Tag: Sixto Paz Wells

Exopolitical Prospects Based on Dr. James W. Deardorff’s article “Possible Extraterrestrial Strategy for Earth”

James Deardorff

Dr. James.W. Deardorff, a Professor Emeritus of Atmospheric Science published “Possible Extraterrestrial Strategy for Earth” in the Royal Astronomical Society, Quarterly Journal (ISSN 0035-8738), vol. 27, March 1986, p. 94-101.  Its online link is found at http://adsabs.harvard.edu/full/1986QJRAS..27…94D

Dr. Deardorff’s Summary in “Possible Extraterrestrial Strategy for Earth” reads as follows:

“The arguments are reviewed which hold that our Galaxy is nearly saturated with extraterrestrial life forms, that our existence requires in hindsight that they were and are benevolent toward us, and that our lack of detection of them or communications from them implies that an embargo is established against us to prevent any premature knowledge of them. An inconsistency is detected, in that any sudden lifting of the embargo in a manner obvious to the public would cause societal chaos and possibly touch off a nuclear exchange, while any communications received via radio telescope would likely be either quickly confiscated by government agencies and not revealed to the public, or heavily censored. The inconsistency is that the advanced civilization should be expected to have planned some other strategy, if it is actually benevolent, experienced and intelligent.

It follows that any embargo not involving alien force must be a leaky one designed to allow gradual disclosure of the alien message and its gradual acceptance on the part of the general public over a very long time-scale. A possible strategy for their accomplishing is proposed.”


Dr. Deardorff should be considered a pioneer in exopolitical thinking. As he suggests, advanced extraterrestrial intelligence may abound in the galaxy and UFO evidence suggests that it is quite reasonable to suppose that it is already here operating here on Earth. However, it would be operating under its own terms while using a technology that – under our prevailing understanding – would seem surreal or like “magic.” Dr. Deardorff also explores the idea that societies which develop practical interstellar ‘travel’ may have a tendency to overcome self-destructive behavior and would operate under a more comprehensive ethics respectful of less developed civilizations and that, for this reason, they might not be willing to unequivocally disclose their presence to humanity until we become capable of handling it.

If extraterrestrial life abounds in the galaxy (as it is becoming ever more probable under conventional astronomical research on exoplanets) and some of it is – relatively speaking – at least 100’s of years more technologically advanced than Earth’s humanity, these intelligent life forms may find ways to overcome spacetime limitations (including vast distances, inertia and energy constraints) in a way that would seem ‘magical’ and even ‘impossible’ to many of us. In fact, it would particularly seem way to ‘weird’ and ‘magical’ (and thus completely non-credible) to scientists required to operate with classical, scientifist, materialist, objective mindsets under a politically and socially controlled mainstream institutions expressing a culture that reflects a sense of superiority by distinguishing itself from previous magical and religious ways of ‘making sense’ of reality.

However, the best objective UFO and contactee evidence gathered from around the globe in over 7 decades (an evidence which can be segmented into various categories that reinforce each other) also scientifically and reasonably adds up and provides credence to some version of the “extraterrestrial hypothesis” and, to a sufficiently informed, intelligent, open-minded person, it also reasonably indicates the likelihood that one or more technologically advanced non-human intelligences are already here and, furthermore, perhaps interacting in various semi-covert ways with our planetary and societal systems.

If being able to achieve practical interstellar “travel” is accompanied by a TENDENCY to overcome intra-culture, destructive divisions, these extraterrestrial civilizations (or at least most of them) might be underscored in various degrees by a basically shared, post magical and post classical form of ethical thinking, perhaps essentially based on a practical emphasis on cooperation itself relying on the recognition of an intrinsic level of connectivity fundamental to the existence of physical reality whilst within and beyond it. Thus (perhaps after carefully monitoring our species and its social and psychological responses and after some initial attempts at open contact perhaps during the Eisenhower Administration and early “contactee era” in the 1950’s), in order not to destructively disrupt human society, they (one or more extraterrestrial groups) might generally have chosen to act under a “strategy” which could be called an “embargo strategy” or, more precisely, a “leaky embargo strategy.” They would try to avoid social disruption by gradually manifesting to various persons around the globe without doing it in unequivocal ways that cannot not be plausibly denied by prevailing scientists and other cultural leaders closely associated with effective political power.

The extraterrestrial intelligences enforcing this “embargo” would, nonetheless, also realize that humanity – as a complex living system and “holon” – has reached a threshold in which there’s a need to acknowledge the truth about its origins and position in the cosmic scheme of things in order to evolve into a unified planetary and cosmic civilization which understands itself as participating within an even grander and interrelated cosmic whole.

Perhaps amidst a divided world in which the UN only represented a forum for independent nation-states, as the leader of the most advanced nation-state on Earth President Eisenhower was – in the minds of extraterrestrial representatives – the most adequate person to establish formal contact with. Perhaps for them, his response would weigh heavily on what course of action to proceed.  Perhaps they recognized the need for worldwide education and disclosure but understood that the procedure would depend upon this President’s reply. Thus, maybe even after heeding to President Eisenhower’s alleged rejection of leading an educational, paradigm-shifting revelation of the ET presence inclusive of its operative cosmic principles, these ETs decided to continue “leaking” away their presence in a way that would still allow ruling cultural elites to deny, suppress or rationalize it while gradually cajoling the rest of society to acknowledge them.    

I posit that most or all extraterrestrials capable of overcoming spacetime limitations to practical, long distance interstellar ‘travel’ also enjoy a share, basic ethical understanding and way of thinking, feeling, being and acting which is today quietly arising on Earth in some quarters but which is still not prevalent. It is a step closer to unity and non-dual existence and may express in different forms. For instance, emphasizing a feeling-based, ethical perspective, it could be called a “fourth dimensional level of consciousness” as shared by contactee Sixto Paz Wells. It may also be associated with a higher cognitive capacity as a “5th, 6th (or higher) Order of Consciousness,” as Harvard developmental psychologist Robert Kegan proposes. A “trans systemic,” “multi systemic” or “complex” form of epistemological understanding should be required (“complex” meaning “interwoven” as proposed by French philosopher Edgar Morin). Some of these advanced thinkers emphasize the deep feeling of respect, love and interconnectivity associated with this level of sentient evolution but this level also provides other aspects such as the required meta theoretical or structural map, greater self-identity inclusivity and more inclusive ways of valuing. A humanity, civilization or species cohesive and respectful of its own members and correspondingly protective of its planetary base would have achieved the initial stage of this level of development.

Furthermore, accepting multiple realities, psychic powers and the extraterrestrial presence should also eventually be a crucial part of this so-called “Second Tier” level of development in consciousness or in the capacity for thinking, feeling, being, integrating and disclosing reality co-creatively as proposed by integrative and evolutionary philosopher Ken Wilber. Some individuals may be at ease with the feeling-based aspect or with the psychic, paranormal and extraterrestrial aspects but not with the intellectual aspects coming together in this level of development but, eventually, all of these aspects should be integrated in the human body-mind-spirit complex to wisely relate with our ET “visitors.”

Individuals operating under this (now largely segmented but steadily emerging) level of human development emphasized by these and other thinkers at the forefront of cultural awareness would also have to feel resonant with the non-physical valuing the crucial importance of the existence of multiple interactive realities. By comprising the importance of the psychic, the “paranormal,” the non-physical and the forthcoming universally recognized extraterrestrial presence (the latter unfolding under its own “transdimensional” (or trans-reality) terms we may be able to activate transdimensional technologies and practically overcome physical limitations and along with it the primitive mindset of intrinsic separation that goes with it. Again, promoting the psychic and otherworld as per human faculties and understanding may be quite necessary in order to function “transdimensionally” and to understand what our cosmic “visitors” are about and doing whether it doesn’t coincide with prevailing academic attitudes and expectations. We would need to be at ease with how the non-physical can be used to manipulate the physical. Perhaps non-physical “dimensions” overlap spacetime physical ones interiorly and a two-way exchange is possible. 

Dr. Deardorff’s “leaky embargo” hypothesis is probably connected with extraterrestrial disclosure exopolitician Stephen Bassett’s concept of a “truth embargo” quite likely performed and perpetuated under intelligence and counter-intelligence parameters by powerful (both non-constitutional and semi-constitutional) elements within (and associated to) the U.S. Government and in cahoots with a few other major world governments in association with military-industrial and specific secretive civilian power elites. This “truth embargo” would have occurred after an initial minor level of admittance or of ‘disclosure’ was allowed in tentative ways by a few government representatives in the 1940’s and 1950’s. The “leaky embargo” hypothesis allegedly conducted by extraterrestrials may also be associated with the idea of there being “secret government” factions amicable to a gradual disclosure or educational process through movies and other means (some of which may have been overtaken by the strategy to over-present extraterrestrials as hostile in order to prepare the public to eventually declare a false-flag invasion). This may be due to the fact that – at least since Eisenhower’s alleged first contact (in 1955 at Muroc/Edwards AFB) with a benevolent ET group not willing to hand out technology whilst proposing the suppression of nuclear explosions – there could be a coincidence or concordance between secret, gradual exopolitical disclosure policy (with a spin) and the extraterrestrials policy of gradually disclosing their own presence. This is indeed a complicated situation in which “those in the know” appear to operate perpetuating archaic, “us vs. them,” power-group-competing levels of consciousness.  

Dr. Deardorff’s “leaky embargo” hypothesis would also relate with disclosure and civilian contact activist extraordinaire Dr. Steven Greer and his strong position on the universal benevolence of all extraterrestrial civilizations visiting Earth. This would be given that in “Possible Extraterrestrial Strategy for Earth” Dr. Deardorff lends credence to C. Sagan and W.I. Newman’s idea that civilizations with a long history might have “impediments against cosmic imperialism and perhaps a Codex Galactica to educate the younger societies on how to behave. Moreover, Dr. Deardorff also echoes astronomer and cosmologist E.R Harrison’s idea that there might exist a “biogalactic law” wherein civilizations which are destructively aggressive tend (my emphasis) to wipe themselves out in the solar system of their birth and do not go on to colonize the galaxy.” However, in the latter case, the word “tend” is important because it is not used to allude to an unequivocal outcome. In other words, some advanced ET civilizations may have avoided self-destruction by strengthening an ethics of internal or intra-cultural, intra-societal coherence but nonetheless be possessed by an expansive nature or other influential elements from their own developmental history that lead them to attempt overtaking other planetary civilizations.

However in Dr. Deardorff’s article there’s a chapter titled “The Degree of Extraterrestrial Benevolence,” in which he highlights that, due to a huge number of civilizations and hugely varying degrees of evolution expected a “wide range of extraterrestrial benevolence should be expected.” He refers to the possibility that “some small fraction of the races in the Galaxy could well be considered hostile by us but be held in check by one or several more benevolent civilizations which for some reason have an interest in either the planet Earth or its inhabitants” and I tend to find this position reasonable. It doesn’t blindly over idealize the extraterrestrial presence or condemns it and quite favorably corresponds with some credible, previous and contemporary contactee messages such as those by Sixto Paz Wells and Ricardo Gonzalez. Moreover, it seems to also correspond well with some of the statistical findings in the four part survey conducted by the Dr. Edgar Mitchell Foundation for Research on Extraterrestrial Encounters (FREE) in that most of their ET encounters are (thus far by June 2016) not considered as “negative” by experiencer survey respondents. Additionally, the fact that – as far as we know – we have not been overtly invaded, enslaved, attacked or destroyed by an ET civilization could not only be due to the fact that most do not wish act like that but to the possibility that there might be a monitoring, policing and protective alliance preventing rogue extraterrestrial elements from doing it. 

If we consider valid the aforementioned “leaky embargo” hypothesis and also valid some of Dr. Michael E. Salla’s research on the various alleged secret space programs (based on alleged whistleblower testimony), it would seem that some of the extraterrestrial groups associated with at least some of these space program developments would resonate with a more classic form of dichotomous, conflicting and highly polarized human behavior. This would seem to contradict the expectation that beings capable of overcoming spacetime limitations would operate under a more inclusive form of consciousness, logic and ethics but, on the other hand, it might be that we are dealing with entities that sufficiently operate at that level by maintaining internal societal cohesion in a mental manner and still be able to operate transdimensionally to varying degrees by over-relying on consciousness-enhanced technology, even if some may have disconnected their feelings and other qualities also associated with higher levels of consciousness and development.

If – regarding some of the more recent whistleblower stories or, rather, I’d say…sagas – we are not dealing with a typical movie-like, American space age, male fantasy or with some sort of counter-intelligence disinformation combined with some genuine disclosures and/or leaks, some of the ETs would have supplied technology to covert human groups extending classical militaristic human behavior into a post classical space-age. This may or may not be true. There might be actual perceptions of truth talking past each other. I’m attempting to analyze many possibilities without a fixed mindset.

