On Sept 7, 2014, political representatives of the Reinstated Kingdom of Hawaii formally approved a set of Contact Protocols for extraterrestrial visitors to Hawaii’s Star Visitor Sanctuary in the Puna region of the Big Island of Hawaii. The Sanctuary was first proposed in a Declaration that was approved by five representatives from the Reinstated Kingdom on May 28, 2014. The Declaration is an official invitation to extraterrestrials, aka “Star Visitors,” to appear and meet with representatives of the Kingdom of Hawaii and the general public at the Sanctuary. The newly approved Contact Protocols are the first time representatives of a sovereign state have publicly approved official measures in response to the appearance and/or contact with extraterrestrial life.
The Hawaii Star Visitor Sanctuary was formally launched on June 27 by Naliko Markel, the Kingdom’s Minister for the Interior at a ceremony attended by up to 200 people that participated in native Hawaiian traditions for blessing the designated land for its special purpose of hosting “Star Visitors” to Earth. Coincidentally, the nearby Pu’u O’o crater began a new lava flow on the same day of the launch as though signaling the volcano goddess Pele’s support for the Kingdom’s initiative.
The seven Contact Protocols outline the formal steps the Kingdom of Hawaii will take for various ways extraterrestrial visitors may appear and/or interact with Kingdom representatives and the general public. The Protocols use an extraterrestrial contact classification system first proposed by former USAF Project Bluebook consultant Dr Allen Hynek that was popularized in the film, Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind. The protocols describe four distinct ways in which Star Visitors can interact with Kingdom of Hawaii Representatives and the general public.
A close encounter of the first kind is a sighting of an extraterrestrial vehicle at a distance of less than 500 feet. A close encounter of the second kind is where there is physical evidence of a landing by an extraterrestrial vehicle. A close encounter of the 3rd kind involves sighting an extraterrestrial being. Finally, a Close encounter of the fourth kind represents direct physical contact with extraterrestrial entities.
The protocols are based on the legal authority of the Reinstated Kingdom of Hawaii to establish diplomatic relations with Star Visitors in conformity with Hawaiian traditions and history as a sovereign state. The Contact Protocols authorize the creation of a delegation comprising Kingdom of Hawaii officials and experts that will meet with extraterrestrial visitors. The delegation will issue summaries of various forms of contact on a website, and coordinate with members of the general public having a close encounter. In the case of a contact event with significant global public interest, a full report will be prepared that will be submitted to the United Nations Secretary General and the General Assembly.
The Kingdom of Hawaii Contact Protocols are a significant development from earlier efforts by astronomical organizations to develop protocols for the discovery of extraterrestrial life through radio signals. The best known of these is SETI’s “Protocols for an ETI Signal Detection” that outlines international coordination when radio signals from an extraterrestrial intelligence are detected. The SETI protocols do not however cover the contingencies raised by extraterrestrials actually visiting, flying over and/or landing on Earth.
The Kingdom of Hawaii was the first sovereign state to proclaim its status as a neutral state in 1854. Now the Kingdom can add to its list of firsts, a set of extraterrestrial contact protocols that have been adopted by political representatives of a sovereign state. The Hawaii Contact Protocols provide a model that can be used by other members of the international community preparing for a future where extraterrestrials show up and interact with humanity.
© Copyright 2014. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Exopolitics.org