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Author: Scott Lemriel

Extraterrestrial response to Obama remarks on Jimmy Kimmel Live

I watched a recent video posted [above] at exopolitics.org of Jimmy Kimmel interviewing on his show special guest President Barack Obama. In part, the interview was centered around inquiring what the President’s awareness is regarding extraterrestrial life and their advanced space-faring technology.

My contacts with highly evolved benevolent extraterrestrials and the Master teachers that mentor them have taken place for more than 5 decades. Because of this arrangement, I was in telepathic contact with Ambassador Torellian of the highly evolved human Seres extraterrestrial race while I watched the interview.

When Jimmy Kimmel asked President Obama if he checked into all he could about extraterrestrials after he was sworn in as the Commander In Chief, Obama replied as follows:

“You know aliens control the entire planet.”

“They won’t let it happen.”

“That would reveal all their secrets.”

“They keep a really tight rein on us.”

Jimmy Kimmel then asked, “Did you look? Did you see?”

Obama replied, “I can’t reveal anything. That’s what we are instructed to say.”

The most interesting thing is that the President did not blink when he jovially gave those replies, and he offered more replies than Jimmy Kimmel asked him to reveal. This is important because when a person is hiding something or outright lying about what they say, their eyes blink a lot.

After President Obama made his statements regarding extraterrestrials, Ambassador Torellian just nodded his head in the affirmative regarding the truthfulness of the answers. This means the President was telling the truth, while expressing cheerful lightness to mask a very difficult situation.

In addition, we must remember that what Jimmy Kimmel asked the President regarding the extraterrestrial issue was not exactly spontaneous – not with the President of the United States. What Obama stated for the first time by any President is very revealing – and it was meant to be.

There is so much taking place now off-world and from behind the classified scenes on planet Earth to bring about the actual safe circumstances for full disclosure (not the planned false disclosure) of the entire extraterrestrial topic to the worldwide populous.

Seres AgendaI have learned much from my personal contact experiences with Torellian and many other highly evolved human beings, Master teachers, and other benevolent extraterrestrials over the years. One thing is certain. True disclosure must also involve the benevolent but permanent removal of the classified (deceptive) system. This is essential because this system is currently but temporarily run by the direct controlling influence of a totalitarian extraterrestrial race. They gained covert control over an elite covertly classified second government group that officially came into existence during President Harry S. Truman’s and then President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s terms in office. This tyrant race has broken a 500,000 year old treaty that was created after the end of the last great galactic war between the vast majority of benevolent space-faring races and the few defeated totalitarian or tyrant space-faring races. If fact, this treaty has been broken so many times since then, always just short of starting another galactic war, it is not worth the paper it’s written on. This most ancient cold war is coming to a head or rather a permanent enlightening resolution.

What is taking place now that will ramp up is not the past prophesied Armageddon or destructive destiny for our planet, because that destiny was fortunately permanently altered for all of us living on planet Earth just a little over four years ago Earth time. What is taking place now is the beginning implementation of a very recently decided but entirely unexpected uplifting transformation for the first time in the galactic history of our Milky Way galaxy. Our currently subconsciously suppressed and therefore extremely backward human occupied world is part of this now underway great change.

What was genetically done to human beings long ago on and off planet Earth has been passed on generation after generation for many thousands of years. However, this continuing temporary suppression of the higher faculty in the vast majority of human beings living on Earth today to directly plug into the universe and know hidden truth with certainty is rapidly losing ground.

The good news is, this diabolical manipulation through the intentional misuse of extraterrestrial technology is on its way out permanently. Everything that was done can and will be reversed by those highly evolved off-world beings that have the spiritual development, dedicated will or driving commitment, new tools they did not have before, and the technological expertise to actually accomplish this wondrous feat in a non-destructive benevolent manner on a planetary scale.

My purpose or mission for being on our planet today, as a published book author and speaker/presenter on radio shows and in person at major hidden truth revealing conferences held around the world, is to reveal to others how to go about exploring purposefully hidden truth in a new protected way on a grand multidimensional scale. During this awakening, we discover the much greater knowing of the expansive love within it.

All human beings have conscious access to these faculties once they are awoken. However, first we must be set free from artificially created subconscious terrorizing implanted programs that were covertly placed in the subconscious mind or electromagnetic field that surrounds a human body on planet Earth. We are then able to directly plug into the universe to experience and then know with certainty hidden truths by our own direct experiences. We are able to actually connect to the underlying omnipresent living energy field that supports and sustains all life, and all that exists.

We literally begin to awaken, as if from a deep sleep, to once again know how to kindly utilize these special abilities during the gradual but permanent subconscious implant removal or neutralization process. In other words, they are dissolved back into the pure energy from which they originated. This process, now underway, will become ever more apparent to everyone living on planet Earth in the days, weeks, months, and over the next several years.

You are all truly wished the very best from me and from a vast host of highly evolved benevolent friends and Master teachers from very far out of town – that is from off-world and from higher dimensional realities.

R. Scott Lemriel
(Author of The Seres Agenda and the coming books of The Parallel Time Trilogy)
Website: http://www.paralleltime.com

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