Parts of of the more incredible warring stories by alleged whistleblowers like Randi Cramer and Corey Goode may have been validated by other perhaps more credible whistleblowers like William Mills Tompkins and Clark Mc Clelland. If these reports represent facts (reports which include secret space programs from different human factions also conflicting with each other) at least some of the extraterrestrials associated with some or all of different secret space programs would also represent what has been known as a “service-to-self” mode of being and perhaps others would simply be limited to a level of evolution still too close to old-fashion warring human tendencies. The secret access to initial-level, transdimensional technologies would have linked us with low-level, conflicted ETs.


In spite of serious critics against the “negative ET hypothesis” like Dr. Steven Greer (doing a great job in many respects), the existence of negative ETs or what could be called “service-to-self” extraterrestrials is not only implied in sagas like the Mahabharata but also mentioned by several contactees like Sixto Paz Wells, Ricardo Gonzalez and, more recently by Alejandro Gonzalez and Erick Romero from Mexico. In such cases, these ETs would also be operating “transdimensionally” under a more inclusive form of science and logic, but their negativity would not impede them to do this. Moreover, according to several contact accounts, the logic by which even these extraterrestrials varieties operate force them to respect free will once they have not been able to cajole, deceive or paralyze in fear. 

If we are not simply anthropocentrically projecting all-to-human, war-like expectations on extraterrestrials, then at least some aspects of the alleged secret space programs would have attracted extraterrestrials groups with unresolved human-like problems. It could be an issue of “like attracts like.” Yet still, some other ET groups might have pressing needs such as physical, mental, and reproductive atrophies for which they may have taken upon themselves to utilize human resources obtaining some sort of permission or leniency in exchange for technology. In this latter category might be ET groups associated with President Eisenhower’s alleged 1955 second physical encounter at Holloman AFB after he had allegedly rejected in 1954 the educational offer given by a more service-to-others, benevolent extraterrestrial group of ambassadors. 

What to believe about the variety of interpretations regarding the ET presence? Recent experiencer-contactee polls suggest that MOST ET contacts are not regarded as “negative” by experiencer-contactees. As in many complex things in actual, practical experience, it may not be an issue of “either-or” but of “both-and.” There are many preferences, beliefs and positions within the ufological, experiencer, experiencer research, disclosure and exopolitical communities and we need to be careful not to offhandedly dismiss positions that – due to our own preferences – seem preposterous. Although some information might actually be wrong and some might be disinformation, we need to be able not to react offhandedly for or against these within the disclosure, UFO, exopolitics, experiencer and experiencer research communities. We need to be able to withhold judgment until we have reasonably sufficient information, especially if these explanations appear to conflict with ours. We must avoid becoming “compartmentalized” or “boxed-in” within our preferred interpretations about the whole phenomenon, ourselves unsuspectedly acting like the very closed-minded academics we often criticize for offhandedly dismissing conventional non-conventional ufological evidence and explanations.

ET groups seem to come with many inherent tendencies, needs and intentions. besides being able to function under a deeper understanding of connectivity, they may have overcome their own self-destructive, internal disagreements by various means like genetic engineering out strong emotions, becoming less individualistic or exerting telepathic social control. If we accept the often shared message that they are normally clearly divided into “service-to-self” (“dark” or spiritual energies-“stealing” or absorbing) and “service-to-others” (“luminous” or spiritually radiant) behavioral-existential modes while Earth humanity is unique in that it holds both polarities in an indeterminate manner, our leap forward may require us to demonstrate a way of transcending extreme polarization without losing spiritual-ethical sentiments or feelings and other subtle “heart-based” human qualities that many extraterrestrial civilizations seem to have lost in various degrees. 

Would extraterrestrials not amicable with the highest possible intentions for humanity still be able to come in and interact? Would some of them be acceptable while others possibly harmful? If there were a quarantine imposed on Earth, it may not apply to close-to-human-behavior, conflict-ridden, ET factions (and possible intra terrestrial associates) if they had already been active on Earth before the imposition of that quarantine. They would have a “right” to nonetheless interact with us, albeit with the provision that their actions do not exceed the boundaries that would prevent all other extraterrestrial forces from pursuing their goals. I understand that the last few paragraphs are plain exopolitical speculation but, nonetheless, it is based on the plausible information presented by research such as Dr. Salla’s, a research in which several whistleblower sources with various degrees of credibility (although some may originate in counter intelligence efforts) seem to coincide. Extraterrestrial battles among opposing extraterrestrial groups may be a reality (albeit with multiple degrees of crudeness and sophistication) in transdimensionally functional civilizations IF they are able to follow more meta systemically complex and inclusive rules of engagement. This situation might have been extended to extraterrestrial-related, secret space programs especially if officially non-existent, technological elite groups have obtained their technology by making contact with ET groups closer to human mental and behavioural patterns.

There may be reasonable and truthful ways to harmonize various allegedly irreconcilable extreme views regarding what can be considered by some a plausible or alleged presence whilst by others an actual and obvious extraterrestrial presence. I hope to have been able to illustrate how Dr. James W. Deardorff’s “leaky embargo” hypothesis still provides us with a general conceptual, non-extremist, reconciling interpretive context useful to conceptually harmonize many exopolitical possibilities.

Programmed Sighting at Chilca Desert March 30-31 2014

fotograma video ovni chilca 31 marzo 640-645 PM Canon Power Shot SX20is Marco Barraza telemundoChilca OVNI March 30 2014 Gino d'AngeloTop image : Night time Fotogram  by Gino D’angelo. Marco Barraza reporter/researcher & a Telemundo Network cameraman were present. They may have filmed more with a better video camera. More images or film should be upcoming. March 31st 6.40-6.45PM Canon Power Shot SX20is Underneath image: March 30 2014 day time photo by Gino D’Angelo also in Chilca during programmed sighting

Imagen2 (1) Rahma
Possible ET spacecraft at a previous Mission Rahma gathering.

A message corroborated by a daylight sighting was received for inviting the press for the 9th occasion to a “programmed sighting.” This particular programmed sighting (after a telepathically received transmission) was telepathically received by Sixto Paz Wells and it included the participation of some simple and (otherwise normal) key persons from “Mission Rahma” in Perú. I think that it was basically a success. It was not a dramatic or “jaw dropping” series of sightings or a landing of craft with a boarding but it was, nonetheless, successful. There were anomalous objects during the expected dates and at the place expected as the message said. Some reporters invited declined to attend but one of them came (Marco Barraza acting on behalf of Telemundo Network for the TV program “Caso Cerrado”). Marco is also a member of our civilian committee assisting the Peruvian AF in its newly opened office (DIFAA).

On March 30, at 7.40PM approximately there was one ‘OK’ anomalous-suggestive sighting (short lasting for a few seconds unique enough to suggest an ET craft). It was unique enough but nothing extraordinary. It may have been some 10 miles away, displaying with a yellowish color and it appeared to zigzag a little. It was a bit too short in duration and too distant. On this occasion the telepathic message received had not specified an exact hour or period of time as it had happened before on previous years. However, after that brief sighting event of March 30th there were others, more mostly taking place the following day.

During the camping event seeking contact verification we meditated, prayed and dedicated ourselves to many guided and intentional spiritual visualization efforts and activities requesting spiritual assistance not from ETs but from divinity (mostly God the Father & master Jesus Christ in our cultural milieu). After deciding to telepathically ask once again what would happen (very little seemed to be happening until then) our friend Sampiac, an ET human from a friendly civilization somehow located in Venus (likely under a different advanced inter-reality physics) communicated and said that they were in the area where we were and said to be attentive during day time. During daytime some minor UFO photos were taken after that. It is not ‘channeling’ with the unrealistic, grandiloquent expectations in the typical U.S. “New Age” sense. It is a method connected to verifiable collective experiences. I hope there is a cultural opening to what genuine and serious Hispanic & Latin American contactees can offer to the world.

Marcahuasi ET OIGA 16 de agosto 82'
Photograph of an Extraterrestrial Person/Extraterrestrial ‘Guide’/Friend in Perú

Then, the following day (March 31st),  there was a second and quite definitive sighting (semi “jaw dropping”) of an illuminated object lasting for 5 minutes slowly flying above closer and distinctively from West to East over the campsite in the desert of Chilca. We were 22 witnesses at the campsite and all of us saw it clearly. It also had a yellowish color. It was perhaps materially located above us at 1-3 miles in altitude and – for certain –  it wasn’t the Space Station, a drone, a meteorite, airplane, Chinese lantern or satellite. I still don’t know  if it was detected by AF radars. It happened yesterday, on March 31, 2014 according to my watch between 6.45.PM-6.50.PM. I tried to film it and perhaps did a little but failed because of choosing the wrong camcorder. Others filmed it and I should be getting one of those versions soon. I did take some photos. Only Marco and I were there – in a way – as reps of the Peruvian AF as civilian advisors.

Testigos Enero 87
Sixto (in the center) and friends from Mission Rahma 1987

There also were some semi good pictures taken. One by another contactee in daytime: disc shaped but not jaw dropping. A bit blurry, disc shaped object…metallic appearing. It will be better analyzed on computer later on. I’ll get the picture soon. Sixto also photographed a smaller manifestation dot like sphere. Not dramatic. Also, besides satellites seen and confused as space craft by less informed people at night some of us saw an ‘anomalous’ pulsating white light and others (including my wife saw a rather strange light descending too fast behind the mountain ridges some distance away from the campsite.

While it was not a fantastic landing event to shout to the four winds, I think it was an important corroboration and an appropriate beginning for a new stage of mutually respectful, easygoing, peaceful and natural interactions with benevolent, human ET friends waiting to interact with us in more intelligent and collective ways that what has taken place until now; this in a harmonic relationship and with a diversity of allies. The moderate but corroborated sightings and mental interactions after the telepathic appointment indicate to me that there also exists a gradual, reasonable, non-intrusive approach, good so as not to stir those people who while “in the know” harbor fears and suspicions attempting once again to block what may be going on- My opinion is that the ETs in general (and – more poignantly – those contacting through Mission Rahma) are respectful of our average collective mindset, of our human leadership and our human institutions trying to show restraint out of respect, but they know that humanity as a whole needs to know this reality and to make wise choices without being continuously caught in the fear of ignorance.

Success depends on our less divisive and dismissing attitudes, on greater openness but with objective criteria, greater humbleness, knowing that friendship and good will are possible; inviting them while respecting the meditation and consciousness preparation processes used in esoteric, “shamanic” and mystical ways. I think that most of “Them” don’t want to traumatize or to force their presence upon us. We should NOT just jump into judging them as “potential enemies” as traditional political relations (and political theories) have normally been. Maybe not even those genuine cases of typical abductions should be understood as such under simplistic terms. The rules of engagement coordinating different ET groups may be more sophisticated than what we normally proyect unto them.

The situation has a complexity that needs to be treated differently under an enhanced, less divisive, less simplistic approach. However, the tendency in the U.S. and elsewhere is to focus so much on the negative, the gory; on secrecy, manipulations, abductions, cover-ups, abuse of technology and so forth that (from the beginning of the “Modern UFO Era” in the 40’s & 1950’s some of the genuine contactee cases were – sadly and in detriment to human understanding- dismissed as crackpot cases (specially by some nuts & bolts Ufologists, academics and other “scientifically-minded” cultural leaders following modern-rational institutions). Officialdom and accredited institutions did not give the genuine contactees a proper, respectful chance to verify that what they said was true. The giggle factor prevailed backing up the official, orthodox view. That was unfortunate; against improving our collective understanding of an important aspect of what is really going on and credibility must be regained about respectful physical contacts with respectful extraterrestrial beings. Whether really necessary to wrap it up in secrecy and denial, it was a time in which protecting people’s innocence from disruptive news was taken seriously; a time in which understanding the technology involved was considered crucial to gain military advantage, especially soon after the Second World War in the midst of the “Cold War” and so forth.

Very good news: I learned that Sixto Paz was recently invited by two current congressmen (I think they may be Robert Menendez & Rep. Pascrell) to give presentations or to inform them (don’t know where) in NY, NJ,DC and after 25 years since the 1989 “programmed sighting” in Chilca (with several national and international reporters) after which when he was invited by two US Hispanic TV networks Telemundo and Univision to report on the events, he was stopped at the Miami Intn’l Airport and deported back to Lima. The events back in 89’ were a bit more dramatic and were witnessed and filmed by more reporters than the ones we witnessed yesterday and the day before yesterday. Now Sixto has been granted a VISA once again. It’s important for exopolitics. It’s important for all of us if we care for knowledge, truth, freedom of choice and positive cultural options in relation to our better future with extraterrestrial matters. What will take for the cultural elite and even many ufologists to at least open up to the possibility?

