Tag: Kirtland AFB

Extraterrestrials Interrogated & Tortured in Secret Underground/Space Prisons

In another bombshell interview on the Cosmic Disclosure Gaia TV series, insiders Emery Smith and Corey Goode have revealed their direct knowledge and participation in classified programs that involved the detention, interrogation, torture and dissection of human looking extraterrestrials. Their stunning eyewitness accounts provide powerful evidence that atrocities have been occurring in classified programs against extraterrestrial visitors who are almost indistinguishable from modern humans.

The program host, David Wilcock, began by asking Goode to explain what the “Intruder Intercept and Interrogate Program” was all about.

It’s a program that is similar in part to the Men in Black. What this Intercept and Interrogate Program does is that if an intruder flies into our [solar] system, doesn’t give a friend or foe signal and is intercepted, they are taken from their ship. Or, what happens in most cases is that ETs have made it to the Earth and are here secretly blending in as one of us.

This group will go in retrieve the people that are here, we call the ETs people, the people that are here without permission, bring them up to a certain station, and their interrogation would begin to find out what was going on.

This group also acted as a police force for non-terrestrial groups that are here with permission. They helped keep them apart, and when they (ETs) had issues they acted just like police.

After describing the extraterrestrials, who were very human looking and could easily blend in to human society, Smith described encountering some of them in autopsies he was conducting for classified programs at Kirtland Air Force base and other facilities around the country.  He emphasized that they had showed obvious signs of torture:

Emery: … Some of the extraterrestrials that we were working on in the lab, doing dissections and what not, some of these full bodied human extraterrestrials would come in  and they would be very badly beaten where subdural hematomas, are being beaten in the back of the head. It looks like they were tortured, sometimes many broken bones.

I didn’t find out until later on that these beings were coming from a prison or a withholding cell of some sort and were being interrogated…. After hearing your [Corey’s] testimony, this is what we were receiving. Because usually they are in pretty good shape unless they were shot down or something. These were obviously, been beaten to death.

Corey: … A lot of the times the individuals that were being interrogated just died of stress and trauma … from the process. It was very disturbing. They were tagged and sent for study afterwards.

Emery: We had a few that they actually starved to death. I’m not sure what happened….

Corey: There are prisons that they have for them. Some of them, where they bring them like a conventional prison. That’s where they need to further interrogate them for a while get more information or have them to trade off or to tip us off.

After Goode and Smith’s mutual corroboration of human looking extraterrestrials being tortured at special prisons, some of which were in off planet locations, Goode went on to discuss how many extraterrestrials would end up at a cryogenic chamber on the Moon:

Fairly recently I was given an extensive viewing and tour of the Lunar Operations Command. It connected to two other commands. Lunar Operations Command they call LOC Alpha, and below ground in these lava tubes are two more called LOC Bravo and Charlie, and LOC Charlie has a research facility that is cryogenics, and one of the floors of that is a storage facility for some of these beings that they put into stasis

Emery: Right, there’s a huge one of those where I worked [Kirtland AFB], a large cryomorgue, where these are kept in the hundreds, before they go into the lab. There’s always enough bodies and there’s always enough specimens, it’s like an unlimited amount. It’s like they can’t keep with it, there’s just so many going on. Hundreds of these rooms that I’ve worked in.

Cryogenic Chambers for Captured or Deceased Extraterrestrials. Image: Gaia.com

In response to a question, Goode explained how newly captured extraterrestrials are treated depending on whether they are cooperative or not:

What happens in an interrogation? If they are cooperative, if they say I’m  here. I have a small support team that’s cloaked outside Jupiter, for example, please contact them, verify. In many cases we would hand them back over to their support group, give them a slap on the hand and say this is the process if you come in, legally I guess you can say.

Now the ones they want to further question they would keep in prisons, out of stasis, just like a normal prison. Some of these prisons were ships … Some of the asteroids that we had mined, then we ended up going in and creating partial cryo-prisons but mostly just regular type prisons. So there’s a number of ways they keep these beings locked down.

Responding to another question from Wilcock as to whether any public figures are extraterrestrials, Goode and Smith gave the following answers:

Corey: I was told back when I was in this program they ae limited in how they interact with Society. Everything has to be preapproved. They can work in our companies and that kind of thing, but they can’t hold places [positions] of power. That’s for the ones that are coming here on an internship.

Emery: Absolutely, they are not allowed to have any influential positions. I would know. I would know right now for sure if someone of great power was an extraterrestrial, and they are not doing that to us. Maybe in the future they well, they have to step in and save the planet and save us, but right now there is nothing like that going on.  And the corruption shows that, around the world. They do, they have specific rules, like Corey said, that they cannot do certain things here.  

