Month: April 2012

Women pave the way at UFO Symposium in Glen Rose,Texas

If you enjoy hanging out with intellectual people, have an open mind, and can think outside the box, then save the date – May 18-20. The date is set for the first ever 2012 UFO Women’s Symposium in Glen Rose, Texas, at the Sommervell County Expo. The unique conference will be hosted by Starworks USA, led by Paola Harris. Harris has been involved in UFO research for more than thirty years and is a highly sought after speaker, author, and researcher. She makes her home in Colorado, but has dual citizenship via Italy and is regularly invited to speak and share her experiences all over the world.

Predominantly, more men than women have been involved in the topic, but Harris aims to change that trend and has set out to highlight and encourage women in the field. The symposium boasts a list of noted women speakers, but there will be plenty of men in the audience as well. The fact the symposium is being held near Stephenville is not by accident. Harris has been interested in the mass January 2008 UFO sighting reported by Angelia Joiner, former staff writer of the Empire-Tribune. Joiner is among the cast of speakers and will lead a question and answer panel on the internationally recognized Stephenville Lights story. The Saturday afternoon panel includes: Constable Lee Roy Gaitan, witness, Steve Allen, witness, Ricky Sorrells, witness, and co-author of the Stephenville Radar Report, Robert Powell.

Joiner has appeared on CNN’s Larry King Live, Discovery Channel’s “Investigation X”, History Channel’s documentary “I Know What I Saw,” and has consulted for ABC and National Geographic. Joiner has been featured on Coast to Coast AM and continues to do many radio interviews. Also speaking is Lynne D. Kitei, M.D.  She is the producer of the award winning “Phoenix Lights” Documentary and best-selling book, “The Phoenix Lights…A Skeptic’s Discovery That We Are Not Alone.” Kitei pushed her distinguished medical career of more than 35 years aside to investigate the source and meaning of the Arizona mass-sighting event of March 12, 1997, and continues to do many interviews for television and radio across the nation.

Schedule of Events

  • May 18 – Meet the speakers cocktail evening party at the Glen Rose Holiday Inn Express /Screening of award-winning documentary “The Hidden Hand” with producer/director James Carman
  • May 19 – 20 – Speaker presentations and panels
  • May 19 – Evening meal (Dutch treat) Hammond’s Barbeque followed by sky watch in Seldon, Texas, at the Odom Ranch

The list of speakers and events can be viewed at The symposium fee is $90. For more information call Paola Harris at 303-415-3900 or email at

Interview requests welcomed.

Angelia Joiner – 254-434-1015 or

Dr. Lynne Kitei 602- 943-4357 or email at

Exploring INCA-ANDEAN Principles Suitable for Integral Otherwordly Encounters

Giorgio Piacenza Cabrera

To move human cultures forward in an integral way, we may not only need to synthesize new theories or Meta theories but we may use some key ideas found in traditional cultures as they may be suitable to expand our actual interactions with realities that surpass the one revealed by our physical, biological senses. Science, ‘Ufology’ and ‘paranormal’ research are gradually converging to recognize what pre-modern cultures were more adept at interacting with. Nonetheless there’s great resistance against aspects of the spiritual world without which our knowledge of reality is incomplete. Without overcoming the modern and post modern distaste against things otherworldly, no integral science or philosophy may emerge. In the Quechua language of the Incas (actually called “Runa Simi”) “TIN” likely refers to the idea of ‘union’ or perhaps ‘unity’. Nonetheless, it is a kind of union that is not static as it allows for interaction, movement, exchange. In fact, it is more of an “encounter” in which already existing shared characteristics and the creation of new sui generis characteristics occur. For this to be both fair reciprocity and an exchange among equals needs to take place.

The Quechua word ‘Masi’ refers to ‘equals’ or to entities sharing the same level. It is related with the concept of “brothers.” This idea could apply to beings normally sharing the same hierarchical level as parts of that level or as beings becoming of the same hierarchical level when two different hierarchical levels interact. ‘Yanan’ and ‘Yana’ would represent mirror-like opposites as essence and dependence and as “white” and “dark” or “black” and these are terms used to refer to a relational parity, key to reciprocity and fair social exchanges in traditional Andean villages. In the Andes, ‘Yanantin’ (or the principle of reciprocity through duality) is more widely known and emphasized as uniquely important and as part of a sense of justice in social life. This concept leads to cooperation and various forms of social cooperative relations such as communal work and the exchange of services. Nonetheless, while “Yanantin” enhances a balanced, fair exchange of services, “Masintin” (as recognized by researcher Calero del Mar) is also important and should ideally lead to a healthy competition and-or stimulating exchanges among equals, even if it is sometimes expressed as low scale, ritual warfare in many indigenous cultures. Interactive experiences should have elements of both and nature shows examples of the latter in healthy competition as when cubs and children naturally play to establish status among them.

Perhaps Andean traditions researcher Javier Lajo (author of Capac Ñan: La Escuela de Sabiduría Andina) would probably emphasize “Yanantin” and parity relations as a unique Andean characteristic surpassing Western and Aryan philosophies which frequently emphasize a principle of ‘unity’. While “tin” seems to represent the meeting or encounter of elements, he would probably propose that ‘in’ (as in “Inca” ruler, “Inti” the solar deity, and “Tawantinsuyo,” (or the union of the four regions or “suyos” of the Inca empire under a fifth, central point in the heart of Cuzco) also refers to the memory of a primordial, Andean, universal deity originally called “In.” I think that, if this deity was really revered as a common primordial God it might have been comparable to the Quechua-Inca concept of “WIRACOCHA” the utmost supreme Being/God which could be comparable to that of a supreme, ultimately non-dual, indefinable entity, not unlike mystical understandings of the Jewish/Christian God. “Wiracocha” was the name given to different revered entities and even an Inca ruler called himself such. Nonetheless spiritually speaking, “Wiracocha” was also understood as the Supreme Creator and as the very origin of all other deities (including the Sun), and even (as some Spanish chroniclers gathered) as a bearded, civilizing master or teacher that taught and walked in ancient Peru. Nevertheless, considering its highest sense of the word, “Wiracocha” connects the concepts of “fat” or “grease” (Wira) and of “water” (Cocha) perhaps alluding to the possibility of reconciling two substances which cannot normally bind. In other words, I think that a deified principle transcending duality may have been conceived under the word “Wiracocha.” Would this be tantamount to an understanding that unity prevails beyond the supreme importance given to duality, complementarity and reciprocal relations in the living experience of the Incas? I think so. I think that besides the very important and emphasized recognition of life as a participatory process requiring the exchange of complementary opposites in a sui generis form of non western dialectical ideology, a transcendental supreme Spirit was ultimately recognized as overcoming the opposites. In this sense, a perennial principle was recognized Inca-Andean style.