It is not a “civilization crisis” that has to ensue. From my assessment with Mission Rahma it is simpler and more natural than what many may think. Kindness, openness, humbleness and good will with serious effort and group coherence with the use of some basic techniques can be a path to real contact. We can indeed make contact and connect with many of these respectful, conversant civilizations on a definite but gradual basis, feeling at ease and neither treating them as “aliens” or us being treated as “specimens.” And it is real, although it may take time to realize that…to open up our eyes and cease thinking that it must be a fantasy, delusion or mistake. I think our focus should not basically be on technology but on the development of consciousness, values and (why not?) a more integral, less dichotomous spirituality. Feeling, idealism and effort with care and balance seem to be the key to success for these peaceful contacts rather than intellectual prowess (even if a good dose of objective and critical thinking should always be present).

Moreover, if there are some other types of beings unlike those more respectful ones known in Mission Rahma we may learn to understand them without considering them either as “enemies” or necessarily allowing them to use us as “specimens.” We can also come to understand how ETs in general operate and “travel” in space-modifying ways (not “through” space), even if most current academicians avoid dealing with the subject because it doesn’t make sense to them according to their current theories.

In general these friendlier, communicative ETs which have been the focus of attention within Mission Rahma may also be more “mental” and less emotional than us (although not like many of the so called “grays”) but they also transmit kindness and tranquility in peace and harmony and act accordingly. It’s been 40 years of such interactions which include preparations for different levels of contact and the reproduction of the contact experience in different countries and with different contactees; basically not a follow-the-leader cult. Many messages and contacts have been collectively verified. The next stage in “ufology” (to really find out what is going on) may be more interactive, as the work by astronaut Mitchell from www.contactee.org , Dr. Joseph Burkess from www.etletstalk.org/ , Dr. Steven Greer’s CSETI  and Dr. Michael E. Salla’s efforts also show.

An important point is to definitely establish that this is really happening and IS GOOD for Earth civilization(s) to grow up seeing themselves/ourselves as participants in a vast community of intelligence composed of larger wholes that may precede us in linear time but which have maintained a continuous involvement with our species since the beginning; growing up by taking in new perspectives that may lead us to assume a more integral responsibility and a more inclusive ethical approach.  No major social disruption is obligatory as a Brooking Institute report once suggested for NASA. Social cultural changes would be self-determined and gradual; increasing conscious interaction with extraterrestrial civilizations, understanding a more complete physics, cosmology, metaphysics and epistemology that instead of debasing our religions may render them more brilliant, inclusive, enhanced, tolerant, resilient, adaptive and non fear-based. We need to recognize that ET reality which sort of tangentially (until we become more aware and responsible as a species) interacts with our physical Earth system. I think that the contact is becoming less of a taboo and more obvious. We need that reference frame in order to develop into a more coherent/self-determining planetary society, better integrated while maintaining our healthiest regional/national differences.

It is convenient for the U.S. and the world to find out who are our friends and which ET varieties are more respectful of our conscious choice and doing it by going beyond an “us vs. them” attitude or unendingly reproducing a of lack of trust, focused on real or contrived abduction stories, and militarization, secrecy and a fear that sells with a quest for technology and manipulation as the only conduit for making sense of the ET reality. We should not blindly move against the ETs, particularly against those that may be more respectfully protective of us while trying not to create dependencies or unnecessary fear-based rejection. We may also gain respect from other ET varieties by consciously choosing with knowledge and certainty how to interact more as equals. Citizen diplomacy continues being a reality and it might be on the rise while (even in the absence of formal institutional recognition) each person or small group interaction should affect humanity through a form of non-local, quantum-related, information-based, holographic-type of connection. Nevertheless, a sufficiently clear, truthful official disclosure would probably be as important as contact events springing up worldwide.

I will try to post some current pictures and-or video of the March 30-31, 2014 event as soon as I get them. The pictures posted thus far are from previous efforts and gatherings. The following is a You Tube post from a March 30-31, 2009 event after a previous telepathic appointment.  Telemundo Network Marco Barraza reports https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMmcTDQj1lg

Next is a link to my 1st photo taken with Sony SELP 1650 Lens: 3.5-5.6 16-50mm. Date: Marzo 31, 2014.


Place “Quebrada de Chilca, Perú” (Chilca Gully, Perú). Time: 6.40PM. Seconds after sighting I turned the camera on and took this picture with its  “Superior Auto” mode as the object began to approach toward the group while seemingly maintaining its altitude.

The object was basically orange and appeared due West at an approximate angole of 45 degrees over the horizon. it seeemd to be at 3 KM altitude approximately. It looked larger at plain sight. The object approached the campsite (toward the east) and passsed almost above us turning a little bit above the hil that conememorates Mission Rahma’s (contact group) 40th anniversary and suddenly could not be seen anymore. We were 22 witnesses at the campsite. According to my watch the sighting lasted 5 minutes and clonclued at 6.45 PM. The object apparently reacted by lighting up to our verbal expressions like “Thank you brothers. You are welcome.”

Upon enlarging the image we can see some detail. Like a filament of orange plasma or light coming down from its right side and perhaps some (blurry) structure inisde the main ovoid shape.


In service,

Giorgio Piacenza

More UFO Activity in Lima Perú – Future Implications?

UFO in LIma Peru
UFO in LIma Peru  on Jan 18, 2014

There’s been more UFO activity reported in Lima, Peru recently. There are some expectations here and there because the beginings of Mision Rahma contacts was 40 years ago. The contacts multiplied and several contactees appeared besides the first contactees, Sixto and Charlie Paz. Each brings a new complementary perspective and information. Out of 7 events witnessed by reporters (with varying degrees of success due to excessive excitement or lack of respect and preparation on the part of curiosity seekers and attendees), according to Sixto Paz, perhaps only 10% of the reporters were courageous enough to speak up and to hold on to their witnessing of craft. One of them was J.J. Benitez who wrote his experience in “OVNI: S.O.S. a la Humanidad,” lost his job and started an incredible career researching and writing about mysteries.

Thankfully, even in today’s highly commercial and modernizing Peru, there’s also somewhat more awareness and respectability for the UFO issue and a larger segment of the population is being informed by UFO programs like those from History Channel and so forth. Besides, some people are aware that the Air Force has recently opened an Anomalous Aerial Objects Research Office.

Recently, some photos were taken in downtown Lima by a RPP radio network reporter and have been circulating. Whether lens flares or not, it raises the issue in people’s minds.
Besides those photos taken by an RPP Radio reporter (the largest radio network in Perú),  recently several callers reported that on Dec 14 UFOs were also dramatically seen at around 8PM on a (crowded) northern part of Lima, Peru between the Panamerican Higway north and a street called Habich. The event its said to have stopped traffic for a while because many people stopped to watch the display. Some  callers even mentioned a large, multi colored (rugby football-shaped) object  which was suddenly seemed to be hased or circled by a smaller star-like one until it had to leave. The reports were received on Radio Capital program “Viaje a Otra Dimension” conducted by UFO and paranormal investigator Anthony Choy.  

Also, colorful lights constantly appearing, dissappearing, moving and changing positions with respect to each other lights in the District of Cieneguilla, Lima, Peru. The sincerity of the peoples’ dialogue during filming is quite telling that it doesn’t seem to be pre-planned or faked. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4HVDCotZGI (part one) Two sets of videos were posted on You Tube Dated 15 December, 2013 and 18 December, 2013 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwcrSOHiTVk

Cieneguilla has been a place where UFOs have been seen before.

On Dec 9 Anonymous Peru informed that an object had crashed near Cieneguilla Peru. That created some stir but that report has not been confirmed.

Now we have this cell ph video taken in the District of San Miguel in Lima, Peru dated Dec 23, 2014. It shows a helicopter and what SEEMS to be a metallic disc hovering nearby to the left of the chopper. The film is from Gladys Cordoba. The link is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jffR4d-B0QE   During a very brief fraction within the first second of the video there SEEMS to be a metallic disc hovering to the left of the helicopter. Then, it disappears from view because the camera moves to the right. The sunlight seems to shine on the left side of the object which coincides with how it shines on objects casting shadows (toward the right) on the ground.A blow up photogram of that brief moment is included.

Foto: MIS AMIGOS SE PASEAN POR TODO LIMA!!!</p><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>Esta mañana un joven que vive en el distrito de San Miguel - Lima Perú se despertó por el ruido de un helicóptero y esta es la foto que tomó al ver que un OVNI  era perseguido por un helicóptero!!! (amaneció con sol radiante la ciudad pero en el transcurso de la mañana cambió el clima y el sol se oculto, la sensación de calor es alta)<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
Saludos cordiales desde el Cerro de la Amistad!<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
Gladys Córdova.

It’s too early to tell but, if this is a lasting trend that will continue beyond ocasional sightings but, perhaps, some Latin American contactees connected to a spiritual perspective will eventually show that some UFOs are indeed ET and that a better approach toward friendlier, respectful  contacts with extraterrestrial beings is not only possible and necessary, but can be objective and politically viable. They will probably show along with the effort of so many other researchers that a TABOO on this matter is BEHIND THE TIMES and that without panic, adoration or condemnation, we can engage in more intelligent exchanges with extraterrestrial beings.

A probable connection with a distant – but always latent – past in which knowledge about ancient beings coming from the stars and-or living underground as survivors of old, wise civilizations exists. Thus, in old traditions there are memories of the “Paco Pacuris” (illumined beings that live in special undergound sites) and of the “Ñaupas” (the ancestors who dressed in white came from the the sea). When on November, 2010, my friend, colleague, reporter and researcher Marco Barraza was investigating at the famous “Aramu Muru” Portal or the “Hayumarca Door” in Juli, Puno, Peru two seemingly anomalous objects moved behind him while he was mentioning specific words as seen here.   From minute 5.30 on when he especifically said “There are places in the planet surrounded by myths, magic and mysteries ” a mist-like thing appeared moving behind him from left to right. Next, when he says “there are places where one can even perhaps feel the presence of the so-called extraterrestrial deities” a UFO appeared, also moving from left to right behind and above him.  The link is at http://vimeo.com/84738979

I think that modern society needs to recuperate the highest memories of a wiser past in which ETs were not a threat as seen today. Not everyone ‘out there’ or inside here( (inside the Earth’s crust) is a threat and we must evolve beyong our extreme warrior-like projections on them. After considering the experiences of some contactee friends with eyewitnesses accompanying them, and after thinking of information contasined in ancient lore and current “wisdom keepers” I am certain that there are benevolent masters of wisdom and extraterrestrials waiting for us to become aware of who we are and to responsibly participate in a cosmic community. While in our fantastic cultural milieu “benevolence” might sound like gullibility and a non-realistic attitude I’d say that the overall emphasis on negativity and aggression is exagerated.

Sixto Paz, one of the main contactees objectively verified by witnesses (and succesfully preparing other people to experience their own contacts), estimates that, out of about 60 extraterrestrial “races” interacting with Earth and humanity, only 5 don’t want the original cosmic plan for humanity to suceed. First, we need to find who we are and is the highest thing expected from us to “suceed.” We also need to think less dichotomically, more intelligently and to choose our direction wisely.

The time to focus more on our friends and less on our probable foes (perhaps in some cases beings that might need our assistance without allowing them to exploit us) is at hand. Let’s contact them with integrity and no fear!

An extraterrestrial ethical understanding & consciousness development

A Mission Rahma Extraterrestrial Guide
A Mission Rahma Extraterrestrial Guide

Is a practical, universal ethics compatible with ethically advanced, benevolent, cosmic civilizations possible for humanity? Does it require the slow progression in psychological developmental stages of a majority of individuals? If so, what if the social system and culture (s) regress from slowly developing (and challenged) democracies to pre-modern stages? If we have the wherewithal or potential to be substantially different, does it require a shift in attitudes that can be stimulated worldwide thanks to the dire environmental circumstances (and other so-called “hypercomplex,” “wicked” problems) that we are provoking and for which we must adapt or perish? Or does it require AI to surveil and control our lives, perhaps in combination with massive genetic engineering, hybridizing with specific extraterrestrial species, or (as some channeled material mentions) will inevitably come about as some sort of “ascension” process thanks to vibratory frequency shifts forcing us to change? We need to be realistic and consider all reasonable possibilities.

What kind of ethics do we need to establish a constructive rapport with the kind of extraterrestrials that may be the most respectful and positive to our long-term well-being? Harmonious universal values and principles become personally binding and not just “lofty words” disconnected from “reality” and soon to be forgotten IF our sense of belonging, our self-identity expands beyond irrational, pre-integral exclusivisms and we become intimately connected with levels of trans-rational (not non-rational), integral inclusivism. These levels include and transcend the “either-or” physical logic of distinctions and may even transcend and also transcend and include the “both-and” relational logic of the subtle worlds of energy and life. They vibrate with the heart of love as a higher, more inclusive form of logic that may be known in the Orient as “neti-neti” or “neither-nor.”