Goode explained that the majority of the beings detained in the Intruder Intercept and Interrogate program were human looking extraterrestrials, and the non-human ETs were handed off to Draco Reptilians for processing:

Most of them were human, they just looked human, various types of humans. About 10%, may 15%, were the types you hear described as aliens, very strange looking, evolved in a completely different environment. We  had Insectoids, we had different types of Reptilian beings, which we immediately turned over to the Draco. The insectoids, there was a certain type of insectoid, certain group, that was always turned over… There were a number of amphibians.

Goode and Smith’s information about different types of extraterrestrials that have infiltrated Earth being monitored by a secret agency set up exclusively for that purpose, echoes what Dmitry Medvedev, the current Prime Minister of Russia, said about the existence of such an agency in December 2012:

Along with the briefcase with nuclear codes, the president of the country is given a special ‘top secret’ folder. This folder in its entirety contains information about aliens who visited our planet… Along with this, you are given a report of the absolutely secret special service that exercises control over aliens on the territory of our country…

Goode and Smith are not the first to claim that human looking extraterrestrials are being secretly detained, interrogated, tortured and killed in classified programs run by a mysterious quasi-governmental agency that operates over the entire planet.

One of the first references to this occurring was from researcher Frank Crawford who published his findings in the Spring 1991 edition of UFO Journal of Facts. He described the detention and torture of an alleged being from the Tau Ceti star system based on an interview with a military witness who served with the US Navy at the time, and who used the pseudonym, “Oscar”.

The Tau Cetian/extraterrestrial was given the nickname “Hank” by Oscar who was assigned to a crash retrieval operation that occurred in 1961 where he found the injured Hank in his damaged spacecraft, and eventually confided the following story, as told by Crawford:

As Oscar told the story that began this article it became obvious that, because of his military background, the name given was for his protection. The account unfolded further to reveal horrible injustices to Hank and to Oscar himself. At the direction of [Frank] Drake the team conducted medical experiments such as spinal taps, marrow sampling, taking organ specimens and other exploratory surgery on Hank WITHOUT anesthesia. Oscar had spent many hours over three months communicating with and growing close to the alien.

One day he stepped between Drake and Hank with his .45 cal. pistol drawn and demanded an end to the torture. Drake withdrew but the next morning Oscar had new orders to depart immediately for Saint Albans Hospital in Radford, Va., where he was incarcerated for debriefing…. After spending time under psychiatric care, which would damage his military record, he was oddly enough given an honorable discharge.

 After having returned to civilian life he and his father embarked on a hiking trip to North Dakota. They purposely entered the restricted area surrounding the base where Oscar had been stationed. Perimeter patrol picked them up for removal from the area. While in their company Oscar asked how Hank was doing. One of the guards confided that the alien had died several months earlier.

Circumstantial support for the above story is that in 1960, Drake headed the OZMA program, which scrutinized radio frequencies from different star systems for any sign of extraterrestrial life. OZMA, was the precursor to the SETI program, and in April 1960 began searching for possible extraterrestrial radio signals from the stars Tau Ceti and Epsilon Eridani. It’s feasible that the subsequent 1961 crash by Hank’s craft was related in some way to Project Ozma’s interest in Tau Ceti, which is similar in age to Earth’s sun. 

Galactic DiplomacyIn addition, there are many stories of human looking extraterrestrials that have blended in with humanity, and have been under some form of official surveillance. Famed psychic Ingo Swann describes his encounter with a female extraterrestrial who was being monitored by two CIA agents working in a covert alien surveillance program which had previously employed Swann. His story and others are covered in my 2006 article, “Extraterrestrials Among Us”, and in greater detail in my 2013 book, Galactic Diplomacy.

It’s important to emphasize that both Smith and Goode were participants in classified programs that have conducted gross abuses of extraterrestrial visitors, and have courageously gone on the public record about these events. Smith in particular has provided documentation confirming his military service at Kirtland Air Force Base, which is one of the locations where the abuses occurred. Smith and Goode’s eyewitness testimonies is compelling testimonial evidence that is admissible in a court of law or Congressional inquiry, and therefore deserve serious investigation.

Based on their and other witness testimonies, the detention, interrogation, torture and death of human looking extraterrestrials in secret prisons in classified underground facilities, on the Moon and elsewhere, date as far back as the 1960’s if not earlier. Clearly, such an outrage needs to be exposed and immediately stopped, since there is no evidence that the visitors pose any genuine threat to humanity – other than exposing the decades long cover up of extraterrestrial life.