I personally think that reciprocity without transcendental unity is empty of itself and that the concepts of ‘Yanantin’ and ‘Masintin’ also complement each other as both principles would also be necessary for understanding the existence of interconnected holarchies. In holarchies or hierarchies, both interdependence between and within levels and equal relations within levels arise. On the other hand, the word “Tinkuy” (used in ceremonies in which three carefully chosen coca leaves are gently pressed together between fingers) refers to an “encounter” which creates a ‘common space’ (or, perhaps, more accurately, a ‘common time’) for actual or ‘present’ interactions which could be understood as actualizing interactions. In these interactions actual occasions or “holons” are formed. In the concept of “Tinkuy” three elements are brought together in a proportional confrontation.

I think that these Inca-Andean concepts and practices could be useful for ET contact as it seems to be useful not only for healing, for harmonizing a low tech way of life with the forces of nature, for social binding through shared cultural principles but also for contact with various otherworldly entities. The “Tinkuy” should include the ‘Yanantin’ reciprocity of complementaries and a relational ‘Masintin’ which could perhaps be understood as the ‘supplementarity of equals’. The latter means that, not only a fair exchange but also a certain sense of “common ground” or equality (no matter how far advanced in some aspects another entity may be) would be required for a constructive, brotherly relation among entities normally existing within the same “Pacha” (world or time) or within different “pachas” (worlds or times). Under higher, unifying principles (given according to Andean understandings by the more spiritual, universal, abstract or cosmic “Hanan Pacha”) we may not be necessary to engage in an excess of competitive ritualized exchanges or warfare but we must at least be able to teach some things as much as to learn some things as equals. We would have to avoid deifying the other worldlers and they would have to be as interested in learning from us as we from them. The point is to create a common space or time. Each of us in this encounter across realms or realm subsets may have to hold our ground up to a point as fundamentally equals without forgetting that our shared hierarchical ‘Masintin’ level also depends upon more inclusive, guiding principles.

‘TINKUY’ (encounter) is used in ceremonies to relate with the “Apus” (mountain spirits or deities) and with all other spirits using three well formed coca leaves so that the officiating ‘Runa’ (or Man) co-creates along with the Apus, spirits and forces of nature the ‘encounter’ having in mind the dark, lower, subconscious, past-oriented, chaotic world and the higher, superconscious, abstract/orderly, future-oriented cosmic world. This encounter space or time is made of a shared experiential intersection + the creation of a new, sui generis experiential space or time, both of which conform to create the encounter in which to interact and actualize possibilities. Beings of different “Pachas” may then share a common experiential world. They may be said to be aligned in relation with each other as each other’s past or as each other’s future. The world of actual experience is called the ‘KAY PACHA’ or “present world” and, although in some sense it may refer to the surface of the Earth (just as the ‘UKU PACHA’ or lower world also refers to the subterranean underworld and ‘HANAN PACHA’ normally refers to the higher, celestial, sky world of more universal, abstract principles), I think that “Kay Pacha” can also be understood as any world of actual experience, any world in which holons are actualized for conscious beings. According to Andean erudite Javier Lajo (interpreting a pre-Quechua, pre-Inca, “Puquina” language), “Pacha” basically refers to “Time” and, “Paqa,” refers to “Earth” and to “Space”). A “Tinkuy” would be the intersection of a shared time plus the creation of a sui generis, new, time of encounter both of which might be represented by three intersecting circles. “Runas” (or men and women) are said to inhabit the middle or in-between world and to be able to officiate the “Tinkuy”.

The three dimensions, worlds or levels of reality of the Andean-Inca worldview seem to have been depicted for at least 5000 years as in the Peruvian ruins of “Caral” (the oldest urban center in all of the Americas) they are depicted as three zig sagging “steps”. These dimensions, worlds, or levels resemble the three realms recognized in the Indian spiritual path of “Vedanta” and may refer to actual types of universes dominated by physical, mental and spiritual principles respectively. The process of life (sometimes expressed in the Andes with the Quechua word “Causay”) may exist in all of them and all of them may be populated by innumerable conscious entities. In a sense, ontologically higher worlds would be closer to the Source may be as the future of lower worlds or give the pattern toward which lower worlds (possessing greater degrees of exterior forms of limitations) may potentially evolve to. While all if these worlds (and their subsets and combinations) may actually exist in their own level, they would only exist in a potential state in relation to each other unless a proportional encounter or “Tinkuy” is generated to form a shared experiential environment. In this “encounter”, we would have intersection plus the creation of a new sui generis area giving a “present time” in which possibilities are experientially actualized. This would be where (experientially speaking) “holons” (or part-wholes according to Ken Wilber’s “Integral Theory”) become actual “occasions” (in the sense given by philosopher A.N. Whitehead).

I think that, in order to have harmonious encounters with extraterrestrials and-or encounters with discarnate beings from the Subtle Realm, it would behoove us to learn ‘Yanantin’ parity and reciprocity and ‘Masintin’ relational equality and thus co-create the ‘Tinkuy’ that unifies physical human and other worlds in a shared intersection that also originates an interesting, creatively unique encounter in ‘present’ or experiential, actualizing time. Three intersecting circles may be more appropriate to visualize this. I think that, up to a point, every interactive encounter by force already has some degree of ‘Tinkuy’ but that, nevertheless, the intensity and harmony within it can improve. We must come to understand the principles of natural, harmonious interactions among the three worlds (the three “Pachas,” the three realms in order to live accordingly when trying to extend human experience beyond the physical level of reality which we normally understand. This will also be necessary when science advances ways to interact with other universes which, if ancient traditions are correct, will also be arranged under the three main hierarchical levels, “pachas” or realms. This could be the beginning of an awakening beyond the confines of the physical universe comparable in importance to previous major scientific discoveries which modified our sense of place in existence.

There may be many more technologically advanced beings as well as beings from different alternative realities capable of learning from us. Healthy, productive interaction will take place when we meet as equals under fair reciprocal exchanges. In a sense, as humans of the ‘middle world’ we would be able to officiate in order to co-create the union of “Tinkuy” between a lower, subconscious, past- dependent Pacha with a higher, superconscious, future-dependent Pacha. This “Tinkuy”’ (the intersection plus the creation of a new ‘time’ of encounter) would be in the experiential present and, once created, would –perhaps- be lasting as the word ‘Tin’ can also signify a “lasting” encounter. What is required to ‘officiate’ as a “shaman” bridging the worlds of experience is humbleness, surrender acceptance (through sentiment) of a greater divine guidance and Source and respect. In this way we don’t force things to happen. This would be the way of the “Alto Misayoc” (more developed shamans capable of conversing with the highest spirits of Hanan Pacha). We would humbly recognize what is and invoke. We would align ourselves in service to all beings and with what naturally comes by accepting all worldly or otherworldly manifestations with naturalness, simplicity and respect. Then the ‘Chakana’ or bridge connecting the realities would adequately form and be stabilized by exchanging services with just reciprocity and with (hopefully growing) healthy degrees of equal learning and teaching.