After years of reviewing contactee literature, I’d say that many alleged extraterrestrials seem to have an expanded sense of belonging, not only in a cognitive sense and in ways of dealing with complexity and multidimensionality but also in heartfelt, spiritual, and instinctive a-rational (not irrational) terms. These types of ETs seem to be more human-compatible and to offer the most human-enhancing and whole free will-respecting contacts. The question is can we rise to the challenge and get a grip of such an ethics as exopolitical ambassadors representing the whole human species?

There’s an ethical understanding called the “Bredam.” The Bredam or Cosmic Song of the Universe is not found in any particular place but is everywhere at once. It is not written in any language, books, manuscripts, or codes. Its place and expectation is from always. There is no secret needed to find it because as it is it is without you (as a separate being). It is a perennial form of energy and all have access to it when the time arrives (this is an alleged ET transmission to a contactee within Mission Rahma).”

Within the (international but mostly Latin American) ET contact group called “Mission Rahma” (originated in 1974 by Sixto Paz Wells, his family and friends inside the (now extant) Peruvian Institute of Interplanetary RelationsIPRI” (founded by his father Carlos Paz García Corrochano in 1955), the “Bredam” is alleged to be a moral understanding and a set of “laws” adhered to in every planetary civilization that functions under the spiritual authority of the 24 Elders of the (Milky Way) Galaxy. I suppose that it would also apply to civilizations that follow the spiritual advice of an even higher council of the Nine of Andromeda.

The following extract is a conceptual transmission that allegedly took place during a contact experience in which a physical and inter-dimensional transference to “Morlen” (Ganymede, the moon of Jupiter) was achieved through an artificially generated dimensional gateway called “Xendra.” I translated the following passage inspired on the “Bredam” from http://contactorahma.blogspot.com/.


One can only see well with the heart

One can only identify correctly with intuition

One can only understand well with respect to reasons

One can only judge well with an understanding of motivations

One can only dialogue adequately with tolerance to diverse opinions but,

above all, one can only teach well through example.”

Mission Rahma” is one of several contact missions that relate with specific varieties of our extraterrestrial forefathers/elder cosmic brothers. These particular “forefathers” admit that in the past they committed several mistakes that hurt humanity. Nonetheless, this particular group currently seems to be aligned with the love-based esoteric teachings of the world religions and to be very respectful of Master Jesus the Christ in particular because this being is one with the “Cosmic Christ” or Logos, the firstborn in an ultra-terrestrial Universe. The latter element seems to be a reason why they found a more receptive human community among Spanish-speaking, idealist, spiritual seekers willing to consistently work with a lofty mission without excesses of fanaticism.

Why can’t we be motivated by lofty values, feelings, understanding and spirituality and not be fanatics? The motto currently used in this contact experience goes something like this: “Rahma is to love, God is love, Christ is the lord and the Mission is for Humanity. Why can’t this also be important for intelligent, wise, technologically advanced extraterrestrials? Why can’t there be a level of consciousness capable of balancing the dichotomous excesses to which pre-integral human minds tend to fall?

In the word “Rahma” “Ra” symbolizes the “Sun” and “Divine Light;” “Ma” symbolizes “the Earth” and the letter “h” symbolizes our “humanity” capable of bringing light and wisdom to Earth but also to the Cosmos and, furthermore, of acting as a “bridge” to the highest dimensions of existence which extraterrestrials themselves do not reach. Even if the group is numerically small (perhaps in the thousands over the years in more than 20 countries), the unity of altruistic purpose and collective spiritual “work” is deemed an effective representation in the name of humanity.

Allegedly, according to physical contactees from this group, Ganymede (the moon of Jupiter) harbors a technologically-sustained intentional community (a multi-faceted colony of colonists from many civilizations which did not adhere to the Orion rebellion). The colony (called “Morlen”) is thought to be located in another time frame and subtler vibratory level of physical reality. It is also considered to be the local seat (or at least a local seat) of the “Council of the 24 Elders of the (Milky Way) Galaxy.” After preparing themselves a group of individuals was transported there all at once and also Sixto Paz Wells may have been taken there by himself.

The truthfulness and objective reality of the Mission Rahma contacts are validated by decades of shared experiences of people that have followed the same contact methods and obtained similar interpretations without being abused according to common sense human standards. Some “anomalous” sightings were verified collectively even with the presence of news reporters. Hundreds of people have experienced various kinds of contact including holographic, physical, energetic, and telepathic and, while the sense of mission and the information indeed has a spiritual pseudo-religious-sounding appearance, this doesn’t mean that genuine contacts don’t surpass physical and psychical components and are capable of going into the spiritual heart of the matter or into crucially important spiritual reasons.


The point is that spirit and not technology or power-seeking, unending distrust-enhancing and manipulation are keys to these kinds of high-level, loving, and mutually respectful contacts with friends we can trust. Even so, what might seem as simple pseudo –religiosity and none else to rigid, modern “rational” minds and feelings are not accompanied by a rigid “follow the leader” scam. They are usually accompanied by order, freedom, coherence, voluntary work, and sufficient rationality. Let’s not confuse spirituality with fanaticism and technology-power seeking contacts with genuine contacts. There are instead many kinds of contacts and beings in a complex range of interactions across the globe.

While I’m quoting ideas expressive of the “Bredam,” this “code” is more like the “spirit of the law” thought to be felt and understood by the spiritual heart and through common sense. Some of the sayings that follow (allegedly communicated by extraterrestrial “guides” and by some of their spiritual “masters” during telepathic transmissions) may give us a better sense of this unwritten “code”:

Close your eyes to see; Open your heart to understand; Seal your lips to vibrate; Feel the Christ presence to shine.

The beginning of reason is logic and the logic of its beginning is its end. Reason doesn’t rest in knowledge but in wisdom.

The goal of a wise master is not that his disciple equals him but to be surpassed by him; in this way he will have an opportunity to become a disciple once again.

What you understand with the heart is integrated with the mind and is communicated with the sublime act of love.


These guidelines were extensively used within the Mission Rahma contact groups, especially during the first years. Ideally, the guidelines which serve to judge the truthfulness and positive contributions of an extraterrestrial message could also give us some hints on the “Bredam” that inspires whom we would call “benign” or “life-enhancing,” “freedom-respectful” extraterrestrials: 1) A genuine life-enhancing message is coherent and logical (in the classic rational sense). 2) It possesses a simple and yet profound wisdom. 3) It is positive and provides options for change and improvement, never falling prey to catastrophism. 4) It always provides a new contribution or something new and isn’t simply the repetition of previous messages, or contradicts the previous messages but, rather, expands and deepens upon them. 5) It is outside of time: Its knowledge transcends time. 6) It brings an intuitively perceived subtle contribution which quite often reason (classical reason) cannot understand. This is a sense of light and spirituality which is felt upon relating to the message. 7) A genuine message is universal and not personal or exclusive. It doesn’t exalt the “antenna” or receiver above the rest of the participants whose role in harmony is just as crucial. It doesn’t over-differentiate. 8) It can propose specific spiritual tasks or a change for the good but never impose them on others.

Some Personal Reflections: Is a Cosmic/Universal Ethics Humanly Possible?

It seems that – in relation to most ET groups coming to Earth/our physical time frame – whatever their orientation might be they at least perceive themselves as part of a coherent planetary species as a group. Their consciousness is sufficiently integral to operate under a universal concern that goes along with the capacity and responsibility to manipulate space-time. The different groups seem to agree with shared engagement rules even if they might have serious differences among themselves. Thus, it is not easy to judge them under our simpler “either-or” incipient rational parameters. We would need to mature a level of consciousness that identifies with larger living-intelligent wholes, like with the whole of Earth and with the whole of our Earth human species. Only then we might achieve a form of cosmic sovereignty and respect from other species who might want different things from us. Only then can we expect some varieties of ETs not to manipulate us for us to give them permission to intervene us as inferior creatures. Only then and when we understand the power of our free will and creative potential can we safely engage with the whole variety of ET groups and not just with those that respect us the most (as the ET groups that have been operating through Mission Rahma volunteer participants).

Reflecting on what causes self-reflective, intelligent beings to behave for the benefit of others I realize that a most crucial ingredient is the shared values of the group we participate with in a vital or personally important way. If our self-identity depends on valuing being humans and our group implicitly says “humans are tough” we’ll try to show toughness. If we are Americans and our self-identity depends on groups that implicitly say that “Americans are predestined by God” we’ll support that. Every value we support, if it is partially true will not just negate its opposite. It will support our core sense of self-identifications and also leave out other partially true values. Nevertheless, the more UNIVERSAL and INCLUSIVE our sense of self and group-related values are, the more these values will partially coincide with other people’s. It may be a matter of gradually expanding our inclusivity along with greater values with which our sense of self-identity can coexist with.

Can we expect ETs to risk openly contacting us in our own terms any time soon? Can we live by a universal and unspecified ethics like the “Bredam?” Can we listen and resonate with the “Song of the Universe?” I think that we already do it to a greater or lesser extent in so far as we value others besides ourselves to whichever degree. Nonetheless, I also think that that to do so in a similar way as the alleged extraterrestrials mentioned in this essay more importantly requires an expansion or leap in the spiritually (Monad presence) “heart-felt” and constitutionally (gross and subtle bodies integration) “instinctively-felt” self-identity. These are the spiritual and fundamental sides of our conscious capacity to include. Secondarily it requires a cognitive expansion into a trans-systemic, integral-level understanding. In other words, cognition and mental understanding may be necessary and useful but not as fundamentally important as spiritually-inspired feelings and structurally-inspired instincts. This may be why benign extraterrestrials often choose not just people who don’t have a personal stake in institutions but also who are not very intellectually inclined. Their good feelings and good instincts about their contacts are in these cases what matters most.

While cognitive expansion of our conscious “space” would deal with extraterrestrials (and any other form of life) in depersonalized, Third Person-objective, inter-systemic ways (like a “Vulcan” from the TV series “Star Trek” would) spiritual and instinctive conscious expansion would deal with extraterrestrials in personal, First Person-subjective ways. Both ways could be necessary but the latter would be more fundamental since even subjectivity may be ultimately linked to the Universal Conscious Presence that gives rise to everything, including objects and the intelligence needed to understand them.

Perhaps a basic “gentlemen’s agreement” kind or respect in our relations with ETs may require our self-identities to embrace a healthy cognitive respect for the vital integration of all systems (terrestrial and extraterrestrial) but a kind and superior alignment with the highest good for everyone, in the long run, may require a self-identity extended by an opening of the heart. This opening of the heart may lead to a more coherent and profound logic cohering different ways of knowing interpenetrating realities/realms and not to a fanaticism as is erroneously assumed by some proud modern rationalists which oversimplify the issue.

Contactees within Mission Rahma (as well as contactees from other groups, theosophists, new agers, and channelers) have generally privileged the former kind of leap and within Mission Rahma, it has been called a leap into the “Fourth Dimension of Consciousness.” This appears to be a level of consciousness in which individuality is not lost but in which there’s a healthy interest in the good of the whole in which an individual participates. Planet-wide challenges call for this kind of consciousness in which integral solutions can be applied and in which local or personal closed-minded preferences inimical to the harmony of the whole (as a species and the planet’s life forms) are reorganized for the good of all individuals as participants in that greater unit.   Different world and culture transforming collectives need to start recognizing each other,  coming together, and integrating their advanced ideas into an even greater level of unity-coherence-knowingness.

Preparing the planet for open contacts is about integrating the Good, True and Beautiful elements of many complementing integrative ideologies and movements. 

In fact, this expansion, this development or perhaps “leap in consciousness” might also correlate with the research and theories put forth in the work of several coinciding developmental psychologists like Dr. Clare W. Graves’ and his “Levels of Existence” (http://www.clarewgraves.com/), Dr. Elizabeth Cook-Greuter and her “Action Logics,” Dr. Jane Loevinger’s and her “Stages of Ego Development” (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loevinger%27s_stages_of_ego_development) and Harvard Professor in Adult Learning and Professional Behavior Dr. Robert Kegan’s and his “Orders of Consciousness” (http://www.gse.harvard.edu/directory/faculty/faculty-detail/?fc=318&flt=k&sub=all). Research like this being recognized by Integral Theory followers (who tend to be psychologists) also needs to be incorporated into the exopolitical and world transformation discourse.