[Note: The August 15 Cosmic Disclosure interview featuring Emery Smith and Corey Goode can be found here.]

Michael Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice 

Further Reading

Insider Reveals More about Extraterrestrials working in Classified Programs

Emery Smith, a former US Air Force Surgical Assistant, has revealed more about his knowledge and face to face interactions with extraterrestrials he encountered while working on classified programs. He encountered the extraterrestrials at Kirtland Air Force Base, and other classified facilities in New Mexico such as White Sands and Dulce; along with Denver, Colorado and Charlottesville, Virginia, all of which he has previously discussed on Cosmic Disclosure (Gaia TV).

In the July 10 episode of Cosmic Disclosure, Smith talked about encyclopedic databases with extensive information on different extraterrestrial races he was shown after he began working on the classified programs in 1992 while stationed at Kirtland AFB:

After a few years in the projects and your clearance gets up and you’re getting briefed on different scenarios and different types of extraterrestrials where they’re saying they’re extraterrestrials or beings from other than Earth origin, and also getting access to the most amazing libraries of encyclopedias that they have there – it’s all on computer mainframes – you get to really understand that we’re just a small, small part of such a wide and vast array of other beings that are spread out through the universe and multiverse.

Smith’s information dovetails with what Corey Goode, another insider discussing classified programs involving extraterrestrial life and technology, says he encountered while working on a U.S. Navy created secret space program. Goode says he was given access to smart glass pads which contained classified encyclopedias on extraterrestrial life and advanced technologies.

Corey Goode with Smart Glass Pad. Source: Sphere Being Alliance/Gaia.com

Similarly, Clifford Stone, another whistleblower/insider says that he was given access to a First Aid manual with extensive medical data on 57 extraterrestrial races while working on a classified crash retrieval programs, Project Moon Dust and Operation Blue Fly, during his U.S. Army service from 1969 to 1990.

Importantly, Smith says that it was a corporation that was running the classified extraterrestrial and advanced technology programs at Kirtland. While he had a regular USAF assignment at Kirtland from 1990 to 1995, the classified work he did began in 1992, and was under the authority of a corporation.

Smith’s information is consistent with the revelation of an anonymous archivist who described being employed in the mid-1980’s for a six month period to professionally catalogue files about extraterrestrial life and technology possessed by a major aerospace company (later revealed to be Rockwell International).

In an interview with Project Camelot in May 2006, Mr X described his main purpose in cataloguing all kinds of records concerning extraterrestrial life and technology:

I just gathered and organized information. I think my purpose was to aid those in speculating and understanding the material gathered and to give those specialists an opportunity to learn from the material I gathered because it was organized. I helped our government to research by organizing the material to be gone through.

Two years after his initial interview, Mr X died in mysterious circumstances, and his identity was never publicly disclosed.

Mr X helps us understand the role of corporations in developing encyclopedia-like databases used by those working inside classified programs such as Smith, Goode and Stone. It’s worth emphasizing that Rockwell’s aerospace  business was taken over by the Boeing Corporation in 1996.

Phantom Works Logo

The classified Rockwell extraterrestrial archives were very likely incorporated into Boeing’s advanced technology division, Phantom Works, which was acquired after Boeings’ merger with McDonnell Douglas aircraft company in 1997.

This means that the Boeing company, either through Phantom Works or another highly classified division, prepares the encyclopedia-like databases describing different extraterrestrial races that Smith, Goode and Stone had previously witnessed.

One of the races that Smith discussed at length in his July 10 interview with David Wilcock on Cosmic Disclosure are Reptilians who he says he encountered while working at classified facilities:

David: I find it very interesting: when we look at Indian history in the Mahabharata and the Vedas that we have what appears to be an evil Reptilian race called Rakshasas, but that there also was a benevolent Reptilian race called Nagas that they actually ended up making temples out of.

Emery: Right.

David: And you actually see lots and lots of stone inscriptions of what looks like humans, but then they have like a Reptilian tail like a snake. So do you think that these benevolent Reptilian ETs that you were talking about could have been there at the time of the Indian civilization where those texts were written?

Emery: Yeah, I 100% believe that. I know all the texts you’re talking about. I know of the statues that you’re talking about. I know of the amulets they made of them and some of the carvings down there.

So I agree that these Reptilians I’m associated with that I know are this . . . a little bit more docile, hybrid-type, human-type figures, and they were looked up [to] as gods.

David: Now, it’s also interesting because Pete Peterson did say that there was a benevolent Reptilian race as well. And he had told me that they were very keenly interested in our religious development, our spiritual development, that they were very wise, very advanced, and they really seemed to want us to become ethical and to learn how to all get along with each other.

