
In response to Wilcock’s question about whether he had heard of this secret NASA program, Goode [CG] said the following in an interaction with Smith [ES]:
CG: Well yes, it is actually the same part as I was talking about the secret astronaut corps … that is almost all Air Force
ES: Yes.
CG: … Trying to remember the name of the base … that they do a lot of their training … its close to one of the Great Lakes. A base where they train these people to fly these advanced technologies.
ES: Right…. Getting back to the Air Force and NASA too, definitely they are all working together. I totally support that 100% because they are all Air Force astronauts that run these missions … they are trained separately.
Smith and Goode’s claims are supported by documentary evidence released by the National Reconnaissance Office concerning a secret military Astronaut corps trained for the Manned Orbiting Laboratory program.
From 1963 to 1969, 17 military astronauts were secretly trained together with those chosen for regular NASA missions, and were earmarked to join the classified USAF space program. Here is how PBS described what happened:
These men, 17 in all, were set to make history in space as the first military astronauts, performing covert reconnaissance from orbit. Yet while NASA’s astronauts were gracing magazine covers and signing autographs, the MOL teams were sworn to secrecy; most of the program’s details remain classified even today. And MOL was canceled in 1969, before any of its astronauts went into space.
While President Lyndon Johnson ostensibly cancelled the Manned Orbiting Laboratory program, Smith and Goode are telling us that the military astronaut training program secretly continued, and produced hundreds or even thousands of military astronauts for both classified NASA and USAF missions over the following decades.
Smith then dropped a bombshell about his own involvement in the secret NASA space program:
DW: You said something provocative, which is you said that you were one of these astronauts.
ES: I was scheduled to go up in one of the shuttles, yes, luckily I didn’t because the one that got blown up over Texas was my return flight [Space Shuttle Columbia blew up over Northern Texas on February 1, 2003].
DW: You are actually saying the regular space shuttle?
ES: Yes, the regular space shuttle
DW: You were going to be a conventional astronaut?
ES: Yes, for that one.
Smith says that at the time he was doing contract work for an aerospace company specializing in space medicine wanting to optimize astronaut performance:
Well, while working at the Space Coast Aeromedical Institute, we were contracted out as astronauts to go actually, to these places and run some tests for long-term space travels for human beings. They were trying to find out a way that we could make your body last a lot longer in space before its starts breaking down….
I was working in Florida at the Space Coast Aeromedical Institute when I first developed my platelet rich plasma stem cell device. And they thought there would be some use for this regenerative properties in space. And they wanted to see if you could still concentrate these cells in space and if they would still be viable to give to the astronauts for long-term space exploration.
What lends plausibility to Smith’s controversial claim is that in the late 1990’s he was a pioneer in the emerging field of platelet rich plasma therapy (aka PRP) – platelets are a blood component that initiates clotting to stop bleeding.
Smith’s platelet rich plasma stem cell research contributed to the development of “platelet gel”, which is described by the Platelet Gel Network as:
… a platelet-based wound sealant used to enhance and hasten the repair of wounds and bone. Platelet gel contains high concentration of platelets and a native concentration of fibrinogen harvested by centrifugal separation of autologous whole blood. Platelet gel has many characteristic components that allow it to offer itself as a superior product for augmenting wound healing.
Smith was a presenter at the Florida Platelet Gel Symposium held March 16-18, 2002, on the topic: “Preparation for surgical application, preparation for chronic wound application, platelet recovery assessments, troubleshooting, documentation.”
Dr Paul Buza from the Southern Aeromedical Institute (aka South Coast Aeromedical Institute) also presented at the same conference on Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) applications which was directly related to Smith’s area of expertise.
In a Discovery Health documentary, Smith’s expertise with PRP therapy was credited with saving the life of a man suffering from a Cobra bite.