In relation to a cognitive and self-identity level of awareness capable of dealing with the world as a whole (and in my view even perhaps) with extraterrestrial contact Professor Kegan refers to the possibility of an emerging “Inter-Individual Order of Consciousness.” Consciousness and cultural evolution is possible and a universal tendency according to Ken Wilber’s Integral Theory. While success is not pre-determined we can make use of the cosmic tendency to develop more inclusive forms of life, downloading higher potentials from subtler levels of existence and actualizing them through choice in “bottom-up” evolution. At least all of these researchers using different kinds of structuralist methods through psychological tests and other approximate objective ways of quantifying human psychological development coincide with one of the fathers of Humanistic psychology, Dr. Abraham Maslow (http://www.abrahammaslow.com/) who thought that higher stages of human development were indeed possible

I think that each particular group of self-aware and self-reflective beings on Earth (and elsewhere) admit values which themselves are degrees of understandings which ultimately derive from the original explicated Source, the sound and light sustaining all of creation, universes, densities, realities and materiality. As that which provides essential meaning, coherence and order it has been variously recognized in different religions as: All inclusive love, the Logos/Christ, the Word, AUM, the compassionate Buddha Mind, and even by esoteric mystics as a vibratory essence of MIND behind the seven Hermetic principles given in The Kybalion  (which may have been written or telepathically received by William Walker Atkinson but still remains hauntingly inspiring).

The human sense of order, of right and wrong, of better and worse, of more or less harmonious, of what to value, include or to exclude so as to choose and evolve would emerge from this original vibration at the Heart of all that is manifesting or may manifest relatively to each other entity. The ability to recognize the vibration surpassing definition but aligned with Truth, Order, Beauty, and shared Harmony would always be with us (however we may have been genetically modified for the worse) because without it intelligent living systems would not flourish. It would be naturally encoded within our bodies and our DNA blueprint. This knowingness would enhance and harmonize with all forms of constructive harmonious meaning-making, logic, and order and so we would know that it is not foible and self-deception.

If we felt it as a single thread connecting our body, mind and spirit essences and their corresponding “bodies” we would be potentially capable of acting more inclusively and kindly to all of life, extending our vital participating self (and absolutely necessary) sense of belonging and participation to the entire Cosmos made of living entities at all levels sustauined by the Creator Source, God, Oneness, Being, LOVE.



Atkinson, William W. & Philip Deslippe (edit) (1908/2011). The Kybalion. Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin: Los Angeles.

Contacto Rahma Blogspot http://contactorahma.blogspot.com/

El Bredam: Código Moral Cósmico http://www.misionrahma.de/docs/El_Bredam.html

González, Ricardo. (2007). El Decadrón. Proyecto ECIS Publicaciones: Buenos Aires.

Kegan, Robert (1994). In over our heads: The mental demands of modern life. Harvard University Press: Cambridge.

Misión Rahma New York Blogspot http://misionrahmanewyork.blogspot.com/2011/05/el-bredam-es-un-codigo-moral-y-sistema.html

Paz Wells, Sixto. (2000). The Invitation. 1st World Library: Fairfield.

Unidos en el Contacto http://www.unidosenelcontacto.com/camping.php

Wilber, Ken “The Kosmos Trilogy, part II. Excerpt B: The Many Ways we Touch” at http://integrallife.com/integral-post/many-ways-we-touch?page=0,2

Wilber, Ken (2006). Integral Spirituality Boston: Integral Books.


By Giorgio Piacenza


This is a news report which I’m translating from contactee Ricardo Gonzalez. Citizen contacts with benevolent beings are indeed happening and increasing in Latin America. Talampaya is a special energy vortex and mystical-spiritual place in Argentina. Information of friendly and BEAUTIFUL contacts like these should also be known to counteract so much negativity and information about aggressive ETs, misguided secret control groups, technological abuses, enslaving Annunakis, dangerous, atrophied, service-to-self ETs (of which – to be fair with a large amount of credible data – there are some) and things of that nature. Positive encounters which are gradually on the rise also are objectively genuine and only irrational predispositions toward paying more attention to sinister aspects of Human-ET contacts will give us an incomplete picture keeping us in a state of fear or a fixated willingness to fight. As much as fear-based events do occur, LOVE-based ones are more substantial, verifiable and promising of freedom, truth and justice in the long run and as a wiser form of Exopolitical development in human-ET relations.  We can truly say that simple, well-intended humanity is also being gradually contacted accross the world in a form of unofficial disclosure as groups of people are verifying good, beautiful and truthful forms of contact happening now.  The ensuing healing associated with these good types of contact (contacts that involve gradual preparation and respect) should be encouraged much further in order to awaken to our best capacities as a unified human species and wiser citizens of the Cosmos. The nature of these contacts is not about depending on ETs or about putting them on a pedestal. It neither is about condemning them or perhaps going to war with them. It is not about being assimilated or destroyed as a civilization. It’s about ending the conflicts and achieving an equally respectful, caring friendship with ourselves and with all of life. It is about waking up to our most wholesome potentials and not allowing abuses while healing and becoming examples that heal ancient conflicts in the Cosmos. It is about allying ourselves with defenders of the original human plan and with its Divine purpose.

Giorgio Piacenza  C.



The encounter suggested by the extraterrestrial Guides has been an extraordinary and unforgettable event. Us, more than 250 persons from 16 countries (arriving from different places of Europe, Canada, the U.S., Mexico, Caribbean and a large part of South America) gathered from 7-9 September in that important sanctuary of the White Brotherhood in order to radiate light to the world.

The dates had been given by the elder brothers of the Cosmos. And so we informed others about it since the moment of receiving this information more than half a year ago in a place called “Sierra de la Ventana.” Later on, they gave us more information telling us about the importance of Talampaya in order to envelop the world with peace.

As we remember, the dates of the encounter “coincided” with the crisis in Syria. The extraterrestrials had anticipated it and, for some reason, they wished that country not to be attacked on those dates. This is a theme that I’ll further develop later on. Moreover, Pope Francisco requested a day of prayer for the tension in the Middle East for September 7th, the same date we had been given. If this weren’t enough, Obama waited the for the approval for the military strike on the 9th. Today we can see that none of this occurred.

It depends on us maintaining the energy and optimism to affect world events. Some of them can be avoided and the intensity of others can be diminished or be postponed in order to secure a better evacuation of the civilian population. Be as it may, the saying that we can create what we believe becomes a fact.

That was the main objective of the international encounter in Talampaya. An encounter that was open, free for every walker in the path that resonated with that task. We gather without names and labels. There, all of us were a single group.

The elder brothers allowed themselves to be seen during different sightings. Some of these apparitions were registered by two professional photographers, Christian Belluco and Matías Zubrzycki, both equipped with cameras which were sensitive to the light. Thanks to them we obtained extraordinary registers in which we can see the trajectory of the luminous UFOs glistening the starry laden sky in Talampaya. The light of these objects was so intense that it stood out over that of the stars. We signaled them out with a powerful laser light in order to have a reference point in the photographs, in the same manner as we had previously done in Sierra de Ventana. The support of the (ET) guides during the three nights was unequivocal.

On the 9th, 60 of us went to Ciudad Perdida (Lost City), an earth energy enclave located at the Talampaya National Park. We had received telepathic instructions to go there and to perform a connecting task at the pyramidal hill in order to connect it with the blue crystal found in the underground city of Erks (in Capilla del Monte, Argentina). This hill is the ancient nucleus of a volcano that protects one of the 13 solar discs. This experience – which was supported by the other participants forming the remaining group at base camp in Talampaya – was extraordinary…

It has allowed us to understand why Talampaya was the first place where the intraterrestrial retreat of Erks functioned; why for some time it was separated from the sanctuary of the Uritorco Mountain (in Capilla del Monte, near ERKS) and why they “joined” now as a single center of power.

The presence of the guardians from Talampaya and Uritorco was remarkable. We could hear their voiced singing mantrams while an aroma of flowers inundated the pyramidal hill. Furthermore, some persons were touched by invisible presences that made them feel a profound level of peace.

The support group that remained at the campground also lived through very important experiences. Not all of us could go because the National Park only provided authorized transportation for 60 persons. Here I must say that a large part of the contact group in Buenos Aires – a group that had been preparing for the encounter since January – gave up their place for brothers from other countries to be able to go to Ciudad Perdida (Lost City). This was an attitude of responsible surrender-commitment which I value and admire very much.

We created the (adequate) conditions to receive communications in a simultaneous manner. The contact took place and in the communications we were announced that in the second half of 2014 there would be an expedition to Belukha, in the Altai Mountain range. This would be a journey which, according to the extraterrestrial Guides would allow us to complete the crucial information about the Cosmic Plan and the human role in the new time.

Furthermore, the received messages – half a dozen receptions – notified about an experience for 9.00 PM. According to the Guides, some persons would receive the Cesium Crystals and other, an ethereal element, a sort of small crystal made of a rhomboidal shaped light which would act as an “amplifier” of the faculties of the Pineal Gland, which – as we know – relate with co-creation and healing. As far as we understood, this element would be temporal and only to show us what we are capable to do if through discipline and a mystical preparation we activate our psychic abilities through our own merits.

And thus it occurred: At 9.00PM, after the presence of the Guides in the skies of Talampaya, persons in sets of tens received this initiation that was coordinated among the extraterrestrial Guides and the guardians of Uritorco and Talampaya which, by the way, during an excursion to the canyon, I could photograph. I’m referring not just about those guardians shown to tourists but the original/previously unknown ones. I had already obtained a partial register of that in 2002 but during this journey I was able to take high resolution pictures of the “prohibited” petroglyphs.

Due to the importance of the experiences we have lived, the information received and the images achieved, I feel that I must write with greater detail about what Talampaya really is for it to be known. Starting tomorrow I’ll write a small book about all of that hoping to publish it in about two weeks. People will be able to download the text – which will be illustrated with images – for free. The message must reach everyone.

The encounter finished with an atmosphere of much peace and also of nostalgia due to the farewells. I got to known extraordinary persons and it was beautiful seeing different spiritual groups, contact groups, UFO research groups (as the friend from the Pedro Romaniuk Foundation) or persons unconnected with these themes but imbued with a strong sentiment of participating by working all of us, united.

After the encounter at Talampaya ended, we got into our vehicles and took the return road. While in the route, our minibus driver pointed toward a violent accident. We could see a wrecked car. Perhaps its driver had lost control and turned over. That route was veru dangerous and had many precedents of cars that came off the road due to speeding, animals crossing, etc.

Later on we found out that four of the participants in the encounter had been in that car… We found out that two of them were well but that the other two had suffered grave blows. They were in a serious condition and had been urgently taken to the Enrique Vera Barros Regional Hospital where they would be operated upon.

After gathering once again at Capilla del Monte, more than 30 persons performed a healing task. We asked help to the guardians of Talampaya and to the extraterrestrial Guides. In this way we could visualize our brothers healing and coming out well in spite of the serious situation.

Later on we received a phone call: Our brothers had recuperated. The doctors could not believe it…They had very serious internal wounds and these had healed. Bewildered, the physicians didn’t carry on with the surgery and they were released from the hospital. We have the previous evidence and all the documents that give credit to this.