Emery: Yea, I can concur with that. They do have a religious background that I don’t know everything about. But they’re very strong about it and they do carry amulets and jewelry that show their belief in this system.

They also have sometimes special clothing for certain holiday-type things that they may wear, such as a scarf or a ribbon on their arm. And these things celebrate this religion that you speak of, which is the unity of all and one that they believe in.

And they believe even though they’re of different genetic DNA, they also believe that everyone HAS their DNA. And they believe in the system that they were kind of the first ones in the solar system and universe that actually seeded it. And over billions of years, other formations of their genetic lineage has mixed around and is actually where WE come from.

And that’s why you see sometimes in the medical society of people saying, “Well, we have the reptile part of the brain and this because we’re associated with an iguana or something.

So it’s very funny that this is all coming out in the questions that you ask because I do believe there’s a correlation with this race, and we might have a little bit of that DNA in us to some extent….

Illustration of Reptilian witnessed by Emery Smith. Source Gaia.com

The existence of an indigenous race of highly intelligent Reptilian beings that is involved in classified military/corporate programs has been discussed by many others.

My own research into the existence of an intelligent indigenous Reptilian race began with reports of human rights abuses occurring at the classified Dulce base facility, in New Mexico. In The Dulce Report (2003), I discussed how an indigenous Reptilian helped an alleged security guard, Thomas Castello, escape and tell the world about what was happening there.

Veteran Cryptozoology researcher, John Rhodes, has written extensively about Reptilians/Reptoids and his website has many articles that will help inform readers about what people all over the world have experienced in hundreds/thousands of encounters with intelligent Reptilian beings.

It’s important to point out that Smith had no knowledge of an aggressive off world Reptilian race called the Draconians (likely the “Rakshasas” depicted in Vedic Indian texts). In contrast, both Corey Goode and William Tompkins have discussed Draconians as an imperialist extraterrestrial race that formed an alliance with Nazi Germany to establish a base in Antarctica using advanced antigravity technologies.


In my Dulce Report, I discussed how the Draconians, according to Castello, were in charge of the base there, and were using indigenous Earth Reptilians (the “Nagas” in Vedic Indian texts), to run the facility, where many abuses were occurring.

After discussing his knowledge of the Reptilians and his interactions with them at classified military/corporate facilities, Smith next talked about highly intelligent aquatic races that are extraterrestrial origin:

I think maybe I should talk about the more liquid-state planets that are associated with ETs. You know, everyone thinks ETs are all just of the 3D in this Earth-air atmosphere, and it’s not the case.

You have beings that have to live in water or come from a water planet. You have these types of beings that come from the Pleiades system, and we call them Aquafarians – some of the first of these extraterrestrials that live in water. They don’t need to, but their planet is 98% water.

He said that the “Aquafarians” originate from Pleiades and Sirius star systems:

The Aquafarians started in the Pleiades and then migrated, I know, to Sirius section. I don’t know where in there, but I’m only telling you what I’ve read from the history of being in that library.

And I was fascinated, of course, with dolphins and whales. I have a really good connection with them. I’ve done a lot of underwater photography and have a great bond with these fish and the mammals.

Smith went on to assert that there are aquatic races that are indigenous to Earth who he also worked with at Kirtland and other classified facilities. He said that many legends about Mermaids are based on people accidently interacting with them, as the following dialogue with Wilcock illustrates:

Emery: Well, there are many types of water-type extraterrestrials. There are some that look like manatees, there are some that look like dolphins, and there are even some that do have a shape from the waist down that’s kind of scaly and has fins on the outer edges of these beings. But from the chest up, they actually look pretty human.

David: Now, just to be clear, these are extraterrestrial live coworkers that you’re seeing on these bases, correct?

Emery: Yes…. And I think this is maybe where the mermaids come from. You know, I think this mythological background of the history of these sailors seeing these beings could possibly have had a base here on the planet.

And there’s a lot of cities that people are discovering, but the Cabal does not let people know this, that are underground, and it wasn’t because they were flooded. It’s because that’s where they really were – these cities – under the ocean. I’m sorry, under the ocean.

And that also proves the fact that these extraterrestrials lived here and they flourished here at some point in time. And I know you know a lot about the history of the mermaids and some of the extraterrestrials over in Asia.

Dolphin Man encountered by Emery Smith. Source: Gaia.com

In the July 10, Cosmic Disclosure interview, Smith went on to give detailed descriptions of the different types of Aquafarian races he encountered, and even of the underwater autopsies he participated in.

