Tag: Special Operations Command

Covert Disclosure of Rectangle Antigravity Craft

On the morning of October 23, my long-time source JP (a pseudonym) was once again instructed to look up into the sky by a nearby covert operative where he saw a rectangle platform shaped UFO. He used his camera phone to take five photos of the UFO. He then noticed that he had missing time and when he tried to recall what had happened, he had memory flashes of being inside the flying rectangle he had just photographed.

For article with additional information about a military abduction associated with the sighting, please click here, or here.

For GoFundMe Campaign to purchase a high resolution camera/phone for the photographer, JP, please click here.

Video: Was Hurricane Irma Steered by Maser Satellites in Weather War against USA?

Into the early morning hours of September 11, Hurricane Irma lashed the Tampa Bay REGION of Florida for nearly four hours with its destructive force. Not only has Irma caused millions of civilians to flee Southern Florida, but has also led to the mandatory evacuation of military personnel from Tampa’s MacDill Air Force Base, home of US SPECIAL Operations Command. In a series of four previous articles, I showed how Special Operations Command was linked to flying triangle-shaped craft possessing antigravity technology photographed near MacDill as Irma approached. The flying triangles were allowed to be photographed near MacDill in a policy decision influenced by the approach of Irma, either as a policy response, hurricane mitigation effort, and/or to ascertain who was steering the hurricane.

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