Photos by Christian Belluco, Talampaya, 09/2013

<p>Foto: nave surcando el cielo estrellado de Talampaya, señalada con un potente láser como referencia. (Cristian Belluco / 2013).</p><br />
<p>El encuentro sugerido por los Guías extraterrestres ha sido un evento extraordinario e inolvidable. Más de 250 personas de 16 países (que llegaron desde distintos lugares de Europa, Canadá, Estados Unidos, México, Caribe y buena parte de Sudamérica) nos congregamos del 7 al 9 de septiembre en ese importante santuario de la Hermandad Blanca para irradiar luz al mundo.</p><br />
<p>Las fechas habían sido dadas por los hermanos mayores del cosmos. Y así lo informamos desde que lo recibimos hace más de medio año en Sierra de la Ventana. Posteriormente nos dieron más información, señalando la importantcia del encuentro de Talampaya para envolver en paz al mundo.</p><br />
<p>Como recordamos, las fechas del encuentro “coincidieron” con la crisis en Siria. Los extraterrestres lo habían anticipado y por alguna razón deseaban que no se atacara al país árabe en esas fechas. Es un tema que desarrollaré más adelante. Además, el Papa Francisco pediría una jornada de oración por la tensión en Oriente Medio para el 7 de septiembre, la misma fecha que nos habían entregado... Por si ello fuera poco, Obama esperaba la aprobación del ataque militar el día 9. Hoy vemos que nada de esto ocurrió.</p><br />
<p>Depende de nosotros mantener la energía y el optimismo para afectar los acontecimientos mundiales. Algunos de ellos se pueden evitar, otros, disminuir su intensidad, o postergarlos para asegurar la mejor evacuación de población civil. Como fuere, se cumple aquello de que podemos crear lo que creemos.</p><br />
<p>Ese fue el principal objetivo del encuentro internacional en Talampaya. Un encuentro que fue abierto, libre, para cualquier caminante que resonara con esta tarea. Nos reunimos sin nombre y etiquetas. Todos allí fuimos un solo grupo.</p><br />
<p>Los hermanos mayores se dejaron ver en distintos avistamientos. Algunas de esas apariciones fueron registradas por dos fotógrafos profesionales, Cristian Belluco y Matías Zubrzycki, ambos equipados con cámaras sensibles a la luz. Gracias a ellos, obtuvimos registros extraordinarios, en donde se puede ver la trayectoria de los luminosos ovnis surcando el manto de estrellas de Talampaya. La luz de esos objetos era tan fuerte que resalta por encima de las estrellas. Los señalamos con un potente rayo láser para tener una referencia en las fotografías, tal y como lo hicimos anteriormente en Sierra de la Ventana. El apoyo de los Guías, las tres noches, fue contundente.</p><br />
<p>El día 9, un grupo de 60 personas acudimos a Ciudad Perdida, un enclave telúrico que se halla dentro del Parque Nacional Talampaya. Habíamos recibido instruciones telepáticas para ir allí y hacer un trabajo de conexión en el cerro piramidal ⎯el antiguo núcleo de un volcán, que protege uno de los trece discos solares⎯ con el cristal azul de Erks. Esta experiencia, que fue apoyada desde el campamento base de Talampaya por los otros participantes del encuentro, fue extraordinaria…</p><br />
<p>Nos ha permitido comprender por qué Talampaya fue el primer lugar donde funcionó el retiro intraterreno de Erks, por qué estuvo separada un tiempo del santuario del Uritorco, y por qué ahora se “unían” en un solo centro de poder.</p><br />
<p>La presencia de los guardianes de Talampaya y el Uritorco fue impresionante. Se escuchaban sus voces cantar mantras… Mientras un olor a flores inundaba el cerro piramidal. Incluso, algunos fueron tocados por invisibles presencias que les hacían sentir una paz profunda.</p><br />
<p>El grupo de apoyo que quedó en el campamento también vivió experiencias muy importantes. No pudimos ir todos porque el Parque Nacional solo habilitó transporte autorizado para 60 personas. Aquí debo decir que buena parte del grupo de contacto de Buenos Aires, que venía preparándose para este encuentro desde enero, cedió su lugar para que hermanos del extranjero pudiesen ir a Ciudad Perdida. Una actitud de compromiso que valoro mucho y admiro.</p><br />
<p>Creamos las condiciones para recibir mensajes en simultáneo. El contacto se dio, y en las comunicaciones se nos anunció una expedición al Belukha, cordillera del Altai, para la segunda mitad del 2014. Un viaje que, de acuerdo a los Guías extraterrestres, nos permitirá completar gravitante información sobre el Plan Cósmico y el rol humano en el nuevo tiempo.</p><br />
<p>Además, los mensajes recibidos ⎯media docena de recepciones⎯, advertían una experiencia para las 9:00 pm. Según los Guías, algunas personas recibirían los Cristales de Cesio, y otras un elemento etéreo, una suerte de pequeño cristal de luz romboidal, que actuaría como “amplificador” de las facultades de la Glándula Pineal, que involucran, como sabemos, la co-creación y sanación. Este elemento, por lo que entendimos, sería temporal, sólo para mostrarnos de lo que somos capaces si a través de una disciplina de preparación mística activamos nuestras habilidades psíquicas por mérito propio.</p><br />
<p>Y así ocurrió: a las 9:00 pm., luego de la presencia de los Guías en los cielos de Talampaya, decenas de personas recibieron esta iniciación, que fue coordinada entre los Guías extraterrestres y los guardianes del Uritorco y Talampaya. En medio de esa sentida experiencia, me vi proyectado, astralmente, en un “viaje” espontáneo y súper vívido hacia el interior del Belukha. Allí tuve una breve pero valiosa entrevista con Emuriel, el ser que conocí en la expedición al desierto de Gobi, Mongolia, en 2007. Emuriel, quien ya no se encuentra en cuerpo físico en el Altai, me entregó pautas para el viaje al Belukha y me hizo comprender el trabajo que habíamos hecho en Talampaya.</p><br />
<p>Escribiendo estas líneas, una gran cantidad de información surge en mi mente. Ahora entiendo mejor el significado de los desconcertantes petroglifos de Talampaya que, dicho sea de paso, durante una excursión al cañón, pude fotografiar. No sólo los que se muestran al “turista”, sino los inéditos. En 2002 ya había obtenido un registro parcial de ello. Pero en este viaje pude fotografiar en alta resolución los petroglifos “prohibidos”.</p><br />
<p>Debido a la importancia de las experiencias que hemos vivido, la información recibida, y las imágenes que logramos, siento que debo escribir con mayor detalle lo que es realmente Talampaya, y darlo a conocer. A partir de mañana escribiré un pequeño libro sobre todo ello, que espero publicar digitalmente en unas dos semanas. El texto, que será ilustrado con imágenes, podrá ser descargado libremente. El mensaje debe llegar a todos.</p><br />
<p>El encuentro terminó en un ambiente de mucha paz, y también nostalgia por la despedida. Conocí personas extraordinarias. Fue hermoso ver a distintos grupos espirituales, de contacto, de investigación ovni (como los amigos de la Fundación de Pedro Romaniuk), o personas ajenas a estos temas pero con un sentimiento fuerte de participar, trabajando, todos, unidos.</p><br />
<p>Luego de que terminó el encuentro en Talampaya, subimos a nuestros vehículos y emprendimos el viaje de retorno.</p><br />
<p>En la ruta, nuestro chofer del minibus nos advirtió de un violento accidente. Se veía un auto destrozado; al parecer, había perdido el control y volcó. Esa ruta es muy peligrosa y tiene varios antecedentes de autos que se salieron del camino (velocidad, animales que se cruzan, etc).</p><br />
<p>Luego nos enteramos que cuatro participantes del encuentro se hallaban en ese coche…</p><br />
<p>Nos informamos y supimos que dos de ellos estaban bien, pero los otros dos ocupantes del vehículo habían sufrido serios golpes. Estaban en grave estado y por ello fueron traslados de urgencia al hospital regional Enrique Vera Barros, en donde se les iba a operar.</p><br />
<p>Ya reunidos en Capilla del Monte, más de 30 personas hicimos un trabajo de sanación. Les pedimos a los guardianes de Talampaya y a los Guías extraterrestres su ayuda. Así, pudimos visualizar a nuestros hermanos sanándose, saliendo adelante pese a la gravedad de la situación.</p><br />
<p>Más tarde recibimos una llamada: nuestros hermanos se habían recuperado. Los médicos no lo podían creer… Tenían heridas internas muy graves, y éstas se sanaron. Desconcertados, los médicos no hicieron la cirugía y les dieron de alta…<br /><br />
Tenemos las pruebas previas y toda la documentación que acredita esto.</p><br />
<p>Luego supimos que nuestros amigos accidentados trabajaron también consigo mismos, poniendo en práctica todo lo aprendido y recibido; sintieron nuestro apoyo y hasta escucharon nuestras voces. Además, un ser de Talampaya se comunicó con ellos y les apoyó…</p><br />
<p>Todo ha sido extraordinario…</p><br />
<p>El mensaje, una vez más, prevalece: en medio del pesimismo, hay razones para creer y crear. </p><br />
<p>Gracias por el apoyo. El encuentro en Talampaya ha sido un evento extraordinario.</p><br />
<p>Sigamos trabajando por la luz. Aún hay mucho por hacer…</p><br />
<p>Ricardo González en nombre de todos.

Ricardo González
You Tube Channel

News of an Exotheology


Jesus Cósmico

Jesus a Being of Love and Cosmic Dimensions 

Is he serving the Creator within all levels of Creation? Is he recognized by extraterrestrials?

We are just beginning to discover the connections between mind, consciousness, dimensions and physical space-time. We need to step out of the box. A worldwide accumulation of objective evidence amassed in more than 68 years since the beginning of modern ufology merits scientific research and considering not only that “they” are here…but that “they” may have probably been here for eons. Considering what some of the extraterrestrials may have told some bona fide contactees and, as a very brief exotheological summary of information harmoniously received since 1974 by those contactees associated with “Mission Rahma” (a contact mission capable of occasionally providing some collectively verifiable evidence), I’ll offer the following outline which may be considered by many as  important “news” or at least as “newsworthy.”

Three contactees: Sixto Paz Wells, Luis Fernando Mostajo and Ricardo Gonzalez have – to the best of my exopolitical assessment – individually experienced various kinds of contacts that supplement and complement each other’s views of the same coherent “exotheology” in which Jesus plays the important role of a most advanced Master, head of Earth’s White Brotherhood of benign and saintly beings following God’s benevolent will; a role allowed by being a/the spiritual representative in perfect unity with the Universal Christ Intelligence. As the story goes, his human physical body was prepared or modified by advanced extraterrestrials for him to incarnate as a human capable of sustaining a direct connection with the Cosmic Christ or Logos, the first Intelligence expressed from the Absolute or “the Father.” As the extraterrestrial transmissions go, his mission was to rescue (or redeem) humanity from completely falling into satanic-luciferian forces, some of which were made of discarnate negative extraterrestrial entities (in large part from Orion) who had perished on Earth after trying to interfere with human evolution. These forces attempting to influence world affairs have allegedly followed their leader “Satanael” who himself had become a follower of a powerful non-physical being in the Mental Universe known as “Lucifer.”

The information given by conscious will-respecting extraterrestrials working for a “Cosmic Plan” following Jesus Christ’s guidance for intervening on our planet and in connection with a spiritual hierarchy (the White Brotherhood of the Star) connected both to Earth, to the Galaxy and to the evolution of numerous civilizations in our local group of galaxies is that, after millions of years of evolution, many extraterrestrial civilizations became stuck on somewhat advanced high 4 or 5th dimensional levels of consciousness without being able to move beyond that as they became overly dependent on technology by being guided by (mostly benevolent) co-creator beings from the “Mental Universe.” After the Luciferian rebellion of a segment of beings from that Mental Universe they also experienced negative influences and severe conflicts but even earlier than that (by becoming dependent on beings from the Mental Universe guiding them along their evolution across the various planes of the Physical Universe) their capacity for deep spiritual sentiment (a subtlety that could reach into the Creator’s “heart”) became atrophied or underdeveloped missing what was necessary to reach the highest echelons of creation (a structure basically composed of a three-tiered Cosmos and various levels of consciousness occupying 7 physical, 3 mental and 2 spiritual planes). These beings (while not necessarily “negative”) needed to work under their respective levels of physicality using their wills, understandings and love in order to evolve. However they sorely needed to go beyond the excessively mental approach to life which the “ultraterrestrials” (those of the non-physical, angelic kingdoms in the Mental Universe) had taught them.

In these circumstances, the Logos; the Cosmic Christ; the first born which had emanated directly from God, the Absolute; that prism through which God the Father (an otherwise unreachable Absolute) proposed a “Divine Plan” which would entail a “fresh start”: to establish humanities in the Physical Universe gifted with a greater range of free will while living in biologically hyper dynamic planets, seeded by Life’s greatest potentials, even if prone to major survival dangers and to large degrees of uncertainty. These humanities would be able to experience a greater depth of feeling capable of connecting with the Spiritual Universe while eventually managing to live in harmony amidst highly life-challenging, physical conditions thus showing previous extraterrestrial civilizations the way to move forward. In these circumstances a large coalition of extraterrestrial civilizations accepted the Christ’s Plan as it had been transmitted to their most evolved individuals/masters and then intervened to contribute genetic and other characteristics. The net result would be more than the sum of the parts.

First spores of life were brought to specific planets to inseminate oceans with the possibility of actual life forms. Life evolved under natural laws which allowed intelligent patterns from the Creator’s Mind to materialize as the Creator worked through a chain of beings from the Mental and Physical Universes. We could say that these beings co-creating eternally exist like us within the Mind of God and their relative existences are sustained by God, the only real Being. More recent contact messages also mention that essential aspects of life on Earth was also assisted by life generating elements brought from Orion’s Nebulae and when humanoid species began to naturally develop on Earth at times they were combined with the genetic factors of various extraterrestrial lineages.

In other words, we potentially possess the combined capacities of several extraterrestrials that listened to the Christ’s Plan and to the Christ’s interpretation of the Father’s will. However, Lucifer and his followers from the Mental Universe opposed to be surpassed by a new and primitive physical species and thereafter also generated followers among many physical civilizations. Apparently, some of the negatively-oriented extraterrestrials known today are descendants of some of those original lineages and under karmic laws are allowed to intervene with restrictions until we become fully aware of who we are and-or command our rights and decide to stop this.

