ExoNews TV Launches on Father’s Day 2013

Happy Fathers Day – ExoNews TV has arrived!

ExoNews-logo-alien-faces - Copy[June 16, 2013 – ExoNews TV] Nearly every day we hear news that we are not alone in this vast universe. Scientists are confirming the existence of exoplanets in the habitable regions of their suns. Scientific opinion has shifted from outright skepticism to curious optimism that extraterrestrial life will soon be confirmed to exist. More political leaders are disclosing what they know, or are willing to listen to evidence regarding extraterrestrials visiting our world. Captains of industry are meeting to discuss the implications of advanced extraterrestrial technologies in aerospace, biotechnology, energy production and more!

ExoNews TV brings you ground breaking stories about extraterrestrial life, and how this impacts our lives at the individual, national and global levels. ExoNews TV covers the increasingly popular fields of exoplanetology, exobiology, exopolitics, exotheology; and many new exciting fields of knowledge focusing on the implications of extraterrestrial life and technology.

 ExoNews TV has been officially launched on Father’s Day, 2013, and will release regular video stories featuring the latest news about alien life and technology. All videos are designed to be succinct presentations of the most pertinent information on an extraterrestrial related topic to four minutes or less – ideal for all those in a hurry to get their ExoNews!

Upcoming stories feature evidence that NASA is ignoring evidence of life on Mars; that the Vatican is preparing for extraterrestrial disclosure; that new fusion technologies promise to revolutionize space travel within our solar system; whether President Obama secretly has aliens protecting him, world business leaders meeting to discuss the implications of extraterrestrial technologies; and many more exciting ExoNews stories.

 Watch our official ExoNews trailer.


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