The following are good sources of information that may complement each other. The first is perhaps more literary in scope and the second is perhaps more politically inclined.

Edmer Calero del Mar on “Masintin”

Click to access 153.pdf

Javier Lajo on “Parity,” “Yanantin,” “Tinkuy”

Click to access Escritos_Javier_Lajo.pdf

Ken Wilber (1995) “Sex, Ecology, Spirituality: The Spirit of Evolution.” Boston: Shambhala.

Is the Pentagon anticipating an alien invasion?

American Professor says US military has a contingency plan.

Toronto, Canada [ZNN] Professor Paul Springer from the U.S. Air Command and Staff College has been authorized by his employers to discuss US military plans to respond to an alien invasion.

Springer’s statement, according to research by Dr. Michael Salla of the Exopolitics Institute, reveals that the Pentagon does indeed have contingency plans in place to react to an alien invasion.

The fact that a US government agency like the Pentagon would entertain such a scenario could be considered a reaction to documentation by former military personnel that craft of unknown origin have been captured on radar and have indeed intruded upon restricted air space over nuclear installations.

The Pentagon’s alien invasion contingency plan also appears to contradict the US Air Force stated position that no intrusion by craft of unknown origin – reported, investigated or evaluated – was ever an indication of a threat to national security.

Why an academic of high standing like Professor Springer has been permitted to speak out is unknown – although recent events involving surveillance of ICBM nuclear installations by craft of unknown origin and a growing list of commercial and military pilot sightings of UFOs may be factors in a Pentagon decision to leak information through an accredited professional, thus linking alien intelligence with unacknowledged national security priorities. Dr. Salla states, “…Springer reveals that the Pentagon acknowledges the importance of thinking through the many national security issues surrounding the possible existence of extraterrestrial life and technology.”

Furthermore, in the midst of an on-going effort by the US government to deny the presence of extraterrestrial intelligences, it is more than perplexing why public statements about an alien invasion plan would surface on Australian television, while receiving little or no media coverage in the United States.

When asked about these plans, one UFO research expert stated: “These plans represent a military mind-game designed to incite fear and uncertainty among an uninformed public. Two major issues need to be answered; first, when will the US government realize that well over half of Americans polled believe their government is engaged in a cover-up? Secondly, citizens are mature enough to engage in discussions about the reality of UFOs and extraterrestrial beings. Once these questions are addressed, a responsible and authentic public dialogue will emerge.”

The spokesperson went on to say, “Regrettably, while the Pentagon continues to deny UFOs are real – a military style of cowboy-diplomacy and a foreign policy entrenched in the 1940’s demand they shoot first and ask questions later.”

Read the assessment by Dr. Michael Salla about the Pentagon plan to deal with an alien invasion at: (The Australian TV news interview of Professor Springer is also available at this site.)


[ED. NOTE: Journalists, editors, investigative television and radio news program producers and other members of the press interested in becoming apprised of these critical issues are invited to contact the ZlandCommunications NewsNetwork. All communications will be kept in the strictest confidence.]

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Toronto Ontario Canada
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From India to Infinity

by Come Carpentier de Gourdon

The meeting attended by a large number of scholars, journalists and intellectuals (at India International Centre, New Delhi on April 18th, 2012),was opened by the chairman of Har-Anand Publlishers, Mr. Narendra Kumar Goel who asked the author of the book to make some introductory comments.

Mr Come Carpentier proceeded to outline four important themes discussed in the book:

1-India’s legacy as an eminent member of a Pan-Eurasian civilization whose origins go back at least ten thousand years and which used to be called “Indo-European” or “Aryan” but is now more accurately identified as “Eurasian” (J. Greenberg), “Paleolithic continuity” (Allinei), “Nostratic” (Holger Pedersen) or even “Anatolian” (Colin Renfrew). Sanskrit is the most complete and elaborate surviving language from that advanced very widespread and culturally rich continental civilization which gathered many different ethnic populations.

There is a great deal of evidence that such a civilization was pluralistic, inclusive and open. As its main heir enjoying uninterrupted continuity with it India has always displayed the same features and as such it provides both a platform for inter-religious and inter-national unity but also reconciles many apparently contradictory antonyms such as monotheism and polytheism, order and chaos, finite and infinity etc…

2-The scientific knowledge acquired and preserved from ancient times in India has acquired new relevance with the rise of the “new sciences” such as quantum physics, epigenetic biology, astrophysics and cybernetics which are testing and confirming some of its precepts and conclusions.

3-Politically India is seen as a potential ally but also as a challenge by the still hegemonic western, mostly Anglo-Saxon empire whose ideological basis is Judeo-Christian and which fears India’s intellectual and spiritual otherness that keep it outside the dominant materialistic-consumerist-reductionist paradigm. India’s traditional approach to scientific inquiry is similar to the method practiced by Leonardo da Vinci and escapes the institutional dogmatism that characterizes the contemporary scientific establishment.

4-India’s ancient cosmology is also finding increasingly solid support in the new vision of the universe which is emerging out of “ufological” observation and research as presented in the science of Exopolitics. Instead of being a closed system surrounded by a dead and inanimate universe, the Earth is found to be an open living planet in constant interaction with the living, biologically thriving surrounding cosmos, inhabited by many species, some of which must necessarily be far more advanced than ours. We are compelled to review our notions about mankind’s place and the structure of the world in the light of the evidence gathered in this field.

Three scholars had been invited to comment.  The first one, Dr Oscar Pujol, an eminent Sanskrit and Indological scholar from Spain who is the director of the Cervantes Institute in New Delhi (Spanish National Cultural Centre) gave a fairly detailed account of the book which he described as “mind boggling” and “refreshing” at the same time. He dwelt on the new scientific vision proposed by the book and in particular, on the notion that “Super-Human”, possibly extraterrestrial or extra-dimensional forms of intelligence are interacting with mankind in a more or less covert or surreptitious way to help us gain and take advantage of technologies which have the potential of saving both mankind and the planet from the grave crises that are engulfing them and threatening their survival. He hailed the optimism of that vision and commended the author’s willingness to brave official and academic rejection by openly discussing the theme of “aliens”. Dr Pujol concluded by saying that the western enlightenment anthropocentric approach, as opposed to the Indian traditional “biocentric” vision was technically “asuric” (demonic) because it subordinated the whole to a part. He applauded the author’s proposal for a synthesis between insight and experimentation, between knowledge and wisdom and between tradition and innovation, defined as “Cosmosophy” and meant to provide solutions to global issues.