Out of 8 “UR” planets suitable for this major “experiment” 7 were destroyed by various sorts of cataclysms and even the Earth was destroyed millions of years before in its original timeline but a unique permission was granted by a council of the most evolved extraterrestrial masters in order to create an artificial timeline in which to relocate Earth before its destruction.  We are allegedly living in this alternative timeline while having recently crossed point of beginning to merge with the original timeline. There’s great expectation in the Universe on how we will unfold becoming aware of who we are in the Cosmic scheme of things. How we solve our human conflicts, learn to live with technology while respecting “Pacha Mama,” forgive the errors (sins) or mistakes committed by many of our extraterrestrial relatives and learn to live in harmony all of life will be a unique example for the cosmic community and becoming the “harvest” which positive extraterrestrial groups will experience. Our unique “voice” or “note” in the Cosmos is just beginning to blossom as a fruit that has never been known before.

According to the benevolent extraterrestrial group (which involves beings from Orion that left their home worlds avoiding falling into negative warrior-based paths and beings from a higher physical vibration in Venus, certain Pleiadians, a planet called Cerpican, Xilox in the Andromeda Galaxy and colonists in Ganymede, the moon of Jupiter), after humanity began to evolve it was partially interfered by various ‘negativized’ extraterrestrial groups. There were also mistakes committed,sometimes in a paternalistic fashion. Besides that also human-ET hybrid colonies were installed on Earth. Under Satanic influences these colonies (like Mu and Atlantis) also experienced misgivings and conflicts and some of the survivors which remained steadfast to the original benevolent ethical precepts of their civilizations moved into underground bases and occasionally influenced the development of human civilizations (as in Egypt in the African continent and Tiwanacu next to Lake Titicaca in South America).

Before Jesus’ birth it was noticed that if humanity continued developing without a deeply felt reverence for a loving God, the sacredness of life and kindness to fellow human beings, the last surviving “UR” experiment would also fail. Under this conditions the Logos/Cosmic Christ originating the new evolutionary “Plan” “felt responsible” for the human plight and sent Master Jesus (the most evolved human), to show the most direct and deepest path to God (the way of love) and to represent with his teachings and living example a supreme act of forgiveness (in this case as a human when – for a moment – the Christ force apparently abandoned him) in the cross.

With Jesus’ presence on Earth, the course of history inevitably leading to self-destruction was changed and a new dispensation/opportunity was obtained. While service to others or benevolent extraterrestrial civilizations (even if sentimentally under developed) guide and recommend and humbly look forward to learn from what we can demonstrate, those still under the influences of Lucifer tend to denigrate our species and often pretend to forcefully extract or “harvest” our capacities obtaining permission from our subconscious premises and state of ignorance. However, the first ones also want us to remember our ancient and complex earthly and cosmic history and why – as souls – we came to Earth in the first place. They want us to become more aware of who we are in order to choose a conscious return to the cosmic family, being able to contact them by intelligently choice with respect and without dependencies.

In this story apparently transmitted to the three contactees previously mentioned (and to others also participating in the Mission Rahma contacts) Jesus’ role must be understood as compatible with in depth, non-Christian, religious perspectives. I believe that the concept of a “master” is key here and can be understood in a way that satisfies Christians and non-Christians alike. We would have to transcend and include some pre-Nicean Council understandings and come up with a Jesus that is compatible with the idea of a prophet as that of a Bodhisattva and of God’s “Logos” expressed as an “avatar” in human form. This would be a Jesus so infused by divine force that he becomes or – in fact -recognizes his ever-present, timeless unity with the Creator’s supreme Intelligence in such a way that (as a soul and as an expression of that Logos before creation) his relative being and understanding becomes indistinguishably fused with that of the Logos or the Absolute’s first expression. In a way he would still be a man expressing the will of God and in a way an identity with God’s “Logos.”

Furthermore, concepts similar to that of the “Logos” or supreme organizing, uncreated intelligence interpreting the will of the “Father” (perhaps equivalent to the “Para Brahm” in Vedic terms, and to the “Ain” in Jewish, mystical terms) may also occur within some understandings of Buddhism and mystical and philosophical Islam (for instance as “Bodhicitta” in the case of Buddhism and in the case of Islam as Fritjoff Schuon elucidated as an aspect of the a trinity expressed by God when understood with a relative sense). Even within the normally considered non-theological and deity non-compatible Buddhism the least known (and formerly suppressed) Maha Madhyamika/Jonangpa school posits an essence (compatible with the concept of the Absolute) to which the emptiness which all relative phenomena are inherently subjected to doesn’t apply.

Definitely I’m not saying that Jesus was an extraterrestrial or that the Creator is an extraterrestrial. The issues are much more deeper and sacred to minimize them like that! However, there’s a spiritual relationship that  transcends the confines of the Earth and possesses a universal reach.  Have the aforementioned contactees from Latin America been told part of a story and-or history that relates to Jesus because of the receptivity of their Catholic/Christian cultural background? What may be learned from similar contactees in the Far East, India, or perhaps Africa, Melanesia, Eastern Europe, Siberia, Indonesia or the Middle East?  How much more of an exotheology will we have to discover and to carefully integrate under deep and “trans theological” patterns to mature as a planetary species?

If the Mission Rahma’s extraterrestrial messages are a valid account of part of our forgotten or unknown history we’ll have to overcome our exclusivist rejections of different superficially understood theologies to get at the crux of their meaning and of human history and destiny in relation to the Cosmos. We need to remember and to contact beings that respect us and may tell us more of our cosmic history. We also need to compare information from other similar contactee sources like George Adamski. On a deeper level of research we may find that that which connects us is more than that which separates us and that, as Thomas Merton showed, we may be climbing different sides of the same mountain even if the terrain looks seriously different on each side.

Interesting comments beyond a limited understanding of Jesus by Fr. Richard Rohr at  http://www.cccrmn.org/v2/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=316:interview-with-richard-rohr-the-eternal-christ-in-the-cosmic-story&catid=86:articles&Itemid=210

Jesus and Extraterrestrials according to Contactee Sixto Paz Wells

(As Interviewed in 2011 by Mexican journalist and UFO Investigator Johanan Díaz Vargas)

Translated by: Giorgio Piacenza Cabrera

Two UFOs appear during Jesus’ Crucifixation. Painting at Visoki Decani Monastery in Kosovo.

SPW- I am part of a contact group which for 37 years has been receiving psychographic messages that have been corroborated through UFO sightings once appointments were made. There have been witnesses, like Spanish reporter Juan José Benitez and Judge Dr. Ana María Polo from “Caso Cerrado” (a TV program) in Miami. Throughout these years we haven’t just seen appearing and landed spacecraft but we have seen the crew members and also some related experiences have taken place such as when a spacecraft appears and projects a beam of light forming a luminous dome or “Xendra” which is a dimensional portal through which a person physically enters, is dematerialized, teleported and then undergoes an experience in another reality.

Exactly in 1974 we began living these Xendra experiences of dimensional portals, going into these portals and of being perhaps 4-5 days in Ganymede [a moon of Jupiter] 600 million kilometers from Earth but upon returning as few as 15 minutes had transpired. These experiences came out published at the end of 1974 in Juan José Benitez first book: “OVNIS: S.O.S. a la Humanidad” and 3 years later a Corporal from the Chilean Army underwent a similar experience. He was Corporal Armando Valdez. Later on, in 1996, Carl Sagan writes a novel  and the following year a movie with Jodie Foster came out in which she loses contact (with the control base) and when she recuperates it is discovered that there are 18 hours recording time of static which leads to think that the possibility of traveling through time and space really exists. Not long ago at CERN the particle accelerator located between France and Switzerland informed – after 3 years of an exhaustive investigation – that neutrinos are capable of traveling at speeds faster than the speed of light arriving (to Italy) by 60 nanoseconds before departing so that theoretically and now practically it is possible – according to these findings – to travel across time and space.

In one of these Xendra experiences of dimensional portals which took place in “Quintero” or in Chile’s Fifth region, a few years ago, I had the opportunity to be with 120 persons for one week and we had very intense sightings; we saw the ships appearing and flying above a hill bombarding it with an extraordinary energy; the luminous dome formed and after traversing it with some of our companions we had the opportunity to live the experience of traveling to “Morlen” or Ganymede. And, after being there, we were taken to a site, to a dome-shaped building where we met with this master, with this great being of light as Jesus is and who – as you may remember – after 40 days of resurrecting ascended into heaven in a cloud or a ship which is something that doesn’t change things: Jesus was not an “extraterrestrial” but a terrestrial with an “extra” aspect.

JDV- Alright, but did you meet him personally?

SPW- Yes, indeed. I had the opportunity to have that close encounter with him and one of the 16 books I published which is titled: “Una Insólita Invitación” is the narration of what I really perceived or grasped that he transmitted to me. I cannot tell you that he spoke to me in Aramaic because I would not have understood anything but really the fact was that I could understand him clearly as if he were speaking to me in Spanish. Perhaps he was speaking to me mentally, formally, telepathically, I don’t know but quite simply if I was before a 6 ft tall person…the skin color was not completely white but tanned, with dark hair, aquiline nose. He really had some impressions or scars on the wrists and his presence really was astounding. One could really feel an extraordinary and magnificent vibration and energy.

JDV- Sixto, at this point, what is the relation between Jesus – as the mythical character we know and who transformed the whole world – and the extraterrestrials?

SPW- Well, let’s first remember that the Jews are a contacted people. The “angels” of old would be the “extraterrestrials” of today as Mons. Corrado Balducci, that theologian of the Catholic Church, used to say around 1999. Well, throughout the entire history of the people of Israel also beginning from the sacred Bible, there are continuous references to space craft and extraterrestrial beings under the appearance of “angels” or under the designation of “angels.” For instance, we have Elijah taken by a chariot of fire as witnessed by his disciple Elisha; we have the “Glory of God” that descends before Ezekiel; the luminous cloud that hid a metallic objects with windows as seen by Moses on top of Mt. Horeb in oreb in SiSinaiSinai. Also, in Chpt 2 v.9 St, Mathew’s Gospel says that the Star of Bethlehem guided the three Kings of the Orient by day and night and stopped above the place where the child had been born.  Now, let’s be clear that none of this tells us that Jesus was an extraterrestrial but that beings from other worlds really recognize the high level of evolution which Jesus has and, being at the service of a cosmic plan prepared to create the conditions suitable for Jesus’ arrival and for accomplishing his mission and undertaking.  Due to their greater degree of evolution, the extraterrestrials recognize the existence of superior hierarchies and at certain times they also operate in service to those hierarchies.

JDV- Do ETs tell Jesus what to do or is Jesus above them in an evolutionary scale?

SPW- We would first have to remember what humanity’s prominent cosmic role is according to the extraterrestrials. The ETs say that our planet died 1200 million years ago as a result from meteor impacts that extinguished life in our planet and terminated with the Earth in such a way that it disappeared. But for the extraterrestrials, time is like an ascending spiral. In one of the spiral curves, the Earth died but the Universe continued. Thus, a group of civilization travels through time and space under the authorization of a galactic government formed by the 24 Elders of the Galaxy and comes to Earth before it dies creating an alternative and paradoxical time which has been intertwining with the real time of the Universe.

What is going to take place on December 21st, 2012 is that this alternative paradoxical time is going to finish reconnecting with the real time and from this a third time will ensue. This is why the prophecies don’t speak of an “end of the world,” they speak of the “end of times” and for there to be an “end of times” there has to be more than one time. This reminds us of that Nahuatl myth about the two-headed serpent, in which at the end of times one head will end up eating the other, something represented in one of the agrogliphs that appeared in England, and resembling the spiral that appeared over Norway in 2009. The point is that, since we live in an alternative, paradoxical time, we are for the ETs a sociological, anthropological, metaphysical, spiritual experiment. They created this alternative time and as scientists in a laboratory they try to maintain themselves the most aseptically as possible as they conduct experiments here since they come from civilizations that have advanced much both technologically and mentally. They have achieved control of their genome so that there’s no more space for uncertainty and most everything is under control. Therefore, this has led them to lose touch with the very spirit of nature and are therefore trying to recuperate that connection with nature, including feelings and emotions because they are way too mental. And this is why they created this experiment on a planet which had no future, creating an alternative future so that a civilization with a greater psychic and spiritual potential capable of achieving evolutionary levels beyond what they achieved, emerges. This civilization would allow them to understand and remember things which they neglected or forgot.

Jesus represents Earth’s humanity. The idea is that the extraterrestrials come to learn how to love through us, not because they don’t love but what happens is that for them love is the common good and if the common good requires that you disappear they’ll have no qualms getting rid of you. Here on Earth we even fight for the rights of assassins and of child rapists not to be killed. Thus, we are capable of the greatest acts of inhumanity but also of the most sublime acts of love and generosity. When Jesus was on the cross after preaching for three years the doctrine of love he had the opportunity of taking his message to its greatest consequences when being nailed and abandoned by everyone says “Father, forgive them because they don’t know what they do.” He never said “they are going to pay for this when I get down from here.” Thus, in the name of humanity, Jesus ends up becoming master of our own masters, truly reminding them what is the Way, the Truth and the Life: Love in forgiveness.

