Was meteorite a US weapons test & warning to Russian leaders?

A ten thousand ton meteorite blew up yesterday over the Russian Urals with the force of an atomic bomb of 500 kilotons (30 Hiroshoma bombs) causing over 1200 injuries and damaging 3000 buildings in the city of Chelyabinks according to NASA and the Russian Interior Ministry. The meteorite explosion preceded by a few hours the near miss of the much larger Asteroid 2012 DA14 whose impact would have been far more catastrophic. The close timing between the two events led to some scientists claiming that they were related. Not so according to NASA which released a statement saying that the meteorite and Asteroid 2012 DA14 were entirely unconnected. More controversial are claims by Russian MP, Vladimir Zhirinovsky who told the Russian media that the meteorite was in fact a U.S. weapons test. While widely regarded as an extreme rightwing Russian nationalist given to making provocative claims by the Western media, Zhirinovsky does raise some important questions. Do elements of the U.S. military possess weapons that could simulate a meteorite falling over major cities? If so, then such weapons could indeed be used to intimidate nations into following policies against their national interests as Zhirinovsky was suggesting.
First, let’s begin with Zhirinovsky’s comments. He told Russia’s state controlled RIA news: “Those aren’t meteors falling, it’s the Americans testing new weapons” Zhirinovsky also claimed: “US Secretary of State John Kerry had wanted to warn Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov about the “provocation” on Monday, but couldn’t reach him.” Most controversially he went on to say: “Outer space has its own laws… Nothing will ever fall out there… If [something] falls, it’s people doing that. People are the instigators of wars, the provocateurs.”
Zhirinovsky’s claims might be easily dismissed as the scientifically illiterate comments of an extreme Russian nationalist. Yet, he does have a point that wars are often instigated by shadowy groups using false flag events to intimidate nations and provoke wars. Also, it has been calculated that the chances of asteroid near miss and meteor impact happening at nearly same time (only 15 hours apart) were calculated to be 1 in 100 million. That indicates a high likelihood that the events were more than coincidental which supports Zhirinovsky’s claim. So we now get to the core of Zhirinovsky’s claims. Does the U.S. military have the technology to simulate a meteorite impact or direct an actual meteor from its space trajectory over specific regions or cities over Earth?
According to what is publicly known about U.S. military capabilities no such technology exists. There are however classified military technologies secretly deployed in space that could redirect or imitate a meteor detonating over specific regions of the planet. Contrary to general public knowledge, there is strong evidence of a secret space fleet, controlled in part by elements of the U.S. military that is capable of interplanetary flight using sophisticated antigravity technologies. In his memoirs, Former President Ronald Reagan in fact referred to a secret space shuttle program that could fly 300 people:
Lunch with 5 top space scientist. It was fascinating. Space truly is the last frontier and some of the developments there in astronomy etc. are like science fiction, except they are real. I learned that our shuttle capacity is such that we could orbit 300 people.
In regard to antigravity technologies, these have been clearly demonstrated to both exist, and to have been developed in classified military programs.
Using antigravity technologies, one of the vehicles belonging to this secret space fleet could approach and change the inertia (something regarded as impossible by the currently known laws of science) of a meteor, asteroid or comet in order to move it out of its normal space trajectory. Antigravity technology could therefore be used to direct meteors, or simulate a meteorite impact using other space objects, over nations for political purposes. Indeed, redirecting a meteor or asteroid in this way to cause regional destruction on Earth, could be used as a false flag event to warn nations against pursuing certain policies. Such an event would generate a new set of global threats that absorb public attention and future government funding, as occurred with the September 11, 2001 attack which has been claimed to have involved classified space weapons.
Finally, what of the timing of the meteorite impact and today’s asteroid pass? Is there a connection? In this regard, NASA says:
According to NASA scientists, the trajectory of the Russian meteorite was significantly different than the trajectory of the asteroid 2012 DA14, making it a completely unrelated object. Information is still being collected about the Russian meteorite and analysis is preliminary at this point. In videos of the meteor, it is seen to pass from left to right in front of the rising sun, which means it was traveling from north to south. Asteroid DA14’s trajectory is in the opposite direction, from south to north.”
While there may be no direct physical connection, the timing of the two events does create a clear psychological association, and suggests a possible political connection.
Psychologically, the two events have been associated by their close timing, only a few hours apart. The attention of the world public and media has been directed to a destructive meteorite impact at virtually the same time of a near miss by an asteroid, something that would have been far more destructive if it impacted. The world public and leaderships will predictably give more serious attention to the threat posed by asteroids and other Near Earth Objects.
Politically, if the meteorite impact was created by elements of the U.S. military, then the timing of the meteor impact and asteroid flyby was meant to send a clear political message to Russian leaders. The Chelyabinsk region is only 900 miles from Moscow and has long been a hub for the Russian military and defense industries. Zhirinovsky could be correct. The meteor may have been a warning to the Russian Federation to change policies that are inconsistent with U.S. policy, or else in future something from space might impact with far more catastrophic consequences.
© Copyright 2013. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Exopolitics.org
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Further Reading
- Will asteroids replace terrorism as the new global threat? (Photos)
- Did the US Air Force try to nuke the moon?
- Russian PM not joking – extraterrestrials among us according to MIB documentary
- Did Neil Armstrong receive death threats to keep moon secrets?