Smith’s revelations of him working with different types of extraterrestrials at classified facilities reveals the extent of diplomatic agreements that these races have secretly reached with the U.S. and other major nations. In an earlier article, I explained how these agreements may have legal standing under international law, despite never being ratified by the U.S. Senate.

Extraterrestrials have been secretly working with different elements of the military industrial complex in classified facilities for decades. The fact that many of these advanced extraterrestrial related projects are under the control of major aerospace companies who operate in strict secrecy with little to no government oversight is a major cause for concern.  

[Note: Emery Smith’s interviews on Cosmic Disclosure can be found here.]

Michael Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice 

Further Reading

Extraterrestrials Working with Humans in USAF Classified Programs

Former U.S. Air Force surgical assistant, Emery Smith, dropped another bombshell in his latest interview on Cosmic Disclosure (Gaia TV) by revealing he often worked alongside extraterrestrials in a classified program located at Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico, from 1992 to 1995.

In his interview with New York Times best-selling author David Wilcock, Smith described different groups of extraterrestrials that assisted in autopsies conducted on other beings of non-Earth origin:

And some of those scientists and physicians are actually of “un-Earth origin” – this is the term they use – which are extraterrestrials, which have volunteered, either after being captured or volunteered through the system, through the compartmentalized program, to work to actually help us, because they kind of actually feel bad sometimes, even after we capture them and beat the heck out of them and do horrible things to them.

They actually turn around and willingly want to help us and stay with us and teach them about their own physiological phenotypes, about their own race…

I might be actually assisting an extraterrestrial, helping complete the mission, whatever the mission is: gathering frequencies using devices, or gathering tissue samples, or running special tests of the bodies, which actually . . . They can scan the whole body and 3D print that body later on….

Smith asserted the extraterrestrials as benevolent, even though they possessed advanced psychic abilities that could be used as weapons:

I would say they’re benevolent. I would say they’re a very humanitarian type of thought process. They’re a lot smarter than us. They could actually at any time probably do damage to us or hurt us with their telekinesis and telepathic abilities, but they don’t….

Smith explained that the extraterrestrials projected a warm friendly ambience that was felt by the human scientists working alongside them:

Being next to one of these extraterrestrials, by the way, including the Ant people and the Mantis people, you have a really beautiful self feeling being in their energy fields.

And people have actually had miraculous healings by being on these craft and working on the craft and working just in the vicinity of an extraterrestrial.

David: How does THAT work?

Emery: I do not know how that works. I think it’s electromagnetic of some frequency that allows the body, their body, that already generates a very, very high vibration, . . . It actually brings our vibration up so our cells are running at a specific voltage so our own cells can heal ourself….

You don’t need to because a lot of this energy is telepathic and telekinetic, so you actually feel happy. You might . . . Like you get chills walking into a dark room at night because you might feel a ghost, but it’s the opposite. It actually enlightens you. It actually puts you in a good mood, and your body picks up on this.

Smith referred to an accident involving a group of extraterrestrials he called the ant people (insectoids), who assisted in the examination of some of their brethren that had been killed in an industrial accident:

Emery: There was a big project where they found multiple Ant people that were somehow killed by chemicals of some sort. And there was a lot of them that were brought into the facility, I remember, by the truckloads actually.

David: Did you have any idea where these casualties happened?

Emery: No, I don’t know. I do believe it was in North America somewhere.

David: In an underground facility then?

Emery: Yeah, I think that somehow they were discovered, and I think they were probably taken out in some fashion in the New Mexico, Colorado area….

I don’t know the specifics, but they did bring in multiple beings. And these beings all died of asphyxiation, and their lungs were completely burned out, and some of their mucous membranes and eyeballs were completely burned out….

So these Ant scientists that were there were actually assisting, trying to find out and see what happened to these individuals.

David: Now were the Ant people in the room that were alive the same types as the ones that were dead?…

Emery: Yes, the exact same types. And it was the first time I’ve ever felt sorrow next to an extraterrestrial.

David: Really? What was that like?

Emery: It was really upsetting. That was . . . [Emery feels strong emotion, stops, turns away, tears up.] sorry….

Illustration of Ant being. Source: Gaia.com

Smith described how his tissue extraction expertise also involved working on extraterrestrial craft that was located near the bodies of their former inhabitants:

I was brought into what they call “multi-level projects”, which means it’s not just me going in there harvesting a piece of tissue, but you’re actually harvesting many different kinds of tissue and also working with the being’s craft.

So these projects could have up to three teams of 15 scientists and physicians and technicians working on just one being and one craft….

They usually keep the extraterrestrials and the craft separate. So you might have a bay not too far away, maybe within 300 meters, which is very close, by the way, because these things are SO spread out underground, you know, up to 10 miles in diameter some of these bases.

