On September 19, Q Anon dropped two bombshell posts affirming the existence of secret space programs and extraterrestrial life. The two posts open a big door for the millions who have been following the Q information, to learn about secret space programs and extraterrestrial life, and how these have been hidden from the general public.
In the first post, Q responds to questions about whether extraterrestrial life exists and whether the Roswell UFO crash really happened, and replies as follows:
Q’s response makes clear that we are not alone and that the truth about the Roswell flying saucer crash has the “highest classification”. The response is significant since it affirms what a senior official with the Canadian Government’s Department of Communications reported back in 1950 when he inquired about the Roswell crash among senior U.S. government scientists.
Wilbert Smith’s official report was eventually released through the Freedom of Information Act:
The matter is the most highly classified subject in the United States government, rating higher even than the H-bomb.
Perhaps anticipating skepticism, Q further advocates that readers consider the vastness of space to realize that our galaxy, and the universe more generally, is certain to be teeming with life, some of which has technologically evolved sufficiently to travel through our galaxy and visit the Earth as occurred with the Roswell incident.
In stating that the “moon landings are real” Q is refuting conspiracy theories that the moon landings were hoaxed. This removes an impediment to the general public learning the truth about what has been really happening on the moon subsequent to the Apollo moon landings.
In the next statement, Q affirms the existence of space programs that “are outside of public domain”. This means that Q wants readers to understand that the information on these non-public domain” space programs is highly classified and restricted to those with need to know access.
Furthermore, Q is alerting readers to the fact that much information about these secret space programs is found in the private corporate domain, and not necessarily in the hands of the US government and the military services.
While Q did not explicitly refer to President Donald Trump’s Space Force initiative, it can be inferred from Q’s reply that this is related to the existence of secret space programs.
This is the first time that Q has explicitly referred to secret space programs. Previously, Q posts have alluded to a secret space program being involved in intercepting a ballistic missile attack on Hawaii.
In can be expected that Q will reveal much more as the general public becomes open to the possibility that the truth about secret space programs and extraterrestrial life has been hidden, and the Space Force initiative becomes a means of wresting control away from corporations and back into Presidential Executive control.
It has just been confirmed that five former members of the US Congress will hear evidence of a sixty year cover-up of evidence of UFOs and extraterrestrial life. In an April 8 Press Release, it was announced that from April 29 to May 3, 2013, former Senator Mike Gravel (1961-1981); former Congressman Merrill Cook (Rep, 1997-2001); former Congresswoman Darlene Hooley (1997-2009); former Congresswoman Carolyn Kilpatrick (1997-2011); and former Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey (1993-2013) will sit and hear evidence from forty witnesses. Modeled on a U.S. Senate hearing room formula, the five members will hear the evidence presented by “researchers, activists and military/agency/political witnesses” in what will be called a “Citizen Hearing on Disclosure.” The former Congressional members will hear evidence that the Roswell Crash did happen, that the US military issued shoot-to-kill orders against UFOs, that the FAA was ordered to cover up UFO sightings, that the reality of extraterrestrial life has officially been covered up since at least 1947, and that nuclear weapons facilities have been deactivated by UFOs.
The “Citizen Hearing on Disclosure” is the brainchild of Stephen Bassett from the Paradigm Research Group who succeeded in raising over a million dollars in funding for the event which will be streamed live to world and held in the National Press Club. Bassett says that:
The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure will attempt to accomplish what the U. S. Congress has failed to do for forty-five years – reveal the facts surrounding the most important issue of this or any other time.
The last time the US Congress heard evidence about UFOs was in 1968 at a symposium held before the Committee On Science And Astronautics, which comprised 30 members of the U.S. House Of Representatives. The Congressional Committee heard evidence from six scientists, and accepted written statements from a further six scientists including Stanton Friedman, M.Sc. who will be a presenter at the 2013 Citizen Hearing on Disclosure.
All will conduct themselves in the same manner appropriate to a Congressional hearing. To the extent possible the protocols for congressional hearings will be followed. Committee members will receive written statements from witnesses, hear oral statements and ask whatever questions they wish about the subject matter at hand.
Witnesses include former astronaut Edgar Mitchell, former Canadian Minister for Defense, Paul Hellyer, and witnesses/researchers from Brazil, Uruguay, Peru and China.
I spoke today to Stephen Bassett, Executive Director of the Citizen Hearing, about what he expects to emerge from the Citizen Hearing. He said that no report is expected from the former members of Congress who will simply hear witness testimony, receive reports, ask questions and maintain a suitable congressional model for the Citizen Hearing. The main intention is to have the evidence presented for follow up. In this regard, he explained five main goals:
Send a message to the U.S. Congress that it is not doing its job, by having the Citizen Hearing gather evidence about UFOs and extraterrestrial life that deserves further investigation by the Congress.
