From Contact to Ascension: extraterrestrial contact as a prelude to universal ascension

The main idea in a new book officially launched today, From Contact to Ascension: Timely Information from members of the Intergalactic Board of Council, is that not only the Earth, but the universe is undergoing an ascension
process whereby life as we know it is about to change dramatically. We are told that the physical universe is evolving whereby lower energy frequencies are about to end. Incarnated souls will be facing a choice between moving into an ascended state of being described as the “upper triad” comprising the 5th, 6th, and 7th dimensions, or remaining in their present state described as the lower triad of 1st, 2nd and 3rd dimensions. While the upper triad is characterized by an all pervasive unity or “singularity consciousness” where all life is interconnected and unfolds in divine harmony, the lower triad is comprised of “duality consciousness” where individuals live by values based on right/wrong, good/bad, etc. Those choosing to remain in the “lower triad” will “migrate” into worlds in a new physical universe where they will incarnate in new bodies and become the creators of new dualistic value systems for the worlds they inhabit.
Those choosing to ascend, along with other souls, planets, and suns of this physical universe, will remain on the Earth as it also ascends into the upper triad. Ascending souls will do so by remaining in their physical bodies which will return to an original blueprint of perfect health and vitality. In the new Earth, ascended souls will be able to instantly manifest their personal will, leading quickly to a complete overhaul of all technology and physical structures very similar to what Arthur C. Clark described in Childhood’s End.
“Volunteer souls” that have ascended in a previous life time, but incarnated on Earth to assist it in its ascension process will be given the choice of keeping their present physical body, or regaining their ascended body that is being held in stasis in the upper triad. The ascension process involves not just sentient life, but also planets and suns.
While there have been a number of channeled books that have spoken about a coming harvest of souls to different destinations, From Contact to Ascension is the first to offer such a framework for the universe as a whole. In other words, the universe as we know it, the myriad of star systems and highly evolved civilizations, is about to change dramatically. Individual souls, planets and suns will be choosing whether or not they will ascend in this universe, or migrate to an entirely new physical universe. A kind of universal graduation day, where all options are honored as choices are made by the myriad forms of life making up our universe.
The source of the information for From Contact to Ascension claim to be a council of Ascended Beings calling itself the Intergalactic Board of Council (IBOC), speaking through a human channel. The IBOC allegedly are a universe wide association of beings that have evolved from different worlds and galaxies, based on a universal state of mind they call “singularity consciousness.” I have previously described such beings as “celestials” that can be categorized as Type IV extraterrestrials according to modified typology based on the work of Nikoli Kardashev (1964). Based on my research into the available literature on Ascended Beings, they have been helping humanity for millennia in raising our consciousness in order to deal with advanced extraterrestrial technologies that have become available in various eras. Now, the IBOC is here to help humanity deal with the challenges posed by the universe wide ascension process.

The IBOC spokesperson, An T’Na speaks through their selected channel or “oracle”, Gesanna, who currently resides on the Big Island of Hawaii in the Pahoa region. I have personally known Gesanna for eight years after she volunteered to assist in the work of the Exopolitics Institute which I had founded in 2005. She has also volunteered with various public information programs of observatories situated at Mauna Kea, Big Island of Hawaii. My personal opinion of Gesanna is that she is a well-grounded person not given to flights of fancy. She describes her own personal journey to becoming an oracle for the IBOC as beginning with her initial resistance to the information. Gesanna eventually accepted the authenticity of the telepathic information she was receiving and began verbally channeling the IBOC to a small group in Roswell, New Mexico in early 2013. Her initial four IBOC Communiques were taped and then transcribed. The six subsequent communiques, to date, have been psychographically received and released.
When I first read the information in the IBOC communications, it immediately resonated as something worth taking seriously. I have been familiar with the work of many channelers, and I consider the communiqués received by Gesanna to be on par with the best. Here I’m thinking primarily about the RA Material, which is widely respected as among the best, if not the best ET/UFO related channeled material. The RA material also describes an evolutionary process of Ascension and how this impacts on different worlds and societies. What Gesanna has transmitted from An T’na/IBOC takes us to a new level of understanding what Ascension means for us personally, and also what it means for the universe as a whole. Can the universe itself ascend in a way that ends physical live as we know it? This is the most dramatic piece of information contained in the Communiques and it’s worth considering whether such a process is possible.

