Paul Davies: Exopolitical Prescription – Part 2

By Neil Gould.

Part 1  of this article presented Dr Paul Davies, Astrobiologist as a man whose vision is embedded within the current imposed and skewered worldview. On Coast to Coast radio, Davies debunked and ignored the exopolitical evidence that Ets engage our planet. In this article the exopolitical prescriptions are presented so that Dr Davies has an early opportunity to dig himself out of his politically polluted worldview.

“Is Davies a typical example of the gatekeepers that Hawking sought the human race to circumvent? I say yes and suggest that Dr Davies embraces the processes available within the multidisciplinary field of Exopolitics.  

“Through collaborations and meetings with clinicians, “experiencers”,

psychologists, Epidemiologists, historians, pgysicians, philosophers,

anthropologists, physicists, Theologians and political scientists,

Dr. Mack has encouraged members of different disciplines to bring their talents to this exploration”.  

Below I present to Dr Davies an “Exopolitical apical bud of knowledge”, beginners tools that he could use to begin his reeducation as to the existence of UFOs and their engagement with planet Earth; perhaps a process adopted by ET anthropologists and geneticists who are following a principle of non [mass] intervention with a fledgling species who appear to be aiming ballistic missiles at themselves whilst their mainstream scientific community peer through a single telescope lens with both eyes.

Disclosure Project

At an event  organized by Dr Stephen Greer at the National Press Club in 2001, over 400 military and corporate witnesses with security clearances testified as to the reality of military involvement with Ets, back engineering of ET craft, alternative energy and advanced technology some of which could advance astronomy and astrobiology.

ET Beacons

a) Dr Paul LaViolette  argues compellingly that the interesting and quite intricate behaviors of pulsars fit much more easily with a model of an ETI (extraterrestrial intelligence) beacon carrying information. The neutron star lighthouse model predicted that pulsars would be formed in supernova explosions and in fact several of them have been found near supernova remnants.

“The neutron star lighthouse model predicted that pulsars would be formed in supernova explosions and in fact several of them have been found near supernova remnants 

If that were truly how they were formed, one would expect to find pulsars concentrated toward the center of the galaxy where most supernovas occur. However, LaViolette has noticed that the distribution of observed pulsars in the galactic plane differs markedly from that.”

“The position of these anomalies at a one-radian angular distance from the galactic center (g.c.) is especially odd because:

1.       the radian is arguably a natural angular unit that would be recognized by many societies

2.       this particular angular position would exist only from a point of view located exactly where we are – giving the impression of a deliberate signal or sign to our society or any society at our location”

“This strongly implies that the pulsars appear where they are by design, and furthermore that the design is intended to get the attention of a society that lives exactly where we are.”

b) A  ‘monolith’, was snapped from 165miles away using a special high resolution camera on board the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. Fuel was added to the flames after Buzz Aldrin, the second man to walk on the Moon, alluded to a similar monolith detected on Mars’ moon Phobos. In the video below Aldrin commented:

‘When people find out about that they are going to say, “Who put that there? Who put that there?” Well the universe put it there, or if you choose God put it there.’

Little green men

Whistleblowers testimony to western legal standards, by people who stand to face ridicule or even worse, lose their pensions cannot be ignored. Sgt. Clifford Stone gives testimony  to his involvement in black operations where he retrieved UFO craft and their occupants that had been either shot down by exotic weapons or had simply crashed. The testimony of Charles Hall  a meteorologist who worked at Nellis Airforce base. Hall interacted with ET beings “Tall Whites”, guests of agencies within the U.S. Military.