In fact, one day humanity will know that we have been victims of a cosmic plot in which extraterrestrial and ultraterrestrial forces have conspired against us; have experimented with us and have even tried to make us disappear. However, as in Joseph’s story in the Old Testament recounting that he was sold by his brothers to avoid the fulfillment of his destiny, the more they tried to impede it, the more they got him close to it coming to pass. So perhaps today more than ever we have the opportunity to join as human beings and to make the future as less traumatic as possible so that we may be able to survive these growing crises and these solar mutations and arriving energies because all of what was prophesied was a warning of what could take place if we do nothing to avoid it. And I think that there are many more persons in the world working to revert the planetary future, for the future to be less traumatic, less negative. And what is going to take place in the following weeks and months is a great liberation of information.

One day humanity will experience its own christification. We must become aware of our important role in the concert of worlds by learning to love and by teaching how to love, thus ensuring this humanity’s survival and the survival of this planet.

JDV- Sixto Paz Wells what did he (Jesus) tell you then? What did you understand from him?

Shround of Turin

SPW- I asked him about all kinds of things, like why he permitted things to be in this way in the world and why he didn’t return ahead of time and he told me that we had to wait for humanity to undergo the process that would allow us to leave our precocious adolescence and to reach a responsible young stage albeit through our own efforts. In other words, he and other persons that have evolved like a Gandhi or a Luther King demonstrated that it is indeed possible to live for love and to die for love and to really achieve a level of transcendence. All these persons really preached non-violence and love but died in acts of violence because universal laws say that to every force a contrary one opposes with the same intensity. Jesus’ case is more extraordinary because there is evidence that demonstrates his resurrection – the Holy Shroud of Turin of which it’s false to say that it is false. According to the Brooks Institute, ENEA and NASA which have analyzed the shroud, it has been determined that (the figure) is an impression formed by a luminous energy. Jesus’ resurrection thus demonstrated something that he taught: That love is the strongest force in the Universe, even capable of overcoming death.



Complexity of Contacts

By Giorgio Piacenza Cabrera

Artist depiction of Billy Meier meeting Semjase from the Pleiades/Plejares and Beamship

Recognizing the contribution of voluntary, conscious, willing contactees and how well they represented how we as Earth-humans are capable of interacting with cosmic-faring beings is still of paramount importance. I do truly agree that most ETS and -especially- the ones from the 1950’s early-phase of contacteeism did provide a great opportunity for humanity to embark upon an easier path of change. Then, what could be called the “intercontinental contactee wave” of the 1970’s (Eduard Meir, Castillo Rincón, Sixto Paz, etc) probably represented a second phase of possible contacts with another sub-group (of the originally overtly friendly “space brother” group). It materialized in other countries while, yes, debunking, was occurring in the U.S. and extended news about abduction kinds of contacts was about to increase mostly focused in that country. This 1970’s wave of friendly and information-volunteering contacts could probably be called the “second part of Plan A” or the “second part of the original contactee phase.”  I must admit that the 1980’s and 1990’s also saw new contactee cases (for instance with the cases Pablo E. Hawnser from Mexico and of Ricardo Gonzalez from Peru) which could belong to these friendlier, “Plan A.” Then (focused mostly in the U.S., in Puerto Rico, and perhaps similarly, but less intensely, in a few other places in the globe, like, perhaps, Brazil and Mexico) the increase in grey-related abductions was probably like a “Plan B” or second tier phase: A protocol of contacts that are more free will-limiting but also (broadly-speaking) consciousness-motivating in another karmically-allowed way to assist humanity to grow beyond its island-Earth parochialism and become more aware and participatory in cosmic functioning. In other words, if the first kind of contacts didn’t flourish, the second kind was allowed along with the possibility of the human adventure partially continuing in a hybridized form.

These other kinds of ET beings from “Plan B” probably had other kinds of karmic ties and needs that humans could complement with and satisfy so that a shared interactive and creative ‘space’ (a ‘Tinkuy’) was also possible. In a way is as Virgil Armstrong says: “They need us; we don’t need them” but in, another sense, we both come from a position of “need” and complement each other. So, instead of the greater hierarchy allowing for the wanton destruction of the human project and the Earth’s ecological systems and biota, due to our stubbornness, another kind of (not normally voluntary and conscious) contacts are allowed.  Nevertheless, I think that these other kinds of beings also have to follow some strict general “rules of engagement” or interaction. I think that they are allowed to act but that they are also supervised. Some of them were probably on Earth before what has been called the “Quarantine” was placed in effect. Some of them apparently crashed in Rowell (perhaps due to high intensity radars in conjunction with the forced linking of timelines), offered technological assistance and semi-official, semi-legal agreements were made. The original military purpose would have been to have means to defend the nation and Earth against the ET unknowns, not really trusting the alien presences, regardless of origin. Other purposes would have been to gain secret military advantages during the Cold War and not to destabilize society (thus acting as a social “Super Ego” in the Freudian sense). The agreements may not have been well honored on the Earth side as psychological attachment to effective ways to wield power would continue in a military society closed to outside civilian supervision.

I seriously doubt that humanity is seriously in danger to be under attack or to be conquered. The human experiment has to be respected and degrees of engagement have to follow a strict protocol. Moreover, if there were any groups willing to attack en force, they would have been contained by the great majority respecting the rules. “They” are not one entity that would have acted unanimously and would have already invaded us if had been its intent. According to some contactees like Ricardo Gonzalez we are being protected from the few rogues. I’d say that these rogues would lie outside of the First and Second Phase of contacts. Nevertheless, there may be others “behind the lines” of the Second Phase waiting for a right to intervene. Some varieties of reptiles and reptile hybrids and perhaps a subgroup of beings from an area in Orion may be part of these. I don’t know but, then again, there may still be others of a much higher physical-extra dimensional frequency holding
on to a self-serving polarization as suggested in the Ra Material. If we went to a large behind-the-Moon, orbiting space base as some contactees claimed to have been taken, we would probably observe a variety of human-looking and non-human-looking ETS, including varieties of greys.

Even today, after all the hoopla and credibility given to greys and reptiles, I am a proponent of seeking to work with bona fide contactees of the Daniel Fry, Truman Bethurum, George Adamski kind in order to strengthen voluntary, direct physical contacts with “First Phase” ETS of a more friendly, conscious will-respecting nature. This doesn’t mean that I think that grey abductions are for the most part just “negative.” They may be the second choice if we are not willing to grow up consciously from spiritual principle, from the heart. Once again, I insist that I’m trying not to think too biasedly and simplistically because, with very few exceptions, this not a black and white situation. The issue requires more complex definitions.

Apparently (according to many researcher, contactee and abductee reports), there are many varieties of greys and ET-Earth-human interaction is allowed by a higher cosmic hierarchy that possesses deeper ways of assessing what is adequate or not (for instance, according to karma, mutual needs, historical-genetic connections, cultural connections, past interventions, future concordances and free will).  There may even be varieties of supervisors of greys from different timelines and some types of greys may be independent and some under the hierarchical control of more powerful beings. The problem to understand more of the whole picture seems to be exclusivism in preference, choice and thinking.

Different outcomes may materialize as different possibilities related with soul choice allow different Earth-humans to interact with different ET beings pursuing the resolution of different needs and possible outcomes. The 1950’s and 1970’s “space people” needs seemed to be more spiritual. They wanted to serve us (their partial genetic descendants) to evolve: Eventually learning from Earth-humans to go beyond their own high level of development in which they were apparently stuck. Nevertheless, we could say that both, First Tier, ‘space brother’-type ET beings and Second Tier (technically speaking also ‘space brothers’), more “technically–intrusive” beings (so to speak) broadly want humankind to grow up and to become more interactive and aware of what could be called the “Cosmic Mind” and its principles. Some may even submit the principle of a “Cosmic Mind” to that of a “Cosmic Heart” and seek to serve more than to be served by the awakening and participation of humanity.

I think that externally forced hybridization is allowed for those beings that may benefit from it in case Earth-humans do not voluntarily choose to evolve beyond current conflict-generating mindsets. It is a dispassionate “Plan B” developing right now (and including, for instance, the abduction-hybridization programs) after the “Plan A” voluntary growth offers of open contact and collaboration were officially rejected.  Nevertheless, “Plan A” events implemented by beings with other tendencies more respectful of CONSCIOUS human choice didn’t just continue in the 1970’s inter-continental contactee wave but are quietly ongoing now as well.  While the abductions in general are mostly not as respectful of the Earth-human species as the contacts within “Plan A,” we must also carefully recognize that they are neither as grotesque and as clearly evil as usually depicted. Those abduction reports that are not the result of negative propaganda to scare people against all contact and those reports that originate in secret Earth-military-personnel-only operations I consider them genuine and part of a “second phase of contacts” or attempt to “approach” humanity, an attempt in which there are karmic bonds that also allow to resolve common needs (genetic interbreeding is part of this). In my view, all ETS (for instance, space brother types and greys) as nice as an Aura Rhanes or Titinac a woman from “Siris” or Venus (from a case in Bolivia) or (pushing it a little) greys that operate children without anesthesia are allowed to interact to some degree on Earth and are expected to respect the same rules of engagement. Those most aggressive or least developed (like perhaps some varieties of greys from a timeline-relative, more primitive past amongst their species) are sometimes closely supervised. Those very few not abiding by the “rules of engagement” are filtered out.  Some contactee friends in Latin America do speak of a filtering out protection mechanism even though in the beginning they didn’t want to know or to admit that a few (just a few) ET beings were not of the same ‘intentional altitude’ (so to speak) than the highly respectful and love inspiring ETS they had contacted.

People having traumatic abductions tend to have a hard time letting go of their negative assessment and those having highly kind and respectful, voluntary contacts after invitations also tend not to believe in other kinds of -at first- traumatic contacts or contacts which could be assessed as “negative.”  Sometimes just mentioning one explanation that SEEMS to oppose a personally preferred one generates an “either-or” discomfort leading to a rejection not allowing us to consider all possible angles to a complex situation. And the whole UFO-ET situation is complex; for the most part definitely not an “either-or” scenario suitable to personal preferences. Moreover, (for exopolitical purposes) all of it -if sufficiently verified as genuine- needs to be considered and validated for an integral, mature and useful exopolitical working assessment. Just like there are good internationalists capable of a multi-faceted, broad view of factors in the international political scene we need to develop more extensive analytical skills in exopolitics.

Once again (without condemning most “Plan B” interventions), I still think that we would greatly benefit if more of us re-connected more directly with ET representatives of “Plan A” (still here on Earth well), representatives that (whether they look human or not) allow more “space” for human choice, voluntary evolution and –more likely than not- greater ultimate freedom. Increasing the dynamism of “Plan A” would be my first choice. These beings coordinate more closely with very kind and wise, Earth-based spiritual teachers but…that’s information for another essay.

Statement: In this general overview I focused upon two well-known (yet broad) categories of aliens, not on the whole range of
witnessed entities which, for instance, may include momentary observers or passers-by, briefly intervening scientific types, those that are neither-human nor grey or reptilian looking, the amorphous, the very animal-like, the robotic, some insectoid varieties, the extremely exotic, etc.

(The video allegedly depicts a peaceful, simple, voluntary participation with “Plan A” human allies near a dimensional door of light or “Xendra” in Uruguay).

MARDORX, an ET “guide” from Xilox. Photo taken in Marcahuasi, Peru in 1982.


According to information from Mision Rahma, “Xilox” is a planet associated in a large Confederation under the guidance of the 24 elders of the (Milky Way) Galaxy. These 24 elders participate in “The Council of Nine” located in the Andromeda Galaxy, thus forming a total of 33 members who represent “The Great White Brotherhood of the Star.” These beings are spiritual masters that represent evolution itself and Earth’s Great White Brotherhood is associated to them. The Council of Nine, is the governing body of our Local Group of 9 galaxies.  The “Elohim” are genetic engineers and seeders of life conditions. Intervening evolving hominid primates humans were genetically seeded from many cosmic sources and posses the enormous combined potential of all of them.  There’s great expectation for humanity to give an example that will inspire the seeding civilizations giving them a way to move beyond their own stages of development. Humans were seeded in a very active and risky planetary environment. Other similar experiments in the local cosmos suffered self-destruction or a catastrophic environmental end. The “Guardians” and “Watchers” are the “right arm” of  the “Confederation” directly linked to the White Brotherhood of the Star and are in charge to protect worlds in evolution such as Earth. They prevent the intromission of extraterrestrial civilizations with warlike or colonizing intentions or with the intention to conduct scientific studies without authorization from the “Confederation.” The Guardians and Watchers possess orbital bases close to planets under observation and-or under “quarantine.” For Earth there is a space station called “Celea” which is located  behind the Moon. It is inhabited by beings from different origins and different aspects.



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