The second discussant, Prof. Bharat Gupt, retired from Delhi University, Founder Trustee of the International Forum for India’s Heritage  expatiated further on the theme and pointed out that as an Indian scholar he was fully at home with the concept of various inhabited worlds and of many types of semi-divine and divine beings and also with the notion of cyclical time space. He acknowledged the growing evidence of Secret Government and military related R&D programs in certain countries presented in the book, about UFO-related matters and called for another Armand Assange to find and release secret documents on the matter. He also emphasized the need for scholars both in India and abroad to undertake research into those neglected aspects of traditional scholarship instead of only arguing the same tired old ethnological, linguistic or social controversies.

The third commentator, Prof. Lokesh Chandra, one of the world’s foremost authorities on Buddhist literature, art and philosophy and the Director of the International Academy of Indian Culture, continued in the same vein by pointing out that the concept of many dimensions and many universes is an inherent part of Indian cosmological and physical models and that the Hindu-Buddhist worldview is always open, indefinite, evolving and expanding. He pointed out that one of the universe’s names in Sanskrit which means “brahmanda” or “the expanding egg”. That notion of constant movement and evolution is quite different from the “Semitic” definitive and closed description of the world from beginning to end, as the book FROM INDIA TO INFINITY argues and Lokesh Chandra suggested that the authoritative faith-based profession of monotheism had opened a rift between religion and empirical reality from which Hinduism and Buddhism are both immune, at least at the metaphysical level. He ended by saying that he wished “All Indians would read this book” to understand the importance of their won heritage and the role they should play in the modern age.

Among the audience, one of the world’s most famed scientists and scientific policy-makers Prof. MGK Menon, ex-Chairman of the India International Centre who was minister of Science and Technology in India., President of the National Academy of Sciences, Director of the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research and Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Indian Institute of Technology and played many roles in global organizations, (he is currently a member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and a Fellow of the Royal Society (UK) was highly appreciative of this discussion and expressed the wish that more such intellectual debates could be held. His positive general response to the exopolitical theme is to be noted. He also happens to be an uncle of the powerful National Security Adviser (NSA) of India, Dr. SS Menon.

In the question and answer session that concluded the evening no one questioned or doubted the exopolitical thesis and the underlying evidence for it. All in all, it was a very successful and well received introduction of the exopolitical theme to a sophisticated but generally uninformed audience.

1976 life on Mars controversy resurrected in new scientific report

By Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

Viking 2 Lander photo of Martian surface in 1976

A team of scientists and mathematicians analyzing data from the 1976 Viking Mission have concluded that life on Mars was detected in one of the four experiments conducted by the two robotic landers. Their report, “Complexity Analysis of the Viking Labeled Release Experiments,” released last week in the International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences” has resurrected a controversy over the results of the Viking Mission’s “Labeled Released experiment” designed by Dr Gilbert Levin. The Viking mission was the only Mars mission so far that was designed by NASA to detect life. Dr Levin was confident that the experiment had detected microbial life on Mars, but his NASA colleagues disagreed and his startling finding was forgotten in the Martian sands of time. This new scientific investigation has concluded that Levin was right all along.

Wikipedia summarizes NASA’s official position on the “Labeled Released experiment” and the position taken by Levin’s colleagues back in 1976:

In the [Labeled Release] LR experiment, a sample of Martian soil was inoculated with a drop of very dilute aqueous nutrient solution. The nutrients (7 molecules that were Miller-Urey products) were tagged with radioactive 14C. The air above the soil was monitored for the evolution of radioactive 14CO2 gas as evidence that microorganisms in the soil had metabolized one or more of the nutrients.…. The result was quite a surprise following the negative results of the first two tests, with a steady stream of radioactive gases being given off by the soil immediately following the first injection. The experiment was done by both Viking probes the first using a sample from the surface exposed to sunlight and the second probe taking the sample from underneath a rock both initial injections came back positive. Subsequent injections a week later did not, however, elicit the same reaction, and the result remains inconclusive.

Here is how Irene Klotz from Discovery News described the novel approach taken by scientists in the newly released report:

Researchers crunched raw data collected during runs of the Labeled Release experiment, which looked for signs of microbial metabolism in soil samples scooped up and processed by the two Viking landers. General consensus of scientists has been that the experiment found geological, not biological, activity.
The new study took a different approach. Researchers distilled the Viking Labeled Release data, provided as hard copies by the original researchers, into sets of numbers and analyzed the results for complexity. Since living systems are more complicated than non-biological processes, the idea was to look at the experiment results from a purely numerical perspective. They found close correlations between the Viking experiment results’ complexity and those of terrestrial biological data sets. They say the high degree of order is more characteristic of biological, rather than purely physical processes.

The team of scientists are very conclusive in their 2012 report:

The only extraterrestrial life detection experiments ever conducted were the three which were components of the 1976 Viking Mission to Mars. Of these, only the Labeled Release experiment obtained a clearly positive response…. We have applied complexity analysis to the Viking LR data….We conclude that the complexity pattern seen in active experiments strongly suggests biology while the different pattern in the control responses is more likely to be non-biological….These analyses support the interpretation that the Viking LR experiment did detect extant microbial life on Mars.

One of the scientists, Dr Joseph Miller a neuropharmacologist and biologist with the University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine, was interviewed by Discovery News and said: “On the basis of what we’ve done so far, I’d say I’m 99 percent sure there’s life there.”

So are the results from this new scientific investigation of the Viking data conclusive, was life discovered on Mars? A 99 % degree of certainty is very high, and while critics might argue is not conclusive, it would at the very least, have required follow up life detection experiments by NASA over the last three decades. NASA however has not designed such experiments ever since the 1976 Viking Mission. Why not?

According to NASA critic, Richard Hoagload, co-author of Dark Mission: The Secret History of NASA, NASA is not interested in discovering whether life exists or has existed on Mars. Such a discovery would be too disturbing for human civilization as we know it, as starkly revealed in the 1961 NASA Brookings Report presented to the US Congress that Hoagland helped bring to public attention back in 1993. NASA’s real mission appears to be one of merely justifying funding for future space missions that do nothing to disturb the scientific consensus that we are alone in the universe. NASA data pointing to evidence of life in our solar system is systematically ignored, censored or simply disappears. Scientists challenging this policy are silenced, discredited, and/or fired. NASA’s next robotic mission, Mars Science Laboratory (aka Curiosity) again does not have any life detection experiments on board. It’s hard not to disagree with Hoagland’s conclusion that NASA’s real mission is a dark one after all – don’t do anything to prove that life exists elsewhere in our solar system. Thankfully, more and more scientists do not agree, as reevaluation of the 1976 Viking Mission data clearly shows.

