Understanding the Implications of Human Extraterrestrial Contact

New Edition of Exopolitics Journal Now Available!!!
One of the fundamental questions concerning evidence of extraterrestrial visitation and contact is how long has this phenomenon been happening, and what are its implications for us today as an emerging global society. This issue of the Exopolitics Journal provides a framework for understanding human extraterrestrial contact and how it shaped our identities historically, and its present impact on us in the modern era. We are given some helpful academic tools for understanding how human extraterrestrial contact is both theorized and presented by those either directly experiencing such contact, for those wishing to understand its implications in the development of public policy, or those involved in academic studies.
The first article by Come Carpentier, “Indian Cosmology Revisited in the Light of Current Facts,†is a detailed discussion of the best evidence that ancient India was very familiar with extraterrestrial life and technology. In fact, he reveals historic Sanskrit texts that demonstrate just how extensively extraterrestrials interacted with and influenced the ancient civilization of Vedic India. Carpentier discusses some of the ancient flying technologies used in ancient India, and how these relate to the modern UFO phenomenon. He provides a powerful case that human extraterrestrial contact happened long ago, and was fully integrated in the world view of those living during the time of Vedic India. Most importantly, Carpentier establishes that the modern UFO phenomenon is very consistent with what can be known of the capabilities of extraterrestrial technologies discussed in ancient Vedic sources.
Natasha Acimovic introduces some helpful conceptual tools for understanding how human alien identities are constructed, and their implications. She identifies how one academic model of “discourse analysis†– the perceptual framework used in theorizing and presenting issues – applies to the construction of human alien identities, and to extraterrestrial contact. She believes that as “new formations in human-alien interactions continue to emerge, new perceptual frameworks should be utilized for the purpose of widening our understanding of them, as well the impact upon the human condition.†Her hope is that by better understanding the accounts of experiencers’ interactions with extraterrestrials, that we will be able to fully determine the implications of alien contact.
The third article is the conclusion of George LoBouno’s, “Determining Human Relations with Aliens,†which first appeared in Volume 3:2 of the Exopolitics Journal. His article is a disturbing analysis of the challenges posed by extraterrestrials that have liaised and reached agreements with secret government authorities. He points out the origin of the liaisons began during the Eisenhower administration where the Rockefeller family featured prominently in developing policies on extraterrestrial affairs. LoBouno points out that “Rockefeller ended elected official control of alien-related programs, a move that Eisenhower later regretted.†Within months of agreements being reached, “[Gray] aliens were allowed basing rights on the Nellis Air Force range.†If LoBouno is correct, it appears that agreements were reached with humanoid Gray aliens with questionable agendas who liaised with military authorities. LoBouno’s article helps us understand how contact with extraterrestrials is not merely a private affair of isolated individuals, but also involves contact with senior political leaders that has powerful expolitical implications.
In the final article, “How academia Processes the ET Contact Issue,†David Griffin and Natasha Acimovic probe the extent to which academia has been willing to engage with the material on extraterrestrial contact. They ask: “Although academia has failed to fully embrace the issue in any real manner, what can we learn from the approaches by some academics to codify the phenomenon to date?†They use “discourse analysis†in pointing out how there has been systematic omissions in how academia has conceptually approached the literature on UFOs generally, and more specifically the contact issue. They furthermore ask: “By examining published sources and the available deconstructions of both theory and language, can we gain useful insights and transfer this knowledge to the wider investigating community?†Griffin and Acimovic focus on Alexander Wendt’s and Raymond Duvall’s pioneering article. “Sovereignty and the UFO,†and its implications for understanding the extent to which academia is willing to engage with evidence of human extraterrestrial contact.
The June 2011 edition of the Exopolitics Journal is now available for free online at: http://exopoliticsjournal.com/
Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.
Chief Editor, Exopolitics Journal
The scientists who do have actual hard information on extraterrestrial civilizations must, one way or another, share their information with those who don’t. Confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements notwithstanding, scientists with this special knowledge must communicate in their own special way the mainstream academia from which their own ranks are made. Our civilization depends, among other things, on the integrity, humanity and intelligence of our scientists. Secrecy has forced a near-lethal schism in this important community on the premise that the rest of the non-scientific world cannot manage knowing we are not alone here. While national security is certainly a valid reason for many courses of action, information of this magnitude, left in the hands of the fortunate few, severely stunts our evolution. At some point, our need to grow as a species will need to include an ability to interact with our neighbors in space and those who are deemed smart enough to manage this information should also be smart enough to figure out how to safely disseminate it to the rest of us without causing some sort of catastrophe. Or, perhaps it is better the let “them” (ET) take the big step and introduce themselves completely on their own terms rather than ours. No.
One other point: Our typical “5 senses” approach to life, must be widened to include that which we perceive only with our minds. If we close a person off to what they can normally sense with their 5 senses, this hardly means all that is left is darkness and silence. Even in a state of complete isolation, the mind still functions, still sends and receives, remembers, fantasizes, dreams, wonders, invents, etc. As the interface between the physical world and the non, the mind is a very, very busy place and the more we learn to do things with it, the more likely we are to discover others may be present in that (non-physical)state as well. In fact, our very spirituality -long undernourished – resides here. Some of our neighbors may come here first, into our minds and our spiritual centers, to learn about us. If they find only dusty, abandoned warehouses with little in them, they may choose to regard us unfavorably and move on.