Disclosure Perspectives
Disclosure Perspectives:
Yes, I think that the main impetus for a good universal Disclosure is from the People for the People. But including ALL of us (even authorities as much as possible) and not only the awakened “choir.”
Full Disclosure and a healthy, long-term incorporation of its implications into society require a majority of consciousnesses expanded to a point beyond of only reluctantly tolerating its associated multidimensional, otherworldly interactions. As of today, still most people don’t care, don’t value it enough to get serious about it, and don’t want to get personally involved working on it. They are afraid, take it as entertainment, dismiss it, roll their eyes blank, don’t like it or, quite simply, are uninterested. As if they had been resistantly inoculated against it.
The whole awakening process of humanity pivots around how our individual and collective consciousnesses can awaken and be able to embrace more of reality.
But what can we do to stimulate this massive awakening?
What can we creatively do beyond what we (the civilian disclosure community) have been doing for 70+ years?
Blaming the powers that be is old fashion logic. Those powers are where they are because of what their consciousnesses can embrace and because the collective average is where it is.
Some propose not “doing” but simply Being more conscious and a trickle-down effect eventually becoming a 100th Monkey Effect will ensue through a quantum holographic, information field connection.
Others expect a planetary, vibrational shift affecting our DNA and energy patterns and forcing us all to make a soul decision whether to “ascend” and move onto the next level or to remain in this level (I’m not particularly inclined to leave the Earth as it is in its current dense physical beauty without collectively solving our problems first).
Others propose political activism and sharing more irrefutable facts with citizens. Some think that, for the most, only official Government disclosure will be taken seriously ad shake the reluctant, sleeping majority from its slumber. Still others propose linking our consciousness in a mental community with a coherent purpose and group meditations-visualizations to shift our reality.
Perhaps “all of the above” would be best? But is it enough? How much time do we have before the Earth ecosystems suffer excessive damage or our window of opportunity to make it as a unified, responsible, world civilization is over? All of the separate efforts might not be enough if we keep subdividing ourselves into separate camps just as the rest of the world (who is not particularly interested in disclosure) does.
We live in times of opportunity for successfully passing the “disclosure test” if the gradual, semi-official disclosure associated with the “To the Stars Academy” efforts continue and prosper. Let us think how we can work together as one civilization promoting further disclosure while remaining vigilant of not being (as many fear) duped or manipulated into just another MIC (military industrial complex) agenda. The knowledge of “experiencers” and the multiple wisdom of our multiple perspectives must come together to offer guidance if need be.
Several citizen-initiated, private efforts like the “Disclosure Project” with a wonderful collection of testimonies and the 2013 “Citizen Hearing on Disclosure” have brought some interest and awareness.

But perhaps most people need unambiguous declarations connected with big, formal institutions like the DOD, DIA, The New York Times, CNN, FOX.

Or perhaps ETs themselves allowing themselves to be seen and interacting with more persons in a verifiable way will also contribute to disclosure. This may appease the fear people have of extraterrestrials.
“Alien encounter Mount Shasta – Paola Harris 2017”
Sketch of Antarel & Ivika from Apu

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Antarel, Consciousness, exoconsciousness, extraterrestrial disclosure, Giorgio Piacenza, Paola Harris, The Disclosure Project, To the Stars Academy, UFO disclosure