© Copyright 2012. Michael E. Salla.

Permission is granted to include extracts of this article on websites and email lists with a link to the original. This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists without author’s permission.

Further Reading

Pentagon plans for Alien invasion exist according to military professor

Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

Poster for upcoming movie featuring US Navy responding to alien invasion

Professor Paul Springer from the U.S. Air Command and Staff College was authorized by his employers to discuss military plans to respond to an alien invasion. Springer responded to questions by an Australian Television program exploring possible responses to an alien invasion that aired on Easter Sunday. In the segment titled ““U.S. military making plans for an alien invasion,” he discussed the implications of humanity being confronted by an extraterrestrial threat. Springer’s comments echoed the sentiments by Professor Stephen Hawking in April 2010 that advanced extraterrestrial life is likely to be predatory, and humanity needs to be prepared for contact with hostile off-world visitors. Furthermore, Springer’s comments reveal that a 2006 book titled An Introduction to Planetary Defense: A Study of Modern Warfare Applied to Extra-Terrestrial Invasion, written by a number of defense contractors, may in fact contain many aspects of the Pentagon’s classified plan. Most importantly, Springer’s comments confirm for the first time that the Pentagon has drawn up contingency plans for an extraterrestrial invasion.

In the alien invasion TV segment, Springer was asked: “What do you think would be the alien plan? What would they do first?” He responded:

That really depends on why they are here in the first place. If they are here for the extraction of a specific resource, for example, they might just want to eliminate any resistance that might block them from their objective. If, on the other hand, their goal was actual occupation and conquest, then they would probably have to prioritize anything they perceive as a threat to their own dominance. So, they would probably start by wiping out as many communications networks as possible and eliminating as many weapons that might represent some form of threat either to them, or to the resources they are trying to extract. So they might very well want to counter every nuclear weapon, not because it represented a threat to them, but because it might destroy whatever they’re here to collect.

Significantly, Springer addresses how the Pentagon would view extraterrestrial interference with nuclear weapons. Aliens would interfere with nuclear weapons not because they are dangerous to life here or elsewhere, but because nuclear weapons are a threat to what the aliens wish to collect from Earth. It has been well documented that for 60 years or more, UFOs have been monitoring nuclear weapons facilities, and in some situations have actively interfered with nuclear weapons. Many UFO researchers have interpreted this as a sign that extraterrestrials were trying to warn humanity of the global threat posed by nuclear weapons. Indeed, numerous individuals claiming to have been contacted or abducted by extraterrestrials since the early 1950s have made a similar point. Springer’s comments reveal the contrasting conclusion drawn by the Pentagon in their planning scenario.

Springer is then asked: “Wouldn’t it be a strange situation if humanity had to band together, fighting alongside Russia, or I guess, the Taliban?” He responded:

It would, but keep in mind that many of the greatest civilizations in human history have been formed, basically, to counter a common enemy. When you look at the great world powers of the globe today, you find a lot of them formed because of the fear of a common enemy.

Significantly, this echoes the same sentiment drawn by former President Ronald Reagan at a famous speech at the UN General Assembly in September 1987:

In our obsession with antagonisms of the moment, we often forget how much unites all the members of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside of this world. And yet I ask – is not an alien force already among us?

Reagan’s last question reveals that he did not believe that an alien invasion scenario was something that lay ahead in future decades. It was a contingency humanity had to grapple with in the immediate moment – an extraterrestrial presence was already among us. Global unity was an imperative to deal with all the implications of such a presence! It appears that Reagan was secretly briefed about extraterrestrial life, and some of the threats this posed to humanity. Was he really warning the world about classified alien secrets withheld from the global public?

Not so fast according to reporters such as Alex Jones and Kurt Nimmo. They believe that the alien invasion scenario described by Springer would in fact be a false flag operation using very earthly advanced technologies to simulate an alien invasion: The goal would be to justify the creation of a one world government where more and more civil liberties would be lost – especially for U.S. citizens.

A false flag alien invasion scenario was first revealed by Dr Werner Von Braun, a founder of the US Apollo Space Program, to Carol Rosin shortly before the former’s death in 1977 This gives credence to a possible agenda behind the Pentagon leaking an alien invasion plan. The threat would be contrived, extraterrestrials aren’t real at all. What, however, would be the case if Reagan’s warning was authentic, and extraterrestrials are already here? In such a scenario, there would be many good reasons why Jones and Nimmo are wrong, and greater global governance would be essential in dealing with advanced extraterrestrial life and technology.

Prof Springer’s revelation of classified Pentagon plans to respond to an alien invasion raises many intriguing questions. Most importantly, Springer reveals that the Pentagon acknowledges the importance of thinking through the many national security issues surrounding the possible existence of extraterrestrial life and technology. Whether one agrees with former President Reagan that extraterrestrials are already here and constitute a global threat, or whether the Pentagon plan is merely a ruse for a false flag event to usher in a one world government; in either case, the time for serious study of issues concerning extraterrestrial life has come. The global media and scholarly community need to educate themselves and the public about the many political implications of advanced alien life, evidence that such life is already visiting us, and finally whether extraterrestrials are our friends or foes.

© Copyright 2012. Michael E. Salla.

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Further Reading

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The Exopolitics Institute News Service (ExoNews) is dedicated to bringing to public attention news concerning extraterrestrial life and its public policy implications. The primary mission of ExoNews is to promote public debate and awareness of exopolitics which has been defined as “an interdisciplinary scientific field, with its roots in the political sciences, that focuses on research, education and public policy with regard to the actors, institutions and processes, associated with extraterrestrial life, as well as the wide range of implications this entails through public advocacy and newly emerging paradigms.”

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Humanity, a collective consciousness – creating extraterrestrial contact

By Niara Isley

Like so many who live in this world, that follow UFO sightings, wonder why all the secrecy, imagine technology existing somewhere that we only see in science fiction, I have often wondered, if extraterrestrials are really up there, and if they are really telepathic as we hear from accounts of actual contacts or abductions, then why they don’t hear and respond to the inner outcries of so many of us?

“Look what’s happening in the government! Look what’s happening to our environment! We are oppressed… we are in peril… if you are up there and so technologically powerful, why don’t you come down and help us?” Sounds like a prayer to God.

But as the mounting evidence of extraterrestrial craft in our skies, and, in particular, testimonies of ex-military recounting the shutting down of nuclear missile silos or tests when UFOs are spotted in the skies above, then we have some evidence to support the idea that they could indeed come down and help out in various ways.

So… why don’t they?

I’ve sent my inner, telepathic pleas out there as much as anyone. I’ve been watching the wholesale plunder and exploitation of our environment since I was a teen (I’m now in my 50s), understanding all too well what the outcome could be. When I watch various non-human species in peril of extinction, the sheer scope of the suffering involved in both humans and non-humans, it breaks my heart when I pause and really let it in.