And you will have the being . . . The being is separate. And then you’ll have the craft in another bay. These are all very clean areas, which I can describe in detail.

In a previous article, I covered another interview where Smith described being taken to a large hemisphere-shaped room where an extraterrestrial craft was being reverse engineered.

Smith recollected working with insectoids (Ant and Preying Mantis looking entities), human looking (Arcturian) extraterrestrials, Simians (intelligent ape-like beings), Reptilians and even rock-like beings:

And some of those actually looked like a rock formation, like that . . . one of those superheroes that’s made out of a rock you see on TV and . . . Like “The Fantastic Four”. And they don’t . . . They look like they’re hard and rock, but they’re not. They actually have a spongy-type feel to them, kind of like an actual sea sponge where it’s very porous material.

They are usually a gold or an orange-type color. And they are very robust with a large Cro-Magnon-type skull, which is a little bit . . . about twice the size of our heads and a lot, like I said, more robust looking.

And they have been spotted on the projects many times in many different ways.

Smith’s testimony helps corroborate previous accounts of whistleblowers that they have worked alongside extraterrestrials at classified facilities.

These include Bill Uhouse, an aerospace engineer, who says he worked alongside Gray aliens who assisted in reverse engineering spacecraft being studied at classified Air Force facilities.

Niara Isley, a former USAF radar tracking expert, says that she witnessed Gray and Reptilian beings that were part of a classified program, where she was traumatized by human operatives.

Daniel Crain Burisch, a microbiologist, also says that he worked with a Gray being at a classified facility in order to better understand its physiology and medical needs.

A former security guard, Thomas Castello, claims that he worked alongside Reptilians at the Dulce underground facility, where biological experiments were being conducted on captive humans, and where abducted humans were often taken before being returned.

Charles Hall, a former USAF weatherman, says that he observed Tall White extraterrestrials helping USAF develop atomic powered spacecraft for short interplanetary travel.

Finally, Smith’s testimony corroborates Bill Tompkins‘ claims that US Navy spies observed Nazi scientists being assisted by Reptilians in the development of Germany’s secret space programs in the 1940’s. Tompkins also said that human looking extraterrestrials had infiltrated Douglas Aircraft Company and other US corporations in the 1950’s and 1960’s, and were covertly assisting the US Navy in developing its secret space program, Solar Warden.

In conclusion, Smith’s credentials and documents prove that he worked at Kirtland Air Force Base as a Surgical First Assist from 1990 to 1995.  He has since gone on to work in the medical industry where he has gained patents and collaborated in innovative science research. All this supports his astonishing claims that he participated in autopsies on 250 extraterrestrial entities, and extracted a total of approximately 3000 tissue samples during his covert service.

Smith’s revelations confirm that scientists from different nations have been assisted by different groups of extraterrestrials in studying alien physiology, advanced medical science, and reverse engineering antigravity spacecraft for decades in classified programs. His testimony shows how far classified programs have evolved, despite official government claims that extraterrestrial life has still not been discovered.

[Note: Emery Smith’s interviews on Cosmic Disclosure can be found here.]

Michael Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice 

Further Reading


Security Protocols in Classified Extraterrestrial Projects

A former employee in a covert program has described the draconian security measures in place in extraterrestrial related projects, and the dire consequences for transgressing these. In the June 26 episode of Cosmic Disclosure, Emery Smith described what happened when he violated security protocols.

In previous episodes of Cosmic Disclosure, Smith described his involvement in a highly classified project during his military service as a Surgical First Assist based at Kirtland Air Force Base from 1992 to 1995.

In addition to his regular military assignment he also worked in a classified program managed by a corporation, where he examined roughly 3000 tissue samples extracted from non-human  entities. He says that he worked on approximately 250 extraterrestrial bodies.

As described in a previous article, Smith has provided documentation proving his training and service as a Surgical First Assist, which makes him a credible eyewitness to events he has described. So far, the reaction of the mass media to Smith’s stunning revelations has been consistent – silence.

Even the UFO research community has largely shunned Smith’s testimony, despite all the credentials he brings to substantiate his military and medical background.

In the security violation incident described by Smith, he says that he befriended his commander in the classified project involving medical examinations of extraterrestrial tissues and bodies. This eventually led to the commander inviting Smith to view a captured extraterrestrial vehicle stored at Kirtland Air Force base in what Smith believed at the time to part of a recruitment effort to introduce him into a different covert project.

