Officially Recognized UFO Sightings Near Lima’s Airport

This is exonews, disclosure news and UFO news because it refers to an official admittance to a UFO phenomenon. On February 27. 2019. 1.30 AM local time to 2.12 AM-2.14 AM the town of Callao, Peru where Lima’s airport is 2 UFOs sighting above or relatively close to the Jorge Chavez airport. It also is close to the Pacific Ocean.

With an official preliminary report from the control tower (managed by CORPAC – Corporación Peruana de Aeropuertos y Aviación Commercial) and later on (on February 28) these 2 UFOs were admitted by an Air Force division from the Ministry of Defense (The National Aerial Defense Information Center belonging to the Peruvian Air Force).  I’m glad. It represents a step forward towards disclosure and a good example to follow by other governments.

Photos and some footage were apparently taken of the objects that seemed to be just above the airport at about 300 meters. But the official reports say that they were 5 nautical miles and about 8000 feet high due east (toward the Pacific Ocean…perhaps above the San Lorenzo Island). The preliminary incident report mentions that one of the objects was seen on a radar screen appearing on an off intermittently (on a primary radar).  The important thing here is the two official statements.

The source of the control tower document is some anonymous person probably working for CORPAC and who took a picture and posted the CORPAC document online.  Mr. WILBERT RUIZ validated the document during a radio – Cable TV interview on Radio Capital. He is the former chief of the Control Tower of the Jorge Chavez International Airport with 44 years of experience and currently acting as General Coordinator of control towers across provinces in Perú.

But the (unverified) photos and a video seem to show that they were closer. Or else the objects would have been huge if located 5 miles away. However, the crew in airplanes that were notified by the control tower also saw them. A preliminary report from CORPAC (the Corporación Peruana de Aeropuertos y Aviación Commercial managing the control tower) says one was seen sporadically in radar screen. That it was about 8000 feet in altitude and about 5 nautical miles away due West (azimuth 274 degrees).

Due West from the control tower is a place above the Pacific Ocean near the Island of San Lorenzo. But apparently, they were also seen by the crew from airplanes located on runway 33 and on runway 15. LAN Peru 2437 and LATAM Ecuador 1442. These flights were probably notified because they were related to a route that concerned the event. The UFOs were also apparently filmed by someone with a cell phone in the streets near the airport, but the video – showing 2 lights – is a bit blurry.

The event took place between 1.30AM to 2.12 AM or 2.14AM local Lima time on the 27 of February 2019. This is equal to 6.30 UTC and 7.14 UTC (Universal Time).

The weird thing to me is that the UFO photograph seems to show 2 objects which are much closer and not 5 nautical miles away due West or 8000 feet high.  The UFOs would have been much larger than drones and airplanes would not have been able to hover in a stationary manner.

Over the years, there have been occasional UFO/UAP reports around the general area around San Lorenzo Island. There is an experiencer who claims that in the 1970’s he was taken to an underwater base whose entrance is in that area.

Regardless, my thanks to retired Commander Julio César Chamorro from the Peruvian Airforce (FAP) who sent me the first “incident” report from CORPAC and the control tower.

Whether the photos and video are good or not, UFOs/UAPs were clearly detected and this is the first time I know that the Air Force as part of the Ministry of Defense in Perú validates in writing a UFO sighting related to the main airport in Perú. They even used the term “OVNI” (UFO).

It is not clear if this is a new initiative or policy or if both the Control Tower – CORPAC preliminary report and the Ministry of Defense document (a letter by the Peruvian Air Force Commander of the National Aerial Defense Information Center to the Peruvian Airforce Director of the Aerospace Interests Center) filtrated to the public in an irregular manner. The news came out in two newspapers, in social media and in Radio Capital. Further declarations should be forthcoming.

Preliminary Accident/Incident (RAI) report from the control tower.

Letter statement from the Air Force – Minister of Defense validating the sighting. Is it a more open policy giving a good example to the rest of the world?

A link to a cellphone video is here:


Disclosure, Peru, UFOs

Giorgio Piacenza

After a clear UFO sighting with multiple witnesses within 300 feet in the Peruvian coastal town of "Chilca" in 1975, I participated with the Mission Rahma contact group and befriended several contactees from this and other contact efforts. I also researched many aspects of the UFO phenomenon for several decades and feel inclined to contribute in the confluence of philosophical and scientific perspectives.

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