One of my recent insights into what might be the mindset of overseeing extraterrestrials comes from our own sciences, the anthropologists and ethnologists who study other cultures, trying as much as they can not to interfere with those societies and their development.

As below, so above: The extraterrestrials, from their orbital and scout craft perspectives, most likely see humanity as a collective entity in the painful process of spiritual and philosophical maturation.

On human collective consciousness

Sigmund Freud came up with the idea that human beings have a compartmentalized consciousness. We have a conscious mind; ego – our waking interactive consciousness. We have a subconscious; the Id – a repository of our fears, rages, aggression and subconscious programming. And we have a super-conscious mind or higher self – that within us which is our conscience, our moral nature, an inner knowing of right and wrong, of good from evil, that which is altruistic and inspired – that which reaches for what is best in our nature. Karl Jung, a contemporary of Freud, conceived the human collective unconscious from his discovery of universal cross-cultural symbology. Teilhard de Chardin brought us the idea of the “noosphere” a field of collective human consciousness around our Earth, of which we are all a part. De Chardin hypothesized that the next evolutionary leap for humanity would be in the realm of this noosphere. More recently, we have the developing theory of “entangled minds” from the work of Dean Radin and his book of the same title, explaining that human consciousness is all entangled and interconnected at the quantum level. Other scientists are also exploring these frontiers of consciousness. So we have a substantial basis for the theoretical postulation of a human collective consciousness.

If we blend these ideas, concepts and the mounting evidence of their veracity, we can consider that human collective consciousness also has its collective compartments of conscious, subconscious and super-conscious mind. Just as individuals seek to know and integrate the contradictory parts of themselves, humanity is going through the same integrative process. Through the mechanism of a crisis of consciousness, individuals are motivated to search their minds and hearts for healing and meaning when these differing parts come into direct conflict, threatening the existence of the individual in some way. This same process is unfolding for the collective entity of humanity. It is this collective crisis of consciousness that could be actually bringing about the right conditions of dawning, expanded awareness that will prepare us for open global contact with extraterrestrials.

The Collective Human Shadow

“Oftentimes I have heard you speak of one who commits a wrong as though he were not one of you, but a stranger unto you and an intruder upon your world.

“And if any of you would punish in the name of righteousness and lay the axe unto the evil tree, let him see to its roots; and verily he will find the roots of the good and the bad, the fruitful and the fruitless, all entwined together in the silent heart of the earth.”

~~ Kahlil Gibran

As a spiritual person, desiring to know myself deeply, I understand the principle of the “shadow”, or disowned parts of ourselves, residing in the subconscious, Freud’s Id. These are parts of ourselves that were physically or emotionally hurt or injured that we’ve stuffed away, never allowing our feelings around these incidents to completely unwind and heal. When we are unwilling to look at and reclaim this shadow into a healthy integrated whole Self, it controls our lives and actions to a greater or lesser degree. I have turned my introspective attention to my own shadow through the journey of my life. Shadow parts of me that hate, fear, rage, misinterpret and misconstrue through the perceptual filters of past hurts. It is a necessary part of my process of becoming into the person I would like to be, in more full and conscious alignment with my Higher Self.

Holographic theory teaches us that any part of a whole reflects the whole and vice versa. As individuals have a shadow nature, that acts out in a cry to be heard, healed and integrated, we also have a collective human shadow doing the same thing. As extraterrestrials look at what is going on here on Earth, they are observing our collective human shadow acting out, to the point of planetary crisis. Are they to rush in, codependently rescuing us from the consequences of our own unconsciously destructive impulses as a whole? Enabling us to continue our destructive behaviors because we know we’ll be rescued? Or might they want us to learn, once and for all, that what we do to our planet and home we do to ourselves? That there are consequences to our unconscious behavior that we must face up to, and take action to solve on our own?

By learning this absolutely and taking positive action, we may earn their help. There is much to suggest that such positive collective human action is being taken. From systems theory and the sustainability movement, to recognizing how we can affect positive change by how we direct our consciousness, as in experiments in Transcendental Meditation that have lowered crime rates in major cities, and numerous other studies around group intention, people are waking up en mass. They are discovering their empowerment in creating positive change, without waiting for governments, military or corporations to act in the best interests of everyone.

On the other hand, if our military, or factions within our government or military, are shooting at extraterrestrial craft, trying to bring them down or otherwise show hostility, the extraterrestrials may see this as some part of our collective unconscious still afraid of them, still wanting to exploit them or their technology for greed and profit. Our job as people of Earth is to look within, find out which parts of us still fear the unknown, still hate that which seems too different from ourselves. To discover within ourselves where we still feel a lack of “not enough to go around,” spawning greed that exploits and abuses without regard for the freedom or well-being of populations and ecosystems. If we can find those shadow parts of ourselves – and love, heal and integrate them – we become ready for contact. We need to direct our conscious intent to stop any violence going on covertly against extraterrestrials, by focusing on such hostilities ceasing. We then could visualize meeting the extraterrestrials at last on the common ground that they and ourselves could create together.

Extraterrestrials disabling our nuclear weapons may be done for at least two reasons. The first is that the nature of nuclear fission may have far-reaching negative energetic consequences for the ecology of the galaxy, perhaps even the universe and other dimensions. We know from chaos theory that seemingly small actions in one place can expand and increase exponentially to create large effects elsewhere – the example being given of the butterfly beating its wings in one place, resulting in a typhoon or hurricane in another part of the world.

The explosion of nuclear bombs, creating a matter-antimatter reaction, releasing the destructive energy responsible for the devastation wreaked on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, may disrupt the entire fabric of the space-time continuum. When we began experimentation with such devices on this planet, it may have been the equivalent to unwittingly sending up a flare to the extraterrestrials, as the resultant fire and smoke alerts a parent to the fact that their child is playing with matches. The extraterrestrials may be stopping us from damaging further the galactic ecosystem.

The second reason might be to prevent us from annihilating ourselves and buying us time to evolve past our own shadow-self-destructive tendencies. How often have we heard of murder-suicides in the news? One person taking the life of another, then their own life? It could be one lover reacting to the infidelity of the other, then out of grief and remorse taking their own life, either to not have to face life without the transgressing partner, or to avoid the shame at public exposure for such an act, or both. “If I can’t have this person, no one can,” a kind of irrational “rationalization”. On a collective level, this could play out as “if we can’t have it our way, then no one will have it any way.” By removing the ability for such criminal insanity in governments to have its way in the world, the extraterrestrials may be giving us, as collective humanity, time to awaken, heal as a global civilization and realize our full human collective conscious potential. A first-stage collective enlightenment, demonstrating caring, life-honoring, sustainable behavior that creates loving unity and a recognition of our sacred place in the larger Whole.