In the interview, Smith describes how he believed that his friendship with the commander of the covert project was acceptable despite him knowing that befriending co-workers was against security protocols:

You think because it’s your commander inviting you to the barbecue, that – and he’s been in it for 10, 20 years more than you – that everything’s going to be all right, right? And that’s not the fact. That is not a fact . . . that it’s not all right.

Smith explained his belief that what the Commander was about to show him was part of a recruitment into a new project:

And one of the things he mentioned to me was this amazing craft that he was going to get me involved with possibly to work on and to actually try out the flight simulator of an alien reproduction vehicle.

In the interview, David Wilcock asked Smith about the security protocols surrounding him getting access to the extraterrestrial vehicle which was stored in a secure underground room at Kirtland AFB:

David: Okay. How did you get there if you’re not cleared to be there? If you’re not authorized to be there, how in the world would you get into that room?

Emery: There is a stipulation if you’re escorted by someone of high authority. And a lot of the times, for emergency reasons, you have to go to certain places really quick.

And as long as you’re with someone that has a clearance higher than you, then the responsibility falls under that person for legal issues and for everything….

Emery: But everyone knows that if you’re not read into a project, it’s very unlikely you would go see something without knowing everything about it. And I was NOT read into the project. I was read into the project clandestinely through my friend.

Smith further clarified how authority in such a corporate run classified projects on military bases is based on clearance rather than rank:

It’s all based on clearance. You can be a captain and have the same clearance as a general or a colonel. You can be a sergeant and have the same clearance as a captain or a colonel.

Remember, it’s the duties that you perform, and what is needed to get the job done. It’s not about the . . . They don’t use the military system of rank for these positions, okay?

They use the knowledge base and educational base of the people that are put in place to run these projects.

Smith’s account here parallels what William Tompkins described about his work in a covert Navy espionage program during World War II. Tompkins’ position as a “Disseminator of Aircraft Research and Information” carried with it an authority that was far beyond his lowly military rank as a 2nd class Petty Officer.

Smith says that his commander eventually showed him the captured extraterrestrial vehicle:

There was an actual extraterrestrial craft that they had captured and brought into one of the underground hangar operating rooms . . . the whole vacuumed one. And inside that, they were duplicating it in the same room, trying to reverse engineer the craft.

… they were duplicating it in the same room, trying to reverse engineer the craft… And it was a diamond-shaped craft, and it wasn’t that big. It was probably no bigger than an 18-wheeler [large semi-tractor trailer]….

The craft that they were making next to it was just . . . They were trying to find out how it works and how it flies around.

And they were doing a lot of stuff with the actual electromagnetics of it. So they duplicated a half version. They cross sectioned a man-made half version, okay?

Smith’s description of the craft he witnessed, both the diamond shaped extraterrestrial vehicle and the reverse engineered craft was captured in the following illustration.

Credit: Gaia.com – Cosmic Disclosure 6/26/18

Smith elaborated upon the large room and the thick walls that separated it from the rest of the facility:

… It’s very secured, for sure. And I don’t know why they have this room suspended away from walls maybe a hundred feet.

So you have this giant room now. You’re walking into it with multiple catwalks from other doors that go into it.

And then you come there, and the same thing. These doors open up . . . the same doors that you just saw, another 24”. And NOW you’re in the bay…

Smith further added:

This is not a clean area, by the way. So you don’t have to have your space suits in here. This is what we call a “dirty area”. So you can just be in your uniform there.

His description of the facility was also illustrated in the June 26 episode of Cosmic Disclosure:

Source: Gaia.com – Cosmic Disclosure 6/26/18

Smith described his excitement at the prospect of being recruited into a new program, and his confidence in the Commander’s authority to recruit Smith in the manner he was experiencing. After all, this was the same person running the classified corporate program involving medical examinations of extraterrestrial tissues and bodies, who also had authority over the stored alien vehicles at Kirtland AFB.

Most would have made similar assumptions to Smith about the unique opportunity that was unfolding with what was being shown to him, despite the violation in protocol in befriending one’s commander in a covert extraterrestrial related project:

David: What was your experience? Were you afraid to talk and to say how awesome this looked? Did you say anything to the commander?

Emery: Yes, I did say it. I said, “This is amazing! This is awesome! Thank you for allowing me to be part of this project.” Because I was just an . . . I really just thought this is my first introduction maybe to this, and now I’m maybe going to be part of this in some way or another….

I was figuring on him being the ultimate commander here being in charge of anything. No one’s higher than him. So how are any security going to say anything about this? Because I legitimately thought this was okay. And it was not.