Stimulate Citizen Hearings in other countries by having the Citizen Hearing translated into the five most important world languages.
Draw attention to the tremendous number of witnesses, researchers and activists working on disclosing the evidence of an extraterrestrial presence.
Create a 501(c)3 organization that can gain funding for future Citizen Hearings.
A documentary will be produced from the Citizen Hearing which will be titled Truth Embargo. The April 28-May 3 Citizen Hearing is free and open to the public. More details are available at its main website.
Nordic extraterrestrial from AldabaranHumans are magnificent beings; Beings unequivocally created with a most meticulous biological structure beyond what is currently comprehended by the majority of most. Many move through life, perceiving the human being as a random, corporeal form composed merely of flesh and blood that is simply thrown together like a Saturday afternoon BBQ . It’s easier to think of it as such, yet the truth of it all is rather the opposite actually. The molecular composition of the original human blueprint is innately gentle and highly intelligent in nature.
Over the course of the peculiar events unraveling throughout my life, I have come to the realization that the human being is conceived on a deeply subconscious level, created with exceptional clarity, graceful discrimination, and sequestered in an ineffable beauty- the kind that could surely, only be Divine in Origin.
Myself and many other Earth humans are slowly remembering an eternal self awareness, which thus, has subsequently aided the expansion of our limited peripheral being, into a more evolved conscious being; completely modifying our perception of physical reality as we currently know it.There have been significant events throughout my life which have irrevocably shaped the path in which I now tread, and I would like to share some of them.
The first significant event to occur regarding a potential extraterrestrial presence in my life was when I was 14 years old. I was babysitting some children one night and they were tucked away in bed. I was sitting on the couch, and suddenly, I felt very sleepy and quickly fell into a slumber. Approximately an hour later I woke up without observing anything abnormal. After the children’s parents had arrived, I went home and took off my clothes. As I pulled my jeans and socks off, I noticed an enormous skin blister – the size of a golf ball -protruding out of my right leg, with a mushy interior of blackish purple. The sight of it made my stomach turn and I had no idea what on Earth it was. Not suspecting anything remotely to do with an ET presence, I didn’t even think to check the rest of my body for symptoms.
Naturally as a kid, I immediately popped the blister and the next morning, showed my mother who then took me to the hospital. The doctor was baffled and concluded it to either be a snake or spider bite, without the typical ‘bite’ symptoms. My mother on the other hand, was angry because I was a slightly rebellious teen, and she thought it may have been a cigarette burn that melted through my jeans, embedding into my skin. I laugh when I think of this, because even though her assumptions were totally erroneous, she too knew better, for the size and depth of this skin anomaly was clearly bigger than what a cigarette would be capable of! Over the weeks, this ‘bite’ would not form any type of dermal scab and it took months for it to heal. I still in fact, have the scar to this day.
Nothing was weird about this incident until a couple of years later, after my first UFO sighting. I was attending a boarding school when one evening, I was walking into the school car park and noticed an object high in the Western sky, flying at a tremendous speed, which then proceeded to emanate a tail of little sparks and then immediately vanished from the sky. I ran inside telling all of my other pupils who were boarders at the school what I had witnessed, but naturally most of them scorned and laughed!
It was at this moment when I started to have repetitive dreams of lying on a table, with two Gray aliens beside my right leg, proceeding to insert a small object up into my foot and through to the right calf area, of where the blister had been located. I had always maintained a natural curiosity for anything related to the paranormal, but the thought of something actually happening to me personally was unnerving to say the least. I started a diary when I was 14 years old, and so I simply documented these events, and went on with my life.
I can reflect now and say even from this young age, my life was being ‘groomed’ by outside sources without my own conscious knowledge of it. In fact, I was soon to find out that these ‘contacts’ had began at a much younger age.
Extraterrestrials are masters at concealing memory of any event occurring throughout one’s life; having the capability of embedding the memory deep within the subconscious of a human being. They use what is called a screen memory – repressing an uncomfortable or traumatic memory with a typical or usual memory of a specific event. Thus, gone is the recollection of any form of traumatic/abnormal occurrence in one’s conscious life involving Extraterrestrials.
A way in which this screen memory method is flawed is if the brain has experienced any type of trauma, be it physical or mental, which thus then allows the neurochemical gateways of the brain to open, subsequently allowing all types of information to reveal itself into the conscious memory of a human.
I had suffered a traumatic experience in which it was a very crippling for me to deal with. Accelerated spiritual development occurs when one experiences trauma or pain in some way, and I can safely say that after this challenging experience, any paranormal events embedded deep within my subconscious memory had accelerated to the surface of my conscious memory.