When we allow others of our race to suffer, or worse still – inflict that suffering, what kind of energetic message do we send into the ethers? When a select few can mobilize the many using religion or misguided patriotic nationalism into wars for their own power and supremacy what does that state to those who watch from orbit or perhaps incognito right here on the ground? How are advanced extraterrestrial civilizations, whose understanding and mastery of multidimensional physics includes both a philosophy of life and living and practical technological application, to regard a race whose collective UNconsciousness of the interconnectedness of all life, lack of vision and resultant destructive behavior threatens our own species and countless others with extinction?

Those things – people, places, events – which inspire us, creating joy, happiness, love and connection, can also give us the ability to look into ourselves as a people, see where we have been harmed and how it has affected our perceptual cognitions, individually and collectively. When we continue along this evolutionary path, we can emerge into greater and greater connection and understanding with each other on this planet. This can give us the ability to then see with clarity and sanity, and reach out our hands in friendship to our galactic brethren. And I say brethren, because all life across the universe in my opinion is an expression of a cosmic “Whole” that we might call God, or Creator. Through the choices we make, our minds, individual or collective, are fully opened to that light of knowing, intelligence, empathy and clarity of perception – or continue to be darkened by perceptual filters set in place by injury and clung to by the refusal to open to healing and understanding. Such choices dictate the possible outcomes.

Individuals who embrace opening to love and its countless unique expressions; who choose to listen to the still, small guiding voice of their higher selves, become in turn a collective still small voice for all of humanity. As their numbers grow, they move humanity towards a crucial tipping point in collective human consciousness expansion. Once the tipping point is reached, expanded awareness and integration of all the compartments of consciousness will begin to spread exponentially.

The current crucible that Planet Earth has become has great potential to birth a maturing humanity that can begin to understand that what we do to each other, we do to ourselves. When we understand that enough to cease destructive actions towards each other, towards other species and our ecosystem, we will have taken a huge step towards creating the common energetic ground upon which contact can take place.

For more information on UFOs shutting down nuclear missiles, see the following videos:

Disclosure Project Witness Testimony Video, Part 1

Disclosure Project Witness Testimony Video, Part 2

UFOs & Nukes – National Press Club 9/27/2010

More articles by Niara Isley,

Our Reptilian Overlords – A Day with David Icke

Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

David Icke did a two city tour of Hawaii at the end of March 2012. Source: Global Media Productions

Yesterday, I made the trip from the Big Island of Hawaii to the adjoining island of Maui to see David Icke do a one day event on the theme “Remember Who You Are”. I had some years earlier read two of Icke’s books and many of his articles where he discussed the secret hierarchy in control of our world. This was my first time seeing him live. I was looking forward to the experience, and was not to be disappointed.

About 450 people were there at the Castle Theater to see Icke deliver an impassioned ten hour presentation broken down into four parts. It was wonderful to see the Hawaiian audience react so positively to the message he had to deliver, which covered the full spectrum of his understanding of our global situation, and how humanity can break free of our “Reptilian” overlords by riding a powerful “truth frequency” wave sweeping into our world. A metaphor that resonated swell with the Hawaiian surfers in the audience – including myself.

The first part of the day dealt with “Remember Who You Are”. In it Icke explained how the universe is little more than various frequencies, and that the consciousness at the core of our identity uses this energetic frequency field to generate a holographic image of our physical bodies. He persuasively argued that we are eternal beings of infinite consciousness having a holographic experience. Our bodies are little more than physical vehicles, like cars, that accommodate us for short periods, before we let them go for a new model – reincarnation.

Icke explained the importance of understanding how the energetic frequency field around us, is the substratum of the holographic image that is created by our five senses. Understanding how this holographic image is created – our physical body – not only is important for remembering who we are, eternal beings of infinite consciousness, but also how we are manipulated to believe we are powerless. That took us into part two of Icke’s Remember Who You Are. Icke showed how historically humanity has been controlled by those whose energy frequency field is more expansive than our own. This allows humanity’s controllers to manipulate our perceptual field which is made up of all that our five physical senses take in, and is processed by our brain.

Essentially, the controllers own sensory inputs processes more of the energy frequency field around us. The way they manipulate humanity is to implant our junk DNA with information that allows us to be manipulated to varying degrees. Those humans who have the right bloodlines (DNA) are steered into positions of power by our controllers.

These human elites – bluebloods – are genetically hardwired in a way that allows them to be manipulated even more directly by our historical overlords that oversee this vast genetic intervention. As to who are our overlords, no surprise for those following the work of David Icke – they are Reptilian multidimensional entities whose perceptual fields and abilities allow them to overshadow our perceptual reality.

Our Reptilian overlords, according to Icke, have been here for a very long time and evidence is found in many cultural traditions and artifacts. They act like shadowy puppeteers in pulling the genetic strings of elites prominently placed in the hierarchical control system. I was especially impressed by Icke’s explanation of how the moon is in fact an artificially created satellite whose chief purpose is to transmit electromagnetic frequencies that allow humanity to be controlled. Icke quoted a number of authors saying the same thing over the last hundred years or so. Basically, it appears that the moon’s position, the way it precisely overshadows the sun during eclipses, and its influence over human emotions, female cycles, tidal patterns, etc., is no accident. This made a lot of sense.

Unfortunately, this was not the case for Icke’s explanation of the role of the planet Saturn in the control system manipulating humanity. Icke explained how historically the planet or ‘god’ Saturn has been the center of many religious and cultural systems as a figure of worship. He claimed that the word “Satan” has its roots in Saturn. The fact that so many past imperial cultures, and Satanist groups, have venerated the planet or god Saturn, makes it part of the planetary control system according to Icke.

This is where Icke generated some controversy when he tried to explain how the Star of David was an image of the Saturnian belief system with Satanic aspects. Given that the Star of David is a venerated symbol for the nation of Israel and Jewish identity, this would naturally trigger some powerful emotions. Icke tried to rationalize it this way. He was against Rothschild Zionism which historically has manipulated Jews in fulfilling a planetary agenda that would culminate in a Third World War. The Star of David was part of the agenda of Rothschild Zionism and had little to do with any core Jewish identity.

One audience member repeatedly tried to challenge Icke on this, but was not allowed to ask any question. Later in the day, the audience member rushed the stage in frustration causing quite a commotion. More on the Star of David symbol later.

The third part of the day dealt with our current geo-political system. Basically, the planetary control system is in high gear trying to counter the rising consciousness of humanity caused by an incoming truth frequency. The controllers realize that they are about to lose power, and are making every attempt to intimidate and frighten humanity into submission. This is why, according to Icke, the Obama administration has gone to great lengths to implement legislation that enables it greater control over every aspect of American life: food, water, drugs, finances, security, etc.