Smith went on to explain how in the midst of him trying out the flight simulator for the alien reproduction vehicle, four or five very large men in suits walked unannounced into the classified facility. They proceeded to handcuff and blindfold both him and his commander, and assaulted Smith during his subsequent debriefing:

And these suits came in … suit and tie, four or five of them. They were all taller than me and bigger than me…. [Smith is 6’ 4” inches/193 cm]….  I had a concussion and a big hematoma on the back of my head…. I was broken down enough until they took the blindfolds off, and I just remember looking up at them. And they just said never to repeat this again, “and if you say anything or do anything, you know what happens.”

It’s worth emphasizing that none of the men wore uniforms which is significant given that the underground room was located at Kirtland Air Force base, and his debriefing occurred at the base.

Smith’s incident illustrates that despite the secure room/facility being on USAF property and using Air Force servicemen, it was a corporation that was firmly in charge of the facility and security.

This correlates with an incident described by Dr. Steven Greer where he and former astronaut Edgar Mitchell, were told in 1997, by Rear Admiral Thomas Wilson, that he was denied access to a covert project by corporate attorneys. Wilson was at the time the head of intelligence (J-2) for the Joint Chiefs of Staff, vividly illustrating how rank is inconsequential in gaining access to highly classified projects requiring need to know access.

Smith described how his silence over the brutal treatment he received during his debriefing, where he decided not to report it the base commander or senior Air Force personnel, saved him his covert job:

 I was petrified to go report it… I thought that was the next test.  And it was, because I didn’t say anything. And that’s how I got my job back, because I was able to keep a secret. And the secret hurt me….

I was restricted from ever trying to contact him [his commander] or his family ever again “for the duration of my life on Earth”, quote unquote.

Smith responded to Wilcock’s question about how the security violation changed his whole attitude to working in the corporate run project:

David: How did this event change you in terms of how . . . because you said you were very enthusiastic about your job. You felt like you were in an amusement park almost – an alien amusement park. How did this change that?

Emery: There was some sort of continuity breakdown, I thought. And I just didn’t believe in them anymore. I didn’t believe in the structure. Like, who the heck is behind this? Who is pulling the cords? Who is giving . . . You know, who is REALLY running this show down here? Who were those guys in the black suits?

I started getting mad, like going mad. I was trying to figure it out for myself and now I can’t even talk to anybody about it. I can’t even . . . To my own co-workers, I can’t say anything….

Smith’s account has many similarities to the testimonies of other whistleblowers/insiders that have worked on classified extraterrestrial related projects, where stringent security process are in place. His account parallels key elements of what Dan Sherman, Bob Lazar and Clifford Stone have described about their involvement in classified extraterrestrial related projects and the security protocols they experienced.

In examining Smith’s testimony, one of the things that stands out is that he was informally being shown technology outside of his primary area of expertise and training in an apparent recruitment effort by his commander. It is not clear how someone trained as a Surgical First Assist who was recruited to examine extraterrestrial tissue samples and bodies, could transfer such skills into the reverse engineering of extraterrestrial craft.

Did Smith’s commander genuinely believe Smith could make such a transition or was Smith being set up? After all, there are important elements in the Lazar case which makes it very plausible that his whole recruitment into the covert operation involving reverse engineering flying saucer craft at Area 51 was a set up. Lazar’s friends and psychological profile would have been major red flags that he would break security protocols and eventually become a whistleblower.

Was Smith also identified as someone whose psychological profile would eventually lead him to becoming a whistleblower? Is Smith’s coming out part of a sanctioned disclosure process by White Hats or others running covert extraterrestrial projects?

Regardless of the answers to such questions, Smith’s testimony is ground breaking and reveals important information about a secure facility at Kirtland Air Force base conducting a variety of extraterrestrial related projects under the authority of corporations. He provides corroborating witness support for similar accounts by other whistleblowers/insiders describing what they encountered in classified facilities they were recruited to work in while enlisted in the USAF or other military services.

Smith’s testimony also provides important clues for understanding topical issues such as 2004 Tic Tac incident involving a Navy battlegroup encountering several Anomalous Aerial Vehicles (UFOs), a case which is being closely scrutinized by the mainstream media and many UFO researchers. Was the vehicle an alien reproduction craft, part of secret space program, or an extraterrestrial vehicle?

Given Smith’s credentials and credibility as a witness, it is hard to fathom why mainstream media, and most UFO researchers, are disinterested in what he has to say about covert extraterrestrial projects occurring at secure military facilities. One thing is becoming clearer by the day though, reverse engineering of extraterrestrial spacecraft has been secretly conducted for decades at multiple military facilities, with major aerospace companies in control, alongside stringent security procedures to keep it all secret.

[Note: Emery Smith’s interviews on Cosmic Disclosure can be found here.]

Michael Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice 

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