I was shown many memories of extraterrestrial events that happened as a child progressing through to adulthood. These involve extraterrestrial life, abduction, travelling to other planets and off world locations, hybridization and sexual encounters with other beings. The experiences are too many to share here, but I have them documented. Additionally, my psychic ability became more uncanny than ever, and I had incredible premonitions of people’s lives and catastrophic world events in intricate detail.
I also became aware of a presence around me; a type of ‘high strangeness’- that is with me to this day. I initially thought it was residual energy from the house I lived in, but then realized it was with me wherever I travelled around the world.
I have caught this phenomenon on countless photographs and video footage, and thus, I have come to the conclusion that this is a form of deliberately controlled, highly intelligent energy.
Orb captured on filmThis energy is usually in the form of orbs and even though there is a varied amount of differentiating energies at any one time, there seems to be a regular energy that has never left my side, and subsequently, I can typically disseminate the different nature of each energy around me respectively. They have now become apart of my everyday life.
I have uploaded this phenomenon on Youtube for people to become aware, and absorb this very tangible occurrence, and to be informed that this is not only happening to me, but to many others around the world.
I have also had varied repetitive dream scenarios, two of which I will share.
One as a child waking up, lying in wet grass outside in my grandmothers backyard with a disc shaped spacecraft hovering on my left side, emanating a deep violet hue. I always get up in the dream, and delicately walk back with wet feet into my grandmother’s house, daring not to look once back at the ship or the purple hue. I was absolutely terrified in this dream scenario. Sometimes when I was staying at my grandmother’s house there would be dirt from the garden inside the sheets of my bed, but being a kid, I never really thought too much of it, for it could of just been going to bed with dirty feet!
I have also had others occurrences of continuously being off world on another planet-similar to the high desert area of Nevada, but these eastern mountains were at least three times higher and violently sharper on the ridges. The terrain was very scarce and dry, like a desert clay plateau. I was with several Earth humans waiting on a black tarmac for 'something' and then suddenly, I witnessed seven flat, V-shaped space craft sequentially landing silently next to the group of us on the tarmac. Small gray beings exited the crafts and the energy they exuded was one of serious authority. They proceeded to shuffle out from the tarmac and went inside to a semi underground 'station', mingling with other humans and hybrids species. The ambience of this event felt incredibly normal, as if it was done on a regular basis, however I still harbored reservations as I quietly absorbed it all.
Recently, when I was in a hotel room in Bangkok, I was visited by a male off world humanoid type being. He had informed me that my origins were that of the star Polaris. The Polaris star is known as the Northern Star and is approximately 434 light years from Earth within our local galaxy. As many of you are aware in this day and age, there are many, many beautiful off world civilizations deriving from all points of our ever elusive Universe. Yet the Polaris race was and is one that I do not have substantiated information on. What I have come to know though however, is that the Polaris race will be one of the first Extraterrestrial races to make official open contact with the humans of Planet Earth.
Inside extraterrestrial spaceship which was huge inside, but small on the outsideMy most recent experience occurred a couple of months ago. I had contact with a male Nordic being [see drawing above] from the star Aldebaran, located in the Taurus constellation. Incredibly handsome and distinguished, he had mentioned to me that he/they had been coming to me since I was a child. I asked him how many times had I been abducted throughout my life, in which he replied, "This is the 38th time". He was incredibly striking and intellectual, and seemed very familiar to me. He was very tall in height, perhaps six and a half feet tall I would like to say, and built with an amazingly strong physique, which was fitted with a navy blue, one piece jumpsuit. I was taken inside his scout craft, which seemingly appeared very small on the outside, but was enormous as we entered inside. There was another woman from Earth inside the craft sitting on one of three overly-large, burgundy cushioned chairs, which appeared to be a type of ‘briefing room’. I was given these thick books filled with very strange symbology that I was to recognize and look at. I knew I was about to go somewhere but had no idea where, and this is all I remember about this experience. Below is a digital picture I created of the closest possible resemblance of the Nordic being, and below that is inside his ship.
I would like to close with the following.
The idea of our small, confused and fragile human race as the only intelligent race in the ever illustrious, pulsating Universe is a preposterous idea to me. And yet still, there are humans, particularly in my part of the world, who do not even warrant an invitation to touch on the subject. It is a closed topic of discussion.
Yet in spite of this, I conclude with the assurance that every moment inevitably has it’s time, and ultimately, I heed to the acceptance that this stagnant, limited intellect- artificially embedded within the human psyche- is on its last leg. Nothing within existence is static. Existence is always continually in a state of flux, so thus, it is only natural for all within existence, including us, to evolve.
I extend gratitude, peace and love to each of you.