The final part of the presentation was the kind of pep talk one would hear from a general giving one final exhortation to his troops before battle. General Icke was taking this one last opportunity to motivate all to realize who they are – expressions of infinite consciousness having holographic experiences – to say “No” to the controllers agenda, and to rally others to do the same. The time for nonviolent revolution is now!

Overall, it had been an inspiring performance by Icke, who despite some obvious health challenges, made it through to the end of his ten hour marathon without collapsing as probably this and other mere mortals would have done. This takes me to the downside of my day long experience with David Icke. It became obvious that this was to be a very one way experience. Icke was to speak uninterrupted for close to ten hours in all without any questions or interruption from the audience.

This created quite a paradox with what Icke was intending to achieve. It became clear that he was downloading a lot of information and conditioning his audience to be informed of the problems confronting humanity, and to take action according to his prescription. Given that the main problem confronting humanity was conditioning by its secret Reptilian overlords, it is no minor paradox that Icke was doing something very similar. If he really believed his audience comprised infinite expressions of consciousness having holographic experiences, then perhaps he could learn something from them to improve his own understanding of what is occurring at a planetary level. This was not to be. Icke had worked it all out. All the audience had to do was absorb Icke’s message and act on it.

So I’ll take this opportunity to share what this individual expression of infinite consciousness would have pointed out if given the opportunity to ask questions. First, the Star of David is a very old and ancient symbol, and not at all an exclusive negative symbol that furthers a Zionist Rothschild control agenda. The Star of David has been described by various authors as a two dimensional representation of two interlocking tetrahedrons (a star tetrahedron) that have tremendous transformational power as part of something called sacred geometry by Drunvalo Melchizadek, or hyperdimensional physics by Richard Hoagland.

There is much information about the transformational aspects of the Star of David, and it is in many ways a sacred symbol. I certainly sympathized with those objecting to Icke’s crude depiction of the Star of David symbol, and attempt to caricature it as a symbol of oppression. Second, according to Icke, all forms of hierarchy are bad.

This includes an alleged spiritual hierarchy called the “Great White Brotherhood” that has been silently intervening in human affairs for a positive future. Really? There is abundant evidence that such a secret ‘spiritual’ hierarchy had intervened in many ways to help guide humanity’s evolution, but doing so largely behind the scenes so as to not have too inordinate an influence in human affairs. It appears that they have been doing something similar to what Icke is now doing, but for a lot longer, and arguably more effectively given that humanity has not self-destructed.

With up to 60,000 thousand nuclear weapons having existed in weapons stockpiles over the last sixty years that have been controlled by corrupt elites, it’s nothing short of miraculous that humanity has survived. The alleged Great White Brotherhood, according to many sources did intervene on many occasions to prevent a nuclear holocaust. If there is a dark control pyramid of power running our world as Icke suggests, correctly in my opinion, then it would be natural to assume that a benevolent hierarchical counterforce comprising enlightened beings exists.

I have written articles analysing witness testimonies describing how such enlightened beings, whom I call celestials, have regularly silently intervened in human affairs. My third point concerns the authority figures in the U.S. government and military that are largely depicted as puppets taking their marching orders from the shadowy control groups directing human affairs. This ignores evidence that there is in fact a powerful behind-the-scenes constitutional faction in the U.S. military and various federal agencies, fighting effectively against such things as a new war against Iran, and preventing false flag operations using nuclear weapons. Two examples come to mind. One was Admiral William Fallon who was at the apex of a U.S. generals revolt over Bush administration plans to attack Iran in 2007. The other was an incident concerning a B-52 bomber from Minot Air Force Base loaded with nuclear missiles that was ‘discovered’ at Barksdale AFB in 2007. The Bomber was enroute to the Middle East in a covert operation orchestrated by former Vice-President Cheney. What happened was that there was a faction within in the U.S. military that objected to the covert operation, and leaked information to news sources. This effectively prevented what was likely going to be a false flag nuclear operation.

So the planetary control system is not at all monolithic, but comprises different factions that are battling each other. Finally, in his first book, The Robot’s Rebellion (1994), Icke stressed the role of a “Luciferian consciousness” at the apex of the control pyramid directing human affairs. In 1998, with his book, The Biggest Secret, he replaced this “Luciferian consciousness” by Reptilian overlords. While Icke during his day long event did admit to the possibility that there was probably something behind the Reptilians, this “Luciferian consciousness” was not anything he explicitly mentioned.

While he did mention Satan and Satanic rituals, the context suggested that these were activities directed by our Reptilian overlords to place humans into fear. This is opposite to his first book where the Luciferian consciousness manipulated not only humanity, but also extraterrestrial species. This reversal appeared to me to be a major step backwards in the evolution of Icke’s thinking over the last two decades. Why did Icke reverse his earlier position? It appears much less persuasive to argue in favor of Reptilian overlords given the historical evidence of a Luciferian consciousness at the apex of the control pyramid in our world.

The Reptilian overlord thesis made it easier to ridicule Icke’s entire corpus of work by those sceptical that various royal families and political elites are in fact shapeshifting Reptilians. I admit it did look rather childish to see green Reptilian images with sharp teeth at the top of the control structure given what other major researchers such as Fritz Springmeier have found when it comes to the role of a Luciferian consciousness directing human affairs.

The most impressive recent expose of this Luciferian consciousness was a dialogue initiated by someone calling himself the Hidden Hand on the Above Top Secret forum in October 2008. I wrote an article about the Hidden Hand’s revelations and how this Luciferian consciousness went beyond human affairs, and affected all extraterrestrial life, including Reptilians. This leads me to question whether David Icke was effectively misinformed at some point when it comes to discussing the apex of the planetary control pyramid? Was he directed to Reptilian shapeshifting stories by witnesses to effectively jettison his earlier position about the Luciferian consciousness? Did Icke get too close to the truth with his first book, The Robots Rebellion, and was subjected to a disinformation program to steer him away from the most damaging part of what he was learning?

All questions I would have loved to ask. The entire corpus of David Icke’s work undoubtedly helps inform a sleeping humanity about the secret control system and the role of certain extraterrestrial groups in the planetary hierarchical control system. There is much evidence supporting Icke’s claim of intervention of Reptilians extraterrestrials in human affairs, but are they our planetary overlords? I seriously doubt it, and think this is clever disinformation by the ultimate planetary contollers – a Luciferian consciousness – to sow fear and distrust about one of the extraterrestrial species resident and/or visiting our world. Despite my lingering unanswered questions, I joined the Hawaiian audience in giving David Icke a thoroughly deserved standing ovation for a marathon effort in helping us Remember Who We Are!

© Copyright 2012. Michael E. Salla.

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