Charles Halls Testimony “Fastwalkers”


Alan Hynek

In an interview  with research journalist and author Paola Leopizzi Harris she told ZlandCommunications:

“My recollection is that Hynek said it was backstage of one of the many Johnny Carson Tonight shows [Carl] Sagan did. He basically said [to Hynek] in 1984, ‘I know UFOs are real, but I would not risk my research [College] funding, as you do, to talk openly about them in public.[…] “I had started out as an outright ‘debunker,’ taking great joy in cracking what seemed at first to be puzzling cases. I was the arch-enemy of those ‘flying saucer groups and enthusiasts’ who very dearly wanted UFOs to be interplanetary.” Hynek, J. Allen. ‘The Hynek UFO Report’. Dell Publishing Co. 1977”

Sleep paralysis and Abduction

In a paper by Caroline McLeod, Barbara Corbisier, and John E. Mack, A More Parsimonious Explanation for UFO Abduction, the writers make it clear that abductees are not victims of sleep paralysis.

“Furthermore, sleep paralysis and hypnogogic hallucinations of such long duration tend to be symptoms of narcolepsy -a neurological disorder characterized by an overwhelming desire to sleep at any time. Individuals with narcolepsy also suffer from cataplexy -a sudden loss of voluntary muscle tonus with full consciousness, often during emotional events (Carlson, 1994). Individuals in our sample of experiencers deny such symptoms. Those experiencers who have undergone electroencephalograph (EEG) testing in an attempt to find a neurological cause for their experiences report no significant findings. Thus, there is no evidence that sleep paralysis can account for the abduction phenomenon.”

Psychological Inquiry, Vol. 7, No. 2, 1996


A reason as to why UFOs would come, especially when the human civilization is just beginning is made quite understandable by the NICAP reports of UFO sightings at ICBM sites and nuclear Weapons Storage Areas. Robert Hastings  provides all his sources some of which make up the hundreds if not thousands of UFO sightings around nuclear installations including the shutting down of missile launch systems as in the case of Capt. Robert Salas. The Ets are mentoring us; they are awakening us to the dangers of the nuclear age.

Artifacts left behind by ET civilizations

The Dogon tribesmen of Mali, West Africa, contain astronomical knowledge which the native people could have neither learned by themselves nor guessed. Dogon legends speak of Jupiter’s four moons and Saturn’s rings, which were not seen by human beings until the invention of the telescope. At the temple of Abydos, Egypt highly developed crafts, specifically a helicopter, a submarine, some form of flying saucer, and a jet plane. In Iraq there are 5000-year-old Sumerian seals that depict our solar system.

Dr Davies is part of our scientific community, most of whom have a cycloptic and 3-D view of our reality imposed onto them by the politics of ontology. It is an insult to our experiencers and contactees and proves how effective the ET media truth embargo is and how mankind’s progress is being retarded. When official disclosure takes place one day, you will hear our mainstream scientists say; “Well what I really meant was…….!!

Neil Gould is a Member of the Board of Directors

Exopolitics Institute.

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Astrobiology, Charles Hall, Cosmology, Dr Paul La Violette, exopolitics, Exopolitics News Service, extra terrestrial life, Neil Gould, Paul Davies


  • I am so tired of these guys that shave their heads bald, wear long robes, go on pulpits open a bible or a book and spurt their religious babble, tell their whimpish audience they are saved, then stretch their hands with a collection plate for a pay-day, it’s business, part
    of the plan to control and rule, divide and conquer. Are they afriad of chaos in society, and that these other species will take over the earth through their advances in weaponry, technology and science.
    Religious knowledge was one of my better subjects and I have been schooled by well-learned scholars and preachers/ministers, being saved by grace and the holy spirit, ‘Great’, but within the words of that book is reference and truth of the ‘kingdom of heaven'(yes, there will be a lot of litany of what that kingdom is but lets talk)that some societies and governments continue to block and shackle the mind and wisdom of humanity, in denial of it’s universal existence, and the creatures, other beings that inhabit those world of which we are part, to secure their economic, military and political power over the earth, one planet in this diverse universe.
    When I complete my Masters program, I look forward to joining Exopolitics, by-the-way, not to get a certificate or diploma, I know this field and the subject-matter.

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