Recently, there has been much scientific interest in the discovery of the Higgs Boson particle that was first theorized in 1964. The building of the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland from 1998 to 2008 was largely undertaken to confirm whether or not something called the “Higgs Field” existed, and this could be done by discovering an associated particle called the Higgs Boson. The discovery of the Higgs Boson in 2012 simultaneously confirmed the existence of the Higgs Field. The importance of the Higgs Field is that it is what gives the fundamental particles of the physical universe their mass. Without the Higgs Field, electrons, protons, etc., would have no mass which would mean that the universe, as we know it, could not exist.
What scientists have found with the confirmation of the Higgs Field is that it is inherently unstable. Due to the size of the Higgs Boson particle, the universe wide Higgs Field can change at any time which would mean that the mass of fundamental particles would also change. A change in the Higgs Field where mass increased, would lead to particles having a stronger gravitational force of attraction. This would lead to the physical universe imploding in the manner described as the “Big Crunch”, which is the reverse of the Big Bang. Rather than the Big Crunch being a remote possibility billions of years in our future, it is going to happen in the near future according to the IBOC. Such an alarming possibility has recently been the subject of a number of scientific studies speculating about what is known so far about the Higgs Field. Scientific American recently published an article titled, “How the Higgs Boson Might Spell Doom for the Universe,” and announced:
Under the simplest assumptions, the measured mass of the Higgs could mean the universe is unstable and destined to fall apart.” But don’t worry—it won’t happen for billions of eons.
Scientists from the University of Southern Denmark were not as confident that the universe would fall apart billions of years in the future. In a Press Release titled: “Collapse of the universe is closer than ever before,” the University of Southern Denmark announced:
Maybe it happens tomorrow. Maybe in a billion years. Physicists have long predicted that the universe may one day collapse, and that everything in it will be compressed to a small hard ball. New calculations from physicists at the University
of Southern Denmark now confirm this prediction – and they also conclude that the risk of a collapse is even greater than previously thought.
The IBOC claims that this universe wide ascension process involving a dissolution of the “physical universe” is known on many worlds. The leaders on some worlds inform their citizenry, who then make the choice to ascend with the current universe, or migrate to a new universe. No judgment is held as to which choice is made as it is implicitly understood that the choice is what the indwelling soul of an individual, planet or sun, desires. On Earth, the ruling elite have chosen not to inform their citizenry with the purpose of creating as much chaos and confusion as possible to minimize the number of individual souls that will choose the ascension path. The IBOC tells us that the Earth itself, as a planetary embodied soul, has chosen to Ascend, and indeed has begun doing so.
From Contact to Ascension tells about frequency jamming technologies that have been developed to cut off the connection between the brain and soul. Cell phone technologies in particular achieve this subtle goal which results in increased materiality. Generally speaking, the communication technologies that have become a mainstay of our post-industrial society, have the effect of cutting off the connection between soul and brain, thereby making humanity easier to manipulate. The solution according to IBOC is to spend more time attuning to nature since the Earth herself has chosen to ascend. Spending time in nature, whether it is by the ocean, in forests, in gardens, etc., all help to reestablish the vital connection between the soul and brain that is vital for the ascension
process that is envisaged to take between 20-25 years to complete
for the Earth.
In addition to the ascension process, the IBOC tells us about an upcoming “Contact Event” that involves extraterrestrials openly appearing and interacting with humanity. This will be relatively soon according to the IBOC. The upcoming Contact Event comprises two broad groupings of extraterrestrials. There will be ascending extraterrestrials, those who like ascending human souls, will evolve with the Earth and other planets to the upper triad. There will also be non-ascending or migrating extraterrestrials, who will be traveling to a new universe. The choice of which extraterrestrial group to work with will be up to each individual based on their stance on the ascension process.
A vitally important distinction is made between “public disclosure” and “official disclosure” by the IBOC. Public disclosure refers to efforts by private citizens that have established contact with extraterrestrials to share this information with the public in an unrestricted uncensored way. It is through public disclosure that the world will learn the truth about the different groups of extraterrestrials interacting with our planet. Public disclosure will also reveal the existence of the benevolent extraterrestrials and ascended beings that are helping humanity deal with its many problems, and prepare interested individuals for the upcoming Ascension.
Official disclosure is a contingency plan devised by government and corporate entities involved in the decades-long extraterrestrial cover up to reveal some aspects of the existence of extraterrestrial life. This would be done deceptively in order to maintain the agendas and power bases of secret government/corporate entities. Official disclosure would focus on fearful scenarios that mislead the public about “evil aliens” in a way that results in political representatives giving carte blanche to the national security apparatus to deal with extraterrestials as they see fit. The IBOC thereby strongly recommends that public disclosure efforts are accelerated so that it preempts the official disclosure plan that is waiting in the wings to be released. The IBOC recommends a world-wide program of citizen initiatives to educate the public about extraterrestrial life. Benevolent extraterrestrials and Ascended Beings would assist the public disclosure initiatives wherever necessary. The main benefit of the upcoming Contact Event is that individuals that are ready for it will receive the information they need in order to deal with the ascension
From Contact to Ascension: Timely Information from members of the Intergalactic Board of Council, gives the reader much material to seriously consider. A universe-wide ascension process, Ascended Beings silently assisting us, extraterrestrial contact, dissolution of the physical universe as we know it, etc. How much of the material is accurate and true? In my opinion, there is much in the IBOC that is consistent with what science is now telling us about the stability of the universe, and what other respected channeled sources such as the RA material have been telling us about Ascension. As far as extraterrestrial contact is concerned, I agree with the IBOC that it is imminent. This is reflected in the ongoing public disclosure events happening around the planet, and the saturation media coverage of the possibility of extraterrestrial life emerging from the ongoing scientific confirmation of habitable exoplanets.
The IBOC communiques are available for free online or in book form. Ultimately, it’s up to each reader to decide the relevance of the IBOC communiques for their lives. Whatever your personal choice, there is little doubt that in the next 20-25 years, life as we know it is going to change in ways that will seem fantastic to us in our present circumstances. I highly recommend being open to the possibility that the insights in the IBOC communiques are navigation beacons for a fantastic journey that lies ahead.
Michael E. Salla, M.A., Ph.D.
Founder, Exopolitics Institute
Jan 13, 2014
Further Information:
Contact2Ascension website