In 2004, Smith was awarded a patent for a centrifuge tube assembly to separate blood products used for platelet research. Based on his pioneering medical research into platelet rich healing devices and association with Dr. Buza, it is very feasible that in 2003 Smith was scheduled to do some classified space based medical research with the Southern [Space Coast] Aeromedical Institute as he claims.
Smith and Goode furthermore explained that the NASA secret space program uses antigravity flying triangles, and they were both aware of a highly classified wing of such triangles flying out of MacDill Air Force Base, home of Special Operations Command.
Goode referred to a number of photographs that I had previously released from my source, JP, who lived at the time in Tampa, Florida, next to MacDill:
ES: Well, there is a flight [Wing] of them at MacDill Air Force Base there in Tampa, Florida.
CG: Oh yes, as a matter of fact, Dr Salla of has recently written several articles. Before the last hurricane [Irma] hit Florida, people were photographing them evacuating these craft from MacDill. And there are two or three types of these triangles, I’m told that are stationed there. A full wing is stationed there at MacDill.
ES: Absolutely …
The photographs taken by JP showed different types of antigravity craft as exemplified in the following video comprising photos taken of an October 19 incident near MacDill AFB.
He also revealed that he was taken aboard one of the rectangle shaped craft where he witnessed a military patch on one of the USAF personnel. It belonged to Air Force Special Operations, which is one of the special forces divisions that make up Special Operations Command.
The patch was important because it revealed that the antigravity craft were not part of a testing program, but belonged to an operational wing of flying triangles and other antigravity craft operating out of MacDill. Smith and Goode had confirmed that such an antigravity wing does covertly operate out of MacDill, and it falls under the authority of Special Operations Command.
Smith and Goode went on to describe what they had witnessed concerning the classified space stations operated by the USAF:
CG: I’ve described one in the past and it was a space station that was created out of NASA ship hulls, or out of the rocket boosters that they had repurposed, that had ejected from other rocket launches into space. They repurposed them, put them end-to-end into, like, a big circle.
ES: Right
CG: That were like a spoke radiating from a middle, and it spun slowly to create one-third gravity.
ES: Right, and that’s that, this is the one. I actually told you [pointing to David Wilcock] about this a while ago.
DW: Yes, you did.
ES: So to hear him saying it, it’s very enlightening to that.
CG: And the images I saw where the spoke in the middle had an area that went down, and everything else was turning but the middle was fairly positioned where it wasn’t moving around. And that’s where the TR-3Bs would connect, was at a port here, here at the top. And they would come through, and they would go out through the spokes and go to the sections of the station that were created out of these reclaimed parts.
ES: Right, reclaimed. Even NASA recycles, isn’t that nice.
Smith’s corroboration of Goode’s earlier public statements concerning classified space stations created out of repurposed booster rockets is very significant. It confirms that a classified USAF SSP adopted the main concept underlying the Manned Orbiting Laboratory – using repurposed booster stages from Titan II rockets.
The main difference was that rather than use a single modified Titan rocket to create an orbiting space platform for Earth surveillance, up to nine of these repurposed boosters would be linked to form a circular shaped space station.
In an earlier episode of Cosmic Disclosure, Goode provided an artist’s sketch of what he had seen.
Credit: Sphere Being Alliance
In conclusion, Smith has provided corroborating testimony for Goode’s earlier revelations concerning a classified Air Force secret space program. Smith and Goode’s claims about the existence of an operational space wing of flying triangles and other antigravity craft out of MacDill AFB is supported by multiple photographs of such craft in the vicinity of MacDill.
Importantly, Smith and Goode further revealed that NASA has its own secret space program that uses covertly trained Air Force astronauts, in addition to the civilian program which is widely known to the general public. Smith’s claim of having been scheduled to join this secret Astronaut corps in order to conduct pioneering medical research to optimize astronaut performance is plausible based on his pioneering medical research and patents concerning PRP applications.
[Note: The August 21 Cosmic Disclosure interview featuring Emery Smith and